A meeting of the Guild Executive was held on Saturday 12th December 1987 in the choir vestry of St. Barnabas, Southampton, starting at 1432 hours. The Guild Master, the Rev. B.J.Fry, occupied the chair, flanked by the Honorary General Secretary, Mr.D.C. Jackson, and the Honorary General Treasurer, Mr.M.Bubb, The Master welcomed the 23 members present out of a total membership of 29. The new venue had been made possible by his induction to the parish during September. The following, new members were introduced:-

Mrs. E. Johnson - Winchester District Secretary
Mr.P.Daish-Miller - Proxy for I.O.W. District Secretary

Apologies for absence

Apologies had been received from Mesdames Davis, Dunster and Le. Conte. Also from Messrs. Barsby, Dunster, Knight and Waldron. Upon hearing that the I.P.M's. absence resulted from Mr.A.V.Davis being admitted to hospital, the Secretary was asked to send the good wishes of the Executive to Arthur.

Loss of members through death

The members stood in silence to respect the following, deceased Guild members:-

Mr.S.Armstrong (Brockenhurst); Mr.G.Built (Longparish); Mr.C.Ford (Life Member, Silchester); Mr.A.Mitchell (Life Member, Andover); Mr.C.Turner (Life Member, Hambledon).

Honorary Life Members

It was announced that Mr.S.McCutcheon of New Alresford and Mr.P.Page of Portsmouth District would complete 50 years membership of the Guild, and would qualify for election to Life Membership at the 1988 A.G.M. Mr.M.Bubb wished to propose the election of Mr. W.J.Fallaize to Life Membership in 1988. Mr.Fallaize is now finding it difficult to participate in active ringing, but, as the "father of bellringing in Guernsey", has taught most of those now responsible for ringing in that island, providing support when ringing was struggling to exist. This was seconded by the Secretary, and carried nem.con.

Alterations to information in the Guild Report

The Secretary circulated photocopies of changes known to him. Mrs.E.Johnson asked that her telephone number, under Winchester District Secretary and New Alresford Tower Secretary, appear as Alresford 733266.


Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on 21st March 1987 had been typed, photocopied and circulated by the Secretary. Mr.A.T.Collins requested that mention of the Guildford Guild adopting a change to rules concerning acceptance of peals be deleted. He had not said nor meant the statement as recorded. The chairman signed the amended Minutes on the proposition of Mr.A.F.Case, seconded by Mr.R.Le.Marechal.

Matters arising

(1) The Secretary had written to Mr.A.A.J.Buswell, thanking him for his contributions, and explaining that his quarter-peal analysis would be used by the Guild P.R.O. in a Guild Newsletter, and that the updated tower summary would be photocopied and distributed, one per tower, in the Guild. Mrs.H.L.E.Peachey stated that she has not yet produced the 160 copies since the Report Editor and Mr.Buswell were due to update the tower summary and then supply her with a copy of the updated list for photocopying. The Secretary promised to contact Mr.Buswell and put him in touch with Mrs. Peachey.

(2) The Secretary contacted Mr.R.J.Knight concerning attendance at the Central Council Bell Restoration Seminar at Northampton on 4th April 1987. Mr.Knight attended and gave a report to the Guild A.G.M. A report also appears in "Ringing World", issue 3966, pg.399.

(3) Central Council Bell Restoration Funds Initiative. Mr and Mrs. Webster ordered copies of the booklet "Organising a Bell Restoration Project", and the Secretary obtained extra copies of the pamphlets issued by the C.C. Towers and Belfries Committee and Bell Restoration Funds Committee. One of each had been issued, before the meeting, to each District Secretary or their proxy.

(4) During the A.G.M., the I.P.M. had outlined details of the accommodation offered to the Guild Library by the P.C.C. of Christchurch Priory in their Muniments Room. Mr. N.M.White had no further information on this matter, and Mrs. Davis's absence meant that questions are deferred to the next meeting. Mr.A.P.Smith wished to know if there would be access to the library at Christchurch at any time of the week, and the Master assured him that this would be so. Mr.R.Cater pointed out that restoration work underway in Winchester Cathedral might also provide an alternative location for the library. Mr.G.C.Grant volunteered to investigate this.

