THE bells of Nottingham rang out in welcome to the Central Council and in honour of the 21st anniversary of the Southwell Diocesan Guild during the spring holiday weekend. Early on Tuesday morning the bells of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin were rung, summoning the members of the Council to Holy Communion, at which the Vicar, Canon R. Feaves, was the celebrant.
The second session of the 26th Council was opened in traditional style at the Victoria Hotel later that morning, and it was a pleasure for Canon A. G. G. Thurlow, the president, and members to receive greetings from the Lord Mayor (Coun. A. F. Roberts), who was accompanied by the Lady Mayoress, the Bishop of Sherwood (the Rt. Rev. Kenneth G. Thompson) and Mr. F. W. Midwinter (chairman of the Southwell Diocesan Guild).
The Lord Mayor, in a very sincere welcome to the Council, said there was a very close connection between the bellfounders of Nottingham and its Mayors. The first reference to Nottingham bellfounders was in 1437, when William Langton and Richard Redeswell were casting bells. John Selyoke, who cast a bell for St. Peter's, Nottingham, was Mayor in 1497, 1498 and 1505.
Another bellfounder Mayor was Richard Meller - Mayor in 1499 and 1506, and on his death in 1509 he was survived by his wife, Agnes, who founded the Free School at Nottingham in 1513. Richard's two sons, Robert and Thomas, were both aldermen, and Richard, a bellfounder, was Sheriff in 1511 and Mayor in 1521, while Thomas was Sheriff in 1509 and Mayor in 1514, 1515 and 1529.
Humphrey Quarnbie married Elizabeth, daughter of Alderman Robert Meller. He was Sheriff in 1534, Mayor in 1542, 1549, 1555 and 1562 and was also M.P. for Nottingham but, added the Mayor, with a twinkle, "I have it on good authority that he was not representing the Labour Party."
A nice tribute was paid by the Lord Mayor to the Southwell Diocesan Guild and he congratulated them on their 21st birthday. It was to them that they owed the Central Council meeting being held this year in Nottingham and he was sure that the officers of the Guild were pleased that their invitation to hold their proceedings in the city was accepted. His only experience, however, of the art of bellringing was when he was married at St. Peter's Church. "The bells told that tale," he added, to the delight of the audience.
The Bishop of Sherwood also gave the Council a warm welcome on his own behalf and also on behalf of the Bishop of Southwell, who could not be present as he was visiting Spain and Portugal on a unique mission to help in the consecration of a Bishop. They knew how much he was looking forward to their visit from his letter to "The Ringing World."
"I welcome, honour, respect and love all those things you stand for," said the Bishop. "It is first and foremost a British occupation as you stand man to man and ring changes. I remember when my daughter was at Cambridge that she wrote home and said she had been ringing with the College Youths at St. Bene't's. I understand that you were ringing at 7 a.m. this morning, and it was a great joy to hear those bells.
"I am especially aware of the extraordinary good fellowship, understanding and willingness to help others, which are characteristics of ringers. I was Vicar of Hucknall for 16 years and some of you remember when there were only three bells in the church. When those bells rang, the young people used to say 'Come to church.'"
The older generation, however, commented "Old Brown's Cows" after a local farmer, who used to turn his cows into the churchyard to graze. It was his good fortune to put eight bells in that tower and, through the wonderful spirit of co-operation, by the time those bells were ready there were two teams of ringers in the parish.
Another welcome came from Mr. F. W. Midwinter. It was a great joy to them, he said, to see people come to life who were just names in "The Ringing World." To them in the Southwell Guild it was a great occasion and he could imagine them saying "Fancy, old so-and-so; I never thought he looked like that." They were also pleased to see in "The Ringing World" such names as "Little John" and "Maid Marion." He apologised for the absence of the Sheriff, but added that the Robin Hood country had made amends for that by inviting Bishop Thompson, who was their nearest approach to Friar Tuck (laughter).
The president, in his words of thanks for the welcome, congratulated the Lord Mayor on his research into the history of bell foundries in Nottingham. The only other occasion when Mayors had welcomed the Council with historical references to their art was at Yarmouth when he was Rector. The Mayor then gave a speech full of history which he (the Canon) had written for him. He congratulated the Bishop of Sherwood on restoring a ring of bells. He had restored one ring but was not a bishop yet. Here, however, was a "ringing" example of one way of getting to the top (laughter).
Before the civic party left, the president presented a copy of his book "Cathedrals at Work" to the Lady Mayoress.
Canon A. G. G. Thurlow, Messrs. E. A. Barnett, V. Bottomley, F. W. Perrens, F. Sharpe and J. F. Smallwood.
Mrs. E. A. Barnett, Mrs. V. Bottomley, Mrs. R. F. B. Speed, Messrs. B. Austin, F. E. Collins, J. L. Garner-Hayward, F. E. Haynes, D. Hughes, C. K. Lewis, H. N. Pitstow, G. W. Pipe, H. L. Roper, E. C. Shepherd, R. F. B. Speed, P. L. Taylor, F. A. White, T. W. White and J. Willis.
Ancient Society of College Youths.- Messrs. W. T. Cook, J. S. Mason and W. Williams.
Australian and New Zealand Association.- Mr. P. M. J. Gray.
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association.- Messrs. J. H. Gilbert, A. H. Reed and E. Naylor.
Bedfordshire Association.- Messrs. J. H. Edwards and A. E. Rushton.
Beverley and District Ringing Society.- Mr. R. Ducker.
Cambridge University Guild.- Messrs. C. M. P. Johnson and B. D. Threlfall.
Chester Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. H. O. Baker, A. R. Elkins, J. W. Griffiths and A. J. Martin.
Coventry Diocesan Guild.- Mrs. D. E. Beamish and Mr. H. Windsor.
Cumberland and North Westmorland Association.- Mr. G. Tembey.
Derbyshire Association.- Messrs. D. R. Carlisle, G. A. Halls and M. P. Phipps.
Devon Association.- Mr. B. E. Bartlett.
Dudley and District Guild.- Mr. M. J. Fellows.
Durham and Newcastle Association.- Messrs. K. Arthur and D. A. Bayles.
Ely Diocesan Association.- Messrs. D. F. Murfet and H. S. Peacock.
Essex Association.- Messrs. J. Armstrong, F. B. Lufkin, J. E. G. Roast and Miss H. G. Snowden.
Gloucester and Bristol Association.- Messrs. A. L. Barry, W. B. Kynaston, J. R. Taylor and C. A. Wratten.
Guildford Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. D. A. R. May, J. F. M. Maybrey, S. G. Ponting and W. H. Viggers.
Guild of Devonshire Ringers.- Mr. J. Mallett, Rev. J. G. M. Scott and Mr. D. R. Bould.
Hereford Diocesan Guild.- Mr. G. T. Cousins, Rev. M. Hart and Mr. A. T. Wingate.
Hertford County Association.- Messrs. W. Ayre, B. M. Barker, R. G. Bell and G. Dodds.
Irish Association.- Messrs. F. E. Dukes and J. T. Dunwoody.
Kent County Association.- Messrs. P. A. Corby, T. Cullingworth, S. Jenner and I. H. Oram.
Ladies' Guild.- Miss J. Beresford, Miss D. Colgate and Mrs. P. J. Staniforth.
Lancashire Association.- Messrs. A. Capstick and F. Reynolds.
Leicester Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. S. Burton, J. M. Jelley, P. J. Staniforth and B. G. Warwick.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association.- Mrs. D. J. King and Mr. T. M. Roderick.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. J. Bray, G. E. Feirn, J. Freeman and J. L. Millhouse.
London County Association.- Messrs. A. D. Barker, H. W. Rogers, W. G. Wilson and Mrs. Rogers.
Middlesex County Association.- F. T. Blagrove, G. W. Critchley and T. J. Lock.
Midland Counties Guild.- J. W. Cotton.
National Police Guild.- Mr. N. S. Bagworth.
North Staffordshire Association.- Messrs. R. S. Anderson and C. S. Ryles.
North Wales Association.- Dr. E. V. Woodcock.
Norwich Diocesan Association.- Messrs. P. M. Adcock, H. W. Barrett, F. N. Golden and N. V. Harding.
Oxford Society.- Mr. F. A. H. Wilkins.
Oxford Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. W. Butler, N. J. Diserens, F. C. Price and P. Walker.
Oxford University Society.- Mr. S. J. Ivin.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. E. Billings, J. H. Bluff, P. I. Chapman and J. Linnell.
Railwaymen's Guild.- Mr. E. J. Franklin.
St. Martin's Guild for the Diocese of Birmingham.- Messrs. J. A. Ainsworth and G. E. Fearn.
Salisbury Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. J. T. Barrett and G. S. Morris.
Sheffield and District Society.- Mr. N. Chaddock.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths.- Messrs. D. Beresford, W. H. Dobbie, K. Newman and D. E. Sibson.
Shropshire Association.- Mr. E. F. Willcox.
South Derbyshire and North Notts Association.- Mr. J. E. Collins.
Southwell Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. J. D. Clarke, W. L. Exton and H. Poyner.
Stafford Archdeaconry Society.- Messrs. M. W. Fairey, B. G. Key and C. M. Smith.
Suffolk Guild.- Messrs. T. N. J. Bailey, H. W. Egglestone and C. W. Pipe.
Surrey Association.- Messrs. A. P. Cannon, W. Parrott and A. Streeter.
Sussex County Association.- Messrs. R. W. R. Percy and A. V. Sheppard.
Truro Diocesan Guild.- Messrs. W. C. Boucher, A. J. Davidson and A. Locke.
Universities Association.- Miss M. R. Cross.
University of Bristol Society.- Dr. T. P. Edwards.
University of London Society.- Mr. A. J. Frost.
Winchester and Portsmouth Guild.- Messrs. A. V. Davis, Canon K. W. H. Felstead, J. Hartless and R. R. Savory.
Worcestershire and Districts Association.- Messrs. B. C. Ashford, A. J. Brazier, D. Beacham and W. B. Cartwright.
Yorkshire Association.- Messrs. W. E. Critchley, E. Hudson, W. F. Moreton and J. Seager.
The hon. secretary reported that 60 Societies were affiliated with 164 members. The rules provided for 24 honorary members, and there were seven life members, making a total membership of 195. There were two vacancies among honorary members. Subscriptions were all paid.
Apologies for absence were received from:
Mr. F. Bogan, Miss B. M. Boyle, Messrs. D. Burnett, C. Crossthwaite, G. W. Fletcher, J. G. Gipson, F. I. Hairs, Mrs. F. I. Hairs, Messrs. G. H. Harding, B. E. Jeffrey, Rev. R. Keeley, Messrs. G. I. Lewis, J. P. Partington, H. T. Rooke, H. J. Sanger, E. J. Sterland, L. Stilwell, C. J. G. Watts and R. S. Wilson.
The following applications to affiliate to the Council were received: (a) The Railwaymen's Guild, (b) The Beverley and District Ringing Society. Both applications were voted upon separately and declared elected.
The following members were presented: Messrs. E. Naylor (Bath and Wells Diocesan Association), R. Ducker (Beverley and District Ringing Society), A. R. Elkins (Chester Diocesan Guild), A. J. Martin (Chester Diocesan Guild), G. Tembey (Cumberland and North Westmorland Association), D. R. Bould (Guild of Devonshire Ringers), Rev. M. Hart (Hereford Diocesan Guild), E. J. Franklin (Railwaymen's Guild), E. F. Willcox (Shropshire Association), H. Poyner (Southwell Diocesan Guild), T. N. J. Bailey (Suffolk Guild), A. J. Brazier (Worcestershire and Districts Association) and J. Seager (Yorkshire Association).
The president announced that suggestions had been made for the better conduct of business. In future the president would welcome new members and ask them to stand up. Their names would be read out and they would be welcomed in the name of the Council. That would be introduced next year. Regarding obituaries, they would continue as heretofore, with all respect and reverence, to keep a minute's silence and prayers but there would be no tributes.
Alterations in the order of the agenda were approved whereby the notices of motion came before the reports of committees.
Mr. Frederick Sharpe proposed the election as honorary members of Mr. G. W. Pipe, Mrs. R. F. B. Speed and Mr. F. A. White. Mr. F. W. Perrens seconded, and this was agreed to.
The president reported the deaths of the following members and past members of the Council, the members standing in silence.:
Messrs. E. G. Fenn (Ancient Society of College Youths, 1939-56), T. R. Dennis (Ely Diocesan Association, 1913-32), A. J. Pitman (Swansea and Brecon Guild, 1927-32; hon. member 1953 onwards), P. Page (Romney Marsh and District Guild, 1933-39), G. Pullinger (Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild, 1933-59), F. W. Lack (Ely Diocesan Association, 1951-59), J. Worth (Chester Diocesan Guild, 1951-53, 1960-62, 1965-66), T. G. Myers (Guild of Devonshire Ringers, 1948-59), S. G. Coles (Bath and Wells Diocesan Association).
Mrs. Lewis, widow of former president of Council.
Canon K. W. H. Felstead said the death of Mr. George Pullinger was a great loss to the Winchester and Portsmouth Guild. He was a wonderful man; he overcame his disability and set an example to all by the way he struck his bell. He was a very fine Master of the Guild.
Mr. D. Hughes paid a tribute to Mrs. Lewis, the widow of Mr. Edwin H. Lewis.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott spoke of Mr. Tom Myers as one of his pupils at St. Andrew's, Plymouth.
Mr. T. M. Roderick referred to Mr. A. J. Pitman; Mr. A. J. Martin to Mr. John Worth; Mr. W. Williams to Mr. E. G. Fenn, who served for seven years as Master of the Ancient Society of College Youths.
The hon. secretary said Mr. Reginald Dennis had made a bequest to "The Ringing World" of £90, which had been received by "The Ringing World" treasurer.
The hon. secretary proposed the adoption of the minutes of the 1966 meeting, which had been published in "The Ringing World," and also the amendment. Mr. Walter Ayre seconded.- Agreed.
IT would be ungracious of me to start my first report without reference to the excellent condition of everything handed to me by my predecessor and to the kindly help and encouragement of the President. My wife and I spent many profitable hours with the files to familiarise ourselves with the situation. We reaped the benefit when the Newton-le-Willows incident received nationwide publicity and advice was offered in relation to the Noise Abatement Act. More recently there has been a case in my own county, at Sedbergh, which gave rise to much undesirable publicity, but an offer of assistance to the Vicar has been ignored.
A letter to "The Church Times" which sought to clarify a misconception of the terms of the Noise Abatement Act and offered the services of the Council to those with an excessive noise problem produced two inquiries which were referred to the Towers and Belfries Committee.
A representative of a large group of hotels came to Halifax to sell the idea of a competition to be sponsored by his company in London. Since a condition of entry was the acceptance of a "package deal" of rail travel and week-end in one of the group's hotels, albeit at reduced rates, it was concluded that the competition was unlikely to attract effective support. A suggestion that a festival based upon similar arrangements might prove popular appeared to have been pursued with lukewarm enthusiasm by the group.
There has been a steady flow of inquiries of many kinds from the public and many requests have been received for information about the Barron Bell Trust. One applicant for a grant has told me that the Trustee has written that he is "inundated with applications."
I thank all those who have sent me copies of publications.
Vernon Bottomley.
Presenting his report, Mr. Bottomley said he had had a reply from the Vicar of Sedbergh; he wrote to him in December and did not receive the letter until April. The Vicar replied that the complainants were now talking to him and would the secretary send him literature. He sent him the "Preservation of Bells" booklet and asked him for 2s., but by the time he received it it would have lost something by inflation! (Laughter.)
Mr. F. E. Dukes seconded and the report was adopted.
The consolidated balance sheet gave the Capital Accounts as follows:-
"The Ringing World" | £10,645 |
General Fund | £975 |
Clement Glenn Fund | £908 |
Total | £12,528 |
The assets were: Library £10, Stock of Publications £1,109, Debtors and payments in advance £1,198, Investments at cost £10,962, Cash at bank and in hand £2,191 16s. 6d., making a total of £15,471. From this must be deducted sundry creditors £1,143, amounts received in advance £1,799, giving net assets £12,528.
The Council's Income and Expenditure Account showed an excess over expenditure of £43. Expenses came to £110, of which committees required £40. Affiliation fees were £82, and the profit on the Publications Account £72.
