5096 Yorkshire S Fourteen

23456  M  W  H
34256        2
23456  3  3  -
Winchester, 1.1.2009

5056 Plain Bob Sixteen

B F Peachey
23456  W  B  H
62345  -  2  2
25634  -  2  3
Bob before = 1T
St Martin, Birmingham, 4.1.2009

5082 Bristol S Royal

B J Carey
 23456  M  W  H
 25634  2  -  -
 46532  -     -
(34562)    -
 32465  2     -
(64523) -  -
 43526  -     2
(32546)    2
(42536)    S   
30 cru (inc 11 56s, 6 65s)
100 little bell runs at the back
69 little bell runs off the front
Portsmouth Cathedral, 17.1.2009

5152 Adelaide S Major

I R Fielding
 23456  M  5ths W  H
 42356             -
 26354  -          2
 36452  -   SS
 273546 2   S      3
 245367   S4ths -  3
 32546          -  3
 472536   S3rds
 435267   S4ths -  3
(273546)  S3rds
 326547     S      -
 23456  2          2
54 cru, 18 8765s
18 each 5678s, 8765s off the front
Bray, 31.1.2009
All Saints, Basingstoke, 24.7.2011

5040 Cambridge S Minor

R Bailey (No.3)
23456 4ths 3rds W  H
32456       S   2  -
53426           -
24356  -        3  3
52436       S
34256  -        3  3
Bitterne Park, 8.2.2009
Warnford, 24.3.2013
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 28.12.2015
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 24.10.2017

5088 Cambridge S Major

D W Beard [RW 2002 p.29]
 23456  B  M  W 4ths/In H
 23564  -               -
 23645  -               -
 34265  -               S
 56243     -  -         -
(42356) S     -    X
(34625)            X
 56423     -            -
 42356  S  -  -         S
3-part, S = 1256
56 cru (inc 18 56s, 24 65s)
18 7568s at the back
12 5678s off the front
Start with the third course for 24 46s and Queens
Start with the fourth course for 24 56s and 18 65s
Downton, 14.2.2009

5040 Duffield Royal

D F Morrison (No.3811)
12345  4  5  6 
54132  2     -
24135  3     S*
52134        -
13254  - [S]   
Bob for [S] except in parts 1, 4, 7 and 10
Bob for S* except in parts 1 and 7
Bishopstoke, 17.2.2009

5040 Plain Bob Major

Anon (48-course block reduced)
23456  W  M  H 
63425  S (S) 3
42365  S    (-)
Omit (S) except in parts 1 and 7
S for (-) in parts 3, 6, 9 and 12
Omit all calls except S Home in part 12
Holybourne (handbells), 26.2.2009

5041 Antrim S Royal

D F Morrison (No.2879)
32546  M  W  H
45236     2  2
43652  2  1  1
56342     2  2
34562     1  1
63425  2  2  2
65324  2     1
54326  1     2
25463  2  2  2
63254  2  1
23456  1      
Start at backstroke with a 167890 single
120 little bell runs
Farnham, 28.2.2009

5120 Superlative S Major

B D Price
23456  B  M  W  H
52436        -
46235     -     S
46352  -        -
36254     -
65342  -
32546     -     S
24365  -         
S halfway and end
Shanklin, 28.2.2009

5088 Yorkshire S Major

D F Morrison (No.157) [RW 2000 p.5]
23456  B  M  W 
54632     -  -
64235     -  SS
35642     2  -
46253     -  -
65432  -
34256     -  - 
24 56s, 18 65s
True to all B,c,X,Y,Z
Holybourne (handbells), 5.3.2009
Haslemere (handbells), 29.7.2010
Longthorpe (handbells), 26.2.2012

5184 Uxbridge S Major

P W J Sheppard (No.2)
23456   M  In     5ths W  H 
42356                     -
523746  3 S3rds        -  2
753246                 -  3
273546                 -
523647  3          S   -
24365   -  -       -
43265      -       -
32465      -       -
64523   -              -
465732             -   -  SS
453627     -  4ths        2
63254   -              -
23456     S3rds    S   2  2 
24 each 56s, 65s, 18 each 8765s, 2468s
14 7468s, 12 54s, 8 each 64s, 46s
48 little bell runs at the back
39 little bell runs off the front
Queens, Tittums
Romsey, 7.3.2009

