Central Council Meeting 1995: Official Report

The 98th Annual General Meeting of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers was held in the Michael Herbert Hall, Wilton, Wiltshire, on Tuesday 30 May 1995.

The meeting was opened at 10 am by the President, Professor R. J. Johnston, who called upon the Revd. D. L. Cawley, a representative of the Gloucester and Bristol D.A., to say a prayer.

In his report on the Council’s membership, the Hon. Secretary, Mr C. H. Rogers (Guildford D.G.), said that 69 societies were affiliated to the Council, with 189 representatives, and that there were eight Life Members, 24 Honorary Members and one ex officio Member. Subscriptions had been received from all affiliated societies, except the East Derbyshire and West Nottinghamshire Association. That society’s subscription was thereupon paid.

Apologies for absence

The Secretary reported that apologies for absence had been received from one Honorary Member, Mr E. Billings; and ten Representative Members, Miss A. Phillips, the Revd. J. M. Hughes, and Messrs P. J. Agg, D. Bleby, W. Butler, M. Herbert, W. H. Jackson, D. R. McLean, R. G. Powell and M. J. Stone. Apologies for absence were also given for Mrs E. S. Riley and Messrs N. E. Booth, A. S. Hudson, A. J. Martin and B. N. Trowbridge.

Alternate members were present in place of Miss Phillips, Mr Bleby and Mr Jackson, who represent the Zimbabwe G., the Australia and New Zealand A and the North American G. respectively.

New members

The President welcomed the following new members of the Council: Mrs K. Flavell, Mr R. B. Smith and Mr J. R. Taylor (Honorary Members), Mr J. Smith (Australia and New Zealand A, as an alternate member), Mrs J. Webster (South African G.), Mr R. M. Cox and Mr H. F. Pettifer (Sussex C.A.) and Mrs H. Rose (Swansea and Brecon D.G.). As the Secretary read out each name, the member stood briefly. Messrs R. B. Smith, Taylor and Cox had served on the Council at some time in the past.

Losses through death

Members stood in silence while the Secretary read the names of former Council members who had died since the last meeting: Mr F. E. Collins (Surrey A. 1946-65, Honorary Member 1966-80 and Life Member from 1981 until his death); Mr J. D. Clarke (Southwell D.G. 1957-71); Mr J. G. A. Prior (Ancient Society of College Youths 1975-77); Mr E. P. Duffield (Essex A. 1936-38); Mr R. S. Anderson (North Staffordshire A 1948-74); Mr G. J. Lewis (Hereford D.G. 1947-62); and Mr A. F. Burley (Truro D.G. from 1987 until his death).

The Revd. Dr P. Newing (Durham US) said a prayer.

Election of Life Members

Two members had been proposed for Life Membership of the Council - Mr Frank B. Lufkin (Essex A) and the Revd Dr John C. Baldwin (Llandaff & Monmouth D.A.).

Proposing the former, Dr J. Armstrong (Essex A) said that Mr Lufkin had represented the Essex Association on the Council for 50 years and had attended all but two meetings in that time. He had been chairman of the Peals Analysis Committee for 12 years and had been a member of the Administrative Committee. He was well known for his sheer enthusiasm for ringing and his consistent support for the Council and the Essex Association. Mr D. Sloman (Essex A) seconded the proposal. Mr H. W. Egglestone (Life Member) then spoke warmly of Mr Lufkin’s part in the re-building of ringing in Essex after the Second World War and his many common-sense contributions to debate at Council meetings.

Once the tellers had been able to give assurance that the necessary four-fifths majority had been comfortably passed, the President declared Mr Lufkin elected to Life Membership. Mr Lufkin then responded suitably, thanking members for the honour conferred on him.

Dr Baldwin’s election was proposed by Mr W. F. Moreton (Life Member) and seconded by Mr P. S. Bennett (Llandaff & Monmouth D.A.). Mr Moreton spoke of Dr Baldwin’s ability to speak articulately and concisely, a valuable attribute at Council meetings, and of his work alongside the Council for the Care of Churches in finalising the Code of Practice for the Conservation of Bells and Bellframes. He had been the Council’s youngest Vice-President and President. Mr Bennett also spoke of Dr Baldwin’s lucid and learned contributions to debate, of his membership of the Towers and Belfries, Computer Co-ordination and Administrative Committees, and of the major part he played in the organisation of the survey of ringing. These same talents had also been displayed on home territory and, in recognition of his work for ringing there, he had recently been made a Honorary Life Member of the Llandaff & Monmouth D.A.

After the President had declared the vote in favour to be virtually unanimous, Dr Baldwin, replied by speaking of the great honour which had been conferred on him.

Mr G. W. Massey (Bath & Wells D.A.) then asked that in future voting on life membership proposals should be by ballot.

Election of Honorary Members

Five Honorary Members would complete their three year term at the end of the meeting and were eligible for re-election. In the event, they were all proposed and seconded and there were no other proposals. As required by the Rules, voting was by ballot and the President was later able to confirm that all five had been re-elected for another three years. They were: Mrs Stella Bianco, a member of the Public Relations Committee, currently much involved in providing advice on applications for funding from the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the Millennium Commission; Mr S. J. Coleman, a member, and until recently Chairman, of the Public Relations Committee; Mr R. J. Cooles, Secretary of the Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells and a member of the Administrative Committee; Mr M. H. D. O’Callaghan, Treasurer of the Rescue Fund and also a member of the Administrative Committee; and the Revd. Prebendary J. G. M. Scott, a long-standing member of the Towers and Belfries Committee and a past President of the Council.

Minutes of the last meeting

The Secretary proposed the adoption of the Minutes of the 1994 Annual Meeting (published on pp. 163-4 of The Ringing World of 17 February 1995): The proposal was seconded by Mr B. G. Warwick (Leicester D.G.) and agreed.

Report of the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer

In proposing the adoption of the report (published on p. 405 of the RW of 14 April), the Secretary said that two more representative members had resigned and had been replaced, and that one representative member, Mr A. F. Burley of the Truro D.G., had died very recently and had not yet been replaced. He would return to his remarks on the Accounts under the motion relating to the affiliation fee.

The Accounts for 1994

In presenting the Accounts (RW pp 405-6) and proposing their adoption, the Secretary drew attention to the inclusion for the first time of details of Committee expenditure. He also said that the Council’s bank account had been changed during the year to a “Treasurer’s Account” at Lloyds Bank, which paid interest monthly on balances. Bank charges would only be incurred if the account went into the red (which he would try to avoid) or if more than ten cheques were presented in a month (which was slightly less easy to control).

Mr C. J. Groome seconded, and the Accounts were subsequently adopted after consideration of the Friends of the Library Account and the Publications Account in conjunction with the reports of the respective committees.


There were four motions on the agenda. Two of them involved changes to the Rules and this required a two-thirds majority vote to be passed.

The first, that an office of Honorary Treasurer should be created and that the Rules should be amended accordingly, was proposed by Mr M. H. D. O’Callaghan (Honorary Member). He referred to the big increase in the Council’s work in recent years. The demands made on the Council’s resources were increasing and he expected that difficult financial decisions would soon have to be made. All this was creating much extra work for the Secretary and Treasurer. Accordingly the Administrative Committee felt that the time had come for the two functions to be split.

After Mr M. J. Church (Honorary Member) had seconded the motion, the Secretary said that he was concerned that this motion might give the impression that he wished to shirk some of the responsibilities which he undertook when elected to the combined post two years ago, or that he was finding the job too great a burden. That was not so - before standing as a candidate he had discussed the job in detail with his predecessor and it had turned out to be neither more nor less than he had expected. The motion had not been put forward at his behest, and he expressed concern that the creation of a post of Treasurer, while clearly having some benefits, would not be entirely to the benefit of the Council. Nevertheless, if the motion was passed, he would of course do his utmost to cooperate with whomever was elected Treasurer to overcome the difficulties and ensure the continued smooth running of the Council. There was no further discussion and, on a vote, the motion was carried.

The second motion proposed an increase in the affiliation fee to £10 per representative from 1st January 1996. In proposing the motion, on behalf of the Administrative Committee, the Secretary referred back to the report of the Secretary and Treasurer. The affiliation fee was used to fund the Council’s administrative costs, in particular the costs associated with the Council meeting. In 1994 these had amounted to £2,056 but subscriptions had only brought in £1,140. With the increase in representative members from next year, a £10 fee would just about cover the administrative costs, leaving the investment income to fund committee expenditure, which was expected to increase.

The Secretary added that, although the affiliation fee had gone up from £5 to £6 in 1992, the previous increase, from £3 to £5, had been in 1981, when the total cost to the Council of the Council Meeting was £242.

In seconding the motion, Mr P. W. Gay (North Staffordshire A.) made three points: (1) if the Council were starting from scratch and a level of subscription per grass-roots member was being considered, it would be very unlikely to be less than ten pence, simply on the basis of triviality; (2) the proposed fee of £10 per C.C. representative worked out at ten pence per member for a society with 200 members and less than five pence per member for a society with 1,200 or more members; and (3) Church choirs pay an annual affiliation fee of £42 to the Royal School of Church Music, a broadly similar body, although they have no intermediate bodies equivalent to our guilds and associations. All this indicated that ringers receive and would continue to receive very good value for money from the Central Council

After a question from Mr P. J. Tremain (Truro D.G.) had been answered, the motion was put to the vote and was carried.

The proposer of the third motion, Miss J. Sanderson (Honorary member), produced a feather duster to illustrate her point that the Library Committee’s current terms of reference only required it to keep the books dusted down and in good order. The motion proposed that the terms of reference should be expanded to: “To be responsible for the care and maintenance of the Council’s Library; to continue to build both a printed and manuscript archive; and to make its resources available to present and future users.” This reflected the current position and the direction which the committee wished to take in the future.

In seconding, Dr J. C. Eisel (Honorary Member and Librarian) spoke of the Library Committee’s aim to develop the Library as an information service and an archive. As part of the latter function he wished to collect societies’ membership certificates and their badges and would be glad to receive examples of these.

Mr A. R. Smith (Suffolk G.) questioned whether the Library should not also be collecting material produced on microfilm and in electronic form and whether the proposed terms of reference should not be amended to reflect this. Miss Sanderson replied that examples of videos, cassettes and records related to ringing were collected, but a variety of equipment was required to use this material, some of it expensive, and it would change as time went on. She did not accept the need for an amendment to the proposed terms of reference.

The motion was then put to the vote and carried.

The fourth motion proposed several amendments to the Council’s Decisions to provide for the extension of principles, including a memorable new sub-paragraph that “The extension of the reverse of a principle shall be the reverse of the extension of the principle”. (The full text was set out on the agenda paper, which was published on pp. 478-9 of The Ringing World of 5 May). The motion was proposed on behalf of the Methods Committee by Mr A. P. Smith (Winchester and Portsmouth D.G.), who said that the motion fulfilled a commitment previously given to the Council. He expressed his thanks to Mr Julian Morgan for his assistance in testing the proposed amendments against many actual examples.

After Mr R. Bailey (Middlesex C.A. and London D.G.) had seconded the motion, Mr R. E. H. Woolley (Society of Sherwood Youths) suggested that the Decisions should also require the extensions of double principles also to be double principles. Mr Smith replied that ideally that should be so, but there were difficulties: for example, one of the very few existing double principles, Duffield Major, did not extend as a double principle.

The motion was then put to the vote and carried.

Committee reports

The meeting then proceeded to consider the reports of each of the committees, which had been published in The Ringing World of 7th, 21st and 28th April and 5th May 1995. The relevant page numbers are given against each report.

Administrative (p.451)

In proposing the adoption of the report the Secretary referred to the review being undertaken by the Committee of all currently affiliated societies against the criteria agreed by the Council in 1993 for considering applications for new affiliations. Societies had been asked to provide four pieces of information. To date 52 replies had been received, of which 32 had been considered at the March meeting of the Administrative Committee, leaving 17 replies outstanding. He then read out the names of the societies concerned, asking that their representatives should arrange for replies to be sent to him as soon as possible.

After Mr M. J. Church (Honorary Member) had seconded the report’s adoption, the President invited comments on each section of the report in turn. Points made were as follows:

(5) English Heritage - Mr P. S. Bennett (Llandaff and Monmouth D.A.) pointed out that English Heritage held no locus in Wales and suggested that contact should be made with the equivalent Welsh body.

(6) National Lottery and the Millennium Commission - Mr F. B. Lufkin (Life Member) rose to say that he was personally opposed to the National Lottery. As he did not agree with it, he could not agree to the use of its proceeds for bell restoration projects. Mr F. J. P. Bone (Essex A.), Dr M. J. de C. Henshaw (Beverley and District S.), Mr A. P. Smith (Winchester and Portsmouth D.G.) and Mr J. E. Hawes (London C.A.) expressed similar feelings. Mr G. A. Dawson (Southwell D.G.) also had misgivings about the Lottery, but felt that, as money was being given away, ringers should bid for some of it.

(7) Regional seminars - Mr J. A. Anderson (St Martin’s Guild) said that the seminar planned for Towcester on 20th May had been cancelled due to lack of support from societies in the Midlands five of them were holding their AGMs on that day. The other three seminars would go ahead. Mr G. A. Halls (Derby D.A.) said that so often the date of such events was announced too late. At least six months’ notice was required.

Adoption of the Committee’s report was then agreed.

Education (p.353-4)

The Committee chairman, Dr M. J. de C. Henshaw (Beverley and District S.), was pleased to report that good progress was being made on the video on the teaching of bell handling. The services of a retired professional producer were being utilised and the project would be completed before the end of the year. On publications, a new edition of The Bellringers’ Handbook had been printed and was on sale, the Tutors’ Handbook had been completed and would be published soon and a new booklet by Mr Richard Pargeter entitled One Way to Teach Bell Handling had been put forward for publication. Mr Henshaw urged Association Education Officers and others to attend the Education Officers Conference planned for 23rd September, and spoke of the proposed change in format for the Central Council Course: it would be held in two locations, Cirencester and Sheffield, and would be aimed at tower captains, steeplekeepers, etc, and would deal with tower management in its widest aspects.

After Mr Donovan (Yorkshire A.) had seconded the report, Mr Cater (Winchester and Portsmouth D.G.) said, that although the committee’s report stated that a private offer to rescue the former video project had not resulted in any progress, he understood that in fact significant progress had been made.

After the report’s adoption had been agreed, the President invited nominations to fill the two vacancies on the Committee. Three names were proposed: Messrs J. F. I. Turney (Hereford D.G.), E. G. Mould (London C.A.) and F. W. Lewis (Kent C.A.). Voting was by ballot and Messrs Turney and Lewis were subsequently declared elected to the Committee.

Library (p.354)

Adoption of the report was proposed by Miss J. Sanderson and seconded by Dr J. C. Eisel (both Honorary members). Mr S. C. Walters (Cambridge U.G.) considered it regrettable that the Friends of the Library included only 19 corporate members. All affiliated societies ought to provide some financial support for the Library, which was a valuable resource. The President asked all societies to send the Library copies of their annual reports and congratulated Dr Eisel on his recent election as a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Adoption of the report was then agreed and the accounts of the Friends of the Library were accepted without debate.

Methods (pp.354-5)

In proposing adoption of the report, Mr A. P. Smith (Winchester and Portsmouth D.G.) said that the new edition of Method Splicing: Practical Hints was now on sale. Mr R. Bailey (Middlesex C.A.) seconded and the report was accepted without debate.

Peal Compositions (p.451)

After Mr R. Bailey (Middlesex C.A.) had proposed and Mr P. R. J. Barnes (St Martin’s G.) had seconded the report’s adoption, Mr J. R. Martin (Oxford D.G.) said that conductors everywhere were hungry for new compositions; the report told of various collections in preparation and it was high time some were produced. Mr J. A. Anderson (St Martin’s G.) followed this by reading out a fax he had received from Mr R. W. Pipe (a former Chairman of this Committee): Mr Pipe was dissatisfied with the Committee’s progress in publishing peal compositions in The Ringing World; he questioned the criteria which it used for selecting compositions for publication and pointed out that the committee had had some of his own compositions for over two years which had not yet appeared.

In reply, Mr Bailey accepted that the criticisms were fair. He personally had not given sufficient time to the work, but he would try harder in future to ensure that the committee met the high standards set by his predecessor. Adoption of the report was then agreed.

Peals Analysis (p.425-7)

Dr D. H. Niblett (Kent C.A.) drew attention to some minor errors in the report and proposed its adoption. It had been another record year for peal ringing. The leading towers list given was for 1993. He now had the 1994 list, which would be published in next year’s report, but the top six towers appeared in the same order as for 1993, except that Trumpington and Meldreth were second equal with 63 peals. Referring to the recommendations on peals not complying with the Decisions on Peal Ringing, Dr Niblett suggested that the Council might in future wish to discuss whether simulators should in future play a part in peal ringing.

Mr J. D. Cheesman (Surrey A.), in seconding, spoke of work on the computerisation of the late Canon Felstead’s record cards. He had been seconded to the Computer Coordination Committee for this purpose. The necessary software was being written and in due course volunteers would be sought for inputting the records.

The President then put the three recommendations in the report to the meeting and they were all agreed without debate. Adoption of the report was thereupon agreed.

Public Relations (pp.424-5)

Adoption of the report was proposed by Mr S. J. Coleman (Honorary Member), seconded by Mr J. A. Anderson (St Martin’s G.) and agreed without debate.

Publications (p.356)

In proposing adoption of the report and the Publications accounts, Mr W. J. Couperthwaite (Guildford D.G.) referred to two new editions now on sale, The Beginners’ Handbook and Method Splicing: Practical Hints, and a reprint of the Tower and Bells Handbook. The Tutors’ Handbook would be ready soon. Mr J. R. Pratt (Guildford D.G.) seconded and expressed his readiness to deal with questions on the accounts. None were forthcoming, so the adoption of the report and accounts was thereupon agreed.

Records (p.477-8)

Mr D. E. Sibson (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths), in proposing the report’s adoption, was pleased to say that this year there were no typographical errors. However, two new Surprise Royal methods had been found to be contractions of previously rung Maximus methods - St Augustine’s Reach, rung on 15th November, was in fact Parkway S. Royal; and Ebbsfleet, rung on 20th December, was in fact Oklahoma S. Royal. Mr J. R. Mayne (Hertford C.A.) seconded and the adoption of the report was agreed without debate.

