
The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers

Minutes of the First Session of the 35th Council (96th Annual Meeting), held in the Gwent College of Higher Education, Caerleon, Gwent, on Tuesday 1st June 1993


Life Members: E A Barnett, Miss D E Colgate, F E Dukes, W F Moreton, C A Wratten.
Ex officio Member: R J Johnston.
Honorary Members: A E Bagworth, D W Beard, A P S Berry, Mrs S Bianco, E Billings, M J Church, S J Coleman, R J Cooles, W H Dobbie, R H Dove, J C Eisel, A J Frost, C K Lewis, M H D O’Callaghan, Miss J Sanderson, Preb J G M Scott, R B Smith, D G Thorne, Mrs M J Wilkinson, Mrs M A Wratten.
Ancient Society of College Youths: A R Kench, A J Phillips*, A N Stubbs, A W R Wilby.
Australia & New Zealand Assn: D Bleby, P M J Gray, M J Stone.
Bath & Wells Dio. Assn: Mrs C A Bedding, D J Buckley, D J Kelly, G W Massey.
Bedfordshire Assn: P J S Albon, K Lewin, A H Smith.
Beverley & Dist. Society: P S Andrews*, M J de C Henshaw.
Cambridge Univ. Guild: S C Walters.
Carlisle Dio. Guild: Miss R M Rodway*.
Chester Dio. Guild: P Dyson, C C Roberts, N Thomson*.
Coventry Dio. Guild: P Border, A J Illingworth, H M Windsor, Mrs B A Winter.
Derby Dio. Assn: G A Halls, Mrs J E Orchard, B N Trowbridge.
Devon Assn: M C Way*.
Devonshire Guild: P L Bill*, F D Mack, M E C Mears, A J Sinden*.
Durham & Newcastle Dio. Assn: N A Johnson, R R Warford*, Mrs B M Wheeler.
Durham Univ. Society: Revd P Newing.
E. Derbys & W. Notts Assn: A Dempster.
E. Grinstead & Dist. Guild: A N Brock.
Ely Dio. Assn: G E Bonham, M B Davies, S S Meyer.
Essex Assn: J Armstrong, F J P Bone, F B Lufkin, D Sloman.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio. Assn: Revd D L Cawley*, Dr A Newing, J M Pearse, D A Strong*.
Guildford Dio. Guild: W J Couperthwaite, J R Pratt, C H Rogers, R J Walker.
Hereford Dio. Guild: J J P Ellams, N R Mattingley, R G Powell, J F I Turney*.
Hertford County Assn: A F Alldrick, J R Mayne, Miss D M Robotham, B C Watson.
Kent County Assn: F W Lewis, D C Manger, D H Niblett, Mrs D R Wraight.
Ladies Guild: Miss F Cannon, Miss T Crowder*, Mrs C Higby.
Lancashire Assn: J Kershaw, J T Parsons, D R Pettifor.
Leeds Univ. Society: M Pidd*.
Leicester Dio. Guild: A Cattell, Mrs C N J Franklin, J M Jelley, B G Warwick.
Lichfield Archd. Society: J F Mulvey, S G Pick.
Lincoln Dio. Guild: A D H Bird, A R Heppenstall, G R Parker*, L G Townsend.
Liverpool Univ. Society: S J Flockton.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio. Assn: Dr J C Baldwin, P S Bennett, Revd J M Hughes.
London County Assn: R Booth, J E Hawes*, E G Mould, H W Rogers.
Middlesex County Assn. & London Dio. Guild: R Bailey, F T Blagrove, G E J A Doughty*, M Herbert*.
National Police Guild: B F Peachey.
N. American Guild: E G White* (Alt member).
N. Staffordshire Assn: Mrs W Daw*, P W Gay.
N. Wales Assn: Miss D A Jones, E M Jones*.
Norwich Dio. Assn: Mrs G M Hodgkinson*, D R McLean*, J B Morley, R J Parker*.
Oxford Dio. Guild: W Butler, J A Harrison, J R Martin*, T G Pett.
Oxford Society: B J Stone.
Oxford Univ. Society: P Q Armitage, P D Niblett.
Peterborough Dio. Guild: C J Groome, B Gross*, D J Jones, J Weaver.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: J S Barnes, I H Oram, Miss S J Pattenden, D E Sibson.
St. David’s Dio. Guild: J W Lewis.
St. Martin’s Guild: J A Anderson, P R J Barnes.
Salisbury Dio. Guild: A J Howes, A C D Lovell-Wood*, A P Nicholson*, Mrs J A Robertson*.
Scottish Assn: N E Booth, P J Shipton*.
Society of Sherwood Youths: R E H Woolley*.
Shropshire Assn: F M Mitchell.
S. African Guild: P P Belgeonne.
Southwell Dio. Guild: B J Bull*, G A Dawson, A B Mills*, B A Richards.
Suffolk Guild: S D Pettman, Revd L R Pizzey.
Surrey Assn: J D Cheesman, N J Goodship, K J Matthews, C Ridley*.
Sussex County Assn: A R Baldock, P T Hurcombe, M C W Sherwood, I V J Smith*.
Swansea & Brecon Dio. Guild: A R Lewis.
Transvaal Society: Mrs A Davies.
Truro Dio. Guild: A F Burley, P A Cummins*, R J Perry, P J Tremain.
Universities Assn: Revd M C C Melville.
Univ. Bristol Society: C M Foster.
Univ. London Society: G Barr*.
Veronese Assn: P Avesani, Dr A M Hodge, G Tommasi (Alt member).
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild: R Cater, A G Craddock*, D C Jackson, A P Smith.
Worcestershire & Districts Assn: D P Bagley*, A Roberts, R F B Speed, R K Williams.
Yorkshire Assn: Revd D C Brookes*, N Donovan, Revd G C Galley, Mrs E S Riley*.
Zimbabwe Guild: Mrs V Grossmith (Alt member).

