© Anthony P. Smith, March 2025

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Delight Minor methods (in-course falseness) cont'd
NameNotationhllelhTower bellsPlaceRW ref
Sonko56 - - 16.34 - 34.1612b21/1181
Ingimarsson56 - - 16.34 - 34.1616g21/1181
Gunnarsson56 - - 16.34 - 34.5612a21/1181

Delight Minor methods (treble triple dodging)
NameNotationhllelhTower bellsPlaceRW ref
Micheldever- 36 - 36 - 36 - 16 - 12 - 56 - 12 - 36 - 14 - 14 - 14 -361613462519. 3.1984Micheldever84/324

Double-hunt Delight Minor methods
NameNotationhllelhRW ref
Julie McDonnell- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12 -12561212463517/403
Kārearea Ring- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 1234 -12561212463520/586
Geegelup- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 1234 -16123612463522/764
Isla- 34 - 14 - 56 - 16 - 12 -14561212536422/789
Platinum Accession- 34 - 14 - 56 - 16 - 14 -12361212463522/156
David Smith- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12 -12561212456319/615
Out at 2- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 1234 -12561212456320/586
'Fridgetown'- 34 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 1234 -361236124635
Tryugans Bledhen- 36 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 1234 -123612124563
For a Special Occasion- 36 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 -123612124563
Whatever You Want- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 34 -56123415364222/1088
Quarantine- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12 -12561212634521/131

Triple-hunt Delight Minor methods
NameNotationhllelhRW ref
Orion's Belt- 34 - 16 - 12 - 36.12 - 12.561213425621/646 23/909

Non-palindromic Delight Minor methods
NameNotationlhRW ref
Girrawheen- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1256.12 - 12.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f08/1162
Francesca Anne- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1256.12 - 12.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 16l16/65
Lancelin- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12.1234.3456.12.1234.34.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f09/157
Aussie Christmas- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.1256.1234 - 12.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f10/96
Dalwallinu- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.3456 - 1234.34.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f09/567
Alex- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.3456 - 1234.34.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 16l18/602
Uluṟu- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f08/1186
A Christmas Carol- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 16l11/66
Enoggera- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34.12.3456.1234 - 34.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f10/993
Zanthus- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.12 - 12.1256 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f15/989
A Midsummer Night's Dream- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.12 - 12.1256 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 16l16/609
Xantippe- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.12 - 1234.3456.12.34.1234.16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f10/1137
Oombulgurri- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.34 - 1234.3456.12.34 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f10/1065
Woolloongabba- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.3456 - 34 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f09/687
Isabelle- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.3456 - 34 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 16l14/413
Woolloomooloo- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.34.1234 - 3456.34.12 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f10/47
Evelyn- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.34.1234 - 3456.34.12 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 16l17/1016
Indooroopilly- 34 - 14 - 12 - 16.34.1234.12.3456.1234.12 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 34 - 12f09/205
Rule- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1256.12 - 12.16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256312/1001
Nativity- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.1256.1234 - 12.16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256316/62
Rosie- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.3456 - 1234.34.16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256315/264
Pizza- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256312/624
Adam's iPhone- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 34.12.3456.1234 - 34.16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256313/113
Should "of" Been a- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16.12 - 12.1256 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256315/989
Swanbourne- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16.12 - 1234.1256.34.12 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256316/157
Laura's Facebook Page- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 1234.3456.12.34 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256313/753
Collings Golden- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.3456 - 34 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256312/744
S&M- 34 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34.1234 - 3456.34.12 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 34 - 1214256314/189
Pen-Bloth- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 12 - 1256.12 - 12.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b03/811
Utter- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 12.1234.3456.12.1234.34.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b03/401
Belated Birthday Compliment- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 12.34.3456 - 1234.34.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b04/1078
65th Birthday- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 12.34.3456 - 1234.34.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 16g16/397
Cans ha Kensa- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b04/40
ANZAC- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 16g14/496
Something Interesting- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16 - 34.12.3456.1234 - 34.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b10/846
Pymp ha Tryugans Bledhen- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.12 - 12.1256 - 12 - 16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b03/787
Something Easy- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.12 - 1234.3456.12.34.1234.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b11/138
TDGR- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.12 - 34.3456 - 34.1234.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b06/385
Happy Birthday- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.12 - 34.3456 - 34.1234.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 16g13/881
ANZAB- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.1234.34 - 3456.34 - 12.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b11/658
Yorkshire Wedding- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.1234.34.12.3456.1234 - 12.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b11/969
Chapelfield Shopping Centre- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.1234.34.1234.1256.34.1234.34.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b04/982
Thursday Lunchtime- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.34 - 1234.3456.12.34 - 16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b11/40
Venn- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.34 - 34.3456 - 34 - 16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b04/524
Christmas Pudding- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.34.1234 - 3456.34.12 - 16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b06/137
Ittle Beer- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.34.1234.12.3456.1234.12 - 16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b03/231 353
You'd not believe what some folk'll ring to complete the Treble Dodging Minor Alphabet- 36 - 1456 - 56 - 16.34.1234.34.1256.1234.34.1234.16 - 56 - 1456 - 36 - 12b04/692
Camino de Santiago- 56 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1256.12 - 12.16 - 12 - 14 - 56 - 12a15/333
Coast to Coast- 56 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 12 - 14 - 56 - 12a14/1117
West Highland Way- 56 - 14 - 12 - 16.12 - 12.1256 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 56 - 12a16/782
Bibbulmun Track- 56 - 14 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.3456 - 34 - 16 - 12 - 14 - 56 - 12a15/236
Cullacabardee- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1256.12 - 12.16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624505/1117
Joondalup- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12.1234.3456.12.1234.34.16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624506/457
West Wyalong- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.1256.1234 - 12.16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624517/510
Quinns Rocks- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.3456 - 1234.34.16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624506/113
Innaloo- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624505/824
Gidgegannup- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 34.12.3456.1234 - 34.16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624512/276
Cansves Forth Noweth war Whegh Clogh- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16.12 - 12.1256 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624505/702
Bland- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16.12 - 1234.1256.34.12 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624520/587
Victory Heights- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 1234.3456.12.34 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624512/325
Gnangara- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.3456 - 34 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624505/900
Neerabup- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34.1234 - 3456.34.12 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624506/702
Konnongorring- 56 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34.1234.12.3456.1234.12 - 16 - 12 - 1456 - 56 - 1213624507/1007
Mount Exertion34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 1256.12 - 12.16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624512/976
Mount Jerrybang34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16 - 12.1234.3456.12.1234.34.16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624516/973
Mount Groper34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16 - 12.34.1256.1234 - 12.16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624513/137
Mount Augustus34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 3456.34 - 34.16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624512/216
Mount Carnage34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16 - 34.12.3456.1234 - 34.16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624512/577
Mount Fatigue34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16.12 - 12.1256 - 12 - 16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624512/1193
Mount High and Mighty34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16.12 - 1234.1256.34.12 - 16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624515/190
Mount Destruction34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16.34 - 1234.3456.12.34 - 16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624512/696
Mount Buggery34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.3456 - 34 - 16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624512/375
Mount Illbillee34 - 34.14 - 12 - 16.34.1234.12.3456.1234.12 - 16 - 12 - 14.34 - 34.1213624516/229

