Doubles peals 2005

Sir, - I have analysed the peals of Doubles rung during 2005 and published in The Ringing World or on to date. I found 157 peals, all on tower bells; 41 in one method and 92 in from 2 to 53 methods. The remaining 24 contained variations and all conformed with Decision (D) C.4. However the peals listed in figure 1 claimed up to 4 "variations" which use only standard calls for the parent methods and, in accordance with Decision (E) A.3, are not entitled to different names.

Figure 1

I also noticed a couple of minor discrepancies in peals reports. The peal at Talgarth on 29Mar claimed 12m/32v but contained 12m/30v (05/354) and the peal at Bigby on 4Dec claimed 26m/119v but contained 26m/118v (06/56) and incidentally is not entitled to be called "Spliced" which applies only to methods and not variations.

If any band is unsure how the numbers were arrived at for their peal, I will be pleased to provide details on request.

Chairman, Methods Committee

The Ringing World, April 7, 2006, page 326