On Sunday, December 1st, the bells at St. Thomas’ Church were reopened after being rehung with modern improvements, including ball bearings, by Messrs. Mears and Stainbank. The result is that the bells now go perfectly.
To mark this occasion, special mention of the bells and change ringing was made by the Vicar (Rev. E. E. Utterton) in his sermon. He spoke of the various uses of bells and of the great art of ringing. He told his congregation that it was far more difficult to learn change ringing than many people imagined. He also spoke of the position of the bells and ringers, saying, that as the bells were hung in the highest part of the church, one naturally had to look up to the bells and ringers, and he himself looked up to any ringer who mastered this great art.
After the service, he said the bells would be rung in various methods, and he asked the congregation to stay to listen to the ringing, and many did so. Some good ringing was done by the local band and visitors from Highclere and Newbury in the following methods: Grandsire and Stedman, and Plain Bob.
Change ringing has flourished somewhat at Woolton Hill during the past few years, and it is hoped to get back to the original standard of Surprise ringing in the near future. The ringing included 720 of Bob Minor by: H. Curtis 1, J. Scott 2, J. Berry 3, F. Knapp 4, L. Robbins 5, R. Rex (conductor) 6, followed by 360 in the same method by J. Robbins 1, A. Challis 2, F. Knapp 3, J. Berry 4, S. Beaven 5, H. Curtis (conductor) 6.
The Ringing World No. 977, December 13th, 1929, page 793