The Publications Account showed sales at £455; purchases were 1,000 "Major Compositions" £132 10s., 750 "Surprise Compositions" £109 10s., 500 "Preservation of Bells," etc. £44, 1,000 Handbook leaflets £3 15s., and 10,000 "Beginners' Handbooks" £392 3s. 6d.
The Profit and Loss Account showed receipts of £10,873 (£10,728), made up of Rolls Publishing House £2,967 (£3,028), postal subscribers £5,428 (£5,221), donations £612 (£676), advertisements £552 (£583), notices and peal reports £813 (£729), sundry receipts £70 (£79), interest receivable £432 (£412).
The expenditure was: Printing, blocks, wrappers, addressing and despatch of copies £8,137 (£7,874), editorial office expenses £1,317 (£1,245), accounts department £295 (£294), miscellaneous £87 (£21), audit and accountancy £45 (£45), taxation £137 (£151). Total expenses £10,018 (£9,630). Profit £855 (£1,098).
The accounts were presented by Mr. V. Bottomley, who said the Standing Committee agreed that Mr. Barnett should have the typewriter at its valuation in the accounts. In the Income and Expenditure Account the position was not wholly satisfactory as the affiliation fees had not covered the housekeeping expenses, and the Publications Account was having to finance it. This sum ought to be ploughed back to help the librarian. They would notice in the Publications Account that once again the sales were a record.
Turning to "The Ringing World" Account, Mr. Bottomley said the profit was not quite as good as last year; nevertheless it was quite reasonable. While income had remained static, expenditure had not increased much, but that state of affairs would not continue.
Mr. W. E. Critchley seconded, and the accounts were adopted.
THE Trustees (Douglas Hughes and Frank E. Haynes) report:
This has been an interesting year, not only because of the behaviour of the machine, but more particularly because of the recruitment and instruction of operators so that the future use and showing of the machine is ensured.
Only one full demonstration was given, but the machine was run altogether on seven occasions. A fault had developed early in the year and its cause proved difficult to trace. It was, however, a simple repair once found, and since this was done touches have been successfully called in a number of methods, and the machine has run extremely well.
We still hope to provide new recording pens and suitable arms to carry them. Carter's original pens were put aside after the war because of damage and the difficulty of cleaning them. They were replaced with specially adapted stylo pens, but the plastic cases of these have not stood up very well. Now drafting pens have been tried, but owing to their bulkiness it is not possible to record two bells simultaneously. Further efforts will be made to overcome this, meanwhile we are recording on one pen only.
Five recruits offered their services as operators, and of them Messrs. Walter H. Dobbie, Alan Bagworth and John C. Slater have been able to continue. Not only have these gentlemen proved entirely adequate for the task, they have added considerably to the general interest by introducing many previously untried methods to the machine, which has digested them all without complaint.
Proposed by Mr. D. Hughes, seconded by Mr. F. E. Haynes, and adopted.
The Ringing World, June 9, 1967, pages 390 to 391, corrections June 30, 1967, page 458
THE Council will recall that at the last meeting a lengthy debate took place concerning the paper, its contents, and appeal, and the fact of the moderate but progressive increases in circulation.
Attention of the Council is drawn to the following average weekly circulation figures:-
1965 5,590 copies |
1966 5,646 copies |
In some quarters the view is held that given a "new look" more readers could possibly be attracted.
Additional members were added to the committee which met on one occasion before the end of 1966. At that meeting many angles were discussed.
Meetings are continuing, new features have been introduced, but it will be appreciated that careful consideration and planning is necessary before the introduction of major changes. Costs continue to rise and future policy must to a considerable extent be determined in the light of income.
At a recent meeting of the committee the result of the census was considered but Council will appreciate that the information derived from the census now requires careful and detailed examination.
Your committee continue to pursue their examination of all aspects of "The Ringing World" always bearing in mind the needs of the Exercise and this Council.
The committee also again wish to place on record then sincere thanks to the Editor, Mr. T. W. White, for all his work for the paper. The committee also wish to thank Mr. White's assistant at Guildford and Mr. J. E. Jeater for continuing to deal so competently with the accounting work.
R. S. Anderson (convener).
Mr. R. S. Anderson, in moving the adoption of the report, said he would like to say that while it was signed by him, it was a unanimous report of the meeting.
Mr. G. W. Pipe: The committee did not agree unanimously to signing that report.
Mr. D. Beresford: The situation regarding this report is that at the last meeting of the committee the report was presented at which there was a very strong protest from George Pipe. Unfortunately the committee decided to accept the report and George Pipe and myself abstained from voting. The reason is there is nothing in it from which to dissent; indeed, there is nothing in it.
"I would like to say that the argument about 'The Ringing World' goes back at least to Northampton, where there was a strong move to get a brighter and better paper and this culminated at Bath, when 'The Ringing World' Committee was given a clear mandate of what to do.
"George Pipe and I have had a lot of discussion with ringers all over the country in trying to put forward constructive views. We put forward our views in a letter to committee members four weeks after the meeting at Bath for discussion before plans were laid. The holidays prevented that meeting and it was decided to have a preliminary meeting in October. To that, George Pipe and I produced a 13-page paper which was a detailed study concerning form, finances, organisation of committee with responsibilities for certain sections, and new ideas, technical news, call changes. It covered a new set-up of scope and format - not rigid, but as varied as possible so that there is something weekly or fortnightly which we think people would expect to find. There have been two meetings at which it was discussed.
"I would like to mention that the reception by the Editor was a stimulating review, very well presented and detailed; by members of the committee as 'this rubbish and containing nothing new.'
"This spirit of bitterness and resentment has pervaded all the meetings. I don't want to wash dirty linen in public but George Pipe and I have had an unpleasant experience. There was a vicious attack on the integrity of both of us as a result of the Bath debate. This was a gross abuse of privilege in attacking and being allowed by other members present to attack members of a committee elected by this Council."
Mr. Beresford also complained of the censureship of letters and particularly of a letter George Pipe wrote, which was refused publication. "What George Pipe and I have done is to follow the mandate given by the Council. The Council elected the whole committee, not just George Pipe and myself, but there have been no new ideas from the other members whatever.
"Then we move on to the census, which was a tremendous encouragement to us. We had some very encouraging remarks. We wanted to publish a typical issue as George Pipe had planned. It was the Editor's prerogative to say 'No.' In our view, the issue detracted somewhat from its value, but nevertheless it was a very worthwhile result.
"From the census we have some very valuable views. As to statistical details, we had 1,400 replies, which represents 25 per cent. of the circulation. This is good from any standard and from a technical paper it would be good at 10 per cent. There were 800 different constructive ideas and views. All these are being sifted and the recommendations prepared. I am very grateful for all the help that has been given; these will provide stimulating ideas for a long time.
"George Pipe and I are not so naive as to think we have all the answers or the perfect solution or time. These things cannot be done overnight. But with imagination drive and the will to co-operate these things can be done, but these ingredients must all be present. However, this is not the situation this year, and George and I do not feel able to accept this situation for a further two years. I hope what we have done will bear fruit. I would advise the Council very strongly against any rash action in regard to the committee. Our only interest is in the future of 'The Ringing World' and it is essential that nothing should detract from this."
Mr. G. W. Pipe said he would like to support Mr. Beresford 150 per cent. I would like members to recall that at Bath I was sincerely grateful to the Editor and the committee for what they had done in the past. As Dennis Beresford had said, the Council had expressed a wish that "The Ringing World" needed a fresh look and that there was a lot of dissatisfaction.
One of the mistakes he made at Bath was that he did not make clear to the Council what his 20 ideas were. He only mentioned them very briefly, as this was the most important aspect of the Council. It was the only paper of its kind and the only means of communication, and it needed a face-lift and a cover. Even "The Times" needed a face-lift and when it had one it increased its circulation by 70,000. But he was told that it not only needed a face-lift but 24-page issues - and they could fill them.
Mr. Pipe said he wanted to thank those people who had contributed by writing articles. They recommended an increase in advertisements and a half-page for call change ringers, with a special appeal to those in the West Country. He also wanted a column for handbell ringers and he had a letter from America offering an article monthly and guaranteeing a circulation of 100 copies extra. He also suggested a technical page.
This report was described by a member of the committee as "this daub, this lot of rubbish." That took 100 hours of our time and not the design of the cover. Then there was a letter from Ronald H. Dove, accusing us of fooling the Exercise. "I am inclined to agree with him; the Exercise was fooled, but not by me. Our aim was to have a better looking paper. You members of the Council have not seen what we can do. We wanted a really special issue, but it was not produced."
As to the convener's report, "this was a second edition of the fairy tales by Hans Andersen." He enjoyed doing the work and working with Mr. Beresford. He wanted to do everything in his power to improve and help "The Ringing World," but not as a member of the committee.
Mr. J. Hartless (Winchester and Portsmouth): Can we know what other members of the committee think about this apparently misleading document?
Mr. W. G. Wilson said the report of the committee was for 1966; most of what they heard was for 1967.
Mrs. Staniforth thought the report should cover 12 months. The census mentioned in the report was not done until 1967. Some things have been vetted which should have been printed.
Mr. R. Diserens: May I propose that we adopt the report but ask the two dissentients to present a minority report to be presented at the next meeting? He felt that their work should go on record.
The President: Mr. Beresford and Mr. Pipe had had an opportunity to present a minority report and that is just what they have done.
Mr. Philip Gray (Australian and New Zealand Association) said he thought the feeling at Bath was to ask the committee to have a jolly good look at "The Ringing World" and see what could be done to improve it. At one stage in the debate it was proposed that they should have a separate committee to do just that. That was not approved because it was rightly felt that it should be done by one body - the committee. "We come to Nottingham and we are where we started; we still have not had a report from those who form the committee as to what can be done."
Mr. Gray continued that he would like to suggest that the Council consider an amendment:
The Rev J. G. M. Scott seconded Mr. Gray's amendment. He said it was quite clear in electing the committee, which they did, they were asking for some ideas to be put forward for improving "The Ringing World." This seemed to be regarded as criticism and offended some members of the committee, who took the presence of the two new members as an insult to themselves. If this was so it was a terrible pity. He hoped that their ideas would be put on paper.
Mr. Bernard Ashford (Worcestershire and Districts Association): It seems that there is some attempt to smother something. In the old days what we have heard today would be sufficient to set the room on fire.
Mr. John Seager (Yorkshire Association): Messrs. Beresford and Pipe have gone to a lot of trouble to put forward ideas. I propose that they prepare a minority report.
Mr. W. G. Wilson: People who have resigned cannot be asked to present a minority report when they are no longer members of the committee.
Mr. A. V. Davis (Winchester and Portsmouth) asked if the Council accepted the resignations. "Do get together, chaps; you were elected for three years. I ask the old brigade to listen to the younger. I ask you for the sake of 'The Ringing World' to withdraw your resignations so that next year we shall have not two reports but one report from a committee that has got down to it."
Mr. N. Chaddock (Sheffield and District Society) then came to the platform and recited the ringers' prayer.
Mr. R. S. Anderson said he told the Standing Committee the previous evening that he would not indulge in an acrimonious debate. The committee was elected at the wish of the Council for three years and the two members were accepted. He would like to say in self-defence it took from the Bath meeting until late October to fix the committee meeting.
The first committee meeting was not entirely harmonious, nevertheless there was work done despite the absence of one member. The second meeting was in January and the main topic was the census. The census, as they had been told, had been successful as regard replies - 25 per cent.
At the last meeting of the committee the report was adopted and it dealt with affairs until December 31st, as was the custom of the Council. A brief résumé of the census was given to the committee by Mr. Beresford and as to what they were going to say they would have to wait until they got the final result.
One cannot alter the face of any publication overnight. They had worked for some years to make it progressive but they must consolidate as they went. They would see from the report that there had been an increase of 51 copies during 1966, but at least they were regular subscribers. Most of the progressive work had been done in 1957.
"I have been accused previously of submitting long reports and making it a meeting of shareholders. I tried to avoid that this time."
Mr. Gray's amendment was then read out to the committee and Canon Felstead asked if they could expect the withdrawals of the two resignations before they voted.
Mr. G. W. Pipe: All I will do is to repeat the last half of the comment I made just now. I am prepared to work just as hard in the interest of "The Ringing World" and the Exercise. I will continue to collate articles and information and pass them on to the Editor, but I am not prepared in any way to reconsider my resignation.
Mr. Beresford: I will only repeat the last sentence of my resignation. I do not see any change in the attitude of the Committee and I wish to tender my resignation.
The Council then voted on Mr. Gray's amendment, which was carried, only 12 voting against.
Mr. E. A. Barnett: Surely we have accepted the report by passing the amendment.
The report with Mr. Gray's amendment was then put to the meeting and carried by 85 votes to 25.
Mr. W. Butler asked how many letters were withheld from publication and for what reason.
The Editor replied that in a normal week three or four letters were not published. During the time before the committee met he received instructions from the convener that letters on the subject should not be published.
It must be remembered that in whatever was planned the Editor's decision was final and what appeared was governed by circumstances during the week. News was the vital thing and it had to have priority over features. For example, there might be a page of deaths or an extra page of peals and the consequence would be that one of the features Mr. Pipe wanted would have to be held over. Where possible, suggestions made by Mr. Pipe and Mr. Beresford had been fitted in. "The Ringing World" today was very different from what it was at Bath. The circulation was rising and some weeks exceeded 5,800.
Mr. P. A. Corby (Kent County Association) stated that he was one of Mr. White's supporters, but his remarks were not entirely a full representation of the events of last year. Letters were published on arguments going on to improve the paper. Replies should also be published. He wrote a letter not provocative, asking that letters against should also be published. The Editor told him that the letter had been sent to the convener. He could only conclude that letters were sent and not published.
Mr. J. Seager: Next year we ought to know what was done so that we can get both sides before us.
The President: It has been suggested to me that you raise this under "any other business."
Mr. N. Harding (Norwich Diocesan Association): We are surely dealing with a serious matter and we are not dealing with it in a proper way. We have not heard in detail from other members of the committee. This Council has a right to know why Beresford and Pipe are not agreeing.
Mr. J. M. Jelley (Leicester Diocesan Guild) asked that the papers of Messrs. Beresford and Pipe be published in "The Ringing World" so that all could study them.
Mr. F. E. Dukes (Irish Association): Last year we agreed to have six members on "The Ringing World" Committee. We have now two vacancies.
Mr. J. S. Mason: Having disposed of the report I move that we pass to 8 (c). (The next committee report.)
Mr. E. Hudson (Yorkshire Association) asked if it was the responsibility of the Council or the committee to fill vacancies.
Mr. R. S. Anderson: If the Council has any confidence with the remainder of the committee we are prepared to continue and do our best if the Council will give us permission to co-opt. (Cries of "No, no.")
Mr. Anderson: If the Council has no confidence we had better resign en bloc.
Mr. J. Barrett (Salisbury Guild) asked who accepted the resignations.
The president replied that if a member resigned they could not compel him to remain. Perhaps it would not be in the best interest to fill vacancies just because they became vacant.
There was a return to "Ringing World" affairs under "any other business" to consider Mr. John Seager's proposal that Messrs. Beresford and Pipe prepare a minority report.
Mr. Diserens said they would then have two reports side by side with "The Ringing World" report for the next meeting.
Mr. Philip Gray: I am dead against it. The committee have to advise us how it is to be run. It is not for us. If we have two reports we shall be in a frightful chaos.
Mr. Edgar C. Shepherd: There is nothing to prevent anyone putting forward views provided they could get them printed in "The Ringing World."
Mr. C. K. Lewis supported Mr. Gray's view. Messrs. Pipe and Beresford could circulate views as private members at their own expense.
Mr. J. M. Jelley said they could not be expected to vote intelligently on something they knew little about. It should be published in "The Ringing World."
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott: This information was handed to "The Ringing World" Committee, therefore in the possession of the committee. All we are asking is to put it in our own possession.
Dr. E. V. Woodcock (North Wales): Have we no Standing Orders about the filling of vacancies? If not, the Standing Committee should consider some procedure.
Mr. F. Sharpe: There is a vast difference in filling vacancies by death and by resignation.
Dr. Woodcock: There should be some procedure either by permission to co-opt or some other way.
