Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome.
The Master, Rev B J Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, D C Jackson, opened the meeting at 2.03. He welcomed the 22 other members present and introduced the following new members:
S P Noyes - IOW District Secretary
Mrs R Jackson - Prospective Report Editor.
Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from P Hill, N White, L Hatfield, M Bubb, Mrs J Le Conte, and Mrs F Webster.
Loss of members through death.
Members stood in silence to remember E F Salmons (Portsea), L Burgess (Newport & Carisbrooke), and R Bolt (Brighstone).
Minute Secretary for Executive Committee and Annual General Meetings.
Following the suggestion at the March 1987 Executive meeting, the Secretary reported that he had asked at all Annual District meetings (except for the IOW where the Master had asked) for volunteers for this post. Four people had offered their services: Mrs C Hill; Mrs H Barsby; A Case; and another. Since A Case was already a member of the Executive, it was agreed that his offer be accepted with thanks and that thanks also be conveyed to the others for their offers of help.
It was agreed that minutes should be sent out as soon as possible after meetings and that typewritten minutes would be acceptable with a view to possible binding of loose minutes in future.
Minutes of the last meeting (12 December 1987).
The Secretary had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Following two minor amendments in respect of Life membership (P Page not eligible until 1989) and the Guild Dinner (different caterers to be used in 1988) the Minutes were approved and signed.
Matters arising.
Guild Library. Mrs G Davis assured the meeting that access to the library would not be a problem since the Church was open until 5.30pm every weekday in winter and 9pm in summer. The room was now ready to receive the Guild Library and there was general agreement that the library could now be moved. A P Smith suggested that access arrangements might be explained at the AGM.
The Secretary had written to A V Davis with the Executive's best wishes and was pleased to see him present at the meeting.
The Secretary had written to A Buswell who had forwarded the tower summary to Mrs H Peachey. Mrs Peachey had copied this information for District Secretaries (distributed at the meeting) and suggested that, after checking and amending where necessary and advising A Buswell of any errors, the summaries should be copied and distributed to district towers.
Guild Membership Badges. The Secretary had received some quotations, but as others were awaited it was agreed that this matter should be raised at the AGM.
Guild Membership Tie. J J Hill had agreed to seek quotations for Guild ties and G Grant had produced designs. It was agreed that the Secretary should also ask Mr Hill to try to obtain quotations for head scarves.
The Master had written to the Isle of Wight District Officers following item c) of Any Other Business and this matter had now been resolved.
Honorary Report Editor.
Mrs R Jackson had offered her services for this post. This offer was accepted with thanks and on the Master's proposition Mrs Jackson was co-opted as Report Editor until the AGM.
Honorary Life Members.
Mrs H Peachey reported that A Taylor of Basingstoke would complete 50 years membership in 1989.
A letter had been received from St. Mary's, Southampton asking the Guild to deal direct with its insurers in respect of the Guild Library.
A letter had been received from a Miss J H Cotton who wished to use a Guild hymn (The Sacred Bells of England) in her forthcoming marriage service at St Margaret's, Westminster. It was agreed that consent be given.
Dean Beeson of Winchester Cathedral had written to accept the position as Joint Patron of the Guild.
Correspondence had been received relating to "Armada 88 - Faith, Freedom and the Future" (details in the Ringing World of 26 February 1988). The correspondence was noted, but it was agreed that no further action should be taken by the Guild.
Honorary General Secretary's report.
The Secretary's report had been circulated prior to the meeting and, subject to an amendment to describe A Barnsdale as a resident member, R LeMarechal proposed adoption of the report. This was seconded by G Grant and carried nem con.
Honorary Treasurer's report.
The Treasurer's report and accounts were circulated at the meeting. The accounts had not yet been audited because the Treasurer had not received balance sheets from two districts. Subject to a minor amendment to a description in the accounts (as to handbell cases), the adoption of the report and accounts was proposed by M Esbester, seconded by M Waldron, and carried nem con.
Honorary Peal Recorder's report.
R LeMarechal read his report which included information as to 136 peals rung by the Guild. Adoption of the report was proposed by Mrs Peachey. seconded by A T Collins, and carried nem con. The Peal Recorder handed to District Secretaries details of peal anniversaries for 1989.
Honorary Librarian's report and Library Fund Account.
The Secretary read the report and accounts prepared by N White. A P Smith proposed that the Library Fund be topped up to £50. This was seconded by R M Esbester and carried nem con. A P Smith then proposed the adoption of the report and accounts. This was also seconded by R M Esbester and carried.
Public Relations Officer's report.
Miss J Reed presented her report and accounts. These were adopted on the proposition of R Cater, seconded by Mrs E Johnson.
Education Sub-Committee Accounts.
The Secretary reported that L Hatfield was still awaiting information to enable the accounts to be prepared.
Annual Report for 1987.
Mrs R Jackson advised that she had sought quotations from Papyrus and Lyndhurst Press. The quotation from Papyrus was the lower and the Master moved that this firm should be used. This was carried nem con.
Report and Accounts of the Trustees of the Bell Restoration Fund.
These had been prepared by the Treasurer and circulated at the meeting. Subject to a minor amendment (sees to saw) the Master proposed the adoption of the report and accounts and this was carried nem con. The Secretary reminded District Secretaries that when the BRF was set up it had been agreed by all districts that the first item of any other business at district meetings would be a collection for the BRF.
Restoration Work.
The Secretary had circulated a report of current restoration work. R LeMarechal proposed and Mrs R Jackson seconded its inclusion in the 1987 Guild Report, and this was carried.
District Secretaries activities.
The Secretary had previously circulated a comprehensive note of activities which might be undertaken by District Secretaries. It was agreed that District Secretaries be asked to consider this matter and forward comments to Mrs H Peachey and Mrs E Johnson who would report back to the next meeting with suggestions.
Andover District 60th Anniversary Celebrations.
R Knight reported on events which had taken place and also further planned activities including peals or quarters in every district tower and an open day on 28 May.
Guild AGM 2 July 1988.
Mrs V Williams reported that arrangements were in hand, centred on Petersfield.
Date of next meeting.
It was agreed that the next Executive Committee meeting would be held at 9.30am on 12 November 1988 in the Winchester area.
Any Other Business.
A Barsby advised that he had produced event cards for the Basingstoke District at a cost of approximately £10 for 160 cards and he offered to produce similar cards for other districts at a cost to be agreed.
A P Smith asked that consideration be given to requiring compositions of peals rung to be submitted to the Peal Recorder so that records could be kept. It was agreed that an item would be placed on the agenda of the AGM as to this.
R H Routh offered to assist with dismantling the George Williams cabinet and agreed to liaise with the Librarian.
R Milford advised that approximately 40 tickets had been sold for the Guild Dinner. There was no minimum number which needed to be sold and any deficit would be met from social sub-committee funds.
Mrs R Jackson asked if funds could be made available to her for postage etc. for the Annual Report. The Master proposed a sum of £25 be allocated and this was carried.
The Secretary reported that at one Annual District Meeting there had been a discussion as to whether Guild rules allowed the election of ringers from outside the two dioceses as Ringing members. The rules permit such elections for ringers who wish to be "full members of the Guild", but it was emphasised that it is open to district meetings to reject any proposed election to membership.
Members were reminded that the inter-district striking competition would take place on the Isle of Wight on 14 May 1988.
A Webster asked if notes of rule changes could be notified to District Secretaries following AGMs. However, it was felt that the early circulation of minutes following meetings would obviate the need for this action.
There being no further business the Master closed the meeting at 5.07pm.