FOLLOWING three days of generous hospitality and friendship, together with a well-arranged ringing programme, the second session of the 23rd Council (61st annual meeting) was opened at the Synod Hall, Dublin, on Whit Tuesday, with welcomes from the civic authorities and the Church.
The President (Mr. Fredk. Sharpe) had the pleasure of welcoming the Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin and the Archbishop of Dublin.
In his welcome to the Central Council the Deputy Lord Mayor (Cclr. E. Dockrell) said: “I believe your Association has been visiting various cities in Ireland and rung on a large number of bells …”
Ireland had had bells from the earliest time, and today they had some magnificent bells and Ireland stood high among the countries that had good bells. On behalf of the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of Dublin he welcomed them to the city and wished them a pleasant and interesting time in the country.
The Archbishop (the Most Rev. G. O. Simms) in his greeting to the Council said bells had a time-honoured association with their city. There was a tradition that long before Christ Church Cathedral was founded St. Patrick himself had held meetings in that hall, and St. Patrick, as they knew, had been associated with bells. Dublin was very proud of its bells. “I hope you will have an excellent Council meeting in this hall and that God will bless you now and always in your going out and coming in.”
Mr. Wm. Pratt, president of the Irish Association of Ringers, in his welcome said it was very appropriate that the Council had decided to cross the Irish Sea on the 60th anniversary of their Association. “You have done us a great honour and we very much appreciate it.”
There were church bells in the service of the Church all over the world, but it was in England where the art of change-ringing had been raised to perfection. They were very pleased to have English ringers here practising their art.
In Ireland they were not very well placed in regard to their rings of bells as they were spread widely over the country and therefore it was difficult to attain the same perfection. It was a case of the young ringer learning his art by the hit and miss method; in England the young craftsman had the expert to teach him.
They hoped that beside bells they had seen some of the beauties of the country and that that would induce them to spend some of their holidays in the country.
Mr. Pratt then on behalf of the Irish ringers presented to the Central Council a shillelagh - not as a weapon of offence but as a token of friendship to their brother ringers across the sea.
The silver inscription read:
“From the bell-ringers of Ireland to commemorate the first meeting in Ireland of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. Whitsuntide, 1958.”
Thanking the Irish ringers very warmly for their gift, the President said: “We of the Central Council have thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Ireland so far, and I go so far as to say that it is one of the most enjoyable gatherings we have ever experienced, and in no small degree it is due to the welcome we have received.
“To the people of Dublin and the Corporation we say thank you for the welcome we have received. We thank the Church for all the facilities given to us to ring your bells and visit your churches, and to the Irish Association we can never say thank you enough for all you have done with your hospitality.”
The Dean of Christ Church (the Very Rev. E. H. Lewis Crosby) then led the Council in prayer.
A postcard was read from Miss J. Armstrong, of Morpeth, wishing the Council a successful conference.
The hon. secretary announced that since the last meeting the North Wales Association had ceased to be affiliated. The strength of the Council was 55 Associations, affiliated with 153 members, 24 honorary members, 6 life members, making a total of 183. There were two vacancies among representative members, three among honorary members. All subscriptions had been paid.
Ancient Society of College Youths.- Mr. W. Williams.
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association.- Mr. S. G. Coles, Mr. H. J. Sanger, Miss Williams.
Cambridge University Guild.- Mr. B. D. Threlfall.
Chester Diocesan Guild.- Mr. W. Allman.
Coventry Diocesan Guild.- Mrs. D. E. Beamish, Mr. F. W. Perrens.
Derbyshire Association.- Mr. W. P. Robinson.
Devon Guild.- Mr. T. G. Myers, Rev. J. G. M. Scott.
Dudley and District Guild.- Mr. H. J. Shuck.
East Grinstead and District Guild.- Mr. C. A. Bassett.
Ely Diocesan Association.- Mr. J. G. Gipson, Mr. H. S. Peacock.
Essex Association.- Mr. J. H. Crampion, Mr. F. B. Lufkin, Miss H. G. Snowden.
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association.- Mr. W. B. Kynaston, Mr. F. Skidmore.
Guildford Diocesan Guild.- Mr. H. N. Pitstow.
Hertford County Association.- Mr. R. G. Bell.
Irish Association.- Mr. F. E. Dukes, Mr. J. T. Dunwoody, Miss J. Stewart.
Kent County Association.- Mr. J. R. Cooper, Mr. T. Cullingworth, Mr. T. E. Sone.
Lancashire Association.- Mr. P. Crook, Mr. Dunkerley, Mr. J. Ridyard.
Leicester Diocesan Guild.- Mr. S. Burton, Mr. A. E. Rowley.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild.- Mr. G. E. Feirn.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association.- Mr. T. M. Roderick.
London County Association.- Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rogers, Mr. W. G. Wilson.
Middlesex County Association.- Mr. F. T. Blagrove, Mr. F. W. Goodfellow, Mr. T. J. Lock.
Midland Counties Guild.- Mr. J. W. Cotton.
Norwich Diocesan Association.- Mr. H. W. Barrett, Mr. F. N. Golden, Mr. N. V. Harding, Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow.
Oxford Diocesan Guild.- Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Barker, Mr. A. E. Lock.
Oxford University Society.- Mr. R. B. Meadows.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild.- Mr. P. I. Chapman, Mr. E. G. Orland.
St. Martin’s Guild.- Mr. G. E. Fearn, Mr. F. E. Haynes.
Sheffield and District Society.- Mr. N. Chaddock.
Stafford Archdeaconry Society.- Mr. B. G. Key, Mr. G. W. Hughes.
Suffolk Guild.- Mr. C. W. Pipe.
Surrey Association.- Mr. A. P. Cannon, Mr. F. E. Collins. Mr. W. F. Oatway.
Sussex County Association.- Mr. R. G. Blackman.
Truro Diocesan Guild.- Mr. W. C. Boucher, Mr. D. Burnett.
Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild.- Rev. K. W. H. Felstead, Mr. C. H. Kippin, Mr. G. Pullinger.
Worcester and Districts Association.- Mr. B. C. Ashford, Mr. W. B. Cartwright.
Yorkshire Association.- Mr. G. Benfield, Mr. W. E. Critchley, Mr. L. W. G. Morris.
Life members.- Mr. F. Sharpe, Mr. E. A. Barnett, Mr. E. H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fletcher.
Honorary members.- Mrs. E. A. Barnett, Mr. A. A. Hughes, Mr. D. Hughes, Mr. C. K. Lewis, Mrs. C. C. Marshall, Mr. W. A. Osborn, Mr. R. F. B. Speed, Mr. L. Stilwell, Mr. P. L. Taylor, Mr. T. W. White.
Apologies were received from Messrs. J. F. Smallwood, S. Foskett, J. E. Clarke, Rev. J. Kingdon, A. J. Martin, A. Mould, A. L. Bennett, F. Ainsley, W. N. Park, F. W. Lack, A. C. Hazelden, G. S. Joyce, W. H. Viggers, G. J. Lewis, W. F. Moreton, J. J. Webb, W. Ayre, E. Edmondson, Dr. E. S. J. Hatcher, Miss D. E. Colgate, Mrs. A. Richardson, Mrs. P. J. Staniforth, Messrs. P. A. Corby, P. J. Staniforth, J. Bray, J. Freeman, J. A. Freeman, Mrs. D. J. King, Messrs. T. H. Taffender, J. R. Mayne, K. C. Birkett, P. M. J. Gray, R. S. Anderson, W. Butler, Dr. D. H. Niblett, Messrs. G. W. Jeffs, E. Nobles, C. H. Hawkins, J. I. P. Davis, G. H. Harding, G. S. Morris, W. C. West, R. St. C. Wilson, F. H. Bennett, P. N. Bond, G. H. Cross, J. L. Morris, F. E. Hawthorne, J. Segar, J. W. Blythe, R. Overy, G. I. Lewis, H. Miles, Rev. A. S. Roberts, Miss M. R. Cross, Dr. D. N. Layton, Messrs. F. W. Rogers, D. Beacham, Miss M. E. Snowdon, Messrs. J. T. Dyke, J. P. Fidler, F. I. Hairs, A. J. Pitman, A. H. Pulling, C. W. Roberts, E. C. Shepherd, Mrs. J. G. Steeples, Messrs. A. Walker and J. Willis.
The following new members were presented: Messrs. P. Crook (Lancashire Association), L. Stilwell, R. F. B. Speed and T. W. White (honorary).
Mr. F. W. Perrens proposed the Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow as the first vice-president of the Council. Mr. Thurlow, he said, had served the Council for a number of years, and most of them had heard his words of wisdom, so thoughtfully and so forcibly expressed.
Mr. T. J. Lock seconded and the resolution was carried.
Mr. E. H. Lewis proposed Mr. Frank Perrens as hon. librarian. “You must agree with me that we cannot have anyone more suitable for the position than Mr. Perrens.”
The hon. secretary seconded and the resolution was carried.
Returning thanks, Mr. Perrens said he accepted the task with some trepidation because he followed one who had done the work so efficiently for many years, and also because there was a considerable amount of manuscript for examination and he felt he was not fully equipped to pass judgment on some of it. Mr. Speed had, however, offered to undertake some of this work.
Mrs. J. G. Steeples was re-elected an honorary member upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee. The resolution was moved by Mr. F. G. Dunkerley and seconded by Mr. Leslie Morris and carried.
The Council stood as the following losses by death were remembered:-
Messrs. F. Bennett, H. W. Brown, H. Chambers, J. Cook, F. Dench, J. Hardcastle. J. Holden, J. E. Lilley, E. W. Marsh, F. Precey, Rev. C. J. Sturton.
