A P Smith
234567890ETABCD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
423567890ETACDB - - - - - S
243567890ETADBC - - - - - - |
3245 - - - - - - S |
5243 - - - - - - - |
2543 - - - - - - - |
3542 - - - - - - - | A
4352 - - - - - - S |
2354 - - - - - - - |
5234 - - - - - - S |
3425 - - - - - - |
234567890ETABCD A
St Martin, Birmingham, 7.1.2007
J Clatworthy
23456 9ths M W H
65432 - - -
674523 -
452367 S S - -
53246 2 SS
24536 - -
52436 SS -
(32456) S
Hursley, 13.1.2007
C P Starbuck and D F Morrison
23456 B M W H
52436 - | A
42365 S 2 - |
45263 2 -
43562 2 -
64532 -
64325 - -
34256 S 2 -
23456 4A
Milford-on-Sea, 13.1.2007
P W J Sheppard
(625134) M W H
162534 -
165243 a
132546 - -
156423 - - 2
124365 - - 3
162345 - SS
135426 - - 2
123456 - 3
Start 10 changes before tenor in 6ths
S in 34 at 3rd change
a = S7ths/S4ths/SW/S2nds/6ths
Portsmouth Cathedral, 20.1.2007
R R Horton
23456 M W H
52436 1
34625 1 1
26543 1 1
45362 1 1
52364 1 2
24365 1 2
20 each 56s, 65s
64 each 5432s, 3456s at the back
14 2345s, 8 6543s off the front
South Petherton, 27.1.2007
D F Morrison (No.822)
23456 B M W H
64352 - -
56342 -
26543 2
26435 - -
63542 2 -
54632 - -
43526 -
32546 2 3
70 cru (inc 24 56s)
Shedfield, 28.1.2007
W Hudson (arr. P A B Saddleton)
231456 2 S H L Q 14
346125 S
216435 X
(231456) X S
356412 X X |
512463 X X |
163425 X X | A
641235 X X X |
435216 X X |
326541 S |
(342516) X S | B
541326 A |
324156 3B
125346 A
231456 4B
Yateley, 3.2.2007
Alverstoke, 9.11.2008
R J Angrave [RW 2006 p.620]
23456 M B 5ths W H
26354 2 -
374526 - S |
245367 S4ths | A
36452 S3rds S |
52364 2A -
26543 -
56342 - x
375246 2 4ths S
235647 S -
357246 - - S S
653247 In -
23456 - - -
x = Out/4ths/In
24 each 5678, 8765, 18 3456, 12 each 6478, 6543
Queens, Kings, Tittums, 60 cru, 5 each 23456, 76543
Bitterne Park, 4.2.2007
T J Hinks (No.10)
2345678 1 3 4 6 7
2348765 (- - 6
4365278 - -) -
24635 - S
56432 3 - -
36452 S 3
32465 - - 2
S halfway and end
Omit bracketed calls except in part 1
For 5040 call 1.6S instead of last two courses of the peal
For handbells
Micheldever (handbells), 10.2.2007
Awbridge (handbells), 4.5.2016
G H Cross
23456 W B H
35264 1 3
63254 - 3
63425 - 2 -
64235 - 2
36245 - 3
43265 - 3
54326 - 2 2
25346 - 3
34256 - -
32456 S
North Stoneham, 23.2.2007
D F Morrison (No.29)
23456 M W H
26354 2 -
65432 - 2
24536 - -
32546 -
36245 2 3 -
64523 - 2
35426 - -
23456 -
116 little bell runs
(inc 14 each 23456s and 65432s, 9 76543s)
St Nicolas, Guildford, 24.2.2007
B D Constant
23456 M W H
42356 -
43526 - 2
24365 2 2 2
Haslemere, 24.2.2007
D F Morrison
23456 M B W H
35264 -
24563 - S
23645 S - S S |
237546 - 4ths/5ths |
427365 In/4ths | A
267453 In/4ths - |
547236 In/4ths/5ths |
357462 In/4ths |
534267 In S
64325 S S
537426 A
654327 In S S
62354 - S -
34256 S -
456732 S In
524367 - S5ths
23456 M -
126 little bell runs
(inc 24 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s, 6543s)
16 56s, 8 7568s
All Saints, Basingstoke, 3.3.2007
R LeMarechal (No.3)
23456 7ths M W H
65432 - - -
674523 -
524367 S S -
42635 -
24365 X - - -
56342 - - -
573624 -
324657 S S -
64523 - -
25346 - - 3
23456 - 2
X = 1.1½.2.2½
St David’s Cathedral, 3.3.2007
A J Cox
23456 M W H
52436 -
24365 S S 2
62345 -
25346 - 3 2
23456 - 2
19 56s, 41 5432s
St Laurence, Reading, 17.3.2007
B D Price
2345678 B M H
5637428 - In
6754328 -
5734628 - 3
3526478 2 4ths
2345867 * (3 leads)
Add bob at * in parts 3, 6 and 9
Omit 3 Homes in parts 4 to 9
Omit 3 Middles in parts 7 to 9
Pig-le-Tower, Marston Bigot, 18.3.2007
D F Morrison
23456 Out In 5ths H
23645 - -
34625 -
54263 - 2 -
25346 -
65243 -
26354 -
46253 3 -
24365 -
32465 2
144 cru
14 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s off the front.
