© Anthony P. Smith, December 2024

Delight Maximus methods
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceHandbellsRW ref
Woodbine- 34 - 14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 1T - 12 - 1T - 12 - 1T - 12 -1T1T15237496E8T025. 7.1987Rotherham, All Saints18. 5.198787/607 730
King Lud- 34 - 14.5T.12 - 3T.12 - 14.5T.14 - 9T.1450 - 14 - 1T.
College Youths Pleasure- 34 - 1T - 12 - 1T - 14 - 3T - 14 - 3T - 14 - 3T - 14 -3T1T134628507T9E9.12.1993Reading, St Laurence94/60
Sunny Afternoon- 3T - 14 - 12 - 1T - 12.7T.50.14 - 9T.70 - 18 - 9T.18.90 -9T1Tk1T/BDcdSpliced20/75
Baltic- 3T - 14 - 12 - 1T - 34 - 125T - 36 - 7T - 16 - 7T - 34 -7T12d2cps/BDa2c7. 9.1991Bradford Cathedral91/1016
Ipswich- 3T - 14 - 12 - 3T - 14 - 1T - 14 - 1T - 14 - 1T - 14 -1T12fcps/BDFK13. 4.1982Ipswich, St Mary-le-Tower82/383
Yellowstone- 3T - 14 - 12 - 3T.14 - 34.1T.34 - 34.1T.34 - 34.1T.34 - 34.1T12acps/BDK1a212. 4.201010/419
Krakatoa- 3T - 14 - 12.5T.16 - 12 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.9T.10 - 90.1T1TkD/BDbSpliced22. 6.202323/8 685
Ketteringham- 3T - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 34 - 1T - 16 - 5T - 18 - 7T - 10 -9T12bB/Ba218.10.2003Lincoln Cathedral03/1071
Restoration- 3T - 14 - 125T - 36.14.7T.14.38 - 129T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 12 -ET12bD/Ba224. 6.1990High Wycombe90/731
Elmhurst- 3T - 14 - 129T - 10 - 14 - 1T - 34 - 1T - 16 - 9T - 78 -9T12c1cps/BadSpliced02/763
Jenner- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 127T - 38 - 14 - 5T - 16 - 1T - 90 -ET12bcps/BDc19.12.2024
Leicester- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 147T - 38 - 34 - 1T - 1456 - 5T - 58 -1T12fcps/Ba2c27.11.1971Leicester, St Margaret71/1125
Chesterfield- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 147T - 58.14.9T.14.30 - 34 - 1T - 34 -1T12ecps/BcSpliced92/309
Scotch Bonnet- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 347T - 18 - 149T - 50 - 78 - 1T - 18 -9T12c1cps/Ba1cSpliced18/10
Olympic- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 70 - 1890 - 9T - 1T - 16 - 5T - 56 -ET12bcps/Bc30. 8.1993Manchester, Town Hall93/977
Belshazzar- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 10 - 12 - 1T - 30 -1T12fcps/Bc9.11.1996London, St Mary-le-Bow96/1196
Christmas- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 10 - 12 - 1T.34 - 14.ET12bcps/BDK1c22.12.1989Luton90/73
Lincolnshire- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 10 - ET - 1T - 78 -9T12bcps/Bc29.10.2005Lincoln Cathedral05/1110
Nottingham- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 10.34 - 34.1T - 90 -ET12bcps/BDc25. 6.1983Nottingham, St Peter83/628
Southdown- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 12 -ET12bcps/Ba2c18.11.1989Leicester Cathedral14. 2.199089/1131 90/328
Chester- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 34 -ET12bcps/Bc30. 5.1994Chester Cathedral94/658
Shrewsbury- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 56 -ET12bcps/Ba1c9.11.1996Shrewsbury, St Chad96/1246
Chilterns- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 78 -ET12bcps/Bc1. 4.1995Amersham95/472
Piggottshill- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 90 -ET12bcps/BDc3. 2.1990Croydon, St John90/277
Kakadu- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18.56.9T.56.10.56 - 56.1T.56 - 56.ET12bcps/Bac23. 1.201212/164
Mather- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 38 - 149T - 50 - 16 - 1T - 78 -ET12bcps/Bc11. 9.2010Portsmouth Cathedral10/991
