This year’s Central Council meeting took place in the Civic Hall, Lichfield, on May 31, and was attended by a record 191 members. It was chaired by the President of the Council, the Revd. J.G.M. Scott, who opened the meeting with prayer at 10.15, following a corporate service of Holy Communion in Lichfield Cathedral.
The Hon. Secretary, Mr. C.A. Wratten (Gloucester & Bristol DA), reported that 64 societies were affiliated to the Council, of which two - the Derby DA and the Leeds University Society - had not yet paid their subscription for the year. The Council’s membership was made up of 173 elected representatives, nine Life members, and 22 Honorary members.
Apologies for absence had been received from Mrs. Speed (Ladies G) and Messrs. Freeman (Life member), R.H. Dove and D. Hughes (both Honorary members), and A.T. Wingate (Hereford DG), R.E. Hardy (Hertford CA), F.J. Matthews (Kent CA), and J.L. Girt and R.C. Whiting (Suffolk Guild).
Applications to affiliate to the Council
Two societies had applied to affiliate to the Council, the Cumbrian Association and the recently-formed St. Agatha’s Guild; under the Council’s rules, both were classified as non-territorial bodies.
Proposing the former, Mr. J.T. Shepard (London CA) said that its aim was to encourage ringing in a very difficult area, where rings of bells were few and far between. Mr. Wratten formally seconded, and said in reply to a question from Mr. D. Potter (Yorkshire A) that he had received the necessary certificates of membership and undertakings to abide by the Council’s rules from both applicants.
Mr. C. Crossthwaite (Lancashire A) and Mr. S. Richardson (Carlisle DG) said that the area in which the Cumbrian Association operated was already adequately covered and represented by their societies, and on being put to a vote the application failed to obtain the necessary majority, only six members voting in favour.
The St. Agatha’s Guild application was proposed by Mr. P.L.J. Matthews (Salisbury DG), who said that there had hitherto been no society representing Catholic ringers in the country. The Guild’s scope embraced England and Wales, but there was no intention that it should extend any further. With a membership of 81, and still growing, it was anxious to benefit from belonging to the Council.
He reassured the Council that the Guild was not a sectarian body: it had been founded in the wake of the ecumenical breakthrough marked by the Pope’s recent visit to Britain, and membership was open to non-Catholics.
Mrs. G.W. Davis (Winchester & Portsmouth DG) briefly seconded.
Replying to a number of questions, Mr. Matthews said that 56 of the Guild’s present members, most of whom were Roman Catholic, were change ringers; that the Guild was restricting itself to England and Wales mainly because Scotland and Ireland were in a different legal and church area and under a different hierarchy; and that it would not be feasible for the Guild to interpret the word “catholic” in its widest sense.
After Mr. A.W.R. Wilby (ASCY) had suggested that it might be better to reserve judgement and see how the Guild develops, and Mr. R.B. Smith (Honorary) had expressed his concern about such unintended side-effects as the formation of other denominational societies, Mrs. M.J. Wilkinson (Honorary) moved, and Dr. J.C. Baldwin (Llandaff and Monmouth DA) seconded, that the motion be not put. On being put to the vote, this was agreed by a large majority.
The President wished the Guild well, and added “Do not give us up!”
New members
The President welcomed the following new members of the Council: Messrs. A.E. Bagworth, A.P.S. Berry and D.G. Thorne (Honorary members), W.F. Gibbons (Cheater DG), J.G. Burton (North Staffordshire Assn), T.F. Collins (Salisbury DG) and A.R. Lewis (Swansea & Brecon DG).
Election of Life member
Proposing the election of Miss D.E. Colgate, Mrs. C. Higby (Ladies G) spoke of her long service to the Ladies Guild and her ringing career, but drew particular attention to her 18 years as secretary, interpreter and long-hand note taker at the Council meeting for three “Ringing World” editors.
The nomination was seconded by Mr. C. Denyer (Life), former editor of “The Ringing World”, and strongly supported by the Vice-President of the Council, Mr. P.A. Corby (Life). It was passed with applause.
Election of Honorary members
Seven Honorary members completed their three-year term at the end of the meeting, of whom one, Mr. R.H. Dove, did not seek re-election. Together with the two vacancies caused by the resignations of Mr. and Mrs. Drew, nine places were consequently available.
Following individual nominations and a ballot, as required by the rules, eight Honorary members were elected: Mrs. O.D. Barnett and Messrs. H. Chant, R.J. Cooles, D.E. House, C.K. Lewis, J.R. Mayne, M.H.D. O’Callaghan, and P. Sotheran.
Loss of members through death
Members stood is silence while the President read the list of those who had died since the Council’s last meeting.
They were Miss B.M. Boyle (Devonshire G 1960-69, died 26 August 1982), H.T. Rooke (Southwell DG 1951-53 and 1966-69, died 30 August 1982), A.P. Cannon (Surrey A 1951-54, 1957-63 and 1966-75, died 10 October 1982), R.G. Hooper (Gloucester & Bristol DA 1960-66, died 1 January 1983), F.V. Gant (Essex A 1948-54, died 7 February 1983), S.T. Holt (Worcester & Districts A 1936-57, died 12 May 1983), and P.L. Hughes (Hereford DG 1969-81, died earlier this year).
The Revd. L.R. Pizzey (Suffolk G) said a short prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the 1982 meeting, published in The Ringing World of 25 February, were adopted without comment, on the proposition of Mr. Wratten, seconded by Dr. J.C. Baldwin.
The following report was proposed by the Hon. Secretary and seconded by Mr. F.E. Dukes (Irish A):
There have been four changes in the Council’s membership since it last met, I.R. Nichols (Chester DG), E. Nixon (North Staffs. Association), B.D. Castle (Salisbury DG) and E. Martin (Swansea & Brecon DG) having been replaced by W.F. Gibbons, J.G. Burton, T.F. Collins and A.R. Lewis respectively. Three extra Honorary members - A.E.M. Bagworth, A.P.S. Berry, and D.G. Thorne were elected at last year’s meeting, but two Honorary members, Mr. and Mrs. Drew, have subsequently resigned.
1982 was the first year in which the increased affiliation fee, of £5.00 rather than £3.00 per representative, has been in effect, and it is subsequently not surprising that the balance is the General Fund at the end of the year was as a result healthier than it has been for some time. After preparing estimates of General Fund income and expenditure, I have proposed, and the Administrative Committee has agreed, that there is no case for increasing the affiliation fee from 1 January 1984.
Each of the other Funds - the Clement Glenn and Thackray Bequests, Publications, Friends of the Library, and “Ringing World” - also shows a satisfactory balance on the year’s working. The increase in their nett value, of some 27%, has comfortably outstripped the rate of inflation during the year.
The Committee reports reflect in full measure the great amount of time and work that Council members have contributed during the year for the good of ringing; and we are most grateful to them for all they have done. I must however pay special tribute to those who have worked so hard since the Council last met to prepare the way for the establishment of The Ringing World Limited.
The professional skills and enthusiasm of Messrs. Cartwright, Church, and Cooles have ensured that the unexpectedly lengthy negotiations with such bodies as the Charity Commissioners and the Inland Revenue have been successfully concluded, and at minimum cost to the Council. As a result it is expected that the Company will have started to operate by the end of May.
Although the Company’s first meeting will not take place until the Council next meets, at Beverley in 1984, it is important that Council members enrol this year. A separate note has accordingly been sent to all members to explain the legal situation.
C.A. Wratten (Hon. Secretary and Treasurer)
The report was adopted, and the President thanked Mr. Wratten, and his wife Margery, for their work for the Council (applause).
Accounts for 1982 | ||||
General Fund | ||||
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year 1982 | ||||
1981 | Income | £ | £ | |
520 | Affiliation fees | 865.00 | ||
20 | Hire of Exhibition cards | 19.55 | ||
43 | Sale of ties (net) | 38.90 | ||
37 | Interest | 53.36 | ||
1 | Donation | 2.77 | ||
2 | Sundries | - | ||
623 | 979.58 | |||
Expenditure | ||||
242 | Council Meeting | 585.61 | ||
147 | Committee expenses | 146.27 | ||
105 | Library | 106.60 | ||
30 | Depreciation - exhibition boards | 30.00 | ||
15 | Secretary’s expenses | 15.00 | ||
8 | Stationery | .99 | ||
26 | Postage and telephone | 15.47 | ||
20 | Insurance | 19.80 | ||
20 | Sundries | .37 | ||
613 | 920.11 | |||
10 | Excess of income over expenditure | 59.47 | ||
623 | £979.58 | |||
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | ||||
Assets | ||||
49 | Exhibition cards - cost less depreciation to date | 18.75 | ||
318 | Stock of ties | 188.66 | ||
256 | National Savings Bank | 137.34 | ||
69 | Cash and bank balances | 25.54 | ||
34 | Sundry debtors | 19.55 | ||
726 | 389.84 | |||
Liabilities | ||||
127 | Affiliation fees in advance | 35.00 | ||
256 | Thackray Bequest | - | ||
- | Publications Fund | 1.00 | ||
156 | Sundry creditors | 107.67 | ||
539 | 143.67 | |||
187 | Net Assets | £246.17 | ||
177 | Accumulated Fund, 1 Jan. 1982 | 186.70 | ||
10 | Excess of income over expenditure | 59.47 | ||
187 | £246.17 | |||
Publications Fund | ||||
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year 1982 | ||||
1981 | Income | £ | £ | |
4842 | Sales | 5448.88 | ||
226 | Interest | 34.20 | ||
5068 | 5483.08 | |||
Expenditure | ||||
5154 | Stock, 1 January | 9205.19 | ||
6244 | Purchases | 1055.95 | ||
11398 | 10261.14 | |||
9205 | less: Stock, 31 Dec. | 8442.21 | ||
2193 | 1818.93 | |||
850 | Postage and telephone | 993.03 | ||
165 | Stationery | 42.56 | ||
380 | Advertising | 356.30 | ||
129 | Publications Committee expenses | 269.20 | ||
99 | Sundries | 3.00 | ||
3816 | 3483.02 | |||
1252 | Excess of income over expenditure | 2000.06 | ||
5068 | £5483.08 | |||
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | ||||
Assets | ||||
9205 | Stock | 8442.21 | ||
- | General Fund | 1.00 | ||
5401 | Cash and bank balances | 2750.63 | ||
253 | Sundry debtor | 55.42 | ||
14859 | 11249.26 | |||
Liabilities | ||||
37 | Clement Glenn Bequest | - | ||
76 | “The Ringing World” | 253.40 | ||
1000 | Thackray Bequest | - | ||
20 | Payments in advance | 20.00 | ||
4985 | Sundry creditor | 235.00 | ||
6118 | 508.40 | |||
8741 | Net Assets | £10740.86 | ||
7489 | Accumulated Fund, 1 January 1982 | 8740.80 | ||
1252 | Excess of income over expenditure | 2000.06 | ||
8741 | £10740.86 | |||
Clement Glenn Bequest | ||||
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year 1982 | ||||
1981 | Income | £ | £ | |
13 | Film hire (net) | 46.37 | ||
207 | Interest | 240.90 | ||
166 | Profit on sale of investments | - | ||
100 | Bequest | - | ||
486 | 287.27 | |||
Expenditure | ||||
15 | Education Committee expenses | 19.32 | ||
50 | Depreciation - hire films | - | ||
- | Printing | 106.50 | ||
4 | Sundries | - | ||
69 | 125.82 | |||
417 | Excess of income over expenditure | 161.45 | ||
486 | £287.27 | |||
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | ||||
Assets | ||||
37 | Publications Fund | - | ||
140 | “Casting a Bell” (Film): 2 copies | - | ||
1781 | National Savings Bank | 2001.93 | ||
56 | Cash and bank balances | - | ||
- | Sundry debtors | 170.07 | ||
2014 | 2172.00 | |||
Liabilities | ||||
3 | Sundry creditors | - | ||
2011 | Net Assets | £2172.00 | ||
1594 | Accumulated Fund, 1 January 1982 | 2010.55 | ||
417 | Excess of income over expenditure | 161.45 | ||
2011 | £2172.00 | |||
Thackray Bequest | ||||
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year 1982 | ||||
1981 | Income | £ | £ | |
900 | Interest | 643.37 | ||
Expenditure | ||||
- | Public Relations Committee expenses | 32.60 | ||
- | “Ringing World” study | 100.00 | ||
- | 132.60 | |||
900 | Excess of income over expenditure | 510.77 | ||
900 | £643.37 | |||
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | ||||
Assets | ||||
6365 | National Savings Bank | 6131.62 | ||
256 | General Fund | - | ||
1000 | Publications Fund | - | ||
- | Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells | 2000.00 | ||
7621 | 8131.62 | |||
Liabilities | ||||
- | - | - | ||
7621 | Net Assets | £8131.62 | ||
6721 | Accumulated Fund, 1 January 1982 | 7620.85 | ||
900 | Excess of income over expenditure | 510.77 | ||
7621 | £8131.62 |
Note: | £4500 | is allocated to the Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells |
£2000 | is at the disposal of the Publications Committee | |
£250 | is at the disposal of the Public Relations Committee |
Friends of the CCCBR Library | ||||
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year 1982 | ||||
1981 | Income | £ | £ | |
97 | Subscriptions | 176.50 | ||
6 | Donations | 3.00 | ||
- | Sales (box files) | 22.00 | ||
50 | Transfer from General Fund | 50.00 | ||
31 | Interest | 31.72 | ||
184 | 283.22 | |||
Expenditure | ||||
130 | Purchases | 36.58 | ||
39 | Bookbinding | 65.00 | ||
12 | Librarian’s expenses | 17.00 | ||
10 | Depreciation - Library fixtures | 10.00 | ||
191 | 128.58 | |||
(7) | (Dr) | Excess of income over expenditure | 154.64 | |
184 | £283.22 | |||
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | ||||
Assets | ||||
10 | Library | 10.00 | ||
40 | Library fixtures - cost less depreciation to date | 30.00 | ||
391 | Cash and bank balances | 607.42 | ||
52 | Sundry debtor | - | ||
493 | 647.42 | |||
Liabilities | ||||
- | - | - | ||
493 | Net Assets | £647.42 | ||
500 | Accumulated Fund, 1 January 1982 | 492.78 | ||
7 | (Dr) | Excess of income over expenditure | 154.64 | |
493 | £647.42 | |||
“The Ringing World” | ||||
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year 1982 | ||||
1981 | Income | £ | £ | |
31577 | Newsagents | 36005.91 | ||
36146 | Postal subscribers | 41078.74 | ||
7617 | Donations | 7700.17 | ||
3163 | Advertisements | 3736.05 | ||
5459 | Notices | 7190.63 | ||
199 | Profit on sale of calendars | 147.18 | ||
1621 | Sundry receipts | 818.21 | ||
2183 | Bank interest received | 2554.52 | ||
87965 | 99231.41 | |||
Expenditure | ||||
58783 | Printing and blocks | 60465.45 | ||
12369 | Wrappers and postages | 13317.87 | ||
2995 | Carriage and porterage | 2061.93 | ||
8923 | Editor’s fees, expenses, etc. | 9980.51 | ||
1549 | Editorial and Accounts assistance | 825.00 | ||
3635 | Rent, telephone and services | 3568.78 | ||
959 | Postages, stationery and sundries | 809.64 | ||
210 | Miscellaneous expenses | 257.35 | ||
450 | Accountancy charges | 750.00 | ||
3 | Loss on sale of investments | - | ||
- | Computerisation fee | 750.00 | ||
89878 | 92786.53 | |||
(1913) | Net income for the year | £6444.88 |
Auditors Report to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers on the Accounts of their Official Journal
We have audited the annexed Balance Sheet dated 31st December 1982 and have obtained all the information and explanations we required. In our opinion, the Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of affairs of “The Ringing World” according to the best of our information and the explanations given to us and as shown by the books.
