Central Council Meeting 1994: Official Report

The 97th Annual Meeting of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers was held in the Gatehouse Theatre, Stafford, on Tuesday 31st May 1994.

The meeting was opened at 10 a.m. by the President, Professor R. J. Johnston, who called upon the Revd. L R. Pizzey, a representative of the Suffolk Guild, to say a prayer.

In his report on the Council’s membership, the Hon. Secretary, Mr. C. H. Rogers (Guildford DG), said that 68 societies were affiliated to the Council, with 187 representatives, and that there were nine Life Members, 21 Honorary Members and one ex officio member. Subscriptions had been received from all affiliated societies, except the St. David’s Diocesan Guild. It was ascertained that the representative of the St. David’s Guild was not present.

Apologies for absence

The Secretary reported that apologies for absence had been received from two Life Members, Messrs. F. E. Collins and W. B. Cartwright; one Honorary Member, Mr. A. P. S. Berry; and nine representative members, Messrs. P. J. Agg, P. Belgeonne, D. Bleby, P. A. Cummins, A. S. Hudson, P. T. Hurcombe, A. J. Martin, M. Quimby and A. J. Sinden.

Apologies for absence were also given for Messrs. P. Avesani, B. J. Bull, A. Consolaro and R. G. Powell.

Application to affiliate to the Council: the Dorset County Association

Mr. D. A. Strong (Gloucester and Bristol DA) proposed that the Dorset County Association should be affiliated to the Council. The Association had been founded on 1st January 1983, it now had several hundred members, it held 3 or 4 practices each month and regularly held instruction courses in towers over six-week periods. The Association had a bell restoration fund, it published an annual report and operated throughout the county of Dorset. There had been a complete change of officers since its formation.

The proposal was seconded by Mr. G. E. Bonham (Ely DA), and the Secretary confirmed that, under Rule 4 (ii), the application had been reviewed by the Administrative Committee, who were satisfied that the Association fulfilled the criteria for affiliation.

Mr. D. C. Jackson (Winchester and Portsmouth DG) then spoke against the motion. He said that affiliated societies expected that the Council would support their organisation and procedures; that every society at times had a group of young revolutionaries, who caused distress and upset, but who in turn mellowed and became officers of the established society. Recognition of the Dorset CA would make for the disintegration of the Salisbury DG. He reminded members that the Salisbury DG would be the hosts for the 1995 Council meeting.

After Mr. F. B. Lufkin (Essex A) had also spoken against the motion, Mr. R. Cater, speaking as Secretary of the Winchester and Portsmouth DG, said that four towers in Dorset were in the Winchester diocese; on receipt of a letter from the Dorset CA, his Guild’s Executive Committee had discussed the matter and had decided to remain neutral on the proposed affiliation to the Council; and he had consulted the ringers of Christchurch Priory, Dorset, who were quite content for the Dorset CA to be affiliated to the Council. He supported the motion.

Mr. E. A. Barnett (Life member) expressed concern at the absence of consultation with the Salisbury DG prior to the Administrative Committee’s consideration of the application, and said that, irrespective of whether or not the Dorset CA met the Council’s criteria, its affiliation to the Council would create an unfortunate precedent.

The next four speakers supported the motion. Mr. S. C. Walters (Cambridge UG) said that, after eleven years existence, the Dorset CA was now well established; Mr. A. H. Smith (Bedfordshire Assn) felt that the Council should support whatever was best for ringing in the area; Mr. S. J. Coleman (Honorary member) said that the motion could be supported without any disrespect to the Salisbury DG; and Mr. J. A. Harrison (Oxford DG) said that he had learnt to ring in an area where two societies happily co-existed and complemented one another.

The motion was then put: with 163 votes in favour and 16 against, the motion was carried. The President thereupon welcomed the representatives of the Dorset CA to the meeting, (Dr. D. R. Bugler, Mrs. M. E. Frost and Mr. A. G. Smith).

New members

The President welcomed the following new members of the Council: Mr. J. D. Gallimore (Honorary member), Mr. C. Mitchell (Chester DG), Mr. B. B. Hullah (Ely DA), Ms. Jean Thompson (Irish A), Mrs. A. E. Pettifor (Lancashire A), Mr. D. G. Salter (Suffolk G), Messrs. C. M. Povey and S. J. T. Wilmshurst (Worcestershire and Districts A) and Mr. R. N. Moreton (Yorkshire A). As the Secretary read out each name, the member stood briefly.

Losses through death

Members stood in silence while the Secretary read the names of former Council members who had died since the last meeting: Mr. D. A. Bayles (Durham and Newcastle DA 1960-78 and Honorary member 1978-81); Mr. W. H. Viggers (Honorary member 1949-57 and 1973-87, and Guildford DG 1957-72); Mr. W. C. Boucher (Truro DG 1957-92); Dr. E. S. J. Hatcher (Kent CA 1948-50 and 1954-9, and Honorary member 1952-3); Canon K. W. H. Felstead (Winchester and Portsmouth DG 1946-72 and Honorary member 1972-86); and Mr. J. S. Walton (Bath and Wells DA 1972-83).

The Revd. G. C. Galley (Yorkshire A) said a brief prayer.

Election of Honorary Members

Seven Honorary members would complete their three-year term at the end of the meeting and were eligible for re-election. There were also three vacancies among the 24 positions of Honorary member allowed by the Rules, giving ten positions to be filled. In the event eleven names were proposed and seconded: Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson, the Vice-President; Mr. A. P. S. Berry, Managing Director of John Taylor Bellfounders Ltd; Mr. D. G. Thorne, Editor of The Ringing World; Mr. R. H. Dove, author of Dove’s Guide to the Church Bells of Britain, who would be celebrating his 87th birthday the next day; Mr. I. J. D. Whitear, a former member of and currently a consultant adviser to the Towers and Belfries Committee; Mr. R. B. Smith, Director of Eayre and Smith Ltd. and a long-standing former member of the Council; Mrs. K. Flavell, an insurance expert, who had assisted in negotiations with the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group and on many other insurance matters; Mr. W. H. Dobbie, a Steward of the Carter Ringing Machine; Miss E. St. John-Smith, a member of the Public Relations Committee; Mr. J. R. Taylor, a former member of the Council and of several committees; and Mr. A. E. Bagworth, the other Steward of the Carter Ringing Machine. As required by the Rules, members voted by ballot and all except Mr. Whitear were subsequently declared elected.

Minutes of the last meeting

The Secretary proposed the adoption of the Minutes of the 1993 Annual Meeting (published on pp 235-7 of The Ringing World of 11th March 1994), subject to the addition of M. J. Stone, of the Australia and New Zealand Association, to the list of members present. The proposal was seconded by Mr. C. J. Groome (Peterborough DG) and agreed.

Report of the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer

In proposing the adoption of his report (published on p.409 of the RW of 22nd April), the Secretary said that the current position on membership was that seven representative members had resigned since the last meeting; all had been replaced and a vacancy had been filled. He drew attention to his remarks on the Accounts and suggested that any discussion on the points raised should take place on the next item. In addition to the thanks expressed in the report, he also wished to thank Mr. R. J. Walker (Guildford DG) for his help in preparing address labels and the signing-in sheets and in keeping the list of members’ addresses and telephone numbers up to date; the Editor of The Ringing World for his ready and willing co-operation in publishing the committee and other reports before the meeting, an innovation which seemed to have been well received; and to Mr. H. W. Rogers (London CA) for his help in pasting up the reports from The Ringing World prior to photo-copying.

Mr. C. J. Groome (Peterborough DG) seconded the adoption of the report, which was agreed without discussion.

The Accounts for 1993

In presenting the Accounts and proposing their adoption, the Secretary drew attention to the split of the General Fund Income and Expenditure Account between administration costs, which were funded from affiliation fees, and committee, seminar and other costs which were largely met from income from investments. The payment of £912.08 to The Ringing World Ltd., which was a donation towards the cost of publishing the Official Report of the Council meeting, should strictly speaking appear under administration costs, but had historically appeared in the second part because income from affiliation fees was insufficient by a long way to cover it and other administrative expenses. Mr. Rogers added that, with two substantial grants received in earlier years and income received from sales, the Bell Restoration Fund video had now paid for itself. He congratulated the Bell Restoration Funds Committee and Mr. N. E. Booth (Scottish A) on the success of this project.

Opening the debate, Mr. P. M. J. Gray (Australia and New Zealand A.) took exception to the reference in the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer’s report to the need for much tighter budgeting and stricter control of expenditure arising from the big drop in investment income. Low interest rates were in many ways a good thing he said; the Council was not a bank or a company and was not hard up. The important point was that its money should be used effectively.

Mr. C. J. Groome (Peterborough DG), in seconding the adoption of the Accounts, made the point that affiliation fees should cover the Council’s running costs. Mr. S. C. Walters (Cambridge UG) followed this up by saying that, in their further review of financial matters, the Administrative Committee should not be shy in proposing a substantial increase in subscriptions.

After Mr. A. J. Frost (Honorary member) had spoken on the need for effective spending and Mr. A. C. D. Lovell-Wood (Salisbury DG) had suggested more frequent reviews of subscription levels, Mr. A. R. Smith (Suffolk G) queried the Council’s investment policy and suggested that professional advice be sought.

Finally, Dr. J. Armstrong (Essex A) professed difficulty with the size of the print used for the Accounts in the meeting papers. The Secretary said that they had been copied without reduction from The Ringing World; larger print would require four pages instead of one. On a show of hands, the majority of members indicated that they were satisfied with the print size used.

The Accounts were subsequently adopted after consideration of the Friends of the Library and Publications Accounts in conjunction with the Library and Publications Committees’ reports.


Both motions on the agenda were of a formal nature and were agreed by the two-thirds majority required for rule changes without debate. Miss S. J. Pattenden (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths) proposed, and Mr. C. J. Groome (Peterborough DG) seconded, additions to the Rules to accommodate the Ringing Centres Committee, formation of which had been agreed at the 1993 Council meeting, and its terms of reference.

The second motion, proposed on behalf of the Administrative Committee by the Secretary and seconded by the Vice-President, sought to correct an omission in the amended rules on the representation of societies agreed last year, which related to the representations of overseas societies.

Committee reports

The meeting then moved to consider the reports of each of the committees, which had been published in The Ringing World editions of 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th April 1994. The relevant page numbers are given against each report. At the conclusion of the discussion on each report, the President thanked the members of the Committee for their work during the year.

Administrative Committee (pp 409-410)

After the Secretary had formally proposed and Mr. M. J. Church (Honorary member) had seconded the adoption of the report, the President invited comments on each section of the report in turn. Discussion took place as follows:

(2) Church Insurance and Health and Safety Legislation - Mr. A. W. R. Wilby (Ancient Society of College Youths), who chaired the sub-committee which had pursued this matter, opened the debate by speaking of the difficult negotiations which had taken place with the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group on the question of leaving bells in the “up” position. The sub-committee had had to give some ground, but the compromise reached was much more satisfactory for ringers than EIG’s original demands. Mr. Wilby referred to the article in The Ringing World of 27th May 1994 (p.529) and the “Guidance Notes” included with it. The Guidance Notes were to be issued by EIG and were intended to help both their own field staff and ringers. Each tower, however, was unique and it was up to the church authorities in each case to negotiate insurance policies which met their local circumstances.

In reply to questions, Mr. Wilby agreed that The Ringing World article could be copied and circulated to local bands, and said that, while there was no obligation for ringers to be consulted on safety measures in towers, he hoped that the relationship between the ringers, the church authorities and EIG was such that consultation would take place. Mr. C. J. Groome (Peterborough DG) suggested that the Council should produce warning notices suitable for placing in towers. Dr. A. Hodge (Verona A) said that such notices should incorporate nationally recognised hazard codes or labels.

Several speakers expressed concern at the provision in the Guidance Notes which stated that, if bells were to be left up, there should be a single key to the bell chamber or bell cage, which should be kept in the control of the Ringing Master or deputy. It was recognised elsewhere in the RW article that ringers do not have absolute control over the access to bell towers; thus the single key position was both confusing and unworkable. Mr. Wilby replied that EIG had made it quite clear that, if the single-key provision could not be adhered to, the bells would have to be lowered.

Mr. A. J. Frost (Honorary member) said that the Towers and Belfries Committee were planning to run a symposium for ringers on insurance and health and safety matters later in the year. Mr. J. R. Mayne (Hertford CA) referred to the need to provide for access by firefighters in wooden towers; and Mr. D. J. Buckley (Bath and Wells DA) said that a railing on the bellframe at Wells Cathedral, installed at the insistence of EIG, had made access to some of the bells very difficult.

The final remark on the subject, by Dr. J. Armstrong (Essex A), that the Council owed a big debt of gratitude to Mr. Wilby and his sub-committee for moving EIG so far from their initial position, was greeted with loud applause.

(3) The timing of Council meetings - The Vice President introduced the report of the sub-committee, which had been submitted as an Appendix to the Administrative Committee’s report, and suggested that the report’s recommendations should each be taken in turn.

The first recommendation, that the Council should continue to meet at the Spring Bank Holiday weekend, was agreed without debate.

Several members spoke on the second recommendation, that the meeting should be held on the Bank Holiday Monday, instead of the Tuesday. The principal argument in favour of the change was that at present many members had to take a day’s leave from work to attend the Council meeting and those who were self-employed lost a day’s earnings. Also, car parking was often difficult on the Tuesday, and hotels were reluctant to extend discounted rates to the Tuesday night. On the other hand, some members who had to be in their home parishes on the Sunday, would have to miss the open meeting and reception if they were moved to the Sunday. There was also the point that traffic congestion would cause difficulties for members who were driving home on the Monday evening. Mr. W. F. Moreton (Life member) said that he had no strong preference, but that it was important that there should still be time for the great deal of unofficial business which took place prior to the Council meeting.

A vote was then taken: 101 members favoured a change to a Monday meeting and 71 were against. As stated in the report, the change would be subject to arrangements already made by future host associations. Mrs. J. A. Robertson (Salisbury DG) confirmed that the 1995 meeting would be held on the Tuesday.

The third recommendation was that there should continue to be a party or reception on the evening before the meeting, but it should be preceded by a church service, either Evensong or Holy Communion, which would replace the Holy Communion service usually held on the morning of the meeting. Mr. W. F. Moreton supported the change in the time of the church service, but proposed that the words “either Evensong or Holy Communion” should be replaced by “preferably Holy Communion”. Prebendary J. G. M. Scott (Honorary member) seconded and the amendment was carried. After Mr. A. R. Smith (Suffolk G) had suggested that, if the service were brought forward to the previous day, the meeting itself should start with a somewhat longer act of worship than at present, the recommendation as amended was agreed.

The fourth recommendation, that an open meeting should only be held when a pressing topic had been identified, was agreed without debate.

The fifth recommendation, that the meeting should start at 9.30 a.m., or, for the first meeting of the triennium, 9.00 a.m., was narrowly defeated (80 votes for, 83 against), after Mr. J. D. Cheesman (Surrey A) had pointed out that on Bank Holidays many hotels do not begin serving breakfast until 8.00 a.m., and Mrs. S. Bianco (Honorary member) had referred to the value of networking in the hour before the meeting started.

On the timing of the Annual Meeting of The Ringing World Ltd, it was agreed after a brief discussion that it should take place immediately after the lunch or tea break.

The President then asked members to vote on the motion that “the annual meeting of the Council should normally be held on the Spring Bank Holiday Monday”. The motion was carried and the President thanked the sub-committee for their report.

(4) Preservation of old peal boards - The President said that the first step was to take a census of old peal boards and then to offer some advice as to their preservation.

(6) Complaints about bells - After Mr. B. Peachey (National Police G) had warned members of the very high costs involved in defending court cases (he said the defence costs amounted to £40,000 in a nuisance case with which he had recently been concerned), Mr. H. W. Egglestone (Life member) welcomed the formation of a team to provide advice and assistance when complaints are received about bells. He spoke of the problems being experienced at Down St. Mary, Devon, where, as a result of one individual’s protests, ringing had been reduced to half an hour on Sundays. This was because the local ringers, association and diocese could not afford the cost of defending themselves in court.

Mr. J. A. Anderson (St. Martin’s Guild) said that the team would comprise Dr. Alison Hodge and himself from the Public Relations Committee, Mr. A. J. Frost from the Towers and Belfries Committee and Mr. R. J. Cooles, as legal adviser.

(7) The late Canon Felstead’s card index of peals rung - The Secretary announced that Mr. D. J. Dearnley of Royston, Herts, had taken on the maintenance of these records and would be happy to deal with enquiries about peals rung in particular towers. (See RW of 20th May, p.503, for his address & telephone no.).

(10) Membership of the Committee - After the adoption of the Administrative Committee’s report had been agreed, the President invited nominations to fill the two vacancies. Four names were proposed: Messrs. B. G. Warwick (Leicester DG), P.W. Gay (North Staffs A), S. C. Walters (Cambridge UG) and D. J. Jones (Peterborough DG). Voting was by ballot and Messrs. Gay and Jones were subsequently declared elected to the Committee.

Bell Restoration Funds Committee (pp 354-5)

Proposing the adoption of the report, the Committee Chairman, Mr. J. S. Barnes, (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths) made six points:

  1. Miss Jackie Roberts had joined the Committee as adviser and would be responsible for disseminating information on trusts and charities which might be able to make grants towards bell restoration work.

  2. “Funder Finder”, a computer database designed to identify the names of grant-making trusts and charities, had recently been purchased for a one-year trial period. He hoped that maximum use would be made of it. Inquiries for information from it should be channelled through Miss Roberts.

  3. The BRF video could still be purchased from Mr. N. E. Booth.

  4. The whole of the Torn Lock bequest had been allocated.

  5. The National Lottery was a possible source of funds towards bell projects. Mrs. S. Bianco (Honorary member) was keeping a watching brief on behalf of the Council.

  6. The question of registering whole societies as charities was being pursued with the Charities Commission.

After Mr. A. R. Smith (Suffolk G) had seconded the report, Mr. G. A. Halls (Derby DA) referred to the forthcoming triennial survey of bell restoration funds and said that in recording balances held in funds it was important to distinguish between money already committed to particular projects and that which was uncommitted. Balance sheets should make this clear, but not all did. The adoption of the report was then agreed.

Biographies (p 353)

The adoption of the report was proposed by Mr. D. J. Roberts (Honorary member), who asked new members of the Council to contact himself or Mr. G. A. Dawson (Southwell DG). The report was seconded by Mr. Dawson and agreed. Mr. C. Ridley (Surrey A), a member of the Committee, said that the need to comply with the Data Protection Act was in fact holding up the transfer of information to a computer database.

