R LeMarechal (No.1)
23456789 1 2 3 4 5
32654987 - - S
23654789 - - -
42356978 - S
342 - - - | A
234 - - - |
32497568 S - -
243 A
32457968 S - -
243 A
42356879 X
234 A
32456978 - - -
243 A
42397568 S - -
234 A
42357968 S - -
234 A
32456879 X
243 A
62453 - - S
35264 - -
53264978 - - -
32564 A
43265 - - S
32465 A
43265879 - - S
324 A
23465978 - - -
342 A
23465879 - - S
42365 - - -
52349876 S S S (4 leads)
24389675 - -
432 A
53249876 - S
34289675 - -
423 A
64253879 S S - - (5 leads)
25463 - - S
42563 - - -
(34265) - - S
X = 2S.3S.4.5S.6.7.8 (9 leads)
Roller Coaster, all the near-misses
Winchester Cathedral, 2.1.2023
R Baldwin (Hillside)
23456 B In M W 4ths H
647253 -
346257 - -
26543 - -
45362 - -
56342 3 2
64523 2 2
(42635) 2 2
234756 - 3
372546 -
426357 3 -
23456 - 3
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 13.1.2023
P W J Sheppard (No.14)
23456 M W H
24536 - 2
52436 3 -
32465 S S 3
64523 - -
35426 - -
23456 SS - 3
East Meon, 28.1.2023
D F Morrison (No.4899)
23456 M 4ths B In 3rds 5ths W H
26534 - S -
(24356) - S S
52634 S S - -
34265 S S
(462735) - -
562437 - 2 S S
63245 - - -
473526 - S
423567 S S
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 10.2.2023
gen. BYROC
23456 B M W H
34256 2
32546 - 2
54326 - -
(42356) 2
26354 - 2
24653 X - -
52436 X 2
35264 X 2
(63254) -
23456 -
X = 16
All Saints, Basingstoke, 11.2.2023
D F Morrison (No.6736)
23456 M B W H
26354 - 1 1
35264 1 1
63542 - 2
63425 - 1
54326 1 1
42356 2
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 13.2.2023
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 20.2.2023
J W Holdsworth
23456 M B W H
42356 1
54326 5 1
54263 - 1
45362 2 5 2
34256 4
43652 2 2
23456 2 5
Micheldever (handbells), 13.2.2023
P W J Sheppard (No.2)
23456 B 9ths M W H
45236 - - BBBBBBBBBBB.G.
(425367) - -S BBB.GGGGG.GGGGGG.G
X = 18
2736 Bristol, 2354 Gunwharf, 15 com, atw
Portsmouth Cathedral, 18.2.2023
W S Croft
23456 W M H
43625 S - PPGPP
63425 - PPPCDPP
42365 S - PPPBPPP
Bob for SM except in parts 1 and 7
S for bob H in parts 3, 6, 9 and 12
Call the following instead of part 12
24356 H
23456 S PLP
3560 Plain Bob, 440 Double Bob, 264 Gainsborough Little Bob,
220 Reverse Bob, 184 Little Bob, 176 each Burford Differential
Little Bob, Churchill Little Bob, 132 Wellington Little Bob, 145 com
New Farm Road, New Alresford (handbells), 20.2.2023
D F Morrison (No.7023)
23456 B M W H
43652 - 3
43526 - -
25634 - - (3)
25346 - -
42356 -
Omit (3) in part 3
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 7.3.2023
R D S Brown (Cori Celesti)
23456 M 4ths In B 3rds 5ths H
64523 - S S
63254 - - S S
54326 S S
274536 - - -
346257 -
42356 - S S -
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 17.3.2023
R LeMarechal
23456789 1 2 3 4 5
53624978 S S -
45326 - - S
52346 - - -
24356 - - -
42357968 - - -
34297568 S - -
43256879 S S -
53246897 - - -
53246789 - - -
34256 - - (-)
S for (-) in parts 3 and 6
Replace first 2 courses
with 2S.4 (6 leads) in 5 parts
Bishopstoke, 1.4.2023
R D S Brown (Fanybedwell)
23456 M 3rds B 5ths W H
65324 - S S -
43265 3
56234 - - -
26354 - - -