13a High Street, Pinner, Middx. |
ELLIS AND TATE Chartered Accountants |
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | |||
1981 | Assets | £ | £ |
200 | Goodwill, blocks, etc. | 200.00 | |
200 | less amount written off | 200.00 | |
- | - | ||
Investments at cost: | |||
2000 | Abbey National Building Society | 2000.00 | |
907 | Carrington Viyella Limited - 3500 Ordinary 25p shares | 907.48 | |
933 | Francis Industries Limited - 2000 Ordinary 25p shares | 932.88 | |
1194 | H.K. Income Trust - 3647.42 Units | 1194.02 | |
1211 | Grand Metropolitan Limited - 1486 Ordinary 50p shares | 1110.51 | |
1154 | Hestair Limited - 1250 Ordinary 25p shares | 1154.04 | |
1530 | Imperial Group Limited - £1700 8% Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 1985/90 | 1529.64 | |
Midland Bank Limited - | |||
224 | 68 Ordinary £1 shares | 224.40 | |
1199 | £1630 7½% Convertible Substituted Unsecured Loan Stock 1983/93 | 1199.18 | |
Northern Engineering Limited - | |||
1227 | 2616 Ordinary shares | 1227.44 | |
157 | 163 Preference £1 shares | 156.74 | |
516 | Sedgwick Group PLC - 543 Ordinary 10p shares | 515.85 | |
3500 | Tyndall Income Units - 5002 Units | 3499.57 | |
5077 | British Exchequer 10% Stock 1983 - £5969.77 Stock | 5076.60 | |
4050 | British Funding 6% Loan 1993 - £6865.51 Stock | 4050.00 | |
24879 | 24778.35 | ||
14097 | Debtors and Prepayments | 14249.74 | |
19171 | Cash and bank balances | 38886.25 | |
58147 | 77914.34 | ||
Liabilities | |||
9436 | Expenses | 13504.12 | |
23385 | Subscriptions etc. in advance | 29905.60 | |
32821 | 43409.72 | ||
25326 | Net Assets | £34504.62 | |
24701 | Accumulated Fund, 1 January 1982 | 25326.24 | |
(1913) | Net profit | 6444.88 | |
2538 | Investment income | 2733.50 | |
25326 | £34504.62 |
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | ||||||
1981 | Assets | £ | £ | |||
10 | Library | 10.00 | ||||
40 | Library fixtures, | at | book | value | 30.00 | |
140 | Films | 18.75 | ||||
49 | Exhibition cards | ” | ” | ” | - | |
318 | Stock of ties | 188.66 | ||||
9205 | Stock of publications | 8442.21 | ||||
14309 | Debtors and payments in advance | 16241.38 | ||||
33281 | Investments at cost | 33049.24 | ||||
25088 | Cash and bank balances | 42269.84 | ||||
82440 | 100,250.08 | |||||
Liabilities | ||||||
23533 | Amounts received in advance | 29960.60 | ||||
14529 | Sundry creditors | 13846.79 | ||||
38062 | 43,807.39 | |||||
44378 | Net Assets | £56,442.69 | ||||
Capital Accounts | ||||||
187 | General Fund | 246.17 | ||||
8741 | Publications Fund | 10740.86 | ||||
2010 | Clement Glenn Bequest | 2172.00 | ||||
7621 | Thackray Bequest | 8131.62 | ||||
493 | Friends of the CCCBR Library | 647.42 | ||||
25326 | “The Ringing World” | 34504.62 | ||||
44378 | £56,442.69 |
Report of the Honorary Auditors to the Members of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
We have compared the annexed Balance Sheets and Income and Expenditure Accounts of the General, Clement Glenn Bequest, Publications, Thackray Bequest, and Friends of the CCCBR Library Funds of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers with the books and vouchers of the Council. We have also examined the annexed Consolidated Balance Sheet. We have obtained all the information and explanations we have required, and report that in our opinion based on our examination and the report of the Auditors of “The Ringing World” not audited by us, the aforementioned Accounts are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of the state of the Council’s affairs at 31st December 1982.
Michael J. Church, F.C.A. | ) | Hon. Auditors |
Eric G.H. Godfrey, F.C.A. | ) |
27th March 1983
Mr. Wratten briefly explained the reasons for the instances where expenditure in 1982 had been significantly different from the previous year, but acceptance of the accounts was deferred until after the report of The Ringing World Committee and The Ringing World accounts had been discussed.
Mr. W.T. Cook (ASCY) proposed adoption of the following report, and was seconded by Mr. C.J. Groome (Peterborough DG):
The two volumes of the Roll of Honour, containing the names of all known ringers who were killed in the two World Wars, are still in their former position in their specially constructed display case in the south triforium gallery of St. Paul’s Cathedral, close by the stairs that lead to the South-West tower. Alterations in the use of this gallery, which is at present closed to the public, are going ahead slowly.
While the Rolls of Honour remain at present in good condition, although the display case is very dusty, your Trustee wonders if the Council should not be considering whether this is the best place for the Rolls to be kept.
W.T. Cook (Trustee)
After Mr. H.J. Charles (Norwich DA) had caused laughter by formally presenting Mr. Cook with a neatly-folded duster to assist him in his duties, the report was adopted. Mr. Potter, commenting on the report’s final paragraph, suggested that the Ringers’ Chapel in Lincoln Cathedral might be a suitable home for the Rolls.
The report of the machine’s Trustees W.H. Dobbie and A.E. Bagworth (both Honorary members), was proposed by the former and seconded by the latter. It was accepted without comment.
No demonstrations were requested during 1982.
On August 10 Douglas Hughes, Alan Bagworth, Walter and Sheila Dobbie met at the Science Museum, together with Dr. D.B. Thomas, Keeper, Department of Physics at the Museum. Various papers were handed over to Alan Bagworth by Douglas Hughes, the Museum Authorities were acquainted with the change of Trustees, and the procedure for fixing demonstrations in the future was settled.
The machine is still kept in store at the Museum, and from a demonstration given on 26th February this year was found to be in good working order.
The President thanked Messrs. Cook, Dobbie and Bagworth for their work on behalf of the Council.
Committee Reports
The Committee met twice during the year, as usual.
In its planning for this year’s Council meeting it decided that, in order to avoid the need for members to be away from their towers on the Sunday of the weekend, the Open Meeting should this year be held on the Monday rather than on Sunday evening as in previous years. It was also felt that the committee displays, which attracted considerable interest at Bedford last year, should where possible be a regular feature of the weekend.
A small sub-committee was also set up to review the general arrangements for Council meeting weekends. Members will have received a questionnaire seeking their reactions to the resulting proposals. It would be appreciated if these could be completed and returned as soon as possible.
The Committee also considered the effect of the Motion passed at Bedford, requiring the first performances of new methods to be published in The Ringing World within a month. As a result two related Motions have been included in the Agenda for this year’s meeting.
The Secretary has received a further invitation from the Australia and New Zealand Association for the Council to be represented at the Association’s Annual meeting in 1988, during Australia’s bicentennial year. This was discussed when the Committee met in March, and it is hoped that at least some members of the 1987-1989 council will be able to attend on that occasion. They are assured of a very warm welcome from the ringers of Australia.
C.A. Wratten (Secretary)
The report was proposed by Mr. Wratten and seconded by Mrs. O.D. Barnett (Honorary).
After Mr. Shepard had asked that the Committee try to devise ways of speeding the election of committees, in readiness for next year’s meeting, Mr. P.M.J. Gray (Australia & New Zealand A) expanded on the report’s final paragraph.
He said that at its last AGM ANZAB members had unanimously passed a resolution, welcoming Council members at their annual meeting on ANZAC Day (25 April) in 1988. There was no suggestion that the Council should organise or financially support such a visit, but he hoped the Council would encourage the idea; perhaps someone could volunteer to organise a party?
The report was then adopted.
During the year two meetings of the Committee have been held, both well-attended and both extremely valuable for the exchange of information and views between members.
The members have as usual been active, and between them have dealt with over 150 enquiries, many of these being tower inspections involving long journeys. As usual, the scope of the enquiries has been wide-ranging. It is perhaps worth reminding Council members that tower inspections cannot be carried out without a written request from the Church authorities, for both legal and insurance reasons.
The Committee view with concern the practice of asking a member for advice without telling him in advance that another member has previously advised on the same tower. This is not fair on either member and may well lead to ill-feeling, particularly in cases where it is clear that sound advice has been tendered the first time, and has not been followed.
Some members have noted during the year that vital structural recommendations have been ignored by Church architects, for example in connection with the installation of foundation beams. We deprecate this, and we are trying to bring pressure to bear to overcome the problem.
The Committee have revised their information leaflet, which details their scope and limitations and shows a list of members’ names and addresses. Copies are available from all Committee members and from the Secretary.
B.D. Threlfall (Chairman) Parsonage House, 106 High Street, Bottisham, Cambridge. |
A. Dempster W.L. Exton J. Freeman A.J. Frost |
G.W. Massey D. Potter F. Reynolds Rev. J.G.M. Scott |
After Mr. B.D. Threlfall (Cambridge Univ. U) had proposed the report’s adoption and had been seconded by Mr. A.J. Frost (Honorary), Mr. P.S. Bennett (Llandaff & Monmouth DA) said that, in response to an invitation, Mr. Threlfall had given a talk to members of his association on how to conduct an inspection. This had been very well received, and he wondered whether the Committee would be prepared to give such talks to others.
Mr. Threlfall said that the Committee would be pleased to help if asked to do so.
The report was adopted, and the President thanked the members of the Committee for their time-consuming and often risky work.
The Committee has met on three occasions during the year,
Undoubtedly the most significant event was the one-day Seminar held at Northampton in October. It was well supported - there were 85 representatives from Guilds and individual towers from all over the country; it was held in a modern hotel, with the advantages of all the facilities it provided, and it was staged at the reasonable price of £4.95 a head. Much appreciative comment has been received regarding the professional approach in the manner in which it was organised, the high quality of the documentation, and the large amount of space available for display stands and promotional material. We thank Eric Billings for all these excellent arrangements.
The specific subjects covered were:
Operating a Guild Bell Restoration Fund
Getting the money in
How do we get people to covenant?
Getting a restoration project started
Organising a parish appeal fund.
The Seminar produced a good deal of thought-provoking material and has provided all who attended with a host of topics for further discussion.
The Manifold Trust again invited applications for grants and, as in 1981, the Committee undertook the administrative work on the Trust’s behalf. This year ten churches shared a total of £8,500. It is felt that, in general, a grant offer should lapse if it is not taken up after two years; indeed, it may be in the interest of the church to allow it to lapse and to re-apply at a later date.
At the Bedford meeting it was asked if grants could be transferable. Whilst we are taking up with the Trust the possibility of having a “reserve list” in order to obtain maximum involvement by the Trust, it should be noted that there is no “global” sum on offer and that each application submitted to the Trust is judged on its own merit.
Bearing in mind the fact that there are over 500 rings of unringable bells in the British Isles, we are particularly concerned at the apparent decline in bell restoration work. Whilst inflation and the recession are perhaps mainly to blame, we must redouble our efforts to provide finance for bell restoration at Guild level, from the public, and from charitable trusts. We noted from a recent dedication service sheet that there was only one complete ring of bells cast in the British Isles during 1982.
We have considered further the best way of approaching and meeting the trustees of the 125 London-based charitable trusts, and we hope that a meeting may take place during 1983. Our discussions showed that there was a need to present to the trustees the work of the Council and of ringers in general. Accordingly a brochure was produced and copies were distributed to members at Bedford. A second brochure, now in its second edition, publicised the services offered by this Committee; copies have been sent to all territorial Guilds and, in addition, are being distributed by the bell-founders with estimates. We would welcome further publicity, particularly to parishes and the general public. Indeed, members of the Committee are always prepared to speak to gatherings of ringers or non-ringers alike.
