The Second Session of the Seventh Council (20th Annual Meeting), was held, by kind permission of the Feoffees, at Chetham’s Hospital, Manchester, on Whitsun Tuesday, May 17th.
The President, Sir Arthur Heywood, Bart., took the chair at 11 a.m., there being present 47 out of 95 representative members, and 4 out of 8 honorary members, making a total of 51 members present. Of the 40 Associations affiliated to the Council 16 were fully represented, and 15 partially so.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, passed and signed.
In connection with one item contained in the Minutes, the President explained that he had not written to the Church Press on the subject of the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings, as the only instance of their interference that had been reported to him was one of fifteen years ago, and not only did this fail to satisfy the conditions under which he undertook to write, but it was matter of such ancient history as to be valueless for their purpose.
The Hon. Secretary announced that he had received expressions of regret for absence from Revs. H. E. Tilney Bassett, A. H. F. Boughey, H. A. Cockey, M. Kelly, and C. E. Matthews, and from Messrs. C. E. Borrett, C. E. D. Boutflower, J. Clark, J. W. Jones, J. R. Sharman, A. F. M. Stewart, F. B. Tompkins, and J. A. Trollope.
At this point the President explained that, after consultation with the Hon. Secretary and the President of the Lancashire Association, it was decided that as the meeting of the Council was a meeting for purely business purposes and not for pleasure, it was not unfitting that it should be held, notwithstanding the recent and deeply lamented death of his late Majesty King Edward VII., the loss of whom was not more sincerely deplored by any body of his subjects than by ringers throughout the land.
The President then moved the following resolution from the chair: “That the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers desires to place on record the great loss which the Exercise has sustained by the death of the Rev. Francis Robinson, who consistently, throughout a long life, set before ringers an example of high integrity and unfailing energy, and that the Council respectfully tender to Mrs. Robinson their deepest sympathy.” This, having been seconded by the Hon. Secretary, and supported by the Rev. H. J. Elsee, was passed unanimously, all the members present rising in their places.
Item No. 7 on the Agenda was then taken, Rev. G. F. Coleridge proposing, and Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn seconding a resolution to the effect that “The Central Council desires to place on record its sense of the great services rendered to the cause of change-ringing by the late Rev. F. E. Robinson, and hopes that the members will further in their several Guilds and Associations the scheme for erecting a worthy memorial in Drayton Church.” Among others Revs. H. S. T. Richardson, Canon Papillon, J. M. Clarkson, W. W. C. Baker and the President joined in the full discussion that ensued, and the resolution was unanimously adopted.
The Hon. Secretary read the annual statement of accounts and of sales of Publications, of which the following is a summary: Balance in hand last year £43 0 4, Affiliation Fees, £11 17 6, Sale of Publications, £2 15 9, making a total of £57 13 7. The expenditure had been, last year’s meeting £4 2 0, postages, etc., 13s. 6d., leaving a balance of £52 18 1. This with the value of Publications in hand estimated at £95 2 7 would bring the total assets to the value of £148 0 8. On the proposition of Mr. J. Griffin, seconded by Rev. G. F. Coleridge, the accounts, which had previously been audited in detail by the Standing Committee, were unanimously passed.
The Hon. Secretary pointed out that owing to an oversight, originally made in 1906, and repeated last year, the name of Mr. C. Hattersley had been accidentally omitted from the list of those proposed for election to the Standing Committee, and moved that the mistake be rectified by the election of Mr. Hattersley. This having been seconded by Mr. G Bolland, was unanimously adopted.
It was proposed by Dr. A. B. Carpenter, seconded by Rev. W. W. C. Baker, and carried nem con, that the three retiring honorary members, Revs. A. H. F. Boughey, and H. S. T. Richardson, with W. H. Thompson be re-elected, and that Mr. Joseph W. Parker, of Sunderland, be also elected an honorary member.
No members came forward for introduction to the President.
On behalf of the Committee for the Collection of Peals, Rev. H. S. T. Richardson reported that considerable progress had been made with the Treble Bob section, and that the Committee would soon be in a position to publish an instalment. The Hon. Secretary read portions of a letter on the subject that he had received from Mr. J. A. Trollope, and after full discussion it was moved by Rev. H. Law James, seconded by Mr. G. Watson, and carried, that “where possible mention of first performances of the peals should be inserted in the Collection.”