Mr. R. G. Blackman, in a tribute to Mr. Frank Bennett, said he would not dwell on his work as a ringer, conductor or composer, but express admiration and gratitude for the quiet, sound, fatherly advice he gave to so many would-be change-ringers. He was always very quiet, never spoke a great deal, but they all had great confidence in his judgment. He had given a great legacy to the Council in his granddaughter.
Mr. George Pullinger, on behalf of the Winchester and Portsmouth Guild, also spoke of Mr. Bennett’s work on behalf of the old Winchester Guild.
Mr. E. A. Barnett, in thanking the members on behalf of his wife and himself for the tributes, said they were very pleased to carry on in some small way the work of Mr. Bennett, who had been a very great ringer.
Mr. A. D. Barker, in a reference to Mr. F. Dench, said there were few now who knew of the excellent work he did in composition.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott, in an appreciation of Mr. J. E. Lilley, said he was tireless in helping struggling bands in his District. He had been a good friend of many ringers in Mid-Devon.
Mr. H. Sanger paid a tribute to Mr. H. W. Brown, whom he described as a very quiet man but one who did good work in the Bath area to improve the standard of ringing.
Mr. P. I. Chapman, in a reference to Mr. Harry Chambers, of the famous Irthlingborough band, said he was a quiet and unassuming man but a great example to them all.
The hon. secretary said the Minutes had been circulated. There was an omission in the names of new members, Mr. G. J. Joyce, of the Guildford Guild. With that addition he moved the acceptance of the Minutes as a true record of the proceedings.
Mr. T. J. Lock seconded and this was agreed to.
Mr. E. A. Barnett reported:-
As a result of the decision at the Chelmsford meeting regarding the balance of the Clement Glenn Bequest, advantage was taken of the very favourable conditions prevailing after the raising of the Bank Rate to 7 per cent. to invest the money in one medium dated and one longer dated British Government Stock. These were bought at 70 5/8 and 91¼ respectively. The market prices at the time of writing were 75¼ and 95½. Should it be necessary to raise money at short notice these can, of course, be realised immediately.
During the year the secretary was interviewed by the B.B.C. in connection with a series on “British Hobbies” being broadcast in their German service, answered queries from a number of London papers in connection with the record peal attempts at Loughborough, and supplied information to “Church Illustrated” and “Readers’ Digest” for articles on ringing. It was also his pleasure to represent the Council at a number of dinners in various parts of the country.
Mr. C. W. Woolley has reported progress in the revision of “Stedman,” which was begun by the late Ernest Turner. He has decided that in view of the many alterations and revisions made by Mr. Turner to the original text, the only practical course was to retype the whole work, incorporating such other amendments as he considered appropriate, and about a quarter of this has been completed.
The affairs of “The Ringing World” are dealt with in detail elsewhere, but I would here like to express my thanks to Mr. W. N. Park for relieving me of the task of preparing the accounts of that journal. Thanks are also due to Mr. W. G. Wilson and Miss C. L. Groves who, for the last six years, have typed and duplicated these papers, and to those who kindly send me copies of reports and other publications.
The hon. secretary formally moved the adoption and Mr. W. F. Oatway seconded.
Before submitting the report the President paid tribute to the work of the hon. secretary and treasurer and Mrs. Barnett. “I always feel the officials do the lion’s share of the work and we do appreciate all they do,” he said.
The report was adopted.
Mr. Frederick Sharpe reported:-
The sale of publications increased considerably during 1957, and was approximately one-third greater than in the previous year. This was chiefly due to the issue of the Council’s Handbook, of which 327 copies were sold. Sales of “Village Bells” came second and “Preservation” third.
I regret that the profit on the year’s working amounted only to 14s. 2d., but this was chiefly due to the increased cost of postage and the number of complimentary copies of the “Handbook” distributed.
Stocks of “Change Ringing on Handbells” are low, as are also the “Bristol” and “Cambridge” method sheets, and I recommend these be reprinted. We need more publications to sell, and look forward to the forthcoming issue of the “Beginners” book; but I am also constantly asked for a now edition of “Minor Methods” and a book on “Triples Methods.” I hope these will not be long delayed.
The borrowing of books of reference has decreased slightly. In view of the impending change in the office of librarian, may I ask all borrowers of the Council’s books to return those no longer required as soon as possible, and to write me signifying if they wish to retain any books. Owing to great pressure of work I regret I have been unable to make progress in cataloguing the library MSS.
During the year the library received the gift of copies of “The Irish Bell News” from Mr. F. E. Dukes; “The Great Bell of Moscow,” an Italian book printed in 1802 describing some bells in Rome, and a Danish book describing pre-Reformation bells in that country, from Mr. E. H. Lewis; the peal books of the late Mr. Arthur Knights, from Mr. A. P. Knights; the “Training Manual” of the College of Campanology, from Dr. J. Hatcher; the “Science of Change Ringing,” by the late Mr. J. A. Trollope, and MSS. formerly belonging to the late Mr. Ernest Turner, from Mrs. W. D. Turner; to all of whom our best thanks are tendered.
The recent death of the Rev. E. S. Tarrant came as a great shock to us all. To Mrs. Tarrant and members of her family we offer our sincere sympathy. Mr. Tarrant very kindly housed the library in his Rectory at Launton during my term of office as librarian, and had it not been for his kindness I could not have accepted the office.
Once again I must pay tribute to Mrs. J. G. Steeples for all the good work done in connection with the sales section of the library. Most unfortunately, pressure of home duties compelled her to resign at the end of last year, much to our great regret, and we tender to her our very best thanks for her loyal, devoted and valued work. Finally, I must thank my daughter Elizabeth for managing the sales section of the library since the resignation of Mrs. Steeples.
Moving the report the President said it would be the last he would make in the capacity of hon. librarian. In amplification he said 55 complimentary copies of the Handbook were sent to various Associations, which accounted for the small profit. They proposed to reprint “Change Ringing on Handbells” and the “Cambridge” and “Bristol” method sheets. They could not have too much to sell. There was a tremendous demand for books on Minor methods and Doubles methods.
He wanted to make a public appeal to those who had books on loan from the library - and some people had had them for years - either to return them or send a note that they would return them at an early date. This did not apply to Associations which had books on permanent loan, as these were duplicate books.
The Rector of Launton died suddenly two months ago. He had housed the library for six years free of charge to the Council. It was suggested by the Standing Committee that the hon. secretary write to his widow expressing their sincere sympathy.
Since the report had been compiled Mrs. W. S. Turner had presented a number of manuscript books compiled by Mr. J. Armiger Trollope, which would be added to the library shortly. They were very grateful for the gift.
Mr. P. Crooke seconded.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott thanked the President for his work as librarian. “We were fortunate in having a man who not only took an interest in the library but one who knew more about the contents of the books than almost anyone.”
Mr. W. Wilson said the MSS. books of Mr. Trollope were really wonderful.
Balance Sheet of Council.- Sundry creditors, £121 5s. 3d.; Payments in advance, £876 18s. 8d.; Clement Glenn Fund, £762 18s. 4d.; Provision for Income Tax, £17 17s.; “The Ringing World” (Capital Account), £4,085 4s. 9d.; General Fund (Capital Account), £562 16s. 1d. Total: £6,427 0s. 1d.
Goodwill and blocks, “The Ringing World,” £200; Library, £10; Office and Library Equipment, £39 6s. 5d.; Stock of Publications, £331 2s. 2d.; Debtors, £802 12s. 6d.; investments at cost, £3,362 18s. 4d.; Cash at Bank and in hand, £1,681 0s. 8d. Total £6,427 0s. 1d.
General Fund, Balance Sheet.- Creditors, £71 1s. 7d.; Affiliation Fee in advance, 10s.; Capital Account Balance, December 31st, 1956, £545 8s. 11d.; add Excess of Income for year, £17 7s. 2d.: £562 16s. 1d. Provision for Income Tax, £17. Total: £651 7s. 8d.
Library, £10; Office and Library Equipment, £39 6s. 5d.; Stock of Publications, £331 2s. 2d.; Payment in advance, insurance. £1 1s.; Cash at Bank, £216 13s. 8d.; Hon. Librarian, £53 4s. 5d. Total: £651 7s. 8d.
General Fund, Income and Expenditure Account.- Expenses, Biography Committee, £4 13s. 2d.; Expenses, Hon. Secretary. £9 9s.; Stationery and Printing, £24 11s. 2d.; Postage £8 4s. 5d.; Telephone, 15s. 8d.; Office and Library Equipment (written off), £6; Cheque Book, 8s. 4d.; Insurance, £1 16s.; St. Luke’s Hostel (in memory of Rev. F. Ll. Edwards), £2 2s.; Wreath, E. C. S. Turner, £2 2s.; Typewriting Repairs, 17s. 6d.; Typing, £2 2s.; Income Tax on Interest, 1956, £7 13s.; ditto, 1957, £9 7s.; Sundry Expenses, £2 8s. 8d.; Excess of Income over Expenditure, £17 7s. 2d. Total: £99 17s. 1d.
Affiliation Fees, £76 10s.; Interest on Deposit Account, £22 12s. 11d.; Balance, Publications Account, 14s. 2d. Total £99 17s. 1d.
Publications Account.- Stock, January 1st,1957, £278 7s. 5d.; Purchases, Handbooks, £135 5s.; Postage etc., £18 18s. 10d.; Advertisement, “The Ringing World,” £20; Trade Discounts, £2 9s. 9d.; Balance (profit) to General Fund, 14s. 2d. Total: £455 5s. 2d.