Redundant Bells (p.355)

After Mr G. W. Massey (Bath and Wells D.A.) had proposed and Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson (Honorary Member) had seconded the report’s adoption, Mr G. A. Halls spoke about the bells from St Martin’s, Birmingham: he had been very pleased last year to learn that a home had been found for these bells, but he had subsequently been concerned to read that the present ring of eight at Escrick caused tower movement. Although assurances had been given that tower movement with the new ring would be acceptable, he urged the Committee to ask the Towers and Belfries Committee to carry out tests before the bells were installed. Mr R. B. Smith (Honorary Member) said that, although he was not involved professionally in the project, he understood from Whitechapel that testing had taken place, that the new bells would be placed lower in the tower and that a concrete ring-beam would be inserted. Mr Massey replied that the Committee had had some concerns about the tower at Escrick, but approval had been received from the Diocesan Advisory Committee and a faculty had been granted. It was a relief that a home had been found for the bells.

Adoption of the report was then agreed.

Ringing Centres (p.355)

In proposing adoption of the report, Miss S. J. Pattenden (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths) said that the proposed ringing centre project at Peterborough would not now proceed and that the Committee, in conjunction with the Bell Restoration Funds Committee, was considering a proposal for Millennium Fund support.

The report’s adoption was seconded by Mr C. J. Groome (Peterborough D.G.) and agreed.

Towers and Belfries (pp.355-6)

Mr A. J. Frost (Honorary Member) proposed the report’s adoption and drew attention to a seminar on sound control and health and safety matters on Saturday 28th October at Towcester.

Prebendary J. G. M. Scott (Honorary Member) seconded.

Discussion then took place on protection against lightning. Mr G. A. Halls (Derby D.A.) referred to the recent case at Yoxall, Staffs, where the tower was struck by lightning during a ringing practice. There was much water about and a lump had fallen off the tower, but no one had been hurt. The bell-frame was not connected to the lightning conductor, although the relevant British Standard Code of Practice recommended that bell frames should be bonded to the nearest lightning conductor. He questioned whether the ringers would have been injured if it had been so bonded, and whether the Code of Practice’s recommendation was correct. Mr J. R. Mayne (Hertford C.A.) and Mr H. M. Windsor (Coventry D.G.) endorsed Mr Hall’s concern, but Prebendary Scott suggested that the story would have been different if the tower had not been wet. In his view, frames should be bonded to the lightning conductor. After Mr A. W. R. Wilby (Ancient Society of College Youths) had recalled an occasion at St Stephen’s, St Albans, when the ringers had received shocks through the bell-ropes during a lightning strike. Mr G. A. Dawson (Southwell D.G.) asked that the Committee should research the matter. Mr Frost, in replying, agreed to this suggestion. Mr P. J. Tremain (Truro D.G.) advised caution in giving advice contrary to the Code of Practice in view of the insurance implications. Mr Mayne pointed out that, if the British Standard recommendation turned out not to be correct, the Council could seek to have it changed.

After the Revd D. L. Cawley (Gloucester and Bristol D.A.) had congratulated the Committee on the symposium held in Birmingham for diocesan bell advisers on the Code of Practice for the Conservation of Bells and Bellframes, the adoption of the report was agreed.

Bell Restoration Funds (p.353)

Proposing the adoption of the report, Mr J. S. Barnes (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths) made four points:

  1. The booklet Bell Restoration Funds was being withdrawn from sale, as it was now out of date.

  2. As a result of a discussion between Sir John Smith of the Manifold Trust and Mr I. H. Oram (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths) on the hard core of unringable bells where major restoration work was required, it had been agreed that the Manifold Trust would contribute towards structural repairs of towers in such cases. This would enable the Committee to take the initiative in cases where nothing else was happening. In that context Mr Barnes had that morning met the Secretary of the P.C.C. at Wilton parish church, where some £90,000 was required to restore the bells.

  3. A summary of the results of the Committee’s triennial survey of bell restoration funds would be circulated during the lunch break. It showed that more grants were being made and more societies were now prepared to make grants on the basis of projected income.

  4. The Committee had considered a proposal by Dr Lin Forbes, of Long Clawson, Leicestershire, for an application to the Millennium Commission for funding a scheme of millennium bells involving some 20-25 towers. Dr Forbes had attended meetings of the Bell Restoration Funds and the Public Relations Committees and had received the backing of both. The Millennium Commission had expressed an interest in receiving applications for bell schemes, but the minimum level of funding was £100,000, which was too much for most schemes. By combining a number of schemes a suitable application could be formulated. The first task was to identify the towers concerned. The Committee had in mind particularly rings of three and four where this work would cover both restoration and augmentation.

    The initial application, which would be submitted in the name of the Council, had to be in by the end of September with a detailed presentation by February 1996. Dr Forbes would take the lead in preparing the application and presentation, and would be assisted by Mrs S. Bianco (Honorary Member). The Committee would help in the identification of the towers and the coordination of the scheme. If successful, 50% of the required funds would come from the Millennium Fund, with the rest from association bell restoration funds, the Manifold Trust and other sources. There would be no financial call on the Council.

After Mr A. R. Smith (Suffolk G.) had seconded the Report’s adoption, discussion centred on the Millennium Fund application. Mr J. A. Harrison (Oxford D.G.) and Mr J. A. Anderson (St Martin’s G.) expressed concern that not all the chosen schemes might be seen through to completion and that the Council might need to bear some financial responsibility. Mr C. H. Rogers (Guildford D.G.) thought that the timetable given by Mr Barnes for submitting the application was very tight and asked whether February 1996 was in fact the final deadline. Mr J. F. I. Turney (Hereford D.G.) asked whether this project would inhibit possible funding for a single large project, such as a ring of bells for Salisbury Cathedral. Mr Barnes replied that the possibility that a scheme would not be seen through to completion was being taken into account, but in practice very few bell restoration projects, once started, had been abandoned. If absolutely necessary, the submission of the application could be postponed by a year; and there was no limit to the number of bell-related projects which could be put forward.

More generally, Mr C. J. Groome (Peterborough D.G.) suggested that the Committee should move on from unringable bells and three and four-bell towers to churches with towers but no bells.

After the adoption of the report had been agreed, the President adjourned the meeting for lunch. Resumption followed the annual meeting of The Ringing World Ltd.

Biographies (p.423)

The adoption of the report was proposed by Mr D. J. Roberts (Honorary Member), who pointed out that Mr F. E. Dukes (Life Member) had now attended 49 consecutive meetings, equalling a record set by the Revd G. F. Coleridge (1891- 1946). Mr G. A. Dawson (Southwell D.G.) seconded and the adoption of the report was agreed.

Computer Coordination (p.423-4)

In proposing the adoption of the report, Mr A. G. Craddock (Winchester and Portsmouth D.G.) expressed thanks to Mr J. Morgan and others who had contributed to the computer demonstration the previous day. Mr F. J. P. Bone (Essex A.) seconded, and Mr D. C. Jackson (Winchester and Portsmouth DG.) urged members to make use of the database program being produced by the Committee to record details of historic peal boards. Adoption of the report was then agreed.

Report of the Stewards of the Carter Ringing Machine (p.423)

Proposing the adoption of the report, Mr A. E. Bagworth (Honorary Member) said the machine would shortly be moved to Mr Dobbie’s home for a thorough overhaul. The move had been delayed because Mr Dobbie had not been well. The report was seconded by Mr W. H. Dobbie (Honorary Member) and agreed.

Report of the Steward of the Rolls of Honour (p.424)

The Steward, Mr A. J. Phillips (Ancient Society of College Youths) proposed that the report be adopted and that the names of the 38 members of the Truro D.G. who fell in the First World War should be added to the Rolls at a cost not exceeding £100. He said that a calligrapher had been found for the work, who had quoted a price of £80. The proposal was seconded by Mr A. N. Stubbs and agreed, and Mr R. J. Perry (Truro D.G.) expressed his Guild’s thanks to Mr Phillips for taking action to correct this omission after so many years.

Report of the Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells (p.452)

In proposing the adoption of the Report, Mr R. J. Cooles (Honorary Member) outlined the history of the Fund’s involvement with the bells formerly at St Martin’s, Birmingham. Now that the faculty for their installation at Escrick had been agreed, the financial arrangements were being finalised and it was hoped soon to repay those who had provided loans to the Fund. He thanked them for their support.

Adoption of the Report was seconded by Mr M. H. D. O’Callaghan (Honorary Member) and agreed.

Future Meetings

At the President’s invitation, Mr F. M. Mitchell (Shropshire Association) spoke about arrangements for the 1996 meeting, to be held in Shrewsbury. It would be the first meeting to follow the new timetable agreed in 1994. Thus the church service, reception and open meeting (if required) would be held on the Sunday and the Council meeting itself would be on the Monday.

The President said that invitations had already been accepted from the Ely D.A. and the Irish Association for the 1997 and 1998 meetings respectively. Invitations for subsequent years had been received as follows:

At his suggestion, the Council agreed to accept formally the invitation from the Lincoln D.G. for 1999.


The Secretary reported that 52 societies had been fully represented at the meeting, 15 partly represented and 2 not represented. In all 171 representative members had attended, with seven Life members, 23 Honorary members and one ex officio member, giving a total attendance of 202.

Other Business

The President announced that the collection at the Corporate Communion Service that morning (£138) would be put towards the Wilton Bell Fund.

Mr P. R. J. Barnes (St Martin’s Guild) said that the Secretary’s letter to university societies asking for numbers of members who had taken part in society activities during the year had not been sent out early enough. In future such letters should be sent out at the beginning of the year to which they related. The Secretary took note.

Vote of Thanks

The President then moved a comprehensive vote of thanks to all those involved in the Council’s visit to Salisbury and Wilton: to the officers and members of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild, and in particular to those who had acted as tellers and stewards; to everyone involved in Monday’s reception, particularly the Master of the Guild (Mr Bob Purnell), the Bishop of Salisbury and the Immediate Past Mayor of Salisbury for their words of welcome; to the Revd Canon Bede Cooper, Vicar of Wilton, for taking the service that morning; to the incumbents, churchwardens and ringers of the churches which had made their bells available over the weekend; and to many others who had contributed to the success of the meeting. The motion was accepted with loud applause.

The President then declared the meeting closed at 3.10p.m.

Complaints at the council meeting

The topic for the Central Council Open Meeting held in Salisbury this year was “Complaints about Bells”. A gathering of well over 100 ringers listened to presentations given by the Complaints Working Group, established by the Council the previous year, and joined in the debate.

The meeting was chaired, by the Council’s Vice-President, Jane Wilkinson, who opened the proceedings by describing the concern shown by ringers at the apparent increase in the number of complaints and the fear that decisions taken by the courts and by local authorities would have a detrimental effect on ringing nationally.

John Anderson, who had co-ordinated the work of the group, introduced the panel who are all bellringers. He described the work to date. Information had been gathered through literature searches and through a questionnaire to ringers. This had produced a good response. A pamphlet is being produced which will provide advice on how to avoid complaints and how to deal with them. It will be printed in The Ringing World, circulated to all Societies for onward transmission and will be available free of charge through Central Council Publications. Consideration is also being given to producing a code of practice on the topic. Finally, in order to provide the expertise to advise those in difficulty with a complaint, a national network of Complaints Advisers is being established. Contact with these Advisers will be through a “helpline” telephone number published weekly in The Ringing World.

Alison Hodge presented a summary of information gathered from the questionnaires. Over 100 people had responded. About one third of complaints notified had been resolved by no change to ringing, a further third by reduced ringing or a change of ringing times and a quarter had installed sound control. Environmental Health Officers had been involved in a quarter of cases. Alison outlined the principal causes of complaints, described how they can best be avoided and how to deal with them. This information is included in the pamphlet.

The legal position was given by Bob Cooles who detailed the history and general law relating to bell complaints and then detailed the various procedures which could be applied under the terms of the Environmental Protection Act to try and limit or even prevent ringing.

Roger Tompsett is a consultant on sound and he gave a most interesting presentation on the factors involved in measuring the sound produced by bells. He explained that nuisance from bells was not defined in terms of measured noise levels, but measurements could be helpful in deciding how much sound control was needed and what form this should take.

The inclusion of an Environmental Health Officer, Robert Wood, on the panel gave us an insight into the way that these issues are viewed by local authorities. EHOs usually use their computer network to seek advice and information about little known subjects such as bellringing. Robert, as a bellringer, responds to these requests describing normal ringing patterns and providing other information. Bellringing complaints are a very minor part of an EHOs duties and there would always be an attempt to resolve matters amicably before an abatement notice was served.

Finally Alan Frost, recalling that good public relations was the best way of controlling or avoiding complaints, said that in his experience there was no tower where - as a last resort - sound control could not be installed effectively if really necessary.

The ensuing debate was stimulating and informative and it was rather surprising to find such a reasonable consensus of opinion on such a controversial subject. In his summing up John Anderson said that the working group had started its work fearing that there was indeed an increased risk to ringing nationally through changes in legislation, but now recognised that providing clergy and ringers were prepared to listen sympathetically to complaints and be reasonable in their actions the issues could be contained at a local level.

There was general consensus that ringers preferred to hear the glorious and thrilling sound of bells without the interference of sound control, but an acceptance that sound control is necessary in some cases to avoid making other peoples lives a misery. The point was made however that “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.

The involvement of Environmental Health Officers should be taken seriously, particularly if a Notice has been served, but EHOs having identified a public nuisance, were generally looking for a negotiated settlement. However, providing clergy, ringers and complainants are prepared to co-operate, a solution can usually be quickly found.

Sound control needs to be properly designed if it is to be effective. Good sound control can actually improve the sound of poor quality bells!

Finally John Anderson said that he would be delighted to receive further written contributions to the debate or to respond to any problems that individuals had.

Jane Wilkinson thanked the panel for their contributions and the audience for their active involvement.

The Ringing World, July 7, 1995, pages 717 to 720

Bell Restoration Funds Committee

The Committee met three times during 1994, in February at Peterborough, in May at Stafford and in October at Coventry.

Dissemination of Information

An article on Funder Finder and reports of our meetings have appeared in The Ringing World.

The Committee had hoped that a seminar for Parishes with Unringable Bells might be held in the North of England in 1994, but it proved impracticable at that time.

The Committee continues to deal with a large number of specific queries from parishes. During 1994 advice and information was provided to over 60 parishes.


We continue to provide administrative support to The Manifold Trust, which gave eight grants totalling £21,000; the average grant (£2,625) represents significant assistance to the parishes concerned. The committee continues to be surprised by the time some parishes take to accept offers of grant.

The Manifold Trust has agreed to continue making grants available for qualifying projects for future years. It has expressed special interest in encouraging the restoration of those rings which have been unringable for over 30 years and is willing to consider increased levels of grant assistance for such projects, including structural work.

Further grants from the balance of monies held by the Council have been offered and accepted; Breamore £500, Hoo St. Werburgh £500, and Roborough £500. The majority of the grants from the Tom Lock Bequest and this Council have been paid and we continue to monitor progress of uncompleted schemes.


Questionnaires were sent during September to all society secretaries requesting information for the triennial survey of Society Bell Restoration Funds. It is hoped to have preliminary results available at the 1995 meeting of the Council.

It was decided not to undertake the five year survey of unringable bells during 1994, partly because of the clash with the survey on bell restoration funds. It was also felt that there was not a high priority for an update of the unringable bells survey at this time.

Work has continued on collecting information on three and four bell towers.

Funder Finder

We have received over 40 enquiries for information about charities which might be approached for assistance with particular bell restoration projects. The licence to use the Funder Finder database is being renewed.

Charity Acts and Registration

We continue to monitor the requirements of the new Charity Acts and a number of developments have been highlighted in The Ringing World. The question of the need for societies to register continues to be raised. The Committee is of the view that societies need to consider whether their aims and objectives are exclusively charitable; in which case they should be registered charities.

Work for 1995

The areas on which we shall be concentrating are:

We will continue to provide information to parishes and others in response to their requests and will continue to raise the profile of bell restoration through articles in The Ringing World.

J. S. BARNES (Chairman)

Education Committee

The committee has met three times during 1994, in Sharnford, Stafford and Keele. During the year the committee has made an effort to complete outstanding work (some now of comparatively long standing), together with the development of our more recent ideas. The committee has been involved in a number of courses, training days and seminars, and this year there has been much discussion about changes to the way that we approach these; the necessary strategies to effect these changes are being developed. Work on several publications has reached, or nearly reached, fruition in 1994; this includes both new publications and updates of existing ones.

We were sorry to lose the services of John Turney and Marcus Sherwood, who resigned from the committee through pressure of work during the year. John resigned at the beginning of the year and we were glad to welcome Paul Seaman as his replacement, elected at the Central Council meeting in May. The Chairman, Norman Mattingley, has stepped down from the Council, following a re-location and so has had to resign from the committee. Norman has been a member of the Education Committee for several years and Chairman for two and the committee will greatly miss his experience. In November Michael Henshaw was elected as the new Chairman. We shall be seeking replacements on the committee for both Marcus and Norman at the Council meeting at Salisbury.


Phil Gay’s book Simulators and Teaching was published on behalf of the committee in May. This book gives an overview of techniques which may be used to supplement conventional teaching methods by the use of a simulator, together with guidance on how a simulator may be used to develop particular ringing skills.

Work is progressing on a Tower Handbook. this is intended as a comprehensive, reference book to act as first port of call on most ringing matters. It will complement other ringing publications by referring to them where appropriate. Turning the vision into reality is proving a challenging task, but progress has been made with draft material produced for initial review.

During the year work has been carried out jointly with the Ringing Centres Committee on the production of a directory of courses/training centres; this is due to be published early in 1995.

In response to earlier requests (including correspondence in The Ringing World) John Harrison has produced, on behalf of the committee, a cassette tape of near perfect ringing with controlled errors to help people develop listening skills. This is available via the Publications Committee.

