The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers

Registered Charity No 270036

The third session of the 40th Council (113th Annual Meeting) will be held on Monday 31st May 2010 in the Derby Conference Centre, London Road, Derby, starting at 10.00 a.m. It will be preceded by a Corporate Communion Service at 8.00 a.m. in St Osmund’s Church, London Road.

Will members please sign the roll and be in their seats by 9.50 a.m. - the roll will invite you to sign in both as a member of The Ringing World Limited and The Ringing Foundation Limited.

The morning session will be adjourned at 12.45 p.m.; at 2.15 p.m. the Annual Meeting of The Ringing World Limited will be held; the afternoon session will resume after that Meeting.

The afternoon session will be adjourned at 4.15 p.m.; at 4.45 p.m. the Annual Meeting of The Ringing Foundation Limited will be held; if required, the afternoon session will resume after that Meeting.


  1. Opening prayer.

  2. Report of the Honorary Secretary as to the representation of societies and subscriptions.

  3. Application to affiliate: the Four Shires Guild of Bellringers.

  4. Welcome to new members.

  5. Apologies for absence.

  6. Loss of members through death.

  7. Minutes of the 2009 Annual Meeting (p.437).

  8. Matters arising from the Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

  9. Annual Report of the Council (p.442).

  10. Accounts for 2009 (p.442).

  11. Election of Honorary Members:
    Stella Bianco, Roger Booth, Robert Cooles, Bill Hibbert, Tim Jackson and David Kelly retire. David Kelly is not seeking re-election. There are in all 11 vacancies.

  12. Motion:

    (A) That Honorary Members be replaced by Additional or Ex-officio Members, that the relationship between the Council and The Ringing Foundation be formalised and that other rules be simplified, by making the following changes:

    That Rule 3(ii) be amended to read:

    Additional Members, not exceeding 18 in number, elected by the Council;

    That Rule 5(ii) be amended to read:

    No Representative Member shall be eligible as an Additional Member.

    That the second sentence of Rule 5(iv) be amended to read:

    An Alternate Member may not be elected an independent examiner, nor be appointed to a committee of the Council; neither shall an Alternate be entitled to membership of The Ringing World Limited or The Ringing Foundation Limited, nor to give notice of motion in accordance with Rule 18.

    That Rule 6 be amended to read:

    Additional Members

    (i) Additional Members shall consist of those who possess knowledge or skills needed by the Council. They shall be elected for three years and shall be eligible for re-election (retirement and election taking effect as from the end of the annual meeting). An Additional Member who is elected a Representative or Life Member, or becomes an Ex-officio Member, shall immediately cease to be an Additional Member. Election shall be by ballot at an annual meeting of the Council and require the vote of a majority of those present. Notwithstanding the note above concerning when the election takes effect, a new Additional Member shall be eligible for election to a committee at that meeting.

    (ii) All nominations for Additional Membership shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary, signed by two Representative, Life or Ex-officio members of the Council, not less than two calendar months previous to a meeting of the Council. Such nominations shall appear on the agenda paper. Nominations shall be accompanied by a supporting statement of not more than 250 words which will be distributed to members of the Council. Supporting speeches will not be permitted at the meeting.

    That the first sentence of Rule 7(ii) be amended to read:

    All nominations for Life Membership shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary, signed by two members of the Council, not less than two calendar months previous to a meeting of the Council.

    That the existing Rule 8 be renumbered 8(i) and the following new Rule 8(ii) be added:

    The Chairman of The Ringing World Limited shall be an Ex-officio member of the Council if not already a Life or Representative Member.

    That the existing Rules 9 to 22 be renumbered 10 to 23, that the references in existing Rules 4(iii)(b), 14(i) and 22 to “Rule 9,” “Rule 22” and “Rule 17” be changed to “Rule 10,” “Rule 23” and “Rule 18” respectively and the following new Rule 9 be added:

    The Ringing Foundation Limited

    9. (i) All members of the Central Council as shall from time to time consent in writing shall be members of The Ringing Foundation Limited.

    (ii) The Chairman of The Ringing Foundation Limited shall be an Ex-officio member of the Council if not already a Life or Representative Member.

    That the second sentence of new Rule 12(i) be amended to read:

    In the event of the President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary or Honorary Treasurer vacating office before the expiry of the three years, the remaining officers shall have the power to make a temporary appointment to fill the vacancy until the ensuing meeting, which meeting shall elect a replacement for the remainder of the period.