Bitterne Park, 25.3.2007
J R Ridley [RW 1996 p.662]
23456 M W H
52436 - CCCCC.YNNY |
34625 - - YYYN.C.YYYN |
62345 - - NYNNC.CCCC. | A
36245 - NNNYYNYYN. |
23645 - RRRRRRRRR. |
23564 A
62534 - CCCCC.YNNY
35426 - - YYYN.C.YYYN
42356 - - NYNNC.CCCC.
34256 - NNNNYR.
23456 - RNR.
1440 each Lincolnshire (N), Yorkshire;
1320 Cambridge; 840 Rutland; 49 com, atw
Carisbrooke, 8.4.2007
Bishopstoke, 5.6.2007
A G Reading
23456 W M H
(42635) - -
43526 - 2 2
(53624) -
(45236) - 2
23456 - -
10 56s, 5 65s
91 little bell runs
Winchester Cathedral, 9.4.2007
James S Croft
23456 M W H
45236 1 1
63254 1 1 1
62534 1 2
36524 1
64523 1 2
26543 1
34562 1 1 1
43265 2 2
64235 1
25346 1 1 2
23456 1 2
Micheldever (handbells), 9.4.2007
J Clatworthy
23456 M W H
43526 2 1
53246 2 1
45362 2 2 2
42563 2 1
24365 2 2
Hunters Crescent, Romsey (handbells), 15.4.2007
B D Constant
23456 M B W H
45236 - -
53462 -
32465 - In/5ths
26354 - S3rds/S5ths -
273546 S5ths
435267 S4ths
32654 S3rds/S5ths -
42356 - -
Call In/S4ths/S3rds/5ths for In/5ths in part 2
88 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s)
18 8765s at the back
18 each 5678s, 8765s off the front
42 little bell runs at the back
52 little bell runs off the front
Queens, Tittums, back rounds and all the near-misses
Bitterne Park, 15.4.2007
Bucklebury, 2.8.2008
D F Morrison (No.3150)
23456 M B W H
54326 S S
46235 2 - S
35462 S - S 3*
65423 S 3+
34256 2* - S S
3* = SBS, 3+ = BSB, 2* = SB
For 5024 call S for 3+ in any one part
91 cru (inc 21 56s, 18 65s)
18 8756s, 9 8765s at the back
9 5678s off the front
all the near-misses
St Lawrence, Alton, 21.4.2007
D F Morrison (No.8)
23456 M In/5ths W H
64352 1 1
64523 X 1
26543 1
45362 1 1
56423 X
24365 1 1
Maidenhead (handbells), 22.4.2007
James S Croft
23456 M W H
26354 2 1
54632 1 2 2
64352 2 1
53462 2 2
32465 1 2
Micheldever (handbells), 25.4.2007
T J Hinks
23456 M W H
42356 1
54326 1
56423 2 1
54263 1 2
24365 1
Micheldever (handbells), 29.4.2007
R D S Brown (No.1)
23456 5ths B M W 4ths H
34625 S S - SS
52463 - S -
42365 -
66 cru (inc 18 each 56s, 65s)
6 each 8765s, 8756s at the back
18 each 8765s, 8756s off the front
12 each 5678s, 6578s off the front
All Saints, Basingstoke, 7.5.2007
D F Morrison (No.55)
23456 M B W H
35642 2 1
32654 1 4 1
42356 - 1
Upham, 12.5.2007
Bishopstoke, 16.6.2009
C Forster (rotated)
(25364) B M W H
35462 -
53624 - S
43625 S 3
56324 - -
24365 S - 3
56342 - - -
45362 -
35264 -
Snap start and finish
60 cru (inc 24 56s, 12 65s)
24 8765s at the back
20 each 5678s, 8765s off the front