The “Tutors Handbook” has been out of print for some time, and it has not been possible to reprint it from the original plates. Under the auspices of this committee the text has been reprocessed in consultation with the authors (Wilfrid Moreton and Norman Chaddock), and will be passed to the Publications Committee with new photographic material and minor alterations early in 1995. Photographic material has also been supplied for inclusion in a reprint of the ever popular Beginners Handbook.


The completion of a project to produce a video on Teaching Bell Control, begun by a previous committee, has been discussed at length by the committee. A review of material produced prior to 1994 indicated that the project could not be satisfactorily completed, and the committee reluctantly decided that this material should be written off and no further resources directed towards the project. A private offer to rescue this project has not yet resulted in any progress. However, the Council clearly indicated at the meeting in Stafford that the production of a video on this subject was considered of value, and as a result the committee has begun a feasibility study on how this might be achieved.


All three sets of equipment have been borrowed for most of the year, with an increase in the number of borrowers who have used a simulator to sound all the bells to enable a course to take place in one location. Phil Gay has also continued to advise prospective purchasers about the capabilities of simulators.

Seminars, Training Days, and Conferences

A second seminar on teaching listening skills was held in March at Hucknall, Notts., and was attended by people from the Midlands and Northern counties. The seminar comprised hands-on experience with a simulator and other methods of developing listening skills, together with some good discussion amongst the whole group about teaching methods. The committee is very grateful to the Hucknall ringers for providing facilities and refreshments.

A conference for Education Officers was planned for November; unfortunately, due to short notice, this had to be postponed because of insufficient response. The committee regretted this because the development of the role of Education Officer within associations is viewed as being of great importance as a means of communicating educational ideas and, crucially, the training of teachers at a grassroots level. The committee wishes to encourage associations who have not yet done so to appoint Education Officers, and to encourage the exchange of information between these officers. It is intended to hold an Education Officers conference on 23rd September 1995.

Norman Mattingley spoke at a Gloucester & Bristol training day on the subject of planned training, and George Doughty has conducted the first CC Education Committee course in the Antipodes.

Seminars and courses where the committee works in collaboration with guilds and associations have proved very effective in the past, especially where the scope of the event has been restricted to specific ringing skills or activities. To maximise the benefit which such collaborative exercises might achieve the committee has drawn up a prospectus of seven seminars or courses which may be tailored to suit local guild requirements. The list is not restrictive but includes those subjects we are particularly keen to offer. Five subjects are currently available and two will be developed during 1995; these were discussed in The Ringing World (No. 4362, page 1185). The subjects currently available are Listening Skills, Using Simulators, Tower Management, Teaching Bell Handling and Teaching Elementary Method Ringing; we are keen to develop Rhythm Skills and Teaching Ropesight. It should be clearly understood that we welcome invitations to assist at, or advise on, any courses that guilds may wish to offer.

Italian Exchange

“They came - It happened”. During the summer 14 Italian ringers visited Wales and a thoroughly enjoyable, and educational, visit took place. The ringers taking part were perhaps younger than has been the case in the past. There is a good deal of enthusiasm to continue the exchanges, but it is now considered that a three year cycle, which includes a year with no visit, may be practical.

Central Council Course 1994

The fifteenth annual ringing course was hosted by the Ely Diocesan Association, and based at Isle College, Wisbech. 44 students attended the course joining one of eight groups; the groups comprised seven studying various methods and one “tower leadership” group. Students were able to join a subsidiary group for two of the weekend’s sessions. This provided more variety and moved a little way towards the more modular type of course which has been suggested as a possible alternative format. Members of the committee acted as group tutors. The committee received a great deal of help from the local organisers, and the members of the Association worked hard as helpers during the weekend; we are very grateful to the Ely Diocesan Association, and the resident helpers, for their efforts to make the course a success.

The ringing course has been a very successful activity of the Education Committee for a number of years, and it has been very valuable to the work of the committee to be invited to run the course in different areas. Moving the course venue every two years is a challenge both to the committee and the host Association. There are now many more residential courses than there were 15 years ago and the committee is considering carefully the type of course that is run. It is perceived that we must identify the aspects of ringing where a national course can make its most beneficial impact on the ringing community, and find the right format to achieve this.

M. J. de C. HENSHAW (Chairman)

Library Committee

It is pleasing to be able to report that the Library continues to be well used. During the year 51 items were borrowed. Some of them were photocopies of rare books whose original should not travel. Inquiries by post and telephone continued at about the same level as the previous year, although there was a noticeable slackening off during the holiday months. Sixteen visitors came to the Library.

The necessity for the Steward/Librarian to have a suitable computer and printer to produce and maintain the new catalogue was explained in the 1993 Report, and the Officers of the Council agreed a budget in the Autumn which should allow us to purchase equipment early in 1995. We had hoped it would be in time to be used to produce the Newsletter for the Friends, but this has not been possible.

Fred Bone is continuing work on the Library Catalogue, and Bill Butler offered help with checking the scanned text. It should be completed by the end of the triennium.

A recruitment leaflet to encourage more to join as Friends of the Library was designed and set by Stella Bianco, and distributed at the Council Meeting at Stafford. It has brought a few new members, but has not made much apparent impact, so it was decided that the Newsletter should be revamped to include both an Annual Report and articles of interest related to the work of the Library. John Eisel has written a brief history of the Library and an informative piece on indexes which will be distributed with the next Newsletter for the Friends. There are now 40 Individual members (last year 35) and 19 Corporate members (last year 20) of the Friends, and their support in many ways is much appreciated. There are many variations in the frequency of payments. Some Friends like to settle a couple of years at a time, either in advance or arrears; others when met, so it is not easy to compare one year’s finance with another. We are also grateful for many donations both large and small. Friends are deemed to have lapsed if three years have passed without any subscription and no further Newsletters will be sent. The 1994 Newsletter was late in appearing but the new one is planned for Spring 1995.

The Ringing World has kindly published regular reminders of the Library’s existence. Alison lodge wrote an article about the Library as part of a survey of activities of the Council’s Committees, and John Eisel’s article on “Sets” brought a delightful result in that a copy of the 1901 edition of Diagrams was given to the Library. He still longs for offers of some other items.

The Library has continued to grow and 83 items have been added: 17 of which were purchased and five were photocopies of rare works already in the Library. In view of the increasing interest being taken in old bell frames it is pleasing that copies of reports prepared for the Society of Antiquaries’ Rescue Recording Project have been deposited. We are grateful to those who donate items to the Library, both newly published and older works, for this enables us to use our limited funds to better effect. Catalogue items alone do not, however, reflect the full increase in the Library as our collection of reports continues to grow. We have received 28 current reports during the year, slightly fewer than in the previous year. We thank those who send copies of their annual report as a matter of course, and hope that the others will put the Library on their mailing list.

We have had substantial donations of past reports, in particular from Ken Lewis, Mrs. R. Woolley, Dr. J. Baldwin, Mrs. Pat Halls and Alan Baldock. The list of current holdings of reports which was circulated with the last Friends’ Newsletter caused some interest and resulted in five reports being donated and more have been promised. At the end of last year we were delighted that the Suffolk Guild was able to find certain old reports to complete our set, and this has now been bound to form a very creditable addition to the Library. If we can complete other sets they too will be treated in the same way, funds permitting.

Eight books have been rebound or rebacked, and the manuscript material has now been put into lignin- (and acid-) free boxes, though the resulting extra weight made it necessary to reinforce the upper shelves.

The Library is remarkably well-supplied with microfiche readers, for Mrs. Helen Langlois found another good one and gave it to us, complete with spare lamps. We still want to convert microfilm to microfiche and have permission to do so from one copyright-holder: we are still awaiting a decision from the other. We thought it was desirable that the Library should have copies of theses that dealt with bells or ringing, but to our surprise, the British Museum database did not include any, not even those which we know exist.

We thank all those who have helped the Library in so many ways: not only Friends, but sympathetic members of the Exercise and some who have no active interest in ringing, but have supported it. Remember that the Library, and the Librarian, have many resources and are there to help: the best support is for them to be used.

J. C. EISEL (Steward/Librarian)

Methods Committee

The committee held its usual three meetings during the year, in Whitchurch on 6 March, in Stafford during the Council weekend on 30 May (RW p.919) and in Aldwick on 9 October.

Corrections and amendments to our publications to the end of 1994 appeared in The Ringing World of 27 January 1995 (p.99). Amendments to the Collection of Principles were added to the free up-to-date leaflets of corrections and amendments available from the Chairman on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope. These leaflets are already available electronically from the Ringers’ Bulletin Board and we are arranging for them to be available on the World Wide Web. We have tried to ensure that up to date information is readily available and, in this light, would like confirmation that Council still wish us to produce the annual update in The Ringing World.

Camera-ready copy for the second edition of the Collection of Plain Methods was passed to the Publication Committee in September and was published in March. This edition uses a more attractive type-face and includes rung plain methods from Doubles to Twenty-two-in. Camera-ready copy for the new edition of John Fidler’s classic work, Method splicing: practical hints, was passed to the Publications Committee in March. We hope that the new edition of Treble Dodging Minor Methods will be completed during 1994.

As part of our investigations into the extension of principles we produced 375 possible extensions of 86 principles at the first five stages of extension and are very grateful to Julian Morgan who produced blue lines of most of these principles. We are also grateful to Robin Woolley, Edward Martin, Neil B, Ken Olum, Don Morrison and Mike Ovenden for their comments on the possible amendments described in our article in The Ringing World of February 17 (p.183). These were helpful in selecting which of the amendments should form our motion to Council.

The machine-readable versions of the Collections of Rung Surprise, Delight, Treble Bob and Alliance methods were published on diskette and also made available through the Ringers’ Bulletin Board. We are arranging for these collections, together with the machine-readable version of the Collection of Plain Methods, to be made available on the World Wide Web. These Collections are kept up-to-date and are in a tabular format which we will be documenting to assist programmers who may wish to select and extract information.

As usual we have provided advice to other Council committees and responded to many written and telephone enquiries about methods and method names from home and abroad. We are always happy to provide this service.

A. P. SMITH (Chairman)

Committee for Redundant Bells

During 1994 thirty four churches were declared redundant. This compares with thirty six in 1993, and brings the total under the Pastoral Measures since 1969 to 1467. The Church Commissioners suggest that numbers are very likely to stay steady at this level: Declarations of Redundancy, which back in 1969 when the Pastoral Measure 1968 came into effect were something of a response to a crisis, are now, less dramatically, a useful routine management tool. This view, however, must be set against that of the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches, which sees the economic climate and the decision of some dioceses to undertake Pastoral needs Surveys as indicative of a likely rise in redundancies.

Broadly speaking, churches which become redundant can either find an alternative use, be preserved by the Churches Conservation Trust - formerly the Redundant Churches Fund - or be demolished. Some 22% go to the Trust, around 22% are demolished, and the remainder find alternative uses. These proportions have remained constant for several years. However, the slightly increased likelihood of expensive Non Statutory Enquiries, which can be called by the Secretary of State in response to an application to demolish a listed church, may reduce the number being demolished; and the reduced funding of the Churches Conservation Trust may affect the number vested in it. Thus the outlook cannot really be described as settled.

In 1994 the Committee has been involved with some forty four cases. These included four new enquiries for rings of bells, five for bells for augmentations, and thirteen for bells as replacements, or for use as single bells. As well as the Church of England, enquiries came from the Coptic, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic Churches, and, too, from the purely secular. Two enquiries for rings of bells and six for singles came from overseas. We are glad that the bells from St. Martin, Birmingham, seem at last to have found a home. As we reported last year, the circular sent to the Associations in 1993, enquiring about any bells surplus to local requirements, was followed up in 1994 with a similar one to the Diocesan Furnishings Officers, drawing attention to the local Association, and offering help if homes were needed further afield for bells. Forty six circulars were sent to the Furnishings Officers of the forty two dioceses, and twenty seven replies were received. It is possibly cheering that none of the replies knew of any surplus bells, suggesting that homes near home may be being found; and certainly cheering, in view of the importance of close links between diocese and ringers, that several of the replies involved the local Association. The scarcity of bells, though, may reflect also the greater interest of intermediaries in secondhand bells, a comparatively recent development. Certainly the computer printouts that David Kelly prepares suggest that this may be so.

We make no apology for recording once again, as we do each year, our gratitude to the Church Commissioners and the Council for the Care of Churches for their help and interest, and to Mr. Ranald Clouston for the copies of the notes which he prepares for the Council for the Care of Churches on the bells of potentially redundant churches. Both help and notes are invaluable. We also thank the Computer Coordination Committee for preparing a database for us.

G. W. MASSEY (Chairman)

Ringing Centres Committee

The Committee met on 3 occasions in 1944, in January, at the Council meeting in May and in September. As reported last year, our main projects have been applications for funding and a directory. In addition to this, one Centre was recognised on behalf of the Council and a further two will probably be recognised during 1995.

Changes in the guidelines on grant-making by the Foundation for Sport and the Arts have meant that large scale funding of over £100,000 is unlikely to be available but smaller grants may well be possible. As a result the work done by the Committee has been with this in mind and the initial application, for about £35,000, will be going on behalf of the Docklands Ringing Centre. The projects mentioned in last year’s report, at Liverpool and Peterborough, are not sufficiently advanced for such an application for funds. Other funds associated with the Lottery are also being explored.

The idea of a Training Directory has been discussed with the Education Committee and much work was done by Phil Gay on behalf of both committees. The Directory was published just before the end of the year and is a comprehensive guide to courses and Ringing Centre facilities; it has been widely distributed.

This year there have been several enquiries about setting up new centres and also about becoming Central Council recognised. All such enquiries have been followed up and we anticipate that next year there will be more centres to be included in the next issue of the Training Directory.

Work for the current year will include further research on likely sources of funds specific to Ringing Centres and updating the Training Directory. We also hope to be able to assist any group interested in setting up a new centre or in becoming Council recognised and to continue our involvement at Liverpool and Peterborough.


Towers and Belfries Committee

There have been further changes in the membership of the Committee this year. Ian Whitear, no longer a Council member, was thanked for his help on the Committee for three years and we were delighted to welcome back Jim Taylor after a similar absence. Peter Bennett joined the Committee for the first time.

The Committee met formally twice during the year, but most of our work is, of course, giving advice in three separate ways: in Seminars on specific topics, in correspondence and by tower inspections.

During 1994 91 cases were dealt with, about one third by letter and the remainder by visits and reports. Just over half of the cases involved advice on general bellhanging items ranging from light maintenance to comprehensive overhaul or re-hanging of bells. Additionally, advice given on particular problems was as follows: 8 tower structures, 5 bellframes, 4 cracked bells, 3 cases (only) of sound control of which two were internal, and 2 ringing galleries. In view of the publicity given during the year to towers where bellringing has caused annoyance it is surprising that the Committee’s experience of matters relating to sound control has not been called up more often. A Seminar on this subject, therefore, is being planned for 1995.

Following many years’ gestation of the Council for the Care of Churches’ new Code of Practice on the Conservation and Repair of Bells and Bellframes, and its publication in 1993, the Committee held a full day symposium on the Code in Birmingham in October 1994. All DAC bell advisers, and anyone else interested, were invited to attend. Some two dozen participants, including representatives from English Heritage, had a constructive discussion and the symposium was fully reported in The Ringing World.

For 1995 several new publications now in hand should become available. These include separate papers on Sound Control, Health and Safety in Towers, Guidelines on Procedure and the Practical Analysis of the interaction between bells and bell towers. Seminars are being arranged for Bell Advisers in the South of England and on Health and Safety in Towers, with the Sound Control day, in the Midlands. The Committee, now at its maximum strength for several years, is looking forward to a busy year ahead!

A. J. FROST (Chairman)

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee had a busy year. Seven new publications were produced. They were A Centenary History of the Central Council, Simulators and Teaching, Ringing Skills, Striking the Right Note, Rung Surprise Supplement, Rung Surprise on Disk and Change Ringing History Vol 3. Most sold well. Because of the priority given to A Centenary History of the Central Council, early in the year Change Ringing History Vol 3 was not available until December. There was time for only one pre-Christmas advertisement in The Ringing World but, even so, 79 copies had been sold by the end of the year.

Six books were reprinted: Tower Captain’s Handbook, Beginner’s Guide to Changeringing on Handbells, Schedule of Regular Maintenance, DIY Guidelines, Raising and Lowering and Understanding Place Notation.

A new tape cassette entitled Listen to Ringing and an engineering treatise, Church Towers and Bells, were completed in December for publication very early in 1995.

It is disappointing to record that by the end of the year the new photographs for the Beginner’s Handbook and for the Tutor’s Handbook had still not arrived. These two books, which in the past have been among our best sellers, have now been out of print for a long period. This has had an adverse effect on our sales, but much more importantly has left a significant gap in the information available to the less experienced ringer. We trust that the material will be provided early in 1995.

The Computer Coordination Committee has recommended a format for methods collections on disk, which they advise us would allow easy access by a range of technical ringing software. In the interests of providing data in as useful a form as possible we would like to publish collections in such a format and have had correspondence and discussion with the Computer Coordination Committee and the Methods Committee to that end. Our policy is not to publish new methods collections with out the involvement and approval of the Methods Committee.

The layout of our monthly advertisement in The Ringing World has been changed, we hope for the better.

We are very grateful to the Committees and individuals who have worked hard to supply us with new material.

Financially 1994 was a successful year, with an excess of income over expenditure of £1248. Sales were slight lower than in 1993, but the gross profit margin fell sharply, reflecting the pricing of A Centenary History of the Central Council at little over cost. Expenses were broadly in line with those for 1993; apart from insurance which was increased because of higher stock values. The stock write-off was a further provision against those older books for which the stockholding is higher than foreseeable sales, and is part of a continuing process designed to ensure that the carrying value of the stock is reasonable.

The value of stock held at 31 December was much higher than usual as deliveries of 5 publications, including Change Ringing History Vol 3, were received in December and few of these books had been sold by the year end. Since the associated payments were made in 1995 the liability, to creditors at year end was also unusually high.


