1. Master’s welcome

    The Guild Master - Viv Nobbs, supported by Vice-Master - Christine Hill, Hon. Gen. Secretary - Mo Routh, Hon. Gen. Treasurer - Mike Bubb and Minute Secretary - Tony Smith, opened the meeting at 5.20 p.m. The Master welcomed all present and thanked the Portsmouth District members for hosting the event and providing refreshments at Shedfield, lunch at Wickham and tea at Curdridge, the incumbents and tower captains for the use of their bells, Rev. Norman Chatfield for taking the service and David Burgess for playing the organ. She said a short prayer to open the meeting.

  2. Striking Competition results

    Leigh Simpson and Tessa Beadman had judged the Inter-District 8-bell Striking Competition at Shedfield that morning. The following results had been announced in the Study Centre and certificates presented to the team captains.

    Position District Method Score Peal Speed Drawn
    1stPortsmouthGrandsire Triples273h56th
    2ndChristchurch & SouthamptonGrandsire Triples383h235th
    3rdWinchesterGrandsire Triples422h594th
    4thAlton & PetersfieldGrandsire Triples443h141st
    5thChannel IslandsPlain Bob Triples522h577th
    6thBasingstokePlain Bob Triples723h82nd
    7thIsle of WightGrandsire Triples793h13rd
    Scratch BandGrandsire Triples422h588th

    The Master presented the trophy to the winning team captain, David Mattingley.

  3. The following 67 members signed the attendance book: Judy & Andrew Sparling (St. Lawrence, Alton), Ian Rees (All Saints, Basingstoke), Peter Rowe (St. Michael, Basingstoke), Wendy Smart and John Whiteman (Botley), Graham Nobbs (Carisbrooke), Marie Boniface and Rachel & Andrew Byford (Catherington), Robin Milford (Curdridge), Ruth & Derek Jackson (Eling), Andrew Banks and Roger Barber (Hawkley), Gill & Robin Wilson (Hinton Admiral), Katie Hill (Guildford Cathedral), Andrew Craddock, Christine, Peter and Rosemary Hill, Tessa & Tony Smith, and Pam & Richard Thompson (Hursley), Maggie Hiller (Kingsclere), John Palk (Lockerley & East Tytherley), Sallie, Andy, Isla & Erin Ingram (Milford-on-Sea), Polly Osborne (Minstead), Elizabeth & Andrew Johnson (New Alresford), Robin Winckworth (Petersfield), Sarah Hutchinson and David Mattingley (Portsmouth Cathedral), Elizabeth & John Davey (Ringwood), Nici Collins (Rotherwick), Viv Nobbs (Ryde), Liz Thornton and Chris Caryer (St. Mary Bourne), Betty Daysh (Shedfield), Colin Butler, Steve Castle and Barry Fry (Southampton), Sue Craddock (Sparsholt), Mo & Hugh Routh (Steep), Charlotte & Edd Colliss (Swanmore), Mike Winterbourne (Tangley), Michael Church (Upton Grey), John Colliss and Bruce Purvis (Winchester Cathedral), Michael Bubb (Vale), Peter Niblett (Whitchurch), Lisa Ashforth, Zara Bampton, Blanche Hunt, Simon King and Greg Painter (Wickham), Christine Knights-Whittome (Wonston) and Alan Buswell and Joyce Croft (unattached).

    Apologies for absence had been received from Peter Clarke (Bishopstoke), Charlotte Lloyd (Froxfield), Rosemary Oakeshott (Lockerley & East Tytherley), Rodney Skinner (New Alresford) and Jill Taylor (Ryde). Further apologies were received from Kim Matthews (Sacred Heart, Bournemouth), the Barton Stacey band, Judy Bishop (Easton), Helen Piper (Kingsclere), the Lockerley band, Susan Clutterbuck (Mottisfont), Phil Watts (North Stoneham), Deb Baker and Martin Barnes (Rotherwick), Lesley Blackburn (Titchfield), Kate Nye (Winchester Cathedral) and John Croft (unattached).

  4. Loss of Members from death since the 2014 AGM

    The meeting stood to remember: Philip Chalk (Hurstbourne Priors), Dennis Chapman (Eling), Aubrey Eveleigh (Isle of Wight), Scarlett Holbrook (Amport), Roland Jackson (Curdridge), Brian Jordan (formerly of Fordingbridge), Brenda Monaghan (Tower Correspondent at Leckford), Jacqueline Redway (New Alresford), Barbara Skilleter (Havant), Tamara Townsend (Botley), Esme Weaver (LM) (St. Michael, Basingstoke), Peter Williams (Alverstoke). Barry Fry said a prayer.

  5. Minutes of the 2014 AGM

    The minutes of the 2014 AGM at Goodworth Clatford were adopted on the proposition of John Davey, seconded by Mike Winterbourne, and signed by the Master as a true record.