The Irish Association, Manchester University Guild and Midland Counties Association were not represented.

1. Report as to membership:

The Hon Secretary (Mr C A Wratten) reported that 68 societies were affiliated to the Council, with 186 representatives. No response had been received from the South Derbyshire and North Leicestershire Association. There were one ex officio, seven Life and 22 Honorary members.

2. Apologies for absence:

Apologies were received from Messrs W B Cartwright and F E Collins (Life members). Miss E St John-Smith and Mr J M Tyler (Honorary members), and Messrs A S Hudson, S C W Hutchieson, W H Jackson, A J Martin, R G T Morris and D F Morrison, Miss A Phillips and Messrs M J Pomeroy, M Quimby, P S Seaman, A R Smith, P A Thompson and D G Walker.

In the absence of Messrs Jackson and Morrison and Miss Phillips, the North American Guild and the Zimbabwe Guild had each sent an alternate member.

3. Welcome to new members:

The President (Mr C J Groome) welcomed new members present (indicated by * in the list of those attending).

4. Loss of members through death:

Members stood in silence as the Hon Secretary read the list of former Council members who had died since the last meeting: P A Corby (London CA 1939-45, Kent CA 1951-4 and 1960-81, Leicester DG 1954-60, Life member since 1981); T J Lock (Middlesex CA & London DG 1946-8 and since 1951); G W Simmonds (Devonshire G 1976-7); and W A Theobald (North American G 1973-80). Prebendary J G M Scott led members in prayer.

5. Election of Life Members:

Mr H W Egglestone was elected a Life member on the proposition of M J Church, seconded by C A Wratten.

Mr C K Lewis was elected a Life Member on the proposition of A P Smith, seconded by E A Barnett.

6. Election of Honorary Members:

Messrs D W Beard, E Billings, M J Church, J C Eisel, A J Frost, J D Gallimore, E G H Godfrey and D J Roberts and Miss J Sanderson were individually elected Honorary Members.

