D F Morrison (No.7616) 23456 M B W H 42356 1 42635 a 2 372645 S3rds 345627 2 S5ths 1 34625 - 1 25463 b 56342 2 c 24365 1 1 1 2-part a = B/S4ths/S2nds b = S3rds/5ths/S5ths/5ths c = 4ths/In/4ths/In/4ths/In/4ths/In 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s 100 little bell runs (inc 24 each 3456s, 5432s) at the back 20 each 5678s, 6578s; 18 each 8765s (inc back rounds), 8756s 60 little bell runs off the front no 87s at back St Michael, Basingstoke, 1.1.2017
J W Holdsworth 23456 M 9ths W H 64352 - - 56342 - 573624 - 543627 S 24365 S 2-part 130 little bell runs at the back 128 little bell runs off the front Winchester Cathedral, 2.1.2017
J Clatworthy 23456 B M W H 64352 - - 56423 X 2 23465 S - SS 43652 S 2 - 23456 2 SS X = 18 Hursley, 7.1.2017
R D S Brown 23456 Out W 5ths In M H 35264 4 65324 - 2 273546 - - S 425637 S - 2 - 42356 - - 3-part 75 cru 61 little bell runs at the back 39 little bell runs off the front Tittums Holybourne, 8.1.2017
A P Smith (5136247890) M W H 1328769540 In/S6ths 1794625830 S3rds/In/H 1654327890 S7ths/SW/5ths 156234 2 2 135264 - 145362 2 3 163254 - - 123456 - 3 Start 8 changes after the tenor in 7ths S in 78 at the 18th change 16 56s, 3 65s 60 little bell runs Newbury, 14.1.2017
R D S Brown 23456 M 4ths B In H 42356 - 34256 SS - 342756 - 2 3 473526 - 324567 3 - - S 2-part Omit SS in part 2 72 cru 40 little bell runs at the back 48 little bell runs at the front back rounds St Agatha, Portsmouth, 17.1.2017
C K Lewis 23456 W B M H 35264 - 1 2 23564 3 - 42536 - S 23465 3 1 3* 4-part 3* = BSB in parts 2 and 4 Buckland Close, Eastleigh (handbells), 29.1.2017
T W Griffiths 23456 B In M 4ths W 5ths H 42356 - 54326 - 64523 - - 357624 - 563427 - 26543 - - 357246 - 523647 - 42563 - - 357462 - 342567 - 2 - 473526 - - 453627 3 2 237465 3 - 3 234567 - - 48 cru 76 little bell runs at the back 61 little bell runs off the front Queens, Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 31.1.2017
A W Tatlow 23456 M In 5ths W H 36452 - 2 374526 3 S 534627 3 S - 32465 - - - 24365 - - 43265 - - 43652 2 2 - 34256 2 - - 42356 - - 24536 - - - 2 52436 3 - 23456 2 St Agatha, Portsmouth, 7.2.2017
A G Reading (23465) 5ths In B 4ths M W H 35246 - 472356 S - 462375 3 - 452367 (a) - 427635 S - 324657 - 3 (BBS) 25346 - 473256 S - 453267 3 2 SS 437625 S - 243657 - 2 23465 SS S (a) = In/S4ths/S2nds/S4ths/S2nds/4ths Snap start and finish 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 68 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s; each 16 6578s, 8756s 62 little bell runs off the front Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 8.2.2017
A G Reading (No.2) 23456 M B 5ths W H 34256 2 46325 4ths/In 2 2 34562 4ths/In 26354 2 (a) 2 2 374526 1 S 324657 S4ths - 2 273546 - S 452367 S4ths 1 2 43652 - 2 1 54326 - 2 64523 - 1 45362 4ths/In 1 32546 2 4ths/In 2 1 46253 S3rds S (42536) S4ths/S2nds S (a) = 4ths/S3rds/4ths/S2nds 24 each 5678s, 6578s; 20 8765s; 12 8756s 106 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 65 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.2.2017