Beginners’ Handbook1400
Doubles and Minor for Beginners2962211
Triples and Major for Beginners1892006
Tutor’s Handbook00
Tower Captain’s Handbook57245
Beginner’s Guide to Changeringing on Handbells52270
Changeringing on Handbells47869
Towards Better Striking11468
Maintenance Handbook87358
Belfry Warning Notices (5)11514
The Bell Adviser17152
Bell Restoration Funds2571
Change Ringing History, Vol.146744
Handbell Cassette725
Schedule of Regular Maintenance124549
D I Y Guidelines0341
Will you call a touch please, Bob18061
*Towers and Bells Handbook3911
An Index to Compositions in the RW (1941-1992)41200
Collection of Plain Methods on Disk (3.5"or 5.25")180
*Change Ringing History, Vol.257448
Organising a Bell Restoration Project56105
Principles (2nd Edition)74124
Handbook of Composition8870
Rung Surprise, etc. (to end 1992)34209
Collection of Minor Methods42457
C.C. Decisions (updated 1992)2638
Doubles Collection58341
Teaching from Rounds to Bob Doubles133366
Judging Striking Competitions3661
Service Touches1199
Raising and Lowering157166
Standard Eight Surprise Major228271
Collection of Plain Minor Methods (1991)2987
Understanding Place Notation80352
Conducting Stedman99340
Major Compositions17117
Recruiting Posters, 16" x 12" (10)21209
Recruiting Leaflets (100)1211
Recruiting Package44267
*Centenary History of the Central Council113334
Simulators and Teaching13666
Ringing Skills180320
Striking the Right Note - P.R. Guide83119
Rung Surprise Supplement (to end 1993)638
Rung Surprise on Disk40
*Change Ringing History, Vol.379941
Listen to Ringing Cassette030
Church Towers and Bells0201

The Ringing World, April 7, 1995, pages 353 to 356

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer

Membership - Since the 1994 Council meeting one Life member (Mr. F. E. Collins) has died and two representative members (Mr. P. T. Hurcombe and Mr. N. R. Mattingley) have resigned from the Council, the former of whom has been replaced. Both Mr. Hurcombe and Mr. Mattingley served on the Education Committee, the latter as Chairman. Arising from an increase in its membership, the Swansea and Brecon D.G. has appointed a second representative. Thus the number of representative members remains the same at 190 and the total membership of the Council is 223.

Accounts - Following the setting up of The Ringing World Ltd. in 1983, it was agreed that the income from Council funds, including the former Ringing World Committee funds, should, after a transfer to capital reserve equivalent to inflation, be used to support the work of committees, and that the affiliation fees should be directly related to the Council’s administrative costs. Since that time the general Fund Income and Expenditure Account has been presented in two parts to reflect this. It is a sound policy which should be continued.

In 1994 income from investments continued to decline, but with interest rates beginning to rise it can be expected that this trend will be reversed in 1995. The amount spent by committees was substantially below the budgets which had been agreed for them, and as a result the second half of the Account shows an excess of income over expenditure of £3,069. Budgeted expenditure by committees in 1995 is much closer to expected income.

Expenditure on administration, however, of which the main element is the costs associated with the Council meeting, exceeded income from affiliation fees by £916. Although a deficit of this order has existed for several years, it has previously been hidden because the payment to The Ringing World for publishing the reports of committees and the official report of the Council meeting (800 in 1994) has appeared in the second part of the Account. The payment is nevertheless one of the costs associated with the Council meeting and should rightly appear in the first half. The Administrative Committee, having considered the matter, has agreed that income from affiliation fees should be increased to cover this deficit. Accordingly a motion appears on the agenda to raise the affiliation fee from the present £6 to £10 per representative.

A further £4,000 was paid out during 1994 from the Tom Lock bequest to seven parishes for bell restoration, together with £750 to two parishes from the other bell fund money held by the Council. Another £4,500 remains to be paid from the Tom Lock bequest. This is included in the sum of £6771 shown in the Balance Sheet as donations to bell restoration.


General Fund - Income and Expenditure Account for the year 1994
Administration costs
£1,117.00Affiliation fees£1,140.00
£1,939.73Council meeting£1,613.85
£50.00Secretary’s honorarium£50.00
£154.69Stationery, post, telephone£336.47
£63.51Bank charges£55.80


(£1,090.93)Excess of income over expenditure(£916.12)
Committee, seminar and other costs
£8,226.25Dividends and Interest£7,843.25
£764.00Less Transfer to Capital Reserve£1,025.00

£6,394.32Education Committee courses, etc.£6,617.03
£194.00Sales of BRF video£60.00

£5,280.22Committee expenses£4,097.05
£6,391.67Education Committee courses, etc.£5,880.89
£146.83Seminars and working parties£2.30
£769.94Bell Restoration Funds video-


£1,466.91Excess of income over expenditure£3,069.04
£375.98Excess of income over expenditure on whole account£2,152.92

Committee expenditure
£913.27Bell Restoration Funds£735.68
£40.00Computer Coordination£45.18
£11.79Peal Compositions-
£14.20Peals Analysis£20.95
£1,591.27Public Relations£1,207.73
£99.87Redundant Bells£101.35
-Ringing Centres£112.52
£271.07Towers and Belfries£189.80
£367.41Insurance premiums£300.64


General Fund - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1994
£90,000.00NS Income Bonds£90,000.00
£40,691.68CBFCE Deposit Fund£39,488.69
£1,822.84NS Investment Account£1,927.61

£2,643.25Cash at bank£2,082.87
£3,500.00Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells£3,500.00
£50.00Payments in advance-

£63.00Affiliation fees in advance£57.00
£833.11Sundry creditors£239.56

£137,811.66Net Assets£136,702.61

Represented by
£85,390.29Accumulated fund 1 January 1994£85,766.27
£375.98Excess of income over expenditure£2,152.92

£13,147.55Add: Donations to bell restoration and
interest thereon to 1 January 1994
£810.84Donations and interest 1994£463.03

£2,900.00Less: Grants paid£4,750.00

£40,223.00Add: Capital Reserve 1 January 1994£40,987.00
£764.00Allocated from income£1,025.00


Friends of the CCCBR Library - Income and Expenditure Account for the year 1994
£528.70Friends’ subscriptions£481.50
£200.00Transfer from General Fund£200.00

£284.05Purchase of books, etc£87.65
£229.69Stationery, post, photocopying (net)£278.69
£18.00Repair of books£255.60


£313.84Excess of income over expenditure£324.45

Friends of the CCCBR Library - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1994
£918.25Bank Deposit Account£1,569.21
£639.37Cash and bank balances£261.79

£51.07Sundry creditors
£1,516.55Net assets£1,841.00

Represented by
£1,202.71Accumulated Fund 1 January 1994£1,516.55
£313.84Excess of income over expenditure£324.45


The market value of the Council’s Library is not reflected in these accounts. During 1994 it was insured for £40,000

Publications Fund - Income and Expenditure Account for the year 1994
£11,112.64Publication sales£10,733.39
£4,907.42Cost of publications sold£5,396.98
£969.22Postage and packing£1,024.62


£411.56Interest received on deposits£313.48

Overhead costs
£1,100.00Administration and storage£1,150.00
£128.75Ringing History project£39.40
£629.31Stock written off£266.20
£124.36Committee expenses£42.00
-Council and other committee costs£150.00
£33.28Bank charges£68.19
£12.50Sundry expenses£70.74


£2,321.36Excess of income over expenditure£1,247.62

Publications Fund - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1994
£9,976.61Stock of publications at the lower
of cost and net realisable value
£17.40Sundry debtors and prepayments£44.00
£18,698.43Cash at bank and in hand£18,109.37

£1,895.73Sundry creditors£11,292.37
£26,796.71Net assets£28,044.33

Represented by
£24,475.35Accumulated fund, 1 January 1994£26,796.71
£2,321.36Excess of income over expenditure£1,247.62


Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1994
£9,976.61Stock of Publications£21,183.33
£22,899.30Cash at bank£22,023.24
£3,500.00Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells£3,500.00
£67.40Payments in advance & sundry debtors£44.00

£63.00Amounts received in advance£57.00
£2,779.91Sundry creditors£11,531.93

£166,124.92Net assets£166,587.94

Capital Accounts
£137,811.66General Fund£136,702.61
£1,516.55Friends of CCCBR Library£1,841.00
£26,796.71Publications Fund£28,044.33



The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1994 on pages 2 and 3 have been compiled from the books and records of the Council and we confirm that they are in accordance therewith.

Hon. Auditors
March 1995

The Ringing World, April 14, 1995, pages 405 to 406

Biographies Committee

The following members and past members of the Council have died since the 1994 meeting:

The traditional day-to-day recording and updating of members’ records has proceeded during the year and several interesting enquiries concerning biographical material have been received and dealt with over the telephone or by written reply. The Committee has continued with the policy of recording the deaths and obituary references of all ringers which appear in The Ringing World. The longevity of ringers is evident on noting the ages at which ringers die and their loss means that well over 100 ringers have to be recruited and retained very year to maintain the status quo.

Members of the Committee have been in constant contact during the year with many letters exchanged. The Ringing World cuttings of import to the work of the Committee have been received on a regular basis and information filed accordingly. During the year a number of authors of obituaries destined for The Ringing World have sent copies of their reports directly to the Chairman and this is proving a helpful tendency.

The Committee has been working to establish a database to store essential records and progress is being made in designing a series of tables each of which will contain a different information field. The tables planned include:

a) Published obituary records.

b) C.C. Representatives.

c) C.C. Meeting references.

d) C.C. Positions held.

A pilot database covering the first of these tables has been set up and there is the possibility of a wider variety of information being collected and stored.

By linking these tables it should be possible to provide automatically all information for any one individual in a single summary. Liaison with the Computer Co-ordination Committee might also lead to an automatic link between the biographies of ringers and other ringing records held on databases currently being established by other Committees.

A joint venture between the Library and Biographies Committee has resulted in the publication of a full list of obituaries which have appeared in The Ringing World from 1911 to 1945 and this has been deposited in the library. It is hoped that before the end of the year a complete list of R.W. notices to the present time will be in existence.

From time to time the Biographies Committee has had to make efforts to obtain a full set of biography sheets of members together with an accompanying photograph. Following the Caerleon meeting in 1993, when 44 new members joined the Council over 60% of sheets were returned within a month of the meeting. At the time of this report seven of these sheets still remain outstanding.

A new biographies sheet is being designed. The format will enable essential details to be easily transferred to the computer records mentioned earlier. The new sheets will be ready to go out with Council papers for the new triennial meeting in 1996 when it is hoped that all new members will complete the form and continuing members provide an up-date of information if appropriate.

The sheet will include a notice relating to the Data Protection Act 1984 and a signature by the member will imply that the member has no objection to information given on the sheet being stored.

At the Spring Meeting of the Biographies Committee at Charlton Kings it was agreed that it should seek to market its activities more widely and a start would be made to produce quarterly articles for The Ringing World. The first of these will appear in the summer giving interesting facts arising from the booklet of obituaries 1911-1945 recorded earlier in this report. Other articles will be written and appear in due course.

D. J. ROBERTS (Chairman)

The John Carter Ringing Machine

One maintenance session combined with a public display was held at the Birmingham Science Museum on Saturday 26th February, the day of the Johnson Dinner. During the display some mechanical maloperations developed which it was not possible to correct during the session.

It was suggested by the Stewards and agreed at the last Council meeting that the machine should be removed from the museum and taken to West Peckham for a thorough overhaul by Walter Dobbie. The transfer and overhaul has been delayed, but it is now expected to be completed before the Council meeting.

A. E. BAGWORTH (Steward)
W. H. DOBBIE (Steward)

Computer Coordination Committee

Although only two face to face meetings were held during 1994, much of the Committee’s work was done in cyberspace courtesy of the electronic mail facilities of the Ringers Bulletin Board and the Internet.

The Committee depends a lot on its team of advisors. In particular, we would like to record our appreciation to Simon Feather, Ian McCallion, Julian Morgan, Frank Price and Philip Saddleton for the many hours of high quality work that they have contributed during the year.

Jeremy Cheesman was co-opted to the Committee to provide a formal link with the Peals Analysis Committee to facilitate work on the computerisation of the Felstead peal records.

Software Catalogue

The Software Catalogue is a 20 page pamphlet containing details of ringing related software. About eighty copies of the catalogue have been distributed to ringers since the 1994 Central Council Meeting. The catalogue is updated as and when details of new items of software are received.

Computer Demonstration

Following the successful computer demonstration at Stafford, a similar demonstration is being planned for the afternoon of 29th May at Salisbury. The Committee would like to record its thanks to those who brought their computers to Stafford and hopes to see them again at Salisbury.

File Formats

Work on producing standard file formats for the interchange of ringing information has continued. This work was commissioned by the Publications Committee so that they could market ringing information in a standard form that can be processable by a wide range of ringing software.

The format for method information has been completed. A format for recording peals has been developed and is currently being reviewed with the Peals Analysis Committee. Discussions have begun with Chris Ridley of the Biographies Committee on the computerisation of their information. Initial discussions have taken place with Roger Bailey of the Peals Compositions Committee about peal compositions.

The Committee believes that the use of standard file format within the Exercise will be beneficial. Our view is that the Central Council should be providing comprehensive ringing information in a standard form that can be processed by software developed by anybody. We estimate that individuals have raised over £10,000 by the sale of ringing software for bell restoration projects. As home computers become household items, we anticipate that this figure will increase to become a significant contributor towards restoration funds.

Felstead Database

The Committee and the Peals Analysis Committee have been asked by the Administrative Committee to investigate the computerisation of the Felstead card based record of towerbell peals.

An initial brainstorming session has taken place with David Dearnley who maintains the manual record system following the death of Canon Felstead. We have also had discussions with The Ringing World and their team of “peal setters” to ensure that the peal data currently captured by The Ringing World is not lost. Since March 1994, all peals input to The Ringing World are now archived on disk.

We plan to produce an article for publication in The Ringing World during 1995 describing proposals of how every peal will eventually be recorded in a database and the information made available to the Exercise. This is an enormous project but the interest and enthusiasms shown by those connected with it indicates that it is a worthwhile goal.

Peals Analysis Committee

The Committee has assisted the Peals Analysis Committee on the production of their annual analysis of peals rung during 1994. This provided a useful cross check on the accuracy of both committees’ data. Philip Saddleton has played a major part in this work.

Ringers Bulletin Board System

The Ringers Bulletin Board System is partially funded by the Central Council. The amount of traffic on the Bulletin Board has increased significantly as ringers become aware of the various files that can be downloaded and the ability to send electronic mail to other ringers. At the time of writing, 144 ringers have made a total of 3300 accesses to the BBS. Our thanks go to Ian McCallion who runs the Bulletin Board for the benefit of the Exercise.

We are working with The Ringing World to enable ringers to submit articles, peal and quarter peal reports via the Internet or the Ringers Bulletin Board.

Support to other Committees

A small database system that was developed by Fred Bone is being used by the Redundant Bells Committee.

In response to a request at the 1993 Council meeting, a database program has been written to enable details of historic peal boards to be captured. After testing, this will be made available to any interested Guilds.

A. G. CRADDOCK (Chairman)

The Rolls of Honour

It has been known for many years that none of the names of those ringers from The Truro Diocesan Guild who fell in action in the 1914-18 war are recorded in The Rolls Of Honour. In 1985, following correspondence in The Ringing World the late W. T. Cook, then Trustee of the Rolls, said that if the names could be found it would be possible to include them. After much research by a member of The Truro D.G., with assistance from a colleague in the Cornwall County Records Office, 38 names have been found. There is a blank page available in the 1914-18 book that will take these names and they can be added to the 1077 names recorded in this book. The Roll Of Honour for the 1939-45 war contains 304 names and is complete as far as I can ascertain.

A. J. PHILLIPS (Steward)

Public Relations Advisory Group

1994 was another year of solid achievement for the P.R.A.G. We continued to promote both local and national public relations activity as well as providing high quality advice and assistance to others in the public relations field. The work of the Group was so substantial that it is impossible to detail more than a little of it in this report. In summary, though,


Fred Dukes continued to spearhead this important area of the P.R.A.G’s work. His demanding role of maintaining contact with all overseas ringers through his newsletters and personal correspondence can be summarised in one brief paragraph, but his work, as always, was immense. His detailed international report will appear separately in The Ringing World, and his History of International Relations appeared in The Ringing World Christmas edition.

Fred reports that Kilifi is now the only full-circle ringing tower in the World which is not within an Association affiliated to the Central Council. Nevertheless, the goodwill of the Central Council and all ringers everywhere is with Kilifi in their uphill struggle to maintain full-circle ringing in a tower so remote from their nearest ringing neighbours.

George Morris again took care of European liaison, not only with the five main ringing areas of Italy but also with other European countries. Both Fred and George will continue their international activities in 1995.

Bellringing Video Competition

In association with The Ringing World John Illingworth organised a worldwide competition to produce a video promoting and explaining church bellringing. Twelve entries were received all of which showed enormous hard work and preparation as well as considerable PR ability. The judging will take place in 1995 and an event will be arranged at which all the participants can view the entries.

Towers and Associations

Alison Hodge’s Handbook, Striking the Right Note, was published during the early part of the year and is now on sale. It is an easy-to-read, informative guide covering all aspects of dealing with the public and the media. It is entertainingly illustrated with Chico Kidd cartoons and is designed to help everyone from the ordinary tower member to the Association PRO. In addition, Alison wrote a series of PR tips and suggestions for The Ringing World. These appeared throughout the year.

John Illingworth arranged for the reprinting of the very popular certificates and porch cards, and these are now obtainable free from Central Council Publications, c/o Mrs. Barbara Wheeler, 18 Bankside, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 1XD. Alison Hodge is designing a warning notice of safety hazards in ringing rooms and belfries to meet international standards, and this will also be distributed free in 1995.

Steve Coleman and Harold Rogers dealt with a very large number of requests from Associations, Branches and individual ringers, for public relations guidance. Local P.R. activities are now of an extremely high standard, but all members of the group continue to welcome requests for advice, by telephone or in writing, at any time. In addition, anyone who wishes to discuss their ideas with us is also very welcome to telephone.


