Copyright Anthony P. Smith, November 2024 Single-hunt Minimus methods No. Name Notation hl le lh Tower bells Place Handbells RW ref 1 Plain Bob - 14 - 14 12 a 21. 1.1961 North Aston 3. 8.2016 61/91 16/1121 2 Double Bob - 14 - 34 12 f 1. 1.1980 Addington (Kent) 80/119 3 Reverse Bob - 14 - 34 14 g 14. 3.1981 Stanford Dingley 81/325 4 Reverse Court Place - 14.12.14 14 m 6. 6.1981 Margaret Marsh 81/581 5 Reverse St Nicholas Bob - 14.12.34 12 f 22.11.1980 Breamore 80/1104 6 Canterbury Place - 14.12.34 14 g 3. 1.1981 Aldwick 81/125 7 Reverse Canterbury Place 34.14 - 14 12 f 16. 8.1980 Spofforth 80/813 8 Single Court Place 34.14 - 14 14 g 2. 3.1968 Barbon 68/229 9 St Nicholas Bob 34.14 - 34 12 a 28. 2.1981 Yapton 81/264 10 Double Court Place 14 m 31. 1.1981 Trotton 81/165 11 Double Canterbury Place 12 a 25. 4.1981 Graffham 81/451 Single-hunt Little Minimus methods (treble's path 1 1 1) No. Name Notation lh RW ref 12 Cheeky Little Place 14.12 a 05/235 Single-hunt Little Minimus methods (hunt bell's path 4 4 4) No. Name Notation lh RW ref 13 Itram Little Place 14.34 3124 05/235 Single-hunt Little Minimus methods (treble to 2nds) No. Name Notation hl le lh RW ref 14 Bastow Little Bob - 12 14 m 02/803 15 St Aelhaiarn Little Place 34. 12 14 m 95/675 Single-hunt Little Minimus methods (hunt bell's path 3 4 4 3 3) No. Name Notation lh RW ref 16 Llanarthne Little Bob - 14 - 34 2431 14/118 Single-hunt Little Minimus methods (hunt bell's path 2 3 3 2 2) No. Name Notation lh RW ref 17 Double Trouble Little Place 4213 05/235 Single-hunt Little Minimus methods (treble to 3rds) No. Name Notation hl le lh Tower bells Place RW ref 18 Barton Little Bob - 14. 34 12 f 85/472 19 Melsonby Little Place - 14. 34 14 g 20. 2.2005 Campsea Ashe 85/472 05/234 235 14/47 20 East Layton Little Place 34.14. 34 12 a 85/472 Double-hunt Minimus methods (a) No. Name Notation hl lh RW ref 21 Reverse Grandsire Place - 14 - 14.12 1243 57/692 22 Grandsire Place 34.14 - 14 - 1243 57/692 Non-palindromic double-hunt Minimus methods No. Name Notation lh RW ref 23 Lonk Bob - 14 - 14.12.14 - 12 1432 14/1295 24 Soay Bob - 14.12.14 - 14 - 12 1324 14/1295 25 Charollais Place 34.14 - 1324 14/1295 26 Lleyn Place - 14.34.12 1432 14/1295 False non-palindromic single-hunt Minimus methods No. Name Notation lh RW ref 27 Dusty Bob - 14 - 1423 20/587 28 Geraint Thomas Place - 14 - 1342 19/707