Computer Co-ordination (p 354)

In proposing the adoption of the report, Mr. A. G. Craddock (Winchester and Portsmouth DG) thanked all those who had brought computer equipment to the demonstration of ringing related computer technology the previous day, and said that sales of software had now raised over £10,000 for bell restoration funds.

Mr. P. Q. Armitage (Oxford US) seconded the report, which was agreed.

Education (p 437)

In introducing the report and proposing its adoption, the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. N. R. Mattingley (Hereford DG), first corrected the name of one of the publications mentioned - Simulators and Teaching, not Use of Simulators - and said that two other publications, Belfry Steps, which would supplement the Beginners’ Handbook, and Belfry Offices would be passed to the Publications Committee within the next two months. A conference for association education officers would be held in Birmingham on 19th November. With regard to the proposed video on teaching bell-handling, Mr. Mattingley said that the Committee had reluctantly decided that no further work should be undertaken on it. However, another member of the Council had indicated that he would be willing to complete the project privately.

After Mr. J. A. Harrison (Oxford DG) had seconded the report, Mr. W. F. Moreton (Life member) expressed concern about the paragraph in the Committee’s report on the video, listening skills were useless without good bell control, and the video was by far the best form of instruction manual. To abandon it would be a disaster. He therefore welcomed the news that it might be completed privately.

Mr. Cater (Winchester and Portsmouth DG), a former chairman of the Education Committee, outlined the history of the project and the expenditure to date; and Mr. N. E. Booth (Scottish A) spoke of the problems involved in making videos of the high quality which people expected. Mr. J. S. Barnes (SRCY) suggested that funding for the making of the video should be sought from charitable trusts.

After questions had been asked about three publications, The Beginners’ Handbook, The Tutor’s Handbook and Raising and Lowering, Mr. Mattingley replied as follows: Amendments to The Tutor’s Handbook were being incorporated and the book was currently being re-set; The Beginners’ Handbook was being completely rewritten and would be published with new photographs; and two separate publications had been produced with the title Raising and Lowering, as a result of which the Committee’s book was likely to be produced privately. On the video, Mr. Mattingley agreed that videos were a valuable means of instruction and that high quality was of great importance He was very keen that the bell-handling video should be completed and he regretted that the Committee no longer had anyone with personal expertise in video-making.

After the Council had agreed to the adoption of the report, the President adjourned the meeting for lunch. On resumption after the annual meeting of The Ringing World Ltd, nominations were sought to fill a vacancy on the Education Committee. One name only was proposed - Mr. P. S. Seaman (Ely DA), who was duly elected.

Library (pp 3534-4)

Adoption of the report was proposed by Miss J. Sanderson (Honorary member), who asked for more members to become Friends of the Library as expenditure on the library would be increasing. The report was seconded by Dr. J. C. Eisel (Honorary member) and agreed. The accounts of the Friends of the Library were then accepted without debate.

Methods (p 355)

Mr. A. P. Smith (Winchester and Portsmouth DG) formally proposed and Mr. P. D. Niblett (Oxford US) seconded the report. Dr. T. G. Pett (Oxford DG) expressed the view that the price at £10 of the Collection of Plain Methods on diskette was too high. Such collections should be produced and made widely available to ringers at a much lower price. Mr. Smith accepted the point but said that pricing was a matter for the Publications Committee. The price had been set at £10 to equal the cost of the paper version. The report was adopted.

Peal Compositions (p 440)

Adoption of the report was proposed by Mr. R. Bailey (Middlesex CA), seconded by Dr. P. R. J. Barnes (St. Martin’s Guild), and agreed without debate.

Peals Analysis (pp 438-9)

The Chairman of the Committee, Dr. D. H. Niblett (Kent CA), introduced the report by thanking the Editor for the care he had taken over its publication in The Ringing World. There were in fact two small errors: the Suffolk Guild had rung one peal of Doubles and Minor on tower bells and none of 16-in on handbells, and the number of peals of London S. Royal on handbells was 4, not 7. Further late submission of peal details had brought the total number of peals rung in 1993 up to 5,178, an all-time record. The Committee had had preliminary discussions with the Computer Co-ordination Committee on the computerisation of peal records, beginning with the late Canon Felstead’s card index of peals rung in each tower. Dr. Niblett proposed the adoption of the report, which was seconded by Dr. T. G. Pett (Oxford DG), and agreed.

Public Relations (p 381-2)

Mr. S. J. Coleman (Honorary member), Chairman of the Committee, or Public Relations Advisory Group (PRAG) as it prefers to be known, opened by thanking everybody who had, in any way contributed to good public relations for ringing. The PRAG wanted to help and to be consulted. So that Council members should know who the PRAG members were, he asked them to stand in their places. He proposed the adoption of the report.

In seconding, Mr. A. J. Illingworth (Coventry DG) referred to the National Ringing Video Competition, which was to be sponsored by The Ringing World. He said that many requests were received for videos for exhibition purposes. For the competition entries should be no longer than ten minutes and convey a positive image of ringing.

Mr. D. C. Manger (Kent CA), who had been involved in producing the Kent CA’s video, of which some copies remained to be sold, welcomed the recognition given by the PRAG to the value of videos for exhibition purposes.

After a brief discussion on the value of references to ringing in the inserts frequently used in parish magazines, the adoption of the report was agreed.

Publications (p 411)

Mr. W. J. Couperthwaite (Guildford DG) proposed the adoption of the report and the publications accounts and said that five new publications had been produced during the year, all currently on sale. Referring back to points made on the Education and Methods Committees’ reports, he said that the book Raising and Lowering by John Harrison had already been published; he would he happy to publish the Education Committee’s book on the same subject, provided the title was changed; and he would be pleased to discuss the pricing of Method Collection on diskette with the Chairman of the Methods Committee.

The adoption of the report and accounts was seconded by Mr. J. R. Pratt (Guildford DG) and agreed.

Records (pp 383-4)

In proposing the adoption of the report, Mr. D. E. Sibson (SRCY) drew attention to a paper which he had circulated setting out some amendments to the report and proposing a new format for the Committee’s report. He felt nevertheless that the report should continue to contain the full list of new methods rung, as publication enabled it to be checked independently. Mr. A. P. Smith (Winchester and Portsmouth DG) supported the list’s retention in the report.

Adoption of the report was seconded by Mr. J. R. Mayne (Hertford CA) and agreed.

Redundant Bells (p 382-3)

Adoption of the report was proposed by Mr. G. W. Massey (Bath and Wells DA), seconded by Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson (Honorary member) and agreed without debate.

Ringing Centres (p 383)

Adoption of the report was proposed by Miss S. J. Pattenden (SRCY), seconded by Mr. C. J. Groome (Peterborough DG) and agreed without debate.

Towers and Belfries (p 381)

Having proposed the adoption of the report, Mr A. J. Frost (Honorary member) said, in answer to a question, that the proposed seminar on the Code of Practice for the Preservation and Bells and Bellframes would be held on Saturday 8th October, subject to the hire of a room. Although aimed primarily at diocesan bell advisers, all would be welcome to attend, including ringers from Wales and Scotland.

Adoption of the report was seconded by Mr. G. A. Dawson (Southwell DG) and agreed. The President congratulated Mr. H. M. Windsor (Coventry DG, and a member of the Committee) on the award of the MBE.

Messrs. P. S. Bennett (Llandaff and Monmouth DA) and J. R. Taylor (Honorary member) were then elected to fill two vacancies on the Committee.

Report of the Stewards of the John Carter Ringing Machine (p 381)

Proposing the adoption of the report, Mr. A. E. Bagworth (Honorary member) said that a further demonstration of the machine had taken place on 26th February. It would shortly be moved to Mr. Dobbie’s home for a thorough overhaul. Mr. W. H. Dobbie (Honorary member) seconded the adoption of the report, which was agreed.

Report of the Steward of the Rolls of Honour (p 381)

Adoption of the report was proposed by Mr. A. J. Phillips (Ancient Society of College Youths), seconded by Mr. A. R. Kench (ASCY) and agreed.

Report of the Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells (p 412)

Having corrected a figure in the Rescue Fund Accounts (Bank balances at 31st December 1993 were £5,854.07), Mr. R. J. Cooles (Honorary member) proposed the adoption of the report and accounts and spoke about the bells formerly at St. Martin’s, Birmingham. The article in The Ringing World a few weeks ago had produced one offer to purchase all 12 bells, from a charitable trust. As negotiations had not yet been completed, he was unable to reveal the name of the church for which they were intended, but the PCC concerned had resolved to apply for the necessary faculty and he was very hopeful that the bells would be transferred to the trust.

Adoption of the report was seconded by Mr. M. H. D. O’Callaghan (Honorary member) and agreed.

Future meetings

At the President’s invitation, Mrs. J. A. Robertson (Salisbury DG) spoke about arrangements for the 1995 meeting, to be held in Salisbury. She asked members to fill in a questionnaire, which had been circulated, and mentioned the need to book rooms in the headquarters hotel before the end of January.

The Hon. Secretary reported receipt of invitations from the Lancashire Association for 2001 and the North Wales Association for 2003.

He then read out the list of invitations received, which covered every year up to 2004 except 2000. Thereupon Mr. D. G. Salter (Suffolk G) invited the Council to visit Suffolk in the year 2000. Applause.

Any other business

Mr. D. J. Jones (Peterborough DG) said that, as a result of an accident on an open day in his area, a heraldic crest had been dislodged and had broken. The church and the diocese had been unwilling for the cost of repair to be claimed from the church insurance policy and the Peterborough DG had had to pay out £200 from the open day profits. He warned members to keep watch on the activities of visiting ringers on such occasions.

Mr. D. C. Jackson (Winchester and Portsmouth DG) said that a Channel Islands ringing festival would take place on the week following the 1995 Council meeting and invited members to attend.

Mr. B. Peachey (National Police G) referred to the issue of women priests and to the possibility that the celebrant at the Council’s Corporate Communion Service might be a woman.

Mr. J. S. Barnes (Society of Royal Cumberland Youths) sought advice on whether tax-effective giving could be extended to a gift intended for Australia. He also suggested that a Council-led millennium project should be directed at the recruitment, retention and training of ringers.

Mr. E. M. Jones (North Wales A) said that he had received a request to arrange some ringing to celebrate the centenary of the National Trust in 1995. A peal was being arranged for 25th March. Mr. J. M. Jelley (Leicester DG) suggested, somewhat tongue in cheek, that this should be rung at the National Trust church at Staunton Harold.

The Hon. Secretary reported that 54 societies had been fully represented at the meeting, eleven partly represented and four not represented. In all 174 representative members had attended, with seven Life members, 20 Honorary members and one ex-officio member, giving a total attendance of 202.

Votes of thanks

The President then moved a comprehensive vote of thanks to all those involved in the Council’s visit to Stafford: to the officers and members of the North Staffordshire Association, and in particular to those who had acted as tellers and stewards; to everyone involved in Monday’s reception, particularly the Mayor of Stafford and the Chairman of the Association (Mr. Philip Gay) for their words of welcome; to the Rector of Stafford for taking the Communion Service that morning; to the incumbents, churchwardens and ringers of churches whose bells had been made available to Council members over the weekend; to Stafford Borough Council for the use of the Gatehouse Theatre for the meeting; and to the many others who had contributed to the success of the meeting. Applause.

After Mr. H. W. Rogers (London CA) had in his usual inimitable style thanked the President for his conduct of the meeting, the President declared the meeting closed at 3.35 p.m.

The Ringing World, July 1, 1994, pages 661 to 664

Biographies Committee

The following members and past members of the Council have died during 1993 and up to 28 February 1994:

Denis Alan Bayles was a member of The Ringing World Committee from 1966-1981 and served on the Broadcasting and Television Committee from 1962-1972. He published the booklet Elementary Changeringing in 1976 and was President of the Universities Association in 1986.

William Hawson Viggers was a long standing member of the Biographies Committee 1948-1987 and a founder member of the Guildford Diocesan Guild. He will always be remembered for being the publisher of The Ringers Notebook and Diary until it was taken over by The Ringing World in 1988.

Wilfred Charles Boucher was a West Country man beloved by all who knew him. He was President of the Truro Diocesan Guild 1984-1989 and was a regular attender at the Ancient Society of College Youths annual dinner.

Canon Kenneth Walter Harry Felstead can be described as a champion of bells, bell-ringing and bellringers. He was probably best known for his recording by tower of every peal rung and his regular articles in The Ringing World. He served on the Standing Committee of the Council 1948-1963 and had long spells on the Peals Analysis and Methods Committees, as well as being a prominent member of the Redundant Bells Committee and the Rescue Fund. He was elected a Church Commissioner in 1973 and was an Honorary Canon of Winchester Cathedral.

The deaths of over 160 ringers have been notified to The Ringing World since the last meeting and these have been indexed by the Committee.

A number of interesting enquiries have been made to the Committee during the year. One concerned past and present lady members of the Council, another the length of service and the number of consecutive meetings achieved by past and present members of the Council. The Rev. G. F. Coleridge with 49 consecutive meetings holds both these records. At the time of writing F. E. Dukes and E. A. Barnett have each attended 47 meetings and only missed two while eligible to attend. F. B. Lufkin and H. W. Rogers have attended 46 meetings to date and C. K. Lewis has attended 45 consecutively out of a possible 45!

Information of this nature is exciting to extract but also painstakingly slow and it is for this reason that, following a Committee meeting in February, it was resolved to transfer biographical material held on past and present members to an electronic data base while continuing to record formal records in the traditional manner. Further work is required to establish how much material is to be stored electronically but the task of listing by name all present and former members of the Council has begun. As the system is developed it will allow information to be retrieved quickly and the possibility of rapid statistical analysis is an exciting prospect, minimising the chance of human error. It would also allow information to be speedily copied to members of the committee and other interested parties such as the Library. Compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1984 is not seen as a difficulty.

The Committee is anxious to extend the publicity for the work it does and intends to produce up to four articles per annum for publication in The Ringing World. Following discussion at a recent Council meeting the Committee is not satisfied with the up-dating of biographical material relating to serving members and it is suggested that a fact-finding sheet be sent out with Council meeting papers in future years.

Although the Committee’s primary function is to keep records of Council members it has been agreed that there is need to keep a separate set of records for other notable ringers who are or were not members of the Council. These would include famous ringers or characters from the past or of the present.

The Committee looks forward to a busy triennium and with the help and encouragement of as many ringers as possible it is hoped that all notable information will be recorded.


Library Committee

Changes affecting the Library were made during the Council’s meeting at Caerleon. It was agreed that the Librarian should be the Steward for the Council’s Library (although most of us still think of the office as that of Librarian); that it is not necessary for the Steward/Librarian to be an Officer of the Council; and that the Steward is ex-officio a member of the Library Committee. The triennial elections were held, and we thank Ron Johnston and Arthur Burley for their help during the previous traumatic years, and welcome Fred Bone and Cyril Wratten who have already proved their usefulness to this Committee. We have a very fine library, but, like a garden (or a baby!) in needs constant attention. In John Eisel, supported by his wife, we have both the enthusiasm and the knowledge to make it a success. Cyril Wratten offered his services as Treasurer and Fred Bone has begun work to adapt the Library Catalogue. Bill Butler is a fount of useful knowledge, and Jean Sanderson was re-elected as Chairman.

The increase in usage of the Library has been maintained, with an average of two or three enquiries a week. Some came via The Ringing World. The Library has grown by seventy-one items: nine of these were purchased and there were a number of donations to the Library for which we are very grateful. Many are small in themselves, but fill out the collection; others were photocopies which can be borrowed in place of rare originals. The Library’s own photocopier has proved to be of great benefit and has been used to offer good service to many enquirers.

Anyone may guess that a book the size and weight of Church Bells of Essex (for example) is worth something in both money and information. Few realise that the small pamphlet, often produced in small quantities for limited use, is just as important to the collection, because it is part of the techniques used to communicate our knowledge, or interesting history wrapped in a modest cover. We are very grateful to those who send us a copy of their work. Even if financial considerations mean that this copy cannot be sent free of charge, it is still right that a copy should be in the Library. Many local Newsletters are provided regularly, and these also form a valuable archive. If you have not sent a copy of yours, please do so!

During 1993 we have received 32 current Guild/Association reports, the highest number for many years. Sending a current Annual Report to The Ringing World is appreciated by the Editor, but does nothing for the Library. We are delighted that 77 past reports, many of considerable age, have been given to us, because we are trying to fill the multiple gaps in our collection. Ask John Eisel for a list, especially if any old reports become available. We do not want to wrench treasured sets from their owners (although you might mention to your Executors that the Library would be a most suitable home) but would welcome odd issues you may not have used for years. We want to bind Annual Reports for better preservation, because staples are rusting and poor-quality paper is rotting.

Some reports given to the Library were duplicates and it was possible to sell them. A list of current duplicates available for sale or exchange may also be had from Dr. Eisel. Those sold find a place where they are wanted, and raise money for the Library, thus pleasing the kind donors, their new owners and the Library Committee; quite an achievement!

While thinking of Finance, we thank those who round up their payments for photocopying, postage, etc, and the many Friends of the Library who generously paid the back subscriptions as well as the current one. In 1993 35 individuals and 20 Associations/ Guilds paid subscriptions. 15 were behind, but all were sent a Newsletter. A different letter, publicising the Library services, went out to all Secretaries of affiliated societies in the Autumn. The Library is now prominently mentioned in the Ringing World Diary, and we thank the Editor of The Ringing World for the regular advertisement.

A feature of the year has been the number of visitors to the Library, and a visitors’ book has been started. Visitors are welcome to use the Library, but prior arrangements need to be made. Interestingly, a number of telephone queries came in during the day, and assumed that the Library was an ordinary library with a professional librarian and regular opening hours. Messages can be taken during the day as there is normally someone available to answer the telephone, but the Hon. Librarian has to do other work for his living! Public Relations Committee members Alison Hodge and George Morris visited the Library and we look forward to a write-up of the Library as part of the services offered by the Central Council. Clive M. Smith has an unrivalled knowledge of discs and tapes recording bell sounds. Although he had just retired from the Council we sought his advice and he visited the Library to examine the audio materials, and was reasonably happy with their condition. Several videos have also been added to the collection.

In 1992 the Working Party had recommended that we should obtain a proper archival storage cabinet, but there were difficulties in obtaining one, in housing it, and in meeting the costs likely to be involved. Peter Wilkinson was our chief adviser. He (and Jane) visited the Library to see more precisely what was necessary, and decided that a storage cabinet was not so essential, but that acid-free storage boxes should be used to protect the MS.