  6. Matters arising

    1. Young Ringers’ Striking Competition

      The Master said that Dan Graham regretted he was unable to follow through with a Young Ringers’ event. Simon Lipscombe had done some initial research for an event and the Master gave a provisional sketch of the day: Youth Contest at an easy-going 8-bell tower. Wild and wacky team names only! Youth-friendly refreshments available. Hope to obtain Graham Wright’s mini-ring for entertainment and “Just for fun” contest between Guild Officers and a scratch band of Young Ringers. Some Young Ringers will judge. Have a simulator for silent practice using headphones. Use Facebook/Twitter for use of live feed, messages of support to be Tweeted etc. Lunch hopefully provided by kind adults. Youth speaker. Handbells. Late afternoon kids off to Pizza Hut or similar. Simon hoping to get business sponsorship for an appropriate trophy for the contest.

    2. Diocese of Winchester Mission Action Plans for parishes

      The Master said the Guild Action Plan (para 1(d)) included “The Guild to become a point of contact for diocesan and national liaison”. The Master and Vice-Master had a very productive meeting with the Bishop of Winchester and covered the Mission Action Plan in their discussions, particularly considering one of the Diocese’s four strategic priorities that incorporates “intentionally connecting and engaging with our local communities in culturally relevant ways.” They came away with a number of specific practical pointers from Bishop Tim. The Master had also met the Dean of Portsmouth.

  7. Life Membership

    1. John Dodd of Bishopstoke had completed fifty years’ ringing membership of the Guild.

    2. On behalf of the Executive Committee Tony Smith proposed, and the Hon. Gen. Secretary seconded, John Colliss for election to life membership in recognition of his services to the Guild.

      John was elected a member of the Guild at a meeting of the old Southampton District at East Tytherley on 9 July 1966 and would complete 50 years’ membership, and be eligible for life membership under the 50 year rule, next year. However the week before his election he attended the AGM at Alton on 2 July and has attended every AGM since, making this year his 50th consecutive annual meeting. John is also an outstanding ringer, having rung many peals for the Guild and has served in various positions at tower, District and Guild level, including more years than anyone can remember as Winchester Cathedral Ringing Master and nine years as Hon. Gen. Treasurer.

      The motion was carried nem. con. and the Master presented John with his life membership certificate to sustained applause.

  8. Confirmation of election by the Executive Committee to the office of Central Council Representative

    At its meeting in March the Executive Committee had elected David Mattingley to temporarily fill a vacancy as Central Council Representative. The Master proposed this election should be confirmed. There were no other nominations.

  9. Transfer of Houghton from the Andover District to the Winchester District

    John Palk proposed and John Davey seconded that, in accordance with rule 11, Houghton should be transferred from the Andover District to the Winchester District. The motion was carried nem. con.

  10. Officers’ and Committee Reports for 2014

    There were no comments on the reports which were adopted en bloc.

  11. Bell Restoration Fund

    1. Trustees’ Report and Accounts for 2014

      There were no comments on the Report and Accounts.

    2. Grant proposals

      David Mattingley reported that the Trustees had met three times since the last AGM.

      Five grants were outstanding: £1,000 to Northington being restored, agreed at the AGM in 2013; £3,000 to All Saints, Basingstoke adding a new treble to augment to a ring of ten bells and £4,000 to Houghton installing a new light ring of six bells, agreed at the Executive Committee meeting in November 2014; £3,500 to Wherwell being restored and £2,500 to Ecchinswell replacing a biggish ring of three with a light ring of six bells, agreed at the Executive Committee meeting in March 2015.

      No applications had been received since the Executive Committee meeting in March.

  12. Report of 2015 Central Council Meeting

    David Mattingley said the proposal that the annual meeting should be held during the first weekend in September instead of the late Spring Bank Holiday was lost. Tony Smith said the 19 June 2015 issue of The Ringing World contained the Editor’s customary overview and the detailed minutes would be published soon. He said that an interesting innovation was a break-out session when society representatives met by region to discuss (with the help of flip-charts and post-it notes) how they could learn from each other and improve co-operation. Peter Niblett spoke positively about the session and, in answer to a question from Andrew Johnson, said that the Methods Committee report was adopted without question.

  13. Report on the Financial Review

    The Hon. Gen. Treasurer had nothing to add.

  14. Guild Action Plan

    The Master proposed, and the Vice-Master seconded that the Guild Action Plan, as a whole and as presented to the 2015 AGM be formally adopted, subject to it being reviewed at the 2016 AGM. The motion was passed nem. con.

  15. Proposal regarding subscriptions

    The Hon. Gen. Treasurer proposed and Tony Smith seconded on behalf of the Executive Committee that the proportion of the subscription allocated to the BRF in accordance with rule 8.b be reduced from £4 to £2, the additional £2 available to Guild funds being allocated between central funds and the Districts in accordance with rule 15. The motion was passed nem. con.

    The Hon. Gen. Treasurer reminded District Treasurers that the change was effective immediately and would apply to all future subscriptions received.