56 little bell runs at the back
58 little bell runs off the front
Tittums and back rounds
Hungerford, 13.5.2007
M B Davies
23456 M W H
(52436) -
(34625) - -
43526 2 2
(32546) 2
54263 S S -
53462 2 -
(65432) -
23456 - - -
Portsmouth Cathedral, 26.5.2007
Bishopstoke, 8.3.2014
D F Morrison (No.118)
23456 M B W H
43652 - LLS
65432 - - YLL
24536 - - (YCC)LC
36452 2 CSYLSY
53462 - CSSCSCY
24365 - (-) LYL
Omit (-) in alternate parts
For 5056 call L for (YCC) in any 2 parts
1600 Lessness, 1216 Cambridge,
1152 Superlative, 1088 Yorkshire; 120 com
24 each 56s, 65s
15 each 8765s, 8756s at the back
15 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756 off the front
Tittums, back rounds
Trumpington, 28.5.2007
D F Morrison (No.7)
23456 B M W H
43562 S S 2 (BS)
43625 - -
324756 In
273546 -
643257 4ths -
35426 - S
42356 - -
24 each 5678s, 8765, 7568s, 5432s at the back
21 5678s and 15 8765s off the front
Eaton Socon, 28.5.2007
D F Morrison (No.2)
23456 B M H
52364 - 2
36452 2 - (a)
43526 - - -
43265 - -
64352 - 2
34256 -
(a) = S3rds/S5ths
76 cru (inc 15 each 56s and 65s)
18 5678s, 12 8765 off the front
15 8765s at the back
All Saints, Basingstoke, 2.6.2007
C Middleton (arr. D F Morrison)
23456 B M W H
23564 - -
35264 (a) 2
56342 2 2 3
64523 2 2 3
42635 2 2 3
23456 2 2 3
(a) = S5ths/S2nds/M/SW/S4ths
Shedfield, 16.6.2007
Upper Froyle (handbells), 17.8.2009
D F Morrison
2345678 In M B W 4ths H
42356 - CLR
64352 - - - - BPNNPBLYRRP
56342 - SCSCYNY
7823456 - SP
896 Pudsey; 672 Cambridge, Lincolnshire,
Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire;
448 Bristol, London; 146 com
18 each 5678s, 4567s, 3456s, 2345s
10 each 8765s, 7654s, 6543s, 5432s
no 87s at backstroke
Bitterne Park, 21.6.2007
C Adams
23456 M W H
64352 - -
53246 - -
34265 S 2
For 5058 call S for 2W in part 6
Lundy, 23.6.2007
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 17.7.2010
A J Cox
23456 W 5ths M H
34256 2
32546 - 2
273546 - S3rds
632547 S 3 2
26354 SS -
(43526) S 3 S4ths
63425 2
23465 S 3
43526 S -
53246 2 -
23456 2 -
62 cru (inc 18 56s, 6 65s)
12 8765s at the back
24 each 5678s, 8765s off the front
Bitterne Park, 8.7.2007
D G Hull (No.4)
23456 9ths M W 8ths H
54362 S S S
63452 SS SS S SS S
34256 SS S 2
52436 S S
(32456) S
15 56s, 29 each 4567s, 5432s
21 7654s, 7 2345s
St Laurence, Reading, 10.7.2007
23456 M W H
53264 2 S
23465 - 3 3
Micheldever (handbells), 19.7.2007
St Mary, Southampton, 21.12.2024
C K Lewis
23456 M W H
53462 S S
42365 S SS -
34265 SS -
23465 SS -
Micheldever (handbells), 26.7.2007