A Library Catalogue for general use and distribution has been wanted for years and a determined effort is now being made to provide one. We need to be able to produce partial (“made to measure”) or complete catalogues on floppy disc or on paper as required, with easy up-dating and revision. Once a brief or skeleton version is in the system it will answer many questions, and that data can be up-graded. The CDS ISIS program has been bought, and there was an opportunity to experiment with a scanner on the old Catalogue Part I. This has saved a great deal of drudgery, although proofreading and corrections will be necessary, as they would in any case. The scanner has not solved all the problems, and Part II will be more difficult. It is not possible to use the catalogue cards or the Accessions List, which are all hand-written, and have now expanded far beyond the previous printed lists. Thanks to Fred Bone the task has at least begun, and we look forward to building upon a firm foundation.

We also owe much gratitude to his wife, Mary. There are both microfilms and microfiche in the Library, but it has always been necessary to go outside to make any use of them. This discourages both use and additions, yet there is useful information only available in these formats, and it was agreed that a microform reader would be an asset. While we were still considering costs and suitability Mary Bone saw an old but perfectly adequate microfiche reader which was surplus to the requirements of the Library of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House. She told the Institute of our need; it was very kindly given to us, and is now a useful part of the Library’s equipment. Readers for microfilm are costly: three or four times more expensive than microfiche-only readers, so we are hoping that we may be given permission to re-photograph certain microfilms in “fiche format”, so they can be more easily used. If we can go ahead with this it might be a suitable use for the Legacy (money which Jim Cook gave to the Library because he was sure Bill would have wished it). For example, Cyril Wratten’s excellent index to Bell News has just been transferred onto microfiche.

We want to ensure that the Library is fulfilling its multiple roles: as a proper repository for archives and similar material; a resource for the history, development and use of bells and ringing; and for teaching and research. This may sound rather pompous, but it would be a contribution towards these objectives if we could complete at least one set of Annual Reports and bind them. We look forward to compiling the essentials of the Library Catalogue so that anyone can know something of the riches - and the gaps - in the Library. We would like to convert microfilm to microfiche so that valuable information can be more accessible; and to obtain copies of Theses written about bells and ringing, either on microfiche or on paper. Another field which has been neglected is the historical/ archival uses of computers in ringing: we have been thinking particularly of old, out-dated material which reflects techniques of its time, rather than the current systems. Some thought is also being given to micro-photographing a few of the Library’s most special holdings, in particular the Trollope MS, and Bell News, but this is very much a long-term matter.


Computer Coordination Committee

The new Committee held one face to face meeting during 1993 when a comprehensive program of work was planned and agreed. Further “meetings” have been held electronically throughout the year using the Ringers Bulletin Board. This and the use of the Internet has proved invaluable at minimising costs whilst being able to communicate with ringers around the globe.

Following a request from the Publications Committee, a sub-group was set up to produce recommendations for the format of diskette based publications. Our attention has been initially focussed on machine readable method collections. We have tried to address the requirements, interests, ideas and concerns of many parties including users, developers, publishers, international standards as well as the Methods and Publications Committees. Discussions have taken longer than we anticipated. However, we believe that the result is worthwhile and will be a significant step forward to realising the benefits of a standardised approach to transferring ringing data between computer systems.

Much of the work on the Recommended Format has been carried out by our advisory panel of consultants. In particular, Simon Feather has put in many hours work on producing the Recommended Format Specification. Ian McCallion and Julian Morgan, our other two advisors, have also made invaluable contributions.

The Council will be relieved to learn that we are not asking it to debate formally or adopt our technical recommendations. What we have produced will stand or fall by its use in practice. Whilst we are encouraged by those people who have said that they will adopt the standard, we are under no illusion that, in time, alternative schemes will be devised which may or may not be adopted by the Exercise. Computing is as much about changes as ringing is.

With so many Guilds and, individuals using computers it is important that we stay on the right side of the law. The Committee have researched and produced an article on implications of the Data Protection Act for Ringers. We hope that this will be published in The Ringing World during 1994.

Mention has already been made of the Ringers Bulletin Board which Ian McCallion set up and runs. We believe that electronic mail has been of great benefit to the Committee and we commend its use to other Council Committees as an aid to improving the flow of information between Committee members and between Committees. In 1993, the Council began contributing towards the running costs of the Ringers Bulletin Board.

In response to numerous requests for details of suitable ringing software, the Committee has produced a catalogue of currently available computer programs. This has been well received.

During 1994 and 1995 we hope to produce further recommendations on formats for the transfer of ringing information. In particular, we wish to turn our attention to peal, composition and tower data. We consider that as more and more ringers have access to computer technology at home, there will be a corresponding increase in the demand for suitable programs and interchangeable data to enhance their enjoyment of ringing: The Committee aims to encourage and facilitate the production of such products.


Bell Restoration Funds Committee

1993 has been another full year for the Committee including a change of membership, revised terms of reference, the completion of our video, and the administration of the Tom Lock bequest.

The Committee

John Mulvey did not stand for re-election at the Council meeting. Our thanks were extended to John for all the work he undertook on behalf of the Committee over his many years membership and particularly his work on the surveys of Unringable Bells.

The Committee met three times during 1993, in February at Peterborough, in May at Caerleon, and in November at Newcastle. We were pleased, at our November meeting, to welcome Beverley Winter to the Committee.

The Council, at Caerleon, approved the following revised terms of reference for the Committee:

“To promote the restoration and provision of rings of bells by investigating and disseminating information on fund raising, charitable status, tax efficient giving, and sympathetic Trusts.”


Nigel Booth produced the first copies of the video “Church Bell Restoration” at our meeting in May and it was shown at the Council meeting. Eighty four copies of the video were distributed free to Guild, the three major bell hangers, BRF committee members and to people involved with the production. The total cost of the project (£1,762) was met by generous grants of £1,500 from the Manifold and Radcliffe Trusts, sales of the video and interest on the donations. We thank everyone who helped with the project.

Dissemination of Information

Articles have appeared in The Ringing World on the Charities Act 1992, full guild registration and VAT, and a newsletter was sent to all Guilds. Reports of the Committee meetings have appeared in The Ringing World.

The Committee instigated and was represented at another successful seminar for Parishes with Unringable Bells. The 1993 seminar was arranged by the Bath and Wells Association for parishes in the South West. We hope other areas will mount similar seminars in the future to encourage and motivate such parishes. Members of the Committee were also involved in the Council’s Seminars “Guilds and Associations in the 90’s”.

The Committee continues to deal with a large number of specific queries from parishes. During 1993 the Chairman provided advice and information to 59 parishes.

The Committee has purchased the latest edition of the Directory of Grant Making Trusts. Jackie Roberts (Secretary of the Guildford Diocesan Guild) continues to monitor this source of information and is willing to provide details of local trusts to anyone involved with a restoration project.


We continued to provide administrative support to the Manifold Trust, dealing with some 35 applications which resulted in 17 schemes being offered grants totalling £27,750. This makes a combined total of over £220,000 being offered to more than 130 parishes since 1981. The Trust has agreed to continue making funds available for qualifying projects for the coming year.

During 1993 the Committee disbursed the generous bequest for bell restoration of £10,847.14 in memory of the late Tom Lock. A similar bequest was received by the Middlesex County Association. It was agreed by the Committee that grants should be allocated towards: “major restoration of bells hung for full circle ringing (excluding any augmentation element) and that priority should be given to the most deserving cases which could not be aided by the Manifold Trust. Grants would usually be between £250 and £1,000 for each project. The aim would be to allocate the whole sum during 1993 to deserving projects, rather than just spend any interest”.

The total sum allocated includes accrued interest and other sums available to the Council for bell restoration. Grants, totalling £12,250, have been offered and accepted, as follows:

Barkway £500; Barnburgh £250*; Barrow £1,000; Bickleigh £500; Dinton £1,000; Froyle £500; Garston £1,000; Grasby £250*; Gwennap £1,000; Haughley £250; Kings Nympton £1,000; Kintbury £500; Kirkby in Malhamdale £250; Maiden Bradley £500; Milnthorpe £250; Milton Keynes £500*; Norton Canes £500; Orlingbury £250*; Quedgeley £500*; Shaugh Prior £250*; South Cerney £250; Spaxton £250; St. Albans (St. Peter’s) £500*; Tideswell £500.

(* - Paid 1993)

The Bell Restoration Funds Committee is, of course, willing to administer any other similar bequests for bell restoration work.

Work for 1994

The Committee will continue investigating and disseminating information. The major project for 1994 is the triennial survey of Bell Restoration Funds. The cooperation of guilds and associations in completing returns within the timescales requested would be appreciated if the Committee is to be able to have and to provide up-to-date information. The Committee will also be considering the information available on unringable bells and what updated information is needed and how it should be stored and used.

The Committee is also considering the purchase of other sources of information regarding trusts.

In order to spread the workload various tasks have been allocated to members. These tasks, which are in addition to the general contribution all members make to the Committee’s work, are shown below against the relevant member’s name.

John Barnes - Chairman; Contact with parishes and guilds.

Eric Billings - Survey of Guild Bell Restoration Funds; Support and Central Organisation of Seminars.

Nigel Booth - Survey of Unringable Bells (with Norman Johnson); Research into identification of Trusts likely to support bell and tower restoration; and completion of the 3 and 4 Bell survey.

Norman Johnson - Contact with bellhangers/publication distribution; Survey of Unringable Bells (with Nigel Booth); updating/reprinting Committee publications.

Ian Oram - Administrative support for Manifold Trust and other Trusts.

Alan Smith - Minute taking; Report to The Ringing World; Preparing draft report to Council.

Beverley Winter - Publicity and Public Relations; Follow up of Projects and Fund Raising ideas with identification of trusts which have supported restoration projects.

Methods Committee

The Committee met formally on two occasions during the year, in Chichester on 28 March (RW p.487) and in Winchester on 10 October. We also met informally during the Council weekend and rang a Committee peal of Spliced Surprise Minor at Nash (RW p.650).

The appearance in The Ringing World of corrections and amendments to our publications up to the end of 1993 was awaited at the time of writing (published in RW 25 March p.295 - Ed). As usual, we maintained the service of free leaflets, containing all corrections and amendments.

The second edition of the Collection of Principles was published and the Collection of Plain Methods went out of print. A new edition is in preparation and at the Council meeting in Caerleon a revised edition of John P. Fidler’s Method splicing: practical hints and a new edition of Treble Dodging Minor Methods were added to our programme of work. We hope that all three of these books will appear during 1994.

Following a request at the Council meeting we considered how the Decision on Method Extension might be amended to cover the extension of principles. This work has taken longer than anticipated and we intend writing an article for The Ringing World inviting comment on our proposals before finalising a motion for Council at Salisbury in 1995.

The handout on Method Extension, originally prepared to accompany our proposals to Council at Birmingham in 1989, was updated to take into account the amendments made at Peterborough in 1992 and is available from the Chairman.

A number of new services aimed at home computer users were introduced. The Rules of the Council, The Council’s Decisions, corrections and amendments to our publications, the Collection of Plain Methods and the updated Method Extension handout were made available via the Ringers’ Bulletin Board. Purchasers of the Collection of Plain Methods on diskette may now upgrade to the latest version in exchange for their old diskette and a nominal handling charge.

Agreement was reached with the Records Committee that we would take responsibility for machine-readable versions of the Collections of Rung Surprise, Delight, Treble Bob and Alliance methods and a version in a tabular format similar to that used for the Collection of Plain Methods on diskette is in preparation.

We became aware of the Computer Co-ordination Committee’s work on a possible format for method collections, specially intended for processing by bell ringing application programs, and hope we may persuade the Co-ordination Committee that collaboration between the Committees would be desirable.

As usual we have provided advice to other Council committees and responded to many written and telephone enquiries about methods and method names from home and abroad. We are always happy to provide this service.


The Ringing World, April 8, 1994, pages 353 to 355

Towers and Belfries Committee

The Committee, happily now strengthened by the welcome arrival of Frank Lewis and rejoined by George Dawson, was delighted to congratulate Harry Windsor on the award of an MBE in the 1994 New Year Honours List.

Work has continued on several fronts throughout 1993; Committee members giving advice in some 68 cases ranging from full restorations, augmentations, transfers of rings of bells and sound control to light maintenance and exclusion of birds. Visiting towers and submitting reports at one time was almost the sole occupation of the Committee, but over the last decade or so its activities have been expanded to include running seminars and producing a series of advisory publications.

As in previous years the Committee was represented at the final “Agenda for the 90s” meeting at Todmorden. We were pleased to be welcomed to Mere in the autumn by the Salisbury D.G. where four members ran a well attended day seminar on belfry maintenance. A similar seminar was held at Pimlico with the Middlesex C.A. The Summer School did not include a Towers and Bells course in 1993, but Frank Lewis attended and gave instruction on rope splicing which, as always, was very popular. Several members gave papers at the Cardiff “Ringing Centres” open meeting.

On the publications front, work is continuing on producing bellhanging specification clauses, which, it is hoped, will be useful to parishes seeking comparable estimates for bell restorations from several bellhangers. Harry Windsor is completing a practical analysis on the inter-action between ringing bells and swaying towers, which has already been helpful in predicting tower oscillation where this is critical. A guide is also being produced to help parishes with standard procedures laid down in new Faculty Jurisdiction Rules established by the “Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991”. These rules came into effect in all English Dioceses in March 1993.

Seminars planned for 1994 include a study of the new Code of Practice aimed at diocesan bell advisers, a DIY restoration day in the London area and a symposium on safety in towers.

  F. D. MACK
(consultant adviser)

Steward for the Rolls of Honour

The Rolls of Honour are held in the Bell Tower (North-West Tower) of St. Paul’s Cathedral. One page of each of the Rolls is turned every Sunday. People wishing to view the Rolls of Honour can do so on Sundays, practice nights, or other times by arrangement.

A. J. PHILLIPS, Steward.

John Carter Ringing Machine

One maintenance session combined with a public display was arranged at the Birmingham Science Museum on 17th April. In the morning Barry Ward and Philip Barnes were able to set up and operate the machine. The afternoon session was well attended by ringers and a few enthusiasts from the museum who attend displays of the musical instruments. Touches of Stedman Triples Bob Major, Little Bob Maximus and Grandsire Caters were rung.

The Machine is on public display in the musical instrument section of the Museum; there have been discussions with members of the Public Relations Advisory Group on how the explanatory material can be improved.

A. E. BAGWORTH, W. H. DOBBIE (Stewards)

Public Relations Advisory Group

1993 was another year of solid achievement for the P.R. Advisory Group. We continued our policy of providing high quality advice and assistance to local public relations activities throughout the country whilst at the same time securing and organising major national publicity. In more detail:

Towers and Associations

Alison Hodge completed her P.R. handbook, Striking the Right Note, and passed it to the Publications Committee for publication. It is an easy-read, informative guide covering all aspects of dealing with the public and the media. Arranging open days, putting on displays, delivering talks, giving local radio interviews, etc. are all included. It is entertainingly illustrated with Chico Kidd cartoons, and is designed to help everyone from the ordinary tower member to the Association P.R.O.

Steve Coleman dealt with over 80 requests for public relations guidance. These came from associations, branches and individual ringers. It is clear that the public relations activities being undertaken at a local level are now better organised, more imaginative and more extensive than ever, and we shall continue to welcome requests for advice from all quarters. In 1994 Alison will begin a series of P.R. tips in The Ringing World.

Having reviewed the stocks and popularity of our certificates and porch cards, John Illingworth will be organising a substantial reprinting in 1994. These will be obtainable free from Central Council Publications, c/o Mrs. Barbara Wheeler, 18 Bankside, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 1XD.


Fred Dukes continued his extremely demanding role of maintaining contact with all overseas ringers through his newsletters and personal correspondence. His detailed International Report has already appeared in The Ringing World. It is Fred’s untiring work on behalf of ringers everywhere that has established the excellent international ringing relations that we now enjoy. He will continue his efforts in 1994, and in addition he will write a History of International Relations for the Christmas Edition of The Ringing World.

George Morris continued his European liaison exchanging correspondence and visits with ringers from the five main ringing areas of Italy as well as Spain, France and Switzerland. He will be seeking further European contacts in 1994. To mark the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Veronese Association, George, Harold Rogers, Stella Bianco and Alison Hodge were proud to represent the Central Council at a two-day ringing festival in Verona.


As part of our role in assisting at association and parish level, Harold Rogers continued and expanded his work of maintaining, updating and lending out our exhibition material. With five sets being used in over 30 locations during the year the work involved in preparation, maintenance and transportation is enormous. The displays are well-prepared, colourful and eye-catching, and are mounted on high quality, free-standing, metal frames. All sets have been repaired and renewed for 1994 and bookings for the peak periods of June, July and August would be appreciated as early as possible. Requests should be sent to Harold at 53 The Grove, Isleworth, Middx TW7 4JT. Tel: 081-560 3921. Harold will also be pleased to give advice on exhibition preparation generally.

Although our current exhibitions have considerable life in them yet, in 1994 Harold, John Illingworth and Emma St. John-Smith, will be looking at ways to utilise the very latest technology in the exhibition field.

John Anderson - whom we welcomed into the Group in May - and Alison Hodge, held further discussions with the Birmingham Museum of Science and Industry and the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine on the Machine’s explanatory and display material.


Alison Hodge sent an article for insertion in Diocesan Newsletters to all dioceses. She also prepared our entry for the Church of England Year Book.

George Morris devised a half-day course for non-ringing church workers and this will take place in late 1994. He will write a report of its success - or otherwise - in The Ringing World so that Associations can consider running similar courses.

Steve Coleman made provisional plans for a week’s university summer school introducing ringing to the general public. It will cover bell music appreciation; traditions, customs and etiquette; bells in poetry, literature and song; ringing throughout the world; bell technology; etc. In addition to videos, tapes and records there will be field visits. The course is planned for 1995.

Stella Bianco undertook research into complaints and litigation concerning noise. As a result we are concerned that the Council is not providing adequate advice and leadership on this issue. Steve will be raising the matter with the Administrative Committee in 1994.


David Thorne in his capacity as The Ringing World Editor and Emma St. John-Smith in her capacity as Westminster Abbey Press Officer dealt with many journalists seeking information about ringing. They also maintained a liaison function by directing the media to those ringers best able to deal with specialist enquiries. The unending flow of press enquiries increases every year and the work involved is substantial.

Steve Coleman wrote a 2,000 word article for The Field which appeared in the June issue lavishly illustrated with photographs. He also dealt with a number of enquiries from would-be ringers who wrote to him following The Times publishing his name and address as a ringing contact.

Harold Rogers published an article on the technical aspects of ringing in the journal of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communications.