5040 Yorkshire S Royal

P A B Saddleton [RW 2000 p.5]
23456  M  W  H
64352  -     - | A
56342     -    |
26435  -  2  -
32465     -
64523  -  -
42356     A  -
53624  -  -
65432    2A
23456  -  -  -
Bishopstoke, 7.3.2009

5040 Isleworth S Royal

J Clatworthy
23456  M  W  H
42356        -
54326     -  3
64235  -  2  -
52436  -     -
32465  S  S  3
64523  -  -
23456  -  2  2
Beccles, 14.3.2009

5184 Bristol S Major

P W J Sheppard
23456  M  B  W  H
36452  1        2 |
24536    (x)      |
43265  2     2    | A
62534  1     1    |
23645     -       |
34256     -       |
42356       A    
26354  1        2
35426    (x)    2
23456        1   
(x) = S5ths/S4ths
24 each 5678s, 8765s
14 65s at the back
24 5678s, 16 8765s off the front
St Mary, Reading, 21.3.2009

5016 Grandsire Cinques

R W Willans
23456  2  3  4  5  6
45326  -  -  -  S
62543  -  -  -
42365  -  -  -     -
S for bob halfway and end
Far Corfe Campanile, Lambourn, 22.3.2009

5152 Cambridge S Major

C Middleton
23456  M  W  H
35264  2  2  3
56342  2  2  3
64523  2  2  3
42635  2  2
23456  2  2  3
Holybourne (handbells), 23.3.2009
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 12.4.2023
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 23.10.2023
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 7.2.2024

5267/5003 Erin Cinques

R LeMarechal
 1234567890E  1  5  6  7  11
(12345678E90) -
 53241           -  -        |
 42351              -  -     | A
 51324           S     -     |
 23415           -     -     |
 54312           -  -         |
 13452              -  -      | B
 54231           -     -      |
 32145           -     -      |
 21435              A
 14325              A       
 534216790E8  -  -  -     S
 2435167980E  -     -  -
 51342           S     -
 43215           -     -    
 34125              B
 41235              A
 12345              A       
 23415679E80  -     A
 32145              B
 21435              A*
 14325              A       
 264517390E8  1.4S.
 5342176980E (20 sixes)
 24351              -  -
 51342           S     -
 43215           -     -    
 34125              B
 41235              A
 12345              A       
 42531769E80  -  -     S
 342517698E0  S     S  -
 51243           S     -
 42315           -     -    
 24135              B
 41325              A
 53124           -  -
(21354)             -  -    
For 5003 replace last bob at 7 in A* with
a single at 6 and omit following A block
Bitterne Park, 24.3.2009

5040 Yorkshire S Royal

A G Reading (No.3)
23456 7ths M  W  H
54362      S  S  S
24365  SS  S     3
63452      S  S  S
34256  SS  S     2
53246         -  3
23456         2  -
19 56s, 18 65s, 19 46s
78 little bell runs
North Stoneham, 30.3.2009

5040 Plain Bob Royal

E M Atkins (arr. E J Wells)
23456  W  M  H
42635  -  -
65342  2  S  -
26453  -  2
23465  -  -  2
S for bob halfway and end
Micheldever (handbells), 30.3.2009

5088 Iron Horse D Major

gen. BYROC
23456  M  B 5ths W  H
52436            -
24536     In  -
65432  -            -
45362  -  -         -
36452            -  -
43652        SS     -
42356     -      -  -
24 each 5678s, 8765s
St Thomas, Salisbury, 12.4.2009

5024 Kent TB Major

A Knights (arr. T Hinks)
23456  M  B  W  H
62534     -  2  2
46325     -  2  2
62453     -
26354     -  1  2
23564  1  -  2  2
42635     -  2  2
54326     -  2  2
42563  2     2
24365     -  1  2
23645  1  -  2  2
52436     -  2  2
65324     -  2  2
52643     -
25346     -  1  2
23456  1  -  2  2
Micheldever (handbells), 17.4.2009

5056 Cambridge S Major

arr. S Jenner and D F Morrison
 23456  B  M  W 4ths/In H
 35264  -               3
(42635)            2
 35426     2  -
 64523     -            -
 23645     2  -
 56342     -            -
 56423  -               -
 42563        -         -
(56342)       -    X
 36245     -
 64352  -
 35642        -         -
 43652        -
 56234     -  -
 42635     -            -
 23456  -               3
18 56s, 74 little bell runs at the back
8 5678s off the front
True to all B,D,K,a,c,d,e,f,Y,Z
Romsey, 18.4.2009
Bitterne Park, 22.11.2010