D F Morrison (No.2033) 23456 M B 4ths 5ths In W H 54326 2 2 36245 1 1 2 54263 2 - 2 1 45362 2 2 52364 2 - 1 2 32654 2 2 2 43265 1 - - 1 2 36452 2 2 275436 1 S 2 1 357426 1 1 374526 1 2 253467 2 S 2 2 23456 1 2 144 cru 34 little bell runs at the back 57 little bell runs off the front Queens, Whittingtons St Agatha, Portsmouth, 22.2.2017
D F Morrison (No.6411) 23456 B In W 5ths M 4ths H 23564 - - 32645 - S 243756 - 3 472536 - 632457 3 - - 34526 2 - 42365 - 23465 - - 34265 - - 35264 - - S - 64523 2 237546 - - - 275346 - 2 357246 S S 354267 - - - 34256 - 2 45623 2 - 45236 - - 23456 - - 24 each 56s, 65s; 18 each 8765s, 7568s at the back 18 8765s (inc back rounds) 15 5678s, 14 8756s off the front Queens, Kings, Whittingtons, Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 28.2.2017
D F Morrison (No.3560) 23456 M W H 54632 - - 52436 2 - 274635 - - S3rds 346257 S4ths 42356 2 (2) 3-part S instead of (2) in last part St Agatha, Portsmouth, 1.3.2017
B D Constant 23456 M 4ths In B 5ths W H 34256 - - 63425 - - 2 1 24365 2 S3rds S 65432 S3rds S 26354 - 2 2 472536 2 S 325467 S 43265 1 S3rds S 374526 - S 245367 S 32465 1 S3rds S 352746 - S 1 1 273546 1 1 543267 S 1 25463 1 2 23456 2 - - 81 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s) 24 8765s, 12 8756s, 8 7468s 56 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 9 8756s, 7 6578s 56 little bell runs off the front Whittingtons, Kings, Queens Holybourne, 4.3.2017
D F Morrison (No.1068 rearranged) 23456 5ths H 56234 Out S 3 35264 - 3 42635 4ths 3 42365 In - 6-part Romsey, 4.3.2017
D F Morrison (No.2072) 23456 3rds B 5ths W H 46352 S S S 36254 S S S S 234675 S - - 453627 S S 32564 S S S 6-part 96 cru 24 little bell runs at the back 54 little bell runs off the front Queens St Agatha, Portsmouth, 8.3.2017
A G Reading 23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H (35426) - - (65432) S S X (674523) - X 243657 - 3 53462 - X - (53462) Y 64532 - S 574362 S3rds S Y 735264 - 3 (247365) - - - 432567 - 3 (273546) S3rds S 3 357246 S - 273546 - S (263754) - S (263457) 2* 42365 - 3 (473256) - 537264 - S (243657) - - 35426 S S X - 647325 - 643527 - - (56342) Z - X 573624 - (563427) Z - 2 (45362) - SS (34256) - - (23645) - - (32645) S - - 42356 2* - 23456 2 X = B/4ths/In Y = 4ths/In/B Z = In/B/4ths 2* = SB 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s; 8 7568 165 little bell runs (inc 24 each 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 8756s 165 little bell runs (inc 24 each 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s) off the front Kings, Queens, Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 14.3.2017
A G Reading (Cornwall No.2) 23456 4ths Out M H In 5ths W 42635 3 - 473526 - - 563427 - - X 35264 - 45362 - 273546 2 S 472536 - 243567 - - 32456 2 X (327465) - - 735264 SS - 647253 3* - 234567 - 6ths place calls X = W/M/H 3* = BSB 64 cru 58 little bell runs at the back 74 little bell runs off the front Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 21.3.2017
J S Warboys (SU0308) 23456 Cl - 23564 Wo Nw Ch - 36452 Ch Mu Cl - 52436 Cl - 52364 Nb - 26435 Nb - 63542 Cl Cl 42356 3-part Call Ak for Nw in parts 2 and 3 23456 Cl - 23564 Nb Mu Wh Wh - 23645 Mo Sa 34256 3-part Call Ct for Mo in parts 2 and 3 23456 Lo Ke Lo - 23564 Li Li - 45236 Lo Ke Lo - 45362 Co - 56234 Cu Co - 34256 3-part Call We for all 4 leads of Lo, Li for both leads of Co, and Co for both leads of Li in part 3 Contains all Carlisle-over and London-over methods from the standard 41 with no backstroke 65s
