The 78th annual general meeting of the above Guild was held at Bournemouth on Saturday, July 6th. The bells of Christchurch Priory and St. Peter's and St. John's Churches at Bournemouth were available at various times during the day, and full use was made of them.
The service was held in St. Peter's Church, conducted by the Rev. Canon Brasnett (in the absence of the Vicar), assisted by the Rev. K. W. H. Felstead, Vicar of St. Michael's, Southampton. The address was given by Canon Brasnett, who chose as his text "He sent forth his servants at supper lime to say to them that were bidden, Come, for all things are now ready." He likened bellringers to these servants, saying that they also invited people to enter God's house. He added that the invitation included ringers themselves.
An enjoyable tea was taken in St. Peter's Hall, which was followed by the business meeting, with the Master (Mr. F. W. Rogers) in the chair, supported by the general secretary (Mr. J. A. C. King) and the general treasurer (Mr. R. A. Reed).
The Master called upon the meeting to stand in remembrance of two members who had passed on - Messrs. W. Tucker and W. Reed, both of whom had been members of the old Winchester Guild before it split up, and both had done great good in their own Districts.
The Master welcomed all present, especially the visitors from Peterborough, Nuneaton and Salisbury.
The statement of accounts was presented by the treasurer. This showed a balance in hand of £153 8s. 0½d., compared with £154 18s. 5½d. at the end of the previous year.
Mr. C. H. Kippin gave an account of the Central Council proceedings. Following this, a suggestion that the C.C. representatives should be instructed to vote in favour of any organisation designed to further the interests of bell-ringing was defeated, it being held that the representatives should vote as they thought fit after hearing the debate.
All the officers were re-elected en bloc and thanked for their past work.
A resolution from the Christchurch District urging that the subscription be raised so that a free and full report might be issued every year caused some discussion. It was found that there were quite a few points involved and, if the resolution was carried, two other rules would have to be altered as well. Furthermore, to provide such a report it might be necessary to raise the subscription to 10s. each. It was decided, therefore, to give the members as much opportunity as possible for discussing the matter, and a special general meeting will be held in Southampton on Saturday, November 2nd, for this purpose. In the meantime, the District secretaries would be asked to introduce the subject at their own meetings.
It was decided to donate five guineas towards the cost of the new ring of eight at Bitterne Park, Southampton. It was also agreed that five guineas should be given towards the cost of the new ring of ten at Portsmouth Cathedral, should an official application be made.
The next annual general meeting will be held at Southampton on Saturday, July 5th. 1958.
Miss Ruth Carey, on behalf of the Southampton University Society of Bellringers, presented the Guild with a copy of Ernest Morris' book "Towers and Bells of Britain." This was, she said, in appreciation of the help they had received from the Guild.
After the meeting, members adjourned to enjoy further ringing on Bournemouth's two fine rings of eight.
Thanks are due to Mr. A. V. Davis, for all the local arrangements, and to the clergy who made their bells available.
The Ringing World No. 2417, July 26, 1957, page 484