Mr. F. E. Perrens: I still feel the simplest and most acceptable way is for the two members to reconsider their decision.
Mr. A. D. Barker (London County Association) supported Mr. Perrens.
Mr. G. W. Pipe: Both Dennis Beresford and I appreciate the point about working outside the committee. We did not ask to be elected but it was the Council's wish. We tried very hard to work inside. We had three meetings and an intense bitterness prevailed. Here is the 13-page document. We are in the process of analysing the results of the census, and we shall make it available. We have thought about it; it is not a rash decision, but we cannot work within the committee.
The President: I think we ought to offer our warmest possible thanks to the committee and also our warmest possible thanks to Mr. Pipe and Mr. Beresford for what they have done.
The motion of Mr. Seager's was then defeated.
Footnote.- The Editor feels that there was a misapprehension over his answer to the question on letters not published. While in a normal week there might be three or four, very many letters were held over on two subjects - the contemplated report and the cover design. Some weeks we could have filled our reading space with letters to the exclusion of ordinary news. Letters must be kept brief. There are still another four pages of the Nottingham meeting to come so other news and letters will have to be abbreviated.
The Ringing World, June 16, 1967, pages 407 to 408
THERE was a sympathetic Council when Mr. W. G. Wilson submitted the first motion:
"That this Council deprecates most strongly the deliberate submission of false information for publication in 'The Ringing World,' and asks all Associations and individual ringers to do all they can to stop this practice before serious harm is caused to the Exercise and its journal."
Mr. Wilson started on a personal note recalling that it was 30 years ago that he made his first speech to the Council; he was very nervous indeed. He imagined that everybody in the room would agree with the terms of this motion and believed it was the Council's duty to give a lead in things which should be done and should be very firm in things which should not be done.
The whole of the Exercise was based on truth - in their records and performances and what they put in about them. It was up to them there and their leaders in their Associations to see that a code of truth was maintained. This irresponsible attitude which had grown up would undermine much they stood for.
Giving incidents, Mr. Wilson mentioned the peal at Great Milton, when the names of three well-known ringers and five Rolling Stones were submitted. Some of those names had lately appeared in police court proceedings.
Last autumn there was the Eleanor Spriggs affair and the name of a member of his Association (London County) was linked with it. The story was actually in print when a chance telephone call to the Editor about half an hour before going to press enabled the report and other things to be cut out. They considered libel action but decided for the good of the Exercise not to proceed. The two people concerned offered to put an apology in "The Ringing World." Unfortunately "The Ringing World" Committee decided against giving them extra publicity, and regarded it as a childish prank, and that if they did not give publicity hoaxes would cease.
"I will not give you any names," continued Mr. Wilson. "I was criticised when I sent this motion in because 'The Ringing World' Committee had decided not to print the apology. This action cannot be regarded as a childish prank as the persons concerned were not children, but were receiving higher education at our expense."
Within a few weeks there was a peal rung in Norfolk composed by a non-existent person. Inquiries by the Peals Analysis convener showed that it was a true peal but the composer's name was not. The same man's name appeared in the visitors book of the Society concerned with this motion.
Since then there had been further hoaxes. There was one at Much Hadham and there was a handbell peal in which the names of characters from a publication called "Private Eye" appeared. The Editor got a letter suggesting he ought to have recognised the names. When he was young he had neither the time nor the money for "Private Eye," and now certainly no inclination. Another letter received stated "What appals me is that our paper should have been linked with such a blatant, anti-Christian and lewd publication."
Other hoaxes had been picked up by the Editor. They were also using the names of well-known ringers. A man could get into serious trouble when it was alleged that he was somewhere else.
"This has to be stopped; but can it? You can stop it, and my seconder, Mr. Rogers, will deal with that. We could stop it at 'The Ringing World' end by insisting that every item is vetted by a responsible officer of each Association. It might cost us £800 a year or £1,000 a year but it could be done. I don't think you want 'The Ringing World' Committee to do this as it involves delays in publication, but if it continues it must be done as a last resort.
"It may be that these hoaxes have come as part of a sniping campaign against 'The Ringing World.' If it continues it will affect the Peals Analysis Committee and the Records Committee. In 'The Ringing World' this week we are told, sir, of your latest public address in which you have taken the opportunity, as we have come to expect, of stressing the Church side of our art. In my writings I have tried to do the same. But how can you or I or anyone else do this when these disgraceful occurrences continue?"
Mr. H. W. Rogers (London County Association) said they must face facts and not hide behind these people. "Some of us ring peals and believe what we read in 'The Ringing World' to be true and complete peals. It needs brains, though twisted, to do these things. The sensible way is for Association officers to see that the culprits are expelled from membership of their Associations and the facts stated in 'The Ringing World.' This must be completely and unreservedly condemned. Some of these are known to Association officers and when it comes to taking action against them do not be influenced by old school ties or the colours of a university in the action you should take. I hope we shall get a completely unanimous vote in our condemnation of this disgusting action."
Asked if the peal with a false composer was included in the analysis, Mr. Walter Ayre said he wrote to the person who was supposed to have conducted the peal but got no reply. Mr. White had been in touch with Mr. Nolan Golden, who said it was a true peal and it would therefore be included in the analysis.
Mr. W. Cook, of the Ancient Society of College Youths, said he was vaguely aware of this but it seemed to be more widespread than he realised. How many peals were there? Did they come from a small group or were they widespread?
Mr. Nolan Golden (Norwich Association) said he inquired about the Saxlingham peal and its composition which was sent to him. It was known to everyone. He also inquired of the local ringers and they said it was truly rung. Only the conductor was not a resident ringing member of the Norwich Association.
Mr. H. L. Roper supported the motion and asked if the names of the people were known. If so, they should be published in "The Ringing World."
Mr. W. Parrott (Surrey Association) said if all peals submitted to "The Ringing World" were sent through the Association secretary they would be spotted before they got into "The Ringing World."
Mr. A. D. Barker thought the Council should give a lead.
Mr. D. A. Bayles: If I had been the perpetrator of a hoax I would have obtained great satisfaction from this debate. I propose we move on to the next business.
A voice: It is a coward's way of proceeding.
Mr. F. T. Blagrove objected to dragging in names and also those of a Society, although he was in favour of the motion.
Mr. R. S. Anderson: I suggest on a point of order it should be put to the meeting.
Mr. P. A. Corby: Tell us why it is out of order.
Mr. Bottomley: It should not be moved by someone who has just made a speech.
Mr. R. F. B. Speed moved, and Mr. G. W. Pipe seconded, that the Council move to the next business.
The Rev. K. W. H. Felstead: Does it mean that it falls to the ground?
The President: No, it means that we shall vote on the motion.
When the motion was eventually put to the meeting it was carried, there being only one vote against.
ONCE again I am able to report a record concerning the sale of publications - the number sold this year reaching a record total of 6,700, of which more than half were "Beginners' Handbooks."
During the year we have had a reprint of "Preservation of Bells" and "Beginners' Handbook" and the new collection of "Popular Major Compositions" - the sales of which are promising - became available in September. The Exercise owes a deep debt of gratitude to the members of the Peals Collection Committee for compiling this most useful collection of compositions.
May I appeal to members of the Council to help us by persuading ringers, when ordering publications, to write their names and addresses in block capitals.
The thanks of the Council are due to those concerned for the following presentations: Photostat copy of E. H. Lewis's work on Towers and Forces, D. Hughes; Church Bells of Cardiganshire, F. Sharpe; Change Ringing, W. G. Wilson; Australia - Maurice Berry, St. Paul's Cathedral Society of Bell Ringers, Melbourne; Method Structure in Change Ringing Part II, A. E. C. York-Bramble; Copies of Irish Bell News, F. E. Dukes.
Thanks to the co-operation of Mr. W. Pitcher we now have a centre for the sale of our publications in Australia. We are indeed grateful to Mr. Pitcher and trust that his help will be a real benefit to our fellow ringers down under.
No doubt all members of the Council will realise that Mr. R. F. B. Speed has now relinquished the sales section of the Library, but I wonder how many realise how indebted the Exercise is to him and his wife for the tremendous amount of work and time they must have devoted during the past nine years in disposing of over 36,000 of the Council's publications involving a turnover of over £2,400. We must say the heartiest possible "THANK YOU" for the work they have done so efficiently during these years, during which time the yearly sales have increased by well over 400 per cent. and the income therefrom by nearly 400 per cent. I am most grateful to Mr. J. L. Garner-Hayward for taking over this section of the Library, a job which entails almost daily attention.
Frank W. Perrens, Hon. Librarian.
Copies sold | Value at cost | |||
£ | s. | d. | ||
Preservation of Bells | 173 | 41 | 16 | 6 |
Beginners' Handbook | 3,436 | 341 | 3 | 7 |
Popular Major Methods | 126 | 115 | 1 | 10 |
False Course Heads | 57 | 12 | 2 | 3 |
Minor Methods | 364 | 100 | 5 | 10 |
Stedman Compositions | 109 | 41 | 14 | 9 |
Doubles Methods | 170 | 50 | 9 | 0 |
Ringing for Service | 149 | 50 | 10 | 11 |
On Conducting | 182 | 35 | 18 | 5 |
C.C. Handbook | 111 | 31 | 15 | 3 |
Method Sheets - D.N.C.B.M. | 30 | 8 | 11 | 0 |
Ditto - Triples | 73 | 5 | 9 | 0 |
Collection of Peals - Sec. III | 37 | 1 | 6 | 6 |
Card - Care of Bells | 92 | 18 | 9 | |
Model Rules | 45 | 5 | 6 | 3 |
Electrical Switchgear Card | 12 | 3 | 2 | 9 |
Four-way Minor Table | 114 | 13 | 17 | 0 |
Recruiting Leaflet | 478 | 3 | 2 | 7 |
Handbell Ringing | 223 | 43 | 7 | 4 |
Grandsire Caters | 119 | 24 | 2 | 5 |
Surprise Methods | 296 | 71 | 8 | 4 |
Ditto - Composition (Wratten) | 107 | 5 | 0 | |
£1,108 | 15 | 3 | ||
Mr. F. W. Perrens moved the adoption and Mr. J. T. Dunwoody seconded and the report was adopted.
The Ringing World, June 16, 1967, page 409
Drastic action with the object of producing a regular income for "The Ringing World" was the object of a motion proposed by Mr. W. Butler, which read:
"That all peal reports will continue to be published in 'The Ringing World' but only those accompanied by a peal fee of 2d. per word will be published in the present style."
Mr. Butler said he felt rather diffident about this motion because we had had several motions that charges be made for peal reports and these had been rejected by the Council.
"I have heard it said by a great many peal ringers that as they buy 'The Ringing World' they are entitled to have their names published. I, personally, do not agree with this. An argument is that records kept would not be complete if peals were charged for as some people would not send them up. Another point is that peals are news, but when peals are published in a local paper they are set very differently. Those that appear in 'The Ringing World' are set in the form of an advertisement and I think people should pay for it.
"Who is going to suffer by such an arrangement? The Editor, he would have to register the peals. Secondly, those who compiled the peals analysis and would have extra work to do. Thirdly, the people who ring peals and like to see them in print.
"Who will benefit? First and foremost everyone would benefit. With rising costs, the cost of producing 'The Ringing World' will rise in the coming year. That cost must be obtained somewhere and any increase in the selling price is offset by the decrease in the number of subscribers."
Mr. Butler said he had been told that the scheme was impracticable. He had examined a large number of peals and the average price was very much the same, 8s. for six bells, 9s. for eight bells, 10s. for ten bells and for 12 bells, plus money for footnotes, the average cost today to print a peal in the present form was from 10s. to 16s.
Seconding, Mr. N. Diserens, also of the Oxford Diocesan Guild, reminded the Council that "The Ringing World" was their paper and it was up to them to decide how it was to be run and financed. The accounts showed a profit of about £800, and of that £600 came from donations. He would like to see the paper run on a more businesslike footing. Possibly in the next two or three years the price of production would have increased and it would mean that either the price would be put up or peals printed in smaller type, like quarter peals. "I do not think we should wait until 'The Ringing World' is in the red. I feel that the time to act is now."
Mr. P. Walker (Oxford Diocesan Guild) said his immediate reaction was that the proposal would not work. To set all peal reports in two different types and to expect the Editor to check each peal before he could print it was quite ridiculous. He would like to propose an amendment:
(1) That all peals should be published in the form of a paragraph but kept under the headings of Associations.
(2) That the sum of 2s. 6d. should be sent with each peal report.
In the Oxford Guild peals were published in paragraph form. At first he did not think very much of it. It is now accepted and there were no complaints. From a financial point of view the normal amount would be £9 a week or £450 a year.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott seconded the amendment and said the Guild of Devonshire Ringers discussed this at its meeting on the previous Saturday. He put forward a similar motion last year to a very tired Council after the reception. He knew then, when he got on his hind legs, that he had no chance, but they would go on trying.
Mr. G. Dodds (Herts County Association) wondered if Mr. Ayre would find his work on the analysis more difficult if the peals were in paragraph form. Certainly in his Association, where they were printed in paragraph form, they found it difficult. He would personally prefer the peals to be printed as at present.
Mr. Brian Threlfall (Cambridge University) said the point he wished to make covered the original motion and also the amendment. He felt that in asking the Council to make a decision they were tying the hands of "The Ringing World" Committee. He did not think they should elect such a committee and tell them what to do. He thought it was time they had a fair system of charging for peals and quarter peals.
Mr. W. Moreton (Yorkshire Association): The recent census which has been carried out may give some indication.
Mr. D. Beresford (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: From the recent census over 70 per cent would not like to see peals in quarter peal form.
Mr. D. R. Carlisle (Derbyshire Association) said his Association had a peal booking fee and very nearly 100 per cent. of peals were paid for. He thought "The Ringing World" Committee could handle this if they made a recommendation for a peal fee without any mandatory requirements. It would be a good compromise.
Mr. C. W. Pipe (Suffolk Guild) said if "The Ringing World" needed further financial assistance to print peals, at the end of the year each Association should send a donation of, say, 6d. per ringer of each peal. He thought that each ringer standing in a peal should pay 2s. Of this, 1s. would go to the church and 1s. to the Association, and at the end of the year the Association should send 6d. to "The Ringing World."
Mr. F. E. Dukes (Irish Association) said some years ago the "Irish Bell News," of which he was editor, published peals in the present form. For economy reasons they reduced the peals to paragraph form. Now they put them in in smaller type and they occupied about a quarter of the space. He mentioned this because the Irish ringers wanted to see more news than peals.
Mr. Trevor Roderick (Llandaff and Monmouth Association) suggested that the resolution was too loosely worded. Would there be a maximum amount?
Mr. H. L. Roper moved an amendment that consideration be left to "The Ringing World" Committee and if necessary a report be submitted to the next meeting.
This was carried by only about eight votes.
Mr. S. Ivin (Oxford University Society) asked if it would be possible to have some vote in favour of a charge or not.
Mr. R. S. Anderson asked if Mr. Roper would accept the comment in "The Ringing World" report to save time next year.
Mr. Roper: I think it might be included in the report.
Miss M. R. Cross (Universities Association) asked on a point of order if the amendment should not be put to the meeting.
Mr. Eric Critchley (Yorkshire Association) supported Mr. Ivin, stating it would be a valuable lead to "The Ringing World" Committee.
About half voted for and half against.
There was unanimous support for a resolution asking both the British and Australian Governments to include bells hung for ringing in the English manner in the £250,000 gift from the British Government of a tower and bells for Canberra to mark its 50 years as capital of Australia.
Introducing the subject, the president said the president of the Australian and New Zealand Association had written to them asking for support to their plea that bells be hung for ringing in the carillon. Letters had passed between him and the Minister for the Commonwealth, the Deputy High Commissioner for Australia and their architectural advisers.
Mr. F. Sharpe said the matter was discussed by the Standing Committee the previous evening and a draft resolution had been suggested in these terms. He thought everyone would agree that it would be highly desirable if they could influence a change both at Westminster and Canberra. The resolution reads:
"The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, representing all the ringers of the Commonwealth and the English-speaking world, unanimously support the plea that eight or more of the bells of the Canberra carillon are hung for ringing in full circle in the English manner."
