1. Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome

    The Master, Rev B J Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, D C Jackson, and the Honorary General Treasurer, M Bubb, opened the meeting at 9.34 with prayers, and welcomed the 18 other members present. The Master especially welcomed Kim Matthews the Guild Librarian, and Malcolm Powell as Convenor of the Striking Competitions Committee, who had both been elected at the AGM, and also Jane Le Conte, Secretary of the Channel Islands District, attending her first Executive Committee meeting.

  2. Apologies for Absence

    Apologies were received from:-
    R M Esbester, R H Routh, and Joyce Reed.

  3. Loss of Members through death

    The meeting stood in silence to remember Reg Crook, a former Andover District Ringing Master.

  4. Honorary Life Members

    The Secretary reported that George Dowling of Goodworth Clatford would complete 50 years membership of the Guild during 1989. There was to be a surprise party in the Andover District to celebrate the event and the meeting was asked not to mention this matter. The Secretary reported receipt of a letter from Canon Felstead, a past Master of the Guild, enquiring as to his membership status. The Secretary proposed that the Executive Committee should propose the election of Canon Felstead as an Honorary Life Member at the 1990 AGM. This was seconded by A P Smith and carried nem. con. The Master referred to Geoff Dodd's great contribution to the Guild over many years, and proposed that he should also be proposed by the Executive Committee for election as an Honorary Life Member. This was seconded by the Secretary and carried unanimously. The meeting was also asked not to mention this proposal.

  5. Minutes of the last meeting (11 March 1989)

    Minutes of the meeting had been circulated by the Minute Secretary in March. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed.

  6. Matters Arising

    1. Guild Library. The Secretary had written to the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office (EIO) as to revised cover for the books in the light of Mr Skelton's opinion of value. EIO advised that the level of cover might need to be increased depending on whether the Guild possessed valuable editions of some books. It was agreed that the Librarian would check which editions we have and cover would then be increased as necessary.

    2. Guild Calendars. The Secretary had written to D Holmes as instructed and reported that Mr Holmes had produced a 1990 calendar during the summer which had been selling well at District meetings. Some copies were still available.

    3. Honorary Life Members. The Secretary advised that although John Hunt's name appears in the 1939 annual report under Titchfield, the Secretary of the Portsmouth District had checked the District minutes and found that Mr Hunt was not elected until 1943 and hence Life Membership had not been conferred on him at the 1989 AGM. A discussion ensued regarding the effect that the war years will have on the number of persons qualifying for Life Membership during the next few years. During this discussion, the Secretary advised that A Barnsdale was still intending to continue his work as membership secretary when time permitted. Mr Barnsdale had asked which was the last year for which the Guild had bound reports. The Librarian would look into the position.

  7. Report by Education Committee

    P W Hill read the Committee's report for 1989. Subject to the inclusion of the Ringing World reference for the full report of the Ringing School, adoption of the report was proposed by R LeMarechal, seconded by Mrs H Peachey, and carried nem. con. P Hill advised that in 1990 the Committee proposed to hold two workshops. One would be held on 5 May 1990, but the other was yet to be arranged. R Cater felt that a course for potential leaders would be useful, Mrs Peachey mentioned that the Basingstoke District hoped to organise a workshop for better handling.

  8. Report by Striking Competitions Committee

    M M Powell read the Committee's report, which related only to the 10 bell competition held at Newport as the Committee had only been in post since the AGM.

    It was agreed that the Master would write a note of the 6 & 8 bell competitions, the Secretary a note of the inter district competition, and M Powell a note of the 10 bell competition.

    The Committee propose holding the 1990 competitions as follows:-

    Inter DistrictMay 12
    6 & 8 BellJune 23

    The Committee were considering having a 12 bell competition in 1991 and then having a competition every other year which would alternate between a 10 and 12 bell competition. It was suggested that the Committee should consider this further and put a suggestion to the AGM.

  9. Report of the Social Committee

    R M Milford read the Committee's report for 1989 and gave dates of events for 1990.

    A P Smith felt that the 1990 dates should not form part of the report and, subject to this point, adoption of the report was proposed by R Cater, seconded by Mrs G Davis, and carried nem. con.

    The dates for 1990 are:-

    Annual Dinner28 April at Kingscourt Masonic Centre, Chandlers Ford
    Barn Dance29 September at Twyford Village Hall (band - Owd Roger).

    R Cater suggested the Committee might consider holding a luncheon as an alternative to the Annual Dinner.

  10. Correspondence

    1. The Secretary had forwarded a list of Guild Officers to the Ringing World immediately after the AGM, although this was later than the date by which the information had been requested.

    2. Messages of thanks had been received from the following for BRF grants received or promised:- Abbotts Ann, Bramshott, Soberton, Old Alresford, and East Meon. Also from the Central Council rescue fund for redundant bells to which the Guild had agreed to lend £100 when necessary.

    3. The CC Towers and Belfries Committee had advised the Secretary of a course on inspecting bells held on 7 October. Despite several attempts the Secretary had been unable to find anyone from the Guild who was able to attend.

    4. The Dean of Guernsey, the Very Reverend J R Fenwick, The Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight, the Venerable Tony Turner, and the Archdeacon of Portsmouth, the Venerable N H Crowder, had all written with thanks, happily accepting positions as Vice-Presidents of the Guild.

    5. A postcard had been received from Mike and Margaret Thomas in St Lucia conveying thanks for the Guild's best wishes on their Silver Wedding.

