A LONG and distinguished chapter in the history of the Central Council came to an end at the Shire Hall, Chelmsford, on Whit Tuesday, when Mr. Edwin H. Lewis, who had been president of the Council since 1930, opened the proceedings of the 23rd session and 60th annual Council meeting.
The affection and esteem of the Council to the retiring president were expressed in the presentation to him and Mrs. Lewis of a radio set and to the retiring president of a rainfall gauge. Mr. Fredk. Sharpe, the new president, took the chair immediately after his appointment.
The proceedings were enlivened by interesting debates on the standard of broadcast ringing and on the introduction of academic titles for ringers. The motion condemning the College of Campanology and the wasting of space in "The Ringing World" by publishing the Manual of the College was keenly debated and ended with the Council accepting a motion to "pass on to the next business." The word "plain" is to be reintroduced into titles of peals of Bob Maximus, Royal, Major and Minor. Dublin was selected for the next Council meeting.
The Council proceedings opened with a welcome from the civic authorities, the Bishop and the Essex County Association. The Mayor presided at the outset, and with him were the Bishop and Provost of Chelmsford and the Master and secretary of the Essex County Association.
The Mayor (Ald. F. Woods), in a welcome to the Council on behalf of Chelmsford, hoped that the deliberations would be successful and agreeable, and that throughout the year they would sing on a very happy note.
The Bishop of Chelmsford said as president of the Essex Association of Change Ringers and Bishop of the Diocese, which was co-terminous with the county of Essex, it gave him great pleasure to welcome the Council. He understood there were 49 diocesan guilds, county associations and other affiliated bodies. They in Essex were very proud of their long history in the ringing world and they looked back with pride to Miles Graye, of Colchester, who had been described as "the prince of founders," and they rejoiced in having many fine rings of bells. In Essex they had three 12's - Chelmsford, Saffron Walden and Waltham Abbey, and three 10's - Prittlewell, Walthamstow and West Ham.
It was the bells of Waltham Abbey that inspired Tennyson in his "In Memoriam," "Ring out, wild bells." In the name of the Church he thanked them for the devoted service they rendered. It was a service that at times was unrecognised. In the olden days they had their beer as their reward, as the churchwardens accounts showed. The Bishop referred to the 4½-gallon ringers' jug at one Essex tower, and the legacy of Thomas Turner for the Great Ringers' Day at Saffron Walden.
What was their reward today? Was it not true that there was a great satisfaction in their ringing, the same that an artist had for painting a picture or a musician for a beautiful piece of music? There was also the joy of knowing that they were giving their service to God and His Church. As head of the family of His Church in this area, he thanked the ringers for their devoted service rendered to His Church Sunday by Sunday.
Mr. R. C. Heazel (Master of the Essex Association), on behalf of the ringers of Essex, also extended a hearty welcome to the Council. One of the rules of the Essex Association was to abide by the rules and decisions of the Council, and what happened at their meetings affected their ringers. He sincerely hoped that their deliberations and decisions that day would prove to be acceptable to all the ringers of the land and that they should have lots of good fellowship.
The president thanked the Essex Association for all they had done to make their day a pleasant one. It was also very nice to go from place to place to be received by the civic and ecclesiastical authorities. They liked to see that combination of Church and State, both of which they served.
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The Provost then opened the proceedings with prayer.
The president said he had an unpleasant duty in perform. He understood that the previous night a member of the Council rang at Maldon without permission. He thought that ringing in a tower without permission deserved a severe reprimand; he hoped the culprit would consider himself severely reprimanded, and he asked the secretary to write to the Essex Association expressing regret, as their Association might otherwise get the blame for such unmannerly behaviour.
Later in the proceedings the new president said a member of the Council, Mr. Peter Bond, visited Maldon and rang there. He saw the Vicar first, and he was with the ringers while they rang, and after the ringing the Vicar showed them round the church. As far as the band of ringers was concerned, the Vicar was quite agreeable to their ringing.
Life Members.- E. H. Lewis, E. A. Barnett, F. Sharpe, G. W. Fletcher, Mrs. G. W. Fletcher.
Honorary Members.- Mrs. E. A. Barnett, F. I. Hairs, A. A. Hughes, D. Hughes, C. K. Lewis, Mrs. C. C. Marshall, W. A. Osborn, C. W. Roberts, E. C. Shepherd, P. L. Taylor, A. Walker.
Ancient Society of College Youths.- S./Ldr. J. S. Mason, A. B. Peck, J. F. Smallwood, W. Williams.
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association.- S. G. Coles, H. J. Sanger, Miss N. G. Williams.
Bedfordshire Association.- S. Foskett, B. F. Sims.
Cambridge University Guild.- B. D. Threlfall.
Chester Diocesan Guild.- W. Allman, A. J. Martin.
Coventry Diocesan Guild.- Mrs. D. E. Beamish.
Derbyshire Association.- Mr. W. L. Robinson.
Devon Guild.- Rev. J. G. M. Scott.
Dudley and District Guild.- H. J. Shuck.
Ely Diocesan Association.- J. G. Gipson, F. W. Lack, H. S. Peacock.
Essex Association.- J. H. Crampion, F. B. Lufkin, Miss H. G. Snowden.
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association.- A. L. Barry, T. Boreham, W. B. Kynaston, F. Skidmore.
Guildford Diocesan Guild.- A. C. Hazelden, G. S. Joyce, H. N. Pitstow, W. H. Viggers.
Hereford Diocesan Guild.- G. J. Lewis, W. F. Moreton.
Hertford County Association.- W. Ayre, R. G. Bell, G. W. Critchley, E. Edmondson.
Irish Association.- F. E. Dukes, J. T. Dunwoody, Miss J. Stewart.
Kent County Association.- J. R. Cooper, T. Cullingworth, Dr. E. S. J. Hatcher, T. E. Sone.
Ladies' Guild.- Miss D. E. Colgate, Mrs. A. Richardson, Mrs. P. J. Staniforth.
Lancashire Association.- J. Ridyard, Rev. R. D. St. J. Smith.
Leicester Diocesan Guild.- S. Burton, P. A. Corby, A. E. Rowley, P. J. Staniforth.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild.- J. Bray, G. E. Feirn, J. Freeman, J. A. Freeman.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association.- Mrs. D. J. King, T. M. Roderick.
London County Association.- H. W. Rogers, Mrs. H. W. Rogers, T. H. Taffender, W. G. Wilson.
Middlesex County Association.- F. T. Blagrove, F. W. Goodfellow, T. J. Lock, J. R. Mayne.
Midland Counties Guild.- J. W. Cotton.
National Police Guild.- E. C. Birkett.
New South Wales Association.- P. M. J. Gray.
North Staffordshire Association.- R. S. Anderson.
Norwich Diocesan Association.- H. W. Barrett, N. V. Harding, Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow.
Oxford Diocesan Guild.- A. D. Barker, Mrs. A. D. Barker, W. Butler, A. E. Lock.
Oxford Society.- F. A. H. Wilkins.
Oxford University Society.- Dr. D. H. Niblett.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild.- P. I. Chapman, G. W. Jeffs, E. Nobles, E. G. Orland.
St. Martin's Guild, Birmingham.- G. E. Fearn, F. E. Haynes.
Salisbury Diocesan Guild.- J. I. P. Davis, G. H. Harding, G. S. Morris, W. C. West.
Sheffield and District Society.- N. Chaddock.
Shropshire Association.- F. H. Bennett.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths.- P. N. Bond, J. L. Morris, F. E. Hawthorne.
Southwell Diocesan Guild.- B. M. Buswell, J. D. Clarke, J. Segar.
Stafford Archdeaconry Society.- B. G. Key, G. Hughes.
Suffolk Guild.- L. G. Brett, K. G. Brown, C. W. Pipe.
Surrey Association.- A. P. Cannon, F. E. Collins, W. F. Oatway.
Sussex County Association.- R. G. Blackman, F. H. Dallaway, R. Overy, H. Stalham.
Truro Diocesan Guild.- D. Burnett, W. C. Boucher, Rev. A. S. Roberts, H. Miles.
Universities Association.- Miss M. R. Cross.
University of London Society.- D. N. Layton.
Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild.- Rev. K. W. H. Felstead, C. H. Kippin, G. Pullinger.
Worcestershire and Districts Association.- B. C. Ashford, D. Beacham, W. B. Cartwright.
Yorkshire Association.- W. E. Critchley, L. W. G. Morris.
Apologies were received from Messrs. F. Ainsley, C. A. Bassett, G. Benfield, P. A. F. Chalk, J. W. Clarke, P. Crook, G. H. Cross, F. Dunkerley, J. T. Dyke, J. P. Fidler, N. Golden, J. E. Hobbs, C. H. Hawkins, P. J. Johnson, G. I. Lewis, J. E. Lilley, D. Millward, R. Meadows, T. G. Myers, G. E. Oliver, W. N. Park, F. W. Perrens, A. J. Pitman, F. W. Rogers, Miss M. E. Snowdon, Mrs. P. J. Steeples, Messrs. A. Walker, J. J. Webb and R. St. C. Wilson.
The following new members were received by the president: Messrs. J. S. Mason and Wilfrid Williams (Ancient Society of College Youths), D. Niblett (Oxford University Society), J. G. Gipson (Ely Diocesan Association), John L. Morris (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths), David Beacham (Worcestershire and Districts Association), J. P. Davis and G. S. Morris (Salisbury Diocesan Guild), Walter Allman and Alexander J. Martin (Chester Diocesan Guild), Ernest Orland (Peterborough Diocesan Guild), L. G. Brett and K. G. Brown (Suffolk Guild), J. R. Mayne and F. T. Blagrove (Middlesex Association), Wm. Butler (Oxford Diocesan Guild), Rev. A. S. Roberts and W. Boucher (Truro Diocesan Guild), F. H. Bennett (Shropshire Association), G. W. Critchley (Hertford County Association), E. C. Birkett (National Police Guild), G. W. Hughes (Archdeaconry of Stafford), R. Overy (Sussex County Association) and A. P. Cannon (Surrey Association).
The secretary reported that there were 56 Associations now affiliated to the Council, with 154 members. There were also 24 honorary members and six life members, making a total of 184. There were two vacancies among representative members and seven among honorary members. All subscriptions had been paid except from the North Wales Association.