Sale of Publications, £85 1s. 2d.; sale of duplicate books, £1; Stock, December 31st, 1957, £331 2s. 2d. Total: £455 5s. 2d.
Clement Glenn Bequest.- Balance of cost of memorial stone, £39 1s.; £400 Br. Elect. 4½% £365; £563 8s. 6d. Treasury 3½% Stock, £397 18s. 4d.; Stamp Duty and Commission £3 16s. 1d. Total: £805 15s. 5d. By Balance, £805 15s. 5d.
“The Ringing World” Balance Sheet.- Sundry Creditors, £119 10s. 5d.; Amounts received in advance postal subscribers and notices, £876 8s. 8d.; Provision for Income Tax, 17s.; Balance at December 31st, 1956, £3,593 14s. 4d.; Profit for the year, £491 10s. 5d. Total: £5,082 0s. 10d.
Goodwill, blocks, etc., at cost, £200; Debtors, £821 11s. 6d.; Investments at cost, £2,600; Cash at Bank, £1,409 12s.; Cash in hand, £1 10s. 7d. Amount due from General Fund, £49 6s. 9d. Total: £5,082 0s. 10d.
“The Ringing World” Profit and Loss Account.- To Woodbridge Press Ltd., printing, £3,936 7s.; Blocks, £43 2s.; Editorial Office expenses, Editor’s fees and expenses, £396 9s. 7d.; Clerical assistance, £177 4s.; Postage, stationery and sundries, £21 15s. 2d.; Postal subscribers, dispatch of copies, £841 3s. 2d.; Addressing and wrappers, £248 8s. 3d.; Accounts Department, clerical assistance, £156; Postage, stationery and sundries, £55 5s. 4d. Total: £211 5s. 4d. Miscellaneous expenses, £14 18s. 11d.; Audit and accountancy fees, £36 15s.; Income tax, £30 16s. 3d.; Profit for the year, £491 10s. 5d. Total £6,449 15s. 1d.
By Rolls Publishing Co., £2,257 13s. 1d.; Postal subscribers, £2,846 5s. 8d.; Advertisements, £417 8s.; Notices. £555 10s. 11d. Donations, £281 5s. 11d.; Miscellaneous receipts, £27 2s. 2d.; Interest on Investments, £64 9s. 4d. Total: £6,449 15s. 1d.
The accounts are accompanied by the auditor’s certificate: J. Lunnis, Thames House, Queen Street Place, London, E.C.4.
Presenting the accounts the hon. secretary and treasurer said on the Income and Expenditure Account of the General Fund there was a gradual increase in expenses, which was no doubt due to the increased cost of printing and increased postage. They had had to pay two years’ Income Tax on interest received on the Deposit Account for the Clement Glenn Fund, and as a result their balance was considerably smaller than the past few years. If it had not been for the interest they would have been some £5 on the wrong side.
In regard to the General Fund balance sheet the only point of comment was the purchase of office and library equipment. He was grateful for the authority to purchase a four-drawer steel filing cabinet in which to keep the Council’s papers and records.
In regard to the Clement Glenn Bequest, provision had been made for a memorial stone. To his relatives Mr. Glenn left trifling amounts, and it was felt by the Standing Committee that as Mr. Glenn left £800 to the Council they should meet the cost of the memorial stone.
This year they had been fortunate to get the accounts audited before the meeting. Turning to “The Ringing World,” they made quite a good profit, almost £500, but he felt that he should point out that the profit figure was gradually coming down. Some two year’s ago they made about £1,000, the profit the previous year was nearly £850 and this year £491. They must not forget that £491 included £281 in donations, so that the actual trading profit was some £200 odd, While that was satisfactory it was only half the amount of the Woodbridge Press bill for one month.
There was an increase of £80 in the sum for Notices, and the Editor told him that this increase was largely through personal announcements. Advertisements were slightly down, mainly due to Gillett and Johnston’s advertisement ceasing.
On the expenditure side the Woodbridge Press printing account was up some £300, editorial up some £80, cost of postage and wrappering almost £100, accountancy £4.
As to “The Ringing World” balance sheet, they had been able to take the maximum holding of £1,000 in 4½ per cent. Defence Bonds.
Mr. A. A. Hughes seconded the adoption of the accounts.
Mr. L. W. G. Morris called attention to debtors’ £802 12s. 6d., and asked for an explanation.
The hon. secrelary explained that it was on “The Ringing World”; Rolls House always paid three months in arrears.
Mr. H. W. Rogers paid tribute to the way the hon. treasurer had compiled the accounts.
The accounts were then adopted.
The report, signed by Mr. A. Walker and Mr. A. A. Hughes, stated:-
Since the last Council meeting there has been one demonstration, which was held at the Science Museum on February 15th for the benefit of the Upper Clapton Society of Voluntary Ringers. Twenty-one members attended and saw Stedman Cinques and Kent Treble Bob touches brought round. In the morning, while the machine was being cleaned and run through, a lady ringer from Clare who was in the museum by chance was also able to see it working.
No further progress has been made with the booklet describing the machine, but it is hoped this will not be long delayed.
The report was adopted on the proposal of Mr. A. A. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Leslie W. G. Morris.
Mr. F. Dunkerley said members might be pleased to know that the Lancashire Association had acquired the Woodhouse machine, so they had a competitor.
The President expressed thanks to Mr. Douglas Hughes for demonstrating the machine.
The hon. secretary reported that the Standing Committee received the report of the Handbook Sub-Committee and considered the agenda in detail. They also co-opted Mr. W. N. Park to “The Ringing World” Committee. He moved and Mr. F. E. Dukes seconded the report, which was adopted.
Mr. C. Kenneth Lewis (convener) reported: The members of the Sub-Committee have very carefully considered the question of the writing of a History of Change-ringing, and are unanimously of the opinion that such a work is not one which they can recommend the Council to undertake. They consider that such a work must, by its very nature, be the work of an individual who would need to have the time, means and ability to do the research.
The Sub-Committee has not been able to find any substantial demand for such a book.
Mr. Lewis, in presenting the report, said he first thought it was a much easier job than anticipated. They found it would be a monumental task. They had an idea as to how it could be compiled, and although the material was there they found it was an impossible task unless they had an individual with unlimited time. The individual who wrote the thesis would either make or mar the work. They could not recommend the Council to invest £300, £400 or £500. The conclusion the Sub-Committee reached was unanimous.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead seconded.
Mr. P. I. Chapman disagreed with the second paragraph. He thought there was a demand.
The President: We all felt disappointed about the conclusion, but we could not see a satisfactory conclusion.
A suggestion was made by a member that inquiries be made from Associations to see if they had a person to recommend to undertake the work.
Mr. J. H. Crampion: How did the Sub-Committee reach their conclusions?
Mr. Lewis said he made enquiries in his part of the world as to the demand for the book and found that there was not a great deal of interest in it. Mr. Ernest Morris had to flog his latest book in “The Ringing World” to sell it. There were people in that room who would buy the book but that would only be about 100. The price would be about 25s. to 30s.
Mr. R. G. Blackman said during his stay he had met a Father Sherridan who was interested in ringing. He asked if the Council had a book on the history of change-ringing, and left his address if a book was published.
The report was adopted.
Mr. F. E. Dukes: That means that the Committee goes out of existence.
The President: Yes.
The report, signed by Mr. J. Frank Smallwood (convener), stated:-
Your Committee is able to report that another year has been completed with the balance on the right side. This year has shown the full effects of the increased printing costs, and by the use of every possible economy a net balance of income over expenditure to the extent of £200 was realised. This was augmented by donations amounting to £281.
The financial situation can, therefore, be regarded as fairly satisfactory, but the profit is not sufficient to encourage your Committee to embark on any substantial schemes to improve the paper.
During the year it was found necessary to have a few issues containing 20 pages in order to accommodate the very large amount of matter for which space must be found. Whilst this has partly disposed of the space problem, it seems certain that from time to time we shall have to provide an extra four pages. Naturally we shall not be able to indulge in this luxury very often or we shall finish up on the wrong side.
Your Committee has under consideration schemes for augmenting the income. It notes that in the matter of donations much more support has come from quarter peal ringers than that received from peal ringers. Whilst being unwilling to suggest a levy on the publication of peal reports, your Committee feels that those who enjoy the use of approximately five pages per week to record their performances should show more generosity than has hitherto been the case.
The circulation remains about the same as last year, but in view of the recently published statistics of the number of ringers it is a sad reflection that only about one-eighth of them take “The Ringing World.”
During the year we have lost the services of Mr. J. T. Dyke who, because of ill health, feels unable to continue to serve you. Our warmest thanks are accorded to him for his loyal service and sound advice, and we all wish him a speedy restoration to health. Your Committee has invited Mr. W. N. Park to serve in his place and he has kindly consented to do so. Mr. Park has already given good service in connection with the accounts and we feel he will be a valuable acquisition to the Committee.
Once again we place on record our sincere thanks to all who have assisted in the production of your journal, particularly to the Editor and his staff; Mr. Roper, the compiler of the index; to all who sent donations; to all literary contributors; and to all District representatives.
The hon. secretary, in moving the adoption of the report, said there had been some recent correspondence in “The Ringing World” on the powers of co-option of the Committee. He also proposed the election of Mr. W. N. Park.
Mr. F. W. Perrens seconded.
