A quarterly meeting of the Winchester district was held at Hursley on Saturday August 28th, by kind permission of the Vicar (Rev. L. R. Husband). The bells were kept going during the afternoon and evening to Grandsire and Stedman Doubles and Triples, Double Norwich and London Surprise Major. Tea and meeting were held in the Club Room, the Master, Mr. G. Williams, presiding, in the absence of the Vicar. He was supported by the general secretary, Mr. G. Pullinger, and Mr. F. W. Rogers, district secretary, Portsmouth.
The election of Mr. R. Clark, Bristol, as a compounding member, was confirmed.
The Master announced that he had received a postcard from the Rev. C. E. Matthews, vice-president of the Guild, stating that he had left the Lyndhurst Cottage Hospital and was now at his home at Milford-on-Sea, steadily improving.
A vote of thanks was passed to the Vicar for the use of the bells and to the ladies for their kind attention at tea.
Those present were from Twyford, North Stoneham, Southampton, Stockbridge, Portsmouth, Winchester and Hursley.
The annual meeting of the district will be held at Southampton on Saturday, November 6th, notice of which will be given in ‘The Ringing World.’
The Ringing World No. 807, September 10th, 1926, page 571