A quarterly meeting of the Isle of Wight District was held at Freshwater on Saturday, August 25th, when the attendance for a six-bell tower was most gratifying. In addition to Island ringers, the company included Miss G. E. Herdey and Mr. S. E. Armstrong, of Brockenhurst, Mr. J. Parker (Edmonton), Mr. G. Dent (Essex), and Mr. George Pullinger, the genial general secretary of the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild. Ringing commenced at 2.30 p.m., and many touches of Grandsire Doubles were rung solely for the benefit of the local ringers. Touches of Plain Bob and Kent Treble Bob Minor were also brought round, and good use was made of the bells until 4.30 p.m., when the Rector (the Rev. R. Pratt) conducted the Guild service and delivered a short but interesting address. He afterwards entertained the ringers at tea in the Parish Hall, and presided at the business meeting.

It was resolved to hold the next quarterly meeting at Ryde on Saturday, November 24th, and a by-practice meeting at Newport one Thursday evening earlier in October, the date being left open for the secretary to arrange.

The District Secretary (Mr. B. J. Snow) announced that the Rector had kindly consented to join the Guild, and he therefore had much pleasure in proposing the Rev. R. Pratt as an hon. member of the district, and he was unanimously elected.- The General Secretary proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Rector for the use of the bells, also for his helpful address and for the sumptuous tea he had so kindly provided.- In seconding the vote, Mr. W. Upton (Newport) also referred to the good services of Mr. J. H. G. Ives at the organ, also those of the ladies, Mesdames Oxford and Chambers and Miss Godwin, who had prepared and served tea to them.- All were accorded best thanks.

Mr. Upton, on behalf of the Island ringers, welcomed the visitors from the mainland, and Messrs. Pullinger and Parker replied. The latter reminded the local ringers, who appear keen in the art, that to become proficient ringers they must study away from the tower and not merely when actually ringing. Punctuality was also a very essential point, and should be observed by all ringers.

Further ringing then took place during the evening.

The Ringing World No. 911, September 7th, 1928, page 570