We anticipate even more press enquiries in 1994 following our upgrading of the published contact information. Stella Bianco dealt with the London Telephone Directory and Steve prepared a section for The Journalist’s Handbook.

Central Council

Stella Bianco and Emma St. John-Smith continued their work of improving the Council’s image. The table-cloths, backing boards and name plates resulted in a far more professional look to the Annual Meeting at Caerleon, and only the absence of a Welsh-speaking council member prevented T.V. Wales televising a report of the meeting. Stella and Emma are planning further improvements to the image and media coverage for 1994.

Stella also acted as the Advisory Group secretary and dealt with much of our substantial communications requirements as well as writing pieces for The Ringing World.

Sunday Service Competition

After much research and thought, John Anderson and John Illingworth decided reluctantly that a National Competition, judged Egon Ronay style on local bands’ normal service ringing, was not practicable. Nevertheless, they would welcome an association or branch trying such a competition, and would willingly discuss the possibilities with anyone considering doing this.


As always, most members of the Group appeared on or assisted with local radio. In addition, Steve Coleman conducted lengthy negotiations with the BBC concerning the errors and other problems on the Morning Has Broken ringing slot. A substantial improvement resulted although occasional errors still occur. He also wrote an article for The Ringing World on how to make and submit recordings.


We very much welcome the success of a number of local groups who secured high quality television coverage during the year. We strongly urge ringers everywhere to make the most of any opportunity that comes their way, and we shall be pleased to offer advice or assistance if asked.

Steve Coleman organised an item on ringing for the Children’s programme Activ-8. He also wrote an outline for a proposed programme on ringing in response to a request from a Channel 4 production company.

Video Competition

John Illingworth drew up plans for a ringing video competition to be launched in 1994. The aim is to stimulate the making of local publicity videos for use with exhibitions and talks, or simply for showing to interested people. A senior BBC television producer has agreed to assist with the judging and the winning entries will be considered for national and local television. A festival at which all entrants will be able to see each other’s entries will also be held.

Blind Awareness Week

Steve Coleman and John Anderson obtained substantial ringing publicity by joining with the RNIB to launch the Challenging Blindness logo in September. As part of the arrangements London Weekend Television filmed ringing at St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Radio 4 recorded the St. Paul’s bells for the following Thursday. Live pictures of ringing at Stafford were broadcast throughout the UK by ITV, and the BBC carried an interview with a blind ringer two weeks later. The Sunday Telegraph, The Times and The Independent all published articles and photographs of ringing, as did The Church Times. Ringing features were also carried by around 40 regional papers and by a large number of local radio stations.

Needless to say, such publicity is only possible because of the substantial contributions made by a large number of individual ringers and towers. We cannot overstress the importance of the many partnerships that ringers all over the country have entered into to foster good public relations. We look forward to another excellent year in 1994.


Committee for Redundant Bells

Thirty six churches were declared redundant in 1993; which brings the total under successive Pastoral Measures since 1969 to 1433. While thirty six is an appreciable increase on the seventeen of 1992, it is not itself thought to indicate any particular trend: redundancies at a moderate rate are likely to remain indefinitely, since the need for rationalisation will continue.

But other factors are at work. Members will have read of the financial problems facing the Church of England, even if they have not yet personally experienced them. It therefore seems highly probable that there will soon be pressure for more churches to close; and it would be ostrich like to suppose that no rings of bells will be affected. The Templeman Report may prove to be a taste of things to come. The situation is complicated too by the uncomfortable state of the Redundant Churches Fund - soon to be renamed the Churches Conservation Trust. Buildings expensive to preserve, and less than adequate funds to preserve them, may well mean restrictions on the number of churches which can go to the Fund. Several Fund churches have rings of bells; vesting in the Fund has often proved constrictive for both bells and ringers.

As a rough guide, the proportion of redundant churches going to the Redundant Churches Fund has remained constant over the years at approximately 22%. A similar proportion of churches has been demolished; and alternative uses have been found for the remainder. If, as the Church Commissioners suggest, the number being demolished is likely to increase, and, too, the number being vested in the Fund to decrease, there would seem prospects for a problem. We make no apology for urging Associations yet again to renew and strengthen their links with their diocesan authorities.

During 1993 the Committee was involved with some forty five cases, including five new enquiries for rings of bells, fourteen for bells for augmentations, and nine for bells as replacements or for use as singles. Two enquiries for rings and two for single bells came from overseas. One enquiry was for a bell for a centre for young adults with learning difficulties; and another - dealt with, improbably, by the Surrey Association - was for a bell to mark the turn of the tide. The prospects for St. Martin, Birmingham, have continued to concern us greatly.

Because the number of enquiries for bells regularly exceeds supply, a circular was sent to the Associations seeking any bells which, surplus or unsuitable locally, could be rehoused elsewhere rather than used as scrap, thus saving the value of the casting. We are very grateful to those who replied. On the replies received, it appears that what bells there are are being re-used close to their original homes. At the year end a comparable circular was about to be sent to Diocesan Furnishings Officers.

On behalf of the Committee the chairman attended the Diocesan Furnishings Officers’ Conference at Sheffield in May.

Annually we record our thanks to the Church Commissioners and the Council for the Care of Churches for their help and interest; and to Mr. R. W. M. Clouston who kindly provides copies to the Committee of his notes for the Council for the Care of Churches on potentially redundant churches. Our gratitude is no less warm for being often repeated.

The exigencies of work on other Committees meant that Alan Frost, a member since its inception, did not seek re-election to the Committee. We thank him for his help and wisdom.

G. W. MASSEY (Chairman)

Ringing Centres Committee

This Committee was formed as a result of a motion at the Council meeting in June 1993 and so the report is for a half year period. Two meetings have taken place, one at the Ringing Centre in Pimlico and the other in Burton Latimer, and Roger Booth and Eric Billings have been co-opted on to the committee. Our interest has mostly focused on the establishment and encouragement of Ringing Centres which have a strong emphasis on teaching. Where the publicity of ringing is the main concern then assistance from the Public Relations Advisory Group has been sought.

Information has been received from several places across the country where the establishment of a Ringing Centre is likely within the next few years. Also an application for Central Council approval has been received from a centre where no financial support is requested. The preparation for an application, to the Foundation for Sport and the Arts, for large scale funding for a series of ringing Centres has now been taken over by members of the committee. The application will go with specific requests for funding for centres at Liverpool, Peterborough and Docklands.

Several types of projects for which funds might be sought have been identified, ranging from the situation where everything, including the tower and the bells, is needed, to the more modest demands for funding to enhance the facilities of a tower to make it into a ringing centre. It is hoped that funding from the Council will be available to support the smaller ventures. Work has already begun on identifying sources of money not usually associated with Church bells; emphasis would be on education and training.

Preliminary work has been done on a Ringing Centres directory. This would contain information on the Ringing Centres available for booking and details of their facilities. It would also include a copy of their criteria for Central Council approval and ideas for sources of funding.

After last year’s Council meeting, at which members voted that there should be “standards agreed by the Council”, some time has been spent discussing what the essential requirements of a Ringing Centre are. We recommend that for a centre to be Central Council recognised it should have support locally amongst ringers and from the Church where it is based. It should have a workable and clearly defined management structure which would allow it to be available to all comers. The access should be suitable and the facilities should include bells, a simulator and availability of a teaching room. Finally the centre should act as a public relations focus for bellringing.

Work for the coming year will include finishing the application to the Foundation of Sport and the Arts, more detailed research on funding and on the directory of centres. Also we would hope to be able to consider requests for Council funding.


Records Committee

A. First peals on tower bells
Jan15088Tameia S. MajYorks A
15088Verdigris S. MajPeterboro DG
15056Stoneystanton D. MajLeics DG
15019Stedman SextuplesWin & Ports DG
25088Huscote S. MajS. Northants S
55152Royal Bluebell S. MajANZAB
65088Flatholm S. MajBath & Wells DA
65040Swift S. RoyLeics DG
95152Canary Wharf S. MajEssex A
95040Selborne S. RoyOxford DG
95056Essef D. MajWin & Ports DG
95152Wormhill D. MajDerby DA
95040Bisley Imperial B. MajGlos & Bristol DA
115056Chandler D. MajLeics DG
135152Phlogiston S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
135056Heywood T.B. MajLancs A
155024Leverington S. MajEly DA
165184Carnarvon S. MajOxford DG
165024Creswell S. MajYorks A
165024Kenton S. MajMiddx CA & Lon DG
165152Letchmore Heath S. MajHertford CA
185024Caxton S. MajEly DA
185056Guadalajara D. MajLeics DG
205088Graphite S. MajGlos & Bris DA
205040Cuernavaca S. RoyLeics DG
225056Air S. MajSt Olave’s S
225024Newton S. MajEly DA
235056Bottisham S. MajEly DA
235152Epsom Common S. MajGuildford DG
235184Trajectus S. MajYorks A
235042UBSCR S. MaxUniv. of Bristol S
265056Estley D. MajLeics DG
305040Dowager L.S. MajWin & Ports DG
305040Slough S. RoyOxford DG
305088Tedertis D. MajYorks A
Feb15056Huancayo D. MajLeics DG
25184Ickleford S. MajEly DA
35120Amethyst S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
35040Acapulco S. RoyLeics DG
55120Wolfson College S. MajEly DA
65152Holme Lacy S. MajHereford DG
65040Moray Firth S. RoyOxford DG
85056Birstall D. MajLeics DG
105040Marion S. RoyLeics DG
115040Edna D. MaxSt. Martin’s G
145056Boeing 747 S. MajPeterboro DG
155040Bassett S. RoyLeics DG
165024Cavendish S. MajEly DA
175088Garnet S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
175040Mease S. RoyLeics DG
185040Withycombe Raleigh S. RoyG of Devon R
195056Weekley S. MajPeterboro DG
205024Ugueste S. MajYorks A
205056X-in-hand S. MajSussex CA
225184Wilburton S. MajEly DA
225056Oaxaca D. MajLeics DG
235184Cretingham S. MajEly DA
245056Parklands D. MajLeics DG
275040Kinghorn S. RoyS. Northants S
275088Traxula D. MajYorks A
Mar35040Cullingworth S. RoyLeics DG
65152Annable’s London S. MajCamb Univ G
65024Fen Ditton S. MajEly DA
65120Terminus S. MajYorks A
65040Belleisle S. RoyS. Northants S
85152Yelsiap D. MajLeics DG
95120Chatteris S. MajEly DA
105056Bishop Thomas D. MajLeics DG
145040Hayfield D. RoyLancs A
155280British Queen D. MajCamb Univ G
155088Leysland D. MajLeics DG
175056Aquamarine S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
205004Colston Bassett A. MajSouthwell DG
205184Campsall D. MajYorks A
225184Mears Ashby S. MajPeterboro DG
245040Stromboli S. RoyLeics DG
265040Ham L.S. MajEly DA
275056Taliesin S. MajYorks A
275040Yeovil Town S. RoyOxford DG
305056Yosemite D. MajLeics DG
315088Gray S. MajLancs A
Apr35088Tectoverdi S. MajYorks A
35152Turf Moor S. MajLancs A
35040Tulliallan S. RoyS. Northants S
45040Hammerfest S. RoyLeics DG
75040Eye S. RoyLeics DG
85056Maundy D. MajLeics DG
95056Beechwood D. MajLeics DG
125184Sipson S. MajMiddx CA & Lon DG
125040Fougeres S. RoyNon-Association
125096Bristol S. FourteenASCY
145152Plimsoll Line S. MajNon-Association
155040St. Philip’s L.S. CinquesSt. Martin’s G
155040Eskimo Blue Day A. MajS of Liss Camp R
175000Cradoc S. RoyS. Northants S
175056Tervedunum D. MajYorks A
185152Hill Brow S. MajS of Hill Brow Y
195056Quadraginta D. MajLeics DG
205024Buckden S. MajEly DA
225040Old Superlative S. RoyOxford DG
245024Clare S. MajEssex A
245024Tagea S. MajYorks A
265040Fullerton S. RoyYorks A
May15088Velox D. MajYorks A
35024Vividin S. MajYorks A
35096Yorkshire S. FourteenOxford DG
55040Cotopaxi S. RoyLeics DG
95088Vierum D. MajYorks A
115088Plessy S. MajPeterboro DG
125152Middlejay S. MajBristol S
135088Selly Oak D. MaxSt. Martin’s G
145024Openshaw S. MajLancs A
155236Moulton A. MaxS. Northants S
155232Vax D. MaxASCY
185056Swanbourne S. MajEly DA
195152Emerald S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
195040Vatnajokull S. RoyLeics DG
215040Heywood L.T.B. MajLancs A
225024Penta D. MajYorks A
295056Chomolungma S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
295024Martlesham S. MajMiddx CA & Lon DG
295088Veluniate S. MajYorks A
315040Chepstow S. RoyLlan & Mon DA
315024Bertha D. MajYorks A
315080Old Trafford D. RoyLancs A
Jun15056Never Never S. MajANZAB
25152Isle Abbotts S. MajBath & Wells DA
25040Biam S. RoyLeics DG
35040Joey L.S. MajANZAB
35024Hind Leys D. MajYorks A
35184Quasar MaxSt. Martin’s G
55056Durocina S. MajYorks A
85120Achurch S. MajPeterboro DG
95152Pearl S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
95088Chiddingstone D. MajKent CA
125056Greenjoint D. MajS. Northants S
155120Stagsden S. MajEly DA
175152Newburn S. MajSouthwell DG
175040Zambia S. MaxOxford DG
185040Bordeaux S. RoyGlos & Bristol DA
225056Scalborough D. MajLeics DG
255120Hawkfield S. MajEly DA
265088Voliba S. MajYorks A
285040Via Gellia S. RoyYorks A
295056Tempsford S. MajEly DA
Jul25024Sidney Sussex College S. MajEly DA
25024Stirtloe S. MajEly DA
35088Cheddington S. MajMiddx CA & Lon DG
35088Ricina D. MajYorks A
45088Deacons D. MajHertford CA
55040Saltby S. RoyLeics DG
75120Ruby S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
105024Birila S. MajYorks A
105056Zele S. MajSussex CA
125056Tungurahua D. MajLeics DG
145088Fishpond Bottom S. MajBath & Wells DA
145040Tupungatito S. RoyLeics DG
155024Raise D. MajOxford DG
165024Brazil S. MajDur & Newcastle DA
165112Milston L.S. MajEly DA
175152Burley-in-Wharfedale S. MajCoventry DG
175056St. Brannock’s D. MajG of Devon R
205088Kittiwake Gully S. MajBath & Wells DA
215040Lapwing S. RoyLeics DG
235088Matterhorn S. MajEly DA
245184Madus S. MajYorks A
275088Kashmir D. MajLeics DG
285152Arosip D. MajLeics DG
295056Ronaldsway D. MajLeics DG
295040Mildenhall Fen S. MaxSt. Martin’s G
305040Trimley L.S. MajEly DA
315088Terdec D. MajYorks A
Aug15184Illingworth S. MajYorks A
25040Ronstim S. RoyLeics DG
75152Eden S. MajOxford DG
75024Venicones S. MajYorks A
105088Spaldwick S. MajEly DA
135016Lincoln L.S. MajEly DA
135040Elveden S. RoyOxford DG
145040Powfoot S. RoyS. Northants S
175152Quaking House S. MajBath & Wells DA
175040Holtye S. RoyKent CA
175056Mennecy D. MajLeics DG
185088Peridot S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
185040Quire S. RoyLeics DG
195056High Dodd D. MajOxford DG
205152Oakford S. MajBath & Wells DA
235088Moricambe S. MajYorks A
245024Chichele S. MajPeterboro DG
255040Chuck Key A. MajSt. Martin’s G
275040Aldsworth S. RoyOxford DG
285088Sacrewell S. MajPeterboro DG
295088Minerve S. MajYorks A
295040Whitehaven S. RoyCarlisle DG
295040Burnley Supreme A. MajLancs A
305120Quenchwell S. RoyHereford DG
305044Olympic D. MaxNon-Association
315056Dalmuir D. MajLeics DG
Sep15040Monotombo S. RoyLeics DG
25056Etosha D. MajLeics DG
45040Stoke Bruerne S. RoyPeterboro DG
65056Netherseale D. MajLeics DG
115024Minox S. MajYorks A
115040Chatteris Fen S. MaxASCY
135088Aldwarke S. MajYorks A
135040Tredecim S. RoyLeics DG
155184Sapphire S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
155040Elmisti S. RoyLeics DG
175088Chadwick S. MajLancs A
205040Calke S. RoyLeics DG
225040Foula S. RoyLeics DG
245040Leckhampstead L.S. MajEly DA
255040Portsmouth S. RoyASCY
285040Verulamium S. RoyKent CA
295184Tourmaline S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
295088Malcolmmas D. MajLeics DG
Oct15000Drill Bit A. MajSt. Martin’s G
25040Fillingham S. RoySouthwell DG
35216Grinning Rat S. MajYorks A
45088Mentmore S. MajEly DA
45040Irkutsk S. RoyLeics DG
55000Gosforth S. RoySRCY
65040Bescaby S. RoyLeics DG
95024Maunsell S. MajPeterboro DG
95040Annanhill S. RoyS. Northants S
115040Stonesby S. RoyLeics DG
125088Alconbury S. MajPeterboro DG
135152Opal S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
155088North Drain S. MajBath & Wells DA
165120167 Spliced Plain MajNorwich DA
175120562 Spliced Plain MajNorwich DA
195088Tuddenham S. MajEly DA
205120Black Dog S. MajG of Devon R
205056Jerubbaal D. MajLeics DG
225040Mirfield S. RoyOxford DG
235088Mictis S. MajYorks A
235040Ayr S. RoyLondon CA
235040Burnley S. RoyLancs A
255090Gedney Fen S. MaxLeics DG
255056Daleacre D. MajLeics DG
275152Landleys D. MajLeics DG
305088Mendlesham S. MajMiddx CA & Lon DG
305040Five Bridges S. RoyDerby DA
305088Metaris D. MajYorks A
315056Jackolantern S. MajEly DA
315040Willsbridge S. RoyBath & Wells DA
Nov15088Theberton S. MajEly DA
15056Allhallows D. MajLeics DG
25056Babraham S. MajEly DA
35088Bingley S. MajYorks A
35040Misterex S. RoyLeics DG
45088Jurassic Park S. MaxSt. Martin’s G
65088Matovium S. MajYorks A
65040Burton S. RoyLeics DG
65040Centennial S. RoyEly DA
65024Iona D. MajWin & Ports DG
65040Ampton Bog A. MajSouthwell DG
85040Lybster S. RoyLeics DG
95184Wymington S. MajPeterboro DG
105056Topaz S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
135088Begesse S. MajYorks A
145056Bitton S. MajEly DA
165120Bristol S. SixteenSt. Martin’s G
195040Ferryhill S. RoyOxford DG
205088Mestevia S. MajYorks A
205040Worcestershire S. RoyWorcs & Dist A
215042Via Gellia S. MaxYorks A
215040Double Helix Differential T.P. MajOxford DG
225040Wyville S. RoyLeics DG
235184Orford S. MajEly DA
245088Sardonyx S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
265088Deansbrook S. MajEly DA
265024Monroe S. MajLancs A
265040Hadfield S. RoyOxford DG
275088Picturesque D. MajYorks A
285056Chiddingfold S. MajSussex CA
295056Imogen D. MajLeics DG
305096Cambridge S. FourteenSt. Martin’s G
Dec35088Larkhill S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
45024Ashley S. MajPeterboro DG
45184Vinion D. MajYorks A
65056Mosta D. MajLeics DG
85120Zircon S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
85056Marsaxlokk D. MajLeics DG
95040College Youths Pleasure D. MaxOxford DG
135040Eliot S. RoyLeics DG
145154Oberon S. FourteenSt. Martin’s G
155040Mitsnor S. RoyLeics DG
185056Lambourne End S. MajEssex A
185184Tamus S. MajYorks A
185056Rowley Regis D. MajWorcs & Dist A
185050Ventus Magnus L.B. MajWin & Ports DG
215056Glenne D. MajLeics DG
225152Meden Vale S. MajSouthwell DG
225056Turquoise S. MajGlos & Bristol DA
225040Filfla S. RoyLeics DG
225056Oldebi D. MajLeics DG
235088Dingli D. MajLeics DG
275088Laddus Fen S. MaxNon-Association
285152Xerox S. MajGuildford DG
295184Catz B. MajLancs A
305152Hart S. MajGuildford DG
305056Langwith S. MajYorks A
315088Belton S. MajPeterboro DG
315120Rushmoor S. MajEly DA
B. First peals on handbells
Jan55090Gedney Fen S. MaxEly DA
75312Uranium S. MajHereford DG
135040Humberside S. RoyOxford DG
145184Hacconby Fen S. MaxEly DA
215090Isleham Fen S. MaxEly DA
245184Six Mile Bottom S. MajHereford DG
Feb15088Verrechia S. MajOxford DG
35040Isleworth S. RoyOxford DG
115040Xyts S. RoyHereford DG
145040Osborne S. RoySRCY
185056Vectis S. MajHereford DG
Mar75000Jaywick S. RoyHereford DG
185090Joist Fen S. MaxEly DA
285232Rigel S. MaxASCY
Apr95280Knarr Fen S. MaxNorwich DA
May55280Laddus Fen S. MaxEly DA
105056Xenopus S. MajOxford DG
185040Mildenhall Fen S. MaxEly DA
265234Joyce Fen S. MaxEly DA
Jun105040Woodspring S. RoyHereford DG
225040Oxbridge S. RoyChester DG
Jul185152Therrible S. MajHereford DG
205088Nightlayers Fen S. MaxEly DA
Aug55120Silchester S. MajHereford DG
115040Ouse Fen S. MaxEly DA
125056Lancashire S. MajHereford DG
195184Quedgeley S. MajHereford DG
Sep125040Whitehaven S. RoyHereford DG
Nov255088Potterhanworth Fen S. MaxEly DA
Dec215040Quadring Fen S. MaxEly DA
225040Quidhampton S. RoyOxford DG
Record peals on tower bells
Mar610080Sedgemoor S. MajBath & Wells DA
201584030 Spliced S. MaxSt. James G
Oct2312096Jevington S. MajHertford CA
Record peals on handbells
Feb715312Bristol S. MaxASCY
Jun2312144Lincolnshire S. MaxLeics DG