J S Warboys (SU0403) 23456 No Ne Ws Ws - 64235 Ad - 64352 Ad - 64523 Wk - 56423 Wm Lf Bm Wm - 45623 Ab Wk Ab Ro Ro - 45236 St Bc St - 45362 Wk 34256 3-part Call Ad for the plain lead of Ws in 1 or 2 parts 23456 Ip Bo Ip Cm - 56423 Yo Cm Du Du - 45623 Hu Pr Nf Nf - 64523 Du - 64235 Bv Bk Bk - 26435 He Su Su - 42635 Yo - 42356 3-part
Allendale (Ad), Alnwick (Ak), Annable’s London (Ab), Bacup (Bc), Bamborough (Bm), Berwick (Bk), Beverley (Bv), Bourne (Bo), Cambridge (Cm), Canterbury (Ct), Carlisle (Cl), Chester (Ch), Coldstream (Co), Cunecastre (Cu), Durham (Du), Hexham (He), Hull (Hu), Ipswich (Ip), Kelso (Ke), Lightfoot (Lf), Lincoln (Li), London (Lo), Morpeth (Mo), Munden (Mu), Netherseale (Ne), Newcastle (Nw), Norfolk (Nf), Northumberland (Nb), Norwich (No), Primrose (Pr), Rossendale (Ro), Sandiacre (Sa), Stamford (St), Surfleet (Su), Warkworth (Wk), Wearmouth (Wm), Wells (We), Westminster (Ws), Whitley (Wh), Wooler (Wo), York (Yo)
Garsington, 26.3.2017
Steeple Claydon, 1.5.2017
Northington, 30.6.2022
A G Reading 23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H 64352 - a - DDD.D.DBBD.DDDDD.DBB. 64253 b D.DDDDD.DBBD.DDDD 56342 b - D.DDDDD.DBBD.DDDD.B (56342) a BD.DBBD.DDDDD. 573624 - D.DDD 352647 c - - D.DBBD.DDDDD.D.DDD.BBB (35462) 2* BB.B. (473526) - 3* BDB.BD.DBBD.DBBD. 342567 - - SS DB.BB.BD.DBBD. 45362 - DB.D (374526) - 3* BBBD.BD.DDDDD.DDDDD. (246357) - DB. 42635 3^ BDB.B.B.B 243756 - 3+ D.DDDD.B.B. 537264 S BBBBB.DDDD 243657 - - D.DDDDD.D 53462 - a - DDD.D.DBBD.DBBD.DBB. (53462) d BBD.DDDDD.DDDDD. (65432) - a D.BBD.DBBD.DBBD. (674523) - a D.DD.DBBD.DBBD. 324657 - - DDD.DD. 42563 - BB.DD 54326 e DDDD.DBBD.BBBB 42356 - - BB.D.D 23456 3# DDDDD.DBBD.DDDDD. a = B/4ths/In b = In/B/S4ths c = In/B/4ths d = 4ths/In/B e = 4ths/In 2* = BS 3* = BBS 3^ = SBB 3+ = BSB 3# = SBS 2592 each Bristol Surprise, Double Norwich Court Bob, 62 com, atw 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s; 16 8756s, 14 7568s 171 little bell runs (inc 24 each 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds); 11 8756s 165 little bell runs (inc 24 each 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s) off the front North Stoneham, 27.3.2017 St Mary, Southampton, 1.4.2017 Portsmouth Cathedral, 16.12.2017
C R Hill 23456 M W H 42356 - (54326) - 23546 3 - S (42536) - 65234 S S 23456 S - - Hursley, 1.4.2017
R D S Brown 23456 5ths B In M W 4ths H 34256 2 45362 2 2 3 56423 2 2 3 62534 2 2 3 23645 - 3 63542 - 34625 - 756324 - - (324567) - - - S Downton, 8.4.2017
R I Allton (621435) 7ths M W H 163245 X 124365 S - 153462 - - (165432) - 134526 S S S 164523 S 153426 - S 124356 S S 163452 S S 123456 SS S Start 10 changes before Home X = 50 7 56s, 4 65s, 113 little bell runs at the back 78 little bell runs off the front back rounds Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 15.4.2017
N Smith 23456 M In/5ths B W H 42356 - 26354 - X 63254 X 36524 X - 2 23645 - 2 62345 - | 25346 - X | 53246 X | 32546 X | A 24536 - - | 35426 - - 2 | 23564 - 2 | 23456 A 118 cru 28 little bell runs at the back 35 little bell runs off the front Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 19.4.2017