5040 Spliced S Royal (5 methods)

J R Ridley
23456  M  W  H              
52436     -     YNNPNNYYY
36425  S  -     PPNPPR
42365     -  -  RPCPYP
64325     -     CCCCCCCCC
25346  S  -     RYR
34256     -  -  NNNNNR
53246     -     RRRRRRRRPNPN
46235  S  -     YYYYYR
23465     -  -  RYYYYY
62435     -     PCPCPPCPC
35426  S  -     RYR
42356     -  -  PPPPYNNNP
54326     -     RRRRRRRRPNPN
26345  S  -     PPPYPR
34265     -  -  RYYYNY
63245     -     CCCCCCCCC
45236  S  -     RYR
23456     -  -  NNNNNR      
1200 Rutland; 1040 Pudsey; 960 Yorkshire;
920 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire; 59 com, atw
62 cru
Tilehurst (handbells), 20.4.2009

5000 Spliced S Royal (4 methods)

A G Reading
 234567890  M             W  H                  
 54326                    2  2  FGFGFGFFF.G.L.G.
(645230987) 2 S2nds/S4ths       L.F.LLL.L.
 23456      -             S  S  BBB.B.L.
 34526                    2  S  GFGFGFGFF.G.L.
 265437890  S S6ths/S3rds -     L.BBBBB.L.GFFG.F
 43652      -             2  2  GF.B.F.L.G.
 65432                    -  -  FFGFGFGFF.L.
 543620987    S2nds/S4ths 2  S  BBBB.L.LLL.BL.L.
 23465      S                S  GG.GFGFGFGL.
 65432      S             -     L.B.L
 534627890    S6ths/S3rds 2     LLLL.L.BBBBB.G.G
 24365      -                -  FG.LB.
 62345                    -     GFFFGFGL.G
 45236      -             S  S  L.B.L.
 23456         B/4ths/In  -  -  BBBB.G.G.BBBB.L.
1280 Clyde (G); 1240 each Bristol,
Lockington (F), London No.3; 78 com, atw
115 7890s, 59 0987s, 133 little bell runs at the back
16 7890s, 23 0987s, 80 little bell runs off the front
Portsmouth Cathedral, 25.4.2009
St Mary, Southampton, 14.7.2012

1440 Plain Minor

R Bailey
2345  W  H
5243  -  3
4325  S  -
5423  -  3
3524  -  3
3245  -  2
Contains every row once at handstroke and once at backstroke
True to any 2nds place lead-end Plain Minor method
Holybourne (handbells), 13.5.2009

5077 Yorkshire S Royal

A P Smith
(2345176980)  M  W  H
 1429658370     (a)
 1632547890     (b)
 124536       -  -  2
 132465       2  2  2
 164523       -  -
 165243          -  2
 135426       -  2  -
 123456          -   
Start at backstroke 3 changes after tenor in 7ths
Single in 89 at 21st change
(a) = In/S6ths
(b) = 7ths/Out/M/Out/In
12 each 56s and 65s
Bishopstoke, 19.5.2009

5040 Cambridge S Maximus

J Clatworthy
23456  B   M   W   H
24356  -  4ths/In  S
54326          S
24365      S   S   3
64352      S   S
64523  X           -
23456      -   S   S
X = 18
Bitterne Park, 24.5.2009

5056 Spliced S Major (5 methods)

G A A Taylor
 23456 5ths M 2nds W  H             
 43652      -  SS        GGSCLLBLLLL
(53624)     S      S     LG
 25634             -     BB
 54632      -         2  CSGLCB
 65432                -  CGCG
(53624) SS    Out        SGLS
 24365      -      S  S  GCBBBBBBL
 46325      3      2     LBLLCSBL
 32465             -  -  LSSSS
(62354)     2      S     BBCGCGC
(42356)     S      SS    GGGSCB
 63254      S         S  CGCGB
 54326      -      S  S  LSSLCGS
 32546             -  -  BSL        
1152 London; 1088 Bristol; 1024 Glasgow;
896 each Cambridge, Superlative; 113 com, atw
80 cru (inc 12 56s, 16 65s)
Queens, back rounds
Bluntisham, 25.5.2009