Mr. Philip Gray (Australian and New Zealand Association) seconded the resolution and said Canberra was a very delightful city. The carillon was to be placed on an island in Lake Burley Griffith, There were no bells hung for ringing in Canberra, the nearest were at Yass, 35 miles away.
Mrs. Staniforth (Leicester Diocesan Guild) said the Minister for the Commonwealth, Mr. Herbert Bowden, lived within the Leicester Diocese and she suggested a personal approach.
Mr. T. J. Lock, leader of Great Adventure II, said an enthusiasm already prevailed in Canberra for ringing bells. There was a church in Canberra where the ringers chime changes of London, Superlative and Stedman. He was sure if the facilities were provided there were enough people in Canberra, under the leadership of Col. Watch, who would soon be ringing the eight bells.
The resolution was carried unanimously.
It was left to the Council to determine the date of the next Council meeting, at Worcester. Mr. D. Beacham secretary of the Worcestershire & Districts Association, said immediately the Council accepted their invitation to come to Worcester they set about making preliminary arrangements. He moved that the date be the Tuesday after Whit Sunday (June 4th).
Mr. W. B. Cartwright seconded.
Mr. P. A. Corby: If we accept this perhaps the next meeting could be on a Saturday.
The Rev. J. G. M. Scott considered that it would be a very dangerous thing to change to a Saturday, as it would preclude a large number ringing in their own tower on the Sunday.
The date was agreed to.
The secretary said that last year there was an invitation from the Hertford County Association to visit them in 1971. They would now like to bring forward their invitation to 1969.
Mr. Walter Ayre: It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite the Council to Hertfordshire in 1969.
Mr. R. G. Bell seconded.
There were no other invitations and the Council accordingly agreed to accept the invitation.
The Ringing World, June 16, 1967, page 410, correction June 30, 1967, page 457
During the year several inquiries for advice about course organisation have been dealt with and in the following courses this committee has had a good deal of responsibility:
Course/Conference for Instructors and Tower Captains, at Selby in March, when Mr. W. F. Moreton was one of the joint organisers. About 70 ringers attended.
The fourth annual week-end course at Hereford, organised by Mr. Moreton and the Hereford Guild. Attendance was approximately 35.
The seventh annual week-end course at Grantley Hall, Yorkshire, organised by Mr. N. Chaddock. About 35 attended.
The first week-end course in Lincolnshire (Brant Broughton College and Youth Centre), organised by Mr. H. Radley and Mr. N. Chaddock and the Lincoln Diocesan Guild. 37 attended.
Courses 1, 2 and 3 above are definitely to be repeated this year and details will appear in "The Ringing World."
In all the above courses emphasis has been on "learning and teaching" aspects since we are convinced that the greatest present need is a larger number of competent tutors.
This film has been out on hire ten times since the last Council meeting. Requests for it tend to be concentrated in the winter season of Association dinners. The charge for hire has been increased from 25s. to 27s. 6d. to cover recent increases in postal charges. It is still in excellent condition for both sound and vision.
Now that it is almost paid for it is suggested that its use by Association officials on propaganda visits to Theological Colleges be allowed on payment of postage dues only, subject otherwise to the usual conditions of hire. Anyone interested should write to the convener.
Shortly after the last Central Council meeting the convener invited those interested to submit suggestions regarding material thought suitable for inclusion in a "Tutors' Handbook," either direct to him or through "The Ringing World" columns. As the response was relatively small this request was later repeated. The aim was to obtain as many different views as possible on methods of initial instruction. Most contributions made available were limited to the teaching of bell control.
Since the proposed handbook, though relatively small, would involve a good deal of preparation, Mr. W. F. Moreton has undertaken to write the first part which will be devoted to learning and teaching bell control, and Mr. N. Chaddock to write a chapter on raising and lowering, and the second part which will be devoted to learning and teaching elementary change ringing. At a later date a third part on elementary method ringing could be added.
Work is proceeding on the above and it is hoped to have something ready to show the Council when it meets in Nottingham in May.
Our main aim in regard to Theological Colleges continues to be to ensure that a lecture on the various aspects of church bells and ringing is given in as many colleges as possible, annually, or every few years.
In order to maintain liaison between this committee, Theological Colleges, and people concerned with lectures (actual and potential), a good deal of correspondence is involved. By taking over this responsibility Mrs. Jill Staniforth has, during the past year, relieved the convener of a heavy responsibility. This field of activity often seems unrewarding but, in the long run, it is very worthwhile and fruitful.
Contact has been made with 28 Theological Colleges during the year. A new development in this work during 1966 is that five training houses for women have been approached by Mrs. Staniforth and their reactions are indicated below.
The following replied in friendly terms although it has not been possible to arrange talks so far:
The Church Army Training College, Blackheath;
Dalton House Bristol;
Gilmore House, Clapham;
St. Michael's House, Oxford.
No response has yet been received from the Josephine Butler Memorial House, Liverpool.
In men's Theological Colleges the programmes mostly seem to be rather full and principals or wardens more often felt unable to accommodate a talk during this academic year. A summary is given below of the situations at the time of this report, so far as is known.
St Aidan's, Birkenhead.- There is now an enthusiastic ringer in residence with whom the principal has been in touch.
Westcott House, Cambridge.- Two active resident student ringers.
Cuddesdon Oxford.- Has a flourishing team of ringers who are well looked after by the Diocesan Guild.
Durham St. John's.- Enthusiastic ringers already active in the college.
Edinburgh - Coats Hall.- Regular talks given by Miss Branson and happy relationships with the ringers of St. Mary's Cathedral.
Lichfield.- Periodic training arranged through the Cathedral ringers.
Lincoln.- Lecture due by Mr. J. Freeman in November, 1967.
Llandaff.- Bi-annual lecture due in 1968 by Mr. J. Pryor.
Oak Hill, Southgate.- Possibility for lecture in the future.
Ripon Hall, Oxford.- Active student ringers.
Rochester.- Contact with Cathedral ringers continues.
Salisbury.- Lecture due in 1967 by Rev. R. Keeley.
St Boniface College, Warminster.- Student ringers active.
Worcester.- Mr. D. Beecham may give a talk next year.
St. Augustine's College, Canterbury. Possibility of a talk this summer.
In the case of the following colleges it is not possible to report any further progress: Queen's College, Birmingham; Tyndall Hall, Bristol; Ridley Hall, Cambridge; Bishop's College, Cheshunt; Chichester; Clifton, Bristol; Durham St. Chad's; Kelham; St. David's College, Lampeter; London College of Divinity; Mirfield; St. Stephen's House, Oxford; Wycliffe Hall, Oxford; Wells.
If any members of the Council are able to offer help with regard to one or more of the above-mentioned colleges, or at any college not mentioned in this report, will they please write to Mrs. J. Staniforth, 150, Narborough Road South, Leicester.
The convener's "postbag" has been a heavy one this year with a wide range of inquiries. They include: Advice for talks in connection with recruiting drives - 3; Advice for lecture in a Theological College - 1; Ringing films, filmstrips and visual aids (including one from Australia and one from South Africa) - 6; Teaching bell control - 40; Sound control (dealt with by Mr. F. Sharpe) - 2; Teaching new band - 2; Syllabus for evening institute course - 1; How to introduce tune ringing on handbells into school - 1; Inquiry re Scout Badge - 1; Inquiry re Duke of Edinburgh's Award - 1.
In connection with the above, a good deal of prepared duplicated material has been distributed. Useful contact has also been maintained with Washington Cathedral.
Mr. F. Sharpe has given eleven lectures to Societies and Church Organisations, in addition to making a major contribution on the Hereford, Grantley Hall and Brant Broughton courses.
"The Ringing World" of November 11th. "Report on the winding-up of the College" stated that points from its teaching experience and results would be available to this committee on application to the principal up to December 31st, 1966.
The principal (Mr. A. York-Bramble) was asked by the convener to include such details in the portfolio of papers which the college intended handing on to the Central Council archives. This would ensure their availability at any time in the future.
(Signed) Norman Chaddock (convener), 17, Herringthorpe Grove, Rotherham, Yorkshire.
Jill Staniforth,
Marie R. Cross,
Frederick Sharpe,
Wilfrid F. Moreton.
Moving the report, Mr. Chaddock referred to the "Tutors' Handbook," which was in two parts. Mr. Moreton was writing on bell control and he was dealing with elementary change ringing. They hoped to publish it before the end of the year.
Mr. W. F. Moreton seconded.
Mr. A. V. Davis said the committee had not their own film. Visual aid was very useful when speaking to groups of people. They had at present one Canadian and a Washington film. It should be possible to produce a short film for 35 minutes' duration.
Mr. Philip Gray: My company has just made a film which lasted 25 minutes. It cost £24,000.
Mr. G. Dodds asked if the committee was doing anything about the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and the Guide and Scout badges.
Mrs. Rogers said quite often it was possible to borrow a projector from the local education authority without cost.
Mr. Chaddock replied that a few years ago the committee investigated the film position and it would cost thousands for a professional film. It might be possible to make an 8 mm. film in an amateur way. They had had inquiries about the Duke of Edinburgh's award and Scout and Guide badges. He asked if anybody felt like making a record of good striking on six, eight, ten and twelve bells to let him know.
Mr. W. G. Wilson mentioned that he had been asked to write a book on Scout and Guide badges.
The report was adopted.
The hon. secretary said he would ask next year for approval of an amendment to Rule 17 that notice of a motion must be given four weeks before the meeting instead of five as at present.
The hon. secretary reported:-
Present | Absent | ||
45 | Associations fully represented | 115 | - |
12 | Partly represented | 28 | 18 |
5 | Not represented | - | 5 |
Life members | 6 | 1 | |
Honorary members | 18 | 4 | |
Grand total | 167 | 28 | |
This, said Mr. Bottomley, constituted a record of 167 out of a possible strength of 195. Last year the attendance was 159.
The Ringing World, June 16, 1967, page 411
HAVE you noticed nowadays that you cannot open your "Ringing World" without seeing two or three items of overseas news? Time and time again it is the departure from Britain of talented young people going to a sunnier and fuller life, and for us it is exciting to see the burgeoning of their enthusiasm as news comes in of first performances in far-off towers. They are our ambassadors bearing the high standards of those who taught them in the "Old Country" and the practical encouragement of their youth to the limits of the world of ringing. Long may they prosper.
Cape Town Cathedral (10, 25 cwt.). This site is now in the hands of developers and the Cathedral extension has priority, consequently the tower, designed as a detached campanile, has been deferred for at least ten years.
Woodstock (8, 11 cwt.) is going through a difficult period. Learners have fallen away and regular Sunday ringing has ceased.
Durban (10, 18 cwt.- Wednesday) has a regular band ringing call changes and Grandsire. Two articles appeared about them in the Press, but the useful publicity in "S.A. Panorama," a glossy Government information magazine, was unfortunately marred by a contrived picture of two lads dangling from a rope.
At St. Paul's, (8, 14 cwt.) the energetic Cyril Chambers holds two practice nights to cope with the spate of learners. At the moment their enthusiasm outstrips their skill. Both of these towers join forces to ring for weddings and have received much encouragement from passing visitors.
Grahamstown (8, 25 cwt.) has one of the oldest rings in Africa. Practice here is on Sunday afternoons during term time by pupils of the Theological College.
Que Que (4, 5 cwt.). A quarter peal of Minimus in April was a fine achievement in this remote tower.
Salisbury (10, 24 cwt.). The Wednesday practices are enjoyed by a small but strong band and one peal and one quarter were scored. Half a dozen visitors have passed this way and the bells rang out for all but two Sundays during 1966 - a very commendable record. The local Press published an unusual worm's eye view of the band. Taken through a wide-angle lens at floor level, it gives a comprehensive view of all the ringers in action.
When related to the achievements of the past five years the total of ten peals for A.N.Z.A.B. is a fairly average figure. Turning to the field of quarter peals we can observe the beneficial effect of the English Adventurers, for the total of 85 was a 30 per cent. gain over the 1964 figures. Performances of special note - all firsts in Australia were quarter peals of Brentford, Superlative, Quantock, Quedgeley, Kentish and Francis Genius, and from Sydney the first peal on the new ten at St. Andrew's. Of particular interest was the quarter, first by a ladies' band, at Burwood, handbell peals of Ashbourne and Double Norwich, and the extra territorial peal rung by A.N.Z.A.B. members attending the 1966 Council meeting in Somerset.
With a total membership of 150, the strength of A.N.Z.A.B. was apparent at the annual festival held this year in Sydney. The striking competition for the Joyner Cup was won by N.S.W. and an original and outstandingly successful social evening was held on board a ferry boat cruising round Sydney Harbour. At this meeting Bill Pitcher was elected president of the Association to mark his services to ringing, which include four years as editor of that informative and lively quarterly "Ringing Towers," well worth five bob a year. In "The Ringing World" attractive articles have appeared from Margaret Goodyer and Walter Knight recording their impressions of swinging, ringing England.
Adelaide has chalked up first quarters by a local band at the Town Hall (8, 13 cwt.) and at St. Peter's (8, 41 cwt.), the second heaviest eight in the world.
Ballarat.- St. Peter's (8, 12 cwt.- Tuesday) has had a thoroughgoing rehang, including a recast seventh, a new frame and correct sound control. All the work was carried out by the ringers under Graeme Waldron; a truly magnificent achievement. Ringers at City Hall (8, 22 cwt.), alternate Wednesdays, have scored a quarter peal.
Bendigo (8, 14 cwt.- Wednesday) are active with quarter peals by the local band.
Burwood (8, 11 cwt.- Thursday) was the scene of a memorable first quarter by a ladies' band in Australia - Bob Triples, conducted by Enid Roberts.
Daring Point (8, 8 cwt.- Thursday practice).
Hobart.- The Cathedral (8, 14 cwt.) band practise on Monday, and at Holy Trinity (8, 9 cwt.) on Thursday.
Maryborough (8, 21 cwt.) has an active call change band.
Melbourne.- St. Paul's (12, 31 cwt.) practise on Wednesday.
Parramatta (6, 10 cwt.- Wednesday). This band is making a determined attempt to become an eight-bell tower, and during 1965 they rang for 144 weddings to swell their augmentation fund.
Perth (8, 22 cwt.- Wednesday). Although a remote tower, St. George's has a flourishing band of 20 ringers, of whom half are pommies. An appeal has been launched to make this into a ten-bell tower.
Randwick (8, 20 cwt.- Tuesday). These Naylor Vickers steel bells have had ten peals rung on them since 1864. Ringing is enlivened by the clapper flight of the third catching the rope of the second.
Sydney.- St. Andrew's Cathedral, formerly a 10 cwt. six, now rejoices in a new Loughborough ten (29½ cwt. in C sharp). The first peal, Grandsire Caters, was duly scored by eight Sydneysiders with the captains of Melbourne and Adelaide Cathedrals. Practice is on Monday, with tied bell instructions on Saturday mornings. St. Benedict's (6, 6 cwt.- Wednesday by arrangement). St. Mary's R.C. (8, 25 cwt.-Monday). Christ Church (6, 13 cwt.) While the tower of this historic landmark undoubtedly requires strengthening, some responsibility for the silence of the bells seems to lie with a non-ringing architect.
Turramurra (6, 9 cwt.- Friday) is active with quarter peals.
Walkerville (6, 12 cwt.- Wednesday).
West Maitland (6, 14 cwt.- Monday) also has a ring of steel bells.
The 21 members of A.N.Z.A.B. in New Zealand hope that Christchurch will be the venue for the 1968 meeting of the Association.
Auckland (8, 18 cwt.). The tower here has been cracked for many years, in fact the bells were last rung up about 65 years ago. Nowadays they are clocked for service.
Cambridge (6, 15 cwt.). These Vickers Armstrong bells of 1883 are almost the last steel bells to have been cast. Hung in two tiers in the small wooden tower, all but one swinging the same way, it is not surprising that the spire is unsafe. Stays and sliders and part of a wheel are missing and struts prevent the tenors from rising, even the drum chiming machine set for three leads of Grandsire is derelict.
Christchurch (10, 32 cwt.- Tuesday). This active band of 20 enjoy service ringing up to Grandsire Caters and Bob Royal. A successful quarter of Stedman Triples contained no less than seven firsts, but a peal of Bob Major was unfortunately lost halfway. We note with regret the passing of George Claydon, a past Master of the Society, with over 40 years' service to ringing in New Zealand.
