A G Reading
2345678 Edmundsbury
3527486 Ytterbium
6482735 Shorrock
5738264 Shorrock
4263857 Ytterbium
7856342 Edmundsbury
(- 7864523 Norfolk
3526478 Bouchavesnes
8472635 Wild Hare
5637284 Micklegate Bar
2345867 Dunster
- 6784523 Dunster
3528467 Bouchavesnes
7462835 Wild Hare
5836274 Micklegate Bar
2345786 Dunster
-)8674523 Snowdrift
- 6457823 Dunster
3825764 Bouchavesnes
4762538 Wild Hare
8536247 Micklegate Bar
2378456 Dunster
- 5647823 Dunster
3824756 Bouchavesnes
6752438 Wild Hare
8435267 Bouchavesnes
7263584 Norfolk
- 4567823
Omit bracketed calls and leads in parts 3, 4 and 7
1056 Dunster; 928 Bouchavesnes; 704 Wild Hare;
480 Micklegate Bar; 448 each Edmundsbury, Shorrock,
Ytterbium; 352 Norfolk; 224 Snowdrift; 140 com, atw
24 each 5678s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s,
2345s, 5432s at the back and off the front
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 7.1.2022
R LeMarechal
23456789 1 3 4 7 8
64532978 S S - - (7 leads)
25436 - -
24356 - 2
32456 3 -
53426789 - - 3
42536 - -
25436 SS 2
43256 - -
32456 (SS) 2
Omit (SS) in part 2
Bishopstoke, 15.1.2022
D F Morrison (No.8266)
2345678 Superlative
5738264 London
3527486 Double Norwich
6482735 Kenninghall
- 7864523 Deva
2345867 Cambridge
5637284 Double Norwich
4283756 Double Norwich
6758342 Bristol
- 5678342 Lancashire
6854723 Cooktown Orchid
8462537 Lancashire
4283675 Cambridge
3725468 Cornwall
- 4237856 Lessness
3482675 Deva
- 7568234 London
6725483 Deva
8354726 Superlative
- 3426875 Cambridge
6745382 Cooktown Orchid
7568423 Yorkshire
8253746 Glasgow
2384567 Bristol
- 8234567
672 each Cambridge S, Deva S; 448 each Bristol S, Cooktown Orchid D,
Lancashire S, London S, Superlative S; 336 Double Norwich Court Bob;
224 each Cornwall S, Glasgow S, Kenninghall S, Lessness S, Yorkshire S;
160 com, atw
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 1.2.2022
A G Reading (No.10)
23456 M W H
64352 - -
56342 -
24365 - - -
53462 - -
65432 -
25346 - 2 -
42356 -
53624 - -
46325 - -
32465 - -
64523 - -
35426 - -
23456 -
44 cru
102 little bell runs at the back
73 little bell runs off the front
Bishopstoke, 22.2.2022
L J Woodward (No.2)
231456789 5 8 15 16
413265978 (a)
513264 2 S | |
312465 - S - | A |
214365 - 2 | | B
412365879 (b) |
3142 A |
314256978 (c)
4132 - S |
4123 S - |
2143 - S | C
2134 S - |
3124 - S |
314297568 3.10S.12S.14S.17
3124 C
314257968 3.8S.14S.15
3124 C
413256879 1.8S.13S.15.18
4123 C
412365978 (c)
214365879 B
(a) = (16 sixes)
(b) = (14 sixes)
(c) = 3.4.8s.9.12s.13 (14 sixes)
All Saints, Basingstoke, 26.2.2022
D F Morrison (No.8266)
2345678 Cornwall
6482735 London
- 7864523 Bristol
6758342 Yorkshire
8472635 Yorkshire
2345867 Cambridge
5637284 Lessness
3526478 Yorkshire
- 5678342 London
7536284 Cornwall
2347856 Bristol
- 4237856 Lessness
3482675 Lessness
8364527 Lessness
6853742 Cornwall
- 7568234 Superlative
8354726 Superlative
- 3426875 Bristol
2384567 Superlative
4637258 Yorkshire
7568423 Cambridge
8253746 London
5872634 Cambridge
- 8234567
896 each Lessness, Yorkshire; 672 each Bristol, Cambridge,
Cornwall, London, Superlative; 132 com, atw
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 1.3.2022
P W J Sheppard
23456 M W H
34256 2
54263 S S
24365 - SS
53462 - -
65432 -
52436 - 2
(32456) S
Portsmouth Cathedral, 12.3.2022
R LeMarechal (Yorkshire No.1)
23456 M W H
56423 (a) -
24365 - - 3
62345 -
35426 - - 2
34256 - 2
45236 2 3
23456 - -
(a) = 1.1½.2.2½
Bishopstoke, 19.3.2022
R D S Brown (Rutland)
23456 M B W H
23564 - -
34625 - S3rds/S5ths - -
56234 X S4ths/SB
32465 - -
64523 - -
