© Anthony P. Smith, March 2025

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Surprise Major methods cont'd
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceHandbellsRW ref
Crewe- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16 - 34 - 38 - 14 -1812acps/ace9. 2.1953Birmingham, Bishop Ryder53/146
Ashton-under-Lyne- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16 - 34 - 58 - 16 -5812acps/ace23.11.1953Birmingham, Bishop Ryder31. 1.201753/815 17/179
Heywood- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16 - 34 - 58 - 34 -1812bcps/ac26.11.1960Heywood60/827
Belmont- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16 - 34 - 58 - 34 -1818gcps/ac1. 2.1968Harrow Weald68/148
Maufont- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16 - 34 - 58.16 - 14.5818mG/aceSpliced02/519
Freedom- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16.34 - 14.58 - 14.36.5818mcps/acef10. 1.1981Leckhampton81/122
Tryes- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16.34 - 14.58 - 14.56.3818mcps/aceX27. 9.1980Leckhampton80/924
Werneth- 58 - 14 - 58 - 16.34 - 9.2007Middleton (Lancs)91/395 07/1001
Butcherbie- 58 - 14 - 58 - 36 - 14 - 58 - 14 -7812142768534. 2.2006Long Buckby06/235
Sheer Heart Attack- 58 - 14 - 58 - 36 - 34 - 58 - 14 -1812bDO/cTouch
New Middlesex- 58 - 14 - 58 - 36.14 - 14.58 - 36 -3818jLN/c30.12.1975Walkden76/95
Hermes- 58 - 14 - 58 - 36.14 - 34.58 - 16 -7818hGN/acSpliced24/1261
Petersfield- 58 - 14 - 58 - 38 - 12 - 1458 - 34 -1812fBD/c28. 4.1984Petersfield80/121 84/433
Isle of Wight- 58 - 14 - 58 - 38 - 12 - 38 - 1456 -5812bB/ce26.12.1979Carisbrooke80/94
Cerberus- 58 - 14 - 58 - 38 - 12 - 38.56 - 14.5812bBE/acSpliced16/173
Tyrone- 58 - 14 - 58 - 38 - 14 - 58 - 34 -1812fBN/c10.12.1960Rocester60/860
Chalfont- 58 - 14 - 58 - 38 - 34 - 38.14 - 34.7812aD/ac20.11.1969Harrow Weald69/1012
Owl- 58 - 14 - 58 - 38 - 34 - 58 - 1456 -1812bD/bc9. 6.2003Marston Bigot, Pig-le-Tower03/612
Melksham- 58 - 14.56 - 56.1238 - 14 - 38 - 16 -1812fBO/ce10. 9.1983Melksham67/101 83/840
Ananke- 58 - 14.56 - 58.16 - 14 - 58.34 - 12.3812eB/acde9. 1.1997Shoreditch97/193
Headstone- 58 - 14.56.12 - 36.12 - 14.38.16 - 16.7812dBF/cY21. 4.1966Willesden66/315
Ardingly- 58 - 14.56.12 - 36.12 - 14.38.16 - 16.7818jBF/cY30. 1.1978Balcombe78/252
Thorpe Satchville- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 1258 - 12 -1812eB/c26. 7.2007Leicester, St Mary de Castro07/834
Quingentesimus- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 1258 - 12 -1818kB/c3.10.2017Leeds, St Anne17/1041
Norton Parish- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 1458 - 34.16.5818mBK/c23. 7.1994Campsall94/855
Septuagenarian- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 38 - 14 -1818jB/ce19. 4.2002Meldreth02/521
Half-Century- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 58 - 16 -5812dB/c7.11.2008Bristol Cathedral09/254
Decadium- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 58 - 16 -5818jB/c4. 9.1991Barrow Gurney91/946
Sanvey Gate- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 58.14 - 14.7812fB/c23. 2.2006Leicester, St Mary de Castro06/260
Erythrite- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 58.14 - 14.7818lB/c1.12.1999Barrow Gurney99/1212
Jackdaw- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 -
Lindinis- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 58.36.12 -1818mB/ac19. 3.1977Handsworth (Yorks)77/338
Eisey- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 1458 - 12 -7812fBK/ac27.12.2003Swindon, St Mark04/81
Alabum- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 1458 - 14.56.3818mBK/c14. 2.1981Birstall (Yorks)81/260
Zapotillos- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 1458 - 1456 -3818mBK/c19. 1.1996Meldreth96/249