D. E. SIBSON (Chairman)

The Ringing World, April 15, 1994, pages 381 to 384, corrections July 1, 1994, page 664

General Fund - Income and Expenditure Account for the year 1993
Administration costs
£940.00Affiliation fees£1,117.00
£935.59Council meeting£1,027.65
£50.00Secretary’s honorarium£50.00
£150.00Stationery, post, telephone£154.69
£38.30Bank charges£63.51


(£233.89)Excess of income over expenditure(£178.85)
Committee seminar and other costs
£11,373.49Dividends and Interest£8,226.25
£1,020.00Less Transfer to Capital Reserve£764.00

£7,301.15Education Committee courses, etc.£6,394.32
-Sales of BRF video£194.00

£6,141.11Committee expenses£5,280.22
£7,669.51Education Committee courses, etc.£6,391.67
£129.56Seminars and working parties£146.83
-Bell Restoration Funds video£769.94
£800.00The Ringing World Ltd£912.08


£3,414.46Excess of income over expenditure£554.83

£3,180.57Excess of income over expenditure on whole account£375.98

General Fund - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1993
£90,000.00NS Income Bonds£90,000.00
£42,494.48CBFCE Deposit Fund£40,691.68
£1,500.86NS Investment Account£1,822.84
£2,119.61Bank deposit accounts£2,318.62

£367.81Cash at bank£324.63
£3,500.00Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells£3,500.00
£244.00Payments in advance£50.00
£245.59Sundry debtors-

£189.00Affiliation fees in advance£63.00
£1,522.51Sundry creditors£833.11


£138,760.84Net assets£137,811.66

Represented by
£82,209.72Accumulated Fund 1 January 1993£85,390.29
£3,180.57Excess of income over expenditure£375.98

£2,187.85Add: Donations to bell restoration and
interest thereon to 1 January 1993
£11,359.70Donations and interest 1993£810.84

£400.00Less: Grants paid£2,900.00

£39,203.00Add: Capital Reserve 1 January 1993£40,223.00
£1,020.00Allocated from income£764.00



Friends of the CCCBR Library - Income and Expenditure Account for the year 1993
£255.00Friends’ subscriptions£528.70
£200.00Transfer from General Fund£200.00
-Sale of superfluous Assn reports£90.00

£103.50Purchase of books, etc£284.05
£69.57Stationery, post, photocopying (net)£229.69
-Repair of books£18.00
£3.00Bank charges-


£488.56Excess of income over expenditure£313.84

Friends of CCCBR Library - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1993
£628.77Bank Deposit Account£918.25
£563.94Cash and bank balances£639.37

-Sundry creditors£51.07

£1,202.71Net assets£1,516.55

Represented by
£714.15Accumulated Fund 1 January 1993£1,202.71
£488.56Excess of income over expenditure£313.84


The market value of the Council’s Library is not reflected in these accounts. During 1993 it was insured for £40,000.

Publications Fund - Income and Expenditure Account for the year 1993
£12,397.01Publication sales£11,112.64
£6,253.79Cost of publications sold£4,907.42
£1,103.82Postage and packing£969.22


£1,454.72Interest received on deposits£411.56
£329.14Sundry income-

Overhead costs
£1,050.00Administration and storage£1,100.00
£461.50Ringing History project128.75
£519.69Stock written off£629.31
£108.35Committee expenses£124.36
£137.86Bank charges£33.28
£79.50Sundry expenses£12.51


£3,332.54Excess of income over expenditure£2,321.35

Publications Fund - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1993
£11,238.76Stock of publications at the lower
of cost and net realisable value
£76.50Sundry debtors and prepayments£17.40
£14,008.33Cash at bank and in hand£18,698.43

£648.23Sundry creditors£1,895.73

£24,475.36Net assets£26,796.71

Represented by
£21,142.82Accumulated fund, 1 January 1993£24,475.36
£3,332.54Excess of income over expenditure£2,321.35


Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1993
£11,238.76Stock of Publications£9,976.61
£1,042.12Cash at bank£964.00
£3,500.00Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells£3,500.00
£566.09Payments in advance & sundry debtors£67.40

£189.00Amounts received in advance£63.00
£2,370.74Sundry creditors£2,779.91


£164.438.91Net assets£166,124.92

Capital Accounts
£138,760.84General Fund£137,811.66
£1,202.71Friends of CCCBR Library£1,516.55
£24,475.36Publications Fund£26,796.71


Honorary Secretary and Treasurer

Membership - Since the 1993 Council meeting four representative members have resigned from the Council. By the end of March two of these had been replaced.

Accounts - The big drop in interest rates, which began in the latter half of 1992, has resulted in a decrease in the Council’s investment income of £3,000 compared with 1992 and of £5,500 compared with 1991. Thus, despite the increased subscription income arising in the increase in affiliation fees which took effect from 1 January 1993 and a reduction of over £1,100 in General Fund expenditure compared with 1992, excess of income over expenditure on the General Fund was nearly £3,000 lower than in 1992 and £6,000 lower than in 1991. All this points to the need for tighter budgeting and stricter control of expenditure in the future.

The report of the Bell Restoration Funds Committee gives details of the grants which have been offered and accepted for bell restoration in disbursement of the generous bequest from the late Tom Lock. A total of £2,900 was paid out from this bequest in 1993 and it is expected that much of the remainder will be paid in 1994.

Personal note - In this my first report as Secretary and Treasurer I should like to express my thanks to the members of the Council for their confidence in electing me to this post and to my fellow officers for their help and forebearance. In particular I should like to thank my predecessor, Cyril Wratten, for all the help and advice he has given me and for the orderly way in which he handed over the books and papers to me. It has been a most interesting and instructive first year.


Administrative Committee

Since the 1993 Council meeting the Committee has met twice in London, in October and March. The arrangements for the 1994 Council meeting were discussed and agreed, and the following matters which had been referred to the Committee by the Council were considered:

(1) Code of Practice for the Conservation of Bells and Bellframes - The Code of practice was finally launched by the Council for the Care of Churches on 24 November 1993. In order to assist the Committee to monitor activity under the Code of practice, affiliated societies have been asked to inform the Secretary of any cases of difficulty which come to their attention in seeking to apply the provisions of the Code and of any instances where it appears that the interests of ringing may be jeopardised. A letter on similar lines addressed to all readers appeared in The Ringing World. The Towers and Belfries Committee is proposing to arrange a seminar on the Code of Practice aimed primarily at diocesan bell advisers, but open to all interested persons.

(2) Church insurance and Health and Safety legislation - Concern was expressed at the 1993 Council meeting about advice which had been issued by the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group (EIG) to a number of churches and cathedrals that bells should not be left up. A sub-committee led by Andrew Wilby has had discussions with the Chief Surveyor of EIG, as a result of which EIG have agreed to issue guidance notes to their field managers which recognise the dangers inherent in leaving bells up and unattended, but which also set out when and how this may be done with reasonable safety precautions. It is stressed that these are just guidelines for field managers: it is still up to church authorities to negotiate insurance policies in the light of local circumstances.

The sub-committee has also begun to consider the effects of the Health and Safety at Work Act on bell towers. Since it appears that health and safety problems are best addressed at local level, it is felt that the Council will be most effective by raising awareness and developing expertise at association level.

(3) The timing of Council meetings - The Council at Caerleon resolved to ask the Committee to consider all aspects of the timing of Council meetings. “All aspects” was interpreted as covering the time of year, the timing within the week or weekend and the organisation of the meetings themselves. A sub-committee comprising the Vice-President, the Secretary and Roger Bailey was appointed to look into these points. At their March meeting the Committee received the sub-committee’s report and decided to refer it with two amendments direct to the Council to consider its recommendations. The amended report comes as an appendix to this report.

(4) Preservation of old peal boards - The Committee were asked at the 1993 Council meeting to consider what action needed to be taken with regard to the preservation of old peal boards. As a first step a database and questionnaire are being designed and the assistance of societies will be sought in the collection of information about old peal boards in towers in their areas.

Other matters considered by the Committee were as follows:

(5) Regional meetings - The Committee is grateful to the board of The Ringing World for offering to sponsor up to four regional meetings a year. It is proposed that they should be run on the lines of the series “Guilds and Associations in the 90s” and should be held towards the end of 1994. Health and Safety issues (see paragraph 2 above) will be among the topics for discussion.

(6) Complaints about bells - From time to time the Council is asked to advise parishes on action to take when serious complaints are received about ringing, usually when court action is threatened. Three interests are involved: public relations, towers and belfries, and legal. To provide advice and assistance in such circumstances, a small team is to be set up comprising representatives of these three interests; and it is proposed that a leaflet should be produced which will among other things provide names and addresses of people to contact.

(7) Canon Felstead’s peal records - The family of the late Canon K. W. H. Felstead has informed us that he has bequeathed to the Council his index of peals in each tower. From the many enquiries which Canon Felstead is known to have received, there is no doubt that the card index must be maintained and kept up to date as a service to the exercise. A volunteer is accordingly being sought to take on this work. Meanwhile, the Computer Coordination and Peals Analysis Committees are to consider how the card index might best be computerised.

(8) The role of the officers and the Administrative Committee on financial matters - The Committee has decided in principle that the offices of Secretary and Treasurer should be separated, and expects to make a recommendation to that effect at a later meeting of the Council. It is also considering the role of the officers and the Administrative Committee in budget-setting and financial strategy. All of these matters will be considered further at future meetings and recommendations will be brought to the 1995 Council meeting.

(9) Appointment of auditor - The Committee are very sorry to receive the resignation due to ill-health of John Parsons, who was appointed in 1993 as one of the Council’s auditors. Under Rule 13 the Committee appointed Michael Church (who had been an auditor for many years up to 1993) to fill the vacancy. Changes in legislation concerning the format and audit of the accounts of charities are expected and we shall be considering their effect for the Council as they emerge.

(10) Membership of the Committee - Under Rule 14(iii) the Committee should have twelve elected members, in addition to ex officio members. Only ten members were elected to the Committee at the 1993 Council meeting. The Council is accordingly invited to fill the two vacancies.

Ex officio
R. J. JOHNSTON (President)
M. J. WILKINSON (Vice-President)
C. H. ROGERS (Secretary)
Elected Members


Report of sub committee: Council meeting arrangements

The sub committee, reviewing all aspects of the timing of Central Council meetings, considered whether alterations should be suggested to the month, the day, the hour, of Council meetings. We think that the main activities of the meeting weekend should continue to be concentrated into two days, of which the meeting itself would occupy one only, to minimise the unavoidable expenses of those coming from a distance. We consider that holding the business meeting itself over two days would be impracticable on grounds of expense, both to individual members and to the Council.


  1. The meeting should be held at the Spring Bank Holiday weekend. Despite the attractions of the costs of accommodation, and the facilities available, at universities out of term, the disadvantages of holding the meeting at New Year, Easter, or during the summer holidays seem to us to outweigh the advantages.

  2. There seems merit in holding the Council meeting itself on the Bank Holiday Monday instead of the Tuesday. The old arguments - difficulties for the clergy; cost and availability of halls - appear to be no longer so applicable. The main advantage of a change would be that members would not need to take holiday time to attend: the main disadvantage, that there would be less time for ringing and social activities.

  3. There should continue to be a party or reception on the evening before the meeting, but it should be preceded by a church service, either Evensong or Holy Communion, which would replace the Holy Communion service usually held on the morning of the meeting. There would be space for an open meeting earlier in the afternoon, before the service. If the meeting moved to the Monday, this would still leave the Saturday and most of the Sunday available for ringing and social activities.

  4. Open meetings should be held only when a pressing topic has been identified. Not otherwise.

  5. We suggest that the timing of the meeting day might be 9.30, or, first of triennium,

    3.30-3.50Compulsory tea break - with biscuits

    This timing is intended to maximise time available, and to split the day to improve attention span. The earlier start is made possible by moving the Holy Communion service.

    At the moment the Annual Meeting of The Ringing World Ltd., is held at the end of the lunchtime. Acknowledging the need for a precise time to be published, it might be worth moving it to three o’clock, that is, before the tea break.

  6. The time taken to elect committees seems to be responsible for the inordinate length of the first meeting of each triennium. We think it is important that nominations to committees can be made from the floor; but we also think that the system by which nominations can be made in writing before the meeting should be retained, and its use encouraged. We hope the chairman of the meeting can rigorously restrain the verbosity of members nominating candidates.

    It might be helpful if members could be encouraged to submit questions on committee reports to the committee concerned, or to the Secretary, before the meeting.

  7. We do not think that a questionnaire to members is necessary this time. Members can be given the chance to express their view on any proposals put forward by the Administrative Committee in a vote, which would obviate the year’s delay which a questionnaire would introduce.

  8. Any change from Tuesday to Monday would need to be subject to arrangements already made by future host associations.


If the Council feels able to accept these recommendations, it should adopt the report, and additionally resolve:

That the annual meeting of the Council shall normally be held on the Spring Bank Holiday Monday.

The Ringing World, April 22, 1994, pages 408 to 410

The Ringing World Limited
Chairman’s Report

In April 1993 the Board invited members of the Central Council to give their views and ideas on the marketing and content of The Ringing World. The 50% response contained some interesting and thought-provoking submissions which the Board considered at length. We are grateful for the many positive ideas for marketing the paper and are progressing some immediately. Likewise, whilst it is encouraging to note that the majority of respondents were generally satisfied with the content of the current journal, the Editor was happy to receive several ideas for features which he has already incorporated, or has plans to include in future issues.

Retirements and reorganisation at our printers have meant a difficult year for our Editor and his assistant. The continuing high level of activity amongst quarter peal ringers and a record number of peals rung have also added to the pressures. David and Anne, plus of course our ringing outworkers who have helped with the setting of the peals and quarters, have done a magnificent job. However it should be noted that the Editor’s patience is wearing thin with late submissions and action is being taken to encourage a more prompt receipt of peals and quarters.

It is regretted that the 1994 Ringing World Diary was a little later in publication than normal. We would apologise to those who were frustrated by its late appearance although all orders were delivered before Christmas. We will try to restore normal service for the 1995 Diary.

It is customary that this report tries to express the thanks of the Board to the many people who contribute to the continuing health of The Ringing World. 1993 was no exception and I would again mention our staff, our contributors, our readers and our many supporters without whom the paper would not continue. This year I would single out the contribution of Cyril Wratten, who retired after completing 10 years as Company Secretary. His unassuming efficiency was greatly appreciated by the members of the Board and we wish him and Margery well in their retirement.

My report last year mentioned the difficulties being experienced by both businesses and individuals as a result of the economic recession. Although 1993 showed some signs of improvement, it has remained difficult. It is therefore something of a relief to be able to report that The Ringing World has enjoyed another successful year and that readers have remained loyal and are continuing to support their paper.

Publications Committee

Three new publications were produced during the year. They were An Index to Compositions in the RW (1941-1992), A Handbook of Composition and Rung Surprise to end 1992. All sold well. In addition, updated editions of the Collection of Principles and of Standard Eight Surprise Major were printed, the latter being particularly well received.

