1. Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome

    The Master, Rev Barry Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, Robert Cater, the Honorary General Treasurer, Michael Bubb, and the Minute Secretary, Andrew Case, opened the meeting at 10.15 with a prayer, and welcomed those present. He especially welcomed Joy Martin, Convenor of the Social Committee, Elizabeth Johnson, returning to the Executive Committee as Winchester District Representative, Malcolm Powell, representing the Portsmouth District, and Joan Parry, the Isle of Wight District Secretary, who arrived later, the Isle of Wight representatives having been delayed by fog. The others attending were:- Kim Matthews, Wendy Ling, Barbara Townsend, Ruth Jackson, Gail Cater, Faith Webster, and June Mitchell; Roy LeMarechal, Mark Esbester, Derek Jackson, Tony Smith, John Colliss, Ian McCallion, Andrew Craddock, David Whiting, Brian Oakes, Alan Hoar, David Savill, Tony Webster, Barry Downer, Francis Mitchell, Phil Watts, and Rev Canon Keith Walker.

  2. Apologies for Absence

    Apologies were received from:-
    Gilian Davis, Colin Belsey, Martin Waldron, Angela Athawes, Keith Williamson.

  3. Loss of Members through death

    The meeting stood in silence to remember Walter Sherfield and Margaret Evans of Bentley, Dorothy Huggins of Old Alresford, Jessica Wimlett of The Clatfords, and Chris Leach of Jersey.

  4. Minutes of the last meeting (19 November 1994)

    Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by the Minute Secretary in December. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed.

  5. Matters Arising (not elsewhere on the Agenda)

    1. CC Survey of 3 & 4 bell towers. Phil Watts had now completed the survey of the Winchester District towers and was returning the whole survey results to the Central Council.

    2. Guild Library - missing minute books. Kim Matthews had established that Terry Collins did not have any items on loan from the library. She would check whether the Guildford Diocesan Guild had any Winchester Diocesan Guild minute books from around the time of the Guildford Guild's formation.

  6. Life Membership Proposals

    It was reported that Paul Holmes of the Basingstoke District would complete 50 years membership of the Guild during 1995.

    The Secretary reported receipt of a letter from a member of the Andover District proposing that Jack Wimlett be recommended for Honorary Life Membership for his service to the Guild since his election in 1968. It was proposed by the Andover District representatives at the meeting that Jack Wimlett should be recommended to the AGM for Life Membership, and this was agreed nem con.

    The Secretary had also received correspondence from W Outram Haythorne who had been elected as Life Associate Member of the Guild around 1965, a category of membership which no longer existed. The meeting was reminded of Outram Haythorne's service to the Guild including a period as Secretary of Winchester Cathedral ringers and as Guild Librarian. The meeting agreed to recommend to the AGM that Outram Haythorne also be elected an Honorary Life Member for his services to the Guild.

  7. Officers' Reports for 1994 - continued from last meeting

    1. Education Committee Accounts. The accounts had been circulated with the agenda and were approved on the Master's proposition.

    2. General Secretary. This report has been circulated with the Agenda and was approved on a proposition from the Master, after a small textual change.

    3. Public Relations Officer. This report had been circulated with the Agenda. It was approved on the Master's proposition.

    4. Librarian. Kim Matthews made slight amendments to the report which had been circulated with the Agenda. The amended report was approved.

    5. Peal Recorder. Roy LeMarechal read his report, which was approved. He announced that he would not be seeking re-election at the AGM. The Master expressed thanks to Roy for his work as peal recorder over the past 18 years.

    6. Guild Belfry Stewardship Committee. The report had been circulated with the Agenda and was approved. Phil Watts gave information on the Committee's work to date which included work towards a questionnaire for towers on their bell installations, and work in connection with restoration schemes including inspections on behalf of the Trustees of the BRF.

    7. BRF Fund Raising Committee. The report had been circulated with the Agenda, and was approved. Gail Cater suggested the Committee might consider fund raising schemes to be conducted at Guild level in a proactive manner, such as the sale of items including garments, mugs, ties, tea-towels, beer-mats etc.

  8. Treasurer's Report and Accounts

    These had been circulated prior to the meeting and were accepted with minor typographical amendments.

  9. BRF Trustees' Report and Accounts

    These had been circulated prior to the meeting. Members noted that the income from the Portsmouth District included a substantial donation from Portsmouth Cathedral, Ian McCallion suggested that it might be helpful for the balance sheet to show the funds which have been committed for grants but not yet paid. The Treasurer pointed out that this information was in the Trustees' report but he agreed to add it to the accounts.

  10. Secretary's Communications

    1. The Secretary had forwarded the Central Council noise survey forms to District Secretaries.

    2. Information had been received from the Children's Society regarding their Peace-A-Peal and this was distributed to District Secretaries at the meeting.

    3. Colin Betsey had suggested that a framed Guild map might be produced on good quality paper and sold as a way of raising BRF funds.

    4. Fred Mouland of Nether Wallop had sent an old photograph of ringers at King's Somborne in 1935. The Secretary passed the information to the Librarian

    5. From 1996, the Guild would be entitled to five representatives on the Central Council. At the AGM in July we would therefore be electing five representatives to serve on the Central Council from May 1996.