The president announced that there was only one nomination for the office of president - Mr. Fredk. Sharpe - and he had much pleasure in putting his name to the meeting. [Applause.]
Mr. Sharpe then took the presidential chair and said: "Thank you very much for the honour you have done me in electing me as your president. I feel I am quite unworthy of such a position, and I know how difficult it is going to be to follow in the steps of one who has with such dignity and statesmanship governed the affairs of this Council as Mr. Lewis has. I speak very humbly because I know that in the room there are many more better than I am. My connection with the art has been on very different lines than most of you. I am a churchwarden of a small country parish in remote rural Oxfordshire, and about 1½ miles away we have a second church that contains the oldest datable bell in the country, it was this old bell at Caversfield that led me to study the art. When I was 15 or 16 I formed an association and friendship with that author of a great many books, the late Mr. H. B. Walters. At that time he was getting advanced in years and unable to climb towers. I was young and ready to risk life and limb, and did investigations for him. I am keenly interested in bells, bell hanging and bell tuning.
"In regard to the future, I don't want to have any revolutionary ideas. I would like the art of ringers to be as closely connected with the Church as possible (I speak as a churchwarden), to put the Church first.
"My first duty as president is a very pleasant one. As you know, we have subscribed to make a presentation to our late president, and I am going to call on one of the senior members to make the presentation."
Mr. A. A. Hughes said: "This is one of the most pleasant experiences that I have ever undertaken. I have known Mr. and Mrs. Lewis for a great number of years, and I have certainly known Mr. Lewis for over 50 years. I want to say how deeply we appreciate all he has done for ringing and its advancement. We know of his great work in connection with bell hanging - in working out those extremely difficult problems of forces exerted, and we know of the great work he has done as president of the Council.
"I am now to ask Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, on your behalf, to accept this radio set as a combined gift. There is another gift - a personal gift to Mr. Lewis. He is very keen on measuring rainfall - and his home is in the west of Scotland where he will be able to put this to extraordinarily good use. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, with our heartfelt thanks for all you have done for us over so many years, will you kindly accept these gifts (a radio set and a rainfall gauge) with our best wishes for a long life."
Miss Jean Barnett then presented Mrs. Lewis with a bouquet.
Thanking the Council, Mr. Lewis said: "If during the past years I have been able to serve you in any way, that is my reward, and I feel very happy about it. At the same time, I cannot help thanking you most deeply for the love which is behind these gifts. Almost the greatest pleasure in ringing is the real friendship one is able to receive and the hope to give. I have always looked on Whitsun each year as one of the shining times of the year. On behalf of my wife, who enjoys coming to Council meetings, I thank you most sincerely."
The president said that at the Standing Committee meeting the previous night it was felt that the election of vice-president was out of order. He asked Mr. Cartwright to explain the position.
Mr. W. B. Cartwright explained that at the meeting last year the Council accepted a recommendation from the Standing Committee that they should have a vice-president. The rules giving notice of business had not been complied with. In his opinion, the nomination of a vice-president was ultra vires. They must alter their rules first and then give notice to elect a vice-president.
This ruling was accepted by the Council.
Mr. E. H. Lewis proposed the election of Mr. E. A. Barnett as hon. secretary and treasurer. "I have had experience of working with him for five years," he said, "and I am confident that you cannot do better than re-elect him."
Mr. A. A. Hughes seconded, and the resolution was carried.
Mr. E. H. Lewis said there was no nomination. The position was not easy to fill. What was required was somebody who had a considerable amount of room to house the library and a good deal of time to devote to the work. Quite a considerable collection of material had been left to the Council which wanted looking through and examining, particularly on the side of composition. They owed a great debt of gratitude to Mrs. Steeples, who had been looking after publications. The proposition was that the president be asked for the coming 12 months to act as hon. librarian. The person he would like to see elected to the position, Mr. Frank Perrens, was in South Africa.
The president: "I will do my best to hold the office in plurality. I hope a librarian will be found by next year."
The secretary said the Standing Committee recommended that the retiring honorary members be re-elected, with the exception of Mr. H. M. Howard; that Messrs. R. F. B. Speed, J. Willis and L. Stilwell be added to the list as they were all doing jobs for the Council.
Mr. R. S. Anderson proposed the re-election.
Nominations were invited, and the following were proposed and seconded: Messrs. A. H. Pulling, A. York-Bramble, T. W. White, R. M. Clouston. There was a majority vote against Mr. York-Bramble and Mr. Clouston, and the following were elected honorary members: The Earl of Shaftesbury, Messrs. J. T. Dyke, J. P. Fidler, A. A. Hughes, D. Hughes, Mrs. C. C. Marshall, Messrs. C. W. Roberts, E. C. Shepherd, P. L. Taylor, A. Walker, R. F. B. Speed, J. Willis, L. Stilwell, A. H. Pulling and T. W. White.
Messrs. A. A. Hughes and F. W. Perrens were re-elected.
The Council stood while the names of the following, who had been members of the Council and had died since the Leicester meeting, were remembered:-
F. G. May, E. A. Young, N. E. Snow, Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Rev. C. W. H. Griffiths, F. O. Moule, W. Gordon, J. S. Rumming, Rev. N. E. Hope, C. H. Harding, H. J. Mansfield, E. C. S. Turner, T. G. Bartlett, R. Narborough, Rev. L. S. Clark and R. Whittington.
Tributes were paid to the memory of Mr. E. C. S. Turner by Mr. W. G. Wilson and Mr. F. W. Goodfellow; to Mr. E. Alex. Young by Mr. A. D. Barker to the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards by Mr. E. A. Barnett.
The Minutes, as published in "The Ringing World" of April 19th, 1957, were adopted on the proposition of the hon. secretary, seconded by Mr. R. S. Anderson.
I feel that I should first place on record my gratitude to Mr. Lewis for the advice and encouragement which he has given me at all times during my five years in office, and my regret, which will be shared by all members, that he has deemed it necessary to retire from the presidency of the Council.
During the year some correspondence was exchanged with Miss M. E. Snowdon concerning the Snowdon Series, arising from a statement in "The Ringing World" which suggested that the future of these books was in jeopardy. Happily, this is not so, but Miss Snowdon was assured of the Council's sympathetic interest in the matter.
The Council has for the first time paid income tax, arising from the profits from the sale of publications and "The Ringing World," during 1955, to non-members of the Council or affiliated societies, on the basis described in my report for 1954. The amount was £4 5s.
Members will recall that, by arrangement with the Central Board of Finance of the Church of England, a request for information as to the number of ringers is being included in a form which the Board has sent to incumbents in the provinces of Canterbury and York. The results are not yet available.
At the time of writing, information shows that the following have this year ceased to be members of the Council, and our thanks are due to them for their past services: E. W. Biffin (Devon Guild), 1948/56; F. D. Boreham (Oxford Guild), 1948/56; G. W. Cecil (College Youths), 1948/56; R. G. Corby (Chester Guild), 1954/56; E. G. Fenn (College Youths), 1939/56; T. H. Francis (Cumberlands), 1948/49, 1951/56; A. Harman (Guildford Guild), 1935/56; G. L. Hewitt (Shropshire Association), 1945/56; S. T. Holt (Worcestershire), 1936/56; S. F. Palmer (Yorkshire Association), 1930/56; H. N. Pitstow (Surrey Association), 1954/56; F. Precey (Salisbury Guild), 1948/56; A. H. Pulling (Winchester, 1914/27; Guildford Guild, 1928/56); J. W. Raithby (Southwell Guild), 1951/56; W. Rose (Peterborough Guild), 1945/56; C. J. Sedgley (Suffolk Guild), 1927/56; R. F. B. Speed (Middlesex County Association), 1954/56; L. Stilwell (Sussex Association), 1951/56; G. E. Symonds (Suffolk Guild), 1948/56; A. Tomlinson (Lancashire Association), 1930/35, 45/50, 54/56; C. Wallater (Stafford Arch. Society), 1945/56; J. Willis (Kent County Association), 1951/56; C. W. Woolley (Hertford County), 1936/56; J. R. Worrall (Guildford Guild), 1954/56; Mrs. P. C. Wright (Oxford University Society), 1954/56.
Thanks are once again due to Mr. W. G. Wilson and Miss C. L. Groves for typing and duplicating these papers, despite many other calls on their time, and to those who kindly send me copies of reports and other publications.
This report as adopted on the proposition of the hon. secretary, seconded by Mr. F. E. Dukes.
During 1956 no new publications were issued by the Council, and in consequence sales have not been quite so high as in the previous year. "Village Bells" regained its position as "best seller," with "Hints" second and the new Doubles book third. I am glad to report a profit of £9 0s. 6d.
Of a total of 1,258 publications sold, we were unfortunate to lose five in the post. This caused some inconvenience to subscribers which we regret. Claims for loss have been made on the G.P.O. If on some occasions a little delay has been experienced in receiving publications, I apologise to subscribers for this, and would explain that Mrs. Steeples, like myself, is very frequently away from home.
I continue to receive numerous enquiries for (1) a new edition of "Minor Methods," (2) a new edition of "Triples Methods" and (3) an illustrated book on how to ring a bell and acquire an elementary knowledge of the rudiments of change-ringing. I make mention of these here to emphasise how urgent is the need for these publications.
The borrowing of works of reference has again increased, and on many occasions I have had to request the return of books to meet the requirements of other borrowers. It would help me greatly if borrowers of library books who have had these for more than a year would write confirming that they still require the books.
During the year the library received the undermentioned gifts: From Mr. J. W. Clarke, further parts of "The Church Bells of Cheshire"; from Mr. A. C. Hazelden, a copy of the Guildford Diocesan Guild's Library Catalogue; and from Mr. F. E. Dukes, copies of "The Irish Bell News."
Once again I must pay tribute to all the good work done by Mrs. J. G. Steeples (née Patricia J. Ayris) in connection with the sales section of the Library. Our thanks are also again tendered to the Rev. E. S. Tarrant, for housing the Library in Launton Rectory.
Hon. Librarian.
Method Sheets: Cambridge 18, Double Norwich 18, Bristol 12, Stedman and Grandsire 35; "Hints for Beginners," 179; " Preservation of Bells," 106; Four-way Minor Table, 70; Handbells, 112; Major Compositions, 27; Collection of Peals, Section III, 12; Report of Conference, S.P.A.B., 2; Doubles Methods, 167; Model Rules, 34; Village Bells, 263; Card of Instruction, 34; Plain Major Methods, 42; Methods Committee Report, 8; "On Conducting," 119. Total: 1,258.