    That new Rule 12(ii) be amended to read:

    The President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be Ex-officio members of the Council if not already Life or Representative Members.

    That new Rule 13 be renumbered Rule 13(i) and the third sentence be amended to read:

    In the event of a Steward vacating office before the expiration of the three years, the ensuing meeting shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the period.

    That the following new Rule 13(ii) be added:

    The Stewards shall be Ex-officio members of the Council if not already Life or Representative Members.

    That the following be added to new Rule 15(iii):

    (e) The Chairman of The Ringing Foundation Limited.

    That the first sentence of new Rule 20(i) be amended to read:

    Each member present, whether Representative, Additional, Life, Alternate, or Ex-officio, shall have one vote.

    (B) At the end of the annual meeting any Honorary Members who are not Stewards, the Chairman of The Ringing World Limited or the Chairman of The Ringing Foundation Limited shall become Additional Members and shall retire three years after they were last elected Honorary Members.

    Proposed on behalf of the Administrative Committee by Roger Bailey (Middlesex County Association and London Diocesan Guild), seconded by David Sparling (Essex Association).

  13. To receive, discuss and if thought fit to adopt the reports of the following Committees; and to pass such resolutions as may be necessary on matters arising from the reports. In all cases one-third of the present members retire and are eligible for re-election if still members of the Council.

    (a) Administrative (p.446):
    Michael Church, Angela Newing, Derek Sibson and David Sparling retire. There are 4 vacancies.

    (b) Biographies (p.446):
    Hilary Aslett (co-opted), Jenny Lawrence, David Stanworth and Kathryn Tucker retire. Jenny Lawrence, David Stanworth and Kathryn Tucker are not seeking re-election. There are 3 vacancies.

    (c) Compositions (p.447):
    Robin Hall, Philip Saddleton and Simon Woof retire. Robin Hall and Simon Woof are not seeking re-election. There are 3 vacancies.

    (d) Education (p.448):
    Claire Bell, Peter Dale, Gill Hughes (co-opted), Simon Linford and Jan Wyatt retire. There are 5 vacancies.

    (e) Information and Communications Technology (p.448):
    Alan Chantler and Mike Chester retire. There are 4 vacancies.

    (f) Library (p.449):
    Stella Bianco retires. Jean Sanderson has died. There are 2 vacancies.

    (g) Methods (p.449):
    Peter Niblett and Robin Woolley retire. There are 3 vacancies.

    (h) Peal Records (p.450):
    Phillip Barnes, Ben Duke and Mike Trimm retire and are not seeking re-election. There are 2 vacancies.

    (i) Public Relations (p.453):
    Bruce Butler, Christopher O’Mahony and Stephanie Warboys retire. Chris Darvill has resigned. There are 5 vacancies.

    (j) Publications (p.455):
    Derek Jones and Beryl Norris retire. There are 2 vacancies.

    (k) Redundant Bells (p.455):
    John Baldwin and Robert Cooles retire. There are 2 vacancies.

    (l) Ringing Centres (p.457):
    Roger Booth, Janet Edwards (co-opted) and Norman Mattingley retire. There are 5 vacancies.

    (m) Ringing Trends (p.457):
    Alison Hodge retires. There are 4 vacancies.

    (n) Towers & Belfries (p.459):
    James Clarke, Adrian Dempster, Alan Frost, Andrew Preston and Adrian Semken retire. There are 5 vacancies.

    (o) Tower Stewardship (p.460):
    Christopher O’Mahony and Janet Edwards retire. Janet Edwards is not seeking re-election. There are 2 vacancies.

    (p) Bell Restoration (p.460):
    Jay Bunyan (co-opted) and Ian Oram retire. Laith Reynolds has resigned and Carol Hardwick has died. There are 4 vacancies.

  14. (a) Report of the Stewards of the Carter Ringing Machine Collection (p.461).

    (b) Appointment of Steward for 2010-2011:

    Bill PurvisAlan BerryAndrew Wilby
  15. Report of the Steward of the Rolls of Honour (p.462).

  16. Report of the Stewards of the Dove Database (p.462).

  17. Central Council Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells (registered charity no. 278816) (p.463):
    Report and Accounts.

  18. Future meetings.

  19. Any other business.

Mary Bone
Hon Secretary

The Ringing World, April 30, 2010, pages 434 to 436

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