************************************************************************ * * * This method collection is the copyright of Anthony P. Smith. * * * * You are welcome to make copies of the material for your own use. * * * * You may distribute copies to others provided that you do not do so * * for profit and provided that you include this copyright statement. * * * * If you modify the material before distributing it, you must * * include a clear notice that the material has been modified. * * * ************************************************************************ Anthony P. Smith ------------ COLLECTION OF PLAIN METHODS ------------- November 2024 ------------- CONTENTS Introduction INTRO.TXT Minimus methods PLAIN4.TXT Doubles methods PLAIN5.TXT Minor methods PLAIN6.TXT Triples methods PLAIN7.TXT Major methods PLAIN8.TXT Caters methods PLAIN9.TXT Royal methods PLAIN10.TXT Cinques methods PLAIN11.TXT Maximus methods PLAIN12.TXT Sextuples and higher stage methods PLAIN13.TXT Alphabetical Index of Methods PLIND.TXT INTRODUCTION This collection contains rung plain methods for all stages from Doubles upwards. It also contains other methods from the following earlier collections. Collection of Plain Major and Cater Methods, 1926 Collection of Triples Methods, 2nd edition, 1935 Collection of Plain Major Methods, 2nd edition, 1952 Each method entry consists of an index number, the name, place notation, lead head produced, date and place of the first peal and references. The index number is only significant within this edition of this collection. The terms "Imperial", "College" or "Court" have been retained as part of the names of methods which appeared in the 1926 collection and also distinguish between methods on different stages, not related as in the Central Council Decision on Method Extension, which would otherwise have the same name. Double-hunt methods are grouped according to the symmetry of their place notations. This symmetry is indicated by (a), (b) or (c) in the table headings, where (a) means symmetric like Grandsire, (b) means symmetric like Plain Bob and (c) means asymmetric. For palindromic single-hunt and double-hunt (b) methods the place notation is given up to and including the half lead place, followed by the lead end place. For double-hunt (a) methods the place notation is given up to and including the places made while the hunt bells cross behind. For double-hunt (c) and non-palindromic methods the entire place notation is given. For methods with Plain Bob lead heads, the lead head produced is given by a code from the following tables. Lead heads for single-hunt methods are in the top left and bottom right hand sections, codes a - f and p - q are for seconds place lead ends and codes g - m and r - s for lead ends with no internal places. Lead heads for double-hunt methods are in the top right and bottom left hand sections. For methods with non-Plain Bob lead heads the actual lead head is given. TABLES OF PLAIN BOB LEAD HEAD CODES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Minimus Minor Major Royal Maximus | Doubles Triples Caters Cinques | |----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | a 1342 135264 13527486 1352749608 13527496E8T0 g | a 12534 1253746 125374968 12537496E80 g | | b - 156342 15738264 1573920486 157392E4T608 h | b - 1275634 127593846 