52364 -
64235 S S
42356 S S - -
Petworth, 1.4.2023
B D Price
23456 B M W H
42356 -
25463 2 2 3
34562 - -
63542 - 3
34625 - 3
34256 2 2 -
53246 -
42635 - -
56234 - -
26435 -
63254 -
62534 - 2
(32456) - S
Milford-on-Sea, 8.4.2023
B D Constant
23456789 1 2 3 4 5
32476598 S S - S
23458769 S S -
32458967 - - -
4325 - - - |
2435 - - - |
42398765 S - - | A
342 - - - |
234 - - - |
32476589 S S -
93254768 S S
63254978 S S (5 leads)
25364 - - S
52364879 - - -
35264 - - -
53264978 - - -
32457968 S - - (4 leads)
234975 S - - S
234579 S - - -
324975 S - - S
23456879 S S -
42356 - - - |
34256 - - - |
43256978 - - - | B
24356 - - - |
32456 - - - |
23458967 - S -
32498765 A
23496587 - S -
32654987 S - S S
23896745 S S S
32 - - - S
35792468 S - - (7 leads)
53247968 S - S S
34652978 - S S
23456 - - S
32456879 B
32456897 - S - -
63254879 - S S
23465 S - (5 leads)
32465978 - - - |
43265 - - - |
24365 - - - | C
32465879 - - S |
43265 - - - |
24365 - - -
(34265) C
All Saints, Basingstoke, 15.4.2023
H G Cashmore
23456 M B W H
43526 - - - L.BBB.SC.
54326 - LCCSC.
35426 - LXCSC.
35264 2 2 - L.B.X.SSSLC.L.
34562 - - - CS.BBB.L.
53462 - CSCCL.
53624 - - CS.BBBB.
42635 - - - BB.X.BB.
42356 - - BBBB.SC.
1824 Bristol, 1536 Cambridge (C, X), 960 Superlative, 768 London. 101 com
Fearon Road, Portsmouth, 17.4.2023
W S Croft (arr. J S Croft)
23456 W M H
42635 - - PPGrPP
52634 S WRDGaLP
62435 - DPPPGaLP
36425 - PPGaPP
42365 - - PPGaPP
Bob for SM except in parts 1 and 7
S for bob H in parts 3, 6, 9 and 12
In the last course of parts 1 to 3 ring all Plain Bob
3408 Plain Bob; 540 Gainsborough Little Bob (Ga); 384 Double Bob;
192 each Little Bob, Reverse Bob; 144 each Grimsby Town Little Bob (Gr),
Wellington Little Bob; 198 com
New Farm Road, New Alresford (handbells), 24.4.2023
R Bailey (No.3)
23456 4ths 3rds W H
52436 -
34256 - 3 3
53426 S
24356 - 3 3
42356 S 2 -
Buriton, 6.5.2023
R D S Brown
23456 M W H
43652 - CCC.YSYY
56234 - - R.RRRRR.R
23564 - (- YYSC.CCC(.
52364 - SSYNNNN.
35264 -) NNNSYSS.)
Omit bracketed calls and leads in part 2
1120 each Cambridge, Rutland; 1056 Yorkshire;
960 Superlative; 896 Lincolnshire (N); 62 com, atw
Romsey Abbey, 6.5.2023
M Pidd
23456789 1 2 3 4
62354 - - S
25364987 S - -
42563978 - S S
34265 - - S
53462 - - S |
36452 - - - | D
23654 - - S |
42356 - - S |
42365 3D
54263 - - S |
46253879 S - - | C
24653 - - - |
32456 - - S |
43256 - - - | E
24356 - - - |
43265 D
32465 E
53264 - - S
36254978 S - -
43652 - - S
24356 - - S
43256 E
32465 D
24365 E
34256879 C
42356 E
23465 D
(34265) E
All Saints, Basingstoke, 7.5.2023
R W Lee
23456 5ths B M W 4ths In H
235764 - -
245367 - 3
456723 - - -
574263 -
364527 - -
374526 S 3
534627 S 3 -
23465 S 3
64352 S 2 2
56342 -
23456 - - 3
Soberton, 8.5.2023
A E Holroyd and gen. SMC32
23456 M W H
64352 - -
56342 -
23465 S - 2
42365 SS -
65234 - S S
35264 SS S
64523 - S S
35426 S S
23456 - 3
Bishopstoke, 16.5.2023
D G Hull (Northampton)
23456 M 4ths In B 5ths W H
372546 3 - -
426357 3 - 3
234756 - 3
352647 - 2 3
64523 3 2
35426 - -
23456 - 3
Ringwood, 27.5.2023
R C Kippin
23456 M W H
45236 - - LB.L.