Moving the adoption of the report, the president said he had received a copy of Mr. Dove's excellent second edition of "The Church Bells of Britain," and the previous day Mr. Lewis made the gift of three books: one printed in Italian (1802), on the bells of Rome; the second was the Danish "Pre-Reformation Bells," and the other a book on the great bell of Moscow. He moved the adoption of the report. Mr. A. B. Peck seconded, and the report was adopted.
The Income and Expenditure Account showed an excess of income over expenditure of £42 17s. 1d.
Income.- Affiliation fees, £76; Donation, life member. £1 1s.; interest on deposit account, £18 7s. 5d.; Balance, Publications Account, £8 19s. 10d. Total: £104 8s. 3d.
Expenses were: Biographies Committee, £3 2s.; Hon. secretary, £7 16s.; Stationery and printing, £20 9s. 3d.; Postage, £7 7s. 2d.; Telephone/telegram, 12s. 9d.; Typewriter written-off, £3; Bookcase written-off, £3; Cheque book, 8s. 4d.; Insurances, £1 16s.; Wreath, £2 2s. 6d.; Typing, £1 3s. 5d.; Bow Bells Appeal, £10 10s.; Photograph for Handbook, 3s. 9d. Total: £61 11s. 2d.
Goodwill and blocks, "The Ringing World," £200; Library, £10; Bookcases, £9 15s.; Typewriter, £12; Stock of Publications, £278 7s. 5d.; Debtors, £754 18s. 9d.; investments, £1,600; Cash at bank and in hand, £3,506 13s. 11d. Total: £6,371 15s. 11d.
Creditors, £545 10s. 1d.; payments in advance, £867 11s. 2d.; Clement Glenn Bequest, £805 15s. 5d.; Capital Accounts - "The Ringing World," £3,607 9s. 6d.; General Fund, £545 8s. 11d.; total, £4,152 18s. 5d. Total: £6,371 15s. 1d.
The hon. secretary and treasurer presented the accounts, and said that a letter of appreciation had been received from the Rector of Bow for the donation of 10 gns. to Bow Bells Fund. The balance sheet showed a very satisfactory state. The accounts had been audited by Mr. Hughes. He moved, and Mr. Hughes seconded, the adoption of the accounts, and these were agreed.
Mr. A. A. Hughes said two open demonstrations have been given this year, and another had been arranged for Whit Saturday for members of the Middlesex County Association on the occasion of their 60th anniversary celebrations.
At previous demonstrations, no limit has been set to the number attending, consequently the room at the Science Museum has been subject to overcrowding. Now, however, parties are limited to 24, and arrangements made with the Museums authorities for chairs for that number, resulting in more comfortable conditions for all.
Methods rung on the machine during the past year include Cambridge Maximus, Stedman Cinques and London Surprise Major, and it continues to run very well.
One unusual event took place last autumn, when the then Lord Mayor of London, Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd, who as churchwarden launched the appeal for the restoration of the Church of St. Mary-le-Bow, asked that the bells should be cast and sounded before he went out of office.
As the tower was still not safe to carry the bells, they were stood mouth-upwards at the foundry and struck by electrically-operated hammers, and John Carter's machine was called upon to chime two courses of Stedman Cinques. This was recorded, and played back from the tower during the Lord Mayor's traditional procession through the city.
One recording company offered contributions to the Fund for the right of sale of this record to the public, but the Rector, the Rev. Hugh Evan Hopkins, refused this on the grounds that the bells were not being rung in the traditional way by a band of ringers; and we feel the Council will applaud his action.
We would like to take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation of the co-operation and help at all times given by Dr. D. H. Follett, of the Science Museum, South Kensington, who has had the machine under his care for many years. He has recently relinquished this duty on promotion to higher office, and the trustees have, on behalf of the Council, written a letter of thanks to him.
Mr. Hughes, in moving the adoption of the report, said some very good photographs had been taken of the machine, and it was suggested that Mr. Douglas Hughes should write a description of the machine which should be published with illustrations.
Mr. H. W. Rogers seconded, and thanked Mr. Douglas Hughes for his work.
Mr. T. J. Lock said the previous Saturday's demonstration to the Middlesex Association was very worth while.
The report was adopted, and on the proposition of Mr. G. W. Fletcher, seconded by Mr. F. I. Hairs, it was decided to take advantage of Mr. Hughes' offer to write an account of the machine.
The hon. secretary said he had received an invitation from two members of Cornell University, U.S.A., to a cocktail party in celebration of Mark II, the first automatic change-ringing machine. He had replied that he was unable to accept.
The hon. secretary said the Standing Committee appointed a sub-committee to consider the question of compiling a history of change-ringing. The committee accepted the offer of Mrs. Winifred Turner of the papers of the late Mr. Ernest Turner's revision of J. A. Trollope's "Stedman." He proposed to write to Miss M. E. Snowdon to make certain they had her consent.
Mr. W. G. Wilson said he had received a letter from Miss Snowdon stating that the copyright belonged to Mrs. Turner.
The report was adopted.
With the publication of the Handbook, the purpose for which the sub-committee was formed has been accomplished, and we suggest that it need not therefore formally be kept in existence. Amendments to the Handbook will, of course, be necessary from time to time, but if the committee are agreeable, both of us are prepared to collaborate as necessary in keeping it up to date.
The hon. secretary proposed, and Mr. C. K. Lewis seconded, the adoption of the report.
Mr. P. A. Corby congratulated the committee and said in his opinion it was an excellent book.
The president said the sales had been extremely good.
The secretary said they must not forget that some of the spadework was done by the previous sub-committee, mainly Dr. Hatcher. The report was adopted.
The sum received as the residue of the estate of the late Clement Glenn was £805 15s. 5d., of which £39 1s. has now been paid to Mr. Glenn's executor, as agreed last year, towards the provision of a memorial stone. The amount available for disposal is, therefore, £766 14s. 5d.
Although a very useful sum, this is not sufficient for any spectacular purpose, and accordingly we recommend that it should be used as follows:-
(a) £250 to "The Ringing World" for investment. Mr. Glenn was a keen supporter of the paper and regularly sent donations to its funds.
(b) Provided the Church authorities are agreeable, £100 on trust, the income to be used for the provision and maintenance of bellropes at the tower at which he last rang. At present this would allow an average of one new rope a year.
(c) £250 to be left on deposit against any exceptional expense which the Council may incur.
(d) The remainder, £166, to the General Fund, up to one half to be used for the purchase of storage equipment for the Library, a large part of which is at present kept in boxes, and office equipment for the Secretary's use; the rest to be regarded as available for the financing of publications, in particular so that "Hints to Instructors and Beginners," when published, can be sold at the lowest possible price.
The hon. secretary said the Standing Committee considered the report and decided to recommend that instead of the money being divided, to invest the whole of it, and that the interest from the bequest be spent and that the capital shall be applied to such use as may be decided.
Mr. T. J. Lock asked who would take the responsibility of deciding where the interest would go. Would it be the Standing Committee or the Council?
The secretary: I presume that the Council as a whole would decide.
Mr. F. E. Haynes asked why the sub-committee's recommendation was not adopted.
Mr. Cartwright said he raised a legal objection to item (b). In his opinion it was dangerous to put the money on trust.
The Rev. R. D. St. J. Smith said there would be no practical difficulties to a trust.
The amended recommendation of the Standing Committee was adopted.
The Profit and Loss Account of "The Ringing World" for 1956 showed a profit of £857 17s. 11d.
Expenses were: Woodbridge Press, printing and blocks, £3,640 8s. 3d. (£3,301); Editorial Office Expenses, £514 8s. (£430); Postal Subscribers - despatch of copies £188 14s. 6d., postage and wrappers £802 19s. 10d., total: £991 14s. 4d. (£862); Accounts Department, £194 14s. 2d. (£166); Sundry Expenses, £15 16s. 8d. (£10); Income Tax, £27 4s. (£12); Audit Fee, £21 (£21).
Income - Rolls Publishing Co., £2,227 15s. 4d. (£2,313); Postal Subscribers, £2,759 6s. 5d. (£2,419); Donations, £287 2s. 6d. (£217); Advertisements, £427 2s. 6d. (£442); Notices, £473 10s. 6d. (£416); Sundry Receipts, £28 0s. 3d. (£25); Interest receivable on investments, £60 5s. 10d. (£28), Total receipts: £6,263 3s. 4d.
The balance sheet of "The Ringing World" showed: Goodwill, blocks, etc., £200; debtors, £738 13s. 9d.; Investments at cost, £1,600; Amounts due, General Fund, £42 12s. 11d.; Interest accrued, £13 10s. Total: £56 2s. 11d. Cash at bankers, £2,421 6s. 1d.; in hand, £2 13s. 6d. Total: £2,423 19s. 7d. (£1,409).
Sundry Creditors, £544 5s. 7d.; Amounts received in advance - Postal Subscribers, £848 4s. 5d.; Notices, £18 16s. 9d. Total: £867 1s. 2d. Capital Account, £3,607 9s. 6d. (The figures in parentheses are those of the previous year.)
The secretary, in dealing with the accounts, said that on the expenditure side there had been an increase in every item. The Woodbridge Press account had increased by £340, the Editor's office by £70 or £80, expenses of postal subscribers by £130 and the accounts department by £25. These were partly due to printing wage increases and partly due to decisions to grant increases of pay to members of the staff of the "R.W." and to postage increases. Nevertheless, they were able to make a profit of about £850. The income reflected an increase of £340 from postal subscribers, an addition of £70 from donations, and notices had increased by over £50.
Turning to the balance sheet, he said that since the end of the year the investment had been increased by £500 4½ per cent. Defence Bonds, and it was proposed to make a further investment of £500 that would give them their maximum holding. He moved the adoption of the accounts.
Mr. F. I. Hairs seconded.
In reply to Mr. H. Pitstow, the secretary said the decrease in revenue from advertisements was due to Messrs. Gillett and Johnston. They paid £27 a quarter.
Although your Committee is able to report that no disaster has overtaken the finances of "The Ringing World" it has always in mind at its debates the possibility of increases in the costs of production. It has not been possible to transfer as much this year to the reserve as in 1955, and this is accounted for by the substantial rise in costs which took place twelve months ago. To meet this increase in part it was necessary to raise slightly the charges for advertisements, but the yield from this source has been disappointing. The loss of one half-page advertisement has partly offset any advantages gained from the increase in charges for small advertisements.
