© Anthony P. Smith, March 2025

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Surprise Major methods cont'd
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceHandbellsRW ref
Quoyloo34.58 - 14.58 - 56.38 - 34 - 58.14 - 12.3812bDK/ac10.11.2015Leeds, St Anne15/1203
Vaynor34.58 - 14.58 - 56.38 - 34 - 58.14 - 12.3818gDK/ac1.12.2015Leeds, St Anne16/14
Crystal Palace34.58 - 14.58 - 58.16.34 - 14.58 - 14 -3818mD/cd12.12.2008Walworth09/34
Durban34.58 - 14.58 - 58.36.12 - 14.58.12 - 12.3818mBDK/c19. 5.1983Highclere83/492
Bolsterstone34.58 - 14.58 - 58.36.14 - 14.58 - 14 -1818mD/c29. 1.1972Bolsterstone72/182
CCL34.58 - 14.58 - 58.36.14 - 34.58 - 34 -1818mBD/c4. 1.1997Welwyn97/217
Beltol34.58 - - 14.3458.14 - 12.3818mBDT/cd18.10.1984Whitchurch (Hants)84/983
Greyville34.58 - - 14.58.12 - 12.38181346285717. 5.1984Hungerford84/515
Vale of Evesham34.58.34.16 - 12 - 1236 - 14 - 58 - 16 -5812bBD/c1. 1.2008Hanbury (Worcs)08/88
Alford34.58.34.16 - 12 - 16.34 - 34.58 - 14 -1812cBD/c24. 6.1965Willesden65/471
Byron34.58.34.16 - 12 - 38 - 14 - 58 - 16 -7812bBD/dY23. 8.1969Harrow-on-the-Hill69/734
Keats34.58.34.16 - 12 - 38 - 14 - 58 - 16.34.7812bBDG/dYTouch17/376
Asshstede34.58.34.16 - 56 - 36 - 34 - 1.1990Beaconsfield90/228
Wicquinghem34.58.34.16 - 56 - 38 - 14 - 58 - 14 -1812aD/ae27.12.1996Salisbury, Art Centre97/123
Queens' College34.58.34.16 - 56 - 38 - 14 - 58 - 34.56.3818mDE/ae8. 6.1990Meldreth84/622 90/799
Medusa34.58.34.16 - 58 - 36 - 14 - 38 - 12 -7812bDN/abSpliced77/773 779
Southwold34.58.36.14 - 56 - 38 - 14 - 1458.36 - 34.7812bDE/ad21.11.1998Southwold98/1243
Southern Cross34.58.36.14 - 56 - 38 - 34 - 1458 - 14.36.7812bBDE/ac28. 8.1983Sydney, NSW, St Philip83/794
Brightwell34. - 38.14 - 2.1990Ewell90/349 386
Menangle34. - 38.14 - 14.38 - 34 -7812bBDE/acTouch17/581
Turvey34. 8.1964Daventry64/567 647
Magdalene College34. - 58.16 - 14 - 58 - 34 -1812dBDEKN10. 5.1991Meldreth84/622 91/611
Thornsett34. (Yorks)01/1217
Heslington East3456 - 36.1458 - 12 - 36 - 14 - 58 - 14 -1812cBE/c7. 7.2010York, St Lawrence10/764
Muriel's Pineapple Ginger345678.38 - 14 - 1258 - 36 - 14 - 58 - 16 -7812eBDE/eSpliced24/307
Eggybread3458 - 36.14 - 12 - 1238 - 14 - 3458 - 1236 -1812eBDNO/XSpliced02/519
Doublebois3458 - 36.14.58 - 58.36.14 - 14.58.36 - 1456.7812bDEN23. 9.1987Shoreditch87/917
Ancient Druids3458 - 36.1458 - 58 - 36 - 14 - 1458.36 - 1456.7812bDENSpliced83/426
Pall Mall3458 - 38.14 - 58 - 16.34 -
Jolly Millers3458 - 38.14 - 58 - 36 - 14 - 58.16 - 1456.7812aDH/bSpliced83/426
Strand £2203458 - 58.14 - 58 - 36 - 14 - 3458 - 36 -3812cDO/cSpliced03/226
Wollaton36 - 34.16.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.58 - 14.56.1818mBDEKNT/ac13. 2.1968Bushey68/267
Fitzwilliam College36 - 36.14 - - 14.58.36 - 34.5812dDENP/a17. 7.1992Meldreth84/622 92/892
Jamaica36 - 38.14 - 58 - 16 - 14 - 58.16 - 16.3812cELMN/e8. 7.1994Meldreth94/974
Newlyn36 - 38.14 - 58 - 16 - 14 - 58.16 - 36.1812cELMN/e6. 6.1980Stratton St Margaret8. 3.202174/202 80/576
Crutched Friars36 - 38.14 - 58 - 16 - 14 - 58.16 - 36.1818hELMN/e19. 9.2005London, St Olave, Hart Street05/966
Peterhouse36 - 38.14 - 58 - 36 - 12 - 58.14 - 36.5818mDELMN/e2. 3.1990Meldreth84/622 90/324
Febris36 - 38.14 - 58 - 36 - 12 - 58.16 - 16.7812fDELMSpliced24/1261
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu36 - 38.14 - - 1234. 5.2010Huntsham10/547
Kings Cross36 - 38.14.56 - 58.16 - 12 - 1238 - 1456 -3812bDEMOR/aSpliced04/57
Freddie36 - - 38 - 14 - 58 - 16 -5812fBDEMO/dSpliced22/809
Sherman36 - 56.14 - 56 - 36.14 -
Burnthead36 - 56.14 - 56 - 38 - 14 - 38 - 36 -5818mBEKO12. 4.1994Burton Latimer94/511
Djer36 - 56.14.56 - 12.38 - 12.34.58 - 16 -1812dBDETouch22/299
Djet36 - 56.14.56 - 12.38 - 34.12.58 - 16 -1812dBDE/aTouch22/812
Den36 - 56.14.56 - - 58 - 16 -1812dBDE/aTouch22/1066
Sanakht36 - - 38.12.34 - 58 - 56 -5812aBDEF/aTouch