34625 - - K.S.K
32465 - 2 KC.K.BK.
(62534) - - CSBBY.S.
920 Yorkshire; 880 each Cambridge, Superlative (No.2);
840 each Bristol, Kegworth; 640 London (No.3). 111 com, atw
All Saints, Basingstoke, 17.6.2023
D F Morrison (No.8345)
23456 B M W H
42356 -
35426 - -
26354 2 -
24653 2 -
25346 2 - -
43652 - -
54326 - 2
32546 - -
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 4.7.2023
P G K Davies (reversed)
23456 W M B H
34256 2 B.YYYCPNN.
53246 - RY.L
24536 - - LLLLRL.YYN.
52436 - LYL.
35426 - RRRRRR.NSN
64523 - - NNS.PSCY.
56423 - SSSSSCS.
42563 - - YCCY.R.
54263 - NNNPR.
24653 - - - R.BBB.LRR.
65243 - - BC.CPC.
32546 - - CCP.NYPP.
24365 - PP.BBB
832 Rutland; 704 each Lincolnshire (N), Yorkshire; 640 Cambridge;
576 each London, Pudsey, Superlative; 512 Bristol; 90 com, atw
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 10.7.2023
R I Allton (No.2702)
23456 2½ M W H
53462 S S
23465 S 3
63452 S S
42356 S SS -
42536 S 3
34256 S SS -
23456 SS -
Bishopstoke, 25.7.2023
Bishopstoke, 25.1.2025
P G C Ellis (arr.)
23456 Oxford
- 23564 Beverley
- 52364 London
- 35264 Norwich
- 35642 Kent
- 35426 Norwich
- 35264 Bourne
- 23564 Oxford
- 23645 Beverley
- 62345 Bourne
- 36245 Cambridge
- 23645 Kent
- 23456 London
- 42356 Cambridge
- 34256
3-part, rung in whole courses
720 each Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Kent,
London, Norwich, Oxford; 41 com, atw
Bentworth, 28.7.2023
B D Constant
23456 M W H
64352 - -
56342 -
32465 - - 2
26543 - 2
45362 - -
63254 - -
42356 - -
43526 - 2
25634 - -
23456 2 - -
All Saints, Basingstoke, 5.8.2023
M B Davies and T W Griffiths
23456 M 4ths In W B 5ths H
(35426) - - C.BL.
64352 - - - WYL.TKKKT.CBBB.
574263 - - WC.KYWTTK.LWW
645237 - - - WCC.CLW.BBLC.YKTW
573624 - - - YYL.TYTYTYY.CB.WW
647253 - - LC.KYTY.LLW
(427365) - 3 YK.KY.B.CBCBL.
423567 - - TWYK.CBL.
42563 - - CBCC.LYT.CB
25346 - - - 3 CBW.TTKKK.TY.L.WK.LLY.
34256 - - LT.L.
473526 - - LWC.BLWY.BL
234567 3 - - - W.TKKTTW.WTYKKY.WCB.BB.LWL.