False Delight Minor methods
NameNotationhllelhTower bellsPlaceRW ref
Pudsey Block- - - 16 - 12 - 36 - 14 -5612b15/13
Aaliyah- 34 - 16 - - - 36 - 34 -3612a2. 9.2018Potterhanworth18/1296
Tinky Winky- 3456 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 12 -5612f21/1181
Dipsy- 3456 - 1456 - 12 - 16 - 34 -5612f21/1181
Laa-Laa- 3456 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 12.5612f21/1181
Noo-noo- 3456 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.1612e21/1181
Tubby Custard- 3456 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.1616h21/1181
Po- 3456 - 1456 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.5612f21/1181
Jansongkrot- 36 - 14 - - - 16 - - -5612b17/1092
Yorkshire Block- 36 - 14 - - - 16 - 12 -5612b15/13
Stone Block- 36 - 14 - - - 16 - 12 -5616g
Rutland Block- 36 - 14 - - - 16 - 14 -1612f15/13
Lucy- 36 - 14 - - - 16 - 34 -5612b18/1234
Allenson- 36 - 14 - - - 16.34 - 34.5612b24/980
Phobos- 36 - 14 - 12.56.16 - 34 -5616l24/105
Clonque- 36 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 -5612f21/1181
Tourgis- 36 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 -5616l21/1181
Houmet Herbe- 36 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 34 -5612f21/1181
Raz- 36 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 34 -5616l21/1181
Albert- 36 - 14 - 1256 - 16.34 - 12.5612f21/1181
Grosnez- 36 - 14 - 1256 - 16.34 - 12.5616l21/1181
Robinsfield34 - 36.14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 -5612b21/1181
Wrensfield34 - 36.14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 -5616g21/1181
Beechfield34 - 36.14 - 1256 - 16 - 34 -5612b21/1181
Crouchfield34 - 36.14 - 1256 - 16 - 34 -5616g21/1181
Glenfield34 - 36.14 - 1256 - 16.34 - 12.5612b21/1181
Finchfield34 - 36.14 - 1256 - 16.34 - 12.5616g21/1181