O M Austin 23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 25346 3 - 65432 - 2 - 2-part All Saints, Basingstoke, 22.4.2017
A G Reading (Tollemache) 23456 B W In 5ths M 4ths H 36452 - - - - 43652 3 - 43526 - - 273546 3 S3rds 543267 3 S - 42563 - 64523 - X 26543 - X 357462 - - 354267 - - 23456 - 3 X = 4ths/In/B St Agatha, Portsmouth, 25.4.2017
D F Morrison (No.2946) 23456 M In B W 5ths 4ths H 43526 2 1 63254 - - 2 2 36452 - 1 2 (437256) 2 - 746352 - - 253467 2 - 2 2 54632 2 - 32465 2 - 2 2-part 120 cru 56 little bell runs at the back 64 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 3.5.2017
E J Southerington 23456 M W H 64352 - - 34562 2 - 24365 2 3 2-part Bretton (handbells), 7.5.2017
R W Lee 23456 5ths B M W 4ths In H 34256 X 2 34562 - - 53462 X - 45362 Y - 473526 - 3 463725 - Z 563427 - 2 237465 X - - 234567 - - X = B/4ths/In Y = 4ths/In/B Z = In/B/4ths 24 each 5678s, 8765s; 16 7568s 140 little bell runs (inc 24 each 4567s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s) at the back St Agatha, Portsmouth, 9.5.2017
D F Morrison (No.1365) 234567 B 4ths 5ths M In W H 523647 - 2 526437 - - 326457 S (35264) 2 S 372546 - 426357 - (347265) - - - - - SS 423567 - 3-part 76 cru 50 little bell runs at the back 72 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 30.5.2017
A G Reading (No.4) 23456 M 4ths In Out 5ths W H 56342 3 36452 S 2* 64352 - 32546 S S - 472536 S SS 537264 2+ (537264) SS 543627 - S 46352 S 2 2* 357624 S - 345267 - S 43526 2+ 3 (64523) 2+ S 23456 S S 6ths place calls 2* = BS, 2+ = SB 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 90 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 90 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 6.6.2017
E J Southerington 23456 M W H 64352 - - 34562 2 - 24365 2 3 2-part Bretton (handbells), 11.6.2017
J W Moorhouse 23456 1 5 6 34526 S - 53642 * - 65234 - 26453 - 42365 - 12-part S at * in parts 6 and 12 Rosemoor Grove, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 14.6.2017
D F Morrison (No.4973) 23456 B W 5ths M H 35264 - 63254 - 63542 - - 34625 - 56423 - - 42356 - 3 4ths/In 3-part St Agatha, Portsmouth, 28.6.2017
J W Moorhouse 23456 1 5 6 34526 S - 53642 * - 65234 - 26453 - 42365 - 12-part S at * in parts 1 and 7 Wallington Drive, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 5.7.2017
G A C John 23456 M B W H 43526 - - - W.WGW.BBKG. 24536 - BWGKW.B 36245 2 - KG.WKK.KBW.WWWGK 52643 - - W.BG. 25346 2 2 KG.WKK.WKW.B. 54263 - 2 - W.WGKG.BG.KGW. 46325 2 - GKBB.GKGG.BWKGG. (56423) - - BK.K. 62534 - WWGW.WB 45236 - - BWG.KBWB. 26354 - - 2 W.KGKB.W.B. 23564 - 2 WKW.BB.B. 36452 - 2 BKGG.WGWWB.GW.B 24653 - - BB.WKGK. (34256) - - WGWKGG.WGW. 45362 - GG.WGW (56234) 2 - BB.WG.BKG. 24365 - - 2 WWB.G.W.B. 63542 - - W.BWK.GW (42635) - 2 WW.GKB.KKW. 23456 - 3 KW.GKW.B.B. 1632 Cornwall (W), 1216 Glasgow, 1120 Bristol, 1056 Buckfastleigh (K) 125 com, atw, 94 cru St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.7.2017
R Baldwin 23456 W 5ths 4ths 3rds M H 45236 - - 25634 - 26354 - 2 36452 - 3 32654 2 - 24536 2 2 - 472536 - S 3 325467 S 3 35426 2 - - - 23456 - 3 72 cru 51 little bell runs at the back 33 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.7.2017