768 each Cornwall S, Lessness S, Long Lawford D (W); 704 each Cooktown Orchid D (K),
Turramurra S; 672 each Bristol S, Yorkshire S; 129 com, atw
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 8.8.2023
T J Hinks
23456 M B W H
64352 1 1
64523 - 1
25463 1 - 2
46253 5 1 1
26543 5 2 1
23645 2 1
52364 4 2 1
65324 1
23456 1 1
For handbells
Mill Lane, Romsey (handbells), 15.8.2023
D F Morrison (No.220)
23456 M In 4ths B W H
56342 2
43265 - -
62534 - -
234756 2 -
372546 -
423567 - - -
Bishop’s Waltham, 19.8.2023
A G Reading (No.13)
23456 W M H
24536 - 2
(63425) 2 2
24365 S S
34562 -
(24563) S
35426 S - -
65432 S S
(45236) -
23456 - -
Bishopstoke, 22.8.2023
P Dillistone
23456 W M H
24536 - 2
35426 2 2
(45623) -
(64352) - -
(36245) - -
24365 - -
53462 - -
64352 2 2
23456 - -
All Saints, Basingstoke, 2.9.2023
S D Chandler [RW 1975 p.84]
2345678 Huddersfield
- 3578264 Whalley
7325486 Malpas
4267835 Belfast
6482573 Bristo,
8654327 London
- 3586742 Essex
6452378 Caterham
5634827 Buckfastleigh
7823456 Yeading
2748635 Chertsey
4267583 Sussex
- 8356742 Colnbrook
3684527 Sonning
4267358 Moulton
- 5836742 Richmond
- 7358264 Newcastle
3876542 Willesden,
5723486 Chesterfield
4265873 Northampton
6482357 Claybrooke
8634725 Newlyn
2547638 Pudsey
- 5738264
Green Lane, Bosham (handbells), 10.9.2023
Melksham, 14.10.2023
G A A Taylor
23456 B M W H
23564 - 3 - RLL.SRG.CLCYN.PSGC.SR.
53462 - R.RS
52364 - - - PG.FFF.R.
36524 - - BRLRRR.SLPSRP.
62345 - 3 FFFF.CG.B.PSYNYYC.
(32546) - R.
24653 - - RLR.FFBB.
52436 - 2 CLCGB.GPYR.B.
42356 3 2 - L.NRR.YSYRG.P.B.R.
32654 - R.CL
54632 3 - NS.CSPN.YNGGN.BBL.
64235 - SCLCGB.BN
64352 - - PG.PY.
35642 - - PNYN.PNN.
(43652) - BC.
56234 - - GNY.S.L
65243 2 - - 2 CP.RP.BSY.G.FB.PSSLS.
23456 - - 2 R.Y.NSC.B.
768 Rutland; 608 Bristol; 576 each Pudsey, Superlative;
480 each Cambridge, Yorkshire; 448 each Glasgow,
Lincolnshire (N), London; 352 Belfast (F); 138 com, atw
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.9.2023
arr. R LeMarechal
23456 B M W H
43652 - 3
35426 - 3
34256 - SS
S = 1456
70 cru (inc 24 56s, 6 65s)
Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 12.9.2023
G A C John
23456 M B W H
62534 2 - 2
62345 - -
65243 - 2 2
42356 - -
Penwarden Way, Bosham (handbells), 18.9.2023
C Middleton (arr. H Johnson)
23456 B M W H
35264 2 2 3
56342 2 2 3
64523 2 2 3
42635 - 3
23456 2 2 3
Honolulu, 27.9.2023
C H Hattersley
23456 B M W H
52436 - 3
34625 - -
23645 - 3
42635 -
62534 - 3
43526 - - -
53624 - 3
32546 - 3
35426 - 2
23456 - 3
Honolulu, 29.9.2023
D B Wilson
23456 B M W
35264 2 2
64352 2 -
45623 -
26354 - -
36452 -
Fearon Road, Portsmouth (handbells), 2.10.2023
J H Fielden
23456 Out 4ths M W In H
(23456) 3
34256 - - - 2
45236 SS 2
53624 - 2
23465 - S
65432 S -
23456 - - -
Edington, 7.10.2023
T M Perrins
23456 M W H
54632 S - S CSS.C.L.
34625 S S L.BBBBBB.L
25643 S - * CSC.S.SSC
S at * in parts 4 and 8
1536 each Bristol, Superlative;
1280 Cambridge; 768 London; 80 com
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 20.10.2023
D R Finch
23456 W M H
42356 -
43526 - 2
32546 - XXXX
X = 16
St Nicolas, Guildford, 28.10.2023
D G Hull (Yorkshire)
23456 M W H
64352 - -
53462 2 2
23465 S SS
65432 S -
24536 - -
35426 2 2
23456 - 3
Carisbrooke, 4.11.2023
A J Cox
23456 M B 4ths In W 5ths H
4238765 S S - LOB.BB.BLL.
(4235678) S S LOB.BB.