Mr. W. G. Wilson said he would like to ask the officers of the Council to look into the question of altering the rules to provide for co-option to “The Ringing World” Committee. There was an unfinished correspondence in “The Ringing World.” Mr. Barnett had already stolen from his main point. Had “The Ringing World” Committee powers to co-opt? He knew that in 1951 “The Ringing World” Committee was given such powers, but in 1955 he proposed and Mr. Barnett seconded a motion which was passed that rescinded all previous decisions of the Council and substituted those in the Handbook. That meant that the power of the “R.W.” Committee to co-opt members had been rescinded. That might not be the intention of the Handbook Committee. He suggested that in the next 12 months the officers should look into the matter and move an amendment to the rules. He moved an amendment in that effect.
Mr. J. Dunwoody seconded the amendment.
The President asked Mr. Cartwright for his opinion.
Mr. W. B. Cartwright said where the Council went wrong was in 1951 when “The Ringing World” Committee was elected with powers to co-opt. In his opinion they did not have the power to co-opt; that could only be done by an alteration of rules. That must be ultra vires because they could only alter rules by notice of motion and that was where, in his opinion, the Council was wrong. He thought the question of co-option ought to be gone into by the Standing Committee.
Mr. A. A. Hughes: I am wondering, as treasurer of “The Ringing World,” where I stand. I don’t think I was ever legally appointed.
The report was adopted and also the amendment that the officers examine the whole position regarding co-option.
Mr. R. G. Blackman said the Council ought to have a decision as to what was meant by co-option because he felt that any committee should have the power to call on anyone at any time to help them.
The hon. secretary said the co-option of Mr. Park arose from his very kind offer to do the accounts of “The Ringing World” to relieve him of a big burden.
Mr. J. H. Crampion: If all the Committee were to drop out through ill-health except one member, would that member have the power to co-opt?
The President: No.
Upon the proposition of Mr. E. H. Lewis it was decided to empower the secretary to write to Mr. Dyke, thanking him for his services and wishing him a speedy restoration to health.
The Ringing World, June 6, 1958, pages 365 to 368, correction June 13, 1958, page 386
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The report, signed by Mr. Edgar C. Shepherd and Mr. F. E. Dukes, stated:-
If, as the controllers of our national Press assert, newspapers and journals are giving the public what it asks for, then ringers have no cause to complain that their art is not appreciated. Each year sees a multiplicity of news items relating to bells and bell-ringing and the appearance of serious articles presumably of interest to newspaper readers. The year 1957 was no exception.
In this report we have not found it possible to include notice of all news items great and small. We have therefore endeavoured to select from the material that has come our way such essays as will indicate the scope and variety of the publicity given to ringing during the 12 months, and in doing so we venture to believe that we have omitted nothing of major importance.
The number and variety of journals printing notes and articles are worthy of note. “The Dalesman” published a series on Yorkshire bells and bell-ringing; “British Railways Magazine” printed an account of ringing in the North East Region; David Fitzpatrick in the “Blackburn Evening Telegraph” described Blackburn’s bells; and in the “Solihull News” Ruth Harman extolled the delights of ringing as a hobby. Unfortunately, she missed the significance of bell-ringing as an act of worship. In the sphere of youthful activity we note E. F. Rigby’s instructional articles in “The Guide,” and Anthony Upton’s neat essay, “Campanology,” in the November number of “The Scout.” In passing, it is worth noting that “The Belfry” reminds young people of the Girl Guide ringer’s badge and the conditions attaching to it.
Another local publication, “Surrey W.I. News,” devoted a considerable portion of its December number to the appeal of the bells, and gave prominence to the work of Mr. Harold Pitstow at Westminster. Two pieces of work stand out this year by reason of their excellence, One is “Bells,” an unsigned article in the “P.D. Review,” enlivened with 12 small illustrations selected and, arranged by Ernest Morris, F.R.Hist.S., and beautifully reproduced; the text was supplied largely by the same indefatigable historian. The other outstanding work is a monumental essay running through several numbers of “Hi-Fi News.” The superficial flippancy of the title of this highly technical journal tends to obscure the seriousness and authenticity of its articles, but in “The Story of Bells and Bell Music,” H. Michael Howard has produced a notable thesis written with authority and skill, and covering bell casting, tuning and hanging, with extensive notes on acoustical effects and carillon playing. The illustrations and diagrams are striking and convincing.
The year has brought a good sprinkling of photographs of ringers and ringing bands. Among them the “Drogheda Independent” portrayed the ringers of St. Peter’s, Drogheda, and the “South Yorkshire Times” showed the band of ladies who rang the peal of Bob Major at Handsworth, Sheffield, on May 14th. The “Birmingham Post and Gazette” depicted Sir Theodore Pritchett with his ringers at Tanworth-in-Arden, and two veterans appeared the “Birmingham Mail” - Mr. W. Hauley, of Leamington on his 92nd birthday, and Mr. William Collett, who recently completed 50 years as a ringer at Warwick. The Railwaymen’s Guild were photographed again, this time by the “Crewe Chronicle.”
We regret having to include reference to the distressing tragedy at Okeford Fitzpaine, the painful details of which aroused much attention during the summer. It is perhaps only in such tragic circumstances that the technicalities of bell mechanics are forced, as it were, on the public notice, and we can only hope that the publicity afforded to this melancholy catastrophe will lead to further steps to prevent unauthorised or inexperienced persons from entering bell chambers when bells are up.
Once again we note important contributions in the Press overseas. From British Columbia come two articles: a short one dealing with ringing at the Anglican Cathedral at Victoria, and the other a lengthy essay in the “Province B.C. Magazine” on the bells and ringers at The Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver. “Overtones,” the organ of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, still provides astonishing evidence of the vitality of the Society, and American literature has been enriched by the publication of “The Story of Handbells,” an important and comprehensive book by Scott B. Parry. The American paper “Saturday Evening Post” of December 22nd, 1956, published a lengthy and discursive article by N. M. Clark under the title “The Loudest Music I Ever Heard.” The subject matter ranged from carillon playing to the Liberty Bell, and included references to handbell ringing and to the Whitechapel Foundry.
From Ireland we have noticed “The Bells of Belfast” appearing in the “Belfast News Letter,” and an interesting note on bell lubrication in the technical journal “Scientific Lubrication.” Both articles are from the pen of Colin J. Robb. The “Lurgan Mail,” under the title “Where Change is Lightsome,” provided an illustrated article on Lurgan bells and ringers, with special reference to Mr. Thomas Livingstone and Mr. John Irwin. “Ring out the Old - Ring in the New” is the title of a well-written article to the Irish Press. It details the history of the bells of The Augustinian Church, Dublin, and of Irish bell-founders.
The Australian journal, “Woman’s Day,” dated August 5th, contains an account by Sally Baker of the competitive ringing for the Joyner Cup. The illustrations are in colour and most of the names are familiar to us through the medium of “The Ringing Towers.”
Among the publications of the year we have to report “Church Bells of the Fens,” T. Bevis; “Cheshire Bells, Part V,” C. W. Clarke; a re-issue of “Elementary Change Ringing,” the excellent treatise by E. F. Rigby; and “The Manual of the College of Campanology” which appeared in August and was made available to all ringers at the modest price of 2s. 9d. That comprehensive book of reference, “The Central Council Handbook,” has now been published. It is indispensable for Council members and will be found a treasure trove of information for every ringer.
Subsidiary ringing journals have come to hand as usual. They include “The Irish Bell News,” beginning its third volume neatly clad in a new cover; “The Belfry,” from the Maidstone District, and “The Ringing Towers,” from the Antipodes. To the list this year has been added “The Ringers’ Magazine,” edited by Mr. William Butler, of Windsor. This is an extremely bright and enterprising quarterly produced by an unusual process, and presenting in its type and its illustrations a most fascinating face. Its range is wide and it has already numbered among its contributors some of the leading experts of today.
Messrs. Viggers and Hodgson have maintained their high standard with “The Ringers’ Notebook and Diary,” and it is a gratifying tribute to the authors to find this little book already sold out.
Moving the adoption of the report Mr. Dukes said the national Press had given greater space to their interests, and the same applied to various magazines. In Ireland he had many telephone calls from national papers and freelance journalists. They were very grateful to the people who sent articles to the Committee.
Miss J. Stewart seconded and the report was adopted.
The report of the Committee, signed by Mr. A. C. Hazelden, stated:-
The total number of past and present members in our records is now 770 and of this total 357 are at the time of preparing this report known to be deceased. The records of very many of these deceased past members are complete and already in the Album, a few without photographs, which so far we have failed to secure. Others are held up for important particulars which we hope to get by further research. A few are still on the sad list of those of whom we know nothing, or very little. Some of this category should perhaps be presumed deceased.
Notwithstanding the possibly gloomy sentence ending the previous paragraph, the work of the Committee is not all failure and frustration, and some progress is made. In recent years the rate of completion of biographies has been around 30 per year, which means that we have caught up with many of the arrears. It also means that our Album is very rapidly filling and must soon be followed by No. 2.
Some members may recall that our first Album was provided by a bequest of the late Mr. James Shepherd, and will remain a very fine memorial to an illustrious ringer who, although never a member of it, always wished the Council well.
It may be expected that this second Album will last much longer than its predecessor, because the entries must eventually be reduced to the six or eight deaths which have annually to be reported.
The report then recorded deaths of members, and apart from those remembered the opening of the Council there were E. W. Marsh (Devonshire Guild), died January 23rd, 1946, and J. Holden (United Counties Association), died August 30th, 1899.
The 1957-58 Council was joined by 25 new members, 21 of whom, present at the Chelmsford meeting, were handed a copy of our Biography Form. At the time of preparing this report eight have been returned. The Committee, while grateful to those who promptly filled and returned the forms, would also point out to those who have not responded that the few details for which we ask have been found by experience to be the basic facts upon which the Council’s record must in due course be built.