Hamilton (8, 20 cwt.). Ringing is maintained with six-bell methods in this handsome belfry.
Napier. In spite of representations by A.N.Z.A.B., the Cathedral has installed a chime, since they considered swinging bells were too risky in such a bad earthquake area.
Nelson. Here the Cathedral made use of a small bequest and installed a chime.
Papanui (5, 6 cwt. in a wooden tower). These Warner bells of 1880 are an insurance replacement for those lost at sea off the Cape of Good Hope. Ringing is being maintained by the local band, and a peal attempt unhappily came to grief.
The strong fraternal feelings common to ringers everywhere were experienced by Peter Mackie in Canada, and his article in "The Ringing World" outlines the hazards of low temperature ringing when lubricants solidify and any job "up top" is a major effort. 1967 is Centennial Year and we look forward to plenty of ringing to mark the celebrations. Calgary's peal and Victoria's quarter show they are limbering up.
Calgary (8, 8 cwt.) is active with many Canadian learners and the bells are in good condition. Congratulations on a successful peal - the first for 20 years.
Mission City (10, 21 cwt.). The band of 20 strong is drawn from the Benedictine monks of the Abbey. Grandsire and Stedman Caters are in the repertoire.
Quebec City. Holy Trinity (8, 16 cwt.). Here, in the first Anglican Cathedral to be built outside the British Isles, is the oldest rings of bells in Canada. St. Matthew's (8, 8 cwt.) is quiescent. In this great French-speaking city English style ringing is faced with great difficulties.
Vancouver (8, 16 cwt.- Tuesday). Whilst the bells are in good condition, the fabric as a whole is undergoing a complete survey. Standard methods are rung for service by a dozen members of the band, who entertain hopes for a centennial quarter. They were broadcast ringing in the New Year, and also twice visited Mission City. It is interesting to note that all but two of the band at this Roman Catholic Cathedral are Anglicans.
Victoria (8, 29 cwt.- Tuesday). The Master of 19 ringers here is predominantly of English origin. Led by the redoubtable Mr. Izard, these bells have been rung regularly since their installation 30 years ago. Nowadays standard methods are practised and very recently the first quarter of Stedman Triples in the Dominion was scored.
George Pipe's account of the Washington dedication was entitled "Ten Men Went to Sow" and in the short time that has passed we can see how that seedling has grown into a vigorous sapling. Peals and quarter peals are beginning to come forth and the first steps have been taken towards the formation of a North American Association, with their own magazine.
Groton (10, 18 cwt.). This school tower is a must for any visiting band. During the year Russell Young took his band to visit Kent School and will be bringing some of them to Britain during the summer of 1967.
Kent (10, 24 cwt.). This school is a bright example of American enthusiasm, for they practise daily during term time and their instructor has the official rating of "faculty adviser." The 18 members of the band are looking forward to visiting Washington to participate in the third anniversary of the dedication of the great Cathedral.
Washington (10, 32 cwt.- four afternoon practices weekly). From the beginning, in 1963, when 14 stays were broken in two weeks, the Guild of the national cathedral has expanded three-fold to embrace one-fifth of the entire upper school plus some adults. The first peal for the Guild has been proudly recorded as well as first quarters of Stedman, Oxford and Kent, also two lost peals, one of them uniquely, in competition with the 54-bell carillon on the floor below. All in all a year of solid achievement. We note with regret that the projected tour of North America by a British band has had to be postponed on account of the restricted travel allowance.
Poona (8, 25 cwt.). At the instigation of this committee the Bishop of Bombay is having a survey made of the installation in this detached tower. For this purpose a questionnaire was prepared. At present only one bell of this 1893 Taylor octave is chimed daily.
Rivoli Veronese. A correspondent reports an active band practising whole-pull ringing on this 12 cwt. five, cast in Verona about 1900.
The committee would be glad to receive items of news and corrections for the record. Prospective travellers are invited to make use of the information in our collection.
We cannot close this report without bringing before the Council the expressions of fraternal greeting by ringers the world over to the church bell ringers of Great Britain.
My sincere thanks go out to all faithful correspondents, without whose help this report would not have been possible.
A. Victor Sheppard (Convener), 3, Palace Place, Brighton 1, Sussex.
Mr. V. Sheppard moved the report and said that the tower of Christ Church, Sydney, had now been strengthened, and St. Paul's was receiving attention.
Mr. G. W. Pipe seconded and commended the tremendous work Mr. Sheppard had put in. The peal of Stedman Triples by the local band at Washington was a fine performance and he suggested the Council congratulate the band.
Mr. E. A. Barnett said it would be a fitting gesture for the Council to send its congratulations, and this was agreed to.
Mr. F. C. Price (Oxford Diocesan Guild) said another ten boys were coming from Groton this year to this country. This was their fourth visit and he would like to thank Mr. Pipe for the arrangements he had made for their visit to Suffolk.
The report was adopted.
DURING the year 1966 advice on bell and tower restoration, and kindred matters, was given in a total of one hundred and eight churches. This is ten less than in 1965, which was an all-time record. If, however, the 62 churches in Herefordshire visited by the convener during the year were added to the total the result would be much higher. In the latter verbal advice on repairs and maintenance was given and without doubt if these visits had not been made some additional requests for inspections and written reports would have been made to our committee.
Also the year 1966 has been exceptional in the amount of correspondence with architects, Diocesan Advisory Committees, and Parochial Church Councils, following reports and advice given in previous years, and on many occasions the convener has been hard pressed in dealing with these; so that in all 1966 has been a year of great activity.
As in former years this report is compiled from statistics sent to the convener by individual members; and, of the 108 requests for advice, 19 were dealt with by correspondence. Members of our committee visited 89 churches, only two less than in the peak year of 1965.
The churches where advice was sought may be analysed geographically, thus: Bedfordshire 3, Berkshire 8, Buckinghamshire 6, Cambridgeshire 6, Cornwall 3, Carmarthenshire 1, Cheshire 4, Devonshire 10, Dorset 1, Essex 8, Glamorgan 1, Gloucestershire 1, Herefordshire 3, Hertfordshire 1, Huntingdonshire 1, Kent 3, London 1, Middlesex 1, Northamptonshire 3, New Zealand 1, Northumberland 1, Nottinghamshire 4, Oxfordshire 10, Pembrokeshire 1, Surrey 6, Sussex 2, Somerset 13, Staffordshire 1, Shropshire 1, Wiltshire 2, Warwickshire 1. Total 108.
It is impossible to comment in detail on individual towers and bells in a report of this nature, when one considers that a full report on bells, gear, tower and acoustics normally covers from six to eight closely-typed pages. An analysis of the reports submitted by individual members of our committee has been summarised and reveals the following:
Twelve parishes sought advice on augmentation of existing rings a decrease of one on the previous year, but still well above the average. The number of towers seeking advice on the recasting of bells increased this year to sixteen. Fifty-four churches sought advice on rehanging or were advised by members of our committee to completely rehang their bells; and the number seeking advice on repairs and/or maintenance decreased to 44. Forty parishes sought advice on sound control, and these were considerably more interesting and varied than in former years, and covered a much wider area of the country. Inquiries regarding tower oscillation, and requests for advice where extensive damage had been done to masonry, amounted to 21, only half last year's total.
No outstanding problems occurred during the year, and a noticeable feature of the reports was that there was a decrease in the number of requests for advice on the total number of sections into which the summary of work has been sub-divided. The requests from the parishes this year have been mainly for some specific section, or sections.
The committee has not met during the year to consider in further detail the proposed new book on bell towers, bell hanging and maintenance of bells and gear. Some of the blame for this must be credited to the convener, but he has been hard-pressed with routine inspections and correspondence, and has further had his available time restricted by reason of his wife's serious illness. It was resolved at the last meeting that each member of the committee should prepare a draft of a section of the proposed work and submit it to our vice-president who would then write the introduction to the work.
During the year Mr. F. E. Collins has given several lectures on bell hanging and maintenance, and the convener has given over twenty lectures to diocesan organisations and committees, architectural institutes and societies, kindred professional organisations, Parochial Church Councils and adult education colleges, and it is a matter for satisfaction to note that the interest of these organisations, in all matters connected with our art, continues to increase.
We do not wish to conclude without reference to the sudden death of Mr. John Worth, although this took place in 1967, and is strictly outside the scope of this report. Mr. Worth's valuable contribution to our art is well known and we welcomed him as a member of our committee in succession to Mr. J. W. Clark a few years ago. He was a most useful member whose advice was greatly valued in the north-western area of the country. The day before his death the convener wrote so him asking for his contribution to this report, and he must have received the letter on the day he died, and compiled his contribution straightaway, for his daughter found it on top or the papers on his desk. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the members of his family and his many ringing friends.
Frederick Sharpe, F.S.A., F.I.O.B. (convener), Derwen, Launton, Bicester, Oxon.
B. Austin A.R.I.B.A.; F. E. Collins, M.I.Inst.E.; J. Freeman, M.I.Mun.E.; A. J. Frost, A.R.I.B.A.; T. M. Roderick; H. J. Sanger; Rev. J. G. M. Scott, M.A.; B. D. Threlfall, M.A., A.M.I.C.E.
Moving the adoption of the report, Mr. F. Sharpe said a tremendous amount of work had been done by the committee and if any member had a question he had ten volumes of files in the boot of his car. He would like to express his thanks to members of the committee who had helped him during his wife's illness - Mr. Fred Collins, Mr. Alan Frost and Mr. Brian Threlfall.
Mr. Martin (Chester Guild) said his Guild was concerned about new churches. Had anything been done to provide suitable campaniles?
The Rev. J. Scott said the matter was dealt with by the committee a few years ago. The problem seemed to arise before we or even the Diocesan Advisory Committee had been consulted. It started when the clergy discussed the question with the architect. If ringers knew of a case they should tell the P.C.C that it could be done fairly cheaply.
Mr. Edgar Shepherd paid a tribute to the work of the committee. Three times he had approached them and he was very impressed with their detail and thoroughness. It was meticulously done.
Miss M. R. Cross thought knowledge about bells and ringing could be spread through diocesan magazines.
Mr. Sharpe: I have read excellent articles in "The Norwich Churchman."
The general secretary said reprints of the article "Bells, True or False" had been sent to diocesan advisory committees and they had been very cordially received. This was through a strong request from Col. Jerram, a member of a diocesan advisory committee.
Mr. Brian Threlfall called attention to the untimely death of Mr. John Worth and moved that Mr. Henry O. Baker be elected to fill his place.
Mr. F. F. Collins seconded and this was agreed to.
The report was then adopted.
The Ringing World, June 16, 1967, pages 412 to 413
BELLS appear to have been broadcast or televised to a lesser degree during 1966 than in previous years, that is, if the accounts which are sent to us are any indication; and we are dependent very largely on what is sent to us by the ringers themselves for inclusion in this report. Most of the ringing which has been heard over the air has come from the West Region and from Ireland.
In the West Region the bells of St. Mary's, Southampton, were broadcast on May 13th in the World Service prior to the University Arts Festival. On June 26th Modbury, Devon, bells were heard on the Home Service, as were Shedfield Parish Church, Southampton, on August 14th. Tewkesbury Abbey bells were heard briefly prior to the Midnight Service on Christmas Eve.
B.B.C. Bristol featured the Bristol Ringing Festival in the Light Programme on October 31st. This programme included the bells of Westbury-on-Trym, Horfield and St. Mary Redcliffe, and Philip Gray was interviewed by Mark Puckle of the B.B.C. West Region staff in an extremely lucid and well-informed manner. There was a brief reference in the "Points West" programme to the Festival with shots of a few towers.
This programme also gave good coverage on November 16th to a somewhat unique occasion, it being the 90th anniversary of the murder of P.C. Nathaniel Cox at East Coker, Somerset. The occasion was marked by a gathering of members of the National Police Guild. A short service in the church was followed by the laying of a wreath on the grave of P.C. Cox, and later, in the tower, a peal of Grandsire Triples. Shots of the ringers in action and ringing prior to the peal with other items of proceedings were seen and heard on television.
An extremely co-operative B.B.C. engineer produced a first-class recording of the bells of Wells Cathedral for the Christmas Bells programme, and the Cathedral ringers did well to give such a good performance.
From Ireland we learn that the bells of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, were heard from Radio Eireann following the carol service on Christmas Eve. The same medium broadcast the bells of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on New Year's Day; St. Peter's, Ballymodan, and St. George's, Dublin, before divine services; and also a topical talk relating to the Canada Centenary, 1967, and made a special mention of the part bells will play in the celebrations.
Mr. W. Patterson appeared on Ulster Television in a bellringing feature. The B.B.C. broadcast the bells of Holywood Parish Church before a divine service, and St. Donard's, Belfast, in the Christmas Bells programme. The bells of Carrickfergus were one of the two from the Christmas Bells broadcast selected for the 7.50 a.m. broadcast on Sundays. They were heard on the air on a recent Sunday morning.
In a sponsored programme on Radio Eireann, Miss Ida Graham devoted "Woman's Viewpoint" entirely to the part ladies take in the belfry.
The North Region reports that on Easter Sunday the morning service on B.B.C.TV came from Boston, Lincolnshire, and was introduced by good rounds on the back eight. Two TV services from other regions were noted where bells were included, viz.: Cirencester (B.B.C., March) and North Mymms (ITV, September). Tyne-Tees Television recorded the enthronement of the new Bishop of Durham and the bells were heard, but unfortunately only part of the ringing down.
On the occasion of the peal attempt at York Minster in July, the president of the York Minster Society, Mr. Harold Walker, was heard in "Voice of the North." He was introduced with the sound of the bells.
In the Christmas broadcast it was hoped to continue the policy followed in recent years of selecting a tower from one of the main societies of the region which had not been represented previously.
Once again the checking of recorded results proved to be of value. Mr. Wilfrid Moreton was invited to assist and advise on this matter and the result was certainly a good recording of the immaculate cartwheeling, whatever one's personal likes and dislikes may be about this type of ringing. It is hoped that in the 1967 programme a tower from the Derby Diocese will complete the representation of all Societies of the region in these broadcasts.
The Midland Region has little to report. There have been several instances of services being televised from churches whose bells would have enhanced the broadcast had the ringers been asked to co-operate. We stressed the point in our report of last year that directly it is known that a church has been selected for radio or, television its ringers should approach their incumbent with a view to getting the bells included in the programme. It is very unusual for the broadcasting authorities to refuse such a request provided it presents no technical difficulties.
On March 19th a service from Solihull Church was televised and no mention of the bells was made in the original programme. However, the Rector, who is interested in his bells and ringers, requested the B.B.C. to use the bells as a prelude to the service, with very satisfactory result, which clearly illustrates what can be done.
East Anglia is another region where there appears to have been very little broadcasting activity amongst bells. At Holt, in Norfolk, the dedication of the bells on February 6th by the Bishop of Lynn was televised for transmission at a later date. The president of the Central Council preached and took part in the ringing. Anglia Television Limited transmitted in February a news film showing bells being removed from Rougham Church, Suffolk, for conveyance to Loughborough. The oldest bell in the ring dated back to the early 15th century.
Bells were featured twice in the B.B.C.'s "Look East" programme - on May 9th a film of members of the Suffolk Guild at their annual competition, and on December 8th a film of girls from March High School practising at St. Mary's Church, Whittlesey, near Peterborough.
In the London Region only three items of broadcasting have come to our notice - the "Songs of Praise" service from Saffron Walden Church was introduced to the sound of the bells. Westminster Abbey bells were seen and heard over the air on the closing day of the 900th year.
An interesting film was made in the belfry of All Saints' Church, Kingston on Thames, for the children's programme "Blue Peter." It was intended to arouse interest in bell-ringing among children, and to show them that it is something which they can learn to do safely and with interest. The presenter, John Noakes, was shown being taught to ring, and the local ringers, led by Bill Jackson, also appeared in the film.
Scottish Region reports that the ringers are on friendly terms with the staff in the religious section of the B.B.C. Scottish Region and have been able to meet all their requests for ringing.
This committee was invited again to select the towers for the "Christmas Bells" programme and the convener was pleased to accept the producer's invitation to be present at the editing of the tapes.