The provision of exhibition material is another way in which the Group assists PR at the Association and parish level, and in 1994 the prodigious volume of work involved in the preparation, maintenance, renewal and transportation of this material was, as usual, undertaken by Harold Rogers. Once again he managed to achieve his most productive year yet, even after 14 years in the job. The displays are well prepared, colourful and eye catching, and are mounted on high quality, free standing metal frames. During the slack months of November and December three exhibitions were still in use, and the peak summer months were exceptionally busy. Bookings for the summer months for future years should be made as early as possible. By December 1994 Harold already had bookings throughout 1995 and into 1996. Harold’s address is 53 The Grove, Isleworth, Middx. TW7 4JT.

Church and Community

Alison Hodge updated our entry for the Church of England Yearbook and Steve Coleman wrote a two page article with photographs for the national parish magazine insert Home Words. George Morris devised and promoted a day course on ringing matters for incumbents and church wardens, which will be held in 1995. Also in 1995 Alison Hodge will be preparing a publication of hymns and prayers suitable for ringers’ services.

Central Council

Stella Bianco did considerable research into obtaining funds from the National Lottery and she disseminated the results to the Administrative Committee and through The Ringing World.

John Anderson began arrangements for four seminars to be held in 1995 sponsored by The Ringing World. They are intended to stimulate discussion on a variety of topics, principally among Guild and Association Officers in each region. John also provided public relations support to the Ringing Centres Committee in respect of the Pimlico and Docklands centre and the proposed centre at Liverpool.


David Thorne in his capacity as The Ringing World Editor, Steve Coleman in his capacity as P.R.A.G. Chairman, and Emma St. John Smith in her capacity as Westminster Abbey Press Officer, dealt with a prodigious number of approaches from Journalists. In addition to providing information and assistance, they also maintained a liaison function by directing the media to those ringers best able to deal with specialist enquiries. Emma and Steve also instigated a number of national press articles. David, Emma and Steve’s addresses and telephone numbers appear in the Group’s entry in The Journalists Handbook.

The number of ringing articles published in newspapers and magazines was substantial and included articles in all the quality newspapers as well as Country Life and Readers Digest.

Stella Bianco continued to monitor the media for early signs of matters to which the Group should direct its attention. She also wrote PR pieces for The Ringing World as well as acting as the Group’s secretary and dealing with much of our substantial communications requirements.


As always, most members appeared on or assisted with local radio. Steve Coleman provided advice to a number of radio researchers and attempted - as yet unsuccessfully - to persuade The Archers to include more ringing story lines. The BBC World Service programme Omnibus - Bells; which Steve assisted with and appeared on in 1991, was repeated during the year.


Once again, the Group were much impressed by the high quality television coverage secured by many local ringers during the year. We are always ready to offer advice and assistance if asked, and extremely short notice is no problem.

Steve Coleman provided information and assistance to the researchers and producers of six television programmes in 1994, and the children’s programme, Activ-8, which he had organised in the previous year, was repeated.

Complaints Working Group

Following Stella Bianco’s research, the P.R.A.G. saw an urgent need for a multi-disciplined noise complaints working group to be established by the Central Council. This group needed to include experts on public relations, engineering, sound control and the law. Such a group was formed by the Administrative Committee at the P.R.A.G’s instigation, and John Anderson leads it. Alison Hodge is also a member.

The group has already done much work, not only, in giving advice and doing research but, more importantly, in causing the problem of noise complaints to become a regular discussion topic both in The Ringing World and in ringing circles everywhere. Noise complaints and the new legislation is probably the biggest single issue facing ringers at this time, and our success in bringing it squarely before the Exercise and setting up a body to tackle it, was our most important achievement in 1994. John and Alison will continue and expand their work in 1995.

S. J. COLEMAN (Chairman)

The Ringing World Ltd
Chairman’s Report

In my report last year I referred to the retirements and reorganisation at our printers during 1993 which had led to some difficulties within The Ringing World office. In 1994 these changes continued apace with the result that the page make-up of the paper is now carried out entirely on a desktop publishing system.

David and Anne, plus of course our outworkers who are now setting all peals and quarter peals, have had to change their own systems and working practices in a very significant way very quickly. The fact that the journal has continued to be published every week with readers generally unaware of these major changes is of considerable credit to all involved. Our thanks, in particular, are due to the Editor and his assistant for their hard work, flexibility and enthusiasm in bringing in these new working practices.

I am pleased to report that the 1995 Ringing World Diary was produced well in time this year but am disappointed to report that, although the Diary contributed to the overall profit, sales were somewhat down on previous years.

Sales of The Ringing World have remained reasonably constant, with the switch from newsagents to subscriptions continuing as more readers appreciate the financial advantage available. Our accounts make satisfactory reading and we are hoping that the decision to hold the price of the paper for this year will be rewarded by an upturn in sales. With £5 on offer to new subscribers for a bell fund of their choice, we hope that Guilds and Associations will go all out to secure new subscriptions as part of their fund-raising activities.


* * *

An annual subscription is still only £36 (equivalent to approx. 69p a week).

Peals Analysis Committee


We have recorded a total of 5,339 peals rung in 1994, of which 4,875 were on tower bells and 464 on handbells. For the third successive year the overall total is a new record, being an increase of 154 over the revised total for 1993. The principal increases compared with 1993 are in peals of Major (+106) and Minor (+62), while the only significant decrease was in peals of Triples (-26).

The Oxford Diocesan Guild was again the leading society, but its total (375) was its lowest since 1990. The Lancashire Association (267) moved up from fifth place to second, closely followed by the Yorkshire Association (265).

The Committee met once during the year, to finalise records for 1994 and to agree the format of the report. During the year we have had discussions with Andrew Craddock and members of the Computer Coordination Committee concerning the computerisation of peal records; we are grateful to them for also providing data to assist us in the analysis.

David Dearnley has taken on the task of updating the tower records bequeathed to the Council by Canon K. W. H. Felstead and we thank him for providing the section on leading peal towers for 1993 which we were unable to include in our report last year. We regret that similar details for 1994 are not yet available.

We are again grateful to the Chairman of the Methods Committee for information concerning peals of Doubles.

Corrections to the 1993 Analysis

Changes to the 1993 peal totals arising from late publication or withdrawal of peals are listed below. Except where stated, they refer to towerbell peals.

Revised totals for 1993 are: tower bells 4,730; handbells 455; total 5,185.

Peals not complying with the Decisions on Peal Ringing

  1. A peal of Rutland Surprise Major rung by the Pagham Society on 15th January at Pagham, a six bell tower, with the aid of dumb-bells and simulators, does not comply with Decision (D)B.2, which requires that peals of Major shall be rung on eight bells. We recommend that it be not accepted, and have not included it in this analysis. However, the Council might wish to consider the suitability of the use of simulators in peal ringing.

  2. A peal of Doubles in 12 methods and 48 variations, rung at Corley on 21st March by the Coventry Diocesan Guild, does not comply with Decision (D)C.3 in that two extents each contained two variations with the same plain course, different singles but the same bob, whereas they must not have any calls in common. We recommend that extents (41) and (42) be recorded as Grandsire and that the peal be accepted as a peal in 12 methods and 45 variations.

  3. Some 16 other peals of Doubles do not comply with Decision (D)C.4 in that the reports did not correctly state the number and names of all methods and variations separately. We recommend that all these peals be accepted, subject to correction of the numbers of methods and variations where appropriate.


Numbers of peals rung in the more popular methods are set out below. Figures for 1993 appear in brackets.

“Single S.” means the total rung in single Surprise methods other than those listed separately.

Single S.68(79)16(32)
Cambridge S.67(70)4(5)
Bristol S.57(53)7(6)
Yorkshire S.42(32)0(0)
Spliced S.23(31)4(2)
Single S.197(174)13(27)
Cambridge S.68(65)18(11)
Yorkshire S.64(64)7(11)
Spliced S.60(71)4(12)
London S.48(53)8(4)
Plain Bob22(11)18(18)
Bristol S.35(27)3(8)
Lincolnshire S.17(25)4(7)
Kent/Oxford T.B.1(0)20(14)
Single S.726(719)3(14)
Spliced S.364(369)27(22)
Yorkshire S.224(206)19(27)
Bristol S.203(175)11(10)
Plain Bob115(109)51(60)
Cambridge S.130(132)9(6)
Rutland S.125(103)1(2)
London S.106(86)4(6)
Lincolnshire S.96(82)6(5)
Superlative S.79(81)4(4)
Kent/Oxford T.B.16(10)63(46)
Single Delight72(73)2(1)
Pudsey S.54(50)5(1)
Double Norwich47(51)2(0)
Glasgow S.29(27)0(1)
Belfast S.15(19)1(1)
Plain Bob27(34)0(0)
7 methods296(285)11(5)
8+ methods244(230)22(8)
2-6 methods166(168)17(11)
Plain Bob74(102)27(15)
Cambridge S.72(57)4(3)
Single S.49(37)3(3)
2+ methods122(141)0(0)
Plain Bob8(7)1(0)

Peals of note

We consider the following peals to be worthy of special mention, and we congratulate those who took part:

First pealers and firsts as conductor

There were 352 first pealers in 1994 (376 in 1993) and 50 firsts as conductor (48 in 1993).

Towers (1993)

Peals were rung in 1,776 towers in 1993 (1,809 in 1992). The following 73 towers had ten or more peals:

96-Loughborough Foundry.
31-Birmingham Cath.
31-South Croydon.
22-Barrow Gurney.
22-Burton Latimer.
22-East Farleigh.
22-Reading, St. Laurence.
21-East Ilsley.
21-Leeds, R.C. Cath.
20-London, St. Sepulchre.
20-Maidstone, All Saints.
19-Bedford, St. Paul.
19-Whitley Bay.
19-Withycombe Raleigh.
18-Oxford, St. Thomas.
16-Hungerford, Oxford (St. Mary Magd.), Reading (St. Mary), Spitalfields.
15-Bishopstoke, Farnworth, South Wigston.
14-Amersham, Jesmond, Monewden, Moulton, Newcastle Cath., Newcastle (St. John), Windsor (St. John).
12-Birstall (Yorks), Bristol (Christ Church), Creswell, Isleworth, Leicester Cath., London (St. Mary-le-Bow), Melbourne (Derbys.), Ticknall, Willesden.
11-Accrington, Aldeburgh, Bristol (St. Stephen), Exeter (St. Mark), Grundisburgh, Middleton, Overseale, Welbourn.
10-Bristol Cath., Broughton (Staffs.), Countesthorpe, Derby (St. Peter), Evesham, Great Hampton, Leighton Buzzard, Llanfeugan, Maidstone (St. Michael), Ryton, Stourbridge, Warsop, West Bridgford.

Landmarks reached during 1993 included 3,000 peals at Loughborough Bell Foundry, 1,000 at Meldreth, 600 at South Wigston and 500 at Trumpington. 27 towers had their first peal in 1993.

Breakdown of peals by number of bells and comparison with 1993

Tower bellsHandbells

The leading societies

The following societies rang more than 150 peals:

Oxford Diocesan Guild31065375
Lancashire Association2589267
Yorkshire Association266-265
Ely Diocesan Association20627233
Leicester Diocesan Guild1958203
Peterborough Diocesan Guild1971198
Suffolk Guild1852187
Chester Diocesan Guild10575180
Derby Diocesan Association15420174
Kent County Association15614170
Hertford County Association12247169
Southwell Diocesan Guild1633166
Gloucester and Bristol D.A.1581159

The Kent County Association and the Suffolk Guild have returned to this list after dropping out in 1993 and 1991 respectively. Altogether, 22 societies rang 100 or more peals in 1994 (21 in 1993).

D. H. NIBLETT (Chairman)

1994 Peals Analysis
A.S.College Yths.1(a)17119324632-1----34-2--1-771087
Australia & NZA-32543359---------------61-61
Bath & Wells D.A.-41726773812----------1---1381139
Bedfordshire A.-1125125161--------------43-43
Beverley & Dist. S.---1-10272--------------22-22
Cambridge Univ. G.-614118251----1---------39-39
Carlisle D.G.---12553-1-------------17-17
Chester D.G.-5-124615171------14-28-25-8-10575180
Coventry D.G.---4223771--------------44-44
S.R. Cumberland Yths.-15136374271---------11---1392141
Derby D.A.-2-1841145101-----4(b)1-716-1-15420174
G. Devonshire R.--117565-414--------------133-133
Dorset C.A.---1-2-22--------------7-7
Durham & Newcastle D.A.-1321518717-------------1-1261127
Durham Univ. S.----11-11--------------4-4
E. Derbys. & W. Notts. A.-----2-2---------------4-4
E. Grinstead & Dist. G.-----12----------------3-3
Ely D.A.-51731396404--1---18-224-1-20627233
Essex A.-4-213734741---------1-2-993102
Glos. & Bristol D.A.-78137961097--1---------1-1581159
Guildford D.G.-71432643-----------1---48149
Hereford D.G.---118156------2-9-3-1-221537
Hertford C.A.-5344585403-------18112-25-12247169
Kent C.A.-31264924233--------31514-15614170
Lancashire A.-93321014713395----------4-5-2589267
Leicester D.G.-91565984193------1-3-4---1958203
Lichfield Arch. S.-3-42562436--------1-9-2111613129
Lincoln D.G.-347-414392----------7-2-1009109
Liverpool Univ. S.-11----1---------------3-3
Llandaff & Mon. D.A.-261446674------1-5-17-117625101
London C.A.-231342751---------------55-55
Manchester Univ. G.-----1-----------------1-1
Middlesex C.A.---3533722---1----4-25-1-533083
Midland Cs.G.------23---------------5-5
Nat. Police G.--11-------------------2-2
N. American G.---231333-----------3---24327
N. Staffords A.--1-118293----------1-1-34236
N. Wales A.-----1-----------------1-1
Norwich D.A.-21-1103257-------2-14-2-49958
Oxford D.G.-253413138216019-----1(c)-114-49---31065375
Oxford Soc.-3-12119241--1-----3-----43346
Oxford Univ. S.---1-1-----------------2-2
Peterborough D.G.-84121375135913----------1---1971198
St. David’s D.G.-----1-----------------1-1
St. Martin’s G.6(d)1947-10-2--1----6-----1-49756
Salisbury D.G.---118233----------1---18119
Scottish A.---821918---------------38-38
S. Sherwood Yths.-----1-----------------1-1
Shropshire A.-----2-3---------------5-5
Southwell D.G.-131215874266--------2---1-1633166
Suffolk G.-6452502177181--1------1-1-1852187
Surrey A.--154962--------------127128
Sussex C.A.--235565186----------1-1-95297
Swansea & Brecon D.G.-----15435--------------27-27
Transvaal S.-----31----------------4-4
Truro D.G.----19871--------------26-26
Univ. of Bristol S.-12214-41--------------15-15
Univ. of London S.---2-6-3-----------7---11718
Veronese A.---1-1-----------------2-2
Winch. & Portsm. D.G.1(e)41965332431---------3-11-10514119
Worcs. & Dists. A.-1241471041--------------70-70
Yorkshire A.-20229315914325---1----------265-265
Central Council-----1-1---------------2-2
Non-affiliated S.-3252611709236-----1(f)--4-7-6-18218200
Notes: (a) 1 x 6. (b) 1 x 20, 1 x 18, 2 x 16. (c) 1 x 14. (d) 4 x 16, 1 x 15, 1 x 14. (e) 1 x 14. (1) 1 x 16. (g) 1 x 14, 1 x 13.

The Ringing World, April 21, 1995, pages 423 to 427

Administrative Committee

Since the 1994 Council meeting the Committee has met twice in London, in October and March. The arrangements for the 1995 Council meeting were discussed and agreed, and the following matters were considered:

(1) Appointment of auditor - Andrew G. Smith (Dorset C.A.) has been appointed as one of the Council’s auditors in place of Michael Church, who was re-appointed to that position last year following the resignation of John Parsons.

(2) The format and audit of charity accounts - Regulations are expected to be made shortly relating to the format and audit of the accounts of charities. They are likely to come into force on 1st December 1995 for financial years beginning on or after that date. The committee will be considering the options which this will present for the Council’s accounts and will report back to the next Council meeting.

(3) Financial matters - It was reported last year that the Committee had decided in principle that the offices of Secretary and Treasurer should be separated. A motion to create an office of Honorary Treasurer appears on the agenda for the Council meeting. The Committee has also decided to introduce a more formal budgeting process. Following consultation with committee chairmen, the Officers will present to the October meeting of the Committee each year a budget for the Council’s General Fund for the following year. To enable the Committee to monitor expenditure and income against budget, the Treasurer will report on expenditure and income for the first nine months of the year at the October meeting and for the whole year at the March meeting. It was also agreed that the Accounts as presented to the Council should show the expenditure incurred by each committee. This information is given in the Accounts for 1994.

(4) Complaints about bells - The working group set up by the Committee under the chairmanship of John Anderson has been collecting information on a wide variety of complaints about ringing. The group plans to set up a network of advisers and will be providing written guidance for dealing with complaints. Members of the working group have also given advice in cases which have occurred, in particular at St Elisabeth’s, Reddish, Greater Manchester, as a result of which court action has been postponed while the possibility of installing sound control is investigated.

(5) English Heritage - Following an approach by the President, two meetings have been held with English Heritage, both of which have been reported in The Ringing World. Concern has been expressed at previous Council meetings and elsewhere about cases of bell restoration schemes where the interests of ringers and those of English Heritage have appeared to have been diametrically opposed. It was therefore considered important that each side should try to understand the other’s point of view and should together seek solutions that are acceptable to both. Discussion centred round old bell-frames. The view of English Heritage is that, if a frame is important historically or in relation to the church or bells, it should be retained, preferably in use. If retention in use is impossible, then English Heritage would seek other means of preserving it. At the first meeting general principles were discussed and much useful information was gained as to English Heritage’s precise role in these matters. It was then agreed that regular meetings should be held between the Council, English Heritage and the Council for the Care of Churches, at which particular cases of difficulty and the principles arising from them could be discussed.

(6) National Lottery and the Millennium Commission - The Council has a role to play in providing information to potential applicants for National Lottery funding for bell restoration projects. English Heritage is being consulted on all applications to the Heritage Lottery Fund involving historic buildings and their contents, including bell schemes. They were thus able to advise the Council at the second of the meetings referred to above of the criteria against which bell schemes are likely to be judged. This advice and other practical information is to be published in The Ringing World.