5056 Bristol S Major

P W J Sheppard
23456   M 4ths In B 5ths W  H
34256                       2
45362             -
46253   2                1  1
374526  2            S
243765  2  -   -  S         2
432756            S         2
357246  1                2  3 (BSB)
275346                   S  S
645237     -                1
32546   1      -     -   2
43265             -         2
65432   2                1
674523               -
425637     -      -      1  2
35426      -   -            1
23456                    1   
24 each 56s, 8765s, 21 each 756s, 765s
16 2468s, 15 65s, 58 little bell runs at the back
11 5678s, 7 8765s, 74 little bell runs off the front
Kings, Queens, Whittingtons
Whole of 8234567 cyclic course
Fen Ditton, 25.5.2009

5024 London S Major

S J Ivin
23456  M  B  W  H
35426  -  -
45236  -  -     -
63254  -     -  -
42356  -        -
25346  -  -
54326  -  -
23645  -     -
56342  -        -
45362        -
26354  -     -  -
35264        -  -
23564  -  -  -  -
52364  -  -  -  -
43265  -        -
24365  -  -  -  -
32465  -  -  -  -
42635  -  -     -
63425        -  -
24536  -     -
35642  -     -
24653  -     -  -
62453  -  -  -  -
34256  -        -
23456  -  -  -  -
90 cru (inc 22 56s, 20 65s) at the back
6 8765s, 4 5678s, 3 8756s, 2 6578s off the front
Tittums, back rounds
Hurstbourne Priors, 30.5.2009

5040 Plain Bob Major

M C W Sherwood
23456  W  M  H 
42635  -  -
23645  2  SS
65234  -  -  S
26453  -  -
36254  SS 2
42365  -  -  -
34265       (-)
23465        - 
S for (-) in alternate parts
Omit SS three times
Holybourne (handbells), 10.6.2009
Haslemere (handbells), 27.7.2010
Haslemere (handbells), 30.7.2010
Haslemere (handbells), 31.7.2010
Awbridge (handbells), 7.12.2016

5082 Bristol S Royal

J N Hughes-D’Aeth [RW supplement June 27, 1986]
 23456   M  W  H
 34256         2
(53246)     -
 46325   -  2  2
 32465      -  -
(64523)  -  -
 43526   -     2
(32546)     2
(42536)     S   
21 56s, 10 65s, 91 little bell runs at the back
21 098765s, 70 little bell runs off the front
Long Crendon, 13.6.2009
Chesterfield (handbells), 23.8.2011

5088 Quirm S Major

D F Morrison
23456  M  In  4ths B 5ths W  H
62534      -   -   -  -      -
62345              -         -
24536    S3rds        S      -
43265              -
26354    S3rds        S   -
63254      -          -
53624      -          -   -
53246              -         -
34256  -           -          
18 each 56s, 65s, 15 8765s, no 87s at back
18 5678s off the front
Cholsey, 13.6.2009

5056 Spliced S Major (8 methods)

N R Aspland (arr. M A Coleman)
23456  M  In B 4ths W  H             
42356                  -  B
62534  2     -         -  RBSPYRCP
45236 (-)[-  -  -]     -  LNPY[BLRN]S
32546               2  2  LCYNRCSRB  
Omit (-) in alternate parts and [] in part 6
928 Rutland; 736 Bristol;
576 each Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire;
544 each Lincolnshire, London; 152 com, 144 cru
Hawkley, 20.6.2009
St Mary, Liss, 17.10.2009
Meonside Campanile, West Meon, 2.2.2015

5088 Rutland S Major

C W Roberts
23456  M  B  W  H
43526  -  -     -
24536        -  3
24365     -     -
43265  -  -  -  2
23564  -         
Rosemoor Grove, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 22.6.2009

5080 Kent TB Royal

T J Hinks
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
54326     1
26543  2  1
43652  1  2  2
65432     1  1
53462     2
24365  1     1
62345     1
43526  1  1
63254  1  2  1
45236  1  1  1
23456     1  1
22 56s, 16 65s
120 little bell runs
Micheldever (handbells), 22.6.2009
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 24.7.2015

5056 Ashtead S Major

I R Fielding
23456  B  W  M  H
42356           -
35426     -     -
45623        -    |
24653     -       | A
45236  -          |
43526      2A   -
24536     -
24365  -        -
32546    (-  -
32465  -)       -
Omit bracketed calls in part 2
73 cru (inc 19 each 56s, 65s)
18 8765s, 15 8756s off the front
Lincoln College, Oxford, 28.6.2009