(5) Guild Service sheet. Mrs.H.L.E.Peachey stated that Mr.A.Hoar was at present working on an alternative to our current booklet. Mr.R.Cater stated that the C.C.Education Committee was currently producing a booklet of Hymns and Prayers for Ringers. Mr. and Mrs. Webster had duplicated their district list of tunes to match the hymns in the current booklet, and offered these to members of the Executive.

(6) The Secretary stated that no-one had, as yet, displayed interest in becoming Minute Secretary for the A.G.M. and Executive Committee Meetings. The Master requested that he explain the situation to members during the next sequence of A.D.Ms.

(7) Guild Membership Badge. The Guild Master had been unable to locate Messrs. Awards and Trophies, producers of our membership badge. The Secretary had written to Fattorini Ltd., requesting an estimate for production of same. He had located a copy of the original drawing, produced by Mr.A.V.Davis, which won the competition for a new design in 1974.

(8) Mr.R.Le.Marechal pointed out that Liss Campanile does appear under the A. and P. District in the Guild Report, with a map reference.

(9) The Master reminded members that, at the A.G.M.:-

(i) the proposal concerning subscriptions from Andover District was lost.

(ii) the wooden handbell cases were on display, and they would now be stored in St. Barnabas Vicarage.

(iii) Ringwood celebrated the 100th peal on its 100th anniversary on 1st August, with all other events successful.


(1) Following their election to Life Membership at the A.G.M., letters of thanks had been received from Mrs.G.W.Davis and from Senator Rev.P.G.K.Manton.

(2) A letter of thanks had been received from the churchwardens of Newport following the allocation of a grant of £1750 from the B.R.F. at the A.G.M.

(3) A similar letter had been received from the P.C.C. of Carisbrooke, concerning the grant of £250.

(4) Letters of appreciation had been received from Eileen and Christopher Wood, and from Vera and Dennis Oram. Guild cards had been sent for Wedding and Golden Wedding

(5) An advertisement for the PASSWORD typesetting system had been received from Sotheran Ltd., together with a copy of the Essex Association Report produced by this system. The Secretary was asked to pass this to the next Report Editor.

(6) The payment for Public Liability with E.I.O. is due on 25th December. This year the gross premium has automatically been increased to £172-50 as a result of an automatic increase in cover to £1000.

(7) Mr.J.J.Hill had written to the Secretary suggesting we produce a Guild membership tie, enclosing details from N and M Edwards of Macclesfield. Mr.R.M.Esbester suggested that Mr.Hill be asked to undertake implementation of this suggestion as a fund raising scheme for the B.R.F. This was seconded by Mr.P.Miller, and carried.

Change of Rule 19

At the A.G.M. Mr.R.M.Esbester had proposed that the motion concerning this change of rule be not put. This was carried, by 16 votes to 10,and the Master had stated that the Executive would reconsider the matter. Messrs. Smith and Esbester spoke vehemently against the Executive backing this change of rule, while the Master and Messrs. Collins and Hill supported the change. The Master proposed that the Executive return this proposal to the next A.G.M, 12 voted for, 3 against, and these were 7 abstentions. Mrs Webster pointed out that long arguments over minor details concerning peal ringing were having an adverse effect upon attendance at A.G.Ms. Ordinary ringers could not see the relevance of such heated discussions

Guild Report

The Secretary stated that Mr.S.Dunster had telephoned his resignation as Report Editor, and had asked Mr.A.F.Case to return files and unsold Reports to the Secretary that afternoon. Mr. Case stated that Mrs.J.Dunster had prepared sets of proformas concerning members for each District Secretary, and he had distributed these. No one present had any suggestion concerning a replacement Report Editor. Mr.R.Cater suggested that Cdr.W.A.Harris might be prepared to act if the Guild were faced with an emergency. The Secretary stated that he would co-ordinate the accumulation of data, if necessary. Mr.A.T.Collins proposed and Mr.R.Le.Marechal seconded that a letter be sent to Mr.S. Dunster thanking him for his efforts in producing an excellent 1986 Report.

At this point there was a break for tea, provided by Mr.R.Milford.