34256 - BLL.
53462 - 2 3 3 L.LC.OCCB.BO.COCC.B.C.B.LOBBLC.
4328756 - S S L.OB.BB.BO
(4326578) S S BOB.BB.
24365 - BLL.
2438756 S S LCB.BB.BO
(2436578) S S BOB.BB.
32465 - BLL.
3248756 3 S S L.CBBOC.B.CB.BB.BC
(3246578) S S BCB.BB.
43265 - BLL.
36245 - - SS L.LO.CC.B.
(56342) - - LOB.LO.
64523 - CLL.OL
64352 3 - - 2 3 O.CBLCC.B.OL.B.LLC.B.O.B.CBBBLC.
2348765 - S S - L.OB.BB.BLL.
(2345678) S S LCB.BB.
42356 - BLL.
3428765 S S - LCB.BB.BLL.
(3425678) S S LOB.BB.
23456 - BLL.
2240 Bristol, 1376 Lessness, 800 Cornwall, 672 Osprey, 92 com, atw
Portsmouth, St Agatha, 6.11.2023
P W J Sheppard
34265879 1 2 3 4 5
23465 - - -
42365 - - -
42365987 - - -
42365798 - - -
24563879 - S S
46523 - - -
46523987 - - -
46523798 - - -
64325879 - S S
42365978 S - -
42365897 - - -
42365789 - - -
24563978 - S S
46523 - - -
46523897 - - -
46523789 - - -
46325978 - S -
62345879 S - -
75934286 S - (3 leads)
53974286 - - -
45329786 S - S
45329768 - S - -
32475698 - S - (6 leads)
43275 - - -
24375 - - -
32479658 - - S
43279 - - -
24379 - - -
42375698 - - -
34275 - - -
23475 - - -
42379658 - - S
34279 - - -
23479 - - -
52364798 S -
35264879 - -
23564 - - -
53429876 S S - (4 leads)
32489675 - -
43289 - - -
24389 - - -
54329876 - S (5 leads)
42389675 - -
34289 - - -
23489 - - -
32465897 S S -
43265879 - S -
24365 - - -
32465 - - -
52439876 S S S (4 leads)
45362879 S S S (6 leads)
34562 - - -
53462 - - -
23459876 S S S (4 leads)
45329 - - S
(34265879) S S S (6 leads)
Start at backstroke 1 lead before end of course
Portsmouth Cathedral, 12.11.2023
R I Allton
(5391028674) M W H
1362457890 1.1½.2.2½.3.4½.6S,6½.10
24365 - -
32465 -
64523 - -
35426 - -
34256 - 2
32546 - 2
53246 3 -
23456 2 -
Start at the 10th change of the lead
S in 67 at 18th change
62 little bell runs at the back
Bishopstoke, 17.11.2023
J H Potter (arr. R O Hall)
23456 B W H
32546 - - ALPL.R.
23456 - - PZZB.AO.
X = 18
672 each Bristol S, Rigel S; 624 each Ariel S (L), Avon D, Phobos S,
Strathclyde S, Zanussi S; 576 Orion S; 25 com, atw
Portsmouth Cathedral, 9.12.2023
J S Warboys
23456 5ths Out In
35426 -
32546 2 -
46325 - 2
43652 D
65432 - -
Bob = 18, D = 167890
Kingston (Dorset), 16.12.2023
D F Morrison (No.3739)
23456 M 4ths In B 3rds 5ths W H
(352764) -
627354 S S
524367 2 - - -
24365 S S - -
46253 - S S -
(654732) -
453627 - - -
34256 - -
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 18.12.2023
R D S Brown
23456 M 5ths W 4ths In B
35264 -
42635 3 3
36524 - -
347265 - - -
342567 - -
Twyford, 29.12.2023
E J Southerington (No.2c)
23456 M W In/Out/4ths H
52436 -
42635 - X
42356 2 2 X* -
Omit X* in parts 2 and 3
Stoney Hills Ring, New Alresford, 29.12.2023