127593E4068 h | | c - - 17856342 * 1795E3T20486 j | c - - 129785634 * j | | c1 - - - 1907856342 19E7T5038264 j1 | c1 - - - 12E90785634 j1 | | c2 - - - - 1ET907856342 j2 | | | d2 - - - - 1T0E89674523 k2 | | | d1 - - - 1089674523 108T6E492735 k1 | d1 - - - 120E8967453 k1 | | d - - 18674523 * 18604T2E3957 k | d - - 128967453 * k | | e - 164523 16482735 1648203957 1648203T5E79 l | e - 1267453 126849375 1268403E597 l | | f 1423 142635 14263857 1426385079 142638507T9E m | f 12453 1246375 124638597 124638507E9 m | |----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | p - 125364 12537486 1253749608 12537496E8T0 r | p 13524 1352746 135274968 13527496E80 r | | p1 - - - 1297058364 1297E5T30486 r1 | p1 - - 179583624 1795E302846 r1 | | q1 - - - 1280694735 12806T4E3957 s1 | q1 - - 186947253 18604E29375 s1 | | q - 124635 12463857 1246385079 124638507T9E s | q 14253 1426375 142638597 142638507E9 s | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Fourteen Sixteen Eighteen Twenty Twenty-two | Sextuples Septuples Octuples Nineteen Twenty-one | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | a 13527496E8A0BT 13527496E8A0CTDB 13527496E8A0CTFBGD 13527496E8A0CTFBHDJG 13527496E8A0CTFBHDKGLJ g | a 12537496E8A0T 12537496E8A0CTB 12537496E8A0CTFBD 12537496E8A0CTFBHDG 12537496E8A0CTFBHDKGJ g | | b 157392E4A6B8T0 157392E4A6C8D0BT 157392E4A6C8F0GTDB 157392E4A6C8F0HTJBGD 157392E4A6C8F0HTKBLDJG h | b 127593E4A6T80 127593E4A6C8B0T 127593E4A6C8F0DTB 127593E4A6C8F0HTGBD 127593E4A6C8F0HTKBJDG h | | c 1795E3A2B4T608 * 1795E3A2C4F6G8D0BT 1795E3A2C4F6H8J0GTDB * j | c 1297E5A3T4068 1297E5A3C4B6T80 * 1297E5A3C4F6H8G0DTB 1297E5A3C4F6H8K0JTGBD j | | c1 19E7A5B3T20486 19E7A5C3D2B4T608 19E7A5C3F2G4D6B8T0 19E7A5C3F2H4J6G8D0BT 19E7A5C3F2H4K6L8J0GTDB j1 | c1 12E9A7T503846 12E9A7C5B3T4068 12E9A7C5F3D4B6T80 12E9A7C5F3H4G6D8B0T 12E9A7C5F3H4K6J8G0DTB j1 | | c2 1EA9B7T5038264 * 1EA9C7F5G3D2B4T608 1EA9C7F5H3J2G4D6B8T0 1EA9C7F5H3K2L4J6G8D0BT j2 | c2 12AET90785634 12AEC9B7T503846 * 12AEC9F7H5G3D4B6T80 12AEC9F7H5K3J4G6D8B0T j2 | | c3 1ABET907856342 * 1ACEF9G7D5B3T20486 1ACEF9H7J5G3D2B4T608 * j3 | c3 - 12CABET90785634 * 12CAFEH9G7D5B3T4068 12CAFEH9K7J5G3D4B6T80 j3 | | c4 - 1CDABET907856342 1CFAGED9B7T5038264 1CFAHEJ9G7D5B3T20486 * j4 | c4 - - 12FCDABET90785634 12FCHAGED9B7T503846 12FCHAKEJ9G7D5B3T4068 j4 | | c5 - - 1FGCDABET907856342 1FHCJAGED9B7T5038264 1FHCKALEJ9G7D5B3T20486 j5 | c5 - - - 12HFGCDABET90785634 12HFKCJAGED9B7T503846 j5 | | c6 - - - 1HJFGCDABET907856342 * j6 | c6 - - - - 12KHJFGCDABET90785634 j6 | | c7 - - - - 1KLHJFGCDABET907856342 j7 | | | d7 - - - - 1LJKGHDFBCTA0E89674523 k7 | | | d6 - - - 1JGHDFBCTA0E89674523 * k6 | d6 - - - - 12JKGHDFBCTA0E8967453 k6 | | d5 - - 1GDFBCTA0E89674523 1GDJBHTF0C8A6E492735 1GDJBLTK0H8F6C4A2E3957 k5 | d5 - - - 12GHDFBCTA0E8967453 12GJDKBHTF0C8A6E49375 k5 | | d4 - 1DBCTA0E89674523 1DBGTF0C8A6E492735 1DBGTJ0H8F6C4A2E3957 * k4 | d4 - - 12DFBCTA0E8967453 12DGBHTF0C8A6E49375 12DGBJTK0H8F6C4A3E597 k4 | | d3 1BTA0E89674523 * 1BTD0G8F6C4A2E3957 1BTD0G8J6H4F2C3A5E79 * k3 | d3 - 12BCTA0E8967453 * 12BDTG0H8F6C4A3E597 12BDTG0J8K6H4F3C5A7E9 k3 | | d2 1T0B8A6E492735 * 1T0B8D6G4F2C3A5E79 1T0B8D6G4J2H3F5C7A9E 1T0B8D6G4J2L3K5H7F9CEA k2 | d2 12TA0E8967453 12TB0C8A6E49375 * 12TB0D8G6H4F3C5A7E9 12TB0D8G6J4K3H5F7C9AE k2 | | d1 108T6B4A2E3957 108T6B4D2C3A5E79 108T6B4D2G3F5C7A9E 108T6B4D2G3J5H7F9CEA 