James S Croft
234567890ET M W H
(43652789T0E) 1 Out KKKKBBB
65432 1 1 BBBBKKKK
032547698ET 5ths 9ths KKKBBBBBBBBB
245367890ET 1 6ths 1 2 BBBBBBBBBBBKKKKK
4704 Kent TB, 348 Bastow LB, 24 com
Holybourne (handbells), 28.7.2007
A G Reading
23456 B 5ths M 4ths W In H
(647253) -
(745263) 3 -
(347265) - -
432567 3 - S
(25364) - 2
735246 - (S 5 (SBBSB)
257346 - S
273546 2* S)
(436257) -
24563 - - - -
42635 - S
24635 2+
24356 - -
4th place bobs
Omit bracketed calls in part 2
2* = SB, 2+ = BS
63 cru, 576 combinations of 5678
61 468s (inc 24 2468s, 14 3468s, 13 5432s) at the back
436 combinations of 5678 (inc 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 7568s, 8657s)
13 each 6578s, 8756s, 12 each 8567s, 7568s off the front
24 2468s, 10 3468s off the front.
Queens, Kings, Whittingtons
Hurstbourne Priors, 17.8.2007
A G Reading (No.4)
234567890 7ths M W H
43652 -
64352 -
56342 -
273654 - S
234657 S S
(65432) S -
45236 -
(246539078) (a)
(56342) - -
(46325) S S
(345627890) (a)
(64523) S S
54326 -
(24365) S S
(325469078) (a)
(42563) S S
(64523) -
54326 -
(24365) S S
(325467890) (a)
(42536) S
(a) = S5ths/S2nds
91 7890s, 46 0987s,
173 little bell runs at the back
44 7890s, 99 0987s,
105 little bell runs off the front
Portsmouth Cathedral, 18.8.2007
A G Reading (No.2)
23456 M In/5ths W H
45236 - -
34256 -
54263 S S
23465 - S
43652 S 2 -
56342 S S
34562 - -
34625 X -
32546 2 - -
43526 -
65324 - -
23456 - -
12 56s, 8 65s
166 little bell runs
North Stoneham, 18.8.2007
Bishopstoke, 15.2.2011
A G Reading
23456 M B 4ths 5ths W H
25364 - 2*
26354 2+
273546 S
435267 S
23645 2* S
34256 -
2* = BS, 2+ = SB
73 cru (inc 24 56s, 21 65s)
24 8765s, 15 8756s at the back
24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s off the front
Bitterne Park, 19.8.2007
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.2.2013
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.2.2015
Portsmouth Cathedral, 21.2.2015
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 7.2.2016
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 23.7.2016
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 10.2.2017
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 9.2.2018
Bitterne Park, 3.3.2019
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 22.12.2019
Green Lane, Bosham (handbells), 14.8.2020
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.3.2022
Brighstone, 23.10.2023
Portsmouth Cathedral, 31.12.2023
St Mary, Portsmouth, 17.5.2024
A G Reading
23456 W M H
34256 2
32546 - 2
53246 SS -
25634 - -
32654 - 3