Tytherton- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 1458 - 34 -7812fBK/c19. 2.2005Coln St Aldwyns05/232
Century- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 38.16.34 -1818mBKO/c10. 1.1997Meldreth97/195
Greenford- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 58 - 14 -7812fBK/c25.10.1962Willesden62/793
Colindale- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 58 - 14 -7818lBK/c7. 8.1990Meldreth90/842
Whizz- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 58 - 16 -1812bBKU/cSpliced22/809
Verwood- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 58.14 - 16.3818mBEK/c10.11.1960Willesden60/779
Castries- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 5.1996Meldreth96/730
Italy- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 7.1979Salford, Sacred Trinity79/740
Galacum- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 7.1978Heywood78/673
Saharanpur- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 34 - 1238 - 12.36.1818mB/ac2. 9.1978Chorley, St Laurence78/827
Swan on The Stray- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 34 - 1238 - 14 -5812aB/ac14.11.2021Harrogate21/1099
Montserrat- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36 - 34 - 38.14 - 36.5818mBG/acd20. 1.1995Meldreth95/298
James College- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.38.12 - 16.7812fB/c6.10.2004York, St Laurence04/1024
Bequia- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.38.14 - 36.5818mBGK/c24. 3.1995Meldreth95/470
Micklegate Bar- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.58 - 14 -1812eB/c17.12.2003York, St Laurence04/35
Bouchavesnes- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.58 - 14 -1818kB/c10.10.1988Bushey88/1220
JJLG- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.58 - 14 -7812fB/c16. 4.2005Handsworth (Yorks)05/505
Zywocice- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.58 - 14 -7818lB/c1. 9.2015Leeds, St Anne15/939
Cottingham- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.58.14 - 14.78121362485711. 1.1991Rothwell (Northants)91/141
Buckminster- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.58.14 - 34.7812fB/c7. 6.1990Leicester, St Mary de Castro90/652
Gaulby- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 14.58.14 - 34.7818lB/c1. 3.1990Leicester, St Mary de Castro90/325
Durocina- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.12 - 6.1993Campsall93/653
Cintocelum- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 12.58 - 14.36.1818mBDKN/cd12. 2.1994Tadcaster94/261
Jenny's Massive Lasagne- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 12.58.16 - 14.5818mBDEIK/c7. 6.202424/575
Bacolet- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.38 - 12 -1818hBK/ac29. 5.1998Meldreth98/627
Knightley- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.58 - 14.56.3818mBK/c15. 1.1983Burton Latimer83/164
Maunsell- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.58 - 1456 -3818mBK/c9.10.1993Rothwell (Northants)93/1097
Edinburgh- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.58.14 - 14.7812fBK/c8.12.1923Leiston1923/788 795
Midlothian- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.58.14 - 14.7818lBK/c24. 7.1990Meldreth90/821
Bradford- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.58.16 - 16.5812bBDK/c22. 7.1950Arksey50/483
Crawley- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.58.16 - 16.5818gBDK/c8.11.1962Willesden62/794
Ormside- 58 - 14.58 - 12.36.14 - 2.1992Weedon Bec92/381
Iesah- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1238 - 14 -7818jB/c27. 9.2011Spitalfields11/1090
Montpellier- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458 - 14 -5812fB/c17. 6.1989Leckhampton89/670