Mr. R. A. Daniell reported progress on behalf of the Church Press Committee, and said that he hoped that a Draft Copy of the work would be ready before next year’s meeting. Rev. Canon Papillon also spoke with regard to the Committee’s work in connection with the Press. The report was adopted.
On behalf of the Legitimate Methods’ Committee Rev. H. Law James reported that the Collection of Major Methods, over 700 in number, had been completed and was being sent round to the members of the Committee. For the Peals’ Analysis Committee Mr. A. T. King reported that the Analysis for 1909 had been finished and published. He also intimated that Mr. J. A. Trollope, owing to press of other work for the Council, wished to resign his seat on the Committee. Mr. Trollope’s resignation having been regretfully accepted, it was proposed by Mr. King, and seconded by Mr. Griffin, that the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, who had signified his willingness to act, be elected to fill the vacancy. This was carried unanimously. It was also proposed by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and carried nem con, that the Council do not consider that the Peals’ Analysis Committee can be held responsible for any peals which do not appear in print before the end of February.
The Hon. Secretary on behalf of the Peal Values Committee reported that the Committee, at the request of the Peals’ Analysis Committee had drawn up and published a report recommending an allowance of 12 points for Erin Triples, 16 for Caters, 14 for Aston Major, 18 for Royal, and 60 for Cambridge Maximus. They also suggested a sliding scale for peals of Minor, and brought forward and advocated a general scheme for the apportionment of points. After a long discussion the whole question was referred to the Committee for further consideration.
Rev. H. Law James proposed a resolution calling attention to various possible extensions of Stedman from the original form of the 6-score, and advocating the adoption of various special designations for each of them, one of the principal points advocated being that Stedman as usually rung on seven or more bells should be henceforth known as the “Norwich Variation.” This was seconded pro forma by the Hon. Secretary, but after a long discussion, an amendment proposed by Mr. S. Wood, and seconded by Mr. W. T. Cockerill, to the effect that Stedman as usually rung be known by its old name as heretofore, was carried by 15 votes to 10, and on being then put as the substantive motion was carried nem con.
Mr. W. S. Story moved, and Mr. W. Cave seconded the proposal that the representation of each Association on the Central Council be proportionate to the number of its resident ringing members only.
The Hon. Secretary moved, and Canon Papillon seconded, the omission of the word “ringing,” the amendment carried by 17 votes against 7.
Mr. E. H. Lewis moved as a further amendment that the motion should apply only to territorial Associations. This was seconded by Rev. H. S. T. Richardson and was carried. The motion as amended was then put to the meeting and lost.
Mr. J. H. Banks proposed that “in order to sustain an authorship claim, the figures of all new compositions should be sent to the Secretary of the Peal Committee, and that their publication in Local Reports, or even in “The Bell News,” will not be considered a bona fide claim, unless the above condition be fulfilled. If the figures are not for publication, a letter to this effect must be attached.” This was duly seconded, and after full discussion was lost.
The Rev. G. F. Coleridge proposed, and Mr. J. Griffin seconded, that the meeting next year be held at Leicester.
An amendment having been moved that Brighton be selected, was lost, and the choice of Leicester was passed by a large majority.
The meeting then adjourned after the following votes of thanks had been very heartily passed: To the President, proposed by the Rev. G. F. Coleridge, seconded by Mr. William Snowdon; to the Rev. H. J. Elsee for his kindness in making arrangements for the meeting, proposed by the Hon. Secretary, seconded by the Rev. Canon Papillon; and to the Feoffees of Chetham’s Hospital for their kindness in lending the room for the meeting, proposed by the Rev. H. J. Elsee, seconded by the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn.
The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, Oct. 8, 1910, pages 423 to 424
Representative | Members | 47 | 48 | 95 |
Honorary | " | 4 | 8 | 12 |
Total | 51 | 56 | 107 |
Associations | fully | represented | 16 |
" | partially | " | 15 |
" | not | " | 9 |
Total | 40 |
The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, May 21, 1910, page 182