  16. Proposal regarding Education

    Christine Knights-Whittome proposed and Simon King seconded on behalf of the Executive Committee that the Guild central funds reimburse ART/ITTS costs (currently £20 per person) for W&P Guild ringing members attending an ITTS Module 1 or Module 2 course.

    The Master proposed and the Vice-Master seconded an amendment to limit the annual spend by including the additional wording “ … or an alternative equivalent course. The Guild would, in the year 2015/16, fund up to a maximum of £500.” The amendment was accepted by the proposer and seconder of the original motion.

    Andrew Craddock asked where the £500 limit had come from and the Vice-Master referred to the Guild Action Plan (para 2(b)). Elizabeth Davey asked what was meant by an equivalent course and it was explained this meant another teaching teachers course. Andrew Johnson asked what was meant by the year 2015/16 and it was explained this meant from AGM to AGM. John Davey thought that grants should not be limited to teaching teachers courses but his view had not been supported by the Executive Committee. Bruce Purvis suggested there was nothing to prevent a member self-funding a Module 1 or Module 2 course and the Hon. Gen. Treasurer agreed and said this was to be encouraged. Peter Hill asked how applications are made and the Master said the detail had still to be worked out.

    The motion was passed against one vote.

  17. Proposal regarding Guild Database and website

    The Master proposed and the Vice-Master seconded that a Database of Guild Members be set-up and maintained to enable improved communications to all members, and a new Guild website be developed and implemented.

    Andrew Johnson asked what data would be held, how it would be protected and what would happen if the data were released. Simon King, who had been involved with the implementation of the Sussex County Association database, referred to the supporting paper and said security would be put in place to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act. John Davey wanted answers before agreeing to go forward. The Master said we need agreement in principle so that the details could be worked out. Peter Niblett said it was giving authority to the officers and Executive Committee to go forward without delaying another year. Elizabeth Davey asked about the time frame and the Master said as soon as possible. Steve Castle said the implication was that current communication paths were not always working and the Master agreed.

    The motion was passed against one vote.

  18. Proposal regarding Committees

    Tony Smith and Barry Downer seconded on behalf of the Executive Committee that the BRF Fund-raising Committee and the Social Committee be disbanded. The motion was passed nem. con.

  19. Public Relations Officer

    There were no candidates to fill the vacancy.

  20. Committee Elections

    The Master thanked the retiring committee members, some of whom had served for many years, for all their work for the Guild (applause). The following were elected.

    1. Belfry Stewardship

      Martin Barnes proposed by Nici Collins, seconded by Ian Rees. John Simpson proposed by the Vice-Master, seconded by Mike Winterbourne.

    2. Communications

      Graham Hounslow proposed by John Davey, seconded by Polly Osborne. Deb Baker proposed by Nici Collins, seconded by Ian Rees.

    3. Education

      Andy Ingram, Sallie Ingram, Christine Knights-Whittome, Polly Osborne, David Mattingley, Simon Lipscombe, Kate Nye and Duncan Loweth proposed by Mike Winterbourne, seconded by John Davey.

    4. Striking Competitions

      Peter Niblett and Simon Lipscombe proposed by Tony Smith, seconded by John Davey.

  21. Future Guild Events

    26 September 2015 Inter-District 10-Bell Striking Competition 
    3 October 2015District Officers’ ForumLittleton Millennium Memorial Hall
    21 November 2015Executive Committee MeetingSt. Barnabas’ Church Hall, Southampton
    27-30 May 2016Central Council meetingPortsmouth
  22. Date and place of 2016 AGM

    This would be held on Saturday 2 July 2016 in Winchester. Bruce Purvis said he had already booked the new Cathedral Learning Centre.

  23. Any other business

    1. The Master said that Barbara Townsend had offered to take over the W&P 200 Club and had been expected to make the prize draws for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 over tea. Unfortunately Barbara had not been present and the Master would follow up with Mark Esbester.

    2. Derek Jackson said the Guild should record their sincere thanks to Mark Esbester for the considerable amount of money raised for the BRF by the W&P 200 Club.

    3. Robin Milford said that Andrew Case would welcome any information as to the whereabouts of Mrs Deborah L B Donovan (formerly Handley-Garland). The Vice-Master said she could help.

    4. The Master thanked Guild members for ringing for the anniversaries of the first recorded true peal, VE Day, the sealing of Magna Carta and the Battle of Waterloo, and said the Queen would become the longest reigning British monarch on 9 September.

    5. The Master asked about Guild first pealers so far this year and Roger Barber, Ian Rees and Colin Butler responded. [Post-meeting note. Nine Guild members have rung their first peal this year: two at Christchurch on 28 February, one at All Saints, Alton on 25 April, two at Holybourne on 9 May, two at Fawley on 5 June, and two at Blackmore on 6 June.]

There being no further business, the Master closed the meeting at 6.28 p.m.