Wharncliffe36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36 - 12 - 7.1995Bolsterstone95/913
Mictis36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 1258 - 34 -1818mBE/c23.10.1993Campsall93/1170
Eggborough36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36 - 14 - 58.12 - 14.3818mBE/cd10. 1.1981Pontefract, All Saints81/148
Exmoor Beast36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36.12 - 12.58 - 16 -5818lBE/c25. 1.2013Bristol Cathedral13/157
Toft Green36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36.14 - 12.38.14 - 14.5812cBE/c10. 5.2006York, St Laurence06/527
Aberdeen36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36.14 - 12.38.14 - 14.5818hBE/c29. 5.2007Aberdeen, St Machar's Cathedral07/668
Tamesis36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36.14 - 9.1983Tadcaster83/815
Stoodley Pike36 - 56.14.58 - 12.36.14 - 14.58 - 36 -1818jBEG/c24. 3.2007Heptonstall07/366
Sagarmatha36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 38 - 14 -7812fBE/c22. 5.2009Philadelphia, PA, St Martin09/685
Mount Everest36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38 - 12 - 38 - 14 -7818lBE/c3. 1.2012West Bridgford12/91
Venonae36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58 - 12.36.1818mBE/ac21. 6.1980Handsworth (Yorks)80/637
Tactical36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58 - 14 -5812aBE/c21.11.2009Doncaster09/1241
Rievaulx Abbey36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.16 - 14.7812fBEH/c21. 3.2007York, St Martin-le-Grand07/393
Yorkshire Terrier36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.36 - 36.1818kBE/c11. 5.2005York, St Laurence05/528
Rigodunum36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38 - 14 - 58.36.12 -1818mBE/ac25. 9.1976Northowram76/906
Juventud36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.38 - 34.16.3818mBEK/acf20.12.1994Meldreth95/170
Rochdale36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.12 - 14.58.14 - 16.5818mBEK/cf22. 5.1984Meldreth84/536
Alconbury36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.12 - Latimer93/1192
Plessy36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.12 - 5.1993Burton Latimer93/627
Bathanceaster36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.14 - 12.38.16 - 14.1818mBE/cd25.11.1995Birstall (Yorks)96/12
Dunville VC36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58 - 34.16.5818mBE/cZ13.10.2010Holywood10/1232
Appletree Village36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58.14 - 1236.7812fBE/ac2. 5.2007York, St Laurence07/542
Straker's Passage36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58.14 - 14.5812aBE/c7. 3.2007York, St Laurence07/314
Harrow and Wealdstone36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58.14 - 36.7818lBE/c21.11.1988Bushey88/1220
Redchurch36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58.34 - 16.5818mBE/cf1.12.1992Shoreditch93/122
Codrington36 - 56.14.58 - 12.38.14 - 14.58.36 - 36.1818jBE/c4. 2.2000Meldreth00/842
Stourhead36 - 56.14.58 - 1256.38 - 14 - 3458.16 - 16.3818mBE/cf15. 1.2008Wandsworth, Holy Trinity08/163
Tanner's Moat36 - 56.14.58 - 1256.38 - 14 - 58 - 14 -1812dBE/c3. 1.2007York, St Laurence07/142
Undercliffe36 - 56.14.58 - 1256.38 - 14 - 58 - 14 -1818jBE/c6. 3.2007West Bridgford07/292
Ginger Pig36 - 56.14.58 - 1258.36 - 14 - 38.16 - 14.7818hBEKMT/c4.10.2007Bermondsey07/1074
Charles Towne36 - 56.14.58 - 56.1238 - 14 - 58 - 14 -1818jBE/ac2.12.2006Charleston, SC, St Michael07/219
Broadgate36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 12 - 58 - 34 -1812bBE/c30. 1.2012Spitalfields12/187
Bushey Manor36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 12 - 58 - 34 -1818gBE/c31. 5.2019Bushey19/607
Cherry36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 14 - 1458 - 14 -1812bBE/c25. 7.2008Farnworth-with-Kearsley08/889
Bethell36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 14 - 1458 - 14 -1818gBE/c10. 4.2007Bushey07/522