42356 S3rds/S5ths -
X = In/B/4ths
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 1.4.2022
D F Morrison (No. 8268b)
2345678 Glasgow
3527486 Cassiobury
8674523 Lindum
7856342 Preston
6482735 Cambridge
S 2435678 London
3264857 Superlative
4527386 Watford
- 3245678 Whalley
4362857 Rutland
6483725 Wembley
8674532 Cornwall
5728364 Cray
- 4325678 Yorkshire
5738462 Lincolnshire
8672543 Lessness
7856324 Ipswich
S 4235678 Double Dublin
3462857 Bristol
6384725 Ashtead
5728463 Pudsey
- 7863542 Double Norwich
2546378 Jersey
- 5678234
224 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall,
Cray, Double Dublin, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, Lessness,
Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Preston, Pudsey, Rutland,
Superlative, Watford, Wembley, Whalley, Yorkshire; 112
Double Norwich Court Bob; 160 com, atw
Bray, 3.4.2022
R I Allton
23456 B M W H
64352 - -
54236 2 S
54362 - -
24365 S
24653 - -
45362 2 -
63542 S S
42356 2
104 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s)
Hugh Town, 23.4.2022
T Hooley (arr. R D S Brown for Lessness)
23456 M 4ths In B W H
56234 - 2
32465 - -
64523 - -
42635 -
3725468 - -
4235678 - - -
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 13.5.2022
A J Pitman
23456 B M W H
52436 - |
23564 - | A
34562 - 2 |
45623 A
24653 -
45236 -
25634 -
53462 2 -
36245 2 -
64523 2 -
42356 2 -
56234 2
23456 2A
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 29.5.2022
D F Morrison (No.8266)
2345678 York
3527486 Double Norwich
6482735 Cornwall
- 7864523 Lancashire
8472635 Venusium
3526478 Rook and Gaskill
2345867 Ealing
4283756 Deva
- 5678342 Bristol
7536284 Bristol
3725468 Kenninghall
- 4237856 Lessness
3482675 Jovium
- 7568234 London
6725483 Cornwall
4236875 Ytterbium
5873642 Lancashire
8354726 Superlative
- 3426875 Cambridge
6745382 Cooktown Orchid
7568423 Yorkshire
8253746 Glasgow
2384567 Double Dublin
- 8234567
448 each Bristol S, Cornwall S, Lancashire S; 224 each Cambridge S,
Cooktown Orchid D, Deva S, Double Dublin S, Ealing S, Glasgow S,
Jovium S, Kenninghall S, Lessness S, London S, Rook and Gaskill S,
Superlative S, Venusium S, York S, Yorkshire S, Ytterbium S;
112 Double Norwich Court Bob; 153 com, atw
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 31.5.2022
J W Holdsworth
23456 5ths 6ths H
62435 - S
52634 2
42635 3 S
52436 2
42356 2 -
S for bob halfway and end
Romsey Abbey, 3.6.2022
S Jenner [RW 2004 p.200]
23456 B M W H
42356 -
36524 - - 2
23645 - 2
62345 3 -
24536 - 3*
65432 - -
36452 -
35264 3* - -
52364 3 2
65243 - 2
23456 - - 2
3* = SBS
54 cru, 12 8765s, Queens
All Saints, Basingstoke, 4.6.2022
D F Morrison (No.2153)
23456 5ths 6ths H
45236 - -
56234 - 2
35264 - 3
S for bob halfway and end
Selborne, 5.6.2022
A G Reading
(7423165) M 4ths In 2nds B 3rds 5ths W H
1423567 - S
42563 - 1
35426 - - 1
64352 - - 1
24536 S S 2
43526 2
35264 S S 1 1
(23456) - -
62345 - - 2 1
472536 1 S
364527 2 S
24365 2 S S - 2
(32546) - -
(53624) S S -
54263 S S 1
46325 - S - S 1
53462 - - 1
23456 - - 1 1
Start 12 changes after Home
Single in 67 at 8th change
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 20.6.2022
A M Tyler (arr. R I Allton)
23456789 1 2 3 4 5
42357968 - S
42397568 S - - -
34257968 S - -
34297568 S - - -
23457968 S - -
23497568 S - - -
42356879 S S S
34256 - - -
63452978 - -
35462 - - -
54362 A
35462879 - - S
54362 A
45362978 - - -
53462 A
45362879 - - S
(34265) A, omitting last course
A = “A” block from Tyler’s easy 5039
Bishopstoke, 24.6.2022
G A A Taylor
23456 3rds 5ths M 4ths B In W H
(23456) - - - R.BBB.LNSN.