  11. 1989 Annual Report

    Mrs R Jackson proposed that the Principal Officers of the Guild should be authorised to accept a quotation for printing the report. This was seconded by Mrs G Davis and carried nem. con. Mrs Jackson asked that all District Secretaries should send a list of alterations to information in the 1988 Report as soon as possible after Annual District Meetings. It was hoped that a list of tower practice nights could be included in the 1989 Report. There was some discussion as to whether 3 bell towers should be included in the Report, but it was agreed that this should be left for the AGM to consider. It was also suggested that bands might wish to include a note in the Report if they were able to provide refreshments for visiting ringers as a way of raising funds.

  12. Insurance

    1. Personal Accident The Secretary had received a quotation from the Central Council (CC) for a policy which would provide benefits to members of £100 per week if off work. The premium would be 40p per person per annum. Similar cover (although with some differences as to exceptions etc.) from EIO would cost 55p per person p.a. The Executive Committee had agreed not to pursue group Personal Accident cover at its last meeting (minute 17a/3/89) since the Guild had previously resolved not to arrange cover of this type and hence there was no further discussion regarding this matter.

    2. Public Liability The Secretary advised that the Guild currently paid EIO £159 p.a. for cover of £500,000 or £250,000 for damage to property, less the first £100. The cover is for i) accidents caused by members to other persons, and ii) property being worked on, if supervised by a suitably qualified person. EIO were not prepared to quote for "full" cover. The Secretary had obtained a quote from the CC for "full" cover including member:member liability which would cost £150 p.a. for cover of £500,000 damage to person or property, but less the first £50 for property damage. Following some discussion it was proposed by A P Smith that the Guild public liability insurance be transferred to the Central Council scheme. This was seconded by the Master and carried nem. con. It was suggested that it might be necessary to transfer the Guild Library cover to the Central Council and Mrs G Davis proposed that the Principal Officers be authorised to transfer the Library and other insurance cover to the Central Council if this would be advantageous. This was seconded by R LeMarechal and carried nem. con.

  13. Fund Raising for BRF

    1. Mrs Peachey advised that with assistance from Mrs Johnson and G Grant, some quotations had been obtained for sweatshirts and other garments with embroidered motifs, and samples were on display at the meeting. It was proposed by R Cater and seconded by M Powell that Mrs Peachey, Mrs Johnson, G Grant and Mrs Cater should continue to investigate the matter with a view to obtaining garments to display at annual district meetings, the Principal Officers being authorised to approve expenditure for purchase of garments. This was carried nem. con.

    2. The Guild ties had proved popular and were nearly sold out. The Treasurer asked that sale proceeds should be forwarded to him as soon as possible.

    3. The Treasurer thanked those who had renewed or taken out covenants in favour of the BRF.

  14. Status of Minute Secretary

    A F Case advised the meeting that he was not seeking re-election as Executive Committee representative at the Portsmouth District ADM in February 1990. Since he had originally been appointed Minute Secretary partly because he was already a member of the Executive Committee, he felt that the meeting might wish to regularise the position. It was proposed by A P Smith and seconded by M K Waldron that A Case be co-opted to the Executive Committee in accordance with Rule 4. This was carried unanimously, M Waldron conveying thanks to A Case for his work to date. The Secretary suggested consideration should be given to amending the Guild Rules to incorporate the post of Minute Secretary when there is another change of rule to be considered.

  15. Guild Library

    The meeting was advised that a member of the Christchurch Priory band had offered to be the local contact to assist with arranging access to the library and it was agreed that this offer should be accepted with thanks. A T Collins proposed that a steel cabinet should be acquired to protect the most valuable books held in the library. This was seconded by Mrs K Matthews, who agreed to investigate prices and specifications and report back to the next meeting.

  16. Ideas from Districts for Improving the Annual General Meeting

    Mrs Webster reported that the Christchurch and Southampton district had made several suggestions as follows:

    Hold the meeting earlier in the year or on a bank holiday; Alternate the meeting between Winchester and Portsmouth; Hold the meeting in the morning with afternoon ringing, or have a lunch followed by the meeting; Have time limits on reports given at the meeting; Ask speakers to introduce themselves giving their name and tower; Let proposed changes to the rules be considered by districts before the AGM; Require nominations to be made before the meeting; Avoid lengthy discussions which turn into arguments; Offer free beer.

    It was agreed that the matter would be considered again at the March meeting, giving a chance for districts to consider further at their annual meetings.

  17. Restoration Work

    1. It was reported that the new treble had been installed at Southwick with the dedication arranged for 26 November.

    2. Some minor restoration work was to be undertaken at Bramley.

    3. Work at Old Alresford had been completed.

    4. Compton were considering rehanging their 3 bells.

  18. Date and Venue of Next Meeting

    It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Saturday 10 March 1990 at the St Lawrence Parish Rooms commencing at 10 am.

  19. Any Other Business

    1. R Cater reported that he would be organising another course at Sparsholt for the weekend after Easter in 1990.

    2. Mrs Peachey asked that if anyone knew how to remove gloss paint from brickwork could they please let her know as this needs to be done at All Saints, Basingstoke.

    3. R Milford asked that dates of events for 1990 should be forwarded to the Social Committee as soon as possible. These were usually published in the Guild Newsletter.

    4. S Noyes advised that there had been a serious fire at Brading Church, but there was apparently no damage to the bells.

    There being no further business, the Master closed the meeting with prayers at 12.25 pm.