Mr. Wilfred Andrews, a prominent member of Winchester Rotary Club, and captain of the Cathedral ringers, was invited to lecture on bells and change ringing at H.M. Prison, Winchester, on Wednesday, September 21st. He was accompanied by Mr. G. Noice and Miss Noice.

The party were met at the main entrance by the chaplain and chief warder, and were escorted through numerous doors and iron gates, and up winding stairs to the chapel, where about 200 prisoners were privileged to be present.

The lecturer, armed with a large assortment of manuscript, photographs and books, kept his audience's keen attention for about 30 or 40 minutes. He explained the casting of bells and how they were hung in church towers for ringing, and also described with the aid of diagrams on a blackboard the method of change ringing. He mentioned several outstanding peals of considerable merit that had been rung recently including the peal of Cambridge Surprise Maximus at Exeter Cathedral, which he described as a very fine performance.

Miss Noice (1-2-3-4) and G. Noice (5-6-7-8) then rang on handbells courses of Grandsire Doubles and Triples and one or two other selections. This is believed to be the first change ringing ever done in one of H.M. Prisons.

At the conclusion, one of H.M. guests thanked the lecturer and his helpers for the very pleasant hour spent.- Mr. W. Andrews responding on behalf of his colleagues and himself, said they were well repaid if a little pleasure had been given.

The Ringing World No. 1175, September 29th, 1933, page 614