E J Southerington 23456 M W H 64352 - - 34562 2 - 24365 2 3 2-part Bretton (handbells), 16.7.2017
D F Morrison (No.1401) 234567 M In 4ths B 5ths W H 432765 - - - - SS 354726 - - 273546 - S 243567 SS S S 453726 - - 423567 S - 3-part 24 each 56s, 8765s at the back 12 each 5678s, 8765s off the front St Mary, Portsmouth, 1.8.2017
A G Craddock 23456 W B M H 34256 2 23645 - - 56342 4 - - 45362 - 6 63542 S S 23546 S 65342 6 - - 26453 - 2 36452 S 54632 S S 24635 S 24356 X - 23456 S 4 = BSBS 6 = BBSBBS X = 16 Rosemoor Grove, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 2.8.2017
A G Reading 23456 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 35264 X 53462 - - 3 34562 - 3 56342 - - 3 64352 - 4637258 - - 4735268 3 - 3725468 2 3425678 - - - (6 leads) 3425786 - 2345786 X (6 leads) 4235786 X (6 leads) 4235678 X (6 leads) 23456 - X = 14 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 4567s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s; 20 7568s; 12 5867s; 8 7654s at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 5432s; 16 2345s; 10 8657s; 6 4567s off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 2.8.2017
A J Pitman 234567 1 2 3 437562 S S 376524 - - 762543 - - 624537 - - 743265 S 346752 - - 645327 - - 542673 - - 247536 - - 423576 - S S 12-part Bob for S halfway and end Brighstone, 20.8.2017 Shanklin, 28.12.2019
A G Reading 23456 W 5ths 4ths B In M H 34256 X 2 725364 - - 624537 3 2 S S 34562 S S (674532) X S3rds 374562 SS S 756243 S 3S3rds 426735 S S 356742 S S 463725 S S 243567 3S3rds - 3 54326 S X 735264 S - - 643527 3 2 S 35642 - X - 23654 - X S 64325 S Y S - 53462 S Y S S 45362 Y - 23456 - Z - - X = B/4ths/In Y = 4ths/In/B Z = In/B/4ths All 384 4-bell runs at the back or off the front not involving the treble 12 blocks of 3 bobs and the 7 “cyclic” courses in full Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 22.8.2017
A G Reading (Yorkshire No.9) 23456 2 4 5 7 9 42356 - 53624 - - 46325 - - 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 354260987 - - 234560987 - 643527890 - - - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - Bishopstoke, 22.8.2017
A G Reading (No.1) 23456 M W H 42356 - 34256 SS - 25463 S S - 65423 S SS 54263 S 2 24365 - 3 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - 18 56s, 19 65s Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 28.8.2017
D F Morrison (No.6064) 23456 5ths B M W 4ths H 34256 2 34562 - - 43625 - S 467523 S - 364527 In - 46253 - 32546 S 3 S 472536 S3rds 247563 S 2 - - 245367 In - 53462 S S - 65432 SS - 756243 - - 463725 - 456723 - - In 574263 - 643527 - 23456 - - 21 56s, 8 65s, 22 8765s 86 little bell runs at the back 14 8765s (inc back rounds), 11 5678s 53 little bell runs off the front Holybourne, 2.9.2017
E J Southerington 23456 M W H 64352 - - 34562 2 - 24365 2 3 2-part Bretton (handbells), 3.9.2017
D F Morrison (No.4553) 23456 M W B H 42356 - 35426 - - 43652 4ths/In (35426) - 24653 - - 35642 - a - - (54326) - 32546 - - 43526 - 26354 S3rds 3 S5ths 273546 3 S5ths 532467 S4ths 2 - 45236 - (53462) - - - 23456 - 2 a = In/B/4ths 18 each 56s, 8765s 48 little bell runs at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s 38 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.9.2017