Your Committee is reluctant to consider at this stage a further increase in the price of the paper, and would not do so until every other palliative has been tried. It knows that there is one simple solution, which is that more copies must be sold. It was stated last year in the debate on the report that the circulation was 5,400. Later in the Council's proceedings a resolution was adopted pledging further efforts to obtain more readers. We have to report that the circulation is now 5,400!
The paper could be made more interesting and to have a wider appeal if a resolute effort was made by subscribers to supply more suitable readable matter. Copy has varying news values, and your Editor can assess these. Your Committee has resisted the suggestion of making a charge for publication of peals on the grounds that journals do not usually charge for printing ordinary news. On the other hand, there is a savour of advertisement, and probably you may consider whether the matter should again be gone into. The Committee is grateful so those altruistic readers who recognise in a substantial way their moral obligations in this matter. Would that others would voluntarily follow their lead.
Facilities are now available for the publication in "The Ringing World" of the annual reports of Associations - either fully or abridged - and in these days of high printing costs it is hoped that this service will help in reducing Association expenses and also stimulate interest in the journal.
Once again your Committee places on record its deep appreciation of the work of the staff: Mr. T. W. White, the Editor, and his assistant: Mr. J. E. Jeater, for his capable handling of the accounts; and its sincere thanks to Mr. Roper for compiling the index; to the many literary contributors; to all District representatives; to all readers; and lastly to those who have by their generous donations helped to maintain solvency.
Moving the adoption of the report, Mr. J. F. Smallwood said there was no room for complacency. It was true that during the past year they had made a profit of £850, including kind donations. The accounts for last year only reflected 5/12ths of the total increase which they would have to face in the current year. He therefore begged them not to be too sanguine. "We shall require to make a satisfactory effort to increase circulation."
Mr. R. S. Anderson seconded.
The secretary said the Standing Committee recommended the adoption of the report and the reappointment of the committee with Mr. J. F. Smallwood as convener.
The report was adopted.
The Ringing World, June 21, 1957, pages 397 to 400, corrections July 5, 1957, page 435
Firstly, we would clear up a point regarding the broadcasting of bells in the Republic of Ireland, whose territory covers the eastern and southern Districts of the Irish Association. During the year, the General Secretary of the Irish Association made the point in "The Ringing World" that no mention was made in our report of the broadcasting of bells in Southern Ireland. In consequence of this, contact was made with Radio Eireann, and we were assured that church bells were rarely broadcast, but that in future information of any bell broadcasts would be passed to us. We regret to say this has not happened. There have, we understand, been numerous occasions during the past year when bells have been on the air in Southern Ireland, and Radio Eireann has, to quote the annual report of the Irish Association, continued to show its interest in bells and bell-ringing. In Northern Ireland there is a very good arrangement between the B.B.C. and the Irish Association by which the Northern District Secretary is always consulted by the B.B.C. when any bell broadcast is being contemplated.
In England, the B.B.C. have broadcast a considerable number of rings of church bells prior to Divine Service. The standard of ringing has varied from quite good to very poor. The broadcasts which seem to have caused most comment were the Christmas ones. That from Banstead was very well received, but the Christmas round-up of bells suffered much unfavourable comment. Judged from the angle of faultless ringing, we are bound to agree that the general standard was not good, but contrariwise judged from the angle of what was heard generally throughout the country, and contributed by the mass of regular service ringers, it was probably fairly average. There have been more letters on this subject in "The Ringing World" recently than on any other subject, and if it does no more, it does at least emphasise our point in previous reports that ringers should be most careful when asked to ring for broadcasting not to attempt anything they cannot do well. To quote our first report: "The most important point concerning all broadcasting in which ringers take part is that the highest possible standard of performance should be aimed at. The ringing of good rounds is much to be preferred to poor change-ringing." As far as the B.B.C. are concerned, we are informed that so often the selection of towers is decided on the basis of where engineers can combine these with other duties.
Apart from ringing in connection with services and the like, there are occasions when bells form a background to plays and other productions of the B.B.C. Generally speaking they are fairly accurate technically from our point of view. There are times, however, when this is not so. Two each were the productions "The Lark" and "The Nom de Plume," featuring M. Voltaire. In both these, English bells were heard in French scenes. We took the opportunity of bringing these mistakes to the notice of the producer of the programmes. The errors were admitted and the reason given for them was that although the Effects Library had several recordings of French bells, the need for them arose in such a way that they could not be obtained in time on either occasion. We took the opportunity of bringing our Committee and its purpose to the notice of the departments concerned, and were duly thanked for our interest and offer to be of assistance in the future.
Several very interesting items were televised with reference to bells rather than ringing; these included the excellent item from the Loughborough Bell Foundry, and the casting of Bow Bells at the Whitechapel Foundry in the presence of the Lord Mayor, the Rector, churchwardens and the Masters of some of the Livery Companies. Each bell was named, the second being named Fabian by the Master of the College Youths.
Finally, it has been suggested that we might press for a television interlude dealing with ringing, the suggestion being that photographs of some famous church with its bells as the background music might be suitable for Sunday evenings. We have put forward to the B.B.C. a previous suggestion regarding the Interlude, without success, but we may in time be able to achieve something on these lines.
H. J. SANGER, Convener,
Mr. H. J. Sanger moved the adoption of the report and Mr. J. T. Dunwoody seconded.
Mr. C. W. Roberts congratulated the committee on an excellent report. The Christmas Day broadcast, he said, was not representative of the change-ringing of the country. Twelve-bell ringers were represented by a very poor band. He would like to thank the Editor for the firm way he wrote when he said that ringers on the air were just as liable to criticism as other performers. Criticism did tend to raise the standard, and that was what they wanted to do in the matter of broadcasts. He thought there should be a selection between the B.B.C. and the ringers to see that only the best was put on the air.
Mr. Cecil W. Pipe supported Mr. Roberts' point of view.
Mr. Harold Pitstow felt the committee should take up the criticisms with the B.B.C. They gave the bells very little time, and while ringing took place made announcements. Their ringing should be given just as much fair treatment as the organ.
Mr. G. W. Jeffs said he was going to make the same point.
Mr. C. W. Roberts said in the early days of broadcasts on 2LO the bells were put on for ten minutes and the announcing was done by a ringer. He wondered if it would be possible to negotiate with the B.B.C. for the announcements to be made by a ringer.
Mr. J. F. Smallwood: Anybody who thinks he can influence the B.B.C. is a bit of an optimist. After the Christmas broadcast I conferred with Mr. Sanger and asked if his committee, which is supposed to have a liaison between the Council and the B.B.C., had been approached, and his reply was that they had not. I did not suppose the B.B.C. would be inclined to. I suggest the Council should send a strong condemnation to the B.B.C.
Mr. A. D. Barker: As a very near neighbour of Mr. John Snagge, I will see that whatever is decided is conveyed to him.
The Rev. R. D. St. J. Smith said he had heard it suggested that when ringing was broadcast a select band should ring and the local ringers ousted. In his opinion the ringing should be typical of the church it came from, and he would say that any pressure from the Council otherwise would be over his dead body.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead: I do not think anyone has suggested ousting the local band but what I think is contemplated is to choose a tower where the ringing is what most people would call respectable.
The Rev. R. D. St. John Smith: I have heard it suggested by a member of the Council.
A member commented that the B.B.C. selected towers where the parson could preach a good sermon.
Mr. J. T. Dunwoody said that as regards Northern Ireland the B.B.C. did consult them. Since 1946 Northern Ireland had established a liaison with the B.B.C. The decision as to whether certain bells were to be broadcast often rested with the incumbent and not the B.B.C.
Mr. R. G. Blackman thought that the real solution was to provide good ringing in all parish churches on a Sunday.
Replying to criticisms, Mr. Sanger said where ringers rang Sunday by Sunday they expected to be in the band to broadcast from their tower. He thought that the answer was that ringers should look to it themselves and see that they improved the standard of ringing generally.
The report was adopted. The committee was re-elected with Mr. H. J. Sanger as convener.
The Committee are pleased to report an increase of peals rung both on tower- and hand-bells during the year 1956. There was a grand total of 2,366, with 2,192 on tower bells and 175 on handbells - an increase of 65 on tower bells and 64 on handbells.
The analysis shows as follows:-
Tower Bells | Handbells | Totals | |||
Maximus | 18 | +1 | - | - | 18 |
Cinques | 37 | - | 3 | +3 | 40 |
Royal | 116 | +35 | 8 | +2 | 124 |
Caters | 70 | +15 | 9 | +6 | 79 |
Major | 857 | +30 | 59 | +27 | 916 |
Triples | 217 | -9 | 9 | -9 | 226 |
Minor | 640 | -22 | 69 | +40 | 709 |
Doubles | 236 | +16 | 18 | -5 | 254 |
2,191 | 175 | 2,366 |
The Leicester Guild has maintained its position as the leading peal producer, with the Oxford Guild moving up to second place, displacing the Lincoln Guild, which has fallen to eighth place. Third place has been taken jointly by the Kent CA. and the Norwich D.A.
The first six places are as follows: Leicester Guild 172, Oxford D. 121, Kent County 117, Norwich 117, Yorkshire 114, Winchester and Portsmouth 113. (The Winchester and Portsmouth has moved up the list mainly by the efforts of the Minor handbell band.)
No peals were recorded by the Cleveland and North Yorkshire Association, the National Police Guild, the Scottish Association, Sheffield and District and the Swansea and Brecon.
There were two outstanding performances on tower bells - a peal of Yorkshire Surprise Major by the Leicester Guild, in which one ringer rang an inside pair of bells and conducted the peal; and a peal in 64 Minor methods by the Yorkshire Association. The same Association (Yorks) also rang a peal in 55 Minor methods on handbells.
It is very pleasing to note the increase in the number of peals rung on handbells, though more lasting results might be obtained if the "centres of industry" could be more widespread.
W. AYRE (Convener),
Mr. Walter Ayre moved and Mr. H. Miles seconded the adoption of the report, which was agreed to. The committee was re-elected.
The Ringing World, June 28, 1957, pages 415
A survey of the news cuttings that have come to us during 1956 indicates no lessening of the public interest in bells and no reluctance on the part of the Press to print articles and notes on ringing.