With great pleasure and thanks we acknowledge the assistance of a host of willing correspondents. Typical of all are the efforts of Mr. C. K. Lewis who secured details of the ringing career of the late William Gordon, which began with ringing for the victory of the battle of Alma, and ended in 1915 when World War I was in progress; of Mr. Jeffs who informs us of the deaths of the Rev. L. S. Clark and H. Chambers; Mr. Pipe, of the Suffolk Guild, who has helped us to get a photograph of the late Canon Raven, an original honorary member of the Council, who though never a ringer and never present at a meeting, was an illustrious scholar and author of books on bells and ringing.
The Biographies Committee would like to contact relatives or friends of the following past members for the purpose of completing the Council’s records: (1) The late Mr. Albert Coppock, of Nottingham, who died March 28th, 1937 - loan of photograph required; (2) The late Mr. S. J. Hughes, of Dudley and District Guild - date of death required; (3) The late Mr. R. T. Woodley, of Ancient Society of College Youth, died at Lowestoft on November 15th, 1943 - loan of photograph required.
Please write to A. C. Hazelden, 109, Grange Road, Guildford.
Mr. L. Stilwell moved and Mr. R. G. Blackman seconded the adoption of the report.
Mr. T. G. Myers expressed surprise that the death of Mr. E. W. Marsh, of the Devonshire Guild. who died in 1946, had only just reached the Committee.
The hon. secretary said difficulties arose when people dropped out of ringing.
Mr. Myers: That did not apply in the case of Mr. Marsh, who died within three days of attending a meeting of his own Branch.
The President: We might do our best to get Associations to co-operate.
The report, which was signed by Mr. Walter Ayre (convener) stated:-
Once again the committee are pleased to report an increase in the peals rung during the year 1957. There was a grand total of 2,488, with 2,336 on tower bells and 152 on handbells; an increase of 145 on tower bells but a decrease of 23 on handbells. (The Winchester and Portsmouth band did not function.)
The analysis shows as follows:-
Tower | Handbells | Totals | ||||
1956 | 1957 | 1956 | 1957 | 1956 | 1957 | |
Maximus | 18 | 30 | - | - | 18 | 30 |
Cinques | 37 | 21 | 3 | 3 | 40 | 24 |
Royal | 116 | 99 | 8 | 14 | 124 | 113 |
Caters | 70 | 83 | 9 | 8 | 79 | 91 |
Major | 857 | 884 | 59 | 59 | 916 | 943 |
Triples | 217 | 251 | 9 | 9 | 226 | 260 |
Minor | 640 | 732 | 69 | 38 | 709 | 770 |
Doubles | 236 | 236 | 18 | 21 | 254 | 257 |
2191 | 2336 | 175 | 152 | 2366 | 2488 |
What would the Leicester Guild do without the Bell Foundry? They are once again at the head of the list, with Kent County moving into 2nd place, the Norwich Association following in 3rd place, with the Suffolk Guild rising out of the depths to 4th place.
The first six places are as follows: Leicester Diocesan 192, Kent County 154, Norwich Association 142, Suffolk Guild 135, Oxford Diocesan 131, Lincoln Diocesan 129.
No peals were recorded by the New South Wales Association, the National Police Guild or the Sheffield and District Society.
Outstanding performances.- On tower bells: 14,560 Yorkshire Surprise Major by the Bedfordshire Association; 16, 18, 22 and 25 Surprise Major methods (spliced) by the Chester Diocesan Guild; 25 extents of Minor (18,000 changes) by the Essex Association; and 42 Doubles methods by the Gloucester and Bristol Association.
Handbells: 57 Spliced Minor methods by the Yorkshire Association.
A “peal” of Saturn Treble Bob Doubles by the Surrey Association is not included in the analysis.
The convener wishes to express his thanks to Mr. H. L. Roper (Adderbury) for his valuable assistance in this work.
The report was moved by the Rev. K. W. H. Felstead, who said there were one or two slight alterations to the total number of peals, which was reduced to 2,486. That was because it was not noticed until after the report was written that three peals were duplicated in “The Ringing World” and only one was spotted by the convener.
Mr. F. T. Blagrove: Can the committee tell us why they excluded Saturn T.B. Doubles?
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead: We have not discussed it. The first I knew was when I saw the report. The reason is that it is not in accordance with the rules.
Mr. Blagrove: As a method?
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead: Yes, not as a composition.
Mr. Blagrove said in the Decisions there were no requirements of an irregular method. An irregular method which had a repeated change could be included. There was also the question of jumping changes.
Mr. C. K. Lewis commented that it was not a question of making rules and regulations. The Exercise had not been built up by rules and regulations but by good taste.
Mr. Blagrove: I agree that is should be excluded, but if such peals were rung they must be included as they were not bound by any Decision of the Council.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott maintained that as there was no reason in the Decisions of the Council why the peal should not be included, if it was a peal it must be included to the discredit of the composer.
Mr. C. K. Lewis said he was afraid if they included it they would cause a lot of trouble. The Analysis Committee had taken the right line.
Mr. J. H. Crampion: There are certain people who like to have a kick at the Central Council. I feel it was rung with that purpose.
Mr. Blagrove agreed that the method was false in the plain course. He thought they should divide methods into “acceptables” and “non-acceptables.”
The report was adopted.
The Ringing World, June 13, 1958, pages 383 to 384, correction June 27, 1958, page 418
The report, which was signed by Messrs. H. J. Sanger (convener), J. T. Dunwoody, G. E. Fearn, A. A. Hughes and the Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow, stated:-
Following up two suggestions for Interlude items, we have had some correspondence with the B.B.C., who have finally informed us that Interlude items are being curtailed to a minimum and in their place trailers of forthcoming programmes put on. No new Interlude items are, therefore, being made. This is rather a disappointment but there is nothing we can do about it in the circumstances.
Broadcasting has in the main been confined to Sunday service ringing, and has on the whole been of a fair standard and covered most of the country. From Ireland we have news of several good broadcasts, including one from St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, on Christmas Eve.
Again there has been criticism of the time allowed and of introductory remarks and the like taking place whilst ringing is in progress. We, for our part, agree that two or three minutes of uninterrupted ringing is the ideal, but we feel that whilst we are doing what we can in this direction, in the main the remedy lies with ringers at the time of broadcasting. If all bands took the initiative and approached their incumbent and the B.B.C. or I.T.V. engineers, prior to the broadcast, and voiced their desires, this problem would rapidly be solved. This business of ringing for broadcasting is no new thing, and all ringers should by now be aware of the standard generally desirable in every direction.
In other spheres the bells of St. Clement Danes’ were recorded by I.T.V. when being tried out, and the attempts on the Major record at the Loughborough Bell Foundry Campanile received much publicity. The first attempt in particular even had an interview with the arranger, Mr. Philip Mehew.
The Christmas broadcast was an excellent effort, and we are happy to say that whilst we had no part in the actual selection of towers, with the exception of our Northern Ireland representative. We were specially asked by the B.B.C. to let them have our comments on the broadcast. This we did and were duly thanked. Last year there were many letters of criticism of the broadcast and much controversy over the poor standard of ringing. We think it regrettable that the excellent effort this year received extremely little acknowledgment from ringers in our paper. Much good could also have been done had listeners expressed their appreciation to the B.B.C.
We have been asked by the B.B.C. to provide them with a list of first-class bells that are manned by good bands of ringers, capable of putting up a good performance should the occasion arise. The members of the Committee in England have co-operated and produced a fairly comprehensive list. This has been submitted to the B.B.C. who have thanked us very warmly for it. From time to time we propose adding to it as deemed desirable. Our colleague in Northern Ireland was of the opinion that the idea cut across an agreement held with the B.B.C. in that area, and which has been in existence since 1946, and therefore did not contribute to the list as he felt that the present very satisfactory position might be jeopardised.
In concluding, we would impress on all bands approached with a view to broadcasting how important it is that they set a good example and provide something worth listening to.
Mr. H. Sanger, in moving the adoption of the report, said since writing the report there had been a letter in “The Ringing World” criticising the Hillingdon broadcast, it had come to his notice that had there been a little better co-operation between the ringers, parson and B.B.C., the result would have been better. The onus was on the ringers to co-operate in good time before the broadcast look place.
In regard to paragraph 6, a fairly comprehensive list had been submitted. They had been asked by the B.B.C. to submit a list of 25 towers in the British Isles which would give a good standard of ringing. Each member of the Committee submitted two or three towers from his area. At the same time, the Committee pointed out that there were many other towers that fulfilled the qualifications, and that from time to time the Committee would submit further towers.
A lot of questions had been asked about the ringing at three minutes to 9 of the bells of St. Peter’s, Evercreech. They felt if the standard of all Sunday ringing was the same there would be nothing to complain of.
Mr. J. Dunwoody seconded the adoption of the report.
Mr. F. W. Goodfellow, captain of Hillingdon, said they had a rehearsal on the Saturday previous to the broadcast. Unfortunately, most of the leading ringers were unable to attend. Their broadcast was only for 45 seconds. They had previously discussed the matter with the Vicar and they expressed the view that they wanted uninterrupted ringing and not the bells as a background. The Vicar was only able to give them 45 seconds’ uninterrupted ringing.
Mr. C. W. Pipe thought there was a great deal in co-operation between ringers and the parson.
Mr. Sanger asked that the name of Mr. Norman Chaddock be added to the Committee. This was agreed to and the report was adopted.
