Following 1983’s last Quarterly Meeting [Nov. 26th], the Winchester District of the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild was entertained to a revue at Micheldever entitled “The Learner”.
Pantomimes, social evenings and dances seem to have become the norm in the District at the end of the year, and this year’s kept up the high standard which is now almost expected.
The “plot” was the exploits of Willie Makeit, a hairy legged Boy Scout, as he learned how to ring. Its central theme was the “Dreaded Ringing Assessments” promoted by the Central Council Education Committee and now being rung by the Guild on a pilot basis.
Resemblances to various District and Guild members seemed to flit through the scenes. These ranged from a C.C. member who places great emphasis on knowing all the rules of method construction and meeting procedures, through a caricature Yorkshireman forever holding on to his brass and getting out of buying rounds, to a large comic policeman who has aspirations to the academic life. A grumpy coal carrying Hampshire Hog made an appearance, as did a septuagenarian ringer (minus his wife) of national renown and Surrey origins, who always demands written agenda at meetings.
Kay le Marechal was a magnificent Charles Laughton cum Quasimodo, and Hugh Hill loud as a Wallie.
The scene with outstanding visual impact was “The Top Hats”, loosely based on a Guild officer who doubles as a Mad Hatter when selling raffle tickets. Their dance routine was hilarious, even more so when the audience had worked out which bits of their torsos were being displayed.
Christine McCallion as the revue’s producer is to be heartily congratulated once again on a fine achievement.
The revue was not the only attraction, as the evening started with a substantial supper arranged by Joyce Reed and the Micheldever ringers, and concluded with a disco.
The Ringing World No. 3793, January 6, 1984, page 6