Among the smaller feature articles we have been given some interesting photographs of ringers' gatherings. The Guildford Diocesan Guild, the Yorkshire Association and the Kent County Association were among the Societies whose annual dinners were recorded in local papers, and "The Herts Advertiser" photographed the handbell ringers at the Hertfordshire Association summer festival, The bells of St. Andrew's-the-Great, Cambridge, and the heavy ring at Brailes, Warwickshire, were both shown on the ground, while "The Western Gazette" depicted the unique "maiden" bell at Broadwindsor. The "Aldershot News" provided a charming little picture of Mr. Denyer's girl ringers at St. Michael's, Aldershot, and "The Railwaymen's Guild" pictured so sturdily in the "Crewe Chronicle" would seem to be laying and ballasting their track very successfully in preparation for their first excursion into the world of ringing. We wish them a full train and a clear road.
One striking feature of the year's publicity has been the Royal Academy picture, "The Bell-ringers," by Mr. J. A. Cleeland, who based his work on the ringing at Liverpool Cathedral, and spent many hours making preliminary studies in the tower.
Among other feature articles, Mr. Peter Bond's touring band attracted the attention of the "Evening Telegraph," which commented on ringing at Louth; and in July, Christina Allen in "The Sunday Mercury" discoursed at length on the Birmingham St. Martin's Guild and its ringers ancient and modern.
The full-scale articles cover much of the usual ground, but a good variety has appeared in both the English and the Irish Press. From America, Mr. E. A. Barnett has received an account of the change-ringing machine under construction by Dr. Walker, some notice of which has appeared in the Los Angeles papers. Chester D. Clark's article in "The Rotarian" gave the history of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and provided much interesting and little-known information concerning this historic relic. "The Ringing Isle," by E. R. Yarham, in "The Christian Herald," contains references to Bow Bells and to bell inscriptions, but the article lacks distinction. The same may perhaps be said of Trevor Holloway's essay "Bells" in the August number of "The Musical Times." This gives a fair statement of the origin of bells and of bell-founding, but the paragraphs on change-ringing seem to lack authority and contain some errors and loose statements. Similar faults may be found in Tom Ingram's "The Praise of Bells" in "The Radio Times" of December 21st, a topical article accompanied by an unfortunate photograph which gave a somewhat grotesque representation of ringing posture. In contrast, "The Bexhill Observer" for December 22nd portrayed the ringers at St. Peter's in more conventional attitude, and the text of the article was thoughtfully expressed.
Some well-written and painstaking essays come from the Irish Press. An account of Dublin bells by Leo Francis was enfolded in the title "Christmas Bells" in a December number of the "Dublin Evening Press," and in "Ireland's Saturday Night" a reporter described a visit to Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan, at the close of the year. The "Belfast Telegraph" published a short thesis by P. G. Dymond, "The Oldest Bell Foundry in the World," in which the author listed some of the Whitechapel bells found in Ireland; and Andrew Phelan's "The Appeal of the Bells" in the "Irish Independent" gave a wide survey of bells in Ireland, with some rather meagre references to change-ringing, The outstanding contribution from the Irish Press (and possibly from all sources) was "The Art of Carillon Playing," by Staf Gebruers, and published in the "Cork Examiner," It provides an excellent and informative essay on how a carillon is constructed and played.
Perhaps the most important bell-ringing publicity of the year was that accorded to synthetic bells and recordings, and in view of the growing danger of such devices it is comforting to have found portions of the responsible press ready to emphasise the undesirability of sham forms of worship. At Chesterton, in Staffordshire, and at Whitehaven, in Cumberland, faculties were granted for the installation of apparatus to simulate the sound of bells being rung, but in each case the Chancellor said that he agreed only with the utmost reluctance. In the Chesterton case, both "The Daily Mail" and "The Birmingham Post" gave full publicity to the expressed views of the Advisory Committee that such ringing was a sham, and in Cumberland the Chancellor expressed his firm conviction that only the personal contribution of the ringers constituted a true act of worship.
The matter was taken further at the annual dinner of the Yorkshire Association, where the Archbishop of York, in a stirring speech, called imitation ringing "one of the most bogus frauds of Christendom." Dr. Ramsay's remarks were widely reported, and "The Bradford Telegraph," in an article that would seem to us to summarise public opinion on the matter, said of bell ringing "It is in itself an act of worship - the raising of a hymn of praise … The bells must ring out again, but their song must come from the hands and hearts of men, not from the mechanical lungs of an ecclesiastical juke box."
We feel that the above comments are of too much importance to be omitted from this Report.
Works on bells and ringing published during the year have been few in number. The subsidiary ringing periodicals, "The Irish Bell News," "The Ringing Towers," from Australia, and "The Belfry," the quarterly of the Maidstone District, all continue to provide admirably for intimate local needs. From America each issue of "Overtones" brings to us evidence of the extraordinary growth of handbell ringing in the United States and of the manifold transactions of the American Guild of Bell Ringers.
Of books and booklets there are but three. "Resurgam," edited by Mr. Kenneth S. B. Croft, M.A., gives the story of St. Mary's Church, Southampton. "Beginners' Plain Bob" is another of Mr. A. Waddington's beautifully artistic productions, providing an approach to the method as helpful and attractive as the author's "Beginner's Grandsire."
Mr. Ronald Dove has given us a second and excellent edition of "Church Bells of Britain," and one can only join with the writer of the foreword to this remarkable work and "marvel at the amount of time that must have been involved in compiling all these methodical classifications." We feel that the Exercise is greatly indebted to Mr. Dove for a book that should find its place on every ringer's shelves.
The report was adopted, on the proposition of Mr. Edgar Shepherd, seconded by Mr. F. E. Dukes. The committee was re-elected, with Mr. Edgar Shepherd as convener.
The records of ancient Peal Boards, bound in two volumes on the loose-leaf system, were presented at the meeting of the Council held in Leicester last year, and formally handed to the Librarian. They may now be borrowed in the usual way.
The Committee would like to emphasise, however, that although these records are now housed in the Council's library, they are not considered as being complete. On the contrary, there must be many more ancient boards awaiting discovery, and it is only by the co-operation of the Exercise in general that the record can be completed. Details of any Boards prior to 1825, together with the approximate size and condition, will be welcomed. We should like to make a special appeal to the "tower-grabbers" to be on the look-out for these interesting records.
Mr. Walter Ayre moved the adoption of the report, and said the volume containing the records was open to inspection. Mr. F. I. Hairs seconded. The committee was re-elected with Mr. J. W. Clarke as convener.
Satisfactory progress has been made on producing completely new books on Minor methods and Triples methods, but it has not been possible to complete the work in its entirety. With regard to Triples methods, unless the Council instructs us to the contrary, we are proposing to include Single Hunt Pure Triples methods and Two Hunt symmetrical methods. All of the former and the majority of the latter do not conform rigidly to the Council's decisions, but we suggest that they be included because of the limited number of methods available as compared with Major methods.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead, who moved the adoption of the report, said his committee had not gone as far as they hoped. There were 17 Single Hunt Pure Triples methods and 13 two-hunt Symmetrical methods that they proposed to include.
Mr. C. K. Lewis seconded.
The report was adopted and the committee re-elected, with the Rev. K. W. H. Felstead as convener.
The Ringing World, June 28, 1957, pages 416
During the year the work of the Committee increased considerably. Fifty-five enquiries were received; eleven of these were dealt with by correspondence, the remainder by personal inspections and reports. The work of each member is appended.
Mr. J. W. Clarke has dealt with three enquiries in Cheshire. In one he was successful in opposing the sale of five bells, and these are now stored in the church for future use. His other two enquiries related to repairs, and he reports that his advice has been carried out satisfactorily.
Mr. F. E. Collins has been consulted regarding restoration work in seven towers in the counties of Cornwall, Essex, Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex and Warwick. He reports that the enquiries included repairs, augmentations, structural safety and sound modification, and that in each instance his advice has been well received and followed up.
Mr. J. Freeman has been asked for advice in one tower in Lincolnshire, and he reports that his recommendations have been carried out satisfactorily.
Mr. E. H. Lewis has given advice on the structural safety of one tower in Warwickshire and on the restoration of its bells. The work has not yet been taken in hand.
Mr. W. Osborn has been consulted in 18 instances in Somerset and Wiltshire. With the exception noted below his advice has been followed and work is in hand, or completed. In six towers he advised on rehanging; in nine towers on repairs; he dealt successfully with problems of sound control in two towers; in two towers he advised on recasting and in another on augmentation. The above-mentioned exception was a proposal to sell five bells and install Constant Martin equipment, which he strongly opposed; the result is not yet known.
Mr. F. Sharpe dealt with 25 enquiries in Berks, Bucks, Derbyshire, Hants, Herts, Kent, Norfolk, Oxon, Rutland, Suffolk and Warwick; two were acute problems of tower oscillation; one has been satisfactorily overcome, the other is not yet in hand; two involved problems of sound control; he advised on recasting in five towers and on augmentation in another. In 13 towers he advised on rehanging, and the remainder of his enquiries related to repairs. He gave two series of lectures on bell towers and bell-hanging at the York Institute of Architectural Study, and many others to diocesan authorities.
During the year the Committee lost through death its oldest member, Mr. E. A. Young. In the past he had been a most active member of the Committee, and he was formerly in great demand when advice on the architectural problems connected with bell-hanging was needed.
F. E. COLLINS, M.J.Inst.E.,
E. H. LEWIS. M.A.,
Moving the adoption of the report the president said Mr. Osborn had been very busy in the West Country and had opposed a suggestion to sell five Bilbie bells, where they wanted to install one of those wretched recording things. He asked that the Rev. J. G. M. Scott be added to the committee.
Mr. E. H. Lewis, in seconding, asked how the committee was getting on with the Central Council for the Preservation of Churches, now Dr. Eeles was dead.
The president replied that since the death of Dr. Eeles they had been left very high and dry, and he thought it was a bad thing. It would be far better to work in conjunction with that body, as they had certain decided views on bell hanging, and sometimes they were not these of the Council. He suggested a joint meeting between the two bodies.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead said he believed a member of the Council sat on the Board of the Central Council. Could he not exert his influence?
The Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow: I am having the president of the Central Council to preach, and we shall have lunch together. He promised to do what he could.