Churchfields- 3T - 14 - 5T - 36 - 147T - 18 - 129T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 12 -ET12bcps/Ba2c23.11.1991Leicester Cathedral91/1229
Knotty Ash- 3T - 14 - 5T - 36 - 147T - 58 - 169T - 70 - 18 - 1T - 90 -ET12bcps/BDc15. 6.2006Reading, St Laurence06/645
Lime- 3T - 14.5T.12 - 1T - 12 - 5T.16 - 9T.70.18 - 18.9T.18 - 18.ET12dD/BDcSpliced19/1088
Lemon- 3T - 14.5T.12 - 1T - 34 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.7T.16 - 16.7T12dD/BDa2Spliced22/1211
Whistler- 3T - 1456 - 56 - 1T - 12 - 18 - 56 - 567T - 18 - 7T - 18 -7T12bcps/BN2a1c4.12.201920/14
Vespasian- 3T - 1456 - 56 - 1T - 12 - 1T.34 - 34.1T.34 - 34.1T.34 - 34.1T12acps/Ba26. 2.201414/285
Nottinghamshire- 56 - 14 - 56 - 1T - 14 - 5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T1Tlcps/K1a119. 7.2003Nottingham, St Mary03/781
Flax Bourton- 56 - 1T - 12 - 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 10 -ET12167329E4T50810. 4.2003Bristol, St Stephen03/416
Uttoxeter- 5T - 14.5T - 12.3T - 12 - 1T - 16 - 5T - 18 - 7T - 10 -9T12bcps/Bc25.11.2012Sheffield Cathedral12/1287
Billingswell Ditch- 5T - 14.5T - 12.3T - 12 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.7T - 16 -7T12dcps/Bc18. 1.202424/107
Counter's Creek- 5T - 14.5T - 12.3T - 12 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.7T - 16 -7T1Tk1cps/Bc17. 2.2013London, St Magnus-the-Martyr25. 2.201513/334 15/308
Azura- 5T - 14.5T - 12.3T - 12 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.7T.16 - 16.7T1Tk1cps/Bc31.12.2012London, St Mary-le-Bow23. 3.201513/60 15/459
Abigail- 5T - 14.5T - 12.3T - 12 - 1T - ET - 10.ET - 18.9T - 18 -1T1Tj1cps/Bc12. 7.201717/845
Scutari- 5T - 14.5T - 12.3T - 34 - 1T - 34 - 1T - 34 - 1T - 34 -1T1Tmcps/BDacSpliced08/1256
Piranesi- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.36.14 - 14.5T - 14 - 1T - 78.16.9T.16 - 16.9T1Tlcps/a1c18.11.202121/1094
Glenkeen- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.36.14 - 7T.58.16 - 16.7T - 16 - 1T.90 - 90.1T1Tmcps/Dc8. 2.201616/227
Miranda- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.36.14 - 7T.58.16 - 9T.70.18 - 38.1T.38.14 -9T1Tk2cps/K1c11. 6.1992Birmingham Cathedral92/680 712
Avon- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.30.14 - 70.1T.36 - 9T.30.18 - 18.9T - 18 -1T1Tmcps/c15.11.1979Birmingham Cathedral21. 5.198079/1087 80/535
Holywell- 5T - 14.5T.12 - 1T - 14 - 3T - 12 - 1T - 12 - 1T - 12 -1T12bT/Bac24.10.1978Shoreditch78/983
Vax- 5T - 14.5T.12 - 1T - 14 - 5T.14.36.9T.10.58 - 16.7T.16.70.16.ET1Tk1T/Bc15. 5.1993London, St Mary-le-Bow92/309 93/625
Olympic Stadium- 5T - 14.5T.12 - 1T.34 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T - 14 -5T12136248507T9ESpliced20/118
Kalavinka- 5T - 16 - 12 - 1T - 14.7T.38.12 - 16.7T - 18 - 9T.18.90 -1T1Tk2T/BcSpliced19/1037
Shardeloes- 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 30 - 14 - 1T - 12 - 167T - 58 -ET12bcps/Oa2c29. 4.1989Rotherham, All Saints89/462
Hitcham34 - 34.1T - 12 - 123T - 12 - 123T - 12 - 123T - 12 - 123T - 12 -3T1Tlcps/BD27. 2.201212/299
Oswald34 - 34.1T - 12 - 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 10 -ET1Tgcps/BDc13. 7.1982Nottingham, St Peter3. 3.200382/679 03/275
Charleston34 - 5T.14 - 12 - 1T - 14 - 5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T12acps/BDc4. 1.2000Shoreditch00/63
Gracechurch34 - 5T.14 - 12 - 3T - 34 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.7T - 16 -7T1Tlcps/BDa2c31. 3.2007South Croydon3. 6.201907/393 19/607