The report of Mr. J. W. Clarke (convener) stated:- No further records have been received during the year. From recent correspondence in “The Ringing World,” however, accurate details of a very interesting stone tablet in the tower of St. John the Baptist, Hillingdon, have come to light. The tablet records three peals of Grandsire Triples in 1733 and one of Oxford Treble Bob Major, and the contributor is to be congratulated on his perseverance in the task of deciphering the writing in very difficult conditions. There is some doubt, however, about the date of the Treble Bob peal, although the change made in the calendar in 1752, with its consequent confusion, suggests that the date should read 1757/8 rather than 1737/8.
It is interesting to note that the tablet is shortly to be restored as the expense of the local ringers.
The restoration of ancient peal boards, especially those which are made of wood with painted lettering, is sometimes a delicate operation calling for both knowledge and skill. The committee is prepared to advise in difficult cases, both in the matter of cleaning and, where it is absolutely necessary through continued neglect, of repainting. Tower-keepers especially are asked to keep an eye on these valuable and interesting possessions and to remember that the “stitch in time” may well save something which is virtually a page in the history of ringing.
The hon. secretary moved and Mr. F. E. Dukes seconded the adoption of the report.
The Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow asked members to keep a watchful eye on the preservation of peal boards in redundant churches.
Mr. F. W. Goodfellow said in regard to the Hillingdon tablets that a signwriter had taken a copy of the original letters so that when the duplicate was written it would be an exact replica of what was there before.
The report was adopted.
The report, signed by Miss M. R. Cross, Messrs. J. T. Dyke, R. F. B. Speed and W. G. Wilson, stated:-
At its meeting at Chelmsford last year the Council agreed to our proposal that a book for beginners, on the lines of a draft submitted, be printed and placed on sale at as low a price as possible.
The draft has since been thoroughly revised, though we have retained the same layout, viz. (a) a description of a bell and how to ring it; (b) elementary change-ringing; and (c) the duties of a ringer. We are grateful for the help and advice given by various members of the Council and have especially availed ourselves of the assistance of the Council’s officers. Mr. F. Sharpe has provided photographs which, by their own merit, have taken the place of the sketches we first proposed to use, and Mr. E. A. Barnett helped by attending our meetings.
The revised draft is in the hands of the secretary, and we reiterate our plea that a sufficient number shall be printed to make it possible so sell very cheaply so that all beginners may have access to it.
Mr. W. G. Wilson, in moving the adoption of the report, said he was very much encouraged by the President’s remarks about the tremendous demand for the beginners’ book that corresponded with his own personal experience. There was one advantage of the delay - the book would contain some photographs taken by the President.
The report had one or two omissions. It did not mention the fact that they did not circulate copies of the draft to members of the Standing Committee. The officers decided for a very good reason - it would have cost a lot of money. The report also did not deal with the question of printing.
His opinion was that the Council could afford to order stock for ten years. At a rough estimate he felt that they ought to sell as near to 6d. a copy as possible with an initial order of 5,000 copies.
Mr. Speed seconded the adoption.
The President: There is a tremendous demand for such a book. I agree that we should print at least 5,000 copies. They should get estimates and empower the librarian to place the order.
Mr. F. B. Lufkin advocated the book being sold as cheaply as possible, even at a loss.
Mr. Peter Crook questioned too cheap a price. The strides being made in ringing might find the book out of date in ten years. He thought it should be revised after five years.
The report was adopted with thanks to the Committee for their work.
The report, which was signed by Messrs. W. E. Critchley (convener), C. W. Roberts, G. E. Feirn and A. J. Pitman, stated:- The work involved in collecting suitable material for the Stedman Caters and Cinques Collection is still continuing, still hampered to some extent by the lack of examples of the work of certain able composers. The committee feel it should be pointed out that a collection of this kind cannot be rushed into print, if it is to contain peals other than a few well-known peals on worn-out and hackneyed plans. By allowing sufficient time, the committee is sure that a book can be produced which will be really worth while buying, which will give conductors something interesting to call and ring, and encourage students of composition to investigate plans of composition which as yet have received little attention.
Mr. Critchley moved and Mr. G. E. Feirn seconded the adoption of the report, and this was agreed to.
The Ringing World, June 13, 1958, page 385
The report was signed by Messrs. F. Sharpe (convener), J. W. Clarke, F. E. Collins, J. Freeman, E. H. Lewis, J. Osborn and the Rev. J. G. M. Scott, and stated:- The work of this committee has again increased considerably. During the year 67 inquiries were received - an increase of 12 above the previous year. The inquiries came from 23 different counties. Several were dealt with by correspondence - the majority by personal inspections and reports. A summary of the work of each member is appended.
Mr. J. W. Clarke has been consulted by one architect regarding the building of a new tower, and all his recommendations were accepted. This tower, to be built in Cheshire, will one day house a ring of six. He advised on rehanging in one other tower and in collecting material for his “Cheshire Bells” has examined many rings and made verbal reports on them. He is also a member of the Central Council for the Care of Churches.
Mrs. F. E. Collins has made inspections and reports on the bells in four towers in Kent, Essex and Hertfordshire, in all of which he has advised on restoration.
Mr. J. Freeman has dealt with four inquiries in Lincolnshire. In two of these he advised on rehanging; in the third on the provision of a new bell. In the fourth tower he advised rehanging two old bells in a new frame for six; on account of cost the P.C.C. wished to install an amplifier, but fortunately the faculty for this was refused.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott has been consulted in three instances in Devon and Somerset. In one tower he advised new gear and the rehanging of the bells in the existing frame; in another he advised a new frame and gear; the third concerned the restoration of two turret bells, one of them probably of late 12th century date.
Mr. W. Osborn has given advice on restoration work in 16 towers in Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire. One related to the augmentation of a ring, another to augmentation and rehanging in a new frame, three concerned rehanging bells in new frames, and another the rehanging of bells in an existing frame; in seven towers repairs were advised, and in three others work advised has been satisfactorily completed.
Mr. E. H. Lewis has been consulted on the restoration of bells in two towers, one in Northamptonshire and the other in Warwickshire.
Mr. F. Sharpe dealt with 36 inquiries, some by correspondence, the majority by inspections and reports. In three towers he advised recasting, in 19 rehanging, in 13 repairs, and the remaining case was one in which advice was sought on sound control. The inquiries came from 16 English counties and from two Welsh ones. He has given many lectures to architects and diocesan authorities during the year.
In November last the convener received a letter from the secretary of the Central Council for the Care of Churches, in which, inter alia, she stated that the Standing Committee of her Council felt concern at the extent to which the “Simpson” tuning of bells was being pressed on parishes, and she felt that to some degree this was being done by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. She was referring in particular to a case in Hertfordshire, and she asked for the official views of our Council. In reply the convener explained the position regarding the bells at Kings Langley, and asked for a list of those towers in which the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers was alleged to have pressed for the unnecessary recasting of bells, stating that the contents of our Council’s files gave no evidence of it. Copies of the Central Council for the Care of Churches’ letter were circulated to all members of the Towers and Belfries Committee, to the bell-founders and to our secretary. Their comments, while not entirely unanimous, showed an overwhelming majority in agreement with our Council’s policy, the broad outlines of which were communicated to the secretary of the Central Council for the Care of Churches. That Council eventually withdrew its opposition to the granting of a faculty for the recasting of the Kings Langley bells.
Moving the report, Mr. E. H. Lewis said that the Committee felt very strongly that good relations with the Central Council for the Care of Churches was essential. Talks should be at summit level between their president and the president of the Council for the Care of Churches, and that harm would be done by approaching at other levels.
Mr. F. E. Collins seconded.
Mr. Crampion said he had been asked by several incumbents in Essex to express thanks for the work done.
The report was adopted.
The report, which was signed by Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Marshall, stated that:- The committee beg to report the following new methods and progressive lengths rung during the year:-
Jan. | 16. | 5,040 St. Stephen’s B.T. Norwich. |
" | 25. | 5,180 Huncoat Alliance B. Maj. Lancashire. |
Feb | 14. | 5,152 Arundel S. Maj. Middlesex. |
" | 28. | 5,024 Exeter S. Maj. Middlesex. |
Apr. | 20. | 5,024 Leominster S. Maj. Bedford. |
" | 24. | 5,024 Immingham S. Maj. Lincoln. |
May | 2. | 5,152 Whitchurch S. Maj. Middlesex. |
" | 26. | 5,056 Hobart S. Maj. Oxford. |
" | 29. | 5,040 Paston Bob Triples. Norwich. |
June | 6. | 5,152 Ruislip S. Maj. Middlesex. |
" | 15. | 5,152 Tythern Del. Leicester. |
July | 4. | 5,120 Richmond S. Maj. Middlesex. |
" | 24. | 5,008 Hedingham Bob Maj. Essex. |
Sept. | 12. | 5,024 Edgware S. Maj. Middlesex. |
" | 19. | 5,024 Harrow S. Maj. Middlesex. |
" | 28. | 5,088 Wellington S. Maj. Guildford. |
Oct. | 26. | 5,016 Roxbourne Little S. Maj. Middlesex. |
Nov. | 9. | 5,024 Coggeshall S. Maj. Essex. |
Dec. | 12. | 5,088 Cricklewood S. Maj. Middlesex. |
" | 27. | 5,056 Haselbech S. Maj. Peterborough. |
Sept. | 21. | 14,560 | Yorkshire S. Maj. Bedfordshire. |
Nov. | 16. | 18,000 | Minor (25 methods). Essex. |
New Method
July 22. 5,152 Belgrave S. Maj. Lancashire.
