Our Guild’s WW1 Centenary Commemoration project provided a good opportunity to raise the profile of ringing and for ringers to enhance their good working with church congregations and their communities. The two Cathedral services in May, where the bound archives were presented to the Cathedrals, were well-attended by members and invited guests. We used the occasions to chat to the dignitaries and asked them to take back information about ringing to their communities and for recruitment to be encouraged wherever appropriate. There had been media interest as a result of the Press Release issued and local towers were positively involved. The Charmborough Ring was erected outside Winchester Cathedral and was well-received and enjoyed by many; the Dean of Winchester Cathedral tried her hand at ringing there, as did many visitors to the Cathedral. Colourful, eye-catching leaflets printed ready for the two services were well-distributed at each event. Thank you to all volunteers.

The good working relationship with the two Dioceses continued well and we were well supported by both in the P.R. area. I will be updating both Bishops and Dioceses of our Guild’s activities in 2020.

I reported to the Annual General Meeting that I was seeking to step down as P.R.O but, in the absence of a volunteer, offered to continue on a ‘Caretaker’ basis. The second part of the year therefore was relatively quiet. One of my main activities was in encouraging towers to seek out and use local P.R. opportunities, and to support their efforts if requested. Several towers had seen the promotional leaflets at the two Cathedral services and requested a supply for their own use; easily done as we had a good supply printed. The other area was in responding to Learn to Ring enquiries, from our own website or referred from Central Council’s; I have continued to work with David Mattingley and District Officers to ensure the potential new ringers are ‘signed up’ with a Taster Session as soon as possible.

Viv Nobbs