The following books were reprinted: Towards Better Striking, Organising a Bell Restoration Project and Teaching from Rounds to Bob Doubles.

A Centenary History of the Central Council will be available very early in 1994. Work on Change Ringing History Volume 3 continues but has been delayed because of the priority given to the Centenary History of the Central Council. Striking the Right Note - A Guide to Public Relations for Ringers and Ringing Skills have been submitted for publication in 1994. The Tower Captain’s Handbook, the Beginner’s Guide to Changeringing on Handbells and Raising and Lowering will be reprinted early in 1994. New photographs for the bestselling Beginner’s Handbook and for the Tutor’s Handbook are awaited so that reprints can be ordered. We intend to offer all the methods collections for sale on disc as soon as technical issues have been resolved by the other Committees concerned.

Financially 1993 was a successful year, with an excess of income over expenditure of £2,321. Income from sales was slightly lower than in 1992, mainly due to the effect of Change Ringing History Volume 2 in 1992. Interest received was also significantly below 1992 levels. This reflects mainly a substantial reduction in interest rates, but also the inclusion in the 1992 accounts of an additional credit from 1991 following renegotiation of the banking arrangements.

Expenses were broadly in line with those for 1992. The stock write-off is a further provision against older items whose stockholding is higher than prospective sales in the foreseeable future. It is part of a continuing policy to ensure that the carrying value of stock is reasonable.


in 1993
in 1992
Beginners’ Handbook578139735
Doubles and Minor for Beginners4052507428
Triples and Major for Beginners2072195172
Tutor’s Handbook200117
Tower Captain’s Handbook96087
Beginner’s Guide to Changeringing on Handbells812281
Changeringing on Handbells6391677
Towards Better Striking205182132
Maintenance Handbook135445111
Belfry Warning Notices (5)60127157
The Bell Adviser2416936
Bell Restoration Funds349624
Change Ringing History, Vol.16777854
Handbell Cassette173215
Schedule of Regular Maintenance181133232
D I Y Guidelines33256
Will you call a touch please, Bob268241283
*Towers and Bells Handbook685089
An Index to Compositions in the RW (1941-1992)1012410
Collection of Plain Methods on Disk (3.5"or 5.25")200to order0
*Change Ringing History, Vol.2149493331
Organising a Bell Restoration Project96161120
Principles (2nd Edition)5619886
Handbook of Composition1411580
Rung Surprise, etc. (to end 1992)1572430
Collection of Minor Methods6750148
C.C. Decisions (updated 1992)32644
Doubles Collection8539954
Teaching from Rounds to Bob Doubles194499296
Judging Striking Competitions309728
Service Touches127136156
Raising and Lowering21425203
Standard Eight Surprise Major1004990
Collection of Plain Minor Methods (1991)6211675
Understanding Place Notation9196105
Conducting Stedman10043998
Major Compositions4013432
Recruiting Posters, 16" x 12" (10)2223033
Recruiting Leaflets (100)192316
Recruiting Package48311141

The Ringing World, April 22, 1994, page 411

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells

The problem over the future of the old bells from St. Martin’s, Birmingham, was the main business of the Committee in the year, becoming a chronic headache to Committee members and the Secretary’s mind becoming numbed. By the end of the year all new initiatives seemed to have come to nothing and the Committee resolved to set a deadline. If the bells could not be disposed of by then the option to return the bells to Whitechapel for scrap would have to be exercised. An article setting out the history of negotiations and the options was to appear in The Ringing World in 1994 so that the problem was brought to everyone’s attention and everyone given an opportunity to present the Fund with an inspired solution.

Our thanks to Alan Frost now retired from the Committee for his close interest and advice since the Rescue Fund was formed; indeed the formation meetings were at his office.

We remain grateful to the Foundries for their support and encouragement and to the patient providers of loans.

Other business included receiving repayment of the funding to acquire Hamer bells now installed as a new eight at St. Mary’s, Caterham, Surrey and being on “stand by” as negotiations continue over the future of the ten at St. John’s, Hanley.

1994 must see an end to the Birmingham issue, which has rather overwhelmed everything else; even if it means failure we hope it is agreed the effort was worth while.

Hon. Secretary.


Income and Expenditure Accounts for the year 1993
679Insurance and storage relating to the bells
of St. Martin’s, Birmingham

(£659)Excess of Expenditure over Income(£573.43)
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1993
6,000Bells, Frame and fittings of All Saints, Hamer at cost-
24,800Deposit with Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd
re Bells of St. Martin’s, Birmingham
281Bank balances5,854.07

21,609Interest free loans21,608.76
3,500Central Council General Fund3,500.00


£5,972Net Assets£5,398.43

6,631Accumulated Fund 1 January 19935,971.86
(659)Excess of Expenditure over Income(573.43)




The above financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1993 have been compiled from the books and records of the Fund and we confirm that they are in accordance therewith.

MICHAEL J. CHURCH, FCA, ERIC G. H. GODFREY, FCA, Hon Auditors. March 1994

The Ringing World, April 22, 1994, page 412, correction July 1, page 664

Education Committee

The Committee met four times in 1993, once each at Northampton, Keele, Bretton Hall and Sharnford.

The Committee, expanded to 12 from the 1993 Council Meeting, considered at length the direction it would take during the triennium and made a reappraisal of all the outstanding work left by the previous committee. At its meeting in June the Committee agreed that a planned and structured approach to teaching including the use of simulators and videos should be generally directed towards Education and Branch Officers within the societies. A need to promote and train Education Officers was identified as a priority. In the long term the compilation of a tower manual in a modular format for general guidance and reference on most ringing matters has been suggested.

Members of the Committee have assisted with courses run by the Bedfordshire Association, Carlisle Diocesan Guild, Shropshire Association and Llandaff and Monmouth Association as well as taking part in events within members’ own societies. The Committee wishes to receive more invitations from societies to courses during 1994 and 1995.

The returns from the questionnaire compiled by the previous committee are now available for further analysis and this is being undertaken with a follow-up survey to be planned when the analysis is complete. The results of the survey will be made available generally.

The Committee wishes to establish and maintain contact with each society, preferably with an Education Officer or someone who has direct responsibility for education, and has established a data base for this purpose. It would wish to ensure that information held with regard to this is maintained up-to-date.

Both simulators owned by the Council were on almost continuous loan throughout the year. Borrowers included individual towers, ringing courses, societies for use on training days and for evaluation with a view to buying their own, and the Committee itself for its own events. At least two of the loans are known to have been followed by purchases. The Cummins machine is now, like the Bagley, equipped with a set of eight sensors which enables it to be used as sound control where extended practice facilities are required, and at least two users of the equipment made use of this facility during the year. The value of having a suitable tower continuously available for use during a course is being increasingly recognised. A prepublication version of Phil Gay’s booklet on the use of simulators as an integral part of a teaching scheme was made available to borrowers and also used widely as course material at training events.

The 14th annual ringing course was held over three days in late July at Bretton Hall, Yorkshire. It was attended by 34 students with 9 students taking part in the Teaching and Management Group led by Gail Cater. 8 students were sponsored to attend the course by their local society. Members of the Committee acted as tutors for the course. The Committee thank members of the Yorkshire Association who assisted with local arrangements, the incumbents for the use of the bells and the many helpers both residential and non-residential, without whom such a course could not take place.

The ringing course in 1994 will be held at Isle College, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, in conjunction with the Ely Diocesan Guild. A wider choice of subjects is being offered and the Committee is trying to introduce greater flexibility into the course by the adoption of a modular timetable. The Committee would wish to see this extended on future courses but has doubts as to the practicality of this with the limited facilities and number of students involved.

A party of 20 “young” people and their leader travelled to Italy for the 6th Anglo-Italian exchange in August. Most of those travelling were hosted by local families and enjoyed the traditional Italian hospitality. By the end of the week everyone could handle a bell “Italian style” and ring rounds (scales) and some simple chords. An outing to Venice, an industrial visit to a furniture factory, a guided walk of Verona, a civic reception, trips to the mountains north and flat regions south of Verona, together with many different types of meals taken in varied settings gave the visitors a wealth of experience unobtainable from a more traditional visit. The travel to Italy was partly funded by a “Youth for Europe” grant from the Youth Exchange Centre. Thanks are extended to the Italian hosts, ringing tutors Massimo and Roberto, the inexhaustible interpreter John Gallimore and to Andrea Consolaro who coordinated the whole exchange.

Arrangements are in hand for the proposed visit by Italian ringers to this country in August 1994. They will be based in South Wales and will enjoy an itinerary including ringing, cultural, industrial and tourist elements. It is hoped that a European Union grant will be obtained to assist with this.

In September at Swindon, the Committee organised a seminar on “Teaching Listening”. Listening is an important skill, often under-used and as far as the Committee were aware also under-taught. The topic was approached from several angles, including the view of a professional music teacher, with practical exercises using simulators and tapes. Equally valuable was the discussion generated. The seminar was fairly well attended and further ones will be run in other parts of the country, (starting with Hucknall in March 1994). At least two of those present at Swindon are known to have organised sessions locally, and two societies have asked for a course to be run in their areas in 1995.

It is intended that a conference of Education Officers will be arranged during 1994. The Committee sees this as one of the key areas which require particular attention and further details will be made available when arrangements are in hand.

The video on teaching bell-handling has been subject to many difficulties. The Committee is dependent upon the goodwill and services of many outside the Committee to complete the project and is appreciative of the contributions which have been made with regard to this to the present time. The Committee however appreciate that the video cannot continue in its uncompleted form for much longer and as no member of the Committee has any expertise in this field has questioned the viability of the project despite the investment made to the present time. It would be very reluctant to make a recommendation that no further work be undertaken on the video but appreciates that this is a possibility which must be addressed fully in 1994.

The booklet (previously mentioned) “The Use of Simulators” was completed during the year and will now be on sale via the Publications Committee. A further booklet “Raising and Lowering” was completed but will now be sold via a private publisher. “Belfry Steps” and “Belfry Offices”, both reported as completed last year, have still not been published as camera ready copy has not been provided to the Publications Committee. After the efforts of the author of these works, the Committee would wish to see this remedied quickly. Other publications have been delayed owing to amended priorities and the reorganisation in the membership of the Committee but it is still intended that these be completed.

The last report of the Education Committee had not anticipated that Malcolm Tyler and Nigel Goodship would not be serving on the present Committee. Malcolm’s contribution to the work of the Committee has been considerable over a great number of years (his membership of the Committee predate the Committee’s minutes), being not only responsible for many publications during his time but also by acting as the Committee’s link with the theological colleges. Nigel on joining the Committee took over responsibility for the survey and the video. His services and contacts with regard to the video have been a great saving to the Council. Both Malcolm and Nigel have indicated that they are willing to be of further assistance to the Committee if required and we thank them for this and their contribution to the Committee’s work in the past.

(on behalf of the Committee)
1993 Committee Members
N. MATTINGLEY (Chairman)

The Ringing World, April 29, 1994, page 437

Peals Analysis Committee


We have recorded a total of 5,175 peals rung in 1993, of which 4,722 were on tower bells and 453 on handbells. For the second successive year the overall total is a new record, being an increase of 62 over the revised total for 1992. The principal increases compared with 1992 are in peals of Major (+64), Maximus (+40) and Triples (+24), while there were significant decreases in peals of Minor (-62) and Cinques (-25). The 1993 handbell total was a decrease of 36 compared with 1992.

The Oxford Diocesan Guild was again the leading society, but its total decreased from 413 in 1992 to 394. The Yorkshire Association (242) was again in second place, while the Ely Diocesan Association (224) moved up from tenth place to third.

The Committee met once during the year, to finalise records for 1993 and to agree the format of the report. It was with great sadness that the committee members subsequently heard of the death of Canon K. W. H. Felstead, who had provided the section on leading peal towers for many years. He had been working on this just prior to his death, but we do not know whether he had completed it. Consequently this section has been omitted from the report, but we hope to include the information in next year’s report.

Corrections to the 1992 Analysis

Changes to the 1992 peal totals are listed below. They all refer to tower bell peals.

Revised totals for 1992 are: tower bells 4,624; handbells 489; total 5,113.


Ancient Society of College Youths 1 18410220912 1     113 3    681785
Australia & NZ Association   1 222768            1 1 46248
Bath & Wells D.A.   52945184413               136 136
Bedfordshire Association   4 2213612                39 39
Beverley & District Association   1 311119                26 26
Cambridge University Guild 1 7221182521          6 1 41748
Carlisle Diocesan Guild     11521                10 10
Chester Diocesan Guild   3 9454524   1    2 38 33 7 10080180
Coventry Diocesan Guild    23524473          11   48250
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths   10 11164 62         1 1   94296
Derby Diocesan Association   212661114101     217 10271  16130191
Guild of Devonshire Ringers   11143703261               119 119
Durham & Newcastle D.A.   1231217656              1 1151116
Durham University Society       11                 2 2
East Derbys & West Notts Assn.         1                1 1
Ely Diocesan Association   2210212574041      19 217 1119331224
Essex Association   10 3 422503             1 1101111
Gloucester & Bristol D.A.   1061948526185               173 173
Guildford Diocesan Guild   93423054     1      1   58159
Hereford Diocesan Guild     4112787       419114 1 393069
Hertford County Association   46656110436       1 1318114 14138179
Irish Association   1 2 4                  7 7
Kent County Association   11252746294           1   1421143
Lancashire Association   513161277244           2   2052207
Leeds University Society       1                  1 1
Leicester Diocesan Guild   8243312210105      14 3 6   20314217
Lichfield Archdeaconry Society   1251585314         1 8 1 10710117
Lincoln Diocesan Guild   13615023521          7   1017108
Liverpool University Society   1                      1 1
Llandaff & Monmouth D.A.   361418101714       1 8 18   7327100
London County Association   22101033421               64 64
Manchester University Guild       2                  2 2
Middlesex County Association     3330421       1 4 211  432770
Midland Counties Guild       1 2                3 3
National Police Guild        1                 1 1
North American Guild      31642          1 5 2 25833
North Staffordshire Association      11113              1 16117
North Wales Association       1                  1 1
Norwich Diocesan Association   22  191393       2  14 5 661278
Oxford Diocesan Guild 1 323504139146827       3 17 35 1 33856394
Oxford Society   21821345            1   35136
Oxford University Society     2 4              1   617
Peterborough Diocesan Guild   611357374610           2   1612163
St. David’s Diocesan Guild       1                  1 1
St. Martin’s Guild12 2536 24812 1     1 422 1 731083
Salisbury Diocesan Guild     5 162561          1   35136
Scottish Association     1 1815                25 25
Shropshire Association        13                4 4
South African Guild     2 2                  4 4
Southwell Diocesan Guild   621158193841      1   1 2 1574161
Suffolk Guild   82223566218    1      1   1361137
Surrey Association   1 1417411               29 29
Sussex County Association   2 4536698   21          73 73
Swansea & Brecon D.G.       321                6 6
Transvaal Society      15 1                7 7
Truro Diocesan Guild     2171031               24 24
University of Bristol Society   232 513                16 16
University of London Society   1 21611            3   12315
Winchester & Portsmouth D.G.  14 143469214           3   1023105
Worcestershire & Districts Assn.   2344331251               64 64
Yorkshire Association   15523913612366               242 242
Central Council     1 2 1                4 4
Non-affiliated societies   327279908296           10 1 20811219
Non-Association   28426975132031        12  6 1799188


Numbers of peals rung in the more popular methods are set out below. Figures for 1992 appear in brackets.

“Single S.” means the total rung in single Surprise methods other than those listed separately.

Single S.79(70)32(16)
Cambridge S.70(50)5(5)
Bristol S.53(32)6(3)
Spliced S.31(27)2(7)
Yorkshire S.32(39)0(3)
Single S.174(168)27(17)
Spliced S.70(47)12(12)
Cambridge S.65(53)11(20)
Yorkshire S.63(76)11(16)
London S.53(47)4(7)
Bristol S.27(23)7(5)
Lincolnshire S.25(25)7(4)
Plain Bob11(19)18(15)
Kent/Oxford T.B.0(2)14(14)
Single S.720(665)14(15)
Spliced S.367(394)22(18)
Yorkshire S.206(203)27(19)
Bristol S.175(160)10(8)
Plain Bob108(146)60(62)
Cambridge S.132(118)6(7)
Rutland S.103(100)2(5)
London S.86(83)6(3)
Lincolnshire S.82(69)5(7)
Superlative S.81(67)4(4)
Single Delight73(66)1(2)
Kent/Oxford T.B.10(10)45(46)
Pudsey S.50(39)1(4)
Double Norwich50(59)0(1)
Glasgow S.27(47)1(0)
Belfast S.19(18)1(0)
Plain Bob33(24)0(0)
7 methods285(317)5(5)
8+ methods230(210)8(10)
2-6 methods168(150)11(28)
Plain Bob102(89)15(31)
Cambridge S.57(66)3(5)
Single S.37(41)3(2)
2+ methods140(141)0(2)
Plain Bob7(9)0(0)

Peals of note

We consider the following peals to be worthy of special mention, and we congratulate those who took part:

Breakdown of peals by number of bells and comparison with 1992

Tower BellsHandbells
Sixteen1+ 112+ 1
Fourteen5+ 512+ 1
Sextuples1+ 1
Maximus258290+324957+ 8
Maximus/Cinques42- 2
Cinques10185-16134- 9
Royal476495+19113112- 1
Royal/Caters111- 1
Caters1421421514- 1
Major22672324+57204211+ 7
Major/Triples32- 1
Triples272298+2653- 2
Minor/Doubles3+ 3
Doubles186184- 231- 2

First pealers and first as conductor

There were 376 first pealers in 1993 (362 in 1992), and 48 firsts as conductor (60 in 1992).

The leading societies

The following societies rang more than 150 peals:

Oxford Diocesan Guild33856394
Yorkshire Association242242
Ely Diocesan Association19331224
Leicester Diocesan Guild20314217
Lancashire Association2052207
Derby Diocesan Association16130191
Chester Diocesan Guild10080180
Hertford County Association14138179
Gloucester & Bristol D.A.173173
Peterborough Diocesan Guild1612163
Southwell Diocesan Guild1574161

The Bath and Wells Diocesan Association and the Kent County Association have dropped out of this list compared with 1992. Altogether, 21 societies rang 100 or more peals in 1993 (18 in 1992).