The Millennium Commission is looking for rather larger projects for Millennium Fund support. The Ringing Centres Committee has agreed to consider the possibility of working up a proposal for the creation of a major ringing centre in London, incorporating a museum and information centre about ringing. Other practical ideas would be welcome.

(7) Regional seminars - Four regional seminars, sponsored by The Ringing World, are to take place on 20th May at Towcester, 8th July at Lancaster, 15th July at Taunton and 23rd September in London. They are aimed at association officers with the objectives of updating them on current issues, such as health and safety in towers, complaints about bells and ringing centres, and provoking discussion on recruitment, training, maintenance, fund raising and the organisation of ringing. The Committee hope that officers of all affiliated societies will attend.

(8) Peal records and peal boards - The Committee have asked the Computer Coordination Committee to consider providing databases for maintaining records of peals rung and for collecting information about peal boards. Action taken on these two items is reported in that Committee’s report.

Ex officio
R. J. JOHNSTON (President)
JANE WILKINSON (Vice-President)
C. H. ROGERS (Secretary)
Elected members

Peal Compositions Committee

The year has been one of consolidation, with few new initiatives. We continue to prove and review compositions submitted for publication to The Ringing World. The number printed has fallen slightly this year, partly due to changes in our procedures, and partly due to the demise of Which Method, whose deadlines imposed a useful discipline. Although we remain committed to the publication of all compositions submitted, we urge composers to exercise a greater degree of self-criticism. The ready availability of computer-proving software has greatly increased the number of indifferent peals, especially of spliced, and the composition mountain grows steadily (like Rockall).

The Committee receives a large number of requests each year for specific compositions. In almost all cases these have been met satisfactorily, sometimes by commissioning new work. Particular credit is due to David Beard for his efforts in this area. We have also assisted other members and Committees of Council, checking entries for the next edition of An Index to Compositions in The Ringing World for Tony Smith and beginning investigations (with Julian Morgan) into the feasibility of machine processable composition formats. This follows an initiative by the Computer Coordination Committee and if successful promises to greatly simplify the problem of storing and retrieving compositions in computer databases, and to eliminate typographical errors once and for all. However, we do not underestimate the difficulty of the problem, nor anticipate early results.

One consequence of the much-hyped “Information Superhighway” is that electronic media will become increasingly important for disseminating ringing information, particularly collections requiring frequent update. With this in mind, an experimental World-Wide Web page has been constructed (URL http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~rb/ringing.html) containing a number of composition and method collections. Comments on this (or any other compositional matter, including submissions for publication) can be sent to the Chairman by electronic mail (rb@doc.ic.ac.uk). Of collections in preparation. Stedman Triples has now been convincingly completed by the addition of two bobs-only peals. A draft version of this, and also of General-Purpose Surprise Major is available on the World-Wide Web as described above; paper publication should follow Real Soon Now. Spliced Surprise has been delayed slightly by Roddy Horton’s change of job, but is still expected by the end of the triennium. The new editions of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods and of Ten and Twelve Bell Compositions are making slow progress, as are the yearly compilations of The Ringing World compositions.

With the move to more modern computer equipment, the Committee’s old BBC Microcomputer is now surplus to requirements, and currently serves as a large doorstop in the Chairman’s office. The entire setup (model B with word processor chip, monochrome monitor, twin double-sided disk drives and daisy-wheel printer) is available to anyone who can make use of it (not necessarily as a doorstop), and no reasonable offer will be refused.

R. BAILEY (Chairman)

The Ringing World, April 28, 1995, page 451

Rescue fund for redundant bells

The Fund received several enquiries as to whether it had rescued any rings of bells that could be hung in the enquirer’s church, but supply did not match demand - there were apparently no rings of bells in immediate danger in 1994 that were not safely under the careful watch of a ringing association or bell hanging firm. The Fund Committee has therefore only had the ex Birmingham bells to worry over. Terms were agreed in Autumn 1994 for the St Helen’s Bell Fund Charitable Trust to acquire the bells from Whitechapel Bell Foundry on repayment of the Rescue Fund deposit. A payment of £5,500 has been made on account and it may be the case that the whole sum will be repaid during 1995. Alternatively, an instalment programme will be agreed. The purchasing charity intend to hang the bells at Escrick Parish Church near York and the existing ring of eight will be hung elsewhere without the involvement of the Rescue Fund.

Thanks are due as ever to those patient and loyal ringers and associations who have provided loans to enable the bells to be saved from the sledge hammer.

(Hon. Secretary)

Income and Expenditure Account for the year 1994
£587.51Insurance and storage relating to
the bells of St Martin’s, Birmingham


(£573.43)Excess of Expenditure over Income(£599.33)

Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1994
£24,800.00Deposit with Whitechapel Bell Foundry
Ltd re Bells of St Martin’s, Birmingham
£5,854.07Bank Balances£704.74


£21,608.76Interest free loans£11,558.76
£3,500.00Central Council General Fund£3,500.00
-Loan from Trustees of St Helen’s
Escrick Bell Fund Charitable Trust


£5,398.43Net assets£4,799.10

Represented by
£5,971.86Accumulated Fund 1 January 1994£5,398.43
(£573.43)Excess of Expenditure over Income(£599.33)




The above financial statement for the year ended 31 December 1994 has been compiled from the books and records of the Fund and we confirm that they are in accordance therewith.

ERIC GODFREY, ANDREW SMITH Hon. Auditors April 1995

The Ringing World, April 28, 1995, page 452

Records Committee

A. First peals on tower bells.
Jan15040Holtom S.RoyLeicester DG
35184Votadini D.MajYorkshire A
35040Castleford Regal S.RoyLeicester DG
35040Treorchy S.RoyOxford DG
35096Little Bob FourteenWin & Ports DG
45000Hodson S.RoySRCY
55040Rothleybrook S.RoyLeicester DG
75088Frilsham Little S.MajEly DA
85012Valhalla A.MajYorkshire A
135152Melrose School D.MajSt. James’ G
175088Quintoon S.MajDerby DA
175040Kilworth S.RoyLeicester DG
185088Raleigh D.MajSt. James G
195040Mdina S.RoyLeicester DG
205184Stybarrow Dodd D.MajOxford DG
225088Charleston S.MajSt. James G
225088Coritani S.MajYorkshire A
235056Weeping Wolf S.MajYorkshire A
245040Caswin S.RoyLeicester DG
285024United S.MajLancashire A
295024Cornovii D.MajYorkshire A
295040Brunshaw S.RoyLancashire A
Feb15152Slack Bottom D.MajLancashire A
25040Feira S.RoyLeicester DG
55042Reach S.MaxOxford DG
55184Decantae D.MajYorkshire A
75056Asyut D.MajLeicester DG
125088Cintocelum S.MajYorkshire A
125042Shutford S.MaxS. Northants S
145040Ross S.RoyLeicester DG
155016Stedman SeptuplesSt. Martin’s G
165056Ash D.MajLeicester DG
175040Highclere S.RoyOxford DG
185040Heywood B.TriplesLancashire A
195184Demetai S.MajYorkshire A
195056Tophall D.MajLeicester DG
205024Romsey D.MajWin & Ports DG
215040Wimundeswald S.RoyLeicester DG
225120Kirkland S.MajPeterboro DG
235152Brue S.MajBath & Wells DA
255000Ossett S.RoyOxford DG
265088Iceni D.MajYorkshire A
Mar25152Diamond S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
25040Kittysbrook S.RoyLeicester DG
55120Maeatae D.MajYorkshire A
75120Oakwood S.MajYorkshire A
95040Charlotte S.RoyLeicester DG
95152Slack Top D.MajLancashire A
125024Pettistree S.MajEly DA
125184Carvetii D.MajYorkshire A
125082Eboracum A.MaxYorkshire A
135024Old Dutch D.MajSuffolk G
145056Lucteburga D.MajLeicester DG
165152Bloodstone S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
165040Jamboree S.RoyLeicester DG
185152Ofertun S.MajPeterboro DG
185152Widdop S.MajLancashire A
195184Cinnuis S.MajYorkshire A
195040Castlehill S.RoyS.Northants S
195040Walsworth S.RoySRCY
195088Ulysses S.MaxYorkshire A
205040Ibestoche S.RoyLeicester DG
215040Yaiza S.RoyLeicester DG
255120Strixton S.MajEly DA
265024Calidonii S.MajYorkshire A
265056Reedley Hallows D.MajYorkshire A
305040Lutresurde S.RoyLeicester DG
315056Bristans D.MajLeicester DG
Apr35024Nevertire S.MajANZAB
45184Barnsbury S.MajEly DA
45040North Yorkshire S.RoyOxford DG
95088Ardua S.MajYorkshire A
95208Godstone A.MajSurrey A
125184Burnthead S.MajPeterboro DG
135152Shmirka D.MajLeicester DG
165184Epidii S.MajYorkshire A
165040Cashmore S.RoySRCY
165040Eostre S.RoyYorkshire A
1750402-Spliced SixteenSt. Martin’s G
185056Sproxcheston D.MajLeicester DG
205184Hamer S.MajLancashire A
215088Selly Park S.MaxSt. Martin’s G
235024Kirk Ella S.MajBev & Dist S
235056Shere D.MajLeicester DG
275152Moonstone S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
275040Querendon S.RoyLeicester DG
285160Lysian A.MaxSt. Martin’s G
295152Centenarian S.MajEly DA
305088Creones D.MajYorkshire A
May35040Catcliffe S.RoySRCY
35040Ulestorp S.RoyLeicester DG
35000Circular Saw A.MajSt. Martin’s G
45152Avill S.MajBath & Wells DA
45152Aisa D.MajLeicester DG
65040Shepperton Little S.MajEly DA
75024Dumnonii D.MajYorkshire A
85152Calderdale D.MajYorkshire A
95040Xartica S.RoyLeicester DG
105120Pretoria S.MajPeterboro DG
125152Ascension Day S.MajPeterboro DG
125056Ragendale D.MajLeicester DG
135112Durley Little S.MajEly DA
145040Fuller A.MajSt. Martins G
165040Zonzamas S.RoyLeicester DG
165152Heptonstall Moor D.MajLancashire A
175040Ilkley Moor S.RoyKent CA
205088Colden S.MajLancashire A
205056Duston S.MajEly DA
205152Kettonby S.MajPeterboro DG
215024Catuvellauni S.MajYorkshire A
215040Elderslie S.RoyS. Northants S
225280Kingsland S.RoyWin & Ports DG
225184Potterton D.MajSRCY
235040Durandestorp S.RoyLeicester DG
235088Uspenski S.MaxLeicester DG
255024Ferrers S.MajPeterboro DG
255040Hacthurne S.RoyLeicester DG
265080Cardassian A.MaxSt. Martin’s G
275088Ivana S.MajLancashire A
285024Baydon S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
285152Amburn T.B.MajDronoldore S
305042Chester D.MaxOxford DG
June15152Snai D.MajLeicester DG
25088Kiriath D.MajLeicester DG
35040Oare Little S.MajEly DA
45184Caereni S.MajYorkshire A
65040Lobenho S.RoyLeicester DG
65096June A.MajHertford CA
65004D-Day A.RoySt. Martin’s G
75040Wear D.RoyKent CA
85152Velvet Bottom S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
85040Rotebie S.RoyLeicester DG
105056June D.MajOxford DG
115120Limehouse S.MajMiddx CA & Lon DG
115120Morrison S.MajASCY
115056Zyyi S.MajLancashire A
115090High Fen S.MaxLancashire A
115024Whimpton D.MajYorkshire A
125056Isurium Little S.RoyYorkshire A
155040Yelrub S.RoyLeicester DG
165056Dunstan S.MajSouthwell DG
165042Oklahoma S.MaxOxford DG
175056Grenada S.MajEly DA
175096Brunley A.MajLancashire A
205056Xoros D.MajLeicester DG
215000Killingworth S.RoyKent CA
225040Norburg S.RoyLeicester DG
245056Warmington S.MajEly DA
255088Gangani S.MajYorkshire A
255040Meadowhall S.RoyYorkshire A
265024Steel City S.MajYorkshire A
265040Vercellis S.MaxSRCY
275040Merrick S.RoyLeicester DG
295120Xeuilley S.MajLlan & Mon DA
July15056Duomilia S.MajEly DA
25184Coantia S.MajYorkshire A
85152Jamaica S.MajEly DA
115040Kinloss S.RoyLeicester DG
135152Woodbeech D.MajLeicester DG
155024July D.MajOxford DG
165056Pennclose D.MajLeicester DG
195000Abchurch S.RoyKent CA
205152Alexandrite S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
205152Umborne S.MajBath & Wells DA
205040Epyshe S.RoyLeicester DG
225152Hederington S.MajPeterboro DG
225088Huish Episcopi S.MajBath & Wells DA
225120Tobago S.MajEly DA
225056Lunar D.MajGlos & Bristol DA
235056Norton Parish S.MajYorkshire A
305088Dardanelles S.MajLancashire A
305024Magantia D.MajYorkshire A
Aug25040Maryland S.RoySRCY
25040Quinquaginta S.RoyLeicester DG
55152August D.MajOxford DG
65024Eblo S.MajYorkshire A
65088Wapping S.MajMiddx CA & Lon DG
75152Mysocanthi S.MajPeterboro DG
95056Malaita D.MajLeicester DG
95056Netherton D.MajWorcs & Dist A
115152Iota S.MajPeterboro DG
115700Burnley Charter A.MajLancashire A
125056Barbados S.MajEly DA
135184Bereda S.MajYorkshire A
155096August A.MajHertford CA
185056Gwynllyw S.MajBath & Wells DA
215024Caterham S.MajOxford DG
215184Groton CatersN. American G
225040Zorro S.RoyLeicester DG
225042Vaughan S.MaxLeicester DG
235120Egleton S.MajPeterboro DG
245040Jeremiah S.RoyLeicester DG
255088Sanderstead S.MajEly DA
275040Teasmade A.MajWorcs & Dist A
305152Calboroughs D.MajLeicester DG
315024Xenocryst S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
Sep25120Trinidad S.MajEly DA
35088Lupania D.MajYorkshire A
65040Aylsham S.RoySRCY
95088Haiti S.MajEly DA
105088Carnonacae S.MajYorkshire A
105120Manly S.MajANZAB
105000Northallerton S.RoyYorkshire A
155042Jay S.MaxOxford DG
165088Antigua S.MajEly DA
165024Ottershaw D.MajSt. James’ G
175088Anas S.MajYorkshire A
195056Xiri D.MajLeicester DG
205000Fant S.RoyKent CA
215040Wibbetofte S.RoyLeicester DG
235056Ballymena S.MajEly DA
235208September A.MajOxford DG
245024Alvionus S.MajYorkshire A
245056Penrith S.MajSuffolk G
285056Xarro D.MajLeicester DG
305152Pipewell S.MajPeterboro DG
305152September D.MajOxford DG
Oct15024Brigantes S.MajYorkshire A
15040Flambard S.MaxNon-Association
35152Valerian S.MajOxford DG
55120Kersey S.MajSuffolk G
75088Dominica S.MajEly DA
85029Nunney Castle 4-6-0 S.MajCambridge UG
105040Xephos S.RoyLeicester DG
125152Actinouranium S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
145024St. Kitts S.MajEly DA
145040Ightenhill A.MajLancashire A
155040Dalmunzie S.RoyS. Northants S
185080Thurnham S.RoyKent CA
185088Bishop David D.MajLancashire A
195040Irrawaddy S.RoyLeicester DG
205120Metis S.MajSRCY
205152Northam S.MajWin & Ports DG
205040Brindley S.RoyG Devonshire R
215184Nevis S.MajEly DA
225056Nice Little S.RoyYorkshire A
225000Kensington D.RoySt. Mary Abbots G
245152Hewetson D.MajSRCY
265056Onyx S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
265152Epia D.MajLeicester DG
295184Celovion D.MajYorkshire A
295152Kelstedge D.MajYorkshire A
Nov15152Freasley S.MajLichfield Arch S
25088Jade S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
35024Queen Eleanor S.MajPeterboro DG
45000Coat S.RoyLancashire A
55024Coganges S.MajYorkshire A
55040Winhill S.RoyS. Northants S
55082Penultimus Little Place MaxSuffolk G
75040Pichewell S.RoyLeicester DG
95056Joliotium S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
95056Zalicat D.MajLeicester DG
115024Anguilla S.MajEly DA
115056Mottisfont S.MajWin & Ports DG
125120Catechol S.MajSRCY
125088Eidumanis S.MajYorkshire A
135088Dawlish S.MajEly DA
155040St. Augustine’s Reach S.RoyKent CA
165088Dubnium S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
165040Ubique S.RoyLeicester DG
175152Adrastea S.MajSRCY
195088Durolitum S.MajYorkshire A
205056Fryerning S.MajEssex A
215040Adelachestone S.RoyLeicester DG
235120Bohrium S.MajGlos & Bristol DA
235040Losskin S.RoyLeicester DG
265024Cantiaci D.MajYorkshire A
285040Saltebi S.RoyLeicester DG
295120Martinique S.MajEly DA
305040Stovenebi S.RoyLeicester DG
Dec15088Barton-in-the-Beans S.MajSouthwell DG
25120Barbuda S.MajEly DA
25088Lowick S.MajDur & Newcastle DA
25040Edgeley S.RoyLancashire A
35056Clothworkers S.MajSRCY
35120Fussell S.RoySRCY
35024Devona D.MajYorkshire A
55040Uga S.RoyLeicester DG
75152Oyacnauh D.MajLeicester DG
85088St. James’ S.MaxSt. Martin’s G
105152Belgae S.MajYorkshire A
125056Ironbridge D.MajLeicester DG
145040Redebi S.RoyLeicester DG
145152MacKillop D.MajANZAB
165088Vieques S.MajEly DA
175184Bannatia S.MajYorkshire A
175088Wistaston S.MajChester DG
175000Carradale S.RoyS. Northants S
175096December A.MajHertford CA
185024Old Beetley S.MajSt. James’ G
185800St. Mary Magdalen A.MajOxford Univ S
195040Fredebie S.RoyLeicester DG
205088Juventud S.MajEly DA
205040Ebbsfleet S.RoyKent CA
215040Orzola S.RoyLeicester DG
235024Aebudae S.MajYorkshire A
235056Nonagenarian S.MajEly DA
245024Voran S.MajYorkshire A
245024Mangotsfield B.MajGlos & Bristol DA
285040Eprohtsebbul S.RoyLeicester DG
305088Deene S.MajPeterboro DG
315024Apaunaris S.MajYorkshire A
315152Canon Rose S.MajPeterboro DG
315088Drayton S.MajEly DA
B. First peals on handbells.
Jan115040Albion T.B.MaxChester DG
Feb25040XXV S.RoyOxford DG
750403-Spliced S. EighteenDerby DA
105280Starlock Hay Fen S.MaxEly DA
245280Reach Fen S.MaxEly DA
Mar95096London No.3 S.FourteenOxford DG
175040Edale S.RoyDerby DA
Apr25100Cantuar No.1 A.SixteenSt. James’ G
1150403-Spliced S.TwentyDerby DA
175040Derbyshire S.RoyHereford DG
215040Harpole S.RoyDerby DA
May245280Fleetville S.MaxASCY
June225184Blankney Fen S.MaxEly DA
July275040Thorpe Tilney Fen S.MaxEly DA
Sep275184Upwell Fen S.MaxEly DA
Oct205040Jacobs Creek S.RoyDerby DA
275088Vriezenveen S.MaxEly DA
Nov245088Whaplode Fen S.MaxEly DA
Dec45088Beer S.MajHereford DG
C. Record peals on tower bells.
June13172807-Spliced S.MajANZAB
Nov1910440Wootton Rivers S.RoySt. James’ G
Amendments to 1993 report.
May35096Yorkshire S.FourteenOxford DG
Dec295184Catz College B.MajorLancashire A
and delete
Oct165120167 Spliced Plain MajNorwich DA
as 400 methods had previously been rung.

