The past year has been a quiet one with just four minor inspections and reports.

The committee has carried out the following tower inspections this year:-

St John, Rownhams - Inspection of the tubular bells and Sanctus bell, and advise on maintenance. (March 2018)

St Boniface, Nursling - Inspection of single chiming bell hung dead and advise on maintenance. (March 2018)

St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist, Newtown - Inspection of the bells with a view of them being rung for a wedding, advise on condition and some short term work required. (April 2018)

St James, Bramley - View west window repairs to confirm work carried out for Bell Restoration Fund grant. (December 2018)

Belfry Stewardship Committee Accounts at 31/12/18
Balance b/f33.70
Income from General Fund66.30Balance c/f100.00


Martin Barnes