108T6B4D2G3J5L7K9HEFAC k1 | d1 120T8A6E49375 120T8B6C4A3E597 120T8B6D4F3C5A7E9 120T8B6D4G3H5F7C9AE 120T8B6D4G3J5K7H9FECA k1 | | d 18604T2B3A5E79 * 18604T2B3D5G7F9CEA 18604T2B3D5G7J9HEFAC * k | d 12806T4A3E597 12806T4B3C5A7E9 * 12806T4B3D5G7H9FECA 12806T4B3D5G7J9KEHAFC k | | e 1648203T5B7A9E 1648203T5B7D9CEA 1648203T5B7D9GEFAC 1648203T5B7D9GEJAHCF 1648203T5B7D9GEJALCKFH l | e 1268403T5A7E9 1268403T5B7C9AE 1268403T5B7D9FECA 1268403T5B7D9GEHAFC 1268403T5B7D9GEJAKCHF l | | f 142638507T9BEA 142638507T9BEDAC 142638507T9BEDAGCF 142638507T9BEDAGCJFH 142638507T9BEDAGCJFLHK m | f 124638507T9AE 124638507T9BECA 124638507T9BEDAFC 124638507T9BEDAGCHF 124638507T9BEDAGCJFKH m | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | p 12537496E8A0BT 12537496E8A0CTDB 12537496E8A0CTFBGD 12537496E8A0CTFBHDJG 12537496E8A0CTFBHDKGLJ r | p 13527496E8A0T 13527496E8A0CTB 13527496E8A0CTFBD 13527496E8A0CTFBHDG 13527496E8A0CTFBHDKGJ r | | p1 * 1297E5A3C4D6B8T0 1297E5A3C4F6G8D0BT * 1297E5A3C4F6H8K0LTJBGD r1 | p1 * 1795E3A2C4B6T80 1795E3A2C4F6D8B0T * 1795E3A2C4F6H8K0JTGBD r1 | | p2 12AEB9T7058364 12AEC9D7B5T30486 12AEC9F7G5D3B4T608 12AEC9F7H5J3G4D6B8T0 * r2 | p2 1EA9T70583624 1EA9C7B5T302846 1EA9C7F5D3B2T4068 1EA9C7F5H3G2D4B6T80 * r2 | | p3 - - 12FCGADEB9T7058364 12FCHAJEG9D7B5T30486 12FCHAKEL9J7G5D3B4T608 r3 | p3 - - 1CFADEB9T70583624 1CFAHEG9D7B5T302846 1CFAHEK9J7G5D3B2T4068 r3 | | p4 - - - - 12KHLFJCGADEB9T7058364 r4 | p4 - - - - 1HKFJCGADEB9T70583624 r4 | | q4 - - - - 12JLGKDHBFTC0A8E694735 s4 | q4 - - - - 1JGKDHBFTC0A8E6947253 s4 | | q3 - - 12DGBFTC0A8E694735 12DGBJTH0F8C6A4E3957 12DGBJTL0K8H6F4C3A5E79 s3 | q3 - - 1DBFTC0A8E6947253 1DBGTH0F8C6A4E29375 1DBGTJ0K8H6F4C2A3E597 s3 | | q2 12TB0A8E694735 12TB0D8C6A4E3957 12TB0D8G6F4C3A5E79 12TB0D8G6J4H3F5C7A9E * s2 | q2 1T0A8E6947253 1T0B8C6A4E29375 1T0B8D6F4C2A3E597 1T0B8D6G4H2F3C5A7E9 * s2 | | q1 * 12806T4B3D5C7A9E 12806T4B3D5G7F9CEA * 12806T4B3D5G7J9LEKAHCF s1 | q1 * 18604T2B3C5A7E9 18604T2B3D5F7C9AE * 18604T2B3D5G7J9KEHAFC s1 | | q 124638507T9BEA 124638507T9BEDAC 124638507T9BEDAGCF 124638507T9BEDAGCJFH 124638507T9BEDAGCJFLHK s | q 142638507T9AE 142638507T9BECA 142638507T9BEDAFC 142638507T9BEDAGCHF 142638507T9BEDAGCJFKH s | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following symbols are used for bell numbers above twelve. Note that the letter E is already in use for eleven and that the letter I is not used because of its potential confusion with the number one. ---------------------- | thirteen | A | | fourteen | B | | fifteen | C | | sixteen | D | | seventeen | F | | eighteen | G | | nineteen | H | | twenty | J | | twenty-one | K | | twenty-two | L | ---------------------- Entries for methods which appeared in the Collection of Plain Major and Cater Methods, 1926; Collection of Triples Methods, 2nd edition, 1935; Collection of Plain Major Methods, 2nd edition, 1952; Plain Doubles Methods and Variations, 1980; and the Collection of Minor Methods prior to the 6th edition include a method number in a column headed CCC. The 360 Triples methods rung by the Manchester University Guild also show the code by which they were published. So far as possible method entries include a Ringing World reference of the form year/page or, for the years 1911 to 1916, volume/page preceded by the letter V. Collection created and maintained by Anthony P. Smith Email smith_a_p@btinternet.com