Winchester District

The annual meeting of the above District was held in Winchester on February 5th. St. Maurice's bells were first available, where nothing could seem to go wrong - London, Cambridge, Spliced Kent and Oxford all came round.

A business meeting was held in St. Maurice's Hall under the chairmanship of the Rev. C. E. C. Brinkworth. The officers were re-elected and a rota of monthly meetings was introduced by the secretary, which ensured that all affiliated towers in the District were visited at least once every two years. Being a bell-ringers' rota, it also had the advantage that the order of towers for any particular year would not repeat for 60 years. Four new ringing members were elected - the Rev. Mr. Tupholme, Messrs. G. Dixon, G. Foncey and D. Verity, and also four honorary members. It was also resolved to send a letter of sympathy to Mr. R. W. Rex in his recent accident.

Members later took part in Evensong in the Cathedral, at which the Rev. K. C. Davis, Vicar of Hawley, gave an address. He mentioned the motto of the Linlithgow family- "Hope remaineth" - and urged ringers to be constant in their ringing out the message of the love of God, and that even if everything goes wrong and the effort does not seem worth while, then there still remains hope.

The Cathedral bells were put to good use for two hours after Evensong. Grandsire and Stedman Cinques, Plain Bob and Kent Maximus were attempted, with several rounds for those not so well acquainted with 12-bell ringing.

The Ringing World No. 2290, February 18, 1955, page 103