5056 Spliced S Major (8 methods)

D F Morrison (No.3)
23456  B  M  W  H           
52436        -     RS.L
42635     -        NY.SCL
35264  2           YN.LP.BBB
23564           -  RRP.
36245  -           CP.PC
24365        - (-) N(SSY).R.
Omit (-) from alternate parts
Call R for (SSY) in two parts
832 Rutland; 768 Pudsey; 640 Superlative;
576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire,
London; 512 Yorkshire; 122 com
24 each 56s, 65s at the back
24 each 5678s, 6578s,
12 each 8765s, 8756s off the front
Tilehurst (handbells), 2.7.2009
Haslemere (handbells), 31.7.2010
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 20.4.2011
Meonside Campanile, West Meon, 3.11.2014
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 1.6.2016
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 16.5.2017
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 8.5.2018

5042 Bristol S Royal

A G Reading (No.3)
 23456  M  W  H
 64352  -     -
 53462     2  2
(65432)    -
 45236  -
(35264) S  S
 42563  -     -
(64523)    -
 54326  -
(24365) S  S
(62345)    -
(42536) -  S   
151 little bell runs at the back
108 little bell runs off the front
Bishopstoke, 11.7.2009

5040 Lincolnshire S Maximus

J Clatworthy
23456  B  M  W  H
42356           -
35426        -  -
56423     -     2
24365     -  -
53462     -     -
53624  -        -
25634        -
23456     2  -  -
Bob before = 18
Newport, Isle of Wight, 26.7.2009

5152 Lincolnshire S Major

R I Allton (No.393)
23456  M  W  H
34256  3  3  2
25346  3  -  -
32546  3     -
24536     2
53246  3  -  -
45236  3  -
23456  3  -  -
62 cru
Rosemoor Grove, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 27.7.2009

5040 Plain Bob Major

S Fenwick
23456  W  M  H
34256        2
53246  -     3
62534  -  -  -
32564  S     3
43526  -  S
23546  S     3
56234  -  S  -
23564  -     -
144 cru
Holybourne (handbells), 28.7.2009

5056 Kent TB Major

M C W Sherwood (arr. D F Morrison)
23456  M  B  W  H
42635     4
36245  2  2
65243  1  5     2
62453     5  1  2
23456  1  5     2
Micheldever (handbells), 30.7.2009
Southsea (handbells), 27.8.2021
Pagham (handbells), 29.7.2023

5024 Spliced S Major (8 methods)

J S Warboys
23456  M  B  W  H                 
42356           -  LSYPC.
63254  -        -  R.NYNP.
26354        3  -  SPCC.B.YRCNP.R.
32654           -  RNR.
42563  -     2  -  L.Y.B.SNS.
52364  -        3  L.CR.B.B.
43265  -        -  R.LP.
65432  2     -     R.B.N.L
65324     -     -  PC.SY.
43526  -        -  NSY.PNPC.
35426           2  YYRSC.B.
45236  -  -     -  L.BBB.SC.
34562     -     2  SN.SN.B.
53462           -  PYPCL.
26435  -     -  -  L.RLLLR.L.
64235           2  LCPYP.B.
64352     -     -  NS.NS.
46253     -  -  2  CS.BBB.L.B.
24653           -  CSRYY.
65243        -  -  CPNP.YSN.
54632     -        YS.CY
24365  -     2  -  L.N.B.R.
62345        -  3  PL.R.B.B.
34625        -  -  RC.L.
32546  2     -  -  SNS.B.Y.L.
53246           -  RNR.
25346  3        -  R.PNCRY.B.CCPS.
34256        -  -  PNYN.R.
23456           -  CPYSL.         
640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Rutland,
Superlative; 608 each London, Pudsey, Yorkshire
140 com, atw, 96 cru
All Saints, Basingstoke, 1.8.2009
Holybourne, 20.4.2013

5000 Bedfordshire D Royal

A G Reading
 23456  M  B  W  H 
 45236        -  -
 43652     x  2  -
 43526     x     -
(43526) -  x  -
(32465)    x
 54263  -        -
 34625  2  x     -
 23456  -        3x
x = 16
8 56s,9 65s, 170 7890s
152 little bell runs at the back
120 7890s
132 little bell runs off the front
Whitchurch, 14.8.2009

