Andover District

One of the most successful meetings in recent years was held at Thruxton on April 2nd, the fine weather and three towers open for ringing drawing a big crowd of over 60 ringers during the afternoon and evening.

Ringing took place during the afternoon on the good six at Thruxton, followed by the service conducted by the Rev. Mr. Crecy, Vicar. A good tea was provided by the local ringers and their wives.

Mr. A. W. Alliston presided at the business meeting. There is to be a three district combined meeting at Stockbridge on May 21st, when it is hoped to have eight towers open for ringing and a combined meeting with the Newbury District on June 18th, at Highclere, Thatcham, and, it is hoped, Newbury.

A motion brought by Mr. G. Dodd to alter Rule 18 so that members need no longer pay the 6d. peal booking fee unless they wish their peal to appear, in full, in the triennial report, was heavily supported and this will go before the annual general meeting at Whitchurch, on July 2nd.

Ringing followed at Amport and Abbot's Ann.

G. K. D.

The Ringing World No. 2557, April 22, 1960, page 281