Mr. W. Osborn said he was pleased to tell the Council that they were successful in stopping the destruction of these five old Bilbie bells. He had been there twice and met members of the Church Council. One lady said she had heard chimes on the Continent, in Belgium, and how much she liked them. He went to a lot of trouble to explain the difference and that there would be disappointment if these bells went. The Advisory Committee of the Bath and Wells Diocese, of which he was a member, refused the sale of the six Bilbie bells and ordered that the bells should be chimed until there was sufficient money for them to be rehung.
The Rev. A. S. Roberts asked how far the members who made the inspections were in touch with the Advisory Committees. He hoped those who made inspections would get in touch with Advisory Committees, as it sometimes happened that the advice of the Towers and Belfries Committee was directly opposite to that given by the Advisory Committee.
As to Cornwall, he thought that their restorations were carried out properly. Only three weeks ago he had £500 given to him to complete his tower at Carbis Bay. He hoped that they would be able to build a tower which would be quite ideal.
The president said most of the reports on towers go to the Diocesan Advisory Committee. He thanked the members of the committee for their good work. The committee was re-elected, with the addition of the Rev. J. G. M. Scott.
Progress has been made with the collection of peals of Stedman Caters and Cinques. In response to the request for compositions a few have come in, including a very valuable contribution of peals by the late F. G. May. The senders are thanked. Still more compositions are needed, however, to make the collection truly representative. So far no peals by the following composers have been received:-
F. H. Dexter, A. Knights, N. J. Pitstow, F. Pitstow, G. Lindoff, J. D. Matthews.
The Committee would be grateful if any one having compositions by any of the above would send them, to enable the work to be completed.
C. W. WOOLLEY (Convener),
The president said Mr. Woolley was not now a member of the Committee.
Mr. C. W. Roberts, presenting the report said he wanted to make the collection as representative as possible and to include peals of each type. He hoped by the next Council to have the draft prepared, and then the collection could be considered for printing.
Mr. W. E. Critchley seconded and the report was adopted.
The secretary said the Standing Committee recommended the adoption of the report and the re-election of the committee, with the exception of Mr. C. W. Woolley.
Mr. G. E. Feirn was elected to the committee in his place and Mr. W. E. Critchley appointed as convener.
The Committee beg to report the following new methods rung during the year ended December 31st, 1956:-
Jan. | 7. | 5152 Frolesworth S. Maj. Leicester Diocesan Guild. | |
" | 14. | 5040 Dacorum Imperial Bob Major. Hertford County Association. | |
" | 18. | 5184 Gressenhall Delight Major. Norwich Diocesan Association. | |
" | 21. | 5120 Hampton Imperial Bob Major. Chester Diocesan Guild. | |
" | 21. | 5024 Heythrop S. Maj. Oxford D. Guild. | |
" | 25. | 5024 Glenparva S. Maj. Leicester Diocesan Guild. | |
* | Feb. | 5. | 5056 Bishopsdale College Bob Maj. Oxford Diocesan Guild. |
" | 9. | 5184 Hendon S. Maj. Middlesex County Association. | |
Mar. | 7. | 5056 Hungarton S. Maj. Leicester Diocesan Guild. | |
* | " | 10. | 5056 Overton S. Maj. Winchester and Portsmouth D. Guild. |
" | 28. | 5088 Ingarsby S. Maj. Leicester D. Guild. | |
* | Apr. | 14. | 5040 Cobham S. Royal. Guildford Diocesan Guild. |
* | " | 19. | 5088 Jedburgh S. Maj. Middlesex County Association. |
" | 21. | 5088 Dunmow S. Maj. Essex Assn. | |
* | " | 21. | 5152 Sibsey S. Maj. Lincoln D. G. |
* | " | 26. | 5152 Northill S. Maj. Bedfordshire Association. |
* | " | 28. | 5088 Northamptonshire S. Major. Peterborough Diocesan Guild. |
* | May | 19. | 5056 Billingborough S. Maj. Lincoln Diocesan Guild. |
" | 19. | 5120 Wem Imp. Bob Maj. Shropshire Association. | |
" | 24. | 5024 Norton S. Major. Middlesex County Association. | |
" | 30. | 5152 John o' Gaunt S. Maj. Leicester Diocesan Guild. | |
June | 7. | 5056 Finchley S. Maj. Middlesex County Association. | |
" | 27. | 5152 Knossington S. Maj. Leicester Diocesan Guild. | |
July | 7. | 5019 Little Grandsire Caters. Hertford County Association. | |
" | 12. | 5088 Ripon S. Major. Middlesex County Association. | |
" | 21. | 5072 Gadebridge Imp. Bob Major. Hertford County Association. | |
Aug. | 4. | 5088 Chester Imp. Bob Maj. Chester Diocesan Guild. | |
* | " | 6. | 5056 Totternhoe S. Maj. Bedfordshire Association. |
* | " | 25. | 5152 Southport S. Maj. Lancashire Association. |
* | Sept. | 1. | 5056 Fordcombe S. Maj. Kent C. A. |
" | 15. | 5024 Ripplesmere S. Maj. Oxford Diocesan Guild. | |
Nov. | 22. | 5088 Teddington S. Maj. Middlesex County Association. | |
Dec. | 12. | 5040 Mulbarton Bob Triples. Norwich Diocesan Association. | |
* | " | 29. | 5040 Gainsborough S. Royal. Archdeaconry of Stafford Association. |
* No particulars have been sent regarding method or composition.
Mrs. Fletcher moved and Mrs. Marshall seconded the adoption of the report.
The president emphasised the importance of Associations sending in methods or compositions rung.
The report was adopted and the committee re-elected.
The Ringing World, June 28, 1957, pages 417, correction July 5, 1957, page 435
An inspection of our record books at the time of preparing this Report shows that out of the total of the elected members to the Council, 346 are now known to be deceased. This number includes the late Mr. N. E. Snow, who was the last survivor of those present at the Council's first meeting at Easter, 1891. Of this number, many of the biographies are complete and are included in the Album which is exhibited today.
Since the meeting at Leicester in 1956, deaths of the following past members have become known:-
F. G. May (Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association). Died July 2nd, 1956. Attended 6 meetings.
E. A. Young (London County Association). Died July 23rd, 1956. Attended 31 meetings.
N. E. Snow (North Lincolnshire Association). Date of death not yet known. Attended 3 meetings.
Rev. F. Ll. Edwards (Salisbury Diocesan Guild). Died December 24th, 1956. Attended 24 meetings.
Rev. C. W. H. Griffiths (Bath and Wells Diocesan Association). Died November 6th, 1956. Did not attend a meeting.
F. O. Moule (Norwich Diocesan Association). Died July 23rd, 1914. Did not attend a meeting.
W. Gordon (Chester Diocesan Guild). Died June 21st, 1915. Attended 3 meetings.
J. S. Rumming (Salisbury Diocesan Guild). Died in Australia, 1945. Did not attend a meeting.
Rev. N. E. Hope (Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association). Died January 26th, 1957. Attended 1 meeting.
C. H. Harding (Bedfordshire Association). Died February 23rd, 1957. Attended 7 meetings.
H. J. Mansfield (Essex Association). Died March 4th, 1957. Attended 6 meetings.
E. C. S. Turner (Middlesex Association). Died April 2nd, 1957. Attended 16 meetings.
T. G. Bartlett (Devon Guild). Date of death not yet known. Did not attend a meeting.
R. Narborough (Peterborough Diocesan Guild). Date of death not yet known. Attended 8 meetings.
The little band of past members of the Council who are over 90 years of age has now been joined by the Rev. C. J. Sturton, who was recently visited by Mr. J. W. Raithby. We have also heard from Mr. C. Willshire, who is well.
Following the discussion which took place at Leicester concerning our "unknown" class, the Committee made a determined attack on this problem. First a list of these persons was compiled and then names from this were circulated to secretaries of the Associations who elected them, or in a few cases to others who might be able to help. The results, though not yet by any means complete, soon convinced us that the information we seek can be collected if we can contact the right people. However, we are still left with a few names of people about whom no information can yet be obtained and these are listed in the Album as was suggested at Leicester.
It is obvious from what has been reported that we have had the assistance of many people, both of the Council and outside of it. We offer our thanks to all of them. To include them in this Report would only result in a long and perhaps monotonous list of names, so one or two are given to illustrate the whole. Mr. R. H. Dove has found an old group photograph which contains a portrait of the late Mr. T. Lockwood, a past member of the Council who died 45 years ago. It is to be restored and we are promised a copy. Mr. J. W. Raithby has not only given us the date of death of the late Rev. C. W. H. Griffiths, but also put us in the way for completion of his record. Mr. S. H. Symonds has obtained for us the date of death of the late F. O. Moule by applying to Mr. Moule's former employers.
We end this Report with a word of welcome for new members who join the Council today. We hope they will fill in straight away as many facts as possible in the Biography Forms given to them, thus providing the necessary basis for a record which we or our successors will one day have to complete. Also, if these sentences should reach others who became members after 1935, of whom there are 76 who have not given the information we need, may we say "Please collect a form and please fill it in." We have no wish to bequeath to those who follow us the difficult problems which we have inherited from the past.
A. C. HAZELDEN, Convener.
Mr. A. C. Hazelden moved the adoption of the report and said that since the Handbook had been compiled some of the information had changed. There was now only one of the 1891 Council they knew nothing about - Mr. A. E. Nunn, of the Kent County Association.
Mr. W. H. Viggers seconded and called attention to the need of another cover to the album of the biographies; that would cost £25.
The Standing Committee recommended the adoption of the report, subject to two small corrections - the Rev. C. W. H. Griffiths died in 1936, and the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards attended 35 meetings and not 24. The report was adopted and the committee re-elected, with Mr. A. C. Hazelden as convener.
At its meeting at Leicester last year the Council agreed that the publication "Hints to Instructors and Beginners" should be revised, and appointed us to submit a draft of a new book. In the course of the discussion mention was made of the possibility of the preparation of a film or film strips, and at the two meetings we held in London we considered this matter also. We had in mind the conflicting opinions expressed at the Council meeting as to the need for a book for instructors and/or beginners. In this connection we would point out that the existing book undoubtedly owes a proportion of its sales to the fact that it has been advertised as "Hints to Beginners," whereas its full title is "Hints to Instructors and Beginners," and indeed it starts with the statement that it is "addressed mainly to leaders of bands of ringers."