46325 - - -
32465 - -
S halfway and end
Omit SS in all but one part
144 cru, Tittums
Abbey Manse, Romsey (handbells), 26.8.2007
A G Reading (No.4)
23456 M W H
42356 1
42635 4ths/In 2
45362 S4ths/Out/S4ths/In 1
42563 2 1
35426 4ths/In 1
36452 4ths/In 2
273546 2 S5ths
435267 S4ths
472536 1 S4ths/S2nds/S5ths
432657 S4ths/S2nds/Out/4ths/S3rds 2
374526 Out/S5ths
532467 S4ths 1 1
53462 4ths/In/S4ths/S2nds/4ths/In 1
23456 4ths/In 1 1
24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s,
20 5432s, 12 8756s at the back
24 5678s, 18 8765s, 14 5432s, 12 3456s, 10 2345s off the front
Back rounds
Winchester Cathedral, 27.8.2007
B D Constant
23456789 1 2 3 4 5
35428967 S S -
5243 - - -
2345 - - -
23754986 - S -
23457689 - - -
32465978 S - |
43265 - - - |
24365 - - - |
46523 - - S |
46523897 - - - |
46523789 - - - |
64325978 - S S |
34562 S - | A
23465 - - S |
42365 - - - |
42365897 - - - |
34265789 - - |
23465 - - - |
42365 - - - |
34265978 - - |
53462 - - S
43256 S -
43652 - - S -
24356 - - S
32456 - - -
23497568 S - -
4239 - - -
3429 - - -
43256879 S S -
35247968 S S -
35792468 S - S -
23547968 S - S
5234 - - -
24356879 S S -
32456 - - -
25438967 S -
5342 - - -
3245 - - -
32754986 - S -
23457698 - S S
(34265879) A
18 56789s, 20 65789s
18 each 56978s, 65978s, 23456s, 65432s
12 76543s, 22 9876s, 28 468s
Queens, Whittingtons, Tittums
all the near-misses
Haslemere, 1.9.2007
C K Lewis
23456 M W H
53462 S S
42365 S SS -
34265 SS -
23465 SS -
Micheldever (handbells), 6.9.2007
I R Fielding
23456 M W H
34256 2
24536 2 -
54326 2 -
56423 2 -
24365 - - 3
53462 - -
65432 -
23456 - - -
Magdalen College, Oxford, 9.9.2007
M R Eccleston
431256978 1.7.9S.10.12.14 (16 sixes)
3241 6.8S.16
2134 6.8S.16
1423 6.8S.16
3421 7.9S.10.12.14 (16 sixes)
4132 6.8S.16
1243 6.8S.16
2314 6.8S.16
798123456 (16 sixes)
789 3S.14
819234567 6.8.11S.13.14 (16 sixes)
129345678 6.8.11S.13.14 (16 sixes)
192 3S.14
1234 13S.15
2413 13S.15
4321 13S.15
1324 6.7.9S.10.12S.14S (16 sixes)
3412 13S.15
4231 13S.15
2143 13S.15
135792468 3.5S. (16 sixes)
97531 (14 sixes)
213654987 (10 sixes)
123987654 1.3.6S.10.11.13S.15 (16 sixes)
321 5.16S
291876543 6.8.11S.13.14 (16 sixes)
981765432 6.8.11S.13.14 (16 sixes)
189 5.16S
879654321 6.8.11S.13.14 (16 sixes)
978 5.16S
314297568 1S. (20 sixes)
1234 13S.15
2413 13S.15
3412 6.7.9S.10.12S.14S (16 sixes)
4231 13S.15
2143 13S.15
135264879 2S.4.7S. (14 sixes)
314265879 13S.16S
1234 13S.15
2413 13S.15
4321 13S.15
1324 6.7.9S.10.12S.14S (16 sixes)
3412 13S.15
4231 13S.15
2143 13S.15
231457689 1S.