M B Davies 23456 M B W H 42356 - B. 54326 - MLCBCS.B 54263 - - BCCDL.LLAA. (46253) - - ALAAAS.BL. (65432) - CCBL.CCMD (53624) - CL. 32546 - LS.CB 32465 - - BMCDL.BMB. 26354 - BBADB.LSD 43652 - - M.MCMMMCL. 43526 - - BCMDL.MAMCB. (24536) - BLLLMB. (43265) - MMCDC. 45362 2 - SLS.LASA.BDM. 63254 - - C.BDDADBM.SSS 52436 - - M.LLCL.L 34625 - - SSS.DDDB.DBDAM 26543 - - L.BBAAMB.SDASD 64352 - 2 M.DDDB.CCCL.MAM 23456 - - ASLS.MCCCDC. 832 each Bristol, Cornwall; 800 Lessness; 768 Malpas; 704 Deva; 544 each Adelaide, Superlative; 119 com, atw Romsey, 9.9.2017
T W Griffiths 23456 M B 4ths 5ths W H 64352 - X - 56342 Y - 573624 X - (234567) Y - 42356 X - 54326 - 34256 X 2 - 725364 S S 3 234567 S S3rds - X = B/4ths/In Y = In/B/4ths 40 cru 116 little bell runs at the back 75 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 13.9.2017
A G Reading (25364) B M W H 63524 6* S S 43526 S 4* 26354 2 53624 3 S S 24635 S 4+ 43625 SS 2 65324 S - 25364 S Snap start and finish 6* = BBSBBS 4* = SBSB 4+ = SBBS 24 each 5678s, 8765s; 16 6578s; 14 8756s 79 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s; 14 each 6578s, 8756s 79 little bell runs off the front Tittums Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 19.9.2017 St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.2.2019
A G Reading (Edale D) 23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H 572364 - 2 735462 - 3 427365 - 2 643527 - - X - (56342) Y - X 573624 - (563427) Y - 2 56423 - - 523764 - - (543267) - X 23456 - - 2 X = B/4ths/In Y = In/B/4ths 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s, 2468s, 7568s at the back 12 each 5678s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s, 8657s off the front St Mary, Portsmouth, 20.9.2017
D G Hull 23456 M 7ths W H 45236 1 1 32546 2 2 32465 In/5ths 1 324657089 Out 24365 2 243657908 Out 32465 1 425637890 1 Out 25463 2 23564 2 1 67452 1 2 2 43652 2 1 1 436529078 Out/5ths (436527890) Out/5ths 56342 2 2 34562 1 1 65432 2 2 65324 In/5ths 1 54326 1 2 645239078 2 Out/5ths 645237890 Out/5ths 56423 1 63425 1 2 536247089 2 Out 54326 2 1 (543267890) Out/4ths 23456 2 2 All Saints, Basingstoke, 23.9.2017
A G Reading (No.5) 23456 M W H 24536 - 2 (32546) - (42563) S S (64523) - 54326 - (24365) S S 34562 - 53462 - 64352 2 2 34256 - 23456 - 14 56s 139 little bell runs at the back 176 0987s (inc 15 098765s) 90 little bell runs off the front Inveraray, 30.9.2017
A G Reading 23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H 64352 - X - (56342) Y - X 573624 - 342657 Y - 2 (BS) (42356) S 43562 - S 357462 S 573462 - - 372645 - 3* 745263 3* 427365 - 234657 S - - 23456 3 (BSB) Bob = 14 Single = 1456 X = B/4ths/In Y = In/B/4ths 3* = SBB 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 145 little bell runs at the back 23 8765s; 21 each 5678s, 6578s, 8756s 111 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 3.10.2017
A G Reading (Ladymead) 23456 4ths M 5ths W B H 45236 - - (53462) - 23465 S 3 (32546) S - 2 (472536) S3rds 462537 3 S 472536 3 S 325467 S 3 657342 - 473625 S (657342) 3 S3rds 653247 In - 23456 - - 3 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 58 little bell runs at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s; 12 each 6578s, 8756s 46 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 10.10.2017