The triennial survey of Guild Bell Restoration Funds is currently being undertaken and it is hoped that results may be available shortly.
A number of articles have been contributed to The Ringing World in the past year. We appeal to all ringers to send information - this is essential if the work of the Committee is to be really effective.
Clearly contact with Guilds is important to the Committee; we note with pleasure that the majority of Guilds have a Bell Restoration Fund Officer with whom we communicate.
J.S. Barnes (Chairman) 56, Leamington Avenue, Orpington, Kent. |
E. Billings M.J. Church K.S.B. Croft |
G.A. Halls J.F. Mulvey I.H. Oram |
Proposing the report’s adoption, Mr. Barnes (Cumberland Youths) said that the meeting with the trustees of the London-based charitable trusts would be at St. Mary-le-Bow on September 22nd, and that it was hoped that the results of the survey of Guild BRFs, which had been undertaken by Mr. Church, would appear in The Ringing World in due course.
At present the Committee was working on the subject of covenanting, and in this context it would welcome comments on the merits or otherwise of Guilds registering as a whole as Charities. At one time it had seemed preferable to register only their BRF, but this situation could be changing. He finally thanked the members of the committee for their hard work during the year.
He was seconded by Mr. I.H. Oram (Cumberland Youths).
Replying to Mr. A.P.S. Berry (Honorary), Mr. Barnes said that the committee was now in process of providing copies of its brochure to all the foundries and to those involved in bell-hanging work. He also told Mr. D.A. Frith (Lincoln DG) that, were a Guild to be registered as a Charity, tax could be reclaimed on the whole subscription. Mr. Groome commented that the Peterborough DG had been one of the first to register in its entirety, and had encountered no problems as a result.
Mr. I.V.J. Smith (Sussex CA) remarked, a propos the report’s fifth paragraph, that Sussex had received an excellent ring of ten cast in the Netherlands.
The report was then adopted, with applause, the President congratulating the committee on its valuable work.
The number of churches declared redundant seems to be settling down to about the figure provided by the Church Commissioners. These suggested that 609 churches were likely to become redundant between 1980 and 1989, giving a total for twenty years of about fourteen hundred - something of a contrast to the Bridges Commission figure of 790. By 31 December 1982 996 churches had been declared redundant - 63 of them in 1982, 66 in 1981, and 73 in 1980.
There are three possible destinations for any redundant church: preservation, normally by the Redundant Churches Fund; an alternative use; or demolition. It is cheering to record that of the 908 churches which have so far been subject to Redundancy Schemes - the final result of a Declaration of Redundancy - only 27% have been demolished. On the other hand, 21% have been preserved, and 5% have found alternative uses. Alternative uses are remarkably diverse, and range from worship by other Christian bodies to such things as use as an area rent office, a gymnasium, or a store for corn dolly making materials. Not all alternative uses are appropriate for bells, and this is yet another illustration of how invaluable close contact between Association and Diocese can be. For example, the conversion of St Catherine, Feltham, to offices would have meant that it was physically impossible to extract the bells, which were removed just in time.
The Committee submitted comments to the Faculty Jurisdiction Commission of the General Synod in 1979, and the Commission is likely to report to the General Synod in 1983.
Even longer ago, the Committee sent written evidence to the Pastoral Measure Revision Working Party. The Pastoral (Amendment) Measure, the result of the Working Parties’ deliberations, was laid before Parliament in 1982, and is due, with its attendant Consolidation Measure, to come into force in 1983. Among its provisions are the vesting of not only the building but the contents of a redundant church in the Diocesan Board of Finance during the Waiting Period. As well, the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches will be officially responsible for advising on the contents.
The Committee has been involved this year with 59 cases, including nine enquiries for rings of bells and twenty-four for bells for augmentations, replacements, or for use as singles. Some nine bells or rings are currently at some stage of transfer.
More cheerfully, at least three churches this year are contemplating not only the acquisition of a ring of redundant bells, but the building of a tower to house them.
We are grateful to the Associations for much information received. It is clear that in many areas exciting projects are being undertaken, and that the Pastoral Measure dictum on fittings disposal - to a church in the neighbourhood if at all possible - is being closely followed. It is equally clear that this is largely the product of good relations between ringers and the diocese. Though it may mean hard work to establish such relations, it is obviously worth while - as the number of Associations now represented on their D.A.C.s clearly shows. It is perhaps worth pointing out that the converse is also true; lack of good relations means a higher chance of bells being lost.
We would particularly congratulate the Leicester and Peterborough Guilds on their progress towards the rather difficult goal of the transfer of the bells of St John the Divine, Leicester to Peterborough Cathedral; and we would thank the Essex Association and particularly the ringers of Helions Bumpstead, for their kindness, and constructiveness, in holding up the casting of their new bells when it became apparent that a bell they had acquired for scrap might fit in an augmentation.
For the past few years it has became increasingly apparent that a great many bells have moved house for one reason or another. It would be helpful to have a review of the situation, so we are compiling - and intend to make available as soon as possible - a record of all the bells that have moved to new homes in the past ten years. It now appears likely that this will prove a larger task than it originally appeared - the Pastoral Measure does not cover all bells moved - and we shall be grateful for all possible information. A circular has been sent to Association Secretaries.
We again have cause to he grateful to the Church Commissioners and the Council for the Care of Churches for much help and kindness, and patient provision of details. Mr Ranald Clouston has again sent us copies of his notes for the Council for the Care of Churches. They are an invaluable source of information, and we do thank him for the trouble he takes for us.
The biggest problem case this year has been St. Stephen, Hampstead. This church, a candidate for redundancy in 1975, was declared redundant in 1977, and remains in the waiting period. The building, like so many redundant churches, has been extensively vandalised, and the tower has not escaped. The P.C.C. this year took, in our view, the only possible step, and had the bells removed for safe keeping. Since there is little chance of the church being used again for worship, or of its being vested in the Redundant Churches Fund, this means that the bells need a new home. A 27cwt ten with a question mark over the quality of the trebles is clearly not for all markets, and none of the possibilities so far explored has proved promising.
In our last report we drew attention to the number of churches seeking bells to replace an existing ring; and noted that a pragmatic response was the only possible one. It is however difficult to feel other then sad when a church finds itself contemplating selling its bells either to raise money for repairs or because it no longer wants them, Two churches - with another waiting in the wings - come into this category this year. Individual cases often call for sympathy, but in general the precedent seems to us a dangerous one. Inevitably pastoral reorganisation and the existence of redundant churches can create a climate where the sale of bells becomes less unthinkable then usual, and we ask the Associations - and indeed all ringers - to do all they can to combat this tendency.
Mrs. M.J. Wilkinson (Chairman) Holly House, West Ashling, Chichester, Sussex |
E.A. Barnett R.J. Cooles K.S.B. Croft G.A. Dawson J. Freeman |
A.J. Frost G.W. Massey M.H.D. O’Callaghan Revd J.G.M. Scott Very Rev A.G.G. Thurlow |
The report’s adoption was proposed by Mrs. Wilkinson, who asked those Associations who had not already done so to return the questionnaires mentioned in its penultimate paragraph. She was seconded by Mr. E.A. Barnett (life).
Mr. G.A. Halls (Derby DA) congratulated the committee on its report, but Canon E.G. Orland (Peterborough DG) asked whether it was true that the Redundant Churches Fund was running out of money. If it was, he said, the percentage of churches being demolished could well increase, especially in country areas.
Mrs. Wilkinson said that she believed it was indeed true. There were hope that the State might provide additional funds, but in the present economic climate she was not optimistic.
Commenting on the transfer of the bells of St. John the Divine, Leicester, to Peterborough Cathedral, Mr. Groome said that objections to the transfer under the statutory process were delaying matters. In the meantime, however, plans were going ahead, and it was hoped to launch an appeal for funds once the legal problems had been resolved.
The report was adopted, with applause.
In 1982, the one year in seven with 53 publication dates, we produced forty normal 20-page issues, eleven 24-page issues, and the 36-page Christmas double issue, four major anniversaries were featured: the centenaries of the Bedfordshire Association, the Worcestershire and District Association, and the Salisbury Diocesan Guild, plus the Golden Jubilee of the Scottish Association.
David Thorne in his first full year as Editor, has led a full and active life! Over half of his weekends have been spent covering various ringing events, including twenty dinners at locations from Penzance to Stirling, three weekend educational courses, the Bell Restoration Funds Seminar, and the 12-bell striking contest. He has also found time to introduce changes of layout and style to the paper, for which we thank the typographical department of Reading University for their advice and assistance. As a service to our readers and in an effort to introduce more current and immediate news to the journal, a telephone answering service is now available at the Guildford office.
The 1981 reports spoke of the significant drop in circulation caused by the economic effects of the current recession. Whilst the Committee is somewhat disappointed that it has not yet been able to regain these lost sales, 1982 has at least seen a levelling out of this drop, especially for postal subscribers who are crucial to the profitability of the paper. In the circumstances of the continuing recession this gives some cause for optimism.
At the 1981 meeting of the Council at Rochester the new Committee was set the objective of achieving a trading position which would not require subsidising from investment income, i.e. that The Ringing World should stand on its own feet. By a combination of factors, such as no increase in postal charges during the year, a lower than expected increase in printing charges, and a general slowing down of the inflationary spiral, the accounts show that this objective has been achieved by a satisfactory margin. We would however point out that without donations our accounts would present a very different picture, and we would express a sincere “thank you” to all those who have contributed.
To conclude we would thank the Editor for his hard work and enthusiasm which is reflected week by week in the pages of the paper, and to his willing helpers both paid and unpaid. This year the Chairman would like to thank particularly all those who have helped him through his first year with much patience and forbearance, including the Secretary of the Council, our Treasurer, our Legal Adviser, and our Auditor. The final vote of thanks must however go to the many friends and supporters of the paper whose encouragement, interest, constructive criticise, and commitment to The Ringing World is a source of much inspiration to your Committee.
H.W. Egglestone (Chairman) 37, Rectory Close, Newbury, Berks. |
M.J. Church C.J. Groome R.F.B. Speed |
A.N. Stubbs A.W.R. Wilby |
Mr. Egglestone (Honorary) proposed the adoption of the report. He said that The Ringing World Limited had now been registered at Companies House and would start trading on 1 July. Sales of the paper were running at the 1982 level, but, because of slightly increased printing costs, the cover price of the paper would be increased by 2p from 1 July.
Seconding Mr. Groome said that the existing scheme to obtain new subscribers, whereby an agent received £2.50 for each new order he obtained, had caused some embarrassment. As a result it was intended to launch a sales campaign through Guilds and Associations in the next year; under this £3 would be contributed to the society’s BRF for each new subscription it obtained between 1 July 1983 and 30 June 1984.
He added that the Committee wanted societies to make more use of the journal, for example by inserting more meeting notices.
After Mr. C. Forster (Leeds Univ. Society) had noted that the year’s profit of £6,400 was less than the £7,700 received in donations and had asked whether the Committee intended that the paper should at least break even without donations, Mr. Egglestone said that the Committee would continue to take this into account. About 90% of these contributions came from quarter-peal ringers, he added.
Replying to Mr. Potter, he said that the increased accountancy charges for 1982 had arisen from a significant increase in accountancy work during the year. In reply to another questioner, Mr. M.J. Church (Guildford DG) said that the market value of the investments was currently some £35-36,000. Mr. Gray commented that the Council ought perhaps to invest its spare money in its own business, rather than in others, and suggested that the Administrative Committee consider how best to use the available investment capital.
Mr. Groome said that the money could, for example, enable the Council to publish a major book, costing £15,000 or more to produce in hard covers.
The report was then adopted, as were the journal’s accounts, on the preposition of Mr. Wratten, seconded by Mr. Egglestone. The Council’s accounts were then adopted on the proposition of Mr. Wratten, seconded by Mr. J.T. Dunwoody (Irish A.)
After Mr. H.W. Rogers (London CA) had heartily thanked the members of the Committee, the Ringing World staff, and those who had assisted in the formation of The Ringing World Limited (applause), the meeting was adjourned for lunch.
After the meeting resumed, the discussion of committee reports continued with that of the Publications Committee, which was proposed by Mr. C.J. Groome:
Despite the difficulties arising from the Chairman moving house, 1982 was another successful year for Central Council Publications. Sales income rose from £4,842 in 1981 to £5,449 in 1982, an increase ahead of inflation at 12.5%. The number of items sold declined from 8,690 to 7,027, reflecting a further switch to higher priced items and the first full year of the new and fuller Beginners’ Handbook. The Committee has continued its policy of promoting the faster selling and higher margin items to strengthen its financial position. The sales figures for individual publications are appended to this report, with the 1981 figures for comparison.
The only new publication in 1982 was a collection of compositions from The Ringing World. This has earned a place as a regular feature of the Committee’s programme. The Maintenance Handbook was also reprinted.
The Collection of Compositions for Stedman Caters and Cinques was still held up at the end of the year because of problems with the layout. These should be sorted out in 1983, a year when several other important items could come forward for funding - notably the Tower Captains’ Handbook, Triples and Major for Beginners, a new Minor collection, method sheets, a Plain Major collection and a recruiting package.
The fortnightly pattern of advertising in The Ringing World has been continued for postal sales, and several Associations are buying in bulk at a discount for sale at meetings, so providing a useful service to their members and a profit to the Association. We hope that further progress will be made this year towards the objective of getting all Associations and their branches to run bookstalls at their meetings and other events.
Prices were adjusted only slightly on a few publications for 1983 as the Committee now has the price structure towards which it has been working and the long inflation in paper and printing costs seems to have abated.
The Committee met once early in the year.