    6. The Central Council Education Committee newsletter had been received and copies were available for District Secretaries.

    7. A letter had been received from the Channel Islands District advising that at their ADM in September they would be seriously considering forming their own Guild and Colin Belsey, the District Secretary would welcome any comments. Tony Smith pointed out that the Channel Islands District could not "break away" from the Guild, but ringers there could form their own Society alongside the W&P. The Secretary was asked to write for further information and clarification as to the background to the matter and express the Guild's continuing interest in providing ringing support to the Channel Islands.

  11. Production of 1994 Guild Report

    Ruth Jackson advised that she had received quotations from Papyrus and Sotherans. John Longridge was now in business on his own account and would also be asked to give a quote. It was agreed that it would be left for the Principle Officers to accept a quotation.

    It was agreed that for the future it might be nice if the report could include Christian names for everyone rather than titles for women only.

    It was also agreed that the Report Editor could not be expected to know whether District reports submitted to her had been approved and therefore it would be assumed that any reports submitted by District Secretaries had been approved by their District.

  12. Future Guild Events

    1. Dates mentioned at the meeting were as follows:-

      18 MarchBelfry Maintenance Course
      29 AprilEducation Day - afternoon course at New Alresford followed by a skittles evening.
      19 May6 Bell striking competition - Swanmore - 6.30 pm start.
      20 May8 Bell striking competition - Goodworth Clatford 2 pm. Tea and results at Andover, followed by the Inter-District striking competition at around 5.30.
      28 OctoberGuild Education Committee - course on tower management skills.

    2. There followed a discussion regarding the Channel Islands Festival to be held 1-4 June 1995. There had been about 50 applications from Guild members and a total of 125 people were expected.

    3. The 1995 AGM was to be held on the Isle of Wight on 1 July 1995. There would be two ringing tours of the Island and coaches/buses would be arranged to collect people at the starting points of Yarmouth and Ryde. Newport church rooms had been booked for the meeting and tea. A social event for the evening has already been advertised.

  13. Historic Peal Boards

    Derek Jackson had prepared a report which had been circulated with the Agenda. The report posed various questions, but the meeting agreed that the Guild should try to use the Central Council Computer Co-ordination Committee's database (which Andrew Craddock had with him at the meeting) and that Derek Jackson, Andrew Craddock and Phil Watts should consider the matter further and take such action as they consider necessary. Phil Watts agreed that the proposed questionnaire to towers regarding their installations could include a brief question as to the existence of peal boards in each tower.

  14. Guild Order of Service

    Canon Keith Walker reported on the sub-committee's deliberations regarding the Order of Service. The committee felt that the Order could be used in various ways - as an alternative to other orders or as a supplement to them. The inclusion of a selection of prayers would further extend the usefulness of the booklet. The committee also recommended that the booklet should include, as an appendix, the Alternative Service Book order for evening prayer. The meeting authorised the sub-committee to agree a title for the booklet and a revision to the foreword and then to proceed with the production of up to 1000 copies of the booklet.

  15. Communication in the Guild

    The Secretary had circulated, with the agenda, notes of a meeting held at Winchester on Sunday 5 February 1995 to discuss this topic. The notes set out a "code of practice" which was commended to District Secretaries and Committee convenors.

    The Treasurer advised that he was planning to arrange a meeting of all District Treasurers to discuss a "code of practice" for the collection of subscriptions etc.

  16. Date and Place of Next Meetings.

    It had previously been agreed that the next Executive Committee meeting would be held on Saturday 11 November at 10.15 and the venue would be St Barnabas Church Hall. It was agreed that the following meeting would be held on Saturday 2 March 1996 with the venue to be confirmed later.

  17. Any Other Business

    1. The Secretary had obtained information from the Millennium Commission, the National Lotteries Charity Board, and the National Heritage Memorial Fund. If anyone had ideas for projects which might attract funds from these sources they should contact the Secretary.

    2. Wendy Ling advised that the Winchester District would be the first to host the revitalised rota of open days and this would be held on 16 September 1995.

    3. Ian McCallion reminded the meeting that VE and VJ days provide an opportunity for giving publicity to ringing. He asked that he be kept informed of events being planned.

    4. Barry Downer had raffle tickets for sale in aid of Shanklin Bell Fund.

    5. Phil Watts advised that he had sent information for publication to the two diocesan newsletters - the Portsmouth Link, and the Winchester Way. The information had appeared in the Link, but not as yet in the Winchester Way.

    6. Derek Jackson reminded members of forthcoming notable events as follows:-

      13 July 1996 would be the centenary of the formation of the Basingstoke, Petersfield, Portsmouth, Christchurch, and Winchester Districts.

      19 October 1995 would be the centenary of the first peal of Kent Treble Bob Royal rung for the Guild

      12 February 1996 would be the centenary of the first tower bell peal ever rung by a lady - Alice White, of Basingstoke. Heather Kippin of the Basingstoke District was planning to co-ordinate activities relating to this event.

    7. District Secretaries and others were encouraged to let their Districts know what took place at the Executive Committee Meeting.

    8. Mark Esbester reported that in 1994 the 200 Club had donated £534 to the BRF and £550 had been distributed as prizes.

    There being no further business, the Master closed the meeting with prayers at 12.45.