I have pleasure in presenting my report and accounts of the Central Fund and Central Reserve Fund for the year ended 31st December 2013.

Our income has marginally increased on 2012 mainly due to sales of badges, advertisements in the Guild Report and peal fees. There is a small decrease in District subscriptions. Whilst at this stage is does not cause too much concern we must monitor this.

Our major costs continue to be Guild Report and the insurances. We have had some extraordinary expenses in 2013. The eight bell striking competition trophy was replaced and the Guild thanks Graham Grant for his excellent work. The Executive approved the purchase of a projector for use by the Education Committee.

We have at last sold “Bells of the Channel Islands” to recoup the costs of printing and I have been able to transfer the surplus to the BRF.

It is time the whole of the funding of the Guild and Districts is reviewed to ensure that there are sufficient funds at both Guild and District level and to this end this is going to be undertaken during 2014.

District subscriptions were received as follows:-

Alton & Petersfield616.00663.60
Channel Islands170.00161.25
Christchurch & Southampton643.65566.30
Isle of Wight450.45467.95


Total financial assets held by the Guild are as follows. Note the basis of reporting of financial assets held has changed as on reflection reporting of the net assets is more informative than just the bank balances as has been done in the past.

Central Fund2,130.212,297.17
Central Reserve Fund5,304.255,301.60


Michael Bubb