G.R. Drew (Chairman) 126 Main Road, Broomfield Chelmsford, Essex. |
Mrs S.M. Drew C.J. Groome G. Morris |
Miss J. Sanderson J.R. Taylor |
Appendix: Sales. 1982
1981 | 1982 | |||||
Rhythm of the Bells | 54 | 26 | ||||
A Ring Restored | 13 | 7 | ||||
Towers and Bells Handbook | 72 | 93 | ||||
Treble Dodging Minor Methods | 67 | 84 | ||||
Minor Collection | 91 | 77 | ||||
Rung Surprise Methods | 75 | 116 | ||||
Central Council Handbook | 62 | 96 | ||||
Tutor’s Handbook | 259 | 204 | ||||
Change-ringing on Handbells | 197 | 112 | ||||
On Conducting | 220 | 151 | ||||
Doubles Collection | 203 | 65 | ||||
Beginners’ Handbook | 3570 | 2821 | ||||
Doubles and Minor for Beginners | 944 | 732 | ||||
Conducting for Beginners | 701 | 356 | ||||
Bell Restoration Funds | 66 | 44 | ||||
10- and 12- Bell Compositions | 25 | 24 | ||||
Library Catalogue | 9 | 16 | ||||
Maintenance Handbook | 370 | 259 | ||||
Major Compositions | 39 | 170 | ||||
Stedman Compositions | 13 | 11 | ||||
Variation and Transposition | 36 | 24 | ||||
Symbolic Treatment of FCH | 31 | 27 | ||||
Touches of Triples | 95 | 65 | ||||
Conducting Grandsire Triples | 110 | 84 | ||||
Conducting Stedman Triples | 114 | 87 | ||||
Elementary Method Splicing | 61 | 35 | ||||
Elementary Method Construction | 53 | 62 | ||||
Towards Better Striking | 208 | 74 | ||||
Grandsire Caters | 24 | 16 | ||||
Blue Line Proof | 30 | 27 | ||||
4-way Table of Minor Methods | 32 | 22 | ||||
Model Code of Rules | 22 | 25 | ||||
Method | Sheets: | Plain Bob | 44 | 34 | ||
” | ” | Stedman and Grandsire | 45 | 30 | ||
Recruiting Leaflet | 485 | 710 | ||||
Belfry Warning Notice | 195 | 120 | ||||
Prayer Sheets | 50 | 49 | ||||
Ringing World Peal Compositions | - | 91 |
Mr. Groome said he was pleased to see that a number of societies were buying publications at a discount for resale at their meetings, and urged others to follow their example.
He went on to pay tribute to the work done by Mr. and Mrs. Drew, who, following a move to Essex and taking on a business and Mr. Drew’s ill health, had had to give up their distribution of the Council’s publications. He suggested that the Secretary should send them the Council’s best wishes and thanks.
As a result of the Drews’ resignation, the Committee had had to make alternative arrangements for storing and distributing some 2½ tons of publications. None of the committee’s members had the sort of space required, and they were consequently very grateful to The Ringing World Committee and to David Thorne for allowing them to be stored at, and distributed from, the Ringing World office in Guildford. Advantages were seen in having The Ringing World Ltd acting as the agents of the Publications Committee, but the position would be reviewed in the course of the coming year and a report made to the Council in 1984.
Finally, he proposed that Mr. Thorne be elected to the Committee to fill one of the vacancies that now existed. Mr. J.R. Taylor (Glos. & Bristol DA) seconded this and the adoption of the report.
Pressed by Mrs. M.A. Wratten (Honorary) and Mrs. Barnett for more information on the way publications were to be handled at Guildford, Mr. Groome said that storage space outside the Ringing World office had proved necessary, and that the Editor would have clerical assistance to help with distribution. The Committee had set a ceiling on how much should be spent on this. Mrs. Wratten noted that such work had always been done hitherto by volunteers, at no cost to the Council, and wondered whether volunteers had been sought to replace Mr. and Mrs. Drew.
Mr. Groome said that he would welcome am offer of help from anyone prepared to help and with the necessary space for storage.
In reply to Mr. Crossthwaite, he said that the likely administrative overheads precluded a “sale or return” scheme for Associations, and he told Mr. Potter that the drop in the number of items sold in 1982 probably reflected the decrease in new publications during the year.
The report was then adopted, and Mr. Thorne elected to the committee. The Secretary undertook to pass the Council’s best wishes and thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Drew. Asked by the President who was the committee’s new Chairman, Mr. Groome said that he had replaced Mr. Drew.
This is the second report of the Education Committee elected at Rochester in 1981, and it briefly details the activities of the members during 1982.
The last report outlined an extensive programme of work planned to cover the whole of the triennium; we are pleased to record satisfactory progress towards this target.
“A Tower Captain’s Handbook” has been completed and passed to the Publications Committee. We hope that this small book will help existing tower Captains, and also act as a guide to future holder’s of this important office. Work on “Triples and Major for Beginners” has continued slowly, and should be completed later this year.
Several leaflets will be published later this year. They include “Judging Striking Contests”, “False Course Heads” and “Touches for Service”. Others nearing completion are “Call Changes” and a re-written “Proof of Bob Major”.
Less progress had been made with our projects in the audio-visual field. The general interest film strip awaits many more slides, and we expected that the short 8mm films on specific ringing items would take several years to complete. We have sold all the copies of the 8mm film “Birth of a Bell” and plan to produce video copies in the near future. The cassette tape to assist beginners in learning double-handed change ringing on handbells has been through several drafts: the final format has been agreed and only awaits the production of a master tape.
Last year we mentioned that we would be producing a recruiting package, consisting of posters, illustrations, handouts, and a short cassette tape. Progress on this has been delayed due to other work having priority. Our original plans included a loop cassette giving a continuous commentary, but enquiries suggest that the cost of this type of cassette is prohibitive.
Other items added to the considerable amount of time we spent at our meetings, one at Kegworth and the other at Northampton. We debated the use of mini-computers in teaching change ringing, and came to the conclusion that this probably fell more within the teams of reference of the Computer Co-ordination Committee than those of the Education Committee. Time, or the Council may suggest that we made the wrong decision!
The Council’s 16mm films have been loaned out nine times during the year. The BBC have agreed that a video copy of “This Ringing Isle” may be made to preserve the content. It is a pity that permission was not given when the film was originally purchased; it has suffered considerably at the hands of a poor projectionist.
Older members of the Council may remember a 16mm black and white film entitled “Ringers Required”, made about 1959 by Mr A. Collins of Canada. Letters have been exchanged recently between him and this Committee regarding the hire of this film; the arrangements have not yet been finalised.
The three sets of exhibition cards have been used only infrequently this year. The Public Relations Committee have delegated responsibility for exhibitions to one of their members; it might prevent duplication of effort if he was responsible for the loan of these cards.
The Council’s own weekend ringing course was held this year at Lackham Agricultural College, Lacock, Wilts. As with most of these courses, it proved very successful and enjoyable. The 1983 Course will be held here again from 26th to 28th August; in 1984 we plan to move the course to Cheshire. Guilds and Associations are asked to support the Tower Captains’ Course by sponsoring students, either financially or merely by name. Please assist by raising this matter at your meetings.
Finally, the Council at Rochester asked us to investigate further the idea of Graded Ringing Assessments. A meeting was held of interested Guilds and a pilot scheme started. This is now under way; we hope to report fully on this next year.
W. Butler (Chairman) 7 The Waverleys Thatcham, Newbury, Berks. |
R. Cater W.F. Moreton R.G. Morris |
D.E. Potter R.B. Smith J.M. Tyler |
Proposing adoption, Mr. Butler (Oxford DG) said that a master tape for the handbell ringing cassette would be produced at a cost of about £100, and asked for a volunteer able and willing to produce copies from this. He added that, following consultation with the Administrative Committee, it had been decided not go ahead with hiring the “Ringers Required” film.
Finally, he said that beginners’ progress charts had been produced and were available, free of charge, for representatives at the meeting to collect for their societies.
Seconding, Mr. R. Cater (Winchester & Portsmouth DG) urged societies to encourage their members to attend the Tower Captains’ element of this year’s Lacock course. There had been very poor response so far. Next year’s course would be held on the last weekend in July at Nantwich.
The report was adopted, with applause.
The Ringing World, June 24, 1983, pages 509 to 514
The Council has in recent years expressed a desire for an active and promotional style of Public Relations. The Committee has now been organised to achieve this. In addition to the five elected members Messrs Fred Dukes and David Thorne have been co-opted, the former as Overseas Liaison Officer, and the latter because, in his post as Editor of The Ringing World, he is in the PR front line both within ringing and without. Peter Sotheran has been recruited to, or rather at present is, our “panel of advisers”, contributing with his experience of the media and of printing matters.
The organisation of this Committee and individual responsibilities are as follows:
PR Officer for the Central Council and Chairman PR Committee
(Andrew Wilby)
To present and promote the work of the Council and Committees to the ringing public, general public, and Church authorities.
To assist and advise the Council and Committees in matters of public concern.
To co-ordinate all PR activities.
PR Officer - National media
(Philip Corby)
To maintain and improve contact with all national press, radio and television organisations in order to seek influence with them in matters concerning ringing.
To act as consultant to the media on behalf of the Council as required.
PR Officer Overseas Liaison
(Fred Dukes)
To communicate the activities of the Council to ringers and organisations overseas, and vice-versa.
To encourage isolated groups of ringers to feel part of a world-wide fraternity and to encourage their ringing.
To encourage overseas PR activity, particularly with a view to stimulating the provision of more rings of bells.
To encourage the continued unity and common practice of change ringing throughout the world.
PR Officer - Association Liaison
(David Potter)
To encourage, develop and supervise communication between the Council’s PRC and Association PRCs.
To promote the practice of good PR at Association level.
To maintain and circulate a directory of PROs.
PR Officer - Community Liaison
(Angela Newing)
To promote the work of ringing organisations to the clergy, church authorities and other community bodies.
To identify and cultivate contact with persons of standing within the community - being of favourable disposition to ringers - as avenues of influence.
To identify members of the ringing fraternity with standing in other spheres who may be of assistance with PR activities.
PR Officer - Promotions
(Harold Rogers)
To encourage the development of plans to promote ringing at shows and exhibitions, etc.
To encourage the provision of speakers at association level to organisations such as WI, Rotary, Round Table, PCCs, etc.
To develop and make available lecture and exhibition material.
To organise special promotional activities as required.
Strategy for 1983/4:
PR for the Central Council -
It is intended to promote the work of the Council to the Exercise with articles on the work of individual committees. Opportunities will be taken to promote the case for affiliated societies to be more responsive to initiatives and requests from Council committees which seek an answer. Assistance will be offered to committees where PR interests are involved.
National media -
The good working relationship with the BBC is to be maintained and the idea of a documentary programme pursued with the BBC or ITV. It is hoped to develop a programme on the National 12-Bell Contest on TV and to have an item included on the day of the final in “Sport on 4”.
Overseas Liaison -
The lines of communication between this Council and overseas ringers will be both used and extended. The Overseas Directory is now comprehensively up-to-date. Overseas ringers will be encouraged to promote ringing and seek opportunities for the installation of new bells. An article on the current state of ringing overseas will be produced for The Ringing World.
Association Liaison -
Further efforts will be made to persuade territorial Guilds to appoint PROs if they have not done so already. A Guild PROs Handbook containing advice and information relevant to PR at local level is in course of production and will be launched at regional PROs’ conferences planned for 1984. It is planned to organise a National Bell Towers Open Week as a pilot scheme for what might become a regular event. A Porch Notice Board card carrying ringing details plus contact names at local Branch and Guild level is to be produced for general distribution by Guild PROs.
Community Liaison -
It is intended to build up lists of contacts within the Church and other organisations. It is planned also to produce a model letter for use by Guild PROs which would be sent annually to all PCC secretaries in parishes with bells. In contrast to the usual begging letters that these people receive, this would detail various services that Guilds and this Council have to offer, including current details of Guild and Branch officers etc.
General matters
The Committee’s policy with requests for the Council’s aid with sponsored ringing is to direct organisers to contact Diocesan Bishops and Chapters of major cathedrals to obtain their support. We do not feel competent to make a choice between which charities the Council should support and indeed the authority for such use of bells lies with the clergy. This latter point is commended to all affiliated associations.
It is hoped that all committees will make more use of The Ringing World to communicate their more worth-while activities to the Exercise. The Council’s common reputation as a non-active talk shop is largely its own fault. Committees do have a responsibility to the Council in general to justify their existence, and similarly Council members have a responsibility to ensure that the societies which they represent are fully informed and hear the case for co-operating with Council initiatives. A few cynical remarks at an AGM can do irreparable damage.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has approached this Committee to discuss the possibility of a ringing event nation-wide to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 1984. The format, date and presentation are still under discussion. They will of course be directed in accordance with the Committee’s policy on sponsored ringing.
A.W.R. Wilby (Chairman) 9, Nelson’s Yard, Towcester, Northants |
P.A. Corby Mrs A. Newing D.E. Potter |
H.W. Rogers F.E. Dukes (Co-opted) D.G. Thorne (Co-opted) |
Mr. Wilby moved the adoption of the report, and added that he would like the Council to approve an increase in the committee’s membership to nine and the election to the Committee of the two co-opted members and of Messrs. P. Sotheran and D.E. House, both of whom had earlier in the day been elected Honorary members of the Council. He also drew members’ attention to the report’s penultimate paragraph.
Turning to the National Open Towers Week, he said that the original idea had been Mr. Potter’s; he estimated that about 500 towers had been open, and that they had been visited by some 25,000 people. In addition there had been extensive national and provincial press and TV coverage. Great credit was due to Mr. Potter for the success of the venture (hear, hear).
He warned that the Committee would be approaching the Administrative Committee for further financial support: the £250 already allocated was going quicker than had been expected.