Zwickau- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458 - 14 -5818lB/c7. 3.2017Leeds, St Anne17/323
Parlatuvier- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458.36 - 16.3818hBE/c17. 7.1998Meldreth98/893
Wild Country- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458.36 - 36.1812cBE/c24.10.2014Barrow Gurney14/1185
Malvern Hills- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458.36 - 36.1818hBE/c2. 5.2017Barbourne17/651
Galveston- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458.36.12 -1812eB/ac4.12.1999Houston, TX, St Thomas00/376
Merlin- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458.36.12 -7812dB/ac8. 3.2019Barrow Gurney19/330
Moscovium- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 1458.36.12 -7818jB/ac9. 9.2016Barrow Gurney16/1019
Disraeli- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 38 - 14 -3812cB/cd4. 4.1981Bushey81/384
Loxley- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 38.12 - 14.7812dB/c28. 9.2011Dore11/1091
Lower Loxley- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 38.12 - 14.7818jB/c8. 5.2018Bromley18/501
Flerovium- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 58 - 14.36.7812dBE/c14. 9.2012Winford12/1093
Blue John- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 58 - 14.36.7818jBE/c9. 3.2000Barrow Gurney00/477
Xarob- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 58 - 56 -1812eB/c9. 6.2006Barrow Gurney06/621
High Willhays- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 58 - 56 -1818kB/c11. 2.2008Okehampton08/265
Kirby Muxloe- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 58.14 - 14.5812fB/c16. 1.2003Leicester, St Mary de Castro03/129
Cat's-Eye- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 58.14 - 14.5818lB/c3.12.1997Barrow Gurney98/106
Whitley Bay- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 1458 - 12 -5812fBK/ac17.12.1986Welbourn87/131
Cullercoats- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 1458 - 12 -5818lBK/ac18. 5.2006Leicester, St Mary de Castro06/551
Old Spot- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 1458 - 34 -5812fBK/c19. 9.1998Swindon, St Mark98/1014
Sardonyx- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 1458 - 34 -5818lBK/c24.11.1993Bristol, SS Philip & Jacob93/1268
St Symphorien- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 1458 - 34.12.5812fBDK/c21. 8.2014Finchley14/950
Lisieux- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 1458 - 36.14.7818jBK/bce25. 9.1998Meldreth98/1086
Horseferry Road- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 38 - 36 -1818hBGK/cSpliced09/179
Stoughton- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58 - 14 -5812fBK/c19. 2.1954Whitwick54/146 188
Dunwich- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58 - 14 -5818lBK/c28.10.1935Helmingham35/711
Sapperton- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.14 - 12.5812fBK/c14. 1.1989Weedon Bec89/235
Erix- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.14 - 12.5818lBK/c5.10.1996Rothwell (Northants)96/1128 97/23
Steepholme- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.14 - 34.5812fBK/ac27.11.1999Weston-super-Mare99/1257
Rondo- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.14 - 34.5818lBK/ac24.10.1999Texarkana, AR99/1256
Speyside- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.16 - 16.5818hBKS/c5. 6.1998Meldreth98/774
Jaconet- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 1458 - 14 -5812fB/ac9. 1.2004Stratton St Margaret04/105
Iodine- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 1458 - 14 -5818lB/ac29.12.1983Barrow Gurney12. 4.201884/99 18/405
Holetown- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 1458.36 - 16.7818jB/acdY21.11.1997Meldreth98/134
Coganges- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 1458.