Mrs. Fletcher moved and Mrs. Marshall seconded the adoption of the report.
The report was adopted.
The report was signed by the Rev. K. W. H. Felstead (convener), Messrs. F. N. Golden, C. H. Kippin and C. K. Lewis, and stated:- The committee has continued its work of producing completely new books on Minor methods and Triples methods and much of the necessary material for these is now to hand. In the autumn the members of the committee were able to meet for two days at Southampton. At this meeting we were able to plan the scope and contents of the books and to divide out the work. This has been going on during the winter months - the composition sections, of course, being the most difficult, since peals are having to be produced for methods never yet rung.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead, in moving the report, said they hoped that the Minor book, which was given first priority, would be published before August. They had all the material except for one section on splicing, which was being written, and then there were minor details to do. In republishing the contents they were including the new Double Surprise methods and the Alliance methods, and they had to find names for most of them. There were a certain number unknown and shortly he would be sending a letter to “The Ringing World” asking for further names and if there was a method under any other name. As a compliment to the six-bell towers of the country the unnamed would be selected from those six-bell towers. The composition section was being revised and they were also going to deal with the question of duplicated names. Members would know that many were known by unusual names.
In the Triples methods they would include all those that would produce a peal. A lot of those methods had not been rung. The Triples book would take a little longer to produce. They hoped that by this time next year the Triples book would be in print.
Mr. C. K. Lewis seconded.
The President: As librarian, I know there is a crying need for these books.
The report was adopted.
The Ringing World, June 13, 1958, page 386, correction June 27, 1958, page 418
The first motion before the Council was in the name of Mr. N. Chaddock and read:-
“That a committee be appointed to investigate the state of Sunday service ringing to find out the factors making for success and to report back their findings and recommendations so that together with the ringing Associations and Church authorities the Central Council may help to increase and improve Sunday service ringing.”
Mr. Chaddock said the idea of such a committee had been in his mind for a number of years, and recent correspondence had led him to realise that others held the same view and to the proposition to set up a committee of the Central Council.
Was there a problem regarding Sunday service ringing? Was the quantity and quality throughout the land what it could and should be? Was it capable of improvement?
“In my view there is a problem and improvement is possible, and I know many responsible ringers who hold similar views. Unless the Council is satisfied with things as they are it is its duty to take some action.
“In order that I might put concrete information, rather than just my own personal impressions, before the meeting, I recently sent out a letter and questionnaire on this subject to over 150 towers in my own county (Yorkshire) where I did not know what the position was in regard to Sunday service ringing.
“An analysis of the results proved beyond doubt that there is urgent need for action to be initiated by the Council through Associations, to bring about an improvement. One question I put was whether they thought the Central Council could help, and 75 per cent. said that the Central Council could, and 60 per cent. asked for the provision of instructors.”
He thought this condition was pretty general throughout the country. He sent the result to Archdeacon Ellison, president of the Yorkshire Association, and he wrote that he hoped the resolution would produce help. Since the motion had appeared a number of people had written to him welcoming it. It would seem, therefore, that the setting up of the committee would receive wholehearted agreement, particularly from towers and ringers in need of help.
What sort of thing could such a committee do working through the Societies and Associations? They could ascertain the extent of the problem, collect and circulate information regarding causes, suggest remedies, factors for success and generally act as a clearing house of information between Guilds and Societies. They could investigate the means of finding more leaders and instructors; persuade existing leaders to take on the instruction of an additional tower, possibly remunerated by the local educational authority. They could help so create a panel of tutors or instructors, of assistants, and a waiting list of requests for tutors and guidance.
Representatives should endeavour to convince educational authorities of the social and cultural value of ringing. Some form of course might be run for instructors. Links with schools and other educational bodies might be formed. The committee might advise to secure the co-operation of the rural dean in each area and to stimulate clergy to greater interest, e.g., through theological colleges and Church Assembly representation.
The results might provide useful statistics to show where the black spots were. Endeavours should also be made to get some news about ringing in every Church publication.
The Central Council had a committee on most things except the very reason for their existence. If established, the committee needed to be a vigorous one and its members people who were prepared to do a lot of hard work and who were likely to inspire others in the tremendous task to be undertaken.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott, who seconded the motion in the absence of Mr. Philip Gray, who had to have an eye operation and rest for two months, said he had discussed the problem with Mr. Gray. It occurred to him that they had to be careful to point out what the problem was. It was the usual complaint that service ringing was not what it was. This was not true. Old ringers would say that they remembered when St. John’s and St. Mark’s bells were rung regularly and now they were silent on Sundays. He would point out that in many parts of England service ringing had been a comparatively recent development. If they looked at the notes on Ellacombe’s chimes it was stated that it was to avoid unruly and disorderly men ringing on Sundays that he devised his chiming apparatus.
In certain parts of England service ringing had increased over the 70 years. He felt, however, that the Council did not concern itself with the very reason for its existence. One might ask how far were peals fulfilling the purpose for their ringing. A self-examination might reveal that the Council was failing to encourage service ringing and might by its policy be militating against such conditions, it might be that these findings would be helpful even if they were against themselves.
Mr. C. H. Kippin: All we have to do is to pass it over to the College of Campanology!
Mr. Fred Dukerley thought the Associations were doing their duty regarding service ringing. Wherever they went in Ireland and the British Isles they would find that the topic of conversation was this question of Sunday ringing. It could not be said that this central body was not doing anything. That was what they were doing and doing well.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott: I should hate to imply that the Associations were not doing their job, but we feel if the committee could pool the experiences of the Associations and individual members we might be able to help the Associations.
Mr. W. B. Kynaston said he was in full agreement with Mr. Scott when he mentioned the individual. It all came back to the individual. They heard of Evercreech and how its ringing was heard by thousands. It was a small place, remote from a big centre of population and dependent entirely on its own efforts. How was it done? Hard work by those who ring there. He thought every good ringer should make a resolution to give one or two hours a week towards the instruction and improvement of beginners. If that was done the subject would be solved.
Mrs. Rogers, who expressed herself as being entirely in agreement with the last speaker, said at Isleworth from 1949 to 1953 they had an excellent Surprise ten band. Two couples were married and went away until they were left with five or six people. They felt that something must be done about it. She had previously been asked to talk to various organisations in the Church, and as the result of two talks she gave to the Young Wives they had nine beginners, some boys 11 to 15 and two men. They had now a band of 14; most were beginners and they were now at the stage of Grandsire Triples and plain hunting. On practice nights they rang Grandsire and on one evening a week they came to their house and were given instruction on handbells single-handed. “While I think it would be nice to have a committee I think the personal touch would do very much more,” she concluded.
Mr. F. B. Lufkin said the Essex Association had a lot of sympathy with the motion because they had been thinking on the same lines. They had sent out a letter to all incumbents with bells asking if they wanted help. He felt that Essex was in sympathy with the motion if a body of select people from the Council could look at the problem and report back. It would be useful to correlate the experience of Associations and would let everybody see they were trying to face up to the problem.
Mr. D. Burnett, speaking for the Truro Guild, said a lot was due to the incumbents. One of their rules said the incumbent appointed the ringers. If an incumbent liked bells he would get ringers.
Mr. R. G. Blackman commented that they had already been told by three speakers that the greatest responsibility rested on the local ringers. Surely the idea was to collate the information and issue a report next year to help all those who had not been so fortunate as Isleworth and other places.
Mr. F. E. Dukes said Ireland was a very big problem as most of the churches had very few parishioners and in some cases the number of ringers were about 10 per cent. of the Church population. About ten years ago, when the Irish Association was reorganised, there were five towers without teams of ringers. Now there was not one tower without a team of ringers and that was due to the District officers. He was in sympathy with the motion.
Mr. A. A. Hughes quoted the case of St. Lawrence Jewry. When the bells were put in in 1927 they got a band from the choir and they had hung together.
The Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow emphasised that in a live parish the various activities of the church should not consist of a number of individual groups but one big family of the congregation, where each was interested in the activities of the other. That was his conception of church life, and they had to have it in each parish if it was to survive. With such a family spirit, if the bells were silent everybody would want to know why.
Mr. F. W. Perrens also supported the motion. The motion was then submitted and carried by a very substantial majority, about ten votes being cast against.
Appointed to the committee were Messrs. N. Chaddock, P. Gray, Rev. J. G. M. Scott, F. B. Lufkin and Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow, with power to co-opt.
The Ringing World, June 13, 1958, page 387
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Mr. F. T. Blagrove moved:-
“That the conditions required for peals of Doubles shall be amended to read as follows:-
(a) Peals of Doubles shall consist of 5,040 or more changes rung in:-
(i) True and complete six-scores without interval between any two six-scores and without rounds or any other row being struck more than once before the next change is made.
(ii) Round blocks of a multiple of 120, provided that such round blocks contain each of the different 120 changes the same number of times, without interval between such blocks and without rounds or any other row being struck more than once before the next change is made.
(iii) Combinations of (i) and (ii).
(b) Peals of Doubles may be rung with or without a covering bell, and no continuous leading bells are allowed.
That the conditions required for peals of Minor shall be amended to read as follows:-
(a) Peals of Minor shall consist of 5,040 or more changes rung in:-
(i) True and complete 720’s without interval between any two 720’s, and without rounds or any other row being struck more than once before the next change is made.
(ii) Round blocks of a multiple of 720, provided that such round blocks contain each of the different 720 changes the same number of times, without interval between such blocks and without rounds or any other row being struck more than once before the next change is made.
(iii) Combinations of (i) and (ii).
(b) Peals of Minor to be rung on six bells.”