He was seconded by Mr. Potter.
A question from Mr. Barnes about the efficacy of the links between the Council, and its committees, and the Associations, provoked a general discussion. Several speakers spoke of too much paper, all going to over-worked General Secretaries - a point questioned by Mr. F. Reynolds (Hon. Secretary of the Lancashire Association) - and Mr. Barnes suggested that members of the Council should be invited to a one-day briefing session following their election.
Mr. D.J. Roberts (Devonshire G) suggested that the link between the Council and Associations should be the representative on the Council, but Mr. G.W. Massey (Bath & Wells DA) strongly disagreed: all correspondence should be sent to the General Secretary, he maintained.
Mr. H.W. Rogers said that he was unhappy with the standard of the displays set up by committees over the weekend, and said that if the Public Relations Committee was to produce a coordinated display, it would need to know more of what committees wanted. Mr. Oram wondered whether the Council should consider obtaining its own display stands.
The report was then accepted, and Messrs. Dukes, House, Sotheran, and Thorne were elected to the enlarged committee.
The Library Committee had its usual two meetings in 1982. Discussion took place on the format and publication of Part II of the Library Catalogue, now that all items in the collection, including MSS, letters, CC archives, Association reports, and gramophone records have been fully catalogued for the first time in the Library’s history. The Committee also undertook to search more actively for copies of works not in the Library.
Apart from the completion of the Library Catalogue, there were two encouraging features to the year’s work. The first was a big increase in subscriptions from “Friends of the Library”: as will be seen from the accounts, these amounted to £176.50, as opposed to £97. in 1981. Membership of the Friends new stands at 53.
The second feature, resulting in part from the first, was that it was possible to make a good start on re-binding and conservation of books in the Library needing treatment. The £65 shown in the accounts as having been spent on this was used for re-binding 16 smaller works, mainly in the Snowdon series. At the end of the year, and therefore not shown in the accounts, a further £100 was spent on restoration of two copies of the first edition of “Clavis Campanalogia”, F.E. Robinson’s “Among the Bells”, and Stahlschmidt’s “Church Bells of Kent”. It is expected that more will have been done by the time this report reaches members.
In 1982 41 new items were added to the collection (nine by purchase, the rest donated), in addition to 20 Association reports for 1981 (two less then the previous year), a considerable number of old reports, and current copies of the following periodicals:
Our grateful thanks to all who have donated these items, especially those who take the trouble to send periodicals and reports regularly.
During the year 22 items were borrowed from the Library. Only two loans are seriously overdue at the time of writing. The Librarian dealt with about twenty requests for information.
W.T. Cook (Hon. Librarian) 47, Manor Road, Sidcup, Kent |
D.M. Joyce Miss J. Sanderson |
D.W. Struckett P.M. Wilkinson |
Mr. Cook said that subscriptions from Friends of the Library were continuing to come in, but more were always welcome. Rebinding had continued, and he showed members two examples to demonstrate the excellent quality of the workmanship. Donations of current and past Association reports and newsletters were always welcome. Finally he said that the Library provided an information service in reply to enquiries. He moved the report’s adoption, and was seconded by Mr. D.M. Joyce (Kent CA).
Mr. Potter urged the committee to take active steps to obtain copies of manuscripts relating to ringing history, many of which he said were scattered about the country. Mr. Cook said that he would welcome information on any such mss; he would be very interested in acquiring such material for the Library.
Replying to Mr. Barnett, he said that, of the two overdue books mentioned in the report, one had now been returned and the loan of the other had been extended.
The report was adopted.
The undermentioned member and past members of the Council died during 1982:
J. Hartless | Winchester & Portsmouth Diocesan Guild, 1961-1975 and 1976-1981; Honorary 1981-1982. Attended 19 meetings. Died Jan. 26th, 1982. |
T. Wilde | Chester Diocesan Guild, 1933-1936. Attended three meetings. Died Jan. 28th, 1992. |
S. Foskett | Bedfordshire Association, 1954-1963. Attended seven meetings. Died March 5th, 1982 |
F.H. Bennett | Shropshire Association, 1957-1960. Attended two meetings. Died Mar 21st, 1982. |
Miss B.M. Boyle | Guild of Devonshire Ringers, 1960-1969. Attended eight meetings. Died Aug. 26th, 1982. |
H.T. Rooke | Southwell Diocesan Guild, 1951-1953 and 1966-1969. Attended no meetings. Died Aug. 30th, 1982. |
A.P. Cannon | Surrey Association, 1951-1954, 1957-1963, and 1966-1975. Attended 18 meetings. Died Oct. 10th 1982. |
Thanks are extended to Mrs Joyce Dodds, of St Albans, for writing up the Biography Sheets during another triennial period.
T.J. Lock (Chairman) 57, Holloways Lane, North Mymms, Hatfield, Herts. |
Mrs. E.A. Barnett G.A. Dawson Rev. M.C.C. Melville |
B.D. Threlfall W. Viggers |
Mr. Lock (Middx CA & London DG), who proposed the adoption of the report and was seconded by Mr. G.A. Dawson (Southwell DG), asked those members who had not already done so to return their biography sheets as soon as possible. Mr. Dawson said that he would ho available to take photographs of members who had not been able to let the committee have one of themselves.
The report was adopted without comment.
The Committee has relied more on correspondence this year for discussion between members, one meeting being held in Bonsall. Topics under discussion have included Double methods, Doubles variations, the Doubles collection, the Minor collection, Decisions on methods, and the Central Council Open Meeting.
The main focus of attention has been the new Minor collection. Production of the final draft has been delayed pending the resolution of a number of contentious issues (nomenclature, lead-head identification, range of collection, etc.) and the need to avoid conflict with the Composition Committee’s proposed collection of Spliced Minor compositions. These issues have caused protracted debate, now largely resolved.
The Doubles collection (Part 2) and research into Method Extension have received less attention while the Minor collection is brought to culmination. Work is proceeding however towards publication of the existing reports on Method Extension.
In response to enquiries addressed to the Committee some thought has been given to the definition of Double methods and the role of Doubles variations.
The Committee contributed to the Open Meeting at Bedford, providing a stall and contributing to the technical committees’ presentation and debate. Subsequently the Committee discussed the merits of the Open Meeting and expressed regret that the meeting had not been held on the lines suggested.
Routine work has continued in handling correspondence about methods and monitoring methods as they appear in The Ringing World.
M.C.W. Sherwood (Chairman) 131, Shawclough Way, Healey Gardens, Rochdale. |
F.T. Blagrove S. Humphrey |
C.K. Lewis A.P. Smith |
The report was adopted, without discussion, on the proposition of Mr. Sherwood (Manchester Univ. Guild), seconded by Mr. A.P. Smith (Winchester & Portsmouth DG).
A. First peals on tower bells in 1982: | ||||
Jan. | 5 | 5120 | Ipswich D. Major | Suffolk G. |
6 | 5056 | Kalium S. Major | Glos. & Bristol D.A. | |
16 | 5088 | Cicutio S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
16 | 5056 | Erdington D. Major | St. Martin’s Guild | |
17 | 5040 | Lancashire D. Royal | Lancashire A. | |
22 | 5152 | Niobium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
25 | 5024 | Irwell D. Major | Lancashire A. | |
30 | 5024 | Banna S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
Feb. | 2 | 5040 | Tissington S. Royal | Southwell D.G. |
3 | 5056 | Europium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
4 | 5152 | Winlaton S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
6 | 5088 | Astcote S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
12 | 5152 | Hartlepool S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
13 | 5152 | Little Sodbury End D. Major | Guildford D.G. | |
13 | 5056 | Petriana S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
14 | 5000 | Frenchay S. Royal | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
17 | 5056 | Nobelium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
20 | 5088 | Venta Belgarum S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
25 | 5040 | Orion S. Maximus | St. Martin’s Guild | |
26 | 5152 | Braybrooke S. Major | Peterborough D.G. | |
Mar. | 3 | 5088 | Glaslyn S. Major | Leicester D.G. |
4 | 5280 | Bishopwearmouth S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
6 | 5088 | Ivernis D. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
6 | 5000 | Brockhall S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
7 | 5040 | Richard Harris’s Cat Little S. Major | Univ. of London Society | |
10 | 5152 | Unnilseptium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
17 | 5024 | Rhenium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
18 | 5088 | Caldicot D. Major | Llandaff & Monmouth D.A. | |
20 | 5376 | Single Broughton-in-Furness Imp. Bob Major | Lancashire A. | |
20 | 5000 | Collingtree S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
23 | 5040 | Shipway’s Royal | Southwell D.G. | |
27 | 5280 | Daresbury S. Maximus | Chester D.G. | |
31 | 5088 | Berwyn S. Major | Leicester D.G. | |
Apr. | 2 | 5056 | Stansted Mountfichet S. Major | Essex A. |
3 | 5088 | Gesoriacum S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
3 | 5080 | Ipswich D. Royal | Suffolk G. | |
3 | 5088 | Ipswich D. Maximus | Suffolk G. | |
12 | 5152 | Benfieldside S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
20 | 5040 | Kingsbury Little S. Major | St. Martin’s Guild | |
26 | 5088 | West Hartlepool S. Maximus | Leicester D.G. | |
May | 1 | 5024 | Cilurnum S. Major | Yorkshire A. |
1 | 5152 | New Lanchester S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
5 | 5024 | Xeres S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
6 | 5184 | Thursday Maximus | St. Martin’s Guild | |
8 | 5000 | Dadford S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
22 | 5024 | Vercovicium S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
25 | 5040 | Ketton S. Royal | Southwell D.G. | |
30 | 5152 | Booth S. Major | Peterborough D.G. | |
June | 6 | 5000 | Spitalfields D. Royal | Soc. of Royal Cumberland Y. |
19 | 5152 | Old Holborn S. Major | Bath & Wells D.A. | |
22 | 5040 | Fishponds S. Royal | Kent C.A. | |
26 | 5088 | Upsilon S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
July | 1 | 5040 | Hunslet Imp. Bob Caters | Winchester & Portsmouth D.G. |
2 | 5040 | Damgate S. Royal | Peterborough D.G. | |
4 | 5376 | Rossetti S. Major | St. Olave’s Society | |
10 | 5152 | Newbottle S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
13 | 5232 | Oswald D. Maximus | Southwell D.G. | |
17 | 5184 | Brancepeth S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
17 | 5024 | Ynys-Wytryn S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
20 | 5040 | Nova D. Royal | Southwell D.G. | |
24 | 5040 | Summer Alliance Major | St. Martin’s Guild | |
26 | 5088 | Sine Nomine S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
Aug. | 3 | 5004 | Carter’s Caters | St. Martin’s Guild |
14 | 5152 | Potcote S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
18 | 5152 | Jovium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
21 | 5184 | Kingham S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
24 | 5152 | Gainford S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
24 | 5152 | Wappingthorn S. Major | Non-Association | |
25 | 5152 | Heighington S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
25 | 5056 | Lye D. Major | Worcs. & District A. | |
26 | 5152 | Stranton S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
28 | 5040 | Evenley S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
29 | 5018 | Durham Little S. Royal | Non-Association | |
31 | 5040 | Adderbury D. Royal | Kent C.A. | |
Sep. | 3 | 5088 | Fylingdale S. Major | Peterborough D.G. |
4 | 5024 | Caerfyrddin S. Major | Llandaff & Monmouth D.A. | |
4 | 5056 | Grimscote S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
4 | 5040 | St. Nicholas S. Royal | Oxford D.G. | |
7 | 5082 | Devon S. Royal | Leicester D.G. | |
11 | 5088 | Credigone S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
11 | 5088 | Dalscote S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
12 | 5152 | Freddykins D. Major | Ely D.A. | |
14 | 5152 | Thallium S. Major | Univ. of Bristol Soc. | |
18 | 5040 | Wadcroft S. Royal | Peterborough D.G. | |
25 | 5152 | Vindomis S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
25 | 5040 | Fineshade S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
Oct. | 1 | 5056 | Clipstone S. Major | Peterborough D.G. |
2 | 5000 | Mint Imp. Little Bob Major | Lancashire A. | |
2 | 5120 | Yatton D. Major | Bath & Wells D.A. | |
5 | 5040 | Thornton S. Royal | Leicester D.G. | |
10 | 5024 | Didymous D. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
12 | 5024 | Virginium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
23 | 5152 | Burcote S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
23 | 5152 | Old Durham S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
26 | 5056 | Wansdyke S. Major | Ely D.A. | |
30 | 5024 | Dedworth S. Major | Middx. C.A. & London D.G. | |
30 | 5040 | Greatworth S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
Nov. | 13 | 5024 | Mediomanum S. Major | Yorkshire A. |
16 | 5120 | Oxcombe S. Royal | Southwell D.G. | |
19 | 5040 | Thorpeville S. Royal | Peterborough D.G. | |
20 | 5152 | Staindrop S. Major | S. Lincs. Society | |
20 | 5040 | Bishops Stortford S. Royal | Hertford C.A. | |
27 | 5040 | Stratford-upon-Avon S. Royal | Soc. of Royal Cumberland Y. | |
Dec. | 7 | 5040 | Phoenix S. Royal | Leicester D.G. |
11 | 5184 | Regia S. Major | Yorkshire A. | |
11 | 5040 | Wigorniensis S. Royal | Worcs. & District A. | |
11 | 5000 | Hazelborough S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
14 | 5088 | Liskeard S. Major | Ely D.A. | |
18 | 5088 | Isebrook S. Major | S. Northants. Society | |
18 | 5016 | Lincoln Little S. Maximus | Southwell D.G. | |
22 | 5152 | Lanthanum S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
28 | 5112 | Carter’s Cinques | St. Martin’s Guild | |
29 | 5152 | Neodymium S. Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. | |
30 | 5040 | Ise S. Royal | S. Northants. Society | |
31 | 5120 | Dorking Court Bob Major | Middx. C.A. & London D.G. | |
Mar. | 26 | 5010 | 75-Spliced Plain Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. |
June | 4 | 5022 | 110-Spliced Plain Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. |
Aug. | 6 | 5050 | 200-Spliced Plain Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. |
Oct. | 22 | 5046 | 250-Spliced Plain Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. |
Dec. | 10 | 5058 | 275-Spliced Plain Major | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. |
Nov. | 6 | 9984 | Minimus (13 methods) | Gloucester & Bristol D.A. |
Dec. | 29 | 7056 | Plain Bob Caters | Worcs. & District A. |
B. First Peals on Handbells in 1982: | ||||
Feb. | 20 | 5184 | Windsor T.B. Major | North American G. |
28 | 5184 | Timothy T.B. Major | North American G. | |
Apr. | 4 | 5088 | Medway S. Major | Hereford D.G. |
8 | 5040 | Redcliffe S. Royal | Hereford D.G. | |
29 | 5040 | Clyde S. Royal | Leicester D.G. | |
July | 14 | 5264 | Bristol S. Fourteen | Oxford D.G. |
Sep. | 23 | 5040 | Cunning Little Vixen Little S. Major | Univ. of London Soc. |
C. Record Peals in 1982: | ||||
Apr. | 20 | 10440 | Pudsey S. Royal | Soc. of Royal Cumberland Y. |
Aug. | 21 | 15120 | London S. Royal (No. 3 Vn) | Leicester D.G. |
Sep. | 18 | 16880 | London S. Royal (No. 3 Vn) | Non-Association |
D.E. Sibson (Chairman) 24, Poplar Farm Road Barton Seagrave, Kettering, Northants. |
F.T. Blagrove G. Dodds |
J.R. Mayne C.A. Wratten |
After correcting a number of errors in the version of the report that had been circulated to members, Mr. Sibson moved its adoption. He was seconded by Mr. J.R. Mayne (Honorary), who said that a peal of Southern Cross S. Major by the Australia & New Zealand A. had had to be withdrawn because the composition, which he had provided, had been false. He had written to apologise to the conductor of the peal.
