© Anthony P. Smith, December 2024

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Surprise Maximus methods cont'd
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceHandbellsRW ref
Thameslink9T.50 - - 3T - 16.9T.10.36 - 14.567T - 90 -ET12c1cps/a1Spliced92/309

Little Surprise Maximus methods (treble to 4ths)
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsRW ref
Little Shambles Little- 5T - 14.5T.12 -141TmT/BcSpliced11/185

Little Surprise Maximus methods (treble to 6ths)
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceRW ref
Dowager Little- 3T - 14 - 12.5T.16 - 12 -161TmD/BDSpliced92/110
Little Ashfield Little- 3T - 14 - 5T - 36 - 78 -1612d1cps/Bc1.11.1975Manchester, Town Hall76/31 77/550
Lifford Lane Little- 9T.58.1470.9T.1258.7T.36 - 147T -1612acps/cSpliced94/379 575
Hudderzfield Little36 - 56.14.5T - 5T.36 - 14 -3612c1cps/BEcdSpliced09/461
Glazgow Little36 - 56.14.5T - 5T.36 - 14 -361Tjcps/BEcdSpliced94/310
Lincoln Little3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 3T - 12 -3612bcps/BD18.12.1982Nottingham, St Peter83/102
Rempstone Little3T - 3T.14.7T - 58.36 - 14 -3612d2cps/BOSpliced84/1002

Little Surprise Maximus methods (treble to 8ths)
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceHandbellsRW ref
Cerise Little- 34 - 14 - 12.5T.36.14 - 12.5T.12 - 12.381TmT/BDK1Spliced02/549
Assheton Little- 3T - 14 - 5T - 1236 - 147T - 3458 - 16 -5812c2cps/Bc20. 4.1981Ashton-under-Lyne, St Michael81/427
Shipward Little- 56 - 14.56 - 5T.36.14 - 14.5T - 14 -181Tmcps/a1cSpliced05/130
Peterlord Little- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.36 - 14 - 145T - 14 -181Tmcps/c2. 1.1995Manchester, Town Hall95/223
Guildford Little- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.36 - 14 - 3T.14.36 -581Tmcps/c14. 5.1988Guildford Cathedral84/1002 88/598
Littleport Little- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.36.14 - 14.5T - 14 -181Tmcps/c12. 8.1969Shoreditch31. 1.197269/694 72/163
Giltspur Little34 - 3T.14 - 12 - 3T.14 - 147T.58.12 - 14.381Tgcps/BDK1cdSpliced95/249
Huddersfield Little36 - 56.14.5T - 5T.36 - 14 - 3T.16 - 16.3812bcps/BEcd8. 6.1972Birmingham Cathedral72/582
Glasgow Little36 - 56.14.5T - 5T.36 - 14 - 3T.16 - 16.381Tgcps/BEcd15.10.1970Birmingham Cathedral70/899

Little Surprise Maximus methods (treble to 10ths)
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceRW ref
Cambridge Little- 3T - 14 - 125T - 36 - 1470 - 58 - 169T - 70 - 18 -9012c1D/B7. 4.1996Bristol, St Stephen96/490
Middlesex Little- 5T - 14 - 5T - 36.14 - 7T.58 - 16 - 7T - 16 -101Tk2cps/c7. 7.1981Shoreditch81/783
Bristol Little- 5T - 14.5T - 5T.36.14 - 7T.58.16 - 16.7T - 16 -101Tgcps/c26. 2.1976Birmingham Cathedral76/331
Clyde Little36 - 56.14.5T - 5T.36 - 14 - 3T.16 - 16.3T.16 - 16.301Tmcps/BEcd12.11.1970Birmingham Cathedral70/960
Farndon Little3T - 3T.14 - 12 - 3T.14 - 12.5T.16 - 16.7T.18 - 18.3012ecps/BDd11. 2.1995Solihull95/297 1067

Nine-hunt Little Surprise Maximus methods (treble to 8ths)
NameNotationhllelhTower bellsRW ref
Mimas Little- 56 - 14.56 - 5T.16 - 14 - 3T.14.36 -58121342567890ETSpliced24/105

Non-palindromic Little Surprise Maximus methods (treble to 6ths)
NameNotationlhTower bellsRW ref
Lombard Little- 3T - 14 - 5T - 16 - 14 - 1256 - 14 - 16 - 5T - 1456 - 3T - 1216482ET90735Spliced04/1047