52364 - 2 CNL.RRR.CSCSNCS.
32465 - 3 BB.PPPS.B.SLR.
54263 - - L.LP.
(46532) - SC.
25463 - - - B.RLN.LYN.
56234 3 - L.B.B.RR.SN
32654 - - 2 L.BL.YS.B.
652437 - - P.P.NC
25346 - 3 R.NL.B.PNNCCCP.
46532 - 2 2 L.N.B.L.B.
56342 2 - BC.B.BNSRNY.
372546 - PY.CY
342756 3 - - 2 R.RSYCC.RSCPP.SP.B.YSR.RYR.
(673542) S S - Y.P.RC.
234567 S S 2 RL.SY.YR.RYR.
832 Bristol; 768 Rutland; 608 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N),
London, Superlative, Yorkshire; 544 Pudsey; 131 com, atw
Bishopstoke, 27.6.2022
R I Allton
23456 M B 5ths W H
53246 In - -
32546 In -
54263 S3rds S -
34625 2 - -
62453 S3rds S -
45236 S3rds S -
32654 - -
42356 - -
104 cru, Tittums
East Tytherley, 19.7.2022
P W J Sheppard
23456 W B H
(23456) XXXXX
45236 - -
(53462) X
(32546) - XX
24653 3 XX -
(45236) X
23456 - -
X = 16
St Michael, Southampton, 23.7.2022
D G Hull
23456 M B W H
35264 - *
26354 In/5ths 2
43526 S5ths/S4ths
34625 2 In/5ths
42356 -
Call 2H at * instead of In/5ths in following course in part 1
St Thomas, Salisbury, 24.7.2022
D F Morrison (No.8266)
2345678 York
3527486 Ytterbium
6482735 Kenninghall
- 7864523 Venusium
2345867 Superlative
5637284 Lancashire
- 5678342 Bristol
7536284 Jovium
4283675 London
8462537 Ealing
6854723 Mareham
3725468 Cornwall
- 4237856 Lessness
3482675 Rook and Gaskill
8364527 Double Norwich
- 7568234 Ely
6725483 Deva
8354726 Painswick
- 3426875 Cambridge
6745382 Cooktown Orchid
7568423 Yorkshire
8253746 Glasgow
2384567 Double Dublin
- 8234567
224 each Bristol S, Cambridge S, Cooktown Orchid D, Cornwall S,
Deva S, Double Dublin S, Ealing S, Ely S, Glasgow S, Jovium S,
Kenninghall S, Lancashire S, Lessness S, London S, Mareham D,
Painswick S, Rook and Gaskill S, Superlative S, Venusium S, York S,
Yorkshire S, Ytterbium S; 112 Double Norwich Court Bob; 160 com, atw
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 9.8.2022
D F Morrison (No.780)
23456 In W 4ths M B H
647253 -
372546 2 -
562347 - - -
63542 - - 2
42356 2
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 12.8.2022
T J Hinks (No.4)
23456 M B W H
24536 1 2
43526 2 XX 1
24365 X 2
23645 1 2
34625 2 XX 1
23456 2 2 2
X = 18
18 each 56s, 65s
104 little bell runs at the back
15 little bell runs off the front
For handbells
Abbey Church Rooms, Romsey (handbells), 13.8.2022
T J Hinks
23456 B M W H
24536 - 2
35264 - S
53624 X S
46325 - -
24365 -
53462 - -
64523 - S
35426 - -
23456 -
S = 123456, X = 18
Portsmouth Cathedral, 13.8.2022
D G Hull
23456 M W H
45236 - -
32546 S S
43526 -
56324 - S
24365 S -
53462 - -
65432 -
Green Lane, Bosham (handbells), 14.8.2022
J W Washbrook
23456 M B W H
35426 2
24653 - -
23564 3 - 3
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 22.8.2022
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 18.2.2025
R D S Brown
23456 Bellfast
- 23564 Glazgow
- 52364 London
- 35264 Bristoll
- 35642 Bellfast
- 35426 Bristoll
- 35264 Glazgow
- 23564 Bellfast
- 23645 London
- 62345 Glazgow
- 36245 London
- 23645 Bellfast
- 23456 Glazgow
- 42356 London
- 34256
3-part, rung in whole courses
1440 each Bellfast, Glazgow, London; 720 Bristoll; 41 com, atw
Wickham, 25.9.2022
arr. L S Scales
(25364) M W H
63524 (6) S S
43526 S 6
65324 - -
26354 -
Omit (6) in part 2
Snap start and finish
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 24.10.2022
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 6.11.2024
A G Reading
23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H
23564 - -
(675342) - S
325647 - - -
(324675) - - -
(546372) - SS -
436257 2 - (-
(276453) - -
346257 S - -)
42356 - SS
Call SH instead of bracketed calls in part 3.