Several members questioned the suitability of some of the names, and Mr. B. Peachey (Police G) proposed that the committee be asked to propose changes as necessary; he was seconded by Mrs. A. Newing (Bristol Univ. Society). The President commented that the choice of names reflected on those on picked them, and Mr. A.P. Smith felt that the Council should not involve itself in the minutiae of naming.
After more exchanges, during which Mr. G. Davies (London Univ. Society) assured the Council that the names “Richard Harris’s Cat” and “Cunning Little Vixen” had the approval of all the members of the bands that had first rung them, Mrs. M.J. Wilkinson moved next business and was seconded by Mr. Groome. This was agreed, and the report was then adopted.
The following report was proposed by Mr. C.H. Rogers, Mr. F.B. Lufkin, the Committee’s chairmen, having had to leave. Mr. Rogers commented that nine 1982 peals that had been published in The Ringing World after the report was completed would be reflected in next year’s report; he urged conductors to submit their peal reports more promptly.
We recorded a total of 4,700 peals rung in 1982, comprising 4217 on tower bells and 483 on hand-bells, an overall decrease of 57 compared with 1981. This is accounted for mainly by decreases in tower-bell peals on all numbers except Caters and Royal, which show small increases. The number of hand-bell peals increased by 20.
Peals recorded as rung by local bands decreased to 31, less than half the 1981 total. We would like to congratulate the leading peal ringing association, the Yorkshire Association, which rang 288 peals and beat their 1981 record by 15. The only occasion when 288 have been exceeded were by the Leicester DG in 1972 (356) and by the Winchester & Portsmouth DG in 1979 (329); the Leicester DG had 288 peals in 1981.
The Committee met once during the year, at the end of February, to finalise records and agree on the format for the report. This is much the same as in previous years, but we have taken into account the wishes of the Council and remarks made at last year’s meeting. We also considered the possibility of doing the peals analysis by computer in future and will be looking into the feasibility of this during 1983.
Breakdown of peals by numbers of bells, and comparison with 1981:
Tower | Handbells | |||||
1981 | 1982 | 1981 | 1982 | |||
Sixteen | 2 | - 2 | ||||
Fourteen | 3 | 1 | - 2 | |||
Maximus | 222 | 197 | - 25 | 23 | 17 | - 6 |
Cinques | 105 | 95 | - 10 | 4 | 7 | + 3 |
Royal | 374 | 419 | + 45 | 85 | 85 | |
Caters & Royal | 1 | 2 | + 1 | |||
Caters | 179 | 190 | + 11 | 20 | 14 | - 6 |
Major | 1901 | 1867 | - 33 | 219 | 241 | + 22 |
Triples | 319 | 293 | - 26 | 11 | 7 | - 4 |
Minor | 919 | 875 | - 44 | 95 | 100 | + 5 |
Minor & Doubles | 4 | 8 | + 4 | |||
Doubles | 254 | 247 | - 7 | 1 | 11 | + 10 |
Minimus | 17 | 24 | + 7 | |||
4295 | 4217 | - 77 | 463 | 483 | + 20 |
The leading Societies:
The following societies rang 150 or more peals:
Tower | Hand | Total | |
Yorkshire Association | 255 | 33 | 288 |
Leicester Diocesan Guild | 240 | 19 | 259 |
Derby Diocesan Association | 188 | 22 | 210 |
Oxford Diocesan Guild | 144 | 63 | 207 |
Lancashire Association | 167 | 10 | 177 |
Southwell Diocesan Guild | 155 | 12 | 167 |
Suffolk Guild | 157 | - | 157 |
Compared with the list for 1981, the Winchester & Portsmouth D.G., Chester D.G., Essex Association, Hertford C.A., and Gloucester & Bristol D.A. have dropped out.
All these societies with five others, had more then 100 peals.
First Pealers, and first as conductor
There were 561 first pealers in 1982, and 78 firsts as conductor. The Oxford D.G. had most first pealers, with 35, followed by the Yorkshire Association with 29 and the Gloucester & Bristol D.A. with 28.
Peals were rung in 1809 towers (1780 in 1981) - almost exactly one third of the towers in the British Isles. As last year, 149 towers had 10 or more peals. They were
14 | - | Bristol Cathedral, Coventry, Tuxford*. |
13 | - | Bushey, Derby Cathedral |
12 | - | Boston (Advent Church), Leicester Cathedral, Stourbridge (St Thomas) |
11 | - | Bowden, Bristol (Christ Church), Ipswich (St Mary le Tower) |
10 | - | Birmingham (St Martin), Birstall* (Yorks), Bristol (St Stephen), Edenham, East Farleigh*, Hughenden, Kettering*, Kingsbury, Manchester Town Hall, Moulton, Northampton (St Giles)*, Nottingham (St Mary), Uxbridge, Welbourn*. |
* | Towers which appear in this list for the first time. In the case of Leicester, St John, it, sadly, will be the first and last time. |
These 49 towers, with 812 peals, had again almost exactly 20% of the tower-bell peals.
Of the other towers, 1026 had one peal, 358 had two, 159 had three, 88 had four, 57 had five, 35 had six, 18 had seven, 12 had eight, and 7 had nine. In the last ten years eight towers had had more than 200 peals; they are Loughborough Bell Foundry (652), Birmingham Cathedral (364), Meldreth (310), Isleworth (269), Shoreditch (229), Salford (218), Lockington (216), and South Wigston (210). 18 other towers have had over 100 peals in that time, and so have an average of over ten a year.
Peals of note:
We consider the following peals to be worthy of special mention, and we congratulate those who took part:
Australia & New Zealand A. - Hobart, Tasmania, 5040 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob Doubles (first peal by all the band)
Bath & Wells DA. - Bath, 5184 Spliced S. Major in 15 methods (local band peal)
Gloucester & Bristol DA. - Tetbury, 5056 Plain Bob Major (youngest 8-bell peal band, average age 14 yrs 151 days); Stratton St. Margaret, peals of Spliced Plain Major in 75, 110, 200, 250, and 275 methods.
Hertford CA. - Northaw, 5050 Plain Bob Minor (5 first pealers)
Leicester DG. - Lockington, 15,120 London S. Royal (longest peal in the method at the time)
North American Guild - Victoria, B.C. 5056 Plain Bob Major (5 first pealers)
Oxford DG - 5264 Bristol S. Fourteen on handbells (first of Bristol on 14 bells)
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths - 10,440 Pudsey S. Royal (longest peal by an all-ladies band, and longest of Pudsey S. Royal)
Non-Association - Knowle, 5024 Cambridge S. Major (youngest Surprise Major peal band, average age 16 years 133 days); Worcester, All Saints, 16,880 London S. Royal (longest peal in the method).
The following were published as peals in The Ringing World, but have not been included in the analysis for the reasons given:
one Stedman Three on tower bells
three Minimus on handbells
(no Rules cover such performances)
Liss, 14 March, in view of the Council’s decision in 1982 we considered it best not to include this performance.
Amendments in 1981 figures:
Add three peals of Major and one of Minor, which were published late. Delete one of Minor, by the decision of the Council.
F.B. Lufkin (Chairman) 108 Salisbury Road, Holland-on-Sea, Essex |
Canon K.W.H. Felstead D.A. Frith |
T.G. Pett C.H. Rogers O.C.R. Webster |
1982 Peal Analysis
TOWER | HAND | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SOCIETY | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 9/ 10 | 5/ 6 | 14 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | Total Tower | Total Hand | Total |
A.S.College Y | 14 | 12 | 13 | 3 | 19 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 67 | 5 | 72 | ||||||||||
Australia & NZA | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 7 | |||||||||||||||||
Bath & Wells D.A. | 1 | 4 | 4 | 41 | 6 | 18 | 5 | 79 | 79 | ||||||||||||||
Bedfordshire A. | 6 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 33 | 5 | 31 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 92 | 1 | 93 | ||||||||||
Beverley & D.S. | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 10 | 10 | |||||||||||||||||
Cambridge U.G. | 1 | 2 | 1 | 14 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 24 | 2 | 26 | ||||||||||||
Carlisle D.G. | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 7 | |||||||||||||||||
Chester D.G. | 5 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 37 | 5 | 29 | 4 | 8 | 23 | 6 | 90 | 37 | 127 | |||||||||
Coventry D.G. | 1 | 1 | 34 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 42 | 1 | 43 | ||||||||||||||
Derby D.A. | 8 | 2 | 36 | 10 | 83 | 4 | 41 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 11 | 188 | 22 | 210 | ||||||||
G.Devonshire R. | 1 | 33 | 2 | 25 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 63 | 2 | 65 | |||||||||||||
Durham & N.D.A. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 17 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 31 | 1 | 32 | |||||||||||
Durham U.S. | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||
E. Derbys & W.N.A. | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
E. Grinstead & D.G. | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ely D.A. | 1 | 1 | 2 | 65 | 8 | 22 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 101 | 19 | 120 | ||||||||
Essex A. | 2 | 7 | 2 | 74 | 2 | 40 | 7 | 1 | 9 | 4 | 134 | 14 | 148 | ||||||||||
Gloucester & BDA | 7 | 6 | 13 | 7 | 67 | 9 | 23 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 142 | 2 | 144 | ||||||||||
Guildford D.G. | 4 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 26 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 1 | 59 | 13 | 72 | |||||||||
Hereford D.G. | 1 | 23 | 5 | 27 | 3 | 5 | 20 | 1 | 59 | 26 | 85 | ||||||||||||
Hertford C.A. | 1 | 1 | 2 | 49 | 5 | 37 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 16 | 2 | 5 | 98 | 27 | 125 | |||||||
Irish A. | 1 | 5 | 6 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||
Kent C. A. | 2 | 16 | 5 | 42 | 5 | 28 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 101 | 3 | 104 | |||||||||||
Lancashire A. | 6 | 3 | 20 | 5 | 83 | 19 | 24 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 167 | 10 | 177 | ||||||
Leeds U.S. | 23 | 2 | 25 | 25 | |||||||||||||||||||
Leicester D.G. | 7 | 13 | 47 | 24 | 115 | 15 | 18 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 11 | 1 | 240 | 19 | 259 | ||||||||
Lichfield A. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 27 | 4 | 10 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 48 | 12 | 60 | ||||||||||
Lincoln D.G. | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 21 | 4 | 43 | 10 | 7 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 93 | 6 | 99 | |||||||
Liverpool U.S. | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||
Llandaff & MDA | 1 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 27 | 8 | 3 | 6 | 2 | 55 | 2 | 57 | |||||||||||
London C.A. | 6 | 5 | 17 | 11 | 30 | 5 | 4 | 78 | 78 | ||||||||||||||
Manchester U.G. | 2 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 3 | 11 | ||||||||||||||
Midland C.G. | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 9 | 3 | 12 | ||||||||||||||
Middlesex C.A. | 2 | 4 | 39 | 8 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 55 | 7 | 62 | ||||||||||||
Nat. Police G. | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
N. American G. | 3 | 2 | 26 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 17 | 10 | 37 | 32 | 69 | |||||||||||
N. Staffs A. | 5 | 11 | 4 | 20 | 20 | ||||||||||||||||||
N. Wales A. | 2 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
Norwich D.A. | 1 | 3 | 2 | 22 | 7 | 33 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 75 | 2 | 77 | ||||||||||
Oxford D.G. | 5 | 3 | 10 | 6 | 64 | 25 | 24 | 7 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 17 | 3 | 21 | 1 | 12 | 144 | 63 | 207 | ||||
Oxford S. | 1 | 1 | 7 | 11 | 4 | 4 | 28 | 28 | |||||||||||||||
Oxford U.S. | 2 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 20 | 20 | ||||||||||||||
Peterborough D.G. | 1 | 9 | 2 | 36 | 3 | 21 | 19 | 1 | 92 | 92 | |||||||||||||
Railwaymen’s G. | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
St.Martin’s G. | 44 | 7 | 5 | 8 | 26 | 14 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 108 | 4 | 112 | ||||||||||
Salisbury D.G. | 2 | 10 | 8 | 34 | 5 | 37 | 16 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 113 | 6 | 119 | ||||||||
Scottish A. | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
S.R. Cumberland Y | 11 | 2 | 10 | 11 | 34 | 34 | |||||||||||||||||
S. Sherwood Y | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Southwell D.G. | 9 | 1 | 15 | 5 | 48 | 5 | 47 | 19 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 155 | 12 | 167 | |||||||
Shropshire A. | 2 | 1 | 9 | 2 | 1 | 15 | 15 | ||||||||||||||||
Suffolk G. | 3 | 3 | 13 | 1 | 36 | 6 | 40 | 55 | 157 | 157 | |||||||||||||
Surrey A. | 1 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 10 | 4 | 1 | 26 | 26 | ||||||||||||||
Sussex C.A. | 5 | 3 | 45 | 11 | 24 | 6 | 1 | 95 | 95 | ||||||||||||||
Swansea & B.D.A. | 3 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 6 | ||||||||||||||||||
Truro D.G. | 3 | 5 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 2 | 40 | 40 | |||||||||||||||
U. Bristol S. | 3 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 21 | 2 | 23 | |||||||||||||
U. London S. | 5 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 16 | 9 | 24 | 29 | 53 | ||||||||||
Winchester & PDG | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 57 | 5 | 31 | 11 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 118 | 7 | 125 | |||||||
Worcestershire &DA | 4 | 1 | 7 | 5 | 64 | 10 | 32 | 8 | 2 | 133 | 133 | ||||||||||||
Yorkshire A. | 15 | 1 | 52 | 8 | 140 | 8 | 25 | 6 | 1 | 6 | 17 | 8 | 1 | 255 | 33 | 288 | |||||||
Non-Affiliated S. | 4 | 2 | 25 | 10 | 107 | 13 | 39 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 33 | 8 | 209 | 53 | 262 | |||||||
Non-Association | 10 | 7 | 12 | 3 | 45 | 2 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 92 | 3 | 95 | |||||||||
TOTALS | 197 | 95 | 419 | 190 | 1867 | 293 | 875 | 247 | 24 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 17 | 7 | 85 | 14 | 241 | 7 | 100 | 11 | 4217 | 483 | 4700 |
Canon K.W.H. Felstead (Honorary) seconded.