D. E. SIBSON (Chairman)

The Ringing World, May 5, 1995, pages 477 to 478

International Liaison Report for 1994

by Fred E. Dukes

Part 1 of 4


The International Liaison Report for 1994 has been prepared for publication over four weekly issues of The Ringing World, as has been the practice for the past few years and prior to the Central Council Meeting, this year being held in Wilton, near Salisbury.

The material, being the content of this report, has been extracted from The Ringing World, the Clapper (NAG Journal), Ringing Towers (ANZAB bi-monthly magazine), Look To (Zimbabwe), Look To (WAB/ANZAB), SA Ringing Circle (SA Guild), as well as from letters received from PROs and ringing friends throughout the world. Accompanying many of the letters were copies of notes and articles about bells and bell ringing.

Central Council Meeting - Stafford

All of the Affiliated societies abroad, with the exception of South Africa were represented at the Stafford meeting held during the UK Spring Holiday weekend. The usual international display was exhibited in rather cramped conditions in the headquarters hotel only, it attracted a lot of attention from ringers and non-ringers. Items highlighted were:


Two newsletters were dispatched to all areas outside of the British Isles, as well as to society representatives residing in the UK. The usual autumn issue was not distributed because of the writer’s change of residence and its accompanying complications. Instead, a personal letter conveying greetings for Christmastide was sent. Personal letters or notes are sent with each issue.

It is encouraging to note that such communications are appreciated, judging by the letters which arrive from the recipients. We are grateful for these acknowledgements, which contain interesting local news items. The newsletters were published in the Clapper and Ringing Towers thanks to the generosity of Elizabeth E. Wein and Esther Perrins, the respective editors.

Central Council Affiliation

It is pleasing to note that every country throughout the world with rings of bells at present rung by resident teams of ringers, with only one exception, namely Kenya, are affiliated to the Central Council. Further, in the cases of Affiliated Societies beyond the shores of the British Isles, they regularly send representatives to annual meetings of the Central Council. This is very creditable and it is a great pleasure to welcome and meet those who travel from Australia, America, Africa, Italy and Zimbabwe.

As regards, Kenya, there is only one six-bell tower, that of St Thomas’s Church, Kilifi. No doubt most ringers have read the report following the visit to the UK by nine of their ringers (see Ringing Courses), when they made such a great impression. on those who met them.

Unfortunately, as the Council Rules stand, they cannot become affiliated or be otherwise associated with the Central Council. It has been the writer’s chief aim to have every tower as a member of the Council, but as the rules now stand and the Kilifi membership numbers prevent them from being “with us”, the same problem could arise should the Singapore project materialise.

Possible solutions would be for an already Affiliated Society to adopt such a tower. Associate membership was a way out, but the Council rejected that class of membership. The Public Relations Advisory Group has considered the matter at its meetings, but until the Council is prepared to facilitate these isolated outposts of ringing, the question of their association with the world-wide body, unfortunately, must remain in abeyance.

In the meantime, those of us who are in contact with Kilifi and those who met these enthusiastic ringers will continue to give them full support and they will no doubt appreciate the fact that they have many friends abroad who watch their progress and wish them well.


Hardly an issue of The Ringing World appears, but that it has something from the international scene, whether it be news, reports, letters, peals or quarter peals. It is encouraging to read about these activities in all countries with rings of bells. David Thorne, the Editor, deserves our gratitude and support for seeing that such items are given prominence, in his and our weekly publication The Ringing World. Long may he and The Ringing World continue to serve bell ringers everywhere.

A change of editor, saw Elizabeth E. Wein at the helm of the Clapper. She continued the high standards of her predecessors in presenting a readable, enjoyable and humorous quarterly for the North American Guild. Unfortunately, for NAG, but fortunately for the UK, Elizabeth has had to resign because of her forthcoming marriage to Tim Gatland and her emigration to the UK - every happiness is our best wish to them. Her place, as editor, is being taken by Kit Almy and we look forward to the continued success of this prestigious journal under her editorship.

Changes have also taken place in Australasia. Esther Perrins continues as the focal point of editorship of Ringing Towers and will be ably assisted by her husband, Bill - who we understand has been until now the “silent” partner assisting Esther. Andrew Goodyer has had to resign as co-editor, due to business reasons, but will be associated with the production of the journal in a less onerous way. Ringing Towers is published six times a year, as regular as clockwork, as the journal of the Australia and New Zealand Association of Bell Ringers and it, too, is a lively news centre about the activities in the southern hemisphere, together with historical notes and technical articles.

Look To from Zimbabwe appears once a year. It contained items of interest about the goings on at both of its towers and the individual ringers and their families. It was an “eye opener” in the latter category!

Another Look To is the newsletter of the Western Australia Branch, where there is much activity in ringing matters. It contained a long diary of events in the Perth area, as well as notes about the several additional bell projects.

Only one issue of the SA Ringing Circle was received, against three per annum in previous years. News items were included from the Transvaal Guild as well as the more southerly towers of the country.

We are pleased to continue to receive Notiziario, the quarterly newsletter of the Associazione Suonatori di Campe a Sistema Veronese.

Last, but not least, the Public Relations Advisory Group, through the diligence and energy of its member, Dr Alison Hodge, who prepared and edited Striking the Right Note, saw its publication launched via the Publications Committee. It is particularly directed to Public Relations Officers and every PRO throughout the world should have a copy … obtainable from Mrs Barbara Wheeler.

Ringing courses

The Education Officer of the North American Guild, Eileen Butler, listed a number of educational articles in the Clapper, copies of which were available to the Guild Members. Eileen also formulated a tutorial programme, which includes:

A successful tutorial programme was initially organised at Riverside, MI, when with the assistance of Don Trumpler, Elizabeth Trumpler, Mark Rizzo and Tom Fortin, they worked on three brand new ringers and three existing members and they all made excellent progress. The result of this effort was the establishment of enthusiastic weekly practices. They strongly urge other towers to take advantage of the tutorial programme.

The ringing course in the charge of Quilla Roth, held prior to the North American Guild’s annual meeting at Kalamazoo, was devoted to handling and beginners’ courses. After the meeting was concluded, Eileen Butler arranged a course in co-operation with Jeff Smith, which was divided into two sections - one for beginners and the other for intermediate ringers.

St Martin in the Fields, Philadelphia organised a ringing course, which resulted in the accession of five new ringers.

Perhaps, the most enterprising ringing course was the transportation from Kilifi, Kenya to the UK of nine members of St Thomas’s Church Society, thanks to the generosity of numerous sources to finance the scheme. Much progress was made by the party in the intensive course with visits to several towers in the UK, resulting in improved striking, handling and Plain Hunting. The visitors made a great impression on all who met them by their courtesy, appreciation and their keenness to make progress. It was a wonderful experience for all concerned.

The Annual Sydney Ringing School took place in January and was declared a moderate success. There was a beginners’ session on ringing Cambridge Surprise Minor, whenever a mistake occurred “stand” was called and a thorough explanation of what went wrong was given - such action led to an intimate and increased knowledge of the method.

At the Zimbabwe Guild’s AGM theory sessions were provided for learners in Plain Hunting, less experienced up to Plain Bob Major and the more experienced in Beverley and Surfleet Surprise.


CANADA: The Ringers of Calgary had become used to ringing under foot- and hand-numbing conditions. In January the temperature is about -12°C and they have a rule “no ringing when the temperature is below -15°C” This has now changed with better insulation in the tower and the installation of a heating system.

The 25th anniversary of the first handbell peal in Canada, at Hamilton, Ontario was marked with a repeat performance in Birmingham by the same band.

SOUTH AFRICA: Tom Roast continued his “By Train to Bells, with his notes about South Africa”. St Mary’s Woodstock, Capetown has a resurgence of ringing, with regular practices and Sunday service ringing, thanks to the enthusiasm and perseverance of George Siscum.

Professor Colin Lewis’s Christmas card had a photograph of the renovated bell installation in Grahamstown Cathedral.

St George’s Church, Parktown, has had changes of officers, with a “home grown” member in a senior slot for the first time. They are thrilled to have been the first tower in Africa to have reached the 50th peal mark, and to have rung the Standard Eight to peals.

The Ringing World, April 21, 1995, pages 427 to 428

International liaison report for 1994

by Fred E. Dukes

Part 2 of 4


It is very encouraging to learn that so many young people are learning to ring in Western Australia with the projected new installations of bells in the province, around Perth area. There should be an ample supply of ringers for all prospective and existing towers. Claremont, has special training sessions, in the capable hands of Mary Townsend, for the St Hilda’s School, Mosman Park project - their practices are a “nightmare”! A team of very keen learners is also being trained for the projected ring in Mandurrah Church.

York is not so fortunate and could do with some “new blood”. Nevertheless, Eleanor Weekes deserves great credit for her perseverance, in that outpost, in keeping the bells ringing. She is supported by visits from Perth area “experts” on a monthly basis.

Hobart, which was in “low water” are on the “up” again, having trained some learners.

In Kenya, as a result of the visit of the Kilifi ringers to the UK, their confidence is such that they are now recruiting and teaching learners.

Honolulu report good progress with their latest recruits. In Zimbabwe, both towers report that there was an influx of learners

Capetown has had a resurgence of ringing at St Mary’s, Woodstock. Thanks to the enthusiasm of George Siscum.

Since Grahamstown Cathedral bells were rededicated, Professor Colin Lewis has been kept very busy teaching a number of teenagers. At least eighteen of whom are regular ringers, and some of them have succeeded in ringing in quarter peals. He proposes lecturing to music students early in 1995 at Rhodes University.

Peals and quarter peals

In the following list of leading quarter peal ringers for 1993, the following names appeared who rang more than fifty quarters: Mary Townsend, Eric White, Suzanne Biddles and Laura Ivey from Western Australia; Matthew Sorrell and Theresa Rice from Washington Cathedral. Congratulations to them.

The accompanying table shows the numbers of peals and quarter peals recorded as having been rung in the respective countries during the year. Against each country, the recorded figures have been amended (shown in brackets) to take account of late entries which appeared after the 1993 report was completed. The summation of the 1994 performances include those published in The Ringing World up to and including issue No. 4378, Ringing Towers to issue No. 29/1 and the Clapper to Vol. 22/1.

In all areas there were probably some quarters rung and never recorded, hence emphasising only numbers recorded were taken into the statistics.

Summary of the total of recorded peals and quarter peals rung in 1994
(as recorded up to 24 March 1995)
Australia(43)(2)(45)St Mary Sydney (20)(283)(20)(303)Perth (62)
Canada(2)-(2)Victoria (3)(7)(6)(13)Victoria (4)
New Zealand(1)-(1)(48)-(48)Auckland (31)
South Africa(11)-(11)Park Town (4)(9)-(9)Grahamstown (5)
USA(41)(9)(50)Kalamazoo (8T)(160)(34)(194)Washington Cath (28T)
Ithaca (6H)
Zimbabwe(2)(1)(3)(7)-(7)Harare (3)
in UK
for Verona
3Italy (2T)
Singapore (1)
-331 each Egypt
Italy &
Bay of Biscay

Significant differences in figures between 1994 and 1993 show that:

Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa reached the 50th peal mark for their tower, being the first tower in Africa to do so. They also completed the “Standard 8”, with a peal of London Surprise Major.

During the year, St Mary’s Basilica, Sydney, passed the 100th peal mark, as well as the 500th quarter peal, which covered a period of 150 years.

A record peal of 17,280 Spliced Surprise major in 7 methods was rung at St Cuthbert’s, Prospect SA on 6 June in 9 hours and 25 minutes. The peal was composed by A J Pitman and James Smith and conducted by Bill Perrins. Included was Prospect Surprise Major, which had not previously been rung.

The Veronese Association (ASCSV) is not among the great peal ringing societies, but this year two were scored. Giancarlo Tommasi rang the tenor to a quarter peal of Plain Bob Caters at St Matthias, Malvern Link. The first peal to be rung for ASCSV, Plain Bob Royal, was rung on the same bells - it was also the first peal on the new ten. A peal of Cambridge Surprise Major was also rung on the newly augmented light ring at 49 Green Lane, Malvern Wells on 12 October. The first tower bell quarter peal to be rung in Italy was rung by five visitors and one Italian - a handbell quarter peal was rung a few years ago in Gardo.

Bob Verrey of Honolulu rang in his first peal at his home tower to Grandsire Triples. He is the first Hawaiian to score a peal.

Progress in change ringing at St George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, SA shows that since the bells were rehung, five quarter peals have been rung which included six who had learned to ring during the year, as well as some of the established ringers.

A number of methods were rung for the first time in Australia and America. They included - peals:

and quarter peals

As well as first in the methods, several peals in different surprise methods mainly of major were rung to peals.


The “Hapless” tour of Australian ringers took place in Tasmania, but a smaller number compared with previous tours took part. Consequently, pre-arranged peals had to be abandoned since some of those who were to take part in the attempts were stranded by floods.

A party from St Mary’s Basilica, Sydney, with friends went on their outing to Goulburn and Yass, where they rang five quarter peals.

Melbourne and Geelong ringers enjoyed a weekend’s outing to Beechworth in November.

Bob and Ruth Smith’s touting party went to Australia and the highlight was the visit to Beechworth to help some keen youngsters with bell handling and to join the locals for ringing. The first quarter peal on the bells was successful and included two of the locals.

The Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver ringers, accompanied by Lynn Kodrich, had an enjoyable week in Hawaii assisting the Honolulu St Andrew’s ringers to make further progress. In reverse, a “return” visit was made by Bob and Pam Verrey and family to Vancouver, who were joined by ringers from Victoria. It was an internationally flavoured gathering and included ringers from Australia and the UK.

Bruce and Eileen Butler organised a tour for American ringers to East Anglia in the UK. They rang at 99 towers in 14 days. Unfortunately, tower number 100 was a “lock out”!

St James’s Guild, led by Alan Regin, toured America in January during which they rang thirteen peals. During the peal at Charleston, closed circuit television was used for the benefit of the continuous stream of visitors to the church!

Colin Turner led a party from the UK on a tour of the USA and scored a number of peals.

A Stedman method party in the charge of John Pladdys visited Canada and the USA and rang eleven peals.

Bob Cater brought a party of ringers and friends from the UK to Canada and the USA in July. Later, Jim Hedgecock’s party were in America, whilst Paul Harden’s party concentrated on Canada.

The annual visit by North American Guild members was made to Quebec for ringing at both the Cathedral and the Bibliotheque.

The Whitechapel Guild of Washington National Cathedral School held their annual outing in April and visited Charleston, Princess Anne and Raleigh. Rick Dirksen gave a talk on ringing at Princess Anne, which was illustrated by the Guild’s demonstration of Plain Hunt on eight handbells. They rang for service at St Andrew’s Episcopal Church.

Tina Stoecklin was sponsored by her university in the UK to spend six months in Africa to “soak up aspects of local ringing”. Her two months in Kilifi, Kenya, were well spent, much to the benefit of the St Thomas’s Church ringers, who later came to the UK on the visit organised by D Paul Smith and Deborah Blagden, and well supported by many ringing friends. The visitors obtained a lot of experience in ringing at the several towers arranged for them. They in turn entertained the hosts with their marvellous singing. It was a thrilling experience for both visitors and visited, On their return to Kenya, David Shaha wrote to The Ringing World to thank the UK ringers for the wonderful reception his ringers were accorded, about the benefits gained in the UK and expressed his hopes for scoring their first peal in 1995. As a result of the experience, more ringers are being recruited to the Kilifi band.

The Zimbabwe Guild has issued a most useful 4 page A5 leaflet for visitors, which provides information about the two rings of bells and ringing at them, places to stay, a brief account of the country and the average monthly temperatures and rainfall throughout the year.

In August, the Young Italians visited South Wales (featured on front page of 4.11.94 RW), as part of the ongoing youth exchanges. From the reports which have come back to us, they had a wonderful time and look forward to the 1995 visit to Italy.


Australia: the bush fires came very close to “ringing” early in the year but, thankfully, a change of wind direction saved a tower and a number of ringers’ homes from injury.

David Knewstub wrote an interesting article in “Ringing Towers” under the title “Digging up the Past in Perth”. It emphasised the work of Laith Reynolds in having rings installed in Australia and Honolulu and of his ambitions for Singapore.

During her visit to the UK, Mary Townsend rang in a peal especially arranged for her at Loughborough Bell Foundry.

Ted Klupp of Maryborough uncovered interesting correspondence about the advice given by St Philip’s, Sydney, when consideration was being given to the installation of the bells in his own tower, St Paul’s, Maryborough. Copies were exhibited in the International Display at Stafford.

