Winchester & Portsmouth Guild | Minutes of 1973 A.G.M. |
This meeting was held in the Chantry Hall, St. Marys, Southampton, on Saturday 7th July 1973. 99 members were present. The Master, Mr. R.R.Savory occupies the chair, supported by the Hon. General Secretary Mr.D.C. Jackson. The Master welcomed members and visitors.
Apologies for absence
The Gen. Sec. had received apologies from the Gen. Treasurer (Mr. K.S.B. Croft), Mr. B. Peachey and Miss H. Davies, Mr. R. Marlow, Southampton University Guild, the Fawley band, Lt.Col.J.H. Hulbert, Mr. W.O. Haythorne, Canon K.W.H. Felstead, and the Hordle band, who would arrive late.
Verbal apologies were received from Mr & Mrs. Gaskin, Mr.M. Palmer, Mrs. Marshallsay, Dr. Williamson, Mr.C.E. Bassett, Mr. J.S.Croft, Mr.P. Murduck, Mrs. G. & Miss C. Davis, Mr. K. Cook, Mrs Sullivan and Mr. R. Corke.
Loss of members through death
The meeting stood in silence as a token of respect to the following deceased members:-
Mr. G. Bevis, Tangley tower; Mr. M. Cass, Unattached; Mr.R. Collins, Milford on Sea; Mr. E. Payne, Wotton St. Lawrence; Mr.W. Tate, Unattached; Miss E. Craig, Freshwater; Miss E. Knight, New Alresford.
Minutes of 1972 A.G.M.
These were read, and, with two corrections, signed by the Master.
Matters arising
These would be covered by specific items on the agenda.
A letter had been received from Dr. K. Lamplugh (letter attached to these minutes). Mrs. Guy had written to express her thanks after her presentation. Letters commenting on the excellence of the Guild Dinner had been received from Mr. R.B. Meadows and from the Rector of Southampton. Letters of thanks had been received from Cheriton P.C.C. and Burghclere P.C.C. following the despatch of grants from our Guild. A letter from Southampton University Guild requested some recognition of its existence in the Annual Report, in view of its regular activity in maintaining Sunday Service ringing in at least two towers, twice each Sunday. A letter from the A.& P. District requested that business meetings at A.G.Ms. be terminated promptly at the time of the service, and resume again after tea, if necessary. Finally a letter from Mrs. Alice Sullivan (née White), who is over 80 years old, was read in full. (Letter is attached to these Minutes)
Guild Treasurer’s report
In his absence Mr. Croft had sent a detailed letter, referring to the Guild Accounts printed on pages 57 and 58 of the Annual Report. He commented that we have managed to come through the expense of the Triennial Report adequately. However we must consider how extra money should be raised for additional expenses in our Centenary Year. The meeting agreed to the acceptance of the printed accounts.
Guild Librarian’s report -
Mr. M.J. Butler reported a very active year. Many books had been borrowed. The “Tutor’s Handbook” parts 1 & 2 had been purchased, as had “The Ringer’s Notebook”. Mr.L. Bailey had presented a copy of the new “Snowdon’s Diagrams”. Loose copies of “Ringing Worlds” had been transported to the editor’s office, and had been bound. Bound copies of the 1970, 1971, and 1972 “Ringing Worlds” had also been supplied, but no invoice had been received. Mr.L. Bailey proposed and Mr.B. Fry seconded the acceptance of this report.
Guild Peal Recorder’s report
Printed copies of Mr.D.T. Matkin’s report had been circulated, and a copy is attached to these minutes. Mr. Matkin commented that it was another good year for peal ringing, and he particularly looked forward to the first handbell peal of Surprise Major (or above) for the Guild.
The report was adopted on the proposition of Mr.A.P. Smith, seconded by Mr.J. Chesterman. Mr. Matkin was thanked for his efforts in producing this detailed report.
The Master explained to the meeting that three handbell peals of spliced Royal had been rejected by the C.C. because they contained methods with only three leads to the course. Since they had by then been printed and numbered in our Annual Report, the Executive Committee had decided to include a note in the 1973 Annual Report altering them to performances, but to continue numbering from 4855.
Guild quarter peals
Printed copies of an analysis by Mr.A.J. Buswell were available.
Central Council representative’s report
Mr.G.K. Dodd, the junior member, gave a short account of the C.C. meeting in Oxford, during the Spring Bank Holiday, May 1973. He mentioned in particular the meetings on the problems of redundant bells, and on recruitment of ringers. He described the attempt to persuade the C.C. to accept the rejected peals of Caters at All Saints, Basingstoke, and how the meeting rejected this.
Guild Secretary’s report
In order to save tine, the Secretary had printed and circulated copies of his report on Guild activities.
This report was accepted on the proposition of Mr. Bailey, seconded by Mr.A.P. Smith.
Guild Report
Mr.R. Green stated that copies of the 1972 Annual Report had been delivered to District Secretaries and were being distributed to members. A few copies had pages transposed. These should be returned to District Secretaries who can exchange them for non-faulty copies with Mr.Green.
Thanks were expressed to Mr. Green for his work in producing the Report and enabling it to be available before the A.G.M.
