The Second Session of the Fifth Council was held in the Schoolroom of St. Michael-le-Belfrey, York, on Whitsun Tuesday, May 24th, when forty-four out of eighty-nine representative, and four out of eleven honorary members were present. Of thirty-five Associations six were fully represented, nineteen partially so, and ten were not represented.
The President, Sir Arthur Heywood, Bart., presided. Letters expressing regret that they could not attend were read from Revs. T. L. Papillon, A. H. F. Boughey, C. E. Matthews, and from Messrs. Trollope and Saker.
The Hon. Treasurer presented the annual statement of accounts, which was as follows: Balance in hand at the previous meeting, £103 53.; Subscriptions, £10 15s. (two Associations, viz., Ely Diocesan and Birmingham District being in arrears). Against this there had been hire of room and reporting meeting of 1903, £3 17s.; printing Peal Collection, £24 8s. 6d.; printing Glossary less £2 11. 3d. received for advertisements, £28 3s. 9d.; Postage and small sundries, £1 2s. 6d., leaving in hand a balance of £56 8s. 3d. On the motion of Rev. F. E. Robinson, seconded by Mr. N. J. Pitstow, the accounts were passed.
The Hon. Secretary read the account of Sales and of publications in hand as furnished by Messrs. Bemrose and Sons, the Council’s publishers.
It was proposed by the Hon. Secretary, and seconded by the President, that a vote of condolence with the family of the late Mr. F. W. J. Rees be passed, and that the Council express its appreciation of the useful work accomplished by Mr. Rees as one of its members. The resolution was passed in silence, all the members rising.
On the motion of Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, seconded by Mr. R. S. Story, the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey and Mr. W. H. Thompson were re-elected honorary members.
On behalf of the Standing Committee the Hon. Secretary presented the reprint of the Glossary to the Council, and on the motion of Rev. H. J. Elsee, seconded by Rev. H. A. Cockey, a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Rev. G. F. Coleridge for his labours in correcting the proof for press.
Dr. A. B. Carpenter, Mr. H. Dains and the Hon. Secretary reported progress in the matter of the Peal Collection.
The President reported on behalf of the Committee on the Condition of Rings.
The Hon. Secretary presented the pamphlet of Rules and Decisions drawn up by the President and himself in conformity with last year’s resolution of Council.
The Press and Popular Book Committee reported that owing to various unavoidable circumstances not much had been accomplished, but that matters were fairly hopeful. The Committee was continued in office.
With respect to the question of overlapping areas the President, on behalf of the Standing Committee, reported that the Committee were of opinion that the matter could best be dealt with through the influence of members of the Council and Association Secretaries.
Mr. W. Snowdon, in continuing a discussion adjourned from last year’s meeting, moved that while the Council does not desire to encourage single-handed handbell peals, it offers no objection to them when rung under special circumstances. This was seconded by Rev. F. E. Robinson.
Mr. H. White moved, and Rev. H. L. James seconded, an amendment omitting the words “under special circumstances.” A further amendment was moved by Rev. H. J. Elsee, and seconded by Mr. A. T. King, to the effect that “While it is the opinion of the Council that a peal rung single-handed retained in hand according to old custom is technically a peal, nevertheless such a performance is to be discountenanced.”
The original resolution and amendment having been withdrawn, Mr. Elsee’s amendment was passed with one dissentient.
On the motion of the Rev. H. Drake, seconded by Rev. H. A. Cockey, the question of points for these peals was referred to the Committee on Points, the Rev. H. L. James at the same time giving notice that he would bring the whole question of Points for handbell peals before the Council next year.
It was proposed by Mr. H. Dains, seconded by Mr. A. B. Bennett, and carried, that the Committee on Legitimate Methods be re-appointed, with the addition of the Rev. E. Bankes James, and that it be an instruction to the Committee to classify methods and report thereon to the Council.
It was moved by Mr. W. Snowdon, and seconded by Mr. A. B. Bennett, that Mr. R. S. Story be added to the Committee on Points vice Mr. J. W. Washbrook, and that the Committee be asked to consider the advisability of allowing 40 points for peals in Seven Surprise Minor Methods, and 25 points for peals in Seven Treble Bob Methods having “broken leads.” The resolution was adopted.
On the motion of the Hon. Secretary, seconded by the Rev. H. Drake, it was resolved “That the Council urges upon its individual members the importance of lending the weight of their influence in their several Associations to the adjustment of the geographical boundaries between their own and contiguous Associations and to any other question tending to promote smoothness of working.”
It was proposed by Rev. H. A. Cockey, seconded by Mr. R. S. Story, and carried, that “In view of the continuance of the practice of publishing peals under the title of more than one Association, it is desirable to impress upon ringers the necessity of loyally carrying out the resolution passed by the Council in 1893.”
Rev. F. E. Robinson moved, and Rev. G. F. Coleridge seconded, a resolution to the effect that “In the opinion of the Council it is desirable that promising ringers should be given the opportunity of learning how to conduct.” Carried.
On the motion of Rev. G. F. Coleridge, seconded by Rev. F. E. Robinson, Canterbury was selected as the place of meeting next year.
A vote of thanks to the President, moved by Rev. F. E. Robinson, seconded by Mr. W. Snowdon, concluded the meeting.
The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, July 16, 1904, page 226
Representative | 44 | 45 | 89 |
Honorary | 4 | 7 | 11 |
Total | 48 | 52 | 100 |
Fully | represented | 6 |
Partially | " | 19 |
Not | " | 10 |
Total | 35 |
The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, May 28, 1904, page 137