Mr. F. T. Blagrove said the purpose of his motion was to clear up some of the inconsistencies of the Council. As Decisions stood at the moment, in the composition of round blocks of Doubles the first 120 must be true to itself and the second must be true. The idea was that a round block of 240 should consist of all the changes twice and not necessarily in each 120. It was found that Pitman’s and Morris’ did not conform to that idea and an exception had been made. Although they could now ring Pitman’s and Morris’ they could not ring B. D. Price’s. He wanted that inconsistency removed.
At the moment they could not ring a peal of Erin Doubles or Double Grandsire Doubles. They were contained in a book published in 1952 but they did not conform to the Council’s Decisions. The reason was in the peal of Erin there were three different types of singles.
By passing the motion they would widen the scope of Minor ringing. They had twin hunt and plain hunt Minor methods which they could not put into a 720, but if they allowed round blocks they would be able to ring these methods to a peal.
The motion would firstly get rid of inconsistencies and secondly extend the range and scope in Doubles and Minor methods.
This year there was a peal of Cambridge Surprise Major rung with two types of bobs, which he felt that as the rules stood at present should not be included. Also a peal of Erin Doubles, which most people regarded as a good peal but it was not included; it should have been included.
Mr. F. W. Goodfellow seconded the motion.
The hon. secretary: The motion was considered by the Standing Committee and it was recommended that it be not accepted for reasons Mr. C. K. Lewis has been asked to put forward.
Mr. C. K. Lewis said he had views which did not always agree with the Standing Committee. The Exercise had been built up on truth and the motion was an attack on truth. They had kept to truth, the only exception being in two Doubles cases. Mr. Blagrove had presented a very convincing case.
The Standing Committee thought they should adhere to truth and not lower the standard. He agreed that there were inconsistencies but they had grown up with the Council. Hitherto they had worked on good sense and good taste. If they were to be ruled by regulations the Exercise was going to go down. The decision they were asked to make in Paragraph 2 was a decision which came up at Chester which was thrown out. Fortunately he turned up an old “Ringing World” where Mr. E. H. Lewis was speaking at the Snowdon dinner. His comment was that he did not like ringing a peal of Minor with two singles. That was a point made by the Standing Committee.
Mr. G. E. Feirn said he had done much Minor ringing. By the motion, instead of clearing up inconsistencies they were opening the field to free composition. He thought they ought to stick to the present rules.
Mr. W. G. Wilson said it was 21 years ago that day when he had the temerity to propose the basis of the motion for the Handbook which contained the Minor and Doubles methods. When they composed that book they had to put in a couple of exceptions with Morris’ and Pitman’s. They admitted those two items and closed the door quickly. A departure would mean the risk of letting in a lot more. The debate was not one for letting in Erin Doubles. If the Council wanted Erin Doubles in they should do so by amendment. But to open the door wide and leave it open wide was asking for trouble. He would like to see the motion rejected. If the proposer and seconder could produce good reasons for admitting a good exception they should do so.
Mr. F. T. Blagrove in reply said the first thing was the question of truth. The only thing they could imply was a minimum of falseness. He failed to see in such cases where the truth came in. They could ring a peal of Grandsire with two singles, and who would say “that the opinion of the Council that the publication of worthless methods reflects discredit on the composer”? They had allowed Mr. Wilson’s inconsistencies. Most people outside would say they did not like inconsistencies and would like to see inconsistencies got rid of.
The motion was defeated.
Mr. F. Dunkerley said he had great pleasure in inviting the Council to Lancashire and could promise the Council the same high standard as Dublin had set. The actual centre would be considered by his committee if the Council accepted.
The invitation was unanimously accepted.
The hon. secretary gave notice of an amendment of rules to be submitted to the next meeting to the effect “that all reports to the Council shall be made in writing to the hon. secretary by March 31st.”
Under Any Other Business, Mr. C. W. Pipe said the Council had committees dealing with biographies of past members and records of old peal boards which would be kept to posterity. It occurred to him that they had no records of the more important things - the actual bells. He felt that the Council should have recordings of famous bells rung up and down the country. They had a perfect recording of the old Bow Bells, but how many knew what Yarmouth bells sounded like before the church was destroyed? He thought the time had come when they should have recordings of bells up and down the country. One man had told him that a machine to make a perfect recording would cost about £80.
Mr. Paul L. Taylor said it was difficult to make a perfect recording. They could get quite a close approximation. That was all he was prepared to say.
Mr. F. T. Blagrove asked the Council to give advice as to whether 5,040 Erin Doubles constituted a peal.
Mr. C. K. Lewis: If it is included in the analysis I would like to propose that peals of Erin Doubles be deleted.
Mr. E. A. Barnett seconded.
Mr. Blagrove: And what about Cambridge Surprise Major using two types of bobs?
Mr. Lewis contended that it was permissible.
Mr. Blagrove: But the Decisions of the Council stated only one type of bob.
After further discussion the Council agreed to the deletion of Erin Doubles.
Mrs. Barnett asked that the Peal Analysis Committee would state what peals they had thrown out.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead promised to refer the question to the convener.
Another question from Mr. Blagrove was: Is it possible to alter the Decisions of the Council that only one type of bob be used?
The President asked if the Council wanted to discuss this question. As only Mr. Blagrove’s hand was held up in favour, the question was not proceeded with.
10 Associations fully represented, 20 members; 27 Associations partly represented, 52 members present, 46 absent; 18 Associations not represented, 33 members.
Present | Absent | |
Life members | 5 | 1 |
Honorary members | 10 | 11 |
Representative members | 72 | 79 |
Totals | 87 | 91 |
“I think you will agree,” said Mr. Barnett, “that the attendance figure has exceeded our expectations.”
Mr. J. Dunwoody proposed a vote of thanks to the President for ably conducting the meeting, to Mr. and Mrs. Barnett for their work in compiling the agenda, and to Mr. Dukes for his hard work in making arrangements.
Mr. H. W. Rogers seconded and the motion was carried with acclamation.
The President then moved a vote of thanks to the Deputy Mayor of Dublin (Cclr. M. E. Dockrill), the Archbishop of Dublin (the Most Rev. G. O. Simms), the president of the Irish Association (Mr. W. Pratt), the representative body of the Church of Ireland for the use of the Synod Hall, the Very Rev. W. de Pauley (Dean of St. Patrick’s), the Very Rev. E. H. Lewis-Crosby (Dean of Christ Church), and last but not least to the Irish Association for their kindness and hospitality.
“I think,” said the President, “our members have enjoyed themselves very much in Ireland, and we thank Mr. Dukes who has done the lion’s share, Miss Jean Stewart for doing the typewriting and duplicating, and Mr. J. Dunwoody for his works. We also thank local incumbents and ringers for the use of their bells. Your excellent hospitality we have enjoyed; and may I conclude with the words of the Psalmist: ‘Truly it is a pleasant thing to be thankful’”
The motion was carried with enthusiasm.
The Ringing World, June 20, 1958, pages 401 to 402
The appreciation of visiting ringers to Mr. F. E. Dukes was expressed at the conclusion of the reception given by Bord Failte Eireann (Irish Tourist Board) at the Central Hotel, Dublin, following the Central Council meeting. The guests were received by Mr. E. P. Karney, manager of Bord Failte Eireann, and after tea he gave a very cordial welcome to the Council and visiting ringers.
“It is a very great pleasure,” said Mr. Karney, “to welcome you this afternoon on the occasion of your annual meeting - the first to be held in Ireland since the foundation of the Council in 1890. It strikes me that with Ireland’s association with Christianity and Christianity’s association with bell-ringers we have now a congress of holy ringers. This week we have not only had to welcome your Council but also at Cobh the carillonneurs. With you in session here and the carillonneurs at Cobh together they constitute a unique occasion.
“I understand that for most of you it is your first visit to Ireland, and I trust it will not be your last, and that what you have seen has proved favourable and that before long we shall have the pleasure of welcoming you back again.”
The president, in replying to the welcome, thanked Bord Failte Eireann for their reception. “We have had a delightful time and had the pleasure of ringing on some delightful Irish bells in your churches and cathedrals. To many of us it has been the most enjoyable Council we have had, set in such glorious surroundings.”
The president’s remarks were endorsed by the vice-president (Rev. A. G. G. Thurlow).
Mr. Frederick Sharpe then made presentations to Irish friends, with the visitors’ thanks for the wonderful service and arrangements they had made. To Mr. F. E. Dukes he presented a brief case, to Mr. J. T. Dunwoody a wallet and to Miss Jean Stewart a purse.
Mr. Dukes, in acknowledging the gifts, said it was their ambition that the Council should visit Ireland and the third time of asking was lucky.
Jean also expressed her thanks, and Mr. J. T. Dunwoody added: “I must say Fred has done all the work - we just carried out his orders. Thank you for your kindness.”
Later in the evening the customary after-Council-meeting social was held. There was no lack of fun and plenty of handbell ringers. Highlights of the evening were contributions from clerical ringers - the recitations by the Revs. K. W. H. Felstead and J. G. M. Scott. The latter’s topical verses concerning the adventures of “A. P. C.” “brought down the house.”
Two interesting visits were those to Messrs. Guinness’ Brewery on the Saturday, when a company of some 80 ringers were most hospitably entertained to lunch, and on the Wednesday to Messrs. Jamieson’s Distillery. The appreciation of the visitors at the former was expressed by the president and at the distillery by Mr. E. A. Barnett. On both occasions appreciation was expressed in a true ringer’s fashion by well-struck courses on handbells.
The Ringing World, June 20, 1958, page 402