5082 Bristol S Royal

A G Reading (No.2)
 23456     7ths   M  W  H
 64352            -     -
 56342               -
 273654     -     S
 243657     S
(325469078)   (a)
(42563)           S  S
(64523)              -
(24356)           -  S
(56342)           S  -
(46325)           S  S
(345627890)   (a)
 53462                  -
(65432)              -
 24536            -     -
(32546)              -
(42536)              S   
(a) = S5ths/S2nds
8 56s, 4 65s, 97 7890s, 37 0987s
166 little bell runs at the back
110 0987s, 44 7890s
106 little bell runs off the front
St Mary, Southampton, 15.8.2009

5002 Triton D Royal

A G Reading (No.2)
 23456     1  3  4  5  6  8  9
 45236                    -  -
 32546                    S  S
 43526                    -
 56324     -                 S
 346259078 S     -  -        -
 645237890 -     -  -
 645239078       -  -
 543209876 -  -
 342907856 -  -           -    (8 leads)
 234509876             -     -
 325649078          -     S    (8 leads)
 542637890 S     -  -        -
 23465     -                 S
 63452     S              S
(43256)    -                  
97 7890s, 36 0987s, 24 9876s, 12 8765s
151 little bell runs at the back
34 7890s
97 little bell runs off the front
St Michael, Southampton, 15.8.2009

5000 Yorkshire S Royal

A G Reading (No.10)
23456         M  W     H
64352         -        -
56342            -
24365         -  -     -
53462         -        -
65432            -
53296748      -  2 (a)
53624789  (b) 2  -
46325         -        -
32465            -     -
64523         -  -
35426         -        -
23456            -      
(a) = S5ths/S2nds
(b) = S7ths/S4ths
18 56s, 12 65s
104 little bell runs at the back
73 little bell runs off the front
North Stoneham, 16.8.2009

5040 Yorkshire S Royal

M B Davies (No.1)
23456  M  W  H
24356        S
53462  S  2  2
46325  S  S  -
53624  -     -
24365  -  S  S
13 each 56s, 65s
106 little bell runs at the back
68 little bell runs off the front
Holybourne (handbells), 16.8.2009

5042 Cambridge S Maximus

D G Hull (No.2)
 23456  M  W  H
 52364  2  S  S
 24365  -     2
 32465     3  -
 64523  -  -
 32456  -  S  -
9 56s, 18 65s
68 little bell runs
Holybourne (handbells), 17.8.2009
Hursley, 12.3.2011
Portsmouth Cathedral, 31.5.2014

5040 Cambridge S Royal

CUG Collective
23456  M  W  H
42356  SS SS -
34256  SS    -
54236     S
23465  S  S  -
18 each 56s, 65s
Upper Froyle (handbells), 18.8.2009

5056 Yorkshire S Major

R T Harris
23456  B  M  W  H
52436        -  3
42635     -     3
43526     2  -  -
63425     2     3
35426     -     2
34256        -  2
53246        -  3
23645     -     3
23456  -        -
66 cru
Holybourne (handbells), 18.8.2009

5152 Superlative S Major

M Maughan
(25364) M  W  H
 65324  6  S
 26354     -
 53624  6  S  S
 43625  S  6
 63524  -
 43526  S
 56324  -     S
 25364     -
Snap start and finish
54 cru, 24 8765s
Upper Froyle (handbells), 19.8.2009
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 8.2.2015
Hitchin (handbells), 12.5.2019

5054 Superlative S Major

A J Cox
(25364) B  M  W  H
 63524     6  S  S
 43526     S  6
 65324     -     -
 26354        -
 36452     -
 26453     S
 52634     2  S  S
 32645     S  S
 43625        -
 23645        S
 42635        -
 23456  -         
57 cru (inc 21 56s, 20 65s)
18 8765s, 20 8756s
71 little bell runs at the back
20 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s
71 little bell runs off the front
Bishop’s Waltham, 2.9.2009
St Mary, Liss, 23.9.2015

5040 Pudsey S Royal

T J Hinks
23456  M  W  H
64352  -     -
35642     -  -
56423  S  S  2
24365  -  -  3
53462  -     -
65432     -
63254  2  -  -
23456  -     3
9 56s, 6 65s, reverse rounds
50 little bell runs
Tilehurst (handbells), 3.9.2009