It has seemed to us advisable to concentrate on a simple book for beginners. Whether there is a demand for a book for instructors we do not know, but it could certainly not be great enough to ensure a large sale and therefore a moderate price. To attempt to combine the two in one publication would increase the cost without a commensurate increase in sales, thus falling between two stools.
There is ample proof that, if written simply enough and if published at a very low price, there is a large demand for a book for beginners. If the price is right then a large proportion of the sales will be block sales of 5 or 10, or similar numbers, to tower captains and instructors to pass on to their pupils.
We have accordingly prepared a draft of a booklet which has three parts to it:- (a) a description of a bell and how to ring it; (b) elementary change-ringing; and (c) the duties of a ringer. The possibility of having a number of full-page photographs, as in "Hints, etc.," is, we feel, ruled out by cost, but we have included small sketches to achieve the same end. This draft is still subject to revision and we would suggest that if, when completed, the draft is accepted, the Council should print a sufficient number (5,000 would not be too many) to make it possible to sell at a price certainly not above a shilling, and if practicable as low as sixpence a copy.
To avoid complicating what we regard as the major issue, we make no proposals about the preparation of a book for instructors or film strips or a teaching film about change-ringing, though one of our number considers that the Council's library should possess a good teaching film for loan to those interested.
We recommend that a book for beginners on the lines of the draft submitted be printed and placed on sale at as low a price as possible.
Miss M. R. Cross moved and Mr. W. G. Wilson seconded the adoption of the report.
The secretary said that the Standing Committee recommended that the report be accepted and that the committee be empowered to include such photographs and sketches as may be necessary, and that copies of the draft be made and sent to members of the Standing Committee to be returned in a specified time. They also recommended the re-election of the committee, with Miss Cross as convener.
The president: There is a crying and urgent need for it.
Mr. N. Chaddock asked if the proof could be made available to other members.
The president: I see no objection. Any comments would be welcome. The only thing is that Miss Cross wants the draft back quickly. It was suggested at the Standing Committee that the draft should be returned in three weeks.
Mr. J. F. Smallwood and Mr. Leslie Morris were both against circulating the draft to all members of the Council.
Mr. W. F. Moreton hoped that the committee in the future would be able to present some information as to a film strip on the teaching of ringing.
The report as amended by the Standing Committee was adopted.
The Council agreed, on the proposition of the secretary, seconded by Mr. R. S. Anderson, to the following alteration of rules:-
(a) To amend Rule 9 (Election of Officers) by inserting the words "Vice-President" between the words "President" and "Hon. Secretary" where they occur.
(b) To amend Rule 11 (Committees), Clause (ii) (a), by adding at the end the words, "and the Vice-President for the time being."
(c) To amend Rule 14 (Procedure at Meetings) by inserting the words "or Vice-President" after the word "President" when it occurs.
As the result of a ballot the following were elected to the Standing Committee: Messrs. W. B. Cartwright, J. Freeman, C. K. Lewis, F. I. Hairs, A. H. Pulling, P. A. Corby, R. A. Anderson, F. E. Dukes, Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow, Messrs. A. Walker, J. T. Dyke and T. J. Locke. The unsuccessful candidate was Mr. P. J. Johnson.
The Ringing World, June 28, 1957, page 418
The first motion to be considered was: "That this Council as the representative assembly of all change-ringing associations deprecates the proposed introduction of academic titles for ringers, particularly by a body which is not recognised or affiliated to the Council."
Mr. P. A. Corby, in moving the motion, said the 14-day rule did not provide for the proceedings of the Council because one observed that one or two people had tried to get their shot in first. The other point on procedure might well be that persons who were active with the Institution that was coming under consideration were interested parties, and as such should not take part in debate on the subject. Of course, they would not wish to deny them that right.
It was said that they lived in a democratic age, and of all institutions the ringing Exercise had been able to claim to be more democratic than most. In a democratic state there must be a considerable amount of freedom, but that must not be interpreted as freedom to do what they liked. Anarchy would only result from that.
He would seriously put before the Council that over 69 years they had established a place in the ringing Exercise where their principles were accepted not because they tried to force things on people but because they came there and debated them and passed resolutions that were accepted by ringers at large.
It was therefore disconcerting that at the instance, in the first place of one man (he would not be certain of that), but in some way or another various members of their Council, although present at last year's Council meeting went away with an idea in their minds, which for good or ill must have an effect on the future of the ringing Exercise. This scheme they dished up in the ringers' own journal.
The purpose of the motion was not to condemn the College of Campanology - rather they wished to assert that the Council should be the body to decide whether or not a College should be established. He did not think it could ever be a good thing for people to start on individual lines of action on such a large and ambitious scale as has been attempted. He hoped in the debate they should hear from those members of the Council whose names had figured so prominently in the Press but who hitherto had maintained a very tactical silence.
It would be remembered that when the correspondence started the point he elaborated upon, discourtesy to the Council had never been answered. If all those members of the Council heartily supported the thing, where was the answer when they were challenged on discourtesy? It might be said, to the best of his knowledge and belief, no official approach had been made to the Guilds and Associations. Certainly nothing had been made to the Association he represented.
Pointing out that there were no distinctions of rank among ringers, Mr. Corby said peers of the realm, bishops, archdeacons, priests and representatives of many walks of life all rubbed shoulders together. He often wished that his boss was a ringer because he felt it would be an opportunity to take it out of him in the belfry. That was the state of affairs they wished to continue. Let them judge people on the merits of their performances and not on degrees.
He felt to a certain extent that the College was based on misconception. In ringing it was not the prowess of the individual but the team work. "You can have seven professors of campanology, but if you have one rabbit with them you will not ring a good peal … We don't want a number of exalted individuals but a band that will ring together, capable of producing the best."
Mr. J. T. Dunwoody, seconding, said he did not wish to be construed as condemning the College, but the way it was brought into being. Last year they discussed a handbook for beginners, and some of those people who discussed it were connected with the College, and yet not one word came out about it. He felt in that way they had done them a dishonour. He felt that if the College wanted a manual they should have published it at their own expense. [Hear, hear.]
Mr. J. F. Smallwood supported the motion. The award of diplomas and certificates, he said, was made so that these people could swank their powers before their fellows.
Mr. Bernard Ashford said the motion was discussed at considerable length by members in his area and while little was expressed of the value of the College, a great deal was expressed that the Central Council's own journal was used to publicise the College. "Village Bells" and other publications, he pointed out, were financed by their authors. He gave his full support to the motion.
Mr. N. Chaddock felt that the College of Campanology made a big mistake in bringing in these titles.
The Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow said he had let his name go forward as chaplain to the College, but when the invitation came to him it stated that his services would not be needed just yet. They lived in an age when the running down of titles was popular. But the title of M.D. was one of value in cases of illness. If there was something worth while in the idea behind titles then it was for a deeper brain than his. It seemed to him that the best policy was not to take sides but to try and find what good there was behind it.
Mr. C. W. Roberts said in the past they had always managed to get along without any distinctions, qualifications, or call them what they would. The art of ringing was democratic. Possibly 12 on 13 join under a good instructor. Out of those 13 one emerges who is head and shoulders above the rest: he needs no qualifications. As soon as those who organise peals or quarter peals hear of him his place is assured. There was no need of an examination. His point was it was not necessary to bring out the qualifications this outside body wishes to impose. If qualifications were necessary, there was only one body to decide, and that was the Council, which was the voice of the representatives of the various associations. He wished to protest most strongly against the imposition of any qualifications. When one took hold of a rope for Stedman Cinques one did not have to look for qualifications.
Mr. Philip Gray pointed out that there were a tremendous number of towers with no ringers and a tremendous number indifferently staffed. Any body which tried to do something for these towers should not be frowned upon. He did not want the Council to discourage anybody who did anything outside the Council.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott thought the motion was unnecessary. If these titles were empty then nobody would take any notice of them. There were numbers of people up and down the country who took up high-sounding titles but they did not pass an Act of Parliament to forbid them to do so.
Dr. E. S. J. Hatcher said in opposing the motion he was not doing so as a representative of his Association. There was no way the College of Campanology could be represented there, and as it was not represented it was not legal. It would be more sensible if the Council were to do its best to enable those who were thinking along these lines to have some sort of encouragement. That morning the name of Mr. York-Bramble was put forward for honorary membership. They knew the result. He thought what Mr. York-Bramble had done was to focus very effectively their attention on the problem of teaching ringing in the early stages. He had not suddenly started this; he had been working on it for a very long time.
Dr. Hatcher said he had known Mr. York-Bramble for ten years, and one of his ideas was that the method of teaching ringers could be put on a standardised basis so that they could compare the results of instruction with various places and various times. Two years ago in a series of articles in "Topics of the Month" one was on the question of a manual for ringing and a college of campanology. At the end of the article he suggested a possibility that this idea might be sponsored by the Council.
Last year the Council considered the question of teaching and instructing, and set up a small committee to produce a book for beginners and instructors. It was interesting to see the result - the draft of a book for beginners; but the idea of something for instructors was put in a subsidiary role. The point was that the Council had "shied" off the problem of producing instructors. The idea of these titles was not, as had been interpreted, as giving an air of snobbery. The value of the College was not in the award but the discipline in the training system. The Exercise would not go from strength to strength unless it faced up to the problem of instructors. It was suggested that the Council should be the pioneer authority on ringing matters. The College of Campanology proposed to work towards its recognition by the Council and applied in its instructions the rules and decisions of the Council. By accepting the motion the Council would be doing a disservice to itself.
Mr. F. B. Lufkin said he was unhappy about voting for the motion. He knew nothing about the College except what they published, which he was pleased they put in. He did not know Mr. York-Bramble or the people who supported him. If there was any good in the College it would survive. Personally, judging from the matter in "The Ringing World," it would be a total flop. He thought the matter ought to be ignored: it would then find its own level.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead said the last speaker had said he did not know Mr. Bramble. Some in the front of the hall did. Knowing him quite seriously from experience of what had happened in the past (he might be wrong), if they gave Mr. Bramble an inch he took a yard. They found that out in the Methods Committee, and when they were in difficulties the person in the background causing their troubles was Mr. Bramble, The speaker said he was quite willing and ready to see the Council support some scheme for instructors - no letters after their names. In spite of what Mr. Thurlow had said, knowing Mr. Bramble, such things as letters did loom rather large in his mind, as one had only to see 20 or so after his name. There was in this a snob value which they did not want. He had pleasure in supporting the motion.