New Zealand

George Armitage is believed to be the oldest ringer in Australasia and rang in a quarter peal to mark his 90th birthday. George learned to ring in the late ’60s and is a strong supporter of Papanui and Christ Church.

Julian Stone of Durleigh, Devon, and formerly attached to Auckland, went to New Zealand with Kerry Ellis on holiday and they were married near the summit of One Tree Hill. Two quarter peals were rung in New Zealand and one at Julian’s home tower to mark the event.

The Ringing World, April 28, 1995, pages 453 to 454, correction May 26, 1995, page 563

International liaison report for 1994

by Fred E. Dukes

Part 3 of 4

Publicity and public relations

The Adelaide Advertiser gave front page space to a photograph of the wedding of Ian Harris and Amanda Heyes, Tower Captain and Tower Secretary at St. Peter’s Cathedral.

Sue Tonkin, Adelaide, was featured in TV Channel 9 Getaway programme. Sue led viewers through the old Parliament House in Canberra to meet the Prime Minister.

Sunday Morning Herald produced a photograph of Barry Molle, a ringer, standing beside one of the bells in St. Benedict’s Broadway - accompanying it was a note about ringers at the tower and Sydney in general.

A TV crew from SBS turned up in the Belfry of St. Mary’s Basilica, Sydney, because they were producing a documentary about breast cancer and included a feature on bell ringing. The connection of ringing with breast cancer is because bell foundries also share the same saint - St. Agatha! The documentary was shown early in the year.

From Melbourne, we have noted an article in the weekend supplement with the Herald Sun, the title was By Whom the Bells Toll written by Keith Dunstan. Even though there were some inaccuracies, the almost full page centred around St. Paul’s Cathedral and its ringers.

In Ringing Towers, we read that the handbell ringers from West Heidelberg played handbells at the Eltham “Carols by Candlelight”, which was attended by up to three hundred persons. they also played at other public events, culminating in ringing for Christmas Eve Mass. A photograph to hand shows the West Heidelberg girls, during their spare hours in the local shopping mall, playing handbells to the shoppers.

The local radio announcer commented on the magnificent sound of the bells of Albury Church on the day after the re-consecration of the church.

Church Scene included a photograph of the bell tower of St. Hilda’s School Chapel, Mosman Park, WA, in which a ring of bells awaits final approval. In the local press there was plenty of publicity about St. Hilda’s bells, particularly in the Post on a few occasions.

“Bells of Shoreditch Ring by Christmas”, so reads the title of a note in the Anglican Messenger, in relation to the St. Boniface’s Cathedral Project. It was inaccurate on some respects, but the sum total of the reference was an appeal for funds to meet the cost of the installation of the ring of bells.

Ron Chapman of Perth, defended the installation of a ring of bells in Rockingham Civic Centre in a letter to Sound Telegraph, against opposition to the bells by readers. He outlined the weights of the proposed bells, effective sound control, and stressed the voluntary services given by bell ringers in the Perth area.

A photograph of Ron Chapman with the new Rockingham bells, after their arrival from England together with an article appeared in the Weekly Courier in July, which included publicity for the “Mayor’s Bell Appeal”.

There was a good write up by Nick Taylor in the local press about the bells from St. Martin-in-the-Fields, which included a photograph of Laith Reynolds with these bells in Kewdale Workshop, also a photograph of the design of the tower in which they will be installed.

There was considerable support in the local and interstate media for the St. Martin-in-the-Fields bells project and the tower at the University of Western Australia. The Age included an article about the bells project and the Sunday Times wrote about these bells, which are likely to ring out over Perth. It said that the bells were rung on Captain Cook’s return from his discovery of Australia.

St. Paul’s, Geelong held an open day during which 40 plus persons visited the belfry, of which seven showed an interest in ringing. There was a preview article with a photograph in the Geelong Advertiser. As a result of that article, David Heyes was invited to talk about ringing on the local community radio station.

The visit of the Kilifi bell ringers to the UK prompted Meridian TV to film them at Leeds, Kent with subsequent showing on ITV the same day. A number of newspapers, too, covered the visit.

The re-dedication of the bells of Grahamstown Cathedral was recorded by South Africa TV and broadcast to the nation. They also showed the final bell being lifted into the tower in the presence of John English and Colin Lewis, both of whom were interviewed. The same station filmed the ringing of the bells after the restoration work was completed, and part of the striking contest during the South Africa Guild’s weekend. The film was seen on Breakfast TV during the following week.

A three-page article by Colin Lewis, accompanied by photographs appeared in The Phoenix Vol. 7, No. 3. This is the magazine of the Albany Museum, Grahamstown it covered an historical account of method ringing and the worldwide interest in bells and ringing, with special mention of South Africa and Zimbabwe. Professor Lewis, the author, was separately featured with his photographs in the same issue.

Victoria Cathedral BC had an evening’s filming and interviewing for TV presentation. Subsequently, they were given 20 minutes of good presentation, reaching as far as Alberta. The cathedral’s “Festival of Flowers, Music and Bells” in August (for which Mary Barlow, a ringer, was joint organiser) was filmed by the local TV company and the bells were prominently featured in it. The bell ringers manned the belfry for a few hours each day to welcome many visitors from distant shores, who were in Victoria for the Commonwealth Games - one visitor was HRH Prince Edward, who attended Matins.

The Western Australia News published a long article about St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, which mentioned the eight bells and explained they were never rung full circle, due to the tower’s foundations and walls said to be not strong enough. A photograph of the tower accompanied the article.

During the Oxford Ringers’ Tour of the USA, a video camera was rigged up in the belfry of St. Michael’s, Charleston, during their peal there. A number of people came to the church off the street to see the ringers on the closed circuit TV screen placed in the church porch and many questions were asked and answered about the ringing. Charleston which hosts an international music and arts festival known as Spoleto Festival, asked the bell ringers to ring the bells of St. Michael’s Church for the opening of the festival. The CBS Sunday morning crew upon hearing the bells, asked if they could film the ringing, which they did and Charleston, St. Michael’s, were given 30 seconds’ exposure on the CBS Sunday morning programme, which had an audience estimated at 3.4 million viewers.

Bob Mead gave a talk on bells and change ringing to the Rotary Club of Burlington. As a result, he was asked to repeat the talk for the South Jersey Friends of the Philadelphia Orchestra. A demonstration of change ringing was given at the beginning of the Diocesan Music Workshop in St. Mary’s Church, Burlington.

Bruce Butler’s Touring Party from America to East Anglia was the reason for several interviews with the press about ringing and the tour, which later appeared in the West Norfolk Fen News together with a photograph of the party.

A photograph of the ten bells in their frame at Washington National Cathedral was included in an article Ringing the Changes by Helena Mulholland, in the magazine of the Royal School of Church Music.

St. Matthew’s Auckland, NZ held an Open Day in November, the ringers manned the tower and gave talks and demonstrations of bell ringing.

Christ Church Cathedral, NZ, ringers were featured in the Christchurch press, which included a photograph of the 90 year old George Armitage. HTV (UK) showed an item of interest o New Zealanders about events at Frenchay, nr Bristol. It included ringing before a peal at St. John the Baptist Church and featured the Tuckett family, whose ancestors founded the City of Dunedin. The peal band included four ringers representing New Zealand and the peal was in honour of the Otago Church’s (8 bells) 150th anniversary.

To hand during the year was a copy of Countrylife with an illustrated colour article under the title Ding, Dong, Merrily by Maggie Parkam. As well as writing about the UK scene, mention was made of Australian, New Zealand and American ringing societies. Honolulu got a “look in” and the old St. Martin-in-the-Fields bells for the University of Western Australia also received a mention.

Another Ding, Dong, Merrily article was included in an issue of The Reader’s Digest about “glorious peals resound from earth to heaven as the bells summon us to celebrate Christmas”. There was a photograph of the ringers at the ropes in St. Mary le Tower, Ipswich with George Pipe spotlighted. The article referred to change ringing in Australia, and America, again St. Martin’s bells received a mention.

The Italian ringers have established contact with Polish bell ringers and, in March, embarked on a visit to Opole where they received a marvellous welcome. They were heralded by the Press and several members of the party were interviewed.

It is evident that quite a lot of publicity is given to bells and bell ringing and that public relations are on the whole very good, due in many cases to the publicity provided “in print” and “over the air”. Copies of many of the “in print” references were sent to the writer, while others were noted in the ringing publications of respective areas.

Judging by the amount of reference material mentioned in this section, it is probable that there may be a number of other items of interest published of which we are unaware. May we request all concerned to send to the writer copies of any overseas references they may observe in local press magazines etc and of radio and TV inclusions which come to the notice.

The writer is grateful to those who keep him up to date in these matters.


Kenya: Ringers delighted that they now have a set of ten handbells and are grateful to Bernard Stone and friends for their generosity. They are also pleased to have a new set of bellropes suitable for St. Thomas’s Church bells.

Bill Butler of Thatcham organised a sponsored quarter peal in support of Kilifi ringers’ visit to the UK and £350 was raised.

Tina Stoecklin’s “data collection agency” moved temporarily to Kilifi and full advantage was taken of her presence and gratitude is extended to her for her expertise.

Zimbabwe: Delighted to welcome Professor Colin Lewis from Grahamstown during his annual visit as external examiner during university examination time. John Riadore from Capetown is also welcomed during his periodical visits to tune various organs in the area.

Delighted that Francis Milford and husband, James, are returning to Harare for at least two years. James is setting up a course on meteorology at the local university.

The Ringing World, May 5, 1995, pages 466 to 467

International Liaison Report for 1994

by Fred E. Dukes

Part 4 of 4

Additional Bell Installations, Augmentations, Restorations

A commendable step was taken by the Western Australia Branch of the Australia and New Zealand Association of Bell Ringers, when Ron Chapman, was appointed Project Liaison Officer. With so many projects in hand and more in the pipeline, the branch took the initiative to co-ordinate all projected schemes through Ron, who is known to be keen and enthusiastic, as in fact are all those concerned in the branch area.

One problem facing the branch with new installations are the proposed set of regulations regarding ringing times, which it is understood are rather restrictive. It is hoped that in the interests of ringing in general a satisfactory resolution of the matter will be achieved.

It is, however, pleasing to note, that the Local Council has granted permission to Mandurrah Church, WA to install the bells formerly in St. Mary Magdalene, Oxford.

The eight bells for St. Hilda’s School Chapel, Mosnam Park, WA have arrived in Australia and await the approval for them to be installed.

Likewise, the six bells for Rockingham Council Chambers are on site, but their erection is unlikely to be before 1996 at the earliest.

One disappointment is at the Cathedral of St. Boniface, Bunbury, WA, who had their “eyes” on the front eight from Shoreditch, London. At present there is little evidence of any real progress in the scheme.

News about the former ring of 12 bells from St. Martin-in-the-Fields, to be erected in the new tower to be built at the University of Western Australia site near Perth, is that an appeal for $400,000 from the general public was launched to construct the campanile. Philip Gray undertook to accept donations in the UK. David Knewstub of Perth appealed for donations from ringers everywhere.

For St. Francis Xavier (RC) Cathedral, Adelaide, a new 27cwt tenor bell has been cast to join the front seven of the old ring from St. Mary’s Basilica, Sydney, for a ring of eight to be installed ere long. The frame will be fabricated locally and has been designed to accommodate a ring of 12 bells.

The old sixth bell from Larkhall Church, Bath, was sold to St. Alban’s Cathedral, Griffith, NSW with the intention of it being the tenor of a new ring there.

St. John’s Church, Wagga Wagga, NSW Parish Council has agreed to the installation of a ring of six or eight bells add already three bells have been donated.

It is proposed to install a two-tier bell frame for a ring of eight bells in the tower, of Armidale Church, NSW. A fund-raising appeal committee has been established to raise $100,000 for the project and aimed to be completed in 1995.

Beechworth, Vic now has a ring of six bells thanks to a bell donated by Bob and Ruth Smith.

Singapore Cathedral Authorities have now designated a ring of bells as an approved project.

The good news from Toronto, Canada is that St. James’s Cathedral Authorities have paid for the bells ex-Bermondsey, London and sufficient funds are available to make a start on the project.

Some progress was reported on the projected ring at Edmonton, Alberta.

From Charleston, USA, it is learned that the RC church of Stella Maris has placed an order for a ring of eight bells with a 4cwt tenor bell.

There is a possibility of a new ring of bells in San Francisco, but no definite news at present, or of the proposed schemes at Atlanta and Berkeley.

Repair work continued at St. Mary’s Burlington, USA and progress was such that it was possible to ring all eight for the first time since repairs commenced, when the visiting party from Oxford went to the tower.

The restoration work at St. George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, South Africa was completed and the bells were re-dedicated in July. The bells are now a pleasure to ring.

At Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, BC a DIY job was effected following an inspection of the installation.


The Annual General Meeting of the Zimbabwe Guild was held in February and attended by a number of visiting ringers, who joined the locals and took part in the three theory sessions arranged around the meeting itself. The half-yearly meeting took place in Kwe Kwe and was highlighted with a quarter peal on the bells of St. Luke’s church.

The South African Guild held its AGM at Grahamstown, which was well attended. The occasion coincided with the re-dedication of the restored cathedral bells. A striking contest was held on these bells.

New Zealand welcomed ANZAB to Auckland for the AGM with Hamilton used for special ringing and the striking contest, which was won by New Zealand, South Island. Ringing on the Saturday included a touch of five Spliced Surprise Major. The business meeting was on Sunday and a ringer’s service and finally a dinner were held.

The North American Guild went to Kalamazoo for their AGM in September. It included before the business meeting, open ringing, a designated method practice, peal attempts, handbells and workshops to aid beginners and more advanced ringing.

Earlier in the year, the Three Tower Festival was held in Houston. Philadelphia held its Vernal Equinox event around 18th-20th March with ringing, feasting and dancing. There was a wide selection of visitors for this popular annual event and at two churches in Philadelphia, handbells were rung during their services.

Raleigh held its 6th Annual Striking contest in October, at which there was also general ringing as well as service ringing.

The AGM of the Veronese Association, Italy, was held in November, when Giancarlo Tommasi was re-elected its President for a further four year period. The Junior Members’ Representative, Massiroo Granezazo, moved up to senior post and was succeeded by Loretta Brantigani. The Association membership now exceeds 2,000.


Jane Webster and husband, Eric, left Durban, S. Africa to return to the UK. Jane was mainly responsible on the ground for the establishment of the South African Guild, which subsequently became affiliated to the Central Council. She is a very good organiser, an excellent Guild Chairman and enthusiastic ringer. Her presence in Africa is sorely missed.

John and Marjorie Hill of Johannesburg, who in their enthusiasm helped to advance ringing at St. George’s Parktown, also emigrated to the UK. Best wishes to them in their retirement.

Losses of prominent ringers through death were Geddes of Boston, USA - a popular ringer who died after a long illness, and Bill Randall, Arthur Fisher and Sylvia Bedford from Australia, who each in their own way, made contributions to the benefit of the exercise in Melbourne and Adelaide. Tributes have already been paid to these good people, especially to Sylvia, who was well known beyond the continent of Australia. Our sympathy goes to those they left behind.


Italy: George Morris, European Liaison member of PR Advisory Group was awarded the fourth edition of the “Accordini Award” “Primo Accordini” for his dedication to Italian ringing. Well deserved, congratulations, George.

During their visit to Poland, the Veronese ringers learned that Polish bells are hung for ringing in an antiquated way and at present have no affinity to the Veronese style. The links established should foster Italian cultures including bell ringing in Poland.

USA: Congratulations to Bob Verrey, Honolulu ringer, who rang his first peal and was the first local to do so and not having even rung a quarter peal previously! Honolulu submitted an entry for the CC Video Competition and are keeping their lingers crossed! They hope to conquer Plain Bob Minor soon.

Alan Ellis of Vancouver resigned as President of the North American Guild. He was succeeded by Bruce Butler, who with his wife as Education Officer, should be a formidable team. They deserve full support in advancing the Exercise in America.


We offer our sincere thanks to the bell ringers, public relations officers, those who often travel long distances: to help other towers, to effect repairs and maintenance work; those who teach recruits to become efficient ringers and, of course, to everybody who turns up to ring the bells for church services and practices.

Then, there are those who devote their time and energies to informing ringers about what is going on outside of their own towers. Their work is one of an unselfish nature, necessitating at times “burning the midnight oil”. Ringers everywhere should be very grateful to Elizabeth E. Wein, editor of the Clapper, Esther Perrins and her able editorial partners - Andrew Goodyer and her husband “invisible” Bill of Ringing Towers for producing such marvellous periodicals, always on time. Then we have Look to from Zimbabwe, Look to from Western Australia branch of ANZAB, SA Ringing Circle and the Italian periodicals, which are of more local interest, but prove to be of interest to those outside of their ambit. To all concerned, our deepest gratitude is conveyed.

We have “The Professional” editor, David Thorne, who weekly publishes The Ringing World. He includes regular news items from all over the world and we thank him for his worldwide interest in ensuring ringers everywhere are left waiting in anticipation for the “next issue” to arrive.

George Morris, European Liaison, works closely with the writer. We thank him for his work, particularly in the Italian sphere, as well as in other European areas, which he constantly keeps under observation.

If anybody deserving of inclusion in this section is not mentioned, apologies are offered, but to all ringers everywhere for your services and devotion to the Exercise … a sincere thank you.

Fred E. Dukes
International Liaison
22 Acorn Way
Wheaton Hall
Drogheda, Co. Louth
Tel: (0)41 42470

* * *

Having spent the best part of a week on my back in Hospital, writing up the final draft of the International Liaison Report for 1994, I had no hesitation in accepting the kind offer of Stella Bianco to type it for me. Stella spent very many hours, which included “burning the midnight oil!” typing the 42 A4 pages of the written word and I now express through you, Sir, my deepest appreciation for her help in typing the Report. I am, indeed very grateful to Stella for her help, and express sincere thanks for editing and typing it, especially as she leads such a busy life. She is the very best and the Exercise is very fortunate in having such a good, kind and keen member of our fraternity at its disposal.


The Ringing World, May 12, 1995, pages 493 to 494

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