Hemel Hempstead34 - 5T.14 - 125T - 1T - 90 - 18 - 16 - 70.16 - 16.9T.16.70.16.ET12dT/Da2c10. 2.2001Worcester, All Saints01/273
Selly Oak34 - 5T.14 - 5T - 1T - 14 - 3T.16 - 16.7T.16 - 16.7T.16 - 16.7T1Tk1cps/Dcd13. 5.1993Birmingham Cathedral93/652
Deira34 - 5T.14 - 5T - 36.14 - 12.3T - 12.36.1T - 12.36.1T - 12.36.1T1Tmcps/BDc30. 9.2000Ossett00/1068
Kindynos34 - 5T.16 - 56 - 36.7T.34 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.7T.16 - 16.7T1Thcps/Dac12.10.202020/1074
Mississippi36 - 56.14.5T - 5T.36.7T.14 - 1T - 12.9T.70.18 - 18.9T.18 - 18.ET1Tj1cps/BEcdSpliced14/1041
Rising Sun36 - 7T.18 - 9T.50.36.12 - 1270.5T.16.34.9T. - 10.9T1Tk1cps/BEa2cdSpliced92/309
Edna36 - 7T.18 - 9T.50.3T.14 - 147T.50.9T.14.36.1T. - 56.1T1Tmcps/EN1c11. 2.1993Birmingham Cathedral93/450
Angel30.9T - 1T.50 - 9T.38.147T - 12.3T.16 - 36.147T - 16.38.9T.30 - 10.3T1Tj2cps/BcdSpliced92/309
Lee Valley3T - 34.16 - 56 - 1T - 14 - 345T - 14 - 5T - 14 - 5T - 14 -5T1214257396E8T0Spliced20/118
Poperinge3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 145T - 14 - 7T.16 - 16.7T - 16 -7T12acps/BDa2c15. 4.201919/428
The Borough3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 5T - 1456 - 147T - 58 - 189T - 18 -9T12fcps/BDa2c30.11.1996Southwark Cathedral97/35
Shoreditch3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 5T - 16 - 7T - 18 - 9T - 10 -ET12dcps/BDa21. 5.1979Shoreditch79/524
Zeals Knoll3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T12ccps/BDa2c9. 5.201818/600
Alderney3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 5T.14 - 14.7T.16 - 16.7T.16 - 16.7T12acps/BDa2c12. 8.201616/874
Tritone3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 5T.14 - 14.7T.16 - 18.9T.14 - 14.9T12fcps/BDa2c20.11.2000Escrick10. 8.201501/135 15/867
Temple Row3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T.34 - 14.5T.14.56 - 167T - 78 - 9T - 18 -9T12fcps/BDc12. 4.2010Birmingham Cathedral6. 4.201110/418 11/632
Newport3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 3T - 14 - 3T - 36 - 1T - 16 - 149T - 34 -9T12fcps/BDa2d17. 3.1990Newport (Gwent)90/440
Smithfield3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 3T.14 - 14.3T.16 - 36.1T - 14 - 5T.14 - 14.5T12ccps/BDcdSpliced92/309
Cerberus3T - 3T.14.5T.12 - 1T - 14.7T.38.14 - 14.50 - 14.58.9T - 90 -ET12c2R/BDOcSpliced24/1046
Kingsland3T - 56.14 - 56 - 1T - 14 - 145T - 14 - 7T - 16 - 7T - 16 -7T12fcps/Ba1c3. 5.1977Shoreditch77/553
Spitalfields3T - 56.14 - 56 - 1T - 14 - 5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T12acps/Ba1c3. 3.1981Shoreditch13. 4.201181/343 11/466
Redemption3T - 5T.14 - 5T - 1T - 14 - 5T.14 - 14.70.16 - 18.9T - 90 -1T12ecps/BDc9.12.202424/1241
Toronto3T - 5T.14 - 5T - 1T - 14 - 5T.14 - 14.7T.16 - 16.7T.16 - 16.7T12fcps/Bc13. 4.2002Worcester, All Saints02/435
Luxembourg3T - 5T.14 - 5T - 1T - 14.7T.1458.9T.14 - 1T - 18 - 9T.18 - 10.ET12acps/BcSpliced92/309
Winter Garden3T - 5T.14 - 5T - 3T - 12 - 1T - 16 - 7T - 16 - 7T - 16 -7T12fcps/Bc24. 5.2003Sheffield Cathedral03/566
Maidenhead3T - 5T.14 - 5T - 3T - 12 - 1T - 16 - 7T.16 - 16.7T - 16 -7T12fcps/Bc2.10.201919/1088
Snow Tiger3T - 5T.14 - 5T - 3T - 12 - 1T - ET - 10 - 18 - 9T.18 - 10.ET12fcps/Bc9. 1.1999Ipswich, St Mary-le-Tower18. 7.201899/145 18/887
Barnwell56 - 56.1T - 12 - 3T - 14 - 5T - 14 - 5T - 14 - 5T.14 - 14.5T12dcps/Ba1c19.12.1981Kettering82/155
Gypsy70.9T.36.18.5T.12 - 10.9T - 147T.50.16.9T - 1T.58 - 38.7T - 36.50.1T1Tmcps/BcdSpliced92/309
Nemesis7T - 36.189T.50 - 50.1T.70.14 - 50.149T - 169T.50 - 34 - 123T - 12.30.1T12bcps/BEa2d30. 6.1991London, St Mary-le-Bow91/115 744