(Signed) H. N. Pitstow (Convener), Saffron, High Street, Banstead, Surrey.
D. A. Bayles,
J. T. Dunwoody,
G. E. Fearn,
H. J. Sanger,
A. G. Thurlow,
R. S. Wilson.
Mr. H. N. Pitstow, in proposing the adoption, said three broadcasts by Mr. Sharpe had been missed, also two in the Midlands and one in the Welsh. He proposed that Mrs. King be added to the committee to act for Wales.
Mr. D. A. Bayles seconded with the addition of the name of Mrs. King.
The report was adopted.
THE first year of the triennial period naturally directs the Committee's attention and work to new members. In this category there were 33, and whilst most of these have complied with our request by filling in the appropriate biography sheet, we are still awaiting others but in the hope, of course, that the remainder of the sheets will be handed in at this meeting. Photographs seem still to be at a premium, although without a picture we surely all agree that the biographical record would appear to be quite incomplete.
The Committee's new system of distributing the blank forms to new members has met with some success and we intend to continue this method for a while, although additional expense is incurred.
A further aspect of the Committee's work is to keep up to date with members' activities. "The Ringing World" is, of course, the chief source of information and during the past 12 months there seems to have been a concentrated influx of achievements, movements and records which it is our pleasure and duty to note.
The following members and past-members have died during the period under review:
G. L. Hewitt, Shropshire Association, 1946-1956. Died March 18th, 1966. (Attended five meetings.)
D. H. Bennett, Swansea and Brecon Guild, 1939-1950. Died May 1st, 1966. (Five meetings.)
E. G. Fenn, Ancient Society of College Youths, 1939-1956. Died July 14th, 1966. (Three meetings.)
T. R. Dennis, Ely Diocesan Association, 1913-1932. Died August 2nd, 1966. (Nine meetings.)
A. J. Pitman, Swansea and Brecon Guild, 1927-1932, honorary member 1953 onwards. Died August 16th, 1966. (Ten meetings.)
P. Page, Romney Marsh and District Guild, 1933-1939. Died August 25th, 1966. (Five meetings.)
G. Pullinger, Winchester and Portsmouth Guild, 1933-1959. Died October 23rd, 1966. (22 meetings.)
F. W. Lack, Ely Diocesan Association, 1951-1959. Died November 29th, 1966. (Eight meetings).
In addition, the names of P. Crook (Lancashire Association) and S. H. Symonds (Suffolk Guild), although included in last years report, are repeated here to accord with the honorary secretary's statement made in Council.
The work of Albert J. Pitman, especially in the field of composition, will be of everlasting value to the Exercise, while the immense influence of his active ringing career can only be estimated.
George Pullinger, although a one-armed ringer, was a very loyal and consistent supporter of local tower, Guild and Council activities, and his ability, character and personality were outstanding.
T. J. Lock (Convener), North Mymms, Hatfield, Herts.
W. Parrott,
W. H. Viggers,
J. Willis.
Mr. T. J. Lock proposed the adoption and asked new members to hand in their papers giving particulars as soon as possible.
Mr. W. Viggers, who seconded, called attention to members keeping records of peals they had rung.
The Ringing World, June 16, 1967, page 414
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THE year 1966 showed an unexpected decrease in the number of peals rung, for, according to our records, tower bell peals are down 183 to 3,039, with handbell peals up by 14, with 287, giving a total of 3,326.
This does not include five peals for the Salisbury Guild, rung in July/August and published in "The Ringing World" of March 3rd; nor two peals sent to "The Ringing World" on March 13th, though rung in December. We wonder why there is such a slackness about! Is it that it takes all this time to decide whether they were rung well enough or what?
We do not publish "League" tables, but here is the position attained in the annual list and it will be noticed that congratulations are due to the Kent County Association for their continued efforts which have brought their reward.
The first ten places are filled as follows:-
Tower | Handbell | Total | |
Kent County | 172 | 35 | 207 |
Yorkshire Asso. | 200 | - | 200 |
Oxford D. (1 in 1965) | 199 | - | 200 |
Chester Guild | 150 | 33 | 183 |
Lancashire Asso. | 160 | 19 | 179 |
Lincoln Guild | 116 | 27 | 143 |
Leicester Guild | 112 | 22 | 134 |
Bath and Wells | 128 | - | 128 |
Southwell Guild | 116 | 7 | 123 |
Essex Asso. | 104 | - | 104 |
These ten rang 48.13 per cent of the total.
The analysis breaks down as follows:-
1966 | 1965 | |||
Maximus | 88 | 89 | - | 1 |
Cinques | 59 | 62 | - | 3 |
Royal | 226 | 193 | + | 33 |
Caters | 95 | 104 | - | 9 |
Major | 1,272 | 1,363 | - | 91 |
Triples | 184 | 248 | - | 64 |
Minor | 826½ | 886 | - | 59½ |
Doubles | 286½ | 274 | + | 12½ |
Minimus | 2 | 3 | - | 1 |
3,039 | 3,222 | - | 183 | |
1966 | 1965 | |||
Maximus | 15 | 3 | + | 12 |
Cinques | 5 | - | + | 5 |
Royal | 38 | 13 | + | 25 |
Caters | 14 | 4 | + | 10 |
Major | 125 | 96 | + | 29 |
Triples | 6 | 9 | - | 3 |
Minor | 75 | 131 | - | 56 |
Doubles | 9 | 17 | - | 8 |
Minimus | - | - | - | |
287 | 273 | + | 14 | |
Outstanding performances must include the magnificent performance of ringing Liverpool tenor single-handed for Maximus by Peter Border; together with the excellent co-operation of the other back-enders; the 3 peals of Stedman Cinques rung simultaneously by the College Youths - organisation as well as ringing strength; the raising of the record number of Minor methods on tower bell, by the Essex Association and the Suffolk Guild; the Stedman Cinques record by the St. Martin's Guild; the perfectly marvellous performances of Spliced Surprise Major, under the conductorship of "Tony" Peake; the 24 Surprise Maximus by the Lancashire Association and nine Surprise Major methods, rung silent and non-conducted by the Yorkshire Association. On handbells we note the wonderful efforts of the band who rang the Spliced Surprise on handbells - a great feat.
We wonder if our friends throughout the Exercise could help in finding out the perpetrators of the many "hoaxes" which are being received by the Editor; if they could then drastically deal with the same, it would give great satisfaction to the other members of the Exercise.
Mr. Walter Ayre, in moving the adoption, said in paragraph 2 it should read "nor three peals sent to 'The Ringing World' on March 13th, though rung in December."
Mr. H. Poyner asked how they got half peal of Minor and half Doubles.
Mr. G. Dodds inquired whether peals with singles at half-lead and lead-ends had been included.
There was also a question as to the number of hoax peals and also about other ringers in the peal at Liverpool Cathedral mentioned in the report.
The convener replied and said he was not going to work out the percentage of Minor and Doubles in the peal. There were no hoax peals as far as he knew. Regarding the Liverpool peal, he had extraordinary sympathy with the man on the eleventh but he admired the lot. He was no decider about peals but enjoyed peals with singles, but they occurred in the front and that was why they were in.
Mr. G. Dodds: They could be interpreted as two forms of singles.
Canon K. W. H. Felstead supported Mr. Ayre. In tabulating these and keeping the records there was no opportunity to delve into such fine points.
The Ringing World, June 23, 1967, page 431, correction July 7, 1967, page 477
Handbells in brackets.
Ancient Society of College Youths.- Maximus 8, Cinques 7, Royal 4, Caters 2, Major 4, Triples 4, Minor 1. Total 30.
A.N.Z.A.B.- Caters 1, Major 2 (5), Minor (1), Doubles 1. Total 10 (6).
Bath and Wells.- Royal 6, Caters 5, Major 47, Triples 7, Minor 34, Doubles 29. Total 128.
Bedfordshire.- Royal 2, Caters 1, Major 20, Triples 4, Minor 11. Total 38.
Cambridge University.- Cinques 1, Royal 2, Caters 3, Major 8, Triples 2, Minor (3), Doubles 1. Total 20 (3).
Chester Guild.- Maximus 4 (7), Cinques 3, Royal 7 (7), Caters 1 (1), Major 65 (15), Triples 8 (1), Minor 40 (2), Doubles 22. Total 183 (33).
Cleveland and N. Yorkshire.- Major 3 (1), Minor (2). Total 6 (3).
Cumberland and N. Westmorland.- Major 2, Minor 1. Total 3.
Coventry Guild.- Cinques (3), Royal 1, Caters 3 (2), Major 11, Triples 4, Minor 29 (1), Doubles 9. Total 63 (6).
Derby Diocesan.- Royal 2, Caters 4, Major 23(5), Triples 5, Minor 17 (2). Total 58 (7).
Guild of Devonshire.- Maximus 1, Royal 3, Major 9 (1), Triples 5, Minor 7, Doubles 6. Total 32 (1).
Devonshire Association.- Doubles 1.
Dudley and District.- Major 1.
Durham and Newcastle.- Maximus 1, Cinques 1, Royal 7 (2), Major 12 (8), Minor 6 (2). Total 40 (12).
E. Derby and S. Leicester.- Minor 1.
East Grinstead.- Major 5, Doubles 1. Total 6.
Ely Diocesan.- Cinques 1, Royal 1, Major 27 (1), Triples 1, Minor 25. Total 56 (1).
Essex Association.- Maximus 1, Cinques 6, Royal 4, Caters 2, Major 51, Triples 5, Minor 34, Doubles 1. Total 104.
Gloucester and Bristol.- Maximus 4, Cinques 2, Royal 2 (1), Major 34 (10), Caters 1, Triples 6, Minor 11 (1), Doubles 11. Total 83 (12).
Guildford Diocesan.- Royal 5, Major 18, Triples 3, Minor 6, Doubles 1. Total 33.
Hereford Guild.- Royal 3, Major 4, Triples 1, Minor 8, Doubles 15. Total 31.
Hertford County.- Maximus 2 (3), Royal 4 (6), Caters 1, Major 34 (12), Triples 1, Minor 21 (6). Total 90 (27).
Irish Association.- Major 2 (2), Triples 3 (2), Minor 3 (9), Doubles 1 (2). Total 24 (15).
Kent County.- Maximus (5), Cinques 1 (1), Royal 7 (8), Caters 2 (7), Major 96 (9), Triples 9 (2), Minor 48, Doubles 9 (3). Total 207 (35).
Ladies' Guild.- Major 1, Triples 1. Total 2.
Lancashire Association.- Maximus 12, Cinques 1, Royal 9 (1), Caters 3, Major 84 (4), Triples 15, Minor 32 (12), Doubles 4 (2). Total 179 (19).
Leicester Guild.- Maximus 6, Cinques 1, Royal 9 (4), Caters 3 (1), Major 63 (9), Triples 3, Minor 21 (6), Doubles 6 (2). Total 134 (22).
Lincoln Guild.- Maximus 2, Cinques 3, Royal 4 (3), Caters 2 (2), Major 35 (21), Triples 4, Minor 63 (1), Doubles 3. Total 143 (27).
Llandaff and Monmouth.- Maximus 1, Royal 6, Caters 5, Major 17 (1), Triples 5, Minor 6, Doubles 11. Total 52 (1).
London C.- Cinques 1, Royal 3, Caters 4, Major 2, Minor 1. Total 11.
Middlesex C.- Royal 2 (2), Caters 2, Major 35 (3), Triples 3, Minor 6. Total 53 (5).
Midland C.- Royal 15, Caters 3, Major 20, Triples 3, Minor 3, Doubles 2. Total 46.
Police Guild.- Triples 1.
North Staffordshire.- Royal 1, Caters 1, Major 14, Triples 1, Minor 3. Total 20.
North Wales.- Major 4, Doubles 1. Total 5.
Norwich Diocesan.- Maximus 1, Cinques 2, Royal 2, Caters 2, Major 29, Triples 4, Minor 38 (5), Doubles 6. Total 89 (5).
Oxford Guild.- Maximus 3, Royal 19, Caters 8, Major 90 - includes 1 in 1965, Triples 16, Minor 47, Doubles 25, Minimus 1. Total 200.
Oxford Society.- Caters 3, Triples 2. Total 5.
Oxford University.- Caters 1, Major 3, Triples 1. Total 5.
Peterborough Guild.- Royal 18, Caters 2, Major 33 (1), Triples 1, Minor 31, Doubles 9. Total 95 (1).
St. David's Guild.- Major 5, Minor 4. Total 9.
St. Martin's Guild.- Maximus 28, Cinques 7 (1), Royal 24, Major 21 (1), Triples 2, Minor 1. Total 85 (2).
Scottish Association.- Major 1.
Sheffield and District.- Royal 1.
Salisbury Guild.- Maximus 1, Cinques 1, Royal 1, Caters 1, Major 15, Triples 6, Minor 13 (2), Doubles 8. Total 48 (2).
Shropshire Association.- Maximus 1, Cinques 1, Royal 1, Major 7, Minor 2, Doubles 4. Total 16.
Sherwood Youths.- Major 2, Minor 2. Total 4.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths.- Maximus 1, Cinques 2, Royal 3, Major 19, Minor 1. Total 26.
S. Derby and N. Leicester.- Nil.
Southwell Guild.- Maximus 2, Cinques 1, Royal 6, Caters 4, Major 20 (2), Triples 6, Minor 43 (5), Doubles 34. Total 123 (7).
Staffordshire Archdeaconry.- Maximus 2, Royal 1, Caters 3, Major 12, Triples 5, Minor 14, Doubles 5. Total 42.
Suffolk Guild.- Royal 9, Caters 3, Major 17, Triples 1, Minor 32, Doubles 10, Minimus 1. Total 73.
Surrey Association.- Cinques 1, Royal 5, Caters 1, Major 12, Triples 2, Minor 9, Doubles 1. Total 31.
Sussex County.- Royal 3, Caters 4 (1), Major 35, Triples 14, Minor 17, Doubles 11. Total 85 (1).
Swansea and Brecon.- Major 1. (6), Minor 6. Total 13 (6).
Truro Guild.- Caters 1, Major 1, Triples 2, Minor 6, Doubles 2. Total 12.
Universities Association.- Cinques 1, Major (1), Minor 4 (1). Total 7 (2).
University of Bristol.- Cinques 1, Caters 3, Major 3, Minor 4. Total 11.
University of London.- Caters 1, Major 3, Triples 1, Minor 9. Total 14.
Winchester and Portsmouth.- Cinques. 4, Royal 10, Caters 3, Major 22, Triples 6, Minor 17. Doubles 17. Total 79.
Worcester & Districts.- Maximus 2, Cinques 3, Royal 3, Caters 2, Major 40, Triples 4 (1), Minor 5 (2), Doubles 2. Total 62 (3).
Yorkshire Association.- Maximus 5, Cinques 6, Royal 19, Caters 3, Major 96, Triples 5, Minor 53, Doubles 13. Total 200.
Other Societies, etc.- Cinques 1, Royal 3 (4), Major 32 (7), Triples 2, Minor 30½ (12), Doubles 4½. Total 96 (23).
Tower 3,039. Handbells 287. Grand total 3,326.
A peal of Doubles in 27 methods - 5,319 changes - rung for the Southwell Guild, is not acceptable, as it does not comply with the rules.
Methods in which 10 or more peals were rung:-
Maximus.- Cambridge 51, Plain Bob 18.
Cinques.- Stedman 56.
Royal.- Cambridge 68, Plain Bob 61, Yorkshire 35, London 28.
Caters.- Grandsire 57, Stedman 46.
Major.- Spliced Surprise - Over 15 methods 29, Ditto S methods 19, Ditto 6 methods 15, Ditto 4 methods 41, Ditto 3 methods 13, Bristol 67, Cambridge 105, Glasgow 21, Lincolnshire 47, London 97, Pudsey 25, Rutland 61, Superlative 24, Yorkshire 178, Kent T.B. 31, Double Norwich 58, Plain Bob 294, Little Bob 11.
Triples.- Grandsire 93, Plain Bob 20, Stedman 59.
Minor.- Over 30 methods 17, 15-30 methods 19, 14 methods 15, 9 methods 12, 8 methods 15, 7 methods 179, 6 methods 26, 5 methods 44, 4 methods 59, 3 methods 65, 2 methods 50, 1 method 363½.
