Winchester and Portsmouth


In all 28 students gathered at Eastleigh College of Further Education, Southampton, on 2nd May to take part in the First Level Ringing School organised by the Guild.

Students were divided into groups - one to study Plain Hunting and the other to delve into Plain Bob Doubles. The curriculum took the form of lectures in the College, followed by practical sessions in nearby towers.

Coffee and biscuits were served during the morning, but students made their own arrangements for lunch.

At the end of the afternoon all returned to the College for a welcome cup of tea and biscuits, after which the Master (Mrs Gilian Davis) conducted an Open Forum to enable students and tutors to exchange views on the day's activities. The day was voted a happy occasion, a sense of achievement giving encouragement to those who had widened their knowledge in their chosen subject.

A large part of the success undoubtedly goes to the excellent organisation of the Guild Education Committee and to the 40 or so helpers (members of the W and P) who gave their time in the classrooms and in the belfries.


The Ringing World No. 3659, June 12, 1981, page 509