Publisher of machine-readable method collections for over thirty years
Welcome to Tony Smith’s website, home of the definitive method collections based on the Decisions of the Central Council democratically agreed between 1891 and 2017. The collections are available in different formats, so take a moment to decide which one you need.
Users who process any collection by computer application are invited to register their use with me so I can notify them in advance of any changes in format.
Supplementary Method Collections
This site incorporates information published in The Ringing World up to and including the issue dated 21st March 2025 (added Blackhill Delight Major, Jaja Ding Dong Delight Minor, St Patrick’s Day Alliance Major and Syndale Farm Surprise Royal; updated Allexton Treble Place Minimus, Bensham Delight Major, Cromarty Treble Bob Minor, Derwent Valley Delight Major, Forties Treble Bob Minor, Foula Lighthouse Surprise Minor, G G O Bob Major, Linacre Bob Major, Sparky Treble Place Doubles, Tuesday Surprise Major and Wollaton Park Delight Major).
This page is maintained by Tony Smith 21st March 2025
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