Report by Social sub-committee

Mr.R.Milford read the report, prepared by the convenor Mrs.M.G.Aylieff, and presented the accounts. He stated that the 1988 Guild Dinner would be held on Saturday 26th March once again in Winchester Guildhall, using the same caterers who were offering a reduction in costs to make up for poor service at the 1987 Guild Dinner. The guest speakers would be Mr.N.Skelton, Master of the Salisbury Guild, and the Rev. Dr.J.C.Baldwin, President of the Central Council. Mr.R.Le.Marechal stated that, after the disappointing 1987 function, some very good publicity would be needed to encourage members to attend another by the same caterers. The report was accepted on the proposition of Mr.Le Marechal, seconded by Mr.H.L.Hatfield.

Report by Education sub-committee

Mr.H.L.Hatfield presented his report for 1987. He asked that he be allowed to present his accounts at the March Executive Meeting. He stated that the 1988 Ringing School would take place on 7th May at Eastleigh, and reminded members that elections for this sub-committee were due at the 1988 A.G.M. The report was accepted on the proposition of Mr.N.M.White, seconded by Mr.A.T.Collins.

Report by Striking Competitions sub-committee

Mr.A.T.Collins read his report on the three competitions held during 1987. He announced that competitions for 1988 would follow a different format, resulting from requests made by members. The inter-district competition on 8 bells would be held at Carisbrooke on Saturday 14th May. The 6-Bell and 8-Bell competitions would be held on Saturday 18th June, the former at St. Marybourne and the latter at Whitchurch. Both Mr.R.Cater, speaking on behalf of Winchester Cathedral, and Mrs.H.L.E.Peachey, speaking on behalf of Basingstoke, stated that they were able to produce 14 ringers for participation in the two events, but doubted that they could do so on the same day. The report was accepted on the proposition of Mr.P.W.Hill, seconded by Miss J.W.Reed.

Restoration Work

(a) St. Michael's, Basingstoke. 8 bells.

Remedial work by Taylor's will involve partial rehanging. The work should be completed by Christmas. Anticipated cost £2140.

(b) St. Mark's, Wootton, I.O.W. New ring of 6 (3½ cwt.)

Since the initiative to install the bells from Gosport collapsed in 1984, the Rector has investigated the possibility of Whitechapel producing a light ring of 6 for a small brick tower. The cost of the former is £15000 and of the latter £14500. It is hoped to complete the project in 1988.

(e) St. Mary, Kings Worthy. 4 bells.

Work is underway on the tower but the Secretary has been unable to receive confirmation that this will in any way affect the ringing of the bells.

(d) St. Peter, Hurstbourne Tarrant. 4 bells.

Following the A.G.M. the Secretary had written to explain that a grant for the restoration of the bells could not be made if they were to be hung dead. A reply indicated that the P.C.C. had been advised against full-circle ringing by the architect. Mr.G.C.Grant stated that full-circle ringing would be possible if remedial work were carried out on the tower.

(e) Holy Trinity, Gosport. 8 bells.

These bells have been purchased by the P.C.C. of St. Mary, Portchester, for £3000, They have been removed, and are in storage.

(f) St. Thomas, Woolton Hill. 6 bells.

Mr.G.C.Grant stated that these bells have new headstocks and fittings.

(g) Blessed Mary the Virgin, Eversley. 6 bells.

The P.C.C. have applied for a faculty to install an extra bell, "hung dead".

(h) St. Mary, Bentworth. 5 bells.

An American benefactor has offered to augment these bells to 6.

Date and Venue of next meeting

Following the decision of the last meeting, the Secretary has already booked the St. Lawrence Parish Room, Winchester, for the second Saturday in March, the 12th.

Any Other Business (in the absence of the Secretary)

(a) Dates and venues of Annual District Meetings were confirmed by representatives.

(b) The Guild P.R.O. has produced three Guild Newsletters since her election in 1986. She had been allocated a float of £75 during the Executive Committee Meeting on 15th November but had now overspent this by £31-29. The Newsletter now cost 30p per copy. The members agreed that Miss Reed be supported in her product of Guild Newsletters. Mr.A.F.Case proposed and Mr.A.P.Smith seconded that a further £100 be advanced to the P.R.O. This was carried nem. con. Miss Reed was asked to produce accounts at the next meeting.

(c) Mr.P.Miller expressed the concern of I.O.W. members over the contents of a letter written to Julia Weir requesting details of arrangements for the A.G.M. at a time when both she and her brother David had been incommunicado. The Master stated that the Secretary had experienced great difficulty in trying to contact the Weirs at this critical time, and agreed to write officially confirming the Executive Committee's confidence in the I.O.W. District Officers in their various capacities.