D. H. NIBLETT (Chairman)

The Ringing World, April 29, 1994, pages 438 to 439, corrections July 1, 1994, page 663

Peal Compositions Committee

The Committee has met once during the year, and has thereafter conducted its business by electronic mail and fax machine. Our main activity continues to be the proof and review of compositions submitted for publication to The Ringing World. Approximately 115 compositions have appeared in print this year, including several submitted from beyond the grave by earlier incarnations of the Committee, and approximately 20 received via the Which Method route. A small number of compositions continue to be found false, confirming the essential nature of this work. The backlog (like the poor) appears to be always with us, but has been reduced to about 50, none of which have been outstanding for more than a year; this should be cleared as soon as fresh supplies of vitriol have been delivered for the reviewers’ pens.

The Committee’s database of compositions from 1980 has finally been successfully transferred from its old BBC Microcomputer to the New IBM PC system. This task presented considerable logistical and technical problems, and it is to be hoped that the lessons learned will be taken on board by the Computer Coordination Committee in their proposals for standard machine-readable, formats for ringing data. My thanks are due to Pat Bird for offering to help with this work only a few days after I had completed it! It remains our long-term aim to produce year-by-year collections which can be used in conjunction with Tony Smith’s Index to Composition in The Ringing World.

Of collections in preparation, Stedman Triples is essentially complete (due to sterling work by Philip Saddleton), but has been delayed by a late decision (by the Chairman) to include peals of Erin Triples and of Spliced. Spliced Surprise is making steady progress under Roddy Horton (with computational assistance from John Goldthorpe), but the objective of making it comprehensive rules out early completion. Regretfully the unworthy Chairman’s feet of clay mean that General-Purpose Surprise Major now threatens to outrun the Mousetrap.

Undaunted by the unfinished work mountain, the Committee has begun two new collections. Compositions in the Popular Major Methods is now over ten years old, and Ten and Twelve Bell Compositions over 20 years old. Mike Henshaw is compiling a new edition of the former (to additionally include Triples), and Phil Barnes the latter (with new material for struggling 14 and 16-bell bands). These will be mainly drawn from published material, but other contributions are earnestly solicited.

Finally, the Committee continues to respond to technical and historical inquiries on compositional matters from members of the exercise.


The Ringing World, April 29, 1994, page 440

C.C. Public Relations Advisory Group

International Liaison Report for 1993

Part 1 of 4 by Fred E. Dukes

Introduction: For the past two years, the International Liaison Report was published in The Ringing World over four weekly issues and prior to the Central Council meeting in each year. The same course is being adopted for the 1993 Report.

The details given in this Report, were taken from references to our Art concerning the International Scene, which appeared in The Ringing World, The Clapper, Ringing Towers, Look-to (Zimbabwe), Look-to (W Australia), S A Ringing Circle and from letters received from P.R.O.s and ringers in various countries.

To the editors of the journals used, gratitude is expressed for their co-operation and for spreading the news about bell-ringing in their respective circulation areas.

It is hoped that this Report covers in general as well as specific, all aspects of bell-ringing and ringers events during the year. For any obvious omissions apologies are offered, and we would be grateful for details of such material worthy of mention, so that amends can be made by way of a corrigenda, or supplementary report.

Communications: A “Newsletter”, is sent out three times a year, and in all an average of forty copies is distributed to each area, and to representatives of guilds affiliated who do not reside in the societies areas, also to known Public Relations Officers throughout the world.

With the newsletters, personal letters or notes accompany them to their destinations, and the writer in most cases receives informative letters back, which are much appreciated. These communications are usually on a first name basis, and are always of a friendly nature.

The International “Newsletters” have been reproduced in full in The Clapper and the S A Ringing Circle, and extracts have appeared in Ringing Towers. Thanks to the generosity of Jessie Ravage, Esther Perrins, and the editors of the S A Ringing Circle, the grass roots readers are kept in touch with home base. The object of which is to hope that all ringers throughout the world are regarded as equal members of our great fraternity.

Apart from the written word, more and more ringers are moving from place to place where there are bells to ring and their visits to the respective towers are always appreciated. Comments received in letters indicate that such visits are most welcome and their help is much appreciated, and when they move away regrets are expressed. What is somebody’s loss, even temporarily, is another’s gain with such movements of ringers, and the welcome shown to visitors is always outstanding and helps to cement friendships.

Central Council Meeting 1993: The 1993 meeting took place in Caerleon, South Wales, during the Spring Holiday weekend. It was held in the Gwent Training College and it was very creditable to see every affiliated society from outside the British Isles represented in force. It was the triennial election year, and George Morris, European Liaison and the writer were both re-elected to the P.R.A.G. for the next three years. The usual International Liaison display was this year mounted on four of the large Marley panels, which included the map of the world duly updated with new towers and augmentations since the previous year. There was something shown for each affiliated society and Kenya, especially the coloured photographs and notes from the excellent article which appeared in the New Zealand Geographic.

Representatives from the Verona, ANZAB, NAG, Transvaal and Zimbabwe societies contributed to the debates and it was good to hear them.

Ringing Courses and Instruction: It is most encouraging to note that a number of ringing courses were held in almost every country where there are rings of bells. Some of them took place in conjunction with the Society’s annual general meeting.

The Sydney Ringing School in January provided an intensive mixture of theory and ringing from Plain Bob to Cambridge Surprise, and striking was emphasised as a necessity in that it must be good. One participant considered the journey to Sydney was well worth while, because of the valuable hints learned and the new methods rung. In April, the Melbourne ringing school was held in Gardenvale and West Heidelberg towers. The course dealt with aspects of practical ringing, as well as theory and handbell ringing lessons. The Western Australia branch had a workshop in Perth which had productive results with some important firsts in quarter-peals. On Easter Monday the Branch held its Annual General Meeting in Claremont. There lectures were given on striking and proper leading. Advanced ringers practised Single Oxford Minor. The number of ringers available in Hobart had dropped to a low ebb, so an Evening under the title of “Bell Tower Tour” was arranged through the Adult Education scheme in an attempt to attract recruits - results 24 persons enrolled.

The usual theory session was held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Zimbabwe Guild. Learners concentrated on the Plain Bob Method, whilst the more advanced ringers concentrated on London Surprise. So successful was the session, it is pleasing to learn that all ringers rang the Plain Course of their respective methods.

Kilifi in Kenya engaged the attention of Colin Turner’s touring party in instructing the local ringers to practise Plain Hunting, and in addition they were given some practice on handbells.

Over in America, Hingham ran courses in bell-handling combined with some historical details of the tower and the bells. 15 signed up for the courses, of which ten signified their intention to continue with ringing … Bruce Butler and Linda Rankin gave of their time and abilities in providing instruction to the Burlington ringers. On the day of the dedication of the restored ring of bells in Charleston, over 500 persons climbed the tower steps and were rewarded with lectures about ringing by Mark Rizzo, John King and the others. At the Annual General Meeting of the North American Guild held in Calgary, their President, Alan Ellis spent three days teaching prospective ringers from Edmonton, in anticipation of the proposed bell installation there. The Guild has instituted a Tutorial Programme, which will be operated by the Education Officer, Eileen Butler. The Programme is aimed at all ringing towers in North America, to assist with teaching of new ringers, to improve and advance ringing, to introduce new towers to change-ringing, and to give instruction on how to conduct simple touches.

In New Zealand, the Auckland and Hamilton towers, combined forces on a turn about process for practices. Hamilton ringers travel to Auckland on Saturday mornings once a month for Surprise methods practice.

Meetings: On Palm Sunday, the annual Festival of Bells took place in Avesa, Italy. Later in the year the young ringers competition was held at Spria di Badia Calavena and was organised by the Veronese Association. Ten societies competed, including an all-female team. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Veronese Association, a Festival of ringing was organised at which the Central Council was represented by four members of the Public Relations Advisory Group, along with seven others attending from the U.K. This event took place in October and a full programme was arranged for the Festival over the two days during week ending 24 October.

The Zimbabwe Guild held its annual general meeting early in the year, and in July the half-yearly meeting was in Kwe Kwe, which was well attended by a large contingent from Harare.

The North American Guild went to Calgary for its Annual Meeting weekend from 3rd to 6th September. The meeting itself was held on the Sunday afternoon, and the remainder of the duration was devoted to ringing, quarter-peal ringing and handbells, plus the social activities … Whilst in Canada, the usual visit of the Guild to Quebec was in May and was well supported by ringers from far and wide. The annual Spring Dinner by the St. Martin’s society in Philadelphia took place in March and those who travelled from places far afield thoroughly enjoyed the ringing, feasting and dancing. This event was organised by Bruce and Eileen Butler who also proved to be excellent caterers … Again Philadelphia hosted the Mid-Atlantic area meeting in June, when visiting ringers joined the locals in ringing a number of quarter-peals.

Miscellaneous: Australia - Goulburn Cathedral expressed their appreciation and thanks to all of the visiting ringers who helped them with their teaching lessons in training people to ring the bells. Laith Reynolds was described as the bell-tower broker to Anglicans all round the world by the Church Times. Alan Champion of Bondi, N.S.W., claimed the record for distance travelled to ring at two towers at the same time on the same day, when he rang on Easter Day in Honolulu and in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney! Sue Tonkin was a great loss to Adelaide ringing after her departure to become Manager of Old Parliament House in Canberra. An interesting letter was uncovered by Tedd Klupp during his researches into the histories of the four Anglican parishes in Maryborough, QLD. The letter dated in 1886 was from the then conductor of St. Philip’s Church Hill asking how the bells cast by Mears & Stainbank should be placed in the tower built in 1887. It is very encouraging to note that so many young people are learning to ring in Perth and Claremont, York is not so fortunate and could do with some new blood, nevertheless Eleanor Weeks deserves great credit for her perseverance in that outpost in keeping the bells ringing. She is supported by visits from the Perth area experts on a monthly basis.

New Zealand - Dennis Green and Sally Cassells thought they had what was the record for the greatest distance travelled to ring at two towers at the same time on the same date, only to be beaten by Alan Champion of Bondi. They rang on Easter Sunday at 9.15-10am, in Auckland, crossed the date line to ring 4,000 miles away in Honolulu at the same time! Because of “unlawful” intrusion up the tower of Christchurch Cathedral, Dr. Bob Bennett invented a “bennett”, that is a spring-loaded device to act as a barrier fitted with a NO ENTRY notice in two languages. New Zealand was the first country to give women the “vote”, so a quarter-peal to mark the event was rung at Auckland by an all-women’s band. Fortunately, the Christchurch ringers discovered a potentially serious fire when they opened the door from the Cathedral to the tower steps. A prompt response by the Fire Fighters averted a disaster. Thanks to the early discovery, no damage was caused to the bells and only smoke damage was caused to the ringing room.

The Ringing World, April 29, 1994, pages 436 to 437

C.C. Public Relations Advisory Group

International Liaison Report for 1993

Part 2 of 4 by Fred E Dukes

Public Relations and publicity: Following the award of the Order of Australia Medal in H.M. the Queen’s birthday honours to Jack Roper, he was interviewed for T.V. and the local press during the ANZAB Festival in Adelaide in July. He appeared on TV screens nationwide and got into the Melbourne “AGE”. The honour was for his bell ringing activities and the publicity resulting from it and the interviews was certainly for the good of the Exercise. The Festival itself was given coverage in the press and included interviews with some of the ringers in attendance, along with photographs. TV cameras were in attendance too, to fulfil their part in the coverage of the weekend’s events. Western Australia had its share of publicity, when the Dean of St. George’s Cathedral, Perth made efforts to draw in the media to publicise the ringing out of the Old Year, but only an ABC reporter dashed into the tower and out again after asking two questions, nevertheless the Cathedral bells were broadcast at 6am on New Year’s Day. “Church Scene”, the Australian National Anglican Weekly, reported on the Beechworth bell installation, and it included a history of the parish and details of the four bells installed. The Australian Broadcasting authority uses a good deal of English content for its television programmes amongst which is the 11am half-hour “Praise and Worship” on Sundays. Bells were heard and seen ringing from the various towers included in the programme. One programme showed the St. Martin’s-in-the-Bullring, Birmingham ring of 16. It was by all accounts an excellent production. “The Anglican Messenger” in a note said that the “bells (of St. Hilda’s Mosman Park) may stay silent” and also wrote that the “Bells of Shoreditch” were expected to ring in Bunbury’s Cathedral of St. Boniface. There was also a photograph of campanologists at the ropes in Claremont Church and an accompanying article in connection with the centenary of the local school and the parish.

Over in New Zealand, the ringers of Hamilton received good coverage in their local newspaper, and in the Auckland local, the latter highlighted the fact that a team consisting of McAdams ring the bells at St. Matthew’s church. The bellringers of St. Matthew’s-in-the-City, Auckland were featured on the National T.V. channel news on Christmas Day, which was broadcast throughout the country. They were sandwiched between the main news bulletin and the Queen’s Christmas message to the Commonwealth. Four minutes were given over to the bells and it surely must have been a worthy introduction to the Queen’s message. The T.V. crew remained in the belfry to record the ringing during the entire Christmas Day ringing between 9.15 and 10a.m. Most of the ringing was filmed and reports were that they “looked good on the night”! The bells of Christchurch Cathedral provide an introduction to the Cathedral’s one hour show once every two weeks and are broadcast far and wide over the local Radio station.

Across the Pacific Ocean, we note that invitations were issued to the several towers in the USA to ring for “Bells of Hope” to mark the inauguration of Bill Clinton as President of the United States. The North American Guild organised a National simultaneous ringing programme for Sunday 17 January to mark the occasion. There was much public-interest, also by TV crews and the press present in force, on the occasion of the dedication of the restored ring in St. Michael’s Church, Charleston, especially, during the peal, when closed-circuit TV showed the bells and the events taking place in the belfry to the general public. So intense was the interest that the public burst into applause when the ringing of the peal was successful and the bells were set. One over-enthusiastic press reporter entered the belfry during the ringing and tried to engage the ringers in conversation but he was loudly dissuaded from doing so! When the English touring party visited St. Mary’s, Burlington in July, they were surprised to be welcome by the press and by many of the townspeople who came to watch their ringing. Boston, Advent again came to the assistance of the July 4 celebrations during the playing of the “1812 Overture”. Advent bells came in on cue and the ringers heard them over the local Radio network as they were ringing with the very slight delay due to the transmission of radio and sound waves. Washington Cathedral Society made a TV appearance which was seen by an estimated 40 million viewers in “Good Morning, America” programme of ABC. The TV crew filmed the ringing for a Christmas presentation and it included interviews, change-ringing, and asked “Why ringers do this crazy thing”! The production was well done. The PRO of NAG, Bruce Butler urged members to send articles on North American ringing to The Ringing World, so that its readers would be aware that there is bellringing in America.

The bells of St. Thomas’ Church, Kilifi were heard after the “Morning has Broken” slot over BBC Radio 4 at 6.50am on Sunday 12 December. The team rang Cambridge Surprise Minor and the striking was perfect. Great credit is due to the visitors who had their ringing recorded and for the resultant publicity provided for the bells of Kilifi and of course, for the local ringers.

The 50th birthday of Jeff Lawrence of Transvaal was a good excuse for some of his friends in the U.K. to celebrate the event in South Africa and it included Ann Davies, the Transvaal Guild’s Council representative. During the celebrations there were some impromptu interviews by the local Radio authority and during the party at Jeff’s residence they were heard over the National network. The Grahamstown Cathedral bell-restoration project was given good coverage on a number of occasions over the South African Radio and TV stations. The local press frequently published news about the restoration work, and major features appeared in some magazines, as well as in the restoration work, and major features appeared in some magazines, as well as in the Eastern Province Herald. There were photographs which included Colin Lewis and John English. The Settler devoted three pages of text and photographs about the project. An article about the restoration and the history of the bells was included in the Glasbury Parish Magazine in Wales. A column in Around the Tower, the magazine of St. George’s Cathedral, Capetown was given over to a report of the South African Guild’s annual meeting held there in July. The opportunity was taken to appeal for recruits to take up ringing since the local society has now only six regular ringers for its ten bells. The Daily News produced an article along with a photograph of Colin Turner’s visiting band who rang a peal of Yorkshire S. Royal at St. Mary’s, Durban. The Durban Morning News likewise publicised the visitors, and as a result of the publicity great interest was shown by the general public about the tour events. Up in Johannesburg the Whitechapel Handbell ringers in May, participated in an Outreach programme at the local Marian College which was regarded as a useful P.R exercise. St. Dunstan’s Day was commemorated by the ringing of St. George’s Church bells, ringers read the lessons and Steve Barton gave an informative talk about bells and ringing in place of the usual sermon. In June, the ringers were invited to talk to the young youth group, “Fishooks” about bellringing, which was arranged and the tower was opened to enable the youths to see the bells and the ringing.

Colin Turner’s visit with his party to St. Luke’s Church, Kwe Kwe, in Zimbabwe was given publicity in the local newspaper.


ASCV Guild in Italy, has published a History of the Association under the title In Cammino (On our way). It is written in Italian and the book is divided into five sections covering - historical scene since its foundation; constitution; twinning and exchanges; bell music; and young people and the art of ringing. The same Association, also published periodical newsletters known as Notiziario and also written in Italian.

The Clapper is the quarterly journal of the North American Guild, which is a very enjoyable magazine and Jessie Ravage, who was the Editor during the year, saw to it that it contained interesting material. Jessie has now handed over the Editorship to Elizabeth E Wein, and she must be congratulated and thanked for her untiring efforts in producing a very readable account of the “goings-on” about ringing and ringers in America. Best wishes go to Elizabeth as she takes over in 1994. The North American Guild has an excellent book service, and listed in its most recent issue of The Clapper, a total of 69 items in its pages, most of which are Central Council publications.

South of the equator Esther Perrins, has produced an excellent magazine six times during 1993, always full of interesting items about events and people in Australia and New Zealand, in Ringing Towers. She was of course assisted by Andrew Goodyer, co-editor and ANZAB is very fortunate in having Esther and Andrew to publicise what ANZAB members and towers are doing. To them we express our appreciation and gratitude for their work.

The West Australian branch of ANZAB, circulates its own newsletter under the title of Look-to, which tells about events and personalities in the branch area, it even relates what will be happening up to the year 2006.

Another Look-to is the newsletter of the Zimbabwe Guild, and it contained much news about its members and their families.

Further north, the S A Ringing Circle is jointly produced by the South African Guild and the Transvaal Guild, and the preparation and circulation of each issue is undertaken by one of the South African towers, willing to perform that duty.

Finally, where would the ringing world be without The Ringing World? David Thorne, its Editor, is always delighted to have news and pictures from places beyond the shores of the British Isles, and evidence of this characteristic, is the amount of items received and included in the various issues. It is a pity so much material especially ringing performances are not sent to him until sometimes months after the event, and it would be helpful and more interesting if such items were forwarded as soon as practical after the event and while it is really newsworthy for publication. Thanks David for looking after the International news so diligently.