St Mary, Portsmouth, 30.10.2022
W S Croft (arr. J S Croft)
23456 W M H
43625 S - PPGrPP
53624 S WRDGaLLP
63425 - PPPCDPP
42365 S 3 - PPPBuPPBaBaP
Bob for SM except in parts 1 and 7
S for bob H in parts 3, 6, 9 and 12
Omit 3M in parts 2 to 12
Call the following instead of part 12
24356 H
23456 S PLP
3560 Plain Bob, 440 Double Bob, 220 Reverse Bob, 184 Little Bob,
176 each Burford Differential Little Bob (Bu), Churchill Little Bob,
132 each Gainsborough Little Bob (Ga), Grimsby Little Bob (Gr),
Wellington Little Bob, 8 Bastow Little Bob (Ba), 147 com
New Farm Road, New Alresford (handbells), 7.11.2022
D F Morrison (Boxmoor)
23456 M 4ths In B 5ths W H
32645 - - S
234756 - S
(372654) -
352647 - - 2
372546 -
(754326) S -
423567 - - 2 S
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.11.2022
P W J Sheppard (No.2)
23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6
53476928 - -
53476892 - - -
35674289 - S S
57634 - - -
57634928 - - -
57634892 - - -
75436289 - S S
53476982 S - -
53476298 - - -
53476829 - - -
35674982 - S S
57634 - - -
57634298 - - -
57634829 - - -
75436982 - S S
79534286 S - - S (5 leads)
53974 - - S
53429786 S - S -
35264879 S - (7 leads)
23564 - - -
42365897 - S S
42365789 - - -
42365978 - - -
24563897 - S S
46523 - - -
46523789 - - -
46523978 - - -
64325897 - S S
32465879 - -
43265 - - -
24365 - - -
54329876 S S S (4 leads)
42389675 - -
34289 - - -
23489 - - -
53429876 - S
32489675 - -
43289 - - -
24389 - - -
62354879 S S S - (4 leads)
45263 - -
34562 - - S
23465 - - S
42365 - - -
24563987 - S S
46523 - - -
46523798 - - -
46523879 - - -
64325987 - S S
42365 - - -
42365798 - - -
54263879 - S
25463 - - -
42563 - - -
(34265) - - S
Portsmouth Cathedral, 13.11.2022
R D S Brown (Aldenham)
234567 In M W B 4ths H
647253 -
264357 2 - - 2
34562 S - S
34625 - -
42356 -
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 9.12.2022
S J Poole (London)
234567 In W 4ths M B H
647253 -
(426357) - 3
234756 - 3
372546 -
527346 2 2
352647 - 2
23564 3 -
36245 -
752346 - -
(372546) - 3
234567 - - 3
St Mary, Portsmouth, 17.12.2022
D F Morrison (No.1698)
23456 M B W H
52436 1
63425 1 1 1
36452 1 4 2 2
24365 4 1
For handbells
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 19.12.2022
C Middleton (arr. H Johnson)
23456 B M W H
34256 2
45362 - 3
56423 2 2 3
62534 2 2 3
23645 2 2 3
23456 2 2 -
Stoney Hills Ring, New Alresford, 21.12.2022
R J Angrave (No.407)
23456 M W H
42356 - YYYYYYYYY.
35426 - - CCCCC.CCCC.
43526 - NNNNNYYNN.
34562 - CCCNNNYYY.
53462 - YYYYNNNNN.
24365 - - NNNC.CCCCC.
S = 123456
1680 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Yorkshire; 21 com, atw
Micheldever, 28.12.2022
H J Tucker
23456 W M H
64235 (-) - -
36245 - 3
43265 - 3
S for (-) in parts 1 and 3
Bishopstoke, 29.12.2022