A J Cox 23456 4ths In Out W H M (42635) - - 3 CRC.RRCCC.CC.A.A. (372546) - - 3 CR.CRCRR.CRC.A.A. 423567 - - - CR.C.RRC. (35264) - 2 CR.CRC.A. (35462) 2* - CRCR.CCCC.C. 32456 - - 2 CR.CRCRR.CRC.A. 2-part A = CRCRC 2* = BS 3072 Cornwall, 2048 Rutland; 112 com, atw 88 crus (inc 24 each 56s, 65s) 432 combinations of 5678 (inc 24 each 8765s, 8756s, 7685s, 5867s; 8 7568s; 4 7468s) 67 little bell runs at the back 480 combinations of 5678 (inc 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s) 57 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 17.10.2017
A G Reading 23456 M W H 45236 - - BBBBBBBBBBB.CCCCY. 24536 - CYYYYCYYYYC. 53462 S S - BBB.C.CYYYC. 24365 - - CYYYC.CCCCB. 32465 - YCYYYYYCYB. 64523 - - BBCY.C.BBBBBBB 35426 - - BBB.YCYYYC. 43526 - CYYYCCCYYCC. 32546 2 CBBB.BBBC.CCYYY (42536) S YCCCB.B 1728 Yorkshire, 1682 Bristol, 1680 Cambridge, 37 com, atw 9 56s, 15 65s 117 little bell runs at the back 94 little bell runs off the front Portsmouth Cathedral, 21.10.2017
A G Reading (No.8) 23456 M W H 42356 1 735462 SB/S4ths 543267 S S3rds 1 34562 2 4ths/In 1 1 472536 2 B/S5ths 432657 S4ths/B 2 34256 2 4ths/In 1 63425 4ths/In 2 1 36452 2 4ths/In 1 352746 2 S5ths 1 1 273546 1 1 532467 S4ths 2 1 473625 1 S3rds 254637 2 S5ths 23456 2 4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s, 33 468s 90 little bell runs (inc 24 each 3456s, 5432s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds); 12 6578s, 8 8756s 70 little bell runs off the front Kings, Queens, Whittingtons Brockenhurst, 21.10.2017
D F Morrison (No.3005) 23456 W B M H 42356 - 43526 - 3 2 65324 - - 26543 2 - 54263 - - 25346 - - 32465 - - - 2-part 64 cru 56 little bell runs at the back 43 little bell runs off the front Tittums Wells Bells, Alderney, 22.10.2017
C K Lewis 23456 W B M H 35264 (-) 1 2 23564 3 - 42536 - S 23465 3 1 3 4-part S for (-) in parts 1 and 3 St Michael, Basingstoke, 28.10.2017 Bishopstoke, 28.12.2021 Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 9.4.2022 Bishopstoke, 2.6.2022 Bishopstoke, 4.2.2023 Bishopstoke, 7.5.2023 Bishopstoke, 28.9.2024
W S Croft 23456 W M H 43625 S - PPPBuPPP 53624 S WRDGLLP 63425 - PPPCDPP 42365 S 3 - PLBaBaP 12-part Bob for SM except in parts 1 and 7 S for bob H in parts 3, 6, 9 and 12 Omit 3M in parts 2 to 12 3360 Plain Bob, 480 Double Bob, 288 Little Bob, 240 Reverse Bob, 192 each Burford Differential Little Bob (Bu), Churchill Little Bob, 144 each Gainsborough Little Bob, Wellington Little Bob, 8 Bastow Little Bob (Ba), 158 com New Farm Road, New Alresford (handbells), 6.11.2017
I R Fielding (reversed) 23456 M B W H 64352 1 5 1 23645 4 1 56234 4 1 35264 5 1 23456 4 Wallington Drive, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 8.11.2017
D F Morrison (No.4161) 23456 M W H 42635 4ths/In 53624 - - - 324756 S In 273546 B 473526 S 453627 5ths/5ths 34256 S 4ths/In S 3-part 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s; 12 7568s at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 8756s off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.11.2017