Greystones36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 14 - 1458 - 14 -7812cBE/c16. 5.2012Dore12/623
Peregrine Falcon36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 14 - 58 - 36 -1818lBEG/c11. 8.2017Barrow Gurney17/868
Narrow Boat36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 14 - 58.14 - 14.7812cBE/c29. 1.2012Skipton-in-Craven12/210
Dashing Erudition36 - 56.14.58 - 58.1236 - 14 - 58.14 - 14.7818hBE/c24. 2.2007Chewton Mendip07/301
Chattahoochee36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 3458 - 12.36.1818jBE/ac28.11.2007Marietta, GA08/192
Parkhead36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38 - 12.36.1818jBE/ac25. 2.2006Salford, Sacred Trinity06/258
Fordington36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38 - 12.36.7818hBE/ac2. 1.2010Wanstead10/172
Dodleston36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38 - 14 -5812eBE/c11. 2.1978Tarporley78/328
Audlie36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38 - 14 -5818kBE/c25. 3.1978Audley78/330 79/158
Kidsgrove36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38 - 36 -7818hBE/c24. 3.1979Kidsgrove79/369
Bosworth36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38.12 - 36.1818jBE/c12. 4.2007Market Bosworth07/544
Slytherin36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38.14 - 12.5812eBE/c8.11.2002Meldreth02/191 1232
Canon's Marsh36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38.14 - 12.5818kBE/c12. 3.2011Bristol Cathedral11/313
North Creake36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38.14 - 56.1812dBE/c8.12.2019North Creake19/946 20/239
Cadmium36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38.14 - 56.1818jBE/c23.11.1983Barrow Gurney83/1091
Wigginton36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 38.16 - 14.7812cBEH/c9.11.2005York, St Laurence05/1167
Kensington36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 58 - 34 -1812bBE/ac4.10.1951Willesden51/659
Hammersmith36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 58 - 34 -1818gBE/ac29. 9.1960Willesden60/684
Brentwood36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 58 - 34 -7812cBE/ac3.10.1963Willesden63/719
Gunnersbury36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 58 - 34 -7818hBE/ac30. 5.1963Willesden63/423
Juturna36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 12 - 58.16 - 14.3818jBCE/ceSpliced19/558
Siward's How36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 123458 - 14 -1812bBE/c7.10.2009York, St Lawrence09/1168
Stewkley36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 123458 - 14 -1818gBE/c21. 5.2007Bushey07/717
Pride of Spitalfields36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 1458 - 12 -7818hBE/ac17. 7.1992Spitalfields92/845
Brayton Barff36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 1458 - 14 -1812bBE/c5. 9.2007York, St Laurence07/955
Tovil36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 1458 - 14 -1818gBE/c5. 3.1991Maidstone, All Saints91/330
Walter's Ash36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 1458 - 34 -7818hBE/c4. 2.2015Hughenden15/185
Yanworth36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 38.56 - 56.1812fBDE/c6. 3.1987Stratton St Margaret87/288
Spitalfields36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 58 - 14 -7812cBE/c1. 8.1989Meldreth89/778
Advent36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 58 - 14 -7818hBE/c31. 7.1988Boston, MA, Advent88/894
Southfields36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 58.14 - 12.7818hBE/c22. 8.2006Wandsworth, Holy Trinity06/861
Osterley36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 58.14 - 34.7812cBE/ac30. 1.1964Willesden64/161
Eastbourne36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 58.14 - 34.7818hBE/ac21. 9.1950Willesden50/643