(231456789) (14 sixes)
24 each 56789s, 56978s, 56798s, 65978s
6 each 123456s, 234567s, 345678s, 456789s, 987654s, 876543s, 765432s, 654321s
Queens, Whittingtons, Tittums, Roller Coaster, all the near-misses
St Thomas, Oxford, 23.9.2007
H Dains
23456 B W H
45236 5 - -
34256 5 -
Omit one block of 5
East Tytherley, 29.9.2007
arr. J C Hetherington
23456 7ths M W H
54632 - -
26435 - -
24365 - 2
32465 3 -
64523 - -
35426 3 - -
23456 - 3
St Michael, Southampton, 29.9.2007
J Clatworthy
23456 M W H
24356 S
36452 S -
53462 - 3
32465 - 2
64523 - -
52436 S S -
(32456) S
Kingston upon Thames, 7.10.2007
M B Davies
23456 M B W H
42356 1
54326 1
42563 -
35264 1 1
63254 1
43526 1 2 1
26354 2
43652 1 1
54632 1
24536 - 1
24365 - 1
36245 5 1 1
56342 - 1
23645 2 2
23456 - 1
96 cru (inc 24 56s, 22 65s)
12 8765s at the back
12 5678s, 22 8765s off the front
64 little bell runs at the back
68 little bell runs off the front
Crondall, 13.10.2007
J Clatworthy
23456 9ths M W H
65432 - - -
674523 -
423567 S S -
54326 -
24365 S S
56342 - - -
64352 2
52436 - S S
(32456) S
Guildford Cathedral, 13.10.2007
D F Morrison (No.29)
23456 7ths M W 6ths H
42356 -
35426 - -
24653 - -
63452 - SS S
56432 SS -
34265 - - 3
64523 - S
23456 - 2 2
St Nicolas, Guildford, 17.10.2007
R J Angrave
23456 5ths M W H
34256 (a) 2
32546 SS - 2
53246 3 -
62345 S S
42365 S 3
25364 - 2
273546 - 3
325647 2 -
45236 - S4ths
23456 - -
(a) = In/Out/4ths
86 cru (inc 21 56s, 19 each 65s and 46s, 17 64s)
21 8765s at the back
12 8765s, 9 5678s off the front
39 little bell runs at the back
Queens, Kings, Tittums, back rounds and all the near-misses
All Saints, Basingstoke, 20.10.2007
A P Smith
(4512376980) M In/5ths W H
1352647890 (a) S -
123564 - X - -
156234 - -
134562 2 -
124365 X - 3
134625 2 -
123456 2 2 2
Start at backstroke 5 changes after Middle
Single in 78 at 21st change
(a) = S6ths/S4ths/S2nds/S4ths/5ths
Bishopstoke, 22.10.2007
D F Morrison
23456 B M W H
52364 - 2
62345 S S 3
Upham, 27.10.2007
A G Reading
23456 M B 5ths W H
64352 4ths/4ths S S
56423 - 2
32465 - - -
43265 - - - -
24365 - - - -
56342 - - -
573624 - - S S
765423 In
647253 -
634257 In - -
357246 - S3rds S -
273546 - S
543267 3 S4ths -
62345 - - -
53246 - -
64235 - - -
52436 - -
23456 - - 3
24 each 5678s, 6578s, 18 each 8765s, 4567s,
7586s, 7685s, 12 each 6543s, 5432s, 6 each
8657s, 2468s, 7654s, 3456s at the back
15 5678s, 12 each 8765s, 6578s,
9 8756 off the front
Queens, back rounds
Overton, 3.11.2007
R Baldwin
23456 M W H
745263 S2nds/S4ths
362457 S S3rds/4ths/In 2 2
36452 2 2 1
25346 2 S5ths/S4ths 2 2
25463 2 2 1
52364 2 2
24365 1 2
63425 2 2
32654 2 2
735462 2 S2nds/S4ths
342567 S S3rds 1
52436 2 2
23456 2
117 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s)
24 8765s at the back
24 each 5678s, 8765s off the front
Colerne, 3.11.2007
R LeMarechal
23456 7ths M W H
65432 - - -
674523 -
534267 S S S
42365 S S -
23465 SS SS 2
63425 S
42356 S S -
23456 SS SS 2
Bishopstoke, 6.11.2007
E M Atkins (arr. E J Wells)
23456 W M H
43652 -
65432 - -
64532 S
24536 S
64523 S S
34526 S
65342 - - -
23465 2 - 4 (SBBS)