Change of Rule 2
The Executive Committee proposed that, in the section “Vice-Presidents”:- To remain as currently worded, except that the title be corrected as follows, “The Rt. Rev. The Suffragan Bishop of Southampton”; also the following to be added, “The Rt. Rev. The Suffragan Bishop of Basingstoke”.
This was carried nem-con.
Change of Rule 4
The Executive Committee proposed:-
Delete “Honorary Auditor”. Add “The convenor(s) of the Bell Restoration Fund and of other sub-committees”
It was pointed out that the Honorary Auditor should attend meetings of the Executive Committee, but as a representative of Guild Members, to protect their interests.
This was carried nem-con.
Change of Rule 6
It was proposed by Mr.R. Green, seconded by Mr.A.P. Smith, that the following be added:- “On election, new ringing members (including Juniors) shall be supplied with a copy of the current Guild Report (if available) free of charge”
This was carried nem-con.
Changes of Rules 7 and 17
These were proposed, as indicated on the attached agenda, under items 17, 18, and 19. All produced lengthy discussions. Mr. Forder proposed and Mr. Butler seconded that we move from item 17 to item 18. This was carried against 1
Mr.F.E. Collins proposed an amendment to item 17. This was seconded by Mr.R. Green. The amendment deleting the words in brackets, was lost, 24 votes against, 16 votes for. The original proposition was lost, 16 votes against, 5 votes for. Item 19 was overwhelmingly defeated.
A break for service and tea then followed.
Guild Badges
The Master stated that the stock of badges was very low. There were indications that members were not satisfied with the present design. He announced a competition for a new design amongst Guild Members, and circulated printed details to District Secretaries. The judges would be the three principal officers, and the prizes would be:- 1st. £5; 2nd. free Guild Dinner ticket; 3rd. free Guild Badge.
Guild Bell Restoration Fund
Mr.K.S.B. Croft had sent an account sheet, and a detailed letter concerning the fund. The total to date was £486-76, twelve months after the inception of the fund. Special mention was made of the contributions made by peal ringers, and of the advantages of members covenanting. Mr. Colley suggested that it should be possible to accelerate the growth of the fund even further.
Requests for grants
Applications had been received from Fordingbridge and from Havant. The Trustees recommended that a grant of £50 be made to Fordingbridge and £25 to Havant. Much discussion ensued on the prudence of spending part of the fund in its formative years, and of it being directed towards fabric rather than fittings.
When put to the vote the recommendations were carried nem-con.
Election of Honorary Life Members
The Executive Committee proposed the election of Mr.A. York-Bramble as an Honorary Life Member, in view of the services he had given to this Guild and to the Ringing Exercise. He was now ill and unable to actively participate.
This was carried nem-con.
Guild Dinner
The 1974 Dinner will be held on 4th May. The traditional date was not possible since the popularity of the Royal Hotel had resulted in all other Saturdays being fully booked.
Guild Striking Competition
Mr.F.E. Collins was congratulated on his organisation of the 1973 competition. He announced that the 1974 competition would be on May 18th, that details would he available at A.D.Ms., and that the closing date for entries would be earlier.
Guild Ringing Course
A report from the sub-committee had been printed and circulated to the meeting. (A copy is attached to these minutes) Mr.A.V. Davis proposed, and Mr. Colley seconded, that a Guild Ringing Course be organised for October 1974. This was carried nem-con. The organising committee was elected, as follows:-
Mr.A.V.Davis, proposed Mr.Butler, seconded Mr.Mitchell.
Mr.A. Price, proposed Mrs.Kippin, seconded Mr. Chesterman.
Mr.J. Colliss, proposed Mr. Hargreaves, seconded Mr. Colley.
Mr.E. Colley, proposed Mrs. Kippin, seconded Mr.A.P. Smith.
Mr.A.P. Smith, proposed Mrs. Kippin, seconded Mr.Colliss.
They were duly elected, with powers to co-opt. Mr. Colley apologised for lack of initial activity over the sub-committee, but offered to act as convenor for this committee, and promised that he would do his best.
Guild Centenary celebrations
Mr.K.S.B. Croft proposed and Mr.M.J.Butler seconded, that “A sub-committee be set up to formulate plans for celebrations in 1979”. Mr. Butler stated that six years is not a very long time, especially if we were aiming to have all our bells ringing rounds by 1979. The proposition was carried nem-con.
A sub-committee was elected, as follows:-
(to be concluded)
Mr.M.J. Butler | Proposed | Mr.A.P. Smith | Seconded | Mrs. Kippin |
Mr.D.C. Jackson | Mr.L. Perry | Mr. Hargreaves | ||
Mr.B.J. Fry | Mr.G.K. Dodd | Mr.J. Colliss | ||
The Master | Mr.J. Pitfield | Rev. Gallup | ||
Mrs. Kippin | Mr.R. Green | Mr. Hargreaves | ||
Mr.K.S.B. Croft | Mr.B.J. Fry | Mr. Colley |
They were declared elected with powers to co-opt, and asked to report back to the 1974 AGM, with an interim report to the Executive Committee in March 1974.