Bishampton36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 58.14 - 56.7812cBDE/c9. 5.1998Bisley98/553
Middlewich36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 14 - 58.14 - 56.7818hBDE/c13.12.1997Southam98/214
Preston36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 34 - 58 - 12 -1812bBE/ac29. 8.1963Willesden27.10.200563/634 06/35
Sheffield36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 34 - 58 - 12 -1818gBE/ac12. 1.1961Willesden61/59
Junction 3136 - 56.14.58 - 58.16 - 34 - 58 - 12 -7812cBE/ac5.12.1998Samlesbury99/13
Nascot36 - 56.14.58 - 58.16.34 - 34.1258 - 34 -1818gBE/ac10. 9.2018Bushey18/936
Egglestone36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 12 - 58 - 14 -7818hBE/c30. 5.2019Bradpole19/632
Selkirk36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 12 - 58.14 - 34.7818hBE/ac18.10.1988Meldreth88/1065
Maple Cross36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 1238 - 14 -5812eBEK/cdSpliced88/211 89/14
Plymouth36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 38 - 16 -5818mBE/cd14. 6.1962Willesden62/433
Huddersfield36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 38.16 - 16.3812bBE/cd15.10.1959Willesden3. 3.198559/632 85/285
Glasgow36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 38.16 - 16.3818gBE/cd28.12.1946Frindsbury21. 3.196847/39 75 68/291
Sunbury36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 38.16 - 36.1812bBE/cd14.11.1963Willesden63/803
Brondesbury36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 38.16 - 36.1818gBE/cd12. 5.1960Willesden60/365
Verulam36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 58.14 - 14.3812bBE/cd5.11.1938Bushey38/743 833
Finsbury36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 14 - 58.14 - 14.3818gBE/cd29.10.1959Willesden59/668
Wandle36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 34 - 1258 - 12 -1818gBE/c6. 6.2011Wandsworth, Holy Trinity11/655
Uffculme36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - 34 - 58.16 - 16.3818mBEH/c31. 3.1973Woburn73/333
Caterham36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36 - - 16.5818mBEFS/c21. 8.1994Reading, St Mary13. 4.202174/202 296 94/1024 21/381
Wiveliscombe36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 12.38.14 - 14.3818mBE/bc7. 4.1973Benington (Herts)73/352
Robert's Wilde Bells36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 14.58 - 12.36.1812dBE/ac4.11.2004Augusta, GA04/1193
Chenies36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 14.58 - 12.36.1818jBE/ac16. 6.2003Bushey03/638
Alcuin College36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 14.58 - 16 -5812aBE/c2. 6.2004York, St Laurence04/590
Flowers of Manchester36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 2.2008York, St Laurence08/266
Smithworth36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 14.58.14 - 14.7812cBE/c2. 1.2018Leeds, St Anne18/84
Lazyboy Camp36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 14.58.14 - 14.7818hBE/c5.12.2002Texarkana, AR03/82
Chipperfield36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - -1818jBE/ac12. 5.2003Bushey03/518
Broadclyst36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.12 - 34.58.16 - 16.5818mBES/c10. 3.1973Finedon73/273
Unnilseptium36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.14 - 14.38 - 12 -1812fBE/cd10. 3.1982Barrow Gurney82/298
Stonepit36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.14 - 14.38 - 12 -1818lBE/cd7. 7.1984Hanslope84/668
Brewood36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.14 - 14.38.14 - 16.5812dBE/bcde17. 3.1966Willesden66/219
Lichfield36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.14 - 14.38.14 - 16.5818jBE/bcde12.11.1959Willesden59/704
Wansdyke36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.14 - 82/969
Byrneley36 - 56.14.58 - 58.36.14 - 2.1998Burnley98/286 763

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