Mr. R. G. Blackman commented that there was a possibility that there might be things in the manual that might prove of value in bringing along young ringers. While he agreed with the speakers in deploring those with letters after their names, they must remember that all teachers had got to have the confidence of their pupils, and in some cases letters might help.
Mr. Bernard Ashford: We must not lose sight of the fact that this Council has been treated with contumacy.
Mr. George W. Fletcher: As I read this resolution, do we believe in titles or don't we?
The motion was then put to the meeting and carried, only eight votes being cast against.
A voice: You have passed this resolution. After all this talking you cannot enforce it.
The second notice of motion relating to the College read: "That this Council, while appreciating the good intentions of the organisers, considers that the so-called College of Campanology is unlikely to prove of any service to the furtherance of the art of change ringing; and therefore that no form of official recognition whatever be accorded to the organisation. In addition, valuable space in the Council's official organ, 'The Ringing World,' should not be wasted by the publication of any further 'College Manuals,' the Exercise being already well supplied with instruction manuals."
The president suggested that the motion dealt with two separate subjects and should be treated accordingly.
Mr. Peter N. Bond said he was submitting the motion on behalf of the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, and he denied a suggestion that they were indicting the Editor or "The Ringing World" Committee. They felt that the College was not the best way of gaining recruits and that it sounded too much of the college lecture room or university. When these boys saw a blackboard and tutor they were likely to be turned away.
"Is such an organisation needed? I have read this manual and I can only understand a quarter. If this type of organisation is allowed I can see in the future that if a ringer goes into a tower he will be asked if he has a diploma, and if he has not he will not be allowed to ring. I maintain that the requirements to produce a good ringer are not to be found in an academic college. I agree there is some need for a training manual for instructors. I maintain that a book like 'Ropesight' would give all that is required.
"We feel that an organisation like this is not likely to benefit the Sunday service ringers. They are the people we represent. The average Sunday service ringer is not interested in certificates or diplomas. The St. John's School at Bristol has done a wonderful work without a manual. We think that the people who have organised the College have little understanding of the difficulties of the average village tower. If the possession of a College diploma is the qualification of a trained ringer, then I would say there are very few trained ringers. I think one of the greatest charms of the Exercise is the informality of the belfry, and we do not think it would be right to turn the belfry into the common room for evening classes."
Mr. F. E. Hawthorne, in seconding, said his Society asked that the Council would not give its official recognition; this was entirely different from saying that they deprecated it. Many of his Society's members took exception to the Manual being published in "The Ringing World."
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott said he agreed with all the last clause. About 2,000 years ago a motion of this sort was passed by the Sanhedrin. This was a motion which was quite untrue and brought ridicule on the body which passed it. He did not believe that the College of Campanology had acted rightly. It should have applied for affiliation or recognition by the Council. For them to look into the future and say that they did not consider the College was to prove of any further service was a silly thing to do because if they were right there was no need to pass such a resolution, and if they were wrong they would be fools.
He would like to move as an amendment that the Council deprecated the use of invaluable space in "The Ringing World" by the College of Campanology, that body not having applied for recognition by the Central Council. The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead seconded the amendment.
Mr. R. S. Anderson said that so far as the motion was concerned he felt that the Council should reject it out of hand. A lot had been said about what was to be put in "The Ringing World." He acknowledged that "The Ringing World" was the property of the Council and was its official journal, but it was also the only paper of its kind in this country. If the Manual had not been printed they would have had nothing to talk about. He was not going to apologise. He thought the Council should reject the motion.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott: In view of what has been said about "The Ringing World," I ask to withdraw my motion.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead: I would like the second part to go on. I do not think the College of Campanology should have published its Manual in "The Ringing World." He therefore moved the amendment.
Mr. W. Wilson seconded the amendment.
Mr. P. A. Corby asked in what way could the College of Campanology be affiliated to the Central Council.
Mr. Norman Chaddock said he had had his name connected in a minor way with the College and had been asked to act as an examiner and had agreed to. He personally thought that the greatest need today was for more competent instructors, and any effort that might achieve some success in that direction was worth a trial. They had a Boy Scout and Girl Guide ringer's badge and he had never heard anyone deprecating that badge. He thought the best thing would be to disregard it. He thought the Manual was well worth publishing.
Mr. C. K. Lewis deprecated the use of space in "The Ringing World" by the publication of the Manual, it was a waste of space. His main objection to the College was that "it flies in the face of educational thought - that you learn by doing and not by being taught. The average child is not academic, and the best way is to put his hand in the end of the rope and let him try"
The Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow thought there was some good in the general idea behind it, if they started by calling it a school of ringing instead of a College of Campanology. About "The Ringing World," what a pity they did not think of inserting the Manual as an advertisement: what a lot of trouble they would have saved.
Mr. G. Pullinger suggested the motion be adjourned to next year. The College might fill a want. They should leave it to the good sense of ringers. After all, when the Council was first formed it was said it would not last two years.
Mr. J. R. Mayne said a good many did not believe it represented a good method of teaching. Because the Manual was published in "The Ringing World" there was a danger that people might think it had the stamp of authority.
Mr. E. A. Barnett proposed and Mr. F. E. Dukes seconded that the Council pass on to the next business. This was carried with four dissentients.
The motion was proposed by Mr. A. C. Hazelden and seconded by Mr. F. I. Hairs: "That the attention of the responsible Electrical or Ecclesiastical Authority be drawn to the dangerous practice of permitting bell chamber, ringing room and staircase lights to be controlled from the main switch box by one master switch; that in cases where such a state of affairs exists the authority be asked to fix cautions against switching off without due investigation."
The secretary said the Standing Committee discussed the matter and felt that the Electrical Authorities would not be happy about more than one main switch. The committee thought that a small card should be printed giving warning about switching off the main switch while people were in the belfry.
Mr. W. A. Osborn said according to the Institute of Electrical Contractors every circuit had to be controlled by a main switch and fuse. He advised towers to have a stand-by oil lamp.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott moved and Mr. R. G. Blackman seconded that the Council accept the recommendation of the Standing Committee. This was agreed to, and the Council decided so have warning notices printed.
On behalf of the Oxford Diocesan Guild, Mr. A. D Barker moved the following:-
"That this Council deplores the change of name of a standard method in 'The Ringing World' and declares that in its view. 'Bob' is a general term for a class of methods and should not be substituted for the 'Plain Bob' which indicates a particular method in that class."
He said that Plain Bob was one of the earliest if not the earliest system of change-ringing. He did not remember this having been discussed by the Council at any meeting. In asking the Council to put back the word "plain" to the method, he would say it was necessary to have it from the conductor's point of view. Bob did not constitute a method.
Mr. W. Butler, seconding, said he had been through all the old books and they all said "Plain" Bob. Bob was just an indication of calls.
Mr. C. K. Lewis called attention to a decision of the Council that "no alteration should be made in the names of old and historical methods except where urgently necessary." The original "Campanologia" of 1702 mentioned Bob Doubles and it also mentioned Plain Bob, but when it came to Major it was always Bob Major. In 1735 they had Plain Bob Triples. In the Clavis it was Plain Bob Minor and Single Bob Minor. Troyte mentions Plain Bob Minor, usually called Bob Minor, and the same thing for Major. "Plain Bob Major" was introduced into "The Ringing World" in 1948; previous to that it was Bob Major. He thought the proper thing if they desired the word "Plain" in was to rescind the decision.
The hon. secretary said no change was made until the middle of March, 1948. A letter from the Editor of "The Ringing World" explained that it was decided at a meeting which Mr. A. D. Barker attended that for the convenience of the Peals Analysis Committee the word "Plain" be introduced, and that was the only authority. Bob Major was used at the beginning of "Bell News" and in Ernest Morris' "History and Art of Change Ringing," 10,000 Bob Major was rung in 1735. He asked the Council to reject the motion.
Mr. Edgar C. Shepherd: I see no difficulty whatever in using "Plain."
Mr. Wilfred G. Wilson: If this is the Council's official attitude, why did it issue in 1956 on page 25: Bob Major, this method Plain Bob Place. That must refer to a method and not as a method.
Mr. Walter Ayre: I don't mind what the Council pass this afternoon, it still will be published in the analysis as Plain Bob.
The motion was carried, only two members voting against.
The secretary reported that members would recall they had an invitation to visit Dublin, and that still stood. They had also an invitation from the Oxford Diocesan Guild to hold their next meeting in Oxford.
Mr. F. E. Dukes proposed and Mr. F. E. Hawthorne seconded that the next meeting be held in Ireland - in Dublin.
Miss Marie Cross said next year would be the 225th anniversary of the Oxford Society, and they would like the Central Council there. She moved that the next meeting be held in Oxford and Mr. Peter Bond seconded.
Mr. F. W. Goodfellow suggested that if the Council went to Ireland the meeting be held on Whit Monday.
Asked as to price, Mr. Dukes said by train and boat the cost would be £8 or £9 and the journey would take 12 or 14 hours.
Upon being put to the vote, 59 members voted for Dublin and 51 for Oxford.
The Council decided to hold its next meeting at Dublin.
The secretary reported: 32 Associations fully represented, 86 members; 17 Associations partly represented, 37 present, 23 absent; 7 Associations not represented, 8 absent; 5 life members present, 1 absent; 10 honorary members present, 7 absent. Total attendance 138, absent 39.
This tied with a record attendance of the Council in London in 1948.
Mr. F. E. Dukes proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. E. H. Lewis, Mr. F. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Barnett and Mr. T. W. White, for all their work in connection with the meeting. "As a secretary, I know only too well what is involved." he said.
Mr. P. A. Corby seconded and the vote was carried with acclamation.
The president proposed an omnibus vote of thanks to the many people who had been to a great deal of trouble in connection with the meeting. He thanked the Mayor, the Lord Bishop, the Provost, the Master of the Essex Association (Mr. Heazel), Mr. Gant and Mr. Everett, for their excellent arrangements, Miss Hilda Snowden, for peal and tour arrangements, and the local incumbents and others, "We appreciate very much all you have done for us."
Afterwards the members of the Council were the guests of the Essex Association to tea.
Page 415, column 2.- The Rev. R. D. St. J. Smith did not make the observation attributed to him. He is thoroughly in sympathy with the view expressed.
The Ringing World, July 5, 1957, pages 433 to 435