Doubles.- Over 42 methods 13, 31-42 methods 11, 15-30 methods 18, 14 methods 13, 11 methods 15, 7 methods 21, 6 methods 10, 4 methods 19, 3 methods 22, 2 methods 25, 1 method 89½.
Committee: W. Ayre (Convener), The Old School House, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead, Herts.
K. W. H. Felstead,
H. Roper.
THE committee has had no work to carry out on publications of compositions.
The convener was assigned the task of examining the books and papers of the late Mr. Albert J. Pitman. He has looked through all of them and found that much of the material is disappointingly of little value, though his figures provided some insight into the methods by which Mr. Pitman worked on Spliced Surprise Major. A large part consisted of largely disconnected jottings, and illustrated the very many types of composition in which he was interested, ranging from Spliced Doubles to Surprise Maximus.
Scattered throughout the books were found worked-out sets of false lead-ends between various Surprise Major methods. It was surprising to note that Mr. Pitman apparently had not realised that he could have almost halved his work by reversing such tables; for instance, a whole page of figures on "Pudsey Against Yorkshire" is followed a few pages later by "Yorkshire Against Pudsey." Despite the fact that the convener prefers to use false course-ends rather than false lead-heads, he was pleased to find correlation between his and Mr. Pitman's figures in all the popular methods used for splicing.
As these useful figures are so scattered in amongst others not so valuable, one possibility might be for them to be abstracted; the books number about 20 in all.
The committee wish to place on record their appreciation of the work which Mr. Pitman had done for the Central Council since he became a member of the Peals Collection Committee. Whenever work was in progress on a new collection he was always very willing to undertake a large part of the proving of any kind of composition, and, together with Mr. W. Barton, shared almost the whole of the proof of the collection of Stedman Caters and Cinques published in 1961. As regards Surprise Major, his compositions, particularly the "all the work" peals of Spliced, will stand for ever as a fitting memorial to an unassuming genius.
Signed) W. E. Critchley (Convener), 28, Brompton Road, Sprotborough, Doncaster.
Mr. W. E. Critchley moved the adoption.
Mr. T. Roderick asked why Mr. Pitman was not aware of reversed tables.
Mr. Critchley said he went on the paper work he had done.
Mr. C. K. Lewis commented that it was nothing against Mr. Pitman and he might have been aware of it. He had written down both so he might or might not have known about reversing tables.
The report was adopted.
Mr. C. K. Lewis said he had nothing to present.
The president: So no one will second it!
The Ringing World, June 23, 1967, page 432
Mr. Ian H. Oram gave notice of the following proposed amendment of decision:-
"Peals which contain more than one method shall be called 'Spliced,' provided the methods are joined in the fundamental units of which they are constructed (i.e. the 'leads' in treble-dominated methods, the 'divisions' in the case of Stedman, Duffield and the like). In addition, where a peal qualifies as 'Spliced' under the above definition, methods may also be joined at the half-lead, provided that where this is done only one of any group of methods differing only in the places made at the half-lead or the lead end may be used in any one composition."
Moving the motion, Mr. Oram said first of all why was such an amendment necessary? The present rule required that a peal which contained more than one method should be called Spliced. When the original rule was made, no half-lead splice was known.
In the new rule they wanted to retain the requirement that methods be joined in fundamental units. If methods were only allowed to change at the lead-end it would disqualify Kent and Oxford. If they accepted calls at half-leads, why not methods?
Mr. Stanley Jenner (Kent County Association) seconded and said they ought to look at it from a commonsense point of view and not be bogged down with technical details. Spliced was called spliced because that was what actually happened.
The President: We are advised by our legal adviser that it is competent for the Council to consider this although it is not on the agenda paper.
The Council agreed to continue the discussion.
Mr. N. Chaddock suggested that if they called it half-spliced it would solve the problem.
Mr. B. Threlfall: It seems to me that the main object of this motion is to allow a peal already rung to be recognised.
Mr. Oram: So far as I am concerned a peal has been rung. It was published as a peal of Surprise Major. What they wanted was for it to be recognised as Spliced Surprise Major. The 5,000 changes were rung properly.
Mr. W. F. Moreton: I think there is no doubt that the peal can be accepted as it stands. The only question is whether the word "spliced" can be used.
Mr. W. E. Critchley commented that in this peal, of which he was filled with admiration - it included half a lead - neither Yorkshire nor Superlative was actually rung.
Mr. P. A. Corby: May we be reminded of the decision of the Council at the 1955 meeting as to what it constitutes as acceptable by the Central Council. At that meeting at Bristol the late Mr. Harold Poole and I proposed and seconded a resolution that any peal where the changes are true would be accepted by the Council as a peal.
Mr. C. K. Lewis said in 1955 there were two motions before the Council and he was the person who proposed the motion that they would accept Bob Triples and any other method that the Council would accept as a true peal.
Mr. E. A. Barnett said no one was suggesting that this peal should not be counted as a peal. What the motion proposed to do - and they had been going off at a tangent - was to alter the definition of a peal of spliced.
Mr. N. J. Diserens said so long as a true peal was rung it stood, but half a lead of one method made it a different method. They ought to go away and think about it.
Mrs. Staniforth proposed that the motion be referred to the Methods Committee, and Canon Felstead seconded.
Mr. F. T. Blagrove: The Methods Committee is in the happy position of having nothing to do with peal ringing. Don't refer it to the Methods Committee.
Mr. R. S. Anderson said it was a question of whether it was spliced or a new method. He supported Mrs. Staniforth's proposal.
Mr. C. K. Lewis remarked that this was not something new but as old as the hills. Snowdon book, back in 1890, had something of the Yorkshire Court that was now being called Spliced Shipway's Court. He suggested that the people who proposed the motion should look into their histories and look backwards. There was a lot in "The Ringing Worlds" of 1936, 1937 and 1938 about spliced. He had sympathy with those who rang the peal as he knew of it long before it came into "The Ringing World." He would advise them to think of another name than spliced. They were worshipping at the spliced shrine and thought of it as the acme. It was much harder to ring a peal when the conductor did not remind one every 32 changes of what he proposed.
Mr. N. Bagworth: Surely with a change every half-lead they created a new method. Why not call it "Miscellaneous Surprise"?
The amendment referring the motion to the Methods Committee with a request to report next year was carried with only seven voting against.
January | |
3 | 5056 Foulness S. Maj., Lincoln. |
February | |
12 | 5024 Stowe S. Maj., Oxford D.G. |
12 | 5040 Grantham S. Roy., Middlesex. |
March | |
17 | 5056 Brewood S. Maj., Middlesex. |
19 | 5040 St. James' Bob Roy., Lancashire. |
26 | 5024 Andover S. Maj., Winchester & P.G. |
28 | 5024 Grimsthorpe S. Maj., Lincoln. |
30 | 5120 Illey S. Maj., St. Martin's D.G. |
April | |
16 | 5056 Boreham S. Maj., Kent. |
21 | 5184 Headstone S. Maj., Middlesex. |
May | |
9 | 5024 Midhurst S. Maj., Sussex. |
10 | 5088 Ogden C.B.M., Midland. |
10 | 5040 Clyde S. Roy., Lancashire. |
12 | 5120 Oakington S. Maj., Middlesex. |
21 | 5088 Crewkerne S. Maj., Bath and Wells. |
June | |
2 | 5088 Measham C.B. Major, Midland C. |
7 | 5024 Hove S. Maj., Sussex. |
8 | 5056 Worthing S. Maj., Sussex. |
11 | 5040 Hunslet Bob Roy., Yorkshire. |
27 | 5056 Milford S. Maj., Cumberland Youths. |
July | |
3 | 5040 Abbotswood S. Roy., Guildford. |
August | |
4 | 5040 Hunslet Bob Trip., Yorkshire. |
7 | 5184 Lewes S. Maj., Sussex. |
8 | 5152 Dorking S. Maj., Sussex. |
29 | 5040 Single Oxford B. Cat., Middlesex. |
September | |
10 | 5024 Trent S. Maj., Derby. |
17 | 5056 Higher Walton S. Maj., Bath &Wells. |
17 | 5056 Orkney S. Maj., Surrey. |
22 | 5024 Erewash S. Maj., Derby. |
24 | 5088 Greybury S. Maj., Kent. |
29 | 5184 Mapperley S. Maj., Derby. |
October | |
24 | 5088 Githeslepe S. Maj., Oxford D.G. |
30 | 5040 Staverton S. Roy., Peterborough. |
November | |
5 | 5040 Richmond B. Roy., Oxford D.G. |
12 | 5088 Eckington S. Maj., Derby. |
25 | 5184 Wycombe S. Maj., Oxford D.G. |
27 | 5002 Rothersthorpe S. Roy., Peterborough. |
December | |
10 | 5088 Tonbridge S. Maj., Kent. |
March | |
6 | 5040 Albanian S. Roy., Leicester. |
15 | 5040 Ashbourne C. B. M., A.N.Z.A.B. |
May | |
2 | 5120 25 Spliced S. Maj., Hertford. |
24 | 5040 3 Spliced S. Roy., Hertford. |
June | |
13 | 5000 4 Spliced S. Roy., Hertford. |
August | |
8 | 5120 5 Spliced S. Roy., Hertford. |
September | |
20 | 5000 6 Spliced S. Roy., Hertford. |
November | |
1 | 5152 Wembley S. Maj., Hertford. |
January | |
23 | 5280 6 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work) Silent, Cumberland Youths. |
February | |
20 | 5280 7 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work) Silent, Cumberland Youths. |
May | |
15 | 5280 8 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work) Silent, Cumberland Youths. |
21 | 5088 64 Spliced Maj., Gloucester and B. |
22 | 5472 9 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work) Silent, Yorkshire. |
June | |
18 | 5088 70 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester and B. |
August | |
6 | 5080 80 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester and B. |
October | |
1 | 5080 85 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester and B. |
16 | 5080 100 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester & B. |
November | |
5 | 5080 110 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester & B. |
19 | 5152 16 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work), Lancashire. |
20 | 5080 120 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester & B. |
December | |
11 | 5152 19 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work), Lancashire. |
17 | 5080 135 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester & B. |
17 | 5040 24 Spliced S. Maj., Lancashire. |
28 | 5152 21 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work), Lancashire. |
31 | 5152 23 Spliced S. Maj. (all the work), Lancashire. |
31 | 5080 150 Spliced S. Maj., Gloucester & B. |
May | ||
25 | 6048 | Glasgow S. Maj., Worcestershire. |
November | ||
12 | 15699 | Stedman Cinques, St. Martin's Guild. |
December | ||
24 | 10032 | Plain Bob Maximus (handbells), Chester. |
Two Twinlock binders have been bought, and have been gold-blocked "In Memoriam Edith Fletcher." These hold the papers typed by both Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. L. K. Marshall. Work is proceeding to complete the records back to 1715.
Records of Minor methods rung to full peals, or included in peals, are now being compiled, and the committee would be grateful for any details or claims, especially before 1940.
F. T. Blagrove (Convener), 57, St. Andrews Crescent, Windsor, Berks.
D. E. Sibson,
C. A. Wratten.
Mr. F. T. Blagrove, in moving the report, said Mr. Derek Sibson was keeping the records up to date. Cyril Wratten was trying to get a complete list of Minor methods rung and hoped to go on to Doubles.
Mr. D. E. Sibson. seconding, said Basing Surprise Major was found to be false and was not included in the records.
Mr. J. A. Ainsworth (St. Martin's Guild) asked if the committee considered compiling records of peals of record lengths.
Mr. Blagrove replied that they were not aware that it was considered to be part of the Records Committee work.
The report was adopted and later in the proceedings Mr. J. A. Ainsworth was elected to the committee.
The Ringing World, June 23, 1967, page 433
IT is right that the impact of bell ringing on the public should cause us concern, whether that impact be favourable or such as to arouse antagonism. Three instances quoted during the year strike us as worthy of serious thought. In July "The Hertfordshire Advertiser" publicised a complaint from tennis players at Radlett, who declared that the ringing of bells near their courts marred their games. The Vicar was able to assert that the ringing was at reasonable times and of reasonable length. In August, Mr. S. F. Stapleton. living at Norton, Herts, succeeded in getting the rateable value of his house reduced on the grounds that the neighbouring ring of bells constituted a nuisance. Subsequent correspondence in "The Pictorial" seemed to show that the cause of complaint was exaggerated, but it should be noted that the Hitchin Valuation Committee was sufficiently impressed to agree to a reduction of £16 a year.
A more curious, and perhaps significant, case arose at Newton-le-Willows, Lancs, in September, when Mr. P. Marriott sought an injunction against the Vicar to restrain him from allowing the bells of the local church to be rung for a practice meeting. Important papers like "The Times" and "The Guardian" gave considerable publicity to the matter, and the Noise Abatement Act was freely quoted in the discussions that followed. A letter in "The Church Times" from Mr. Vernon Bottomley pointed out that Mr. Marriott's interpretation of the law in relation to church bells was in error. Our secretary added that the Central Council is able and ready to supply expert advice on sound problems and difficulties arising from noisy bells. The inference to be drawn from this paragraph (and the previous one) would seem to be that there is nowadays a greater need than formerly for care in the choosing of times for ringing and for restraint in the exercising of the privileges we get.
"The Norwich Churchman" provided during the year three challenging articles - "Who Says that Church Bells are a Nuisance?"; "Bells -True and False"; and "Action Not Words in the Belfry." The first two, by Canon Gilbert Thurlow, gave respectively a lively defence of ringers and their art and a warning to the lay world on the falseness and sham of imitation bells. The third article, by Giles Hunt, emphasised the Christian fellowship arising from the work of church bell ringing. It would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of these three articles, addressed as they are chiefly to non-ringers.
The year 1867 was marked by the unification of Canada, and the centennial celebrations bring us to the very interesting reminder of the link between Canada and the Irish missionaries of long ago. At the request of Canada the New Year ringing in many Irish churches was associated with the rejoicings across the Atlantic, and the occasion received wide publicity in the Irish Press.
The popular articles that came our way during the year were on the whole very well done. "The Nottingham Guardian" gave a substantial account of the Beeston handbell ringers and emphasised the work of Miss I. B. Thompson over a period of 40 years. "Ruston News" published an anonymous contribution on bell casting and tuning, and "The Southern Evening Echo" in a very pleasant, if conventional, essay entitled "Ringing Out for Rejoicing" heralded the approach of Christmas. Olive Nelson's "Swinging Bell Ringing" in "The Cambridge News" was based on a visit and interview with Mr. Brian Threlfall at Harston Parish Church, and gave us an example of sensible reporting. Ann Gardner in the magazine of the National Cathedral School, Washington, wrote exuberantly of her enslavement to bell ringing and of the joy of achievement. A very unusual contribution to our literature was found in the Russian magazine "Ogonek" and translated and presented to us by "C. A. W." it tells of the old bell at Cape Khersones, Sevastopol, and how it was stolen by the French in 1864 and restored to the Russians in 1913.
In January, 1966, "In Britain" presented is well-illustrated article by John Camp. It gave a survey of bell ringing for popular reading, and was accompanied by a fine photograph of Boston Stump and an excellent picture of the ringers at Newdigate, Surrey. From Liverpool "The Childwall Mail" gave us a lively account of the Childwall band and a stimulating picture of Mr. Michael Dodd and his young people at handbell practice.
The visit of Mr. Richard Dirksen of Washington to this country in the summer aroused more than ordinary interest. The peal of Caters he rang with Mr. Chaddock at Rotherham was noted in "The Star, Sheffield," and America's interest in ringing attracted the notice of the larger national Press. "The Daily Telegraph" gave prominence to Mt. Dirksen's visit and commented on the U.S. Servicemen learning to ring in Suffolk. "The Daily Mail" published a photograph of the transatlantic learners with Mr. Bedford at Aldeburgh, and quoted from a letter from Miss Ann Gardner of the Cathedral School, Washington.
It is a pity that the rather hoary theme of ringing as a dying art should have crept into the article in the "Express and Star" in relation to ringing at Darlaston, Parish Church. The report deals fairly with the current difficulties in maintaining bands of ringers, but it is clear that the reporter has seized on the wrong emphasis. As Mr. Bennett of Claverley pointed out by letter, ringing at the native town of the famous John Carter is active and flourishing.