Mr. Halls enquired why the report no longer contained a “normalised” table of leading peal ringing societies, in which allowance was made for membership, and proposed that such a table be included next year. He was seconded by Mr. P. Church (Beverley & District S).
Mr. Rogers said that a number of members had said that they had found the table meaningless (Mr. W.F. Moreton commented that this was true of several of the statistical tables) and Mr. Wilby commented on the difficulties of defining “membership”. Mr. O.C.R. Webster (Essex A) said that such information as Mr. Halls sought could be obtained from the final table in the report. The motion was defeated on a vote.
Mr. Gray suggested that non-affiliated societies which had rung peals should be named in the report, but Mr. Groome felt that this could encourage the growth of spurious societies. In reply to a question from Mr. Butler, Mr. Rogers said that peals credited to the Central Council were included in the analysis under “Non-Affiliated Societies” (laughter).
Mr. J.M. Jelley (Leicester DG) questioned the need for the report. It seemed to generate much heat, he said, but had no effect on what was actually rung.
The report was accepted.
The highlight of this year’s activity was the Ringing Machine and Micro Meet organised by Jim Taylor and held at Backwell in March. In view of the widespread interest and use of microcomputers in the home, the number of presentations was, to some extent, disappointing, although the standard was excellent. As we have now come to expect, Peter Cummins from Camelford demonstrated his superb craftsmanship in electronics with a number of his machines, including a most realistic sound-box, and user participation with handbells, and even a model tower bell. Peter has equipped three church towers - Torquay, St. Keverne, and Lanteglos-by-Camelford - with electronic devices that enable the sound of the bells to be fully emulated in the ringing chamber while the clappers are totally clamped so that absolutely no sound emanates from the tower. This development will be of interest to any band unable to hold a normal practice because of complaints regarding the noise of the bells.
A number of demonstrations were given of ringing programs on micro-computers, with graphics facilities used to produce some interesting effects. The Committee is aware of the need for home computer enthusiasts to be able to maintain contact with others, especially those with similar equipment, but such is the pace of change in this field that even a simple directory of users and their equipment is likely to go quickly out of date. The Committee does not feel that The Ringing World is the right place for the publication of detailed computer programs, although more technical articles of general interest would be welcome, and the idea of a Newsletter is being tested. It will not be easy to maintain such a venture unless contributions are forthcoming. It would appear that there is a marked reluctance on the part of enthusiasts to share their achievements with others, for whatever reason.
Liaison has been maintained with the Peal Compositions Committee especially in the checking of compositions published in The Ringing World. A composition of special interest is that which may be used for the forthcoming attempt on the extent of Caters, and this has now been proved true. We are once again grateful to Chris Kippin and his panel of checkers for their work during the year, and the programs of some new contributors have been validated. Further offers of assistance in this area are always welcome.
The collection of peal compositions has been expanded with the 1981/82 Ringing World collection prepared and published using word-processing techniques. There are many other Council activities which could benefit by having access to a word-processor, and the Committee may, in the near future, be bringing forward a recommendation that the Council should acquire its own word-processor.
The collection of rung Surprise, Delight and Treble Bob methods maintained on behalf of the Records Committee has been updated to the end of 1982. The high cost of postage has prompted the Committee to investigate the production of the collection in a reduced size format. It is likely that a similar collection of Plain methods will be produced in the near future.
D.W. Beard (Chairman) 23, Westfield Park, Elloughton, N. Humberside. |
T.G. Pett D.E. Sibson |
J.R. Taylor C.A. Wratten |
The report was proposed by Dr. Beard and seconded by Mr. Sibson. Dr. Beard said that, since computers were dependent on the quality of the data they were given, he would welcome a note of any mistakes in the various collections that had been produced. The 1981/82 collection of peal compositions, mentioned in the report, would be available in 4-5 weeks’ time; and he invited comments from other committees on their potential use of a word-processor.
Mr. R.A. Grant (Surrey A) wondered what would be the status of a peal rung on bells silenced in the manner described in the report’s opening paragraph. Mr. A.P. Smith pointed out that the Council’s rules required tower-bells to be audible outside the building during a peal.
In reply to Mr. Charles, who asked why the committee felt The Ringing World to be inappropriate for articles on the use of small computers, Dr. Beard said that it was not a suitable vehicle for detailed programs, but that general interest technical articles would be welcome. However most Committee members were large mainframe users, and those who used small computers seemed reluctant to publish, either through diffidence or because of possible financial implications.
Mr. S. Humphrey (Derby DA), noting that the Ringing World Committee was spending £750 on computerisation, enquired what help had been given by the Computer Co-ordination Committee. Dr. Beard said the committee was as its title said, a co-ordinating body, not professional programmers to the Council.
The report was then adopted.
The Ringing World, July 1, 1983, pages 539 to 542
The year has been one of steady progress on existing activities, rather than starting any new ones.
Fewer compositions have been received for publication in The Ringing World and at one stage in mid-year the supply was almost exhausted. Nevertheless, this outlet continues to attract a good range of compositions and provides a medium through which the Committee believes it can stimulate interest and debate.
Our thanks go to Chris Kippin’s team of helpers for the continuing service provided in checking compositions for publication.
Following the successful launch of the booklet of 1980 Ringing World compositions, David Beard has been compiling the collection for 1981 and 1982, and aims to have it available through the Publications Committee by mid-year.
The official C.C. collections still give us most problems and most cause for concern. The first proofs of the Stedman collection were received late in the year and a considerable amount of time has been spent in proofreading and correcting. Bearing in mind our earlier experience with the Major collection, we are now seeking to discuss with the Publications Committee whether modern technology offers us the scope either to produce the copy directly, or at least to amend and reformat the printer’s copy. As it is, the present procedure is very time-consuming and causes long delays, and we have felt obliged to add some recent compositions in order to maintain the collection up to date.
We have made some decisions on the proposed multi-Minor collection, taking into account the likely market for this booklet and a realistic purchase price. Tempting though it is, we have decided not to make it a manual on splicing, but to concentrate on providing a comprehensive collection of compositions, with explanations where necessary, the overall size being comparable with the Major booklet.
R.W. Pipe (Chairman) 84, Presthope Road, Birmingham B29 4NL |
D.W. Beard P. Border R.E. Hardy |
R.C. Kippin M.C.W. Sherwood |
Mr. Pipe, moved the adoption of the report, said that the committee had been dismayed by the delays in the production of the Stedman collection, and was reluctant to put the new Multi-Minor collection through the same process. He would support any move for the Council to acquire its own word-processing facilities. He was seconded by Mr. R.C. Kippin (ASCY).
The President said that the Secretary had offered to look into the likely cost of a word-processor, and would report to the Administrative Committee. Mr. Jelley hoped that, if a machine were acquired, it would be a general-purpose one, capable of more than basic word-processing.
The report was then adopted without further comment.
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells
Last year’s report mentioned negotiations concerning the ring of ten at Feltham (Middlesex) and the eight at Holy Trinity, Blackburn (Lancs.), then in considerable peril. January 1982 saw the completion of the negotiations to purchase Feltham’s bells, and thanks to the ready co-operation of the Whitechapel Foundry and their willingness to work with volunteers it was possible to remove the bells at very short notice. They are now in store under the auspices of the Middlesex C.A., which hopes to acquire them from the Fund for St. Andrew’s, Uxbridge. £2,650 has been paid, and £3,811 remains due. Thanks are due to Bernard Taylor for taking the initiative with the developers of the church site and attending to the local arrangements.
Local representatives of the Lancashire Association were able to arrange for St. Silas, Blackburn, to bid for the bells of Holy Trinity, Blackburn. By February the appropriate faculty had been obtained and the Fund was able to advance the £3,650 necessary to acquire the bells for St. Silas’. Dedication of the bells in the new ten-bell frame at St. Silas is to take place in February 1983. The Fund was able to obtain a grant of £1,000 from the Manifold Trust towards the project, and so £2,650 remains outstanding. Fund-raising at St. Silas is currently geared towards paying Taylors, but it is hoped that 1983 will see the Fund repaid.
Later in the year the Lancashire Association was again to the fore with John Wilton taking the initiative to rescue the 9 cwt eight at St. Paul’s, Widnes. Derelict for many years, the bells were about to be scrapped pursuant to faculty. Mr. Wilton was able to find an enthusiastic Vicar and PCC at St. Paul’s, Stoneycroft, Liverpool, and negotiations were concluded in December 1982 to buy the bells for £3,800. A tower has to be built within the tower at Stoneycroft, so it may be a little while before the scheme is complete, but the PCC will start repaying the Fund by monthly standing order in 1983.
The Whitechapel Foundry kindly notified us in the year that they had been asked to quote for dismantling and scrapping the eight at Gosport (Hants). The Winchester & Portsmouth DG were alerted, and correspondence flew in all directions. Happily the PCC at Gosport are allowing time for the Winchester & Portsmouth DG to find an alternative home for the bells. Good progress is being made and financial assistance from the Fund may not be necessary.
The Fund remains financially dependent on the Thackray Bequest and the Manifold Trust. Some Associations have allocated loans of necessarily limited amounts from their general funds. It was the hope that this would serve as an encouragement to individual Association members, not to act as a substitute for individual support. The funds we have are kept very busy. If St. Stephen’s, Hampstead, needed immediate rescue we could not oblige unless there was an immediate response from individual ringers. Perhaps they are standing at the ready?
Our grateful thanks to all these who have made 1982’s achievements possible - the Manifold Trust, the bell founders, the diocesan and parish authorities, and not least the local associations and ringers.
Very Revd. A.G.G. Thurlow (Chairman) | E.A. Barnett K.S.B. Croft G.A. Dawson J. Freeman A.J. Frost |
G.W. Massey Revd. J.G.M. Scott Mrs. P.M. Wilkinson R.J. Cooles (Secretary) M.H.D. O’Callaghan (Treasurer) |
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year 1982 | |||
1981 | Income | £ | £ |
15 | Interest | 47.18 | |
- | Donations | 14.25 | |
15 | 61.43 | ||
Expenditure | |||
- | - | - | |
15 | Excess of income over expenditure | 61.43 | |
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1982 | |||
Assets | |||
- | Bells from St. Catherine, Feltham, at cost | 6461.75 | |
- | Loan to PCC of St. Silas, Blackburn | 2650.00 | |
- | Cheque in hands of Treasurer | 1000.00 | |
154 | Bank balances | 2955.60 | |
154 | 13067.35 | ||
Liabilities | |||
- | Deposit by Middlesex County Association for Feltham bells | 2650.00 | |
- | Loans from Guilds & individuals | 2482.00 | |
- | Thackray Bequest | 2000.00 | |
- | Sundry creditor | 720.00 | |
- | 7852.00 | ||
154 | Net Assets | £5215.35 | |
139 | Accumulated Fund, 1 January 1982 | 153.92 | |
- | Grant from Manifold Trust | 5000.00 | |
15 | Excess of income over expenditure | 61.43 | |
154 | £5215.35 |
R.J. Cooles, Secretary | M.H.D. O’Callaghan, Treasurer |
Report of the Honorary Auditors to the Members of The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
We have obtained all the information and explanations we have required and report that in our opinion the above Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of the state of the above Fund at 31st December 1982.