42536 - -
56234 S -
35264 - 3
32456 - - 3 (BBS)
56324 - 2 -
25364 - 3
23456 - - 3 (BBS)
Micheldever (handbells), 8.11.2007
P W J Sheppard (No.3)
23456789 1 2 3 4 5
32458967 - S -
45238 - - S
53248 - - -
24358 - - S
45328 - - -
32548 - - S
23549786 - - (6 leads)
34529 - - -
42539 - - -
24935 - - S S
43925 - - -
32945 - - -
32549 - - S -
24539 - - -
43529 - - -
24365897 S - - (6 leads)
42365 2S.3.4S.5S.6S.7.8S (9 leads)
26345 - - -
32645879 - S -
53246 - - S
34256 - - -
23456 - - -
42356 - - -
35246 - - S
23546 - - -
52346 - - -
24356 - - -
32456 - - -
43256 - - -
25346 - - S
32546 - - -
23645897 - S S S
62345879 - S -
75934286 S - (3 leads)
53974 - - -
45329786 S - S
52463879 - - (7 leads)
35264 - - S
43562 - - S
24365 - - S
32465 - - -
43265 - - -
54362 - - S
35462 - - -
23564 - - S
52364 - - -
45263 - - S
34562 - - S
23465 - - S
42365 - - -
42563897 - S S -
34265 - - S
53462879 - S S
25364 - - S
42563 - - S
(34265) - - S
For half-muffled ringing
Portsmouth Cathedral, 11.11.2007
A J Cox
23456 B M W H
53426 S
25346 3(BBS) S S
46352 S -
36254 -
65342 -
32546 S -
42536 S
35246 3 S S
23546 -
43526 S
24356 3(BBS) S S
32456 -
52436 S
34256 3 S S
23456 -
Yateley, 24.11.2007
A J Cox
23456 M 4ths B 5ths W H
43526 2 1
53246 2 1
375624 (- S
325467 3 S -) 2
23645 2 2
Call bracketed calls in part 2 only
132 cru, 17 8765s
Brightwell, 25.11.2007
R LeMarechal
234567890ETAB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
5342 - - - - - - |
3542 - - - - - - |
2543 - - - - - - |
4253 - - - - - S | A
3254 - - - - - - |
5324 - - - - - S |
4325 - - - - - - |
3425 - - - - - - |
4235 A
5234 - - - - - -
2534 - - - - - -
4532 - - - - - -
3452 - - - - - S
2453 - - - - - -
5243 - - - - - S
3245 - - - - - -
234567890ETBA - - S - - -
234567890ETAB - - S - - - - - - - - - -
Winchester Cathedral, 1.12.2007
D W Beard
23456 M B W H
42356 1
54326 1
42563 -
42635 2 2 1
36245 2 2
56423 2 - 1
35264 - 2 2
34562 2 1
32465 2 1
144 cru
Includes all three 56 and 65 courses in full
22 each 8765, 8756 off the front
Milton, 1.12.2007
R F B Speed
23456 M W H
42356 -
43256 S
56234 S -
24365 S - 4 (BBSB)
Micheldever (handbells), 13.12.2007
J S Warboys
23456 M B W H
42356 - RSYA
63254 - - RNNPP
32654 - RYR
56423 - - LLAUL
42563 - - PYASNS
52364 - LCR
43265 - - RUP
(65432) 2 - UBN
65324 - - PCACYC
43526 - - NSYSAC
35426 2 YYRSSB
45236 - - - LBBBNP
34562 - 2 AAB
53462 - SYPCL
26435 - - - LRULURL
64235 2 LCPYSB
64352 - - AA
46253 - - 2 PNBBBLB
24653 - SSRYY
65243 - - CASYSN
(54632) - CY
24365 - 2 - CACPNBU
62345 - PUR
34625 - - RCL
64523 - SNSAYP
32546 - - - LUALL
53246 - RYR
34256 - - PPNNR
23456 - AYSR
576 Rutland; 544 London; 512 each Ashtead,
Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire;
448 each Bristol, Lincolnshire, Uxbridge;
136 com, atw, palindrome
93 cru, Queens, Tittums
Hurstbourne Priors, 14.12.2007
I R Fielding
23456 M W H
(52436) -
(34625) - -
43526 2 2
24365 2 2 2
53462 - -
(65432) -
23456 - - -
St Mary, Southampton, 15.12.2007
Bishopstoke, 25.6.2011
Hexham, 13.1.2013
St Mary, Southampton, 2.2.2019
Bishopstoke, 29.11.2021