Little Delight Maximus methods (treble to 6ths)
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceRW ref
Catherine Little- 3T - 14 - 12 - 1T - 14 -3612d1cps/BDd8. 3.1997Worcester, All Saints97/370

Little Delight Maximus methods (treble to 8ths)
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsRW ref
Cauldron Dome Little3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 34.7T.58 - 14 -1812c1cps/BDcSpliced20/35

Triple-hunt Delight Maximus methods
NameNotationhllelhTower bellsRW ref
Dione34 - 3T.14 - 12 - 1T - 12 - 5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T.14 - 14.5T1215347296E8T0Spliced24/105

Non-palindromic Delight Maximus methods
NameNotationlhTower bellsPlaceRW ref
Temple Meads- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.30.14 - 70.1T.36 - 9T.30.18 - 18.9T - 18 - 1T - 18 - 9T.18 - 18.70.9T - 16.58.7T - 14.36.5T - 5T.14 - 5T - 1Tg19.12.1998Bristol, St Stephen99/68 09/957
Avalon- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.30.14 - 70.1T.36 - 9T.30.18 - 18.9T - 18 - 1T - 18 - 9T.18 - 38.1470.9T.16.9T.58.14.7T.14.369T.50 - 5T.14 - 5T - 1T134567890ET210. 2.2013Chilcompton13/229

Delight Fourteen methods
NameNotationhllelhfchHandbellsRW ref
Yellowstone- 3B - 14 - 12 - 3B.14 - 34.1B.34 - 34.1B.34 - 34.1B.34 - 34.1B.34 - 34.1B12acps/BDK1a219. 7.201010/789

Delight Sixteen methods
NameNotationhllelhfchHandbellsRW ref
Melbourne3D - 3D.14.56 - 56.1D.34 - 14.5D.16 - 16.7D.16 - 16.7D.16 - 16.7D.16 - 16.7D.16 - 16.7D12acps/Ba2cSpliced95/578