Borroloola- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 38 - 14.36.7818jBO/ace11. 7.2000Burton Latimer00/771
Bergodunum- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 38 - 34 -1818mB/ac1. 1.1976Balderton76/117
Veluniate- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 38.14 - 12.3818mBD/ace29. 5.1993Farnworth-with-Kearsley93/653
Grassmoor- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 58.14 - 14.5812fB/ac13.11.1995Whiston95/1254
Frog Island- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 58.14 - 14.5818lB/ac18. 8.2005Leicester, St Mary de Castro05/871
Orton- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 58.14 - 56.1818kB/ac1.10.1983Weedon Bec83/905
Lower Place- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 58.16 - 12.7818jB/ac24.11.2003Willesden03/1189
Middle Place- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 58.16 - 34.7818jB/ac29. 5.2011Barrow Gurney11/629
Rook- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 58.16 - 56.7812dBD/ac30.10.2019Dore19/1111
Crow- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38 - 34 - 58.16 - 56.7818jBD/ac6. 2.2019Dore19/207
Xenolite- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.38 - 14 -7812dB/c18.11.1998Barrow Gurney98/1182
The Moon- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.38 - 14 -7818jB/c16. 7.1997Barrow Gurney7. 8.201997/850 19/898
Newlay- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.38.14 - 12.7812dB/c2. 8.2016Leeds, St Anne16/875
Uzmaston- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.38.14 - 12.7818jB/c3. 5.2016Leeds, St Anne16/523
Rochelle- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.38.14 - 34.7818jB/ac23. 2.2010Shoreditch10/243
Duomilia- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.38.14 - 56.7818jBD/c1. 7.1994Meldreth94/974
LDG100- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.58.14 - 14.5812fBK/c28. 7.1999Saltby99/779
Cayman- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 12.58.16 - 36.5818mBO/ce10. 2.1995Meldreth95/419
Kilby- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.38 - 16 -7812dB/cY31.12.1983Haselbech84/100
Norwood- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.38 - 16 -7818jB/cY5.10.1985Finedon85/916
Stanmere- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.38.14 - 12.3818mBDO/c3. 3.1979Stanmore79/265
New Hunslet- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.38.16 - 16.7812dB/cY17. 3.1975Birstwith75/302
Sagittarius- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.38.16 - 16.7818jB/cY27.11.1978Pendlebury79/34
Evington- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58 - 14 -5812fB/c22. 4.1954Caythorpe54/307
Madurai- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58 - 14 -5818lB/c30. 8.1978Salford, Sacred Trinity78/827
St Mary de Castro- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.12 - 16.5812eB/bc27. 9.2007Leicester, St Mary de Castro07/1050
West Germany- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.14 - 12.5812fB/ac24. 3.1980Walkden80/424
Lewes- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.14 - 12.5818lB/ac7. 8.1966Lower Beeding66/581
Hallaton- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.14 - 34.5812fB/c4. 1.1990Leicester, St Mary de Castro90/155
Nickhill- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.14 - 34.5818lB/c10. 7.1985Barrow Gurney85/686
Foxton- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.36 - 14.5812eBE/c4. 8.1986Meldreth86/759
Harston- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.36 - 14.5818kBE/c20.11.1992Meldreth93/51
Ditton- 58 - 14.58 - - 1458.36 - 36.5818mBDO/ac16. 6.2000Meldreth00/716
Paraburdoo- 58 - 14.58 - - 4.2000Burton Latimer00/479
Isledon- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.38 - 34 -3818mBDK/ac3. 8.1979Harrow Weald79/760
Concangium- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.38.1256.34.1256.3818mBDK/cY25. 3.1978Birstall (Yorks)78/355
Pavenhill- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.58.12 - 14.5812fBDK/c3. 4.1987Stratton St Margaret87/429
Peatling- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.58.12 - 14.5818lBDK/c4.10.1990Leicester, St Mary de Castro90/1057
Rothbury- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.58.16 - 16.5812bBDK/cd13.11.1986Leicester, St Mary de Castro86/1128
Pilton- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.58.34 - 14.5812fBDK/c7. 5.1983Moulton (Northants)83/535
Hewanorra- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.38.56 - 16.7818jBK/ac8.12.1995Meldreth96/121
Rockley- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58 - 12 -5812fBK/ac21. 5.1998Stratton St Margaret98/602
Olivine- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58 - 12 -5818lBK/ac27. 5.1998Barrow Gurney98/673
Duxford- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58 - 34 -5812fBK/c23.10.1990Meldreth90/1103
Croft- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58 - 34 -5818lBK/c7.11.1991Great Glen91/1159
Europa- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58 - 36.14.7812dBK/bce4. 5.1995Shoreditch95/641
St Lucia- 58 - 14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58 - 36.14.7818jBK/bce3. 2.1995Meldreth95/419

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