Among the new publications of the year we have had a fresh edition - "A Collection of Compositions in the popular Major Methods" and "A Collection of Surprise Compositions" by Mr. C. A. Wratten, both books now in the Central Council list of publications. To supplement these Mr. H. Chant's "Method Splicing Minor Methods" appeared in the summer, in the middle of the year there came also Mr. York-Bramble's "Method Structure in Change Ringing," a massive and searching work, and one which must (as Canon Thurlow said) be studied seriously. Mr. Frederick Sharpe continues to add to his long list of County books and "The Church Bells of Cardiganshire" has been followed surprisingly quickly by "The Church Bells of Herefordshire."
Two new quarterlies made their appearance "Bells and Bellringing," which is devoted mainly to the historical side of the bells, and "The Sentinel," a news sheet published by the Ely Diocesan Guild. We have referred here only to new publications, but it must be remembered that the various local quarterlies play an important part in the life of the Exercise and among the non-ringing public. Our thanks are due to those whose patience and persistence produce these journals year by year.
In response to a request for material from overseas, we have noted the comprehensive history published in November about the Christchurch Cathedral Society of Bell Ringers, New Zealand. The author, Patricia Ward, has fully covered the life of the Society in fine detail. On the front page of the 326-page "The Seattle Times" there was a Yule card in the form of handbell ringers dressed in Dickensian garb. The ringers were from St. John's Evangelical Church (Lutheran). The bells of the Benedictine Westminster Abbey, British Columbia, are mentioned in the publication "Beautiful British Columbia." It says that visitors are welcome and that change ringing is to be heard on the ten bells daily.
Edgar C. Shepherd (convener), 46, Manor Gardens, Warminster, Wilts.
Fred E. Dukes.
Mr. E. C. Shepherd moved and Mr. F. E. Dukes seconded and the report was adopted.
The Ringing World, June 23, 1967, page 434
The concluding item on the agenda at the Central Council meeting at Nottingham was the votes of thanks.
The president moved a vote of thanks to the Lord Mayor, the Bishop of Sherwood, Canon Feaves, Canon Inglis and Canon Perkins. He also most sincerely thanked the officers of the Southwell Guild, particularly Mick Exton, the hon. secretary, on whose shoulders much of the work fell, David Clarke and Harry Poyner and David Stainsby and all steeplekeepers.
Mr. E. A. Barnett: May I say briefly that we congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Bottomley for the way they have come through the ordeal of their first Council meeting.
Mr. Bottomley: It is easy with such president.
Mr. Anderson thanked the president.
The civic reception which followed the Council meeting was held in the magnificent Council House. The Lord Mayor (Coun. A. F. Roberts) and the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. Roberts) received the guests, and during the reception chatted freely with them. Canon Gilbert Thurlow, in light vein, expressed the Council's thanks for the hospitality so generously provided.
Later that evening the officers of the Council were entertained to dinner by the officers of the Southwell Diocesan Guild and District secretaries. Proceedings were informal in character but the opportunity was taken of expressing to Mr. F. W. Midwinter and Mr. W. L. Exton and their team the grateful thanks of the assembly to the Southwell Guild and the happy memories all would take away from Nottingham.
The Ringing World, June 30, 1967, page 458
The following will bring up to date the Central Council Collection of Surprise Methods as far as the end of the year 1966.
A.- Surprise Major Methods | |||
1C | Grimsthorpe | (j) | -34-1458-56-16-14-38-56-7. |
2C | Chippenham | (f) | -36-14-1258-16-12-58-36.12.3. |
3C | Calne | (f) | -36-14-1258-16-12- |
4C | Chard | (b) | -36-14-1258-16-14-58-16.34.7. |
5C | Grendon | (b) | -36-14-1258-16-14-58.16-16.7. |
6C | Yatton | (f) | -36-14-1258-36-14-38.14-12.5. |
7C | Lambourn | (f) | -36-14-58-16-14-1258-16-3. |
8C | Stratton | (b) | -36-14-58-36-14-38.56-36.7. |
9C | Axminster | (b) | -38-14-12-16-14-58-16-5. |
10C | Ashburton | (b) | -38-14-12-16-14-58-16.34.5. |
11C | Cheddar | (b) | -38-14-12-38-12-58-16.34.7. |
12C | Kettering | (b) | -38-14-12-38-12-58.16-16.7. |
13C | Malmesbury | (f) | -38-14-1258-16-12-38-34-3. |
14C | Eckington | (f) | -38-14-1258-36-14-38.56-36.1. |
15C | Crewkerne | (f) | -38-14-56-16-12-1458-12-5. |
16C | Greybury | (f) | -38-14-56-16-12-1458-34-5. |
17C | Foulness | (l) | -38-14-56-16-12-58-14-5. |
18C | Liskeard | (f) | -38-14-56-16-12-58.14-12.5. |
19C | Urchfont | (f) | -38-14-56-16-34-58.14-34.5. |
20C | Erewash | (e) | -38-14-58-16-12-1258-34-1. |
21C | Githeslepe | (b) | -38-14-58-16-14-1258. |
22C | Trent | (a) | -38-14-58-16-14-3458-16-5. |
23C | Ruardean | (f) | -38-14-58-16-14-38.56-36.1. |
24C | Lydney | (b) | -38-14-58-16-14-58.12-36.7. |
25C | Stowe | (e) | -38-14-58-16-34-1258-12-1. |
26C | Mapperley | (e) | -38-14-58-16-34-3458-34-1. |
27C | Worthing | (d) | -38-14-58-16-34-38-12-5. |
28C | Dorking | (d) | -38-14-58-16-34-38-34-5. |
29C | Milford | (d) | -38-14-58-16-34-58-1236-3. |
30C | Wycombe | (d) | -38-14-58-36-12-38-16-3. |
31C | Portishead | (b) | -38-14-58-36-34-38.16-16.7. |
32C | Street | (f) | -38-14-58-36.14-14.38-12.34.1. |
33C | Stow | (f) | -38-14-58-36.14- |
34C | Midhurst | (e) | -38-14.58-12.36.14-34.58.12-14.3. |
35C | Tonbridge | (mx) | -38-1456-56-38-14-38-16-5. |
36C | Marshfield | (f) | -38-16-12-36-34-38-16-3. |
37C | Ipplepen | (f) | -38-16-56-36-12-1238-14-5. |
38C | Ilfracombe | (f) | -38-16-56-36-34-58.14.36-3. |
39C | Launceston | (b) | -38-16-56-38-14-38-1456-7. |
40C | Lundy | (b) | -38-16-56-38-14-38.14-12.7. |
41C | Tiverton | (b) | -38-16-56-38-34-58.16-16.7. |
42C | Corston | (f) | -56-14-12-38-14-58.14.36-3. |
43C | Mickleton | (f) | -56-14-12-38-14- |
44C | Colerne | (e) | -56-14-56-36-14-1258-34-1. |
45C | Bitton | (f) | -56-14-56-36-14-58.14-12.7. |
46C | Drayton | (f) | -56-14-56-36-34-58-12-7. |
47C | Dawlish | (f) | -56-14-56-36-34-58.14-14.7. |
48C | Banwell | (f) | -56-14-56-36.14-14.58.14-14.7. |
49C | Hove | (h) | -56-14-56-38-14-58.36-36.1. |
50C | Brislington | (f) | -56-14-56-38.14-14.58.14-14.5. |
51C | Thornbury | (f) | -56-14-58-38-34-58.12.36-5. |
52C | Drogheda | (mx) | -56-14.56-58.36-14-1458-14-1. |
53C | Seaton | (f) | -56-16-58-16-14-58-34.12.5. |
54C | Sidbury | (f) | -56-16-58-16-14-58.14-14.5. |
55C | Redruth | (f) | -56-16-58-36-14-1458-34-5. |
56C | Tetbury | (b) | -58-14-12-38-12-38-16.34.5. |
57C | Twerton | (b) | -58-14-12-38-12- |
58C | Wedmore | (f) | -58-14-12-38-14-58.14.36-5. |
59C | Andover | (c) | -58-14-58-16-12-38-16-7. |
60C | Headstone | (d) | -58-14.56.12-36.12-14.38.16-16.7. |
61C | Lewes | (l) | -58-14.58-12.38.12-14.58.14-12.5. |
62C | Boreham | (d) | -58-14.58-56.38.14-14.38.14-14.3. |
63C | Benson | (mx) | -58-14.58-58.36-12-58-34-1. |
64C | Hungerford | (b) | -58-16-12-16-14-58-1236-5. |
65C | Wootton | (f) | -58-16-12-36-14-58.14.36-3. |
66C | Westbury | (f) | -58-16-12-38-34-38-12-3. |
67C | Northam | (f) | -58-16-12.58.36-12-58-36.12.7. |
68C | Northleach | (f) | -58-16-12.58.36-12- |
69C | Appledore | (b) | -58-16-58-36-14-38-34.56.7. |
70C | Oakington | (mx) | 34-38.16-56-36.14-34.58-34-1. |
71C | Brewood | (d) | 36-56.14.58-58.36.14-14.38.14-16.5. |
72C | Prestbury | (f) | 38-36.14-12-36.14-14.38-36-1. |
73C | Revelstoke | (f) | 38-38.14-12-36.12.34-1258-16-1. |
74C | Leckhampton | (f) | 38-38.14-12-38-14-58-16-1. |
75C | Illey | (b) | 38-38.14-12-38.14- |
76C | Blagdon | (f) | 38-38.16-58-16-14-58-16.34.7. |
77C | Bideford | (f) | 38-38.16-58-16-34-58.36-16.7. |
78C | Shrivenham | (f) | 38-38.16-58-16.34-14.38-14.36.7. |
79C | Dursley | (f) | 38-38.16-58-16.34-14.58.16-12.7. |
80C | Henbury | (f) | 38-58.14-12-38-14-1258. |
81C | Wraxall | (f) | 38-58.14-12-38-34.12.38-36.14.5. |
82C | Clanfield | (f) | 38-58.14-58-38.14- |
83C | Exminster | (f) | 38-58.16-12-36-14- |
84C | Olveston | (mx) | 56-56.14-58-36.14-34.58.14-12.3. |
85C | Faringdon | (lx) | 56-56.14.56-56.38-14-1258.34-14.5. |
86C | Whalley | (f) | 58-58.14-58-16-34-38.56-16.5. |
B.- Surprise Royal Methods | |||
87C | Abbotswood | (a) | -30-14-70-18-12-30-14-50-16-5. |
88C | Clyde | (mx) | 36-56.14.50-50.36-14-30.16-16.30.16-16.3. |
89C | Grantham | (f) | 30-50.14-50-30.14-14.50.14-36.70-14-7. |
90C | Staverton | (mx) | 56-56.14-50-36-14-50.14-14.30-34-1. |
91C | Rothersthorpe | (a) | 50-50.14-50-30-14-50-14-50-14-5. |
A.- Surprise Major Methods | |||
Method | Date | Place | No. |
Andover | 26-3-66 | Andover | 59C |
Appledore | Rung in Spliced | 69C | |
Ashburton | Rung in Spliced | 10C | |
Axminster | Rung in Spliced | 9C | |
Banwell | Rung in Spliced | 48C | |
Benson | Rung in Spliced | 63C | |
Bideford | Rung in Spliced | 77C | |
Bitton | Rung in Spliced | 45C | |
Blagdon | Rung in Spliced | 76C | |
Boreham | 16-4-66 | New Romney | 62C |
Brewood | 17-3-66 | Willesden | 71C |
Brislington | Rung in Spliced | 50C | |
Calne | Rung in Spliced | 3C | |
Chard | Rung in Spliced | 4C | |
Cheddar | Rung in Spliced | 11C | |
Chippenham | Rung in Spliced | 2C | |
Clanfield | Rung in Spliced | 82C | |
Colerne | Rung in Spliced | 44C | |
Corston | Rung in Spliced | 42C | |
Crewkerne | 21-5-66 | Crewkerne | 15C |
Dawlish | Rung in Spliced | 47C | |
Dorking | 8-8-66 | Dorking | 28C |
Drayton | Rung in Spliced | 46C | |
Drogheda | Rung in Spliced | 52C | |
Dursley | Rung in Spliced | 79C | |
Eckington | 12-11-66 | Eckington | 14C |
Erewash | 22-9-66 | Ilkeston | 20C |
Exminster | Rung in Spliced | 83C | |
Faringdon | Rung in Spliced | 85C | |
Foulness | 3-1-66 | Spalding | 17C |
Githeslepe | 24-10-66 | Islip | 21C |
Grendon | Rung in Spliced | 5C | |
Greybury | 24-9-66 | Edenbridge | 16C |
Grimsthorpe | 28-3-66 | Edenham | 1C |
Headstone | 21-4-66 | Willesden | 60C |
Henbury | Rung in Spliced | 80C | |
Hove | 7-6-66 | Rusper | 49C |
Hungerford | Rung in Spliced | 64C | |
Ilfracombe | Rung in Spliced | 38C | |
Illey | 30-3-66 | Edgbaston | 75C |
Ipplepen | Rung in Spliced | 37C | |
Kettering | Rung in Spliced | 12C | |
Lambourn | Rung in Spliced | 7C | |
Launceston | Rung in Spliced | 39C | |
Leckhampton | Rung in Spliced | 74C | |
Lewes | 7-8-66 | Lower Beeding | 61C |
Liskeard | Rung in Spliced | 18C | |
Lundy | Rung in Spliced | 40C | |
Lydney | Rung in Spliced | 24C | |
Malmesbury | Rung in Spliced | 13C | |
Mapperley | 29-9-66 | West Hallam | 26C |
Marshfield | Rung in Spliced | 36C | |
Mickleton | Rung in Spliced | 43C | |
Midhurst | 9-5-66 | Easebourne | 34C |
Milford | 27-6-66 | Holy Trinity, Guildford | 29C |
Northam | Rung in Spliced | 67C | |
Northleach | Rung in Spliced | 68C | |
Oakington | 12-5-66 | Willesden | 70C |
Olveston | Rung in Spliced | 84C | |
Orkney | 17-9-66 | Putney | 66 |
Portishead | Rung in Spliced | 31C | |
Prestbury | Rung in Spliced | 72C | |
Redruth | Rung in Spliced | 55C | |
Revelstoke | Rung in Spliced | 73C | |
Ruardean | Rung in Spliced | 23C | |
Seaton | Rung in Spliced | 53C | |
Shrivenham | Rung in Spliced | 78C | |
Sidbury | Rung in Spliced | 54C | |
Stow | Rung in Spliced | 33C | |
Stowe | 12-2-66 | Buckingham | 25C |
Stratton | Rung in Spliced | 8C | |
Street | Rung in Spliced | 32C | |
Tetbury | Rung in Spliced | 56C | |
Thornbury | Rung in Spliced | 51C | |
Tiverton | Rung in Spliced | 41C | |
Tonbridge | 10-12-66 | Tonbridge | 35C |
Trent | 10-9-66 | Sawley | 22C |
Twerton | Rung in Spliced | 57C | |
Urchfont | Rung in Spliced | 19C | |
Wedmore | Rung in Spliced | 58C | |
Westbury | Rung in Spliced | 66C | |
Whalley | Rung in Spliced | 86C | |
Wootton | Rung in Spliced | 65C | |
Worthing | 8-6-66 | Heene | 27C |
Wraxall | Rung in Spliced | 81C | |
Wycombe | 25-11-66 | High Wycombe | 30C |
Yatton | Rung in Spliced | 6C | |
B.- Surprise Royal Methods | |||
Abbotswood | 3-7-66 | St Nicolas, Guildford | 87C |
Clyde | 10-5-66 | Ashton-under-Lyne | 88C |
Grantham | 12-2-66 | Hillingdon | 89C |
Rothersthorpe | 27-11-66 | Daventry | 91C |
Staverton | 30-10-66 | Daventry | 90C |
Appendix A was published in "The Ringing World" of July 2nd, 1965, page 449.
Appendix B was published in "The Ringing Worlds" of June 17th, 1966, page 390, and July 15th, 1966, page 461.
The Ringing World, June 30, 1967, pages 463 to 462