Michael J. Church, F.C.A. | ) | Hon. Auditors |
Eric G.H. Godfrey, F.C.A. | ) |
11th April 1983
Mr. R.J. Cooles (Honorary) proposed the adoption of the report and accounts. On the former, he said that the Middlesex CA was not now proceeding with the acquisition of Feltham bells and that the Committee was now seeking a buyer for them; and on the latter, that the £1000 held by the Treasurer at the end of the year had been a last-minute receipt.
Mr. O’Callaghan (Honorary), who seconded, added that much of the money shown in the accounts as being in the bank had been used to finance the Stoneycroft project. He said that the Fund wan heavily dependent on the Thackray Bequest and the Manifold Trust, and urged more individuals to support the Fund by offering interest-free loans. Replying to Mr. Halls, who enquired why the Committee was so insistent on having loans from individuals when relatively large amounts were available from societies, Mr. Cooles said that the Committee would prefer societies to use their money for work in their own areas.
Mr. Potter said that he had understood that the Fund had been set up to rescue rings of particular interest or value; was it now to be used to rescue any redundant rings, regardless of their quality? Mr. C.H. Rogers (Guildford DG) wondered whether St. Stephen, Hampstead, were worth rescuing, unless there was a known new home for them. And Dr. T.G. Pett (Oxford DG) asked whether the Committee had considered selling bells overseas.
Mr. Cooles said that so far no quality judgement had been applied when rescuing a ring; that the committee aimed to have a new home in prospect when financing a rescue, although this had misfired in the case of Feltham; and that overseas sales were a very real possibility.
Mr. Groome was unhappy about the first point, fearing that bells of no particular merit might be being preserved to the detriment of the bell foundries. Mr. Wilby wondered whether there might be a link between the reported lack of support for the Fund and the type of ring being rescued.
After Mr. Cooles had reassured Mr. G. Dodds (Hertford CA) that the Committee was always very conscious of the need not to pay over the odds for a ring, and always worked in close cooperation with the local society, the report was adopted.
The President commented that he was sure the committee would discuss further the points made in a very helpful discussion.
There were two Motions on the Agenda, both proposed on behalf of the Methods Committee by Mr. Sherwood.
The first proposed amending the Decision relating to the naming of methods by bands that first rang them (Decision (E) D.5), by removing the requirement for the name to be published within a month of ringing. Mr. Sherwood said that the time limit had proved to be an unrealistic one and was now felt to be unnecessary. He was seconded by Mr. A.P. Smith.
Mr. Peachey felt it important that there should be a time limit, and proposed that the Decision be amended to read “within three months”. This amendment was seconded by Mr. P. Border (Coventry DG), but was lost on a vote.
A second amendment, to change the wording to “and send it to The Ringing World within a month of ringing”, was proposed by Mr. T.F. Collins and seconded by Mr. Grant, but was similarly lost.
The original motion was then put to the vote by the President, and was carried.
The second Motion, seconded by Mr. F.T. Blagrove, proposed removing from Decision (E) C a paragraph defining the classification of certain Plain methods with two hunt bells. Mr. Sherwood explained that, following an amendment to Decision (E) B.2 that had been agreed at the 1982 meeting, the paragraph was now “otiose, possibly misleading, and even contradictory”! He was strongly supported by Mr. H. Chant (Honorary), who said he had read the offending paragraph six times and still could not understand it! (Laughter)
The Motion was passed without opposition.
Future meetings
Mr. T.R. Hampton (St. Martin’s G) quoted from a Bell News report of 1889, referring to a suggestion made in Birmingham that year that a representative body of ringers should be formed, and invited the Council to mark the centenary of that occasion by holding its 1989 meeting in Birmingham.
The President thanked the St. Martin’s Guild for its invitation, which he said would be noted with great delight. (Applause)
He went on to remind members that next year they would be the guests of the Beverley & District Society, and in 1985 would meet in Brighton. No invitations had yet been received for 1986, 1987 or 1988.
Replying to Mr. S.C. Walters (Cambridge Univ. G), Mr. P. Church said the 1984 meeting would be held in Hull University on the Tuesday, with the Open Meeting and a reception in Cottingham.
Any other business
Mr. Thorne said that the Council did not subscribe to a press cutting agency, but suggested that twelve members might volunteer to scan certain papers regularly and pass any items of interest to The Ringing World, whence they would subsequently be passed to the Public Relations Committee.
Mr. J.H. Edwards (Bedfordshire A) said that this was his last meeting as a member of the Council. He thanked members for their friendliness over the past 21 years, and wished the Council, its officers and members every success in the future. (Applause)
Mr. K.S.B. Croft (Honorary) asked whether it might be possible to mention by name during the intercessions at the Communion service those members who had died during the past year.
Mr. Massey asked the Administrative Committee to reconsider its plan of compressing the business of the weekend into two days (hear, hear): Sunday had lacked a focus, and too much had been crowded into Monday’s programme. The Administrative Committee had circulated a questionnaire among members to elicit their views on the arrangements for a two-day “Council weekend”, but Mr. D.W. Struckett (Middlesex CA) suggested that the option of reverting to the 1982 arrangements, with the events spread over three days, should be considered.
Mr. A.H. Smith (Bedfordshire A) said that the host society looked to the Council for guidance on what arrangements it should make for the meeting, and Mr. C.M. Smith (Lichfield Archd. Society) suggested that a representative from each of the previous and next host societies should be invited to attend any Administrative Committee meeting at which such arrangements were to be discussed.
The Secretary reported a record attendance of 191 members at the meeting, with 57 of the Council’s 64 affiliated societies fully represented and six partially represented.
Votes of thanks
The President thanked the Council’s hosts at Lichfield very warmly for their arrangements, mentioning particularly the small committee that had clearly worked extremely hard (applause). He went on to thank the Bishops of Lichfield and Wolverhampton and the Archdeacon of Lichfield for their welcome the previous evening; Canon Rutt and the staff of Lichfield Cathedral for their contribution to a very happy Eucharist that morning; and the Secretary and his wife, without whom, he said, business would very rapidly grind to a halt (applause).
Mr. E.A. Barnett thanked the President for his conduct of the meeting.
The Ringing World, July 1, 1983, pages 543 to 544
Progress of the “Graded Ringing Assessment Scheme” seems to vary considerably between the various Guilds and Associations. In some areas it seems to be “catching on” and in others it is still vehemently opposed. There remains a certain amount of misunderstanding about the underlying aims of the scheme which, The Education Committee continues to stress, are simply to provide a structured scheme for both student and instructor. Introducing discussion on graded assessments at this year’s Central Council Open Meeting, The Chairman of the Education Committee, Mr. W. Butler, said:
All good teachers know that it is essential to plan your approach, and decide how you are going to proceed in each lesson. Similarly a good ringing instructor will have a structured scheme for beginners - not only for the benefit of the learner, but also for the tutor! However, it is rare to see a scheme written down, which is a great pity because other Tower Captains might be encouraged to do likewise.
Some of the opponents of our scheme have suggested that as ringing has survived far the last 250 years without it. why introduce it now? Before I answer this. I would like you to look back over ringing progress since Stedman’s time. The greatest advances have been made in the past 35 years or so since the last war. Progress in the last 12 years has been phenomenal - some of the feats that take place now would have been considered impossible 50 years ago. Just think of some of the handbell peals rung in this period - Bristol Maximus, Little Bob 22-In, 110 Spliced Surprise Maximus. How about two other spliced peals published in the last fortnight - 375 Plain Major and 23 all the work Double Surprise Major, spliced both at the lead end and the half-lead. In pre-war days you were a good ringer if you could ring Kent and Stedman. and a first class ringer if you could ring Surprise. It required a District band or an Association band to attempt these methods - many lowers now ring them with local bands for Sunday Service.
One reason I would advance for these improvements is the change in teaching methods. I know it is common to decry educational policy, hut it is a fact that there has been more research into the way people learn in the last ten years than there has been during the previous 300.years.
This has carried through into ringing, and there has been an influx of new ideas and also a new generation of teaching literature. Books such as the Snowdon series were excellent for their time, and still help many older people today. But for younger ringers, a different style is required.
This brings me to my next point. Ringers are becoming younger all the time! In Snowdon’s day it was considered extraordinary for a teenager to ring a peal; these days many pre-teenagers accumulate scores of peals.
It is for these younger ringers that we have introduced the scheme. The pace of life these days has increased: we must retain our learners’ interest, or else they will give up and switch to another hobby. It is perhaps worthwhile pointing out that the move is generally from a participator to a spectator.
Some people object to the idea of certificates being presented. The idea is not new. Many Guilds originally had two classes of members - probationers and change ringers - and until you qualified as the latter, you were not presented with your certificate.
Few people are aware that the Central Council first discussed the idea of badges or certificates for progress over 50 years ago, but thought the lime was not ripe for such a project. Many members will remember the College of Campanology, which started up in 1956. This had some excellent ideas - amongst the first-ever residential ringing course held at Dillington House in Somerset - but I think it suffered from the fact that the idea came from outside the Council, and never received the Council’s backing. It finally closed its doors in 1966.
The next year Elizabeth Barber from Oxford proposed “A Squarer Deal for the Learners” which outlined a written down set of standards, that young ringers should work through, being awarded a certificate at each stage. This was run in the area for some while but foundered through being operated over too small an area. Finally we have the Scout and Guide proficiency badges and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.
Mr. Malcolm Tyler then outlined the underlying intentions of the scheme stressing that a certain amount of flexibility was inherent in the grading system and that it would no doubt be modified to suit local circumstances. The three elements in each grade were:
Mr. Tyler’s thoughts on these three elements within the grades included:
First element is obvious throughout: Grade 1 requires evidence of complete control, e.g. set bell at hand and/or back stroke and be aware of sound, Grade 2 on to call changes and some plain hunt. Grade 3 not only ringing but also conducting call changes and ringing the treble to a method. This is continued through further grades. It is important that candidates be required to do some conducting fairly early, this is often left loo late with young ringers, if at all! Frustrations! Throughout - as stated - good striking is paramount, this need is implied in every grade. Second element, the mechanical, Grade 1 requires various bell fitting to be known, Grade 2 to explain Junction of these fittings. The aim is to develop awareness of what’s up above!
Third element is passing on of knowledge. Start again at Grade I where the student is required to recognise elementary faults in someone else’s ringing. Grade 2 demands explanation of the action of the bell and some writing out of changes. The learner needs to appreciate that not all ringing learning is done with rope in hand! Grade 3 requires further writing out of three leads of a method and recognition aurally of which bell is being rung badly in piece of ringing. Grade 4 requires explanation of the function of “bob” and “single”, Grade 5 not only explanation of place notation and demonstration of ability to extract blue line, but also to give a brief practical lesson in the art of bell control. This last is something we seldom ask people to do under supervision, they are expected to do it instinctively - is this why many people are taught so badly?
These requirements were reached after considerable thought and discussion, by the Education Committee and also at joint meetings of several Guild/Association representatives interested in the scheme. The original eight grades were reduced to five, and a good many minds have been brought to bear the list of requirements which was finally produced; in other words there has been a good deal of refinement. As a result of further experience, no doubt, there will be further refinement, any scheme like this will never be perfect and there is always room for new ideas and improvement. Several Guilds/Associations have shown interest to varied degrees, two have taken it up quite vigorously.
Finally it is worth quoting the last instruction in the guidance notes to assessors: “the aim is always to set good standards by means of as much encouragement as possible. Total proficiency throughout is not expected but a reasonable standard in all requirements certainly is”.
Mr. Bob Cater then spoke as a member of the Education Committee and also as a member of the Winchester and Portsmouth Guild - a Guild which had started to implement the Graded Ringing Assessment Scheme.
A representative from the Guild had initially attended the open meeting on the subject organised by Malcolm Tyler, then reported back to the Guild’s Executive Committee. This committee decided that the Guild would participate in the pilot scheme, and in turn passed it to the Guild’s Education Committee for “promotion and implementation”.
Accordingly, the Education Committee has prepared an eight page brochure for each tower in the Guild and an A4 sized coloured poster.
![]() |
To date, six ringers have come forward for assessment, and all had “passed” handsomely. Two had been Grade 3 and the other four Grade 1. They had been from all age groups: two were young girls, two retired gentlemen and two in their late youth (like himself he added, tongue in cheek). Bob’s view was that a Guild needs some sub-organisation to implement the scheme, whether this be one person appointed to do the job, or a committee. Each participating Guild would have to decide what sub-organisation suited it best.
From the floor, Tony Smith (Winchester and Portsmouth) stressed that the Graded Ringing Assessment Scheme was but another teaching aid, to be used by a tower when the ringers saw it to be of value in their circumstances.
In answer to a question from Malcolm Melville, Bob Cater said that in his view, the scheme had two main benefits - it helped keep learners in ringing, and helped develop their proficiency in the subject. He said that if at a tower these benefits are satisfactorily gained by other methods (and he quoted his own tower, Winchester, where this happens), then that tower may possibly not choose to join in the scheme.
On the other hand, Tony Smith (Winchester and Portsmouth) quoted the example of Abbotts Ann, where four of the Winchester and Portsmouth candidates came from and where the whole band are learners. He was told by one of the older ringers there that the band had become a little “tired” of late, stemming from seeming lack of progress, but joining in the scheme had helped revitalise them.
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At a recent meeting of the Andover District of the Winchester and Portsmouth D.G., Gilian Davis, the Guild Master, presented Grade 3 Certificates to Nicky Wilkins and Mike Bull of Andover. They were the first ringers from the Guild to gain certificates (on 22nd February).
Since then, Hilary and Jocelyn Thorne, Mr. L. L. (Toby) Nash and Mr. Fred R. Salmon of Abbotts Ann have all gained Grade I certificates.
The Ringing World, September 9, 1983, pages 747 to 748