Green Lane, Bosham (handbells), 7.5.2022
Bishopstoke, 1.11.2022
D F Morrison (No.45)
23456 M B 5ths W H
372645 (a) S
423567 1 S4ths -
46253 - 1 1
374526 2 S
354267 S4ths 2 2
24365 (b) 2 1
(a) = 4ths/In/4ths/In/4ths/In/4ths/In
(b) = 4ths/In/4ths/In
24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s,
3456s, 6543s, 20 5432s,
14 each 1234s, 4321s at the back
20 each 5678s, 6578s,
18 each 8765s, 8756s off the front
Lincoln College, Oxford, 16.12.2007
arr. P D Niblett
23456 M W H
43526 2 1
25346 2 2
25463 2 2 1
23564 2 1
32465 2 2
Whitchurch, 19.12.2007
J H Fielden
23456 M W H
53462 S S SS
63425 S S SS
23465 S 3
Micheldever (handbells), 21.12.2007
R W Lee
23456 M W H
43652 - YYYYR
56234 - - RRRRRR(R)
23564 - - RYYYY
52364 - NNNNCCC
35264 - CCCCNNN
Call NNN for (R) in one part only
1408 Rutland, 1280 Yorkshire,
1216 Lincolnshire, 1120 Cambridge
31 com, atw
Micheldever (handbells), 21.12.2007
Shedfield, 18.4.2009
R J Angrave
23456 5ths B M W H
34256 2
32546 - 2
472536 S3rds
532467 3 S4ths -
537246 - S3rds -
325647 In 3
456732 - 2 4ths
645723 S -
546327 - - -
34265 - S 3
64235 S
43652 -
65432 - -
23456 - - -
79 cru (inc 19 each 56s, 65s, 46s, 64s)
19 8765s
36 468s (inc Queens, Kings, Whittingtons)
44 little bell runs
(inc 14 5432s inc 3 65432s, 8 7654s inc 3 87654s,
8 4321s inc 3 54321s, 3 76543s)
7 5678s, 10 8765s off the front (inc back rounds)
all the near-misses and 54321678
Romsey, 22.12.2007
R W Pipe
23456 M W H
42356 -
52346 S
34265 S S -
62435 S S
42536 - 3
64235 2 S
42365 S 2
62345 S
23456 S S 2
Micheldever (handbells), 26.12.2007
D F Morrison (No.1)
23456 M W H
42356 -
54326 -
24365 S S
53462 - -
65432 -
52436 - 3 2
(32456) S
30 2345s, 28 5432s
Far Corfe Campanile, Lambourn, 27.12.2007
Bitterne Park, 14.5.2011
E J Southerington
23456 W M H
43652 - |
23654 S |
46325 S S S | A
53624 S S |
65432 - - |
45236 -
65234 S
54263 S - 2
24365 -
56342 A
23456 2 S 3 (BSB)
107 little bell runs at the back
107 little bell runs off the front
Holybourne (handbells), 28.12.2007
P W J Sheppard (No.3, The “Fenrir” Peal)
23456789 1 2 3 4 5
42376985 S - S
34276 - - -
23476 - - -
42378569 - S S
34278 - - -
23478 - - -
32458967 S - -
45238 - - S
24539786 - S
53429 - - S
35974286 S - S S
35429786 S - S -
42539 - - S
24935 - - S S
43925 - - -
34529 - - S S
34925 - - S -
43529 - - S S
32549 - - -
23945 - - S S
23549 - - S -
32465879 S - (7 leads)
43265 - - -
24365 - - -
42367958 - S -
34267 - - -
23467 - - -
42367859 - - S
34267 - - -
23467 - - -
32489675 S S -
43289 - - -
24389 - - -
42389657 - S - S
34289675 - S -
23489 - - -
42389 - - -
24365897 S S -
42365 2S.3.4S.5S.6S.7.8S (9 leads)
42365789 - - -
42365978 - - -
24563897 - S S
46523 - - -
46523789 - - -
46523978 - - -
54623897 - -
65423879 - S -
46523 - - -
46523987 - - -
46523798 - - -
34625879 - S
62435 - - S
23465879 - - -
42365 - - -
42365987 - - -
42365798 - - -
(34265879) - -
For half-muffled ringing
Portsmouth Cathedral, 31.12.2007
C Middleton (arr. J W Washbrook)
23456 B M W H
35264 2 2 3
35642 2 2 -
54326 -
23645 - -
56342 - -
64523 2 2 3
42635 - 3
23456 2 2 3
Alverstoke, 31.12.2007