S Jenner and D F Morrison 23456 B M W 4ths In H 35264 - 3 427365 - (234567) - 357624 2 - (563427) - 56423 2 2 - 25463 - 35642 - 2 - 43652 - 35426 - 64523 - - 42635 2 2 3 23456 - 3 18 56s, 74 little bell runs at the back 8 5678s off the front Tittums North Stoneham, 15.11.2017
A G Reading (No.8) 23456 M 5ths W H 34256 2 34625 4ths/In 2 25463 S3rds S 35426 4ths/In 1 1 36452 4ths/In 2 352746 2 S 1 1 273546 1 1 432657 S4ths/B 1 374526 B S 435267 S4ths 2 472536 1 4ths/S3rds/4ths/SB S 243657 S4ths/B 247563 1 B/4ths/SB 2 S 453627 S3rds/4ths/S3rds 1 23456 1 4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s; 16 8567; 12 8756 108 little bell runs (incl 24 each 6543s, 5432s; 16 each 3456s, 2345s) at the back. 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rouned); 10 each 6578s, 8756s 72 little bell runs off the front Kings, Queens, Whittingtons Twyford, Hants, 20.11.2017
E J Southerington 23456 M W H 64352 - - 34562 2 - 24365 2 3 2-part Bretton (handbells), 26.11.2017
D F Morrison (No.7877) 23456 B M W 35264 - 36524 a - - 56423 - 23645 2 (b) 34256 - 3-part a = 4ths/In/4ths/In b = S3rds/S4ths Omit (b) in any 2 parts 18 each 56s, 7568s; 12 8756s; 6 each 65s, 7658s 42 little bell runs at the back 6 each 5678s, 6578s 40 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 29.11.2017
P G C Ellis (arr.) 23456 St Albans - 23564 Surfleet - 52364 London - 35264 Norwich - 35642 Kent - 35426 Norwich - 35264 Bourne - 23564 St Albans - 23645 Beverley - 62345 Bourne - 36245 Cambridge - 23645 Kent - 23456 London - 42356 Cambridge - 34256 3-part, rung in whole courses 720 each Bourne S, Cambridge S, Kent TB, London S, Norwich S, St Albans D; 360 each Beverley S, Surfleet S; 41 com, atw Blackmoor, 12.12.2017
D F Morrison (No.7502) 23456 M B W H 32465 2 4ths/In 1 25463 1 2 56423 2 34256 3 3-part 18 56s, 12 65s 48 little bell runs Rosemoor Grove, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 13.12.2017
M B Davies and R W Lee 42536 M B W H 36254 2 52463 S 1 S 43265 1 S 36452 - 24653 S S 54362 2 S 56342 2* 64523 - 24536 S S 63245 - S 34265 1 - 32465 2* 1 26354 - 43652 S S 43526 - 1 32546 S 2* 23456 S Snap start and finish 2* = SB 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s 80 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s 76 little bell runs off the front all the near-misses St Agatha, Portsmouth, 18.12.2017
A G Reading (5042 No.3 de-optimised) 23456 M W H 64352 - - 53462 2 2 (65432) - 45236 - (35264) S S 42563 - - (64523) - 54326 - 32546 S S q (42536) S q = 16 164 little bell runs at the back 111 little bell runs off the front Bishopstoke, 19.12.2017
arr. W S Croft 23456 W M H 42635 - - 52634 S 62435 - 36425 - 3 43562 - - SS 42365 2 - 6-part Bob for SM except in parts 1 and 4 Micheldever (handbells), 27.12.2017
T W Griffiths 23456 In B W 5ths M 4ths H 42356 - 54326 - 357624 - - - 357246 - - - - 357462 - - - - 342567 - 2 - 473526 - - 3 237465 2 3 - (237465) 3 234567 - - 48 cru 98 little bell runs at the back 49 little bell runs off the front Queens, Tittums Frensham, 31.12.2017
arr. A G Reading (No.2 Q-group) 23456 In B 4ths 5ths H 56234 - S 3 36254 S 3 42536 - 3 42356 - - 6-part S for bob halfway and end Portsmouth Cathedral, 31.12.2017