5184/5024 Littleport Little S Royal

P W J Sheppard (No.3)
980674523  5.6S           (6 leads)
970856342  2.3            (3 leads)
902345678  2S.4S.6.7S.8.9 (9 leads)
20 each 567890s, 456789s, 345678s, 234567s
For 5024 call last course as 2S.4S.6S.7 (7 leads) in 3 parts
and call first course as 5S.6.7 (7 leads) in 1 part
St Mary, Southampton, 12.9.2009

5040 Yorkshire S Royal

P W J Sheppard (No.30)
23456789   1  1½ 2½ 3  4  4½ 5  5½ 7  8  8½ 9 
54362                  S     S              S
53792468   SS S  S              S           S
23795486                           S     S
24365789      S           S     S
64852739               S     S        S
63452789            SS                S     S
42356      SS          S                    -
423907856     S     S                       SS
234567890     S     S                       2 
18 56s, 4 65s, 12 098765s
93 little bell runs at the back
6 098765s, 4 567890s
63 little bell runs off the front
St Michael, Southampton, 12.9.2009

5184 Fermium S Major

A J Cox
 23456  B  H  W
 42356     -
(54326)       -
 54263  -  -
 25346     x
 32654     x
 63254     -
(35264)       2
 23564     -   
x = 16, other calls = 14
Mangotsfield, 12.9.2009

5088 Kent TB Major

B H Taylor
23456  M  B  W  H
56342  1     2  2
43265  2  -  2
54632     -  2  2
45236  2        2
34256        1   
Dutton Lane, Eastleigh (handbells), 15.9.2009

5058 Cambridge S Major

D F Morrison (No.1013)
 23456 5ths B  M  W 4ths H
 42356                   -
 25463      -
 52436   -     S     S   -
 23645         -  2      3
 34256      -
 45362         2  2      3
 56423         2  2      3
 62534         2  2      3
(32456)        -  S       
Dutton Lane, Eastleigh (handbells), 18.9.2009
Upham, 15.11.2011

5120 Kent TB Royal

R Baldwin
23456  M  W  H
24536     1  2
54326     2  1
25463  2  2  2
52364  2     2
24365  1     2
94 cru (inc 20 each 56s, 65s)
70 little bell runs
Dutton Lane, Eastleigh (handbells), 21.9.2009

5040 Cambridge S Royal

J Clatworthy
23456  2½  M  W  H
42356            -
54326         -
23645      -  -
34625      3  2
34265  S         3
23456  S   2  2  2
Lancaster Cathedral, 26.9.2009

5003 Grandsire Caters

R I Allton (No.1870)
 23456789   1  2  3  4  5
 32654987   -     -     S
 43256      -  -  S      
 243        -  -  -       |
 324        -  -  -       |
 23497568   S  S     -    |
 423        -  -  -       |A
 342        -  -  -       |
 23456978   S  -     S    |
 423        -  -  -       |
 342        -  -  -       |
 23456987   -  S  -
 32456978         A      
 63254      -  -  S
 35264897      S     -  S
 23564      -  -  -
 42365789   -        S   
 342        -  -  -       |
 234        -  -  -       |
 42365978   -        -    |
 342        -  -  -       |
 234        -  -  -       |
 32465879   -     -  -    |
 53264      -  -  S       |C
 253        -  -  -       |
 52364978   -     -  -    |
 352        -  -  -       |
 235        -  -  -       |
 32564879   -     -  -    |
 43265      -  -  S       |
 243        -  -  -       |
 52463987   -        S
 25364      -  -  S  S
 325        -  -  -
 43265789   -     -
(34265879)        C      
19 56789s, 18 each 65789s, 56978s, 65978s, 97568s
Whittingtons, all the near-misses
Lancaster Priory, 27.9.2009

5147 Spliced Caters and Royal (2 methods)

R LeMarechal
 234567   7ths M  W  H  1  2  3  4  5  Cambridge
 654327        -  -  -
 674523    -
 42356789  S   S     -                 Grandsire
 24357968               -           -
 3245                   -  -  -
 4325                   -  -  -
 24397568               S  -  -
 3249                   -  -  -
 4329                   -  -  -
 34256879               S     S  -
 43256978               -     -  -
 2435                   -  -  -
 3245                   -  -  -
 5243                   S
 2345                      -  -  -
 4235                   -  -  -
 42356897               -        -  -
 24356789               -        -  S  Cambridge
 56342         S  -
 43265         -  -
 56234         -  -  -
 24635789      -     S                 Grandsire
 32574968               -  -  S     -
 5243                   S        -
 2345                      -  -  -
 4235                   -  -  -
 3425                   -  -  -
 23497568               S  -  -
 4239                   -  -  -
 3429                   -  -  -
 23457869               S     -  S
 35426978                  S  S  -
 63524                  -  -  S
 32564                     -  -  -
 43265                  -  -  S
(34265879)              -     -  -              
2627 Grandsire Caters, 2520 Cambridge S Royal, 3 com
Bishopstoke, 28.9.2009