Canada - Vancouver Society have 30 members on the Roll, of which 26 are active ringers. They have so many learners that a second practice has had to be established on Saturday mornings from 9.30-11am. Victoria society, were pleased to lead off the celebrations in the Cathedral to mark the 40th anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, by ringing a quarter-peal of Grandsire Triples.

South Africa - The bells of Parktown, Johannesburg and Capetown rang in support of the National Peace Campaign to promote the message of Peace. Brighter prospects at Woodstock were envisaged, thanks to the efforts of George Steph, Captain, a new band has been established and he was assisted by Jim Riadore of Capetown, and who was made an Hon. Member of the Woodstock society for his work in the tower over many years. For the departure of John and Marjorie Hill to settle down in Somerset, U.K. a farewell dinner and peal of London Surprise Major were provided. John by ringing in this Peal was able to complete the Standard methods and is the only ringer in South Africa to have taken part in the Standard 8 in South Africa. During the Colin Turner tour, a touch of London Surprise Royal was rung after the peal of Yorkshire Surprise Royal, at St. Mary’s, Durban. The first time it was ever rung in Africa.

The Ringing World, May 6, 1994, pages 471 to 472

C.C. Public Relations Advisory Group

International Liaison Report for 1993

Part 3 of 4 by Fred E Dukes

Peals and Quarter Peals: The accompanying table shows the numbers of peals and quarter peals, recorded as having been rung during 1993. The figures given include those recorded up to 19 March 1994 as late entries in The Ringing World. To the totals given in brackets, have been added 1992 performances which were published since 12 March 1993.

The table shows that there was a considerable reduction in both the totals for peals and quarter peals when compared with 1992.

Canada had one less peal but almost doubled the number of quarter peals.

New Zealand had only one peal as compared with 12 in 1992, but showed an increase in the number of quarter peals.

There were 11 peals recorded for South Africa, an increase of seven, but there were only nine quarters, as against 24 in 1992.

In the USA peals were down by a third, and quarter peals were less than 1992 by almost the same ratio.

Zimbabwe had six quarter peals, up by two, and one more peal than in 1992.

The others were handbell quarter peals, in Galilee claimed a first there, Holland and Austria.

Outside of their respective countries, peals and quarter peals were rung in the UK by touring parties from Australia and America, ANZAB scored 14 peals and 12 quarter peals whilst HOG from America were content to ring three quarter peals.

Points worthy of note about the performances are:

Double Norwich Bob Caters at St. Mary’s, Sydney was a first in Australia rung to a peal. At the same tower, the Hapless Touring party rang a peal of Royal Bluebell Surprise Major, the first in the method ever rung.

Boston had its share of “beyond the standard eight”, when a quarter peal of Whitwick Surprise Major was rung at Advent Church and one of Eryri Surprise Major came round at the Old North Church. Bruce Butler gathered together 23 ringers in January for a quarter peal weekend in Philadelphia, when nine of the 12 attempts on tower bells were successful, as were the five handbell attempts. In these quarters, a number of firsts were recorded. The 500th quarter peal on the bells of Washington Cathedral occurred in February, whilst Boston, Advent reached the 150 mark. The Raleigh ringers cited the first peal on the augmented eight - one of Plain Bob Triples, as evidence of the benefit of Associations, such as the North American Guild, and what it does to promote ringing, since the band consisted of ringers from “far and wide”.

The peal at Kilifi was one of Seven Surprise Minor methods by a visiting band.

The first peal of London Surprise Major was rung in Africa at Parktown and it enabled John Hill to complete the standard eight Surprise Major methods. In Durban the peals were rung to Spliced Surprise Major in four methods, being a first in South Africa, and a peal of Yorkshire Surprise Royal, and at Capetown a peal of Cambridge Surprise Royal was scored. These peals were by visiting bands led by Colin Turner.

The same party also rang a peal of Cambridge Surprise Royal and it was claimed as a first of Surprise Royal in Africa. It was rung at Harare Cathedral.

The Australians in the UK rang two methods for the first time to peals, the methods were Never Never and Joey Little Surprise Major.

The 40th anniversary of the Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II was marked by quarter peals in Philadelphia and Victoria B.C.

Summary of the Totals of Peals and Quarter Peals rung in 1993

Note: The totals arrived at for each country are from the recorded performances which appeared in The Ringing World, The Clapper, Ringing Towers and S.A. Ringing Circle up to and including 18 March 1994.

Figures in brackets are the relative figures corrected for 1992, amended to take into account those recorded after 12 March 1993 in The Ringing World.

TowerHandTotalsLeading towerTowerHandTotalsLeading tower
43245Sydney St Mary 1127219291Perth 58
227613Calgary 3
New Zealand(12)(12)(38)(38)
114242Auckland 14
South Africa(4)(4)(24)(24)
1111Parktown 599Parktown 4
41950Philadelphia 815534189Washington Cath 44
21366Harare 5

Personalities: Dr. T. Jefferson Smith, who was the mainstay of ringing at Kalamazoo College, was honoured during a surprise party to mark his retirement in May. It was preceded by a special service in the College Chapel which was attended by very many friends and ringers from far afield. The installation of the ring of bells was his inspiration and sincere tributes were paid to him for his enthusiasm in training ringers in the College, and the advancement of change-ringing there, which resulted in many quarter peals being scored with many firsts. A letter from PRAG was sent to wish him well in his retirement and to express gratitude to him for his unstinting work for the Exercise in the College.

Jack Roper, OAM, of Melbourne, Australia, and who has been ringing since 1930, was honoured with the award of the Medal in the general division of the Order of Australia for his services to campanology. He is the first Australian bellringer to receive this well-deserved honour. We congratulate him on adding prestige to ringing in his country.

Henry Rossell, well known as an active ringer in Melbourne and who did so much in having rings of bells installed in West Heidelberg and Gardenvale towers, died in October. His passing was unexpected and in fact he had been ringing in Perth just two weeks prior to his death. He had been Captain of the St. Paul’s band for many years and he will be sadly missed.

Fred Southgate of Adelaide was a keen ringer and helped Walkerville and Prospect towers with the teaching of change-ringing. In the past he devoted much of his time to the Adelaide Cathedral and Town Hall ringing. He, too, will be sadly missed.

What can one say about Jessie Ravage, who retired as Editor of The Clapper after her trojan work in producing regularly a magazine full of interest and good humour. In spite of a fire in her apartment, she still managed to ensure that the next issue was on time! She certainly maintained a high standard and was insistent that her “deadlines” were met, otherwise copy was not included in the respective issue.

Sadness has descended on South Africa, with the decision of Jane and Eric Webster to leave the country and for Jane to return to the UK. Jane was the prime mover in the establishment of the South African Guild which became affiliated to the Central Council just five years ago. She became the Guild’s first Chairman, and as such kept the various towers “on their toes”. Eric was brought into ringing by Jane, and he did much on the practical side in maintaining and improving the “go” of the bells in both towers in Durban. He also assisted with the manufacture of the new bell frame for Grahamstown. Both will be sadly missed in South Africa, and it is hoped that the momentum set in train by Jane will be maintained and built upon in the future. Thank you Jane and Eric for your good works, and good wishes as you both settle down in England.

There are, of course, many other ringers who are doing so much for bellringing, who are worthy of mention, but the inclusion of the above named, will indicate the dedication of so many ringers throughout the world, they are however, appreciated for their work even though they are not specifically mentioned.

Miscellaneous: Italy - Giancarlo Tommasi, President of the Veronese Guild, and Andrea Consolaro, Vice-President, were presented with Gold Medals by the Avesa District Council during the Festival of Bells on Palm Sunday for their services to bellringing. One of the medals commemorates Laizi Accordini, conductor of the Verona Cathedral band who died in 1991 - this went to Ginacarlo Tommasi. The other medal commemorates a talented ringer who died recently and this was given to Andrea Consolaro. The tenth anniversary of the founding of the Veronese Association was celebrated in a well organised manner, and they were pleased to welcome a number of UK visitors, amongst whom were Stella Bianco, Alison Hodge, George Morris and Harold Rogers, members of PRAG.

USA - President Clinton rang a replica of the Liberty Bell, in Washington to mark the Inauguration of his presidency, and in response to his call for “Bells of Hope” across America. Surprise! methods dealt with the celebrations to mark the retirement of Dr. Jefferson Smith in Kalamazoo. The celebrations took months to arrange and during this period Jeff was kept ignorant of what was afoot. Sincere tributes were paid to him from far and wide for his accomplishments for ringing at Stetson Chapel. In The Ringing World an interesting article by Henry Brugsh appeared about a blind ringer from Boston. Pam Verrey says that St. Andrew’s, Honolulu has its “ups” and “downs”. “Ups” that enthusiasm amongst ringers is being maintained in their efforts to conquer Bob Minor and Grandsire Triples, and they appreciated the assistance provided by visiting ringers, especially the annual trips by Vancouver, their 2,000 miles away neighbours. The “downs” are the departure of experienced ringers on transfers to other countries.

The Ringing World, May 13, 1994, pages 495 to 496

C.C. Public Relations Advisory Group

International Liaison Report for 1993

Part 4 of 4 by Fred E. Dukes

Restorations and Augmentations: It is pleasing to note that the eight bells of St. George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, South Africa, have been to England for tuning and the provision of new fittings. They are now back again in their home tower, in a new steel bell-frame and ringing again. Some work remains outstanding on the tower itself, including a new floor between the bells and the ringing room. There is good news, too, from Bloemfontein that the Dean, Very Rev Paddy Glover, who is enthusiastic about providing a ring of bells in his Cathedral, is to be the new Bishop of Bloemfontein.

In Australia, ANZAB has suggested that they should be able to provide advice to agencies proposing to install rings of bells within its ambit. There is a wealth of experience available and such knowledge both for installation work and maintenance, should be pooled and the church authorities should be made aware of the existence of these services. The bells of Bathurst, a ring of six by Warner, were tuned at Whitechapel and on their return were placed in a new eight bell frame. Christ Church, Beechworth, VIC was the place for the blessing of four bells, part of a six bell ring to be eventually installed. The blessing was by the Bishop of Wangaratta on 7th November. The provision of the ring was the dream of Fr. Hull, former Rector and one of the new bells No. 5 is the Fr. Hull Memorial bell. Some concern was expressed about the state of the bells and tower of Perth Cathedral and a suggestion was put forward to build a campanile in the Cathedral Square to accommodate a magnificent ring of twelve bells. Two other projects in Western Australia have not yet materialised, they are St. Mary’s, Busselton and St. Hilda’s School, Mosman Park. The bells for these projects remain in storage in the U.K. whilst awaiting the erection of the bell towers. There are also six bells awaiting dispatch from England for the Rockingham Centre scheme in Alcoaland. Thanks to the alertness of Ron Chapman when the Civic Centre was in the design stage for a tower, which resulted in the inclusion of a ring of six bells for Rockingham, after there was some doubt as to whether the St. Mary’s School, Karringup project for a ring of bells should proceed. It is now learned that the school has agreed to accept a bell as a memorial to the York ringer, Dana Weeks, it is intended to be No. 4 of a ring of six bells. Earlier there was a proposal to augment York from eight to ten bells as a memorial after it was learned that the Karringup scheme was then “dead”. The Cathedral of St. Boniface, Bunbury W.A. acquired the front eight bells from Shoreditch, St. Leonard’s, hoped to have them installed and ringing by Christmas, but the City Council’s priorities have apparently changed so that an ambulance station will be provided instead of bells. Look To the Western Australian branch of ANZAB “newsletter” has listed eleven prospective new installations, and augmentations with projected dates up to 2006! The tower of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Adelaide has been completed and a thirteen bell frame is to be installed to accommodate initially the front seven of the former ring of bells in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. A new 28½ cwts tenor bell was cast at the Whitechapel Foundry. Two new trebles were also cast by Whitechapel to augment the ring of six at Albury Church to an “eight”, the existing six bells were removed to facilitate the rebuilding of the tower to a greater height. Another augmentation was effected at Goulburn Cathedral when two new Taylor bells were installed and tested on site to give the Cathedral a ring of ten. Griffith Cathedral, N.S.W., proposes to have a ring of six bells, and already two of the bells have been supplied through Eayre & Smith.

The eight bells of St. Michael’s Church, Charleston, U.S.A. were restored to proper ringing condition and the first peal on these bells and in South Carolina, took place after the dedication on 4th July. Another church, that of Stella Maris on the outskirts of Charleston, has begun a fund raising campaign with a view to having a ring of either six or eight bells installed. Already parishioners are being taught to ring at St. Michael’s. On 23rd October the new ring of six bells at St. Andrew’s Church, Princess Anne, Maryland was dedicated and following the service the first peal on these bells was successfully accomplished.

The new Vicar of St. James’s Cathedral, Toronto has taken enthusiastically to the proposed installation of the ring of bells in his Cathedral and a fund raising and sponsorship campaign has been launched. It is hoped that the first ring of twelve bells in America will have been installed by June 1995 to coincide with the centenary of the Cathedral’s foundation. The proposed ring of bells for Edmonton, Alberta is moving slowly, but it is anticipated, they may have a ring of four or five bells installed in an eight bell frame within the next year or so.

The possibility of hanging the bells in Singapore Cathedral for full circle ringing has been mooted and an appeal was issued for any ringers in the area to make themselves known to The Ringing World.

Tours: The solidified link formed between St. Andrew’s, Honolulu and the Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver, was maintained by the visit of several of the latter’s ringers to Honolulu. A mini-tour was organised by Bruce and Eileen Butler in the North-west of Canada, where they rang at all towers in British Columbia, en-route to the Annual meeting of the North American Guild in Calgary. The annual pilgrimage to Quebec, took place during the weekend of 29th May. In all 26 visiting ringers from across America and the U.K. enjoyed the visit especially as they were meeting a local and active band of ringers in Quebec Cathedral. Four ringers from Dronfield toured Canada and rang at the four western towers, in Alberta and British Columbia. The Ancient Society of College Youths, held its summer meeting in Washington D.C. when the tourists took advantage of the trip to ring some peals and “quarters”. The HOG tour of Hereford, Oxford and Gloucester for the third year in a row, took place having been organised by Bruce Butler, and the party consisted of members of the North American ringing fraternity. In the reverse direction, there were two parties from the U.K. organised by Martin Fellows, whose party were in America in September, and the other party were there in July and August and was led by Graham Halls and Alan Boyd. Both parties availed of the visit to ring peals and quarter-peals.

To Italy, a party organised by Carol Franklin enjoyed the hospitality of the Veronese bellringers, for the sixth Anglo/Italian ringing exchange. Members of the party received instruction in the Veronese style of ringing.

The Hapless Touring party in Australia, completed their 1992/1993 tour with ringing in Queensland and ended the tour in Sydney. Then in May/June, a party of 25 or so, “Hapless” people came to the U.K. and joined local ringers in the depths of the Dorset countryside. It was a happy event and many new friendships were established.

Colin Turner led a party of ringers to Africa and rang peals in all of the eight ringable towers on the continent. During their stay in Kilifi, Bill Butler was invited to the altar of St. Thomas’s Church to speak about the tour, which was translated into Swahili for the benefit of the non-English members of the congregation. In Harare and Kwe Kwe, the opportunity was taken to practise with the local ringers some methods they seldom have an opportunity to ring. Later in the year, Jeff Lawrence of Transvaal Guild issued invitations to some of his U.K. ringing friends, which resulted in Rod and Mary Pipe, Ann and Cliff Davies, D. Paul Smith and Deborah Blagden making the trip to celebrate Jeff’s 50th birthday. It was marked with a successful peal of Stedman Caters at St. Mary’s, Durban in his honour. It was not an organised tour as such, since the families travelled under their own steam and met up for the peals which were organised mainly by the Transvaal Guild.

There was also the usual movement of individual ringers between the several countries, and reports in the local magazines pay tributes to the visitors for the assistance provided especially to those who engage in “long stays”, where valuable assistance is given to the local bands visited. We must recognise such assistance both by organised parties and individuals with gratitude for the teaching, help and advice given to remote towers, and which is much appreciated by the recipients and by us “at home”.

The interesting articles by Tom Roast “By Train and Bells” appeared over several issues of The Ringing World. His account of the journeys to take in most of the towers with rings of bells, as well as to towers with bells which are unringable, make fascinating reading, and shows what is, or was, possible by the railways.

Miscellaneous: Kenya - They regret to say that their Secretary, Antony Okune has been transferred to Kismu area. They will also lose their Vicar, who has been appointed the Bishop of Mombasa. The six ringers nominated to make the trip to the U.K. are very much looking forward to the experience, and to the intense ringing exercises they will undertake in learning more about “ringing the changes”. The team rang for a wedding in October which was well received.

Zimbabwe: The local ringers in Kwe Kwe indulge in activities outside of ringing. Aaron Madatoa produced the best ever Nativity ever seen in St. Luke’s. Ednurew Moyo spent Christmas and New Year at St. Agnes Children’s Home in Gokwe. Jeremy Thomas left school and became M.D. of the local store. In Harare there was a scare, when what could have been a fatal accident occurred, when a bell thought to have been set came down but did not strike either of the ringers among the bells, one of them however, was knocked unconscious and suffered concussion, but how it happened is unknown. It was thought the bell was set, but in fact seemed to be only on the “balance”. This should be a sufficient warning to ringers and others to be very careful when going among bells which are left “up” where necessity requires it.

Thanks: George Morris, the European Liaison of this Group, has kept the writer supplied with Italian news from time to time, and such detail has been included in this report. He is in constant contact with Italy, and is always endeavouring to spread the gospel to other European countries, such as Switzerland, Spain, Greece, France, etc. For his assistance gratitude is expressed.

Very many ringers, PROs, and the Editors of the publications mentioned in the Publications section have been in regular correspondence. With each “Ringing Towers” a note (from Esther Perrins) is always affixed, and such friendship and communication is much appreciated. Such correspondence contains much of interest, and most of it has been used in this Report. Thank you all for the friendship established and for the letters received which are valued.

The exercise would not exist without the keenness and devotion of ringers worldwide, and the unstinting help given to the less experienced means that the future of ringing is assured. Keep up the good work and our gratitude to all concerned.

It is interesting to note so much maintenance and repair work, being executed in the endeavours to make ringing easier and safer, many of those involved travel long distances to give of their talents to remote and nearby towers. Such work is much appreciated, to them our thanks are accorded.

International Liaison

Meadow Cottage,
Whitecross, DROGHEDA Co. Louth,
Telephone: Drogheda 353.41.29148.

The Ringing World, May 20, 1994, pages 519 to 520

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