5076/5004 Grandsire Caters

R LeMarechal (“Steph’s peal”)
23456789  1  2  3  4  5
65324978     S     S
52364        -  -  -   
35264     -  -  -
23564     -  -  -
42365     -  -  S      
54263     -  -  S       |
25463     -  -  -       | A
42563     -  -  -       |
34265     -  -  S       |
23465           A      
32465897 (-        -  S
23465     -  -  -  S)
42365789  -        -
34265     -  -  -
23465     -  -  -      
53426     S        S    (5 leads)
32456        -  -  -   
25436        -  -  -    |
42536     -  -  -       | B
54236     -  -  -       |
43256        -  -  -    |
24356789        B      
For 5004 ring 1.4.5 instead of bracketed calls in 1 part only
For 9-bell ringing
All Saints, Basingstoke, 10.10.2009

5152 Iron S Major

A J Cox
23456  W  M       H
34256  3          2
62345  -  S       S
23465  S          2
25364     2       -
53264     3       2
42365     -       -
63245  S          S
32546     S       2
273546 -    S3rds
435267      S4ths
53246  2          -
23456  2          -
68 cru (inc 15 56s, 13 65s) at the back
21 5678s, 18 6578s off the front
St Lawrence, Alton, 10.10.2009

5042 Yorkshire S Maximus

R W Pipe
 23456  M  W  H
 42356        -
 34256     3  -
 53246     -
 43265  S  S  3
 62534  -  -
(32456) -  S   
Hursley, 17.10.2009
Hursley, 27.2.2016

5040 Hampstead S Royal

B D Constant
23456  M  W  H
42356        -
43526     -  2
65324  -     -
26354     -
53462  -  -
32465  -     2
63425     -
32546  -  2
65243  -     -
23456  -  -  2
22 56s, 12 65s, 66 little bell runs at the back
10 567890s, 6 657890s off the front
Haslemere, 24.10.2009

5040 Lincolnshire S Royal

J Clatworthy
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
52436     2  2
32465  S  S  3
64523  -  -
43526  -     2
25634  -  -
23456  2  -  -
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 27.10.2009

5026 Yorkshire S Major

J S Warboys
 23456      M  W       H
 34256                 2
 32546         -       2
 43526         -
 65324      S          S
 25364         S       3
 35462      -  SS
 45263      -
 53246 5ths 3    S4ths -
 62345      S          S
 42365         S       3
 63245         S       S
 52436      S  -       2
(32456)        S        
Holybourne, 15.11.2009

5040 Yorkshire S Royal

J Clatworthy
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
53246     -
32465  S  S  2
64523  -  -
63425  2     -
43526  -  3
25634  -  -
23456  2  -  -
Berkeley, 21.11.2009

5040 Cambridge S Royal

J Clatworthy
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
53246     -
62345  S     S
52346  S
34265  S  S  -
64523  -  S
24563     S
42365  2     2
63245     S  S
23456  S  2  -
St Ambrose, Bristol, 21.11.2009

5000 Superlative No.2 S Royal

R LeMarechal (Yorkshire No.5)
23456     M  W  H
56423 (x)       -
24365     -  -  3
62345        -
43526     -  -  3
45236        -  2
63254     -  -  -
23456     -     3
(x) = 1.1½.2.2½
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 15.12.2009

5040 Quedgeley S Royal

D F Morrison (No.1914)
23456  M  W  H 
43652  -     SS
56234  -  -
32465  -  -
64523  -  -  SS
26543     -    
Holybourne (handbells), 22.12.2009

5024 Yorkshire S Major

I R Fielding
23456  B  M  W  H
24536        -  2
54632     -
54326  -  (a)   -
34625     -     3
34256  -        -
(a) = S3rds/S4ths
Omit (a) in parts 2 and 3
St Mary, Portsmouth, 26.12.2009