7. Rule Changes - Election of Officers and Appointment of Stewards:

On behalf of the Administrative Committee, the Hon Secretary proposed and the Vice-President (Prof R J Johnston) seconded:

“That existing Rule 11 be changed to read:

Election of Officers

11.(i) At the Annual Meeting next after each triennial election a President, Vice-President, and Honorary Secretary (who shall also act as Treasurer) shall be elected to serve for three years. In the event of the President, Vice-President, or Honorary Secretary vacating office before the expiration of the three years, the ensuing meeting shall elect a member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the period. The retiring President, Vice-President, and Honorary Secretary shall be eligible for re-election at the expiration of their term of office. The President shall retire from the chair immediately a successor in office is elected, but the Honorary Secretary shall continue in office until the business of the meeting is concluded. All nominations for these offices shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary, signed by two members of the Council, not less than two calendar months previous to the meeting, and such nominations shall appear on the agenda paper.

(ii) The President, Vice-President, and Honorary Secretary shall be ex-officio members of the Council if not already Life, Honorary, or Representative Members.

That a new Rule be inserted as follows, and the following Rules be renumbered accordingly:

Appointment of Stewards

12. At the Annual Meeting next after each triennial election the Council shall appoint Stewards (their number as may from time to time be determined by the Council), to be separately responsible for the Carter Ringing Machine, for the Rolls of Honour, and for all material in the Council’s Library. The Steward responsible for the Library shall be an ex-officio member of the Library Committee. In the event of a Steward vacating office before the expiration of the three years, the ensuing meeting shall appoint a member for the remainder of the period. The Stewards shall be eligible for re-appointment at the expiration of their term of office, but in the event of replacement shall continue in office until a successor has accepted full responsibility for the relevant material. Nominations for these offices shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary, signed by two members of the Council, not less than two calendar months previous to the meeting, and such nominations shall appear on the agenda paper.”

The motion was passed.

The Hon Secretary thereupon proposed, and the Vice-President seconded, that the new Rules just agreed take immediate effect and that nominations for Stewards be on this occasion accepted from the meeting. This motion was also passed.

8. Election of Officers:

President: Prof R J Johnston was elected on the proposition of W F Moreton, seconded by N Donovan. He thanked Mr Groome for his work as President of the Council.

Vice-President: Mrs M J Wilkinson, having been proposed by Dr J C Baldwin and seconded by E A Barnett, was elected on a ballot; A W R Wilby being unsuccessful.

Hon Secretary and Treasurer: Mr C H Rogers was elected on the proposition of A J Frost, seconded by D G Thorne.

9. Appointment of Library Steward

S C Walters proposed, Dr J C Baldwin seconded, and it was agreed, that there should be a single Steward for the Library. Dr J C Eisel was thereupon appointed Library Steward, on the proposition of W Butler, seconded by W F Moreton.

10. Election of Auditors

Messrs E G H Godfrey and J T Parsons were elected Honorary Auditors.

11. Minutes of the previous meeting:

The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 1992, as published in The Ringing World of 26 February 1993 and corrected by replacing “infinite” by “indefinite” in the third line of Motion C, were adopted on the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by Dr A Newing.

12. Report of the Hon Secretary and Treasurer:
(RW 6 August 1993, p.772)

The report was adopted on the proposition of C A Wratten, seconded by C J Groome.

13. Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(RW 6 August 1993, p.773)

Adopted on the proposition of C A Wratten, seconded by C J Groome.

14. Report of the Working Party on Ringing Centres:
(RW 6 August 1993, pp.773-4)

Adopted on the proposition of A J Frost, seconded by R Cater. Thereupon A J Frost proposed and R Cater seconded:

“That a Ringing Centres Committee be formed, with the following terms of reference:

To promote, set minimum standards for, and provide information on Ringing Centres; to evaluate proposals for the formation of Centres against the standards set out in the Ringing Centres report, and where appropriate to recognise Centres on behalf of the Council; and to administer funds provided by the Council for setting up Centres.”

An amendment, proposed by G W Massey and seconded by D J Jones, “That the words ‘set out in the Ringing Centres report’ be replaced by ‘agreed by the Council’” was agreed. The motion, as amended, was then passed.

R Cater, A J Frost, P W Gay, C J Groome and Miss S J Pattenden were elected by ballot to form the Ringing Centres Committee for 1993-6.

15. Committee reports
(All committee reports were published in The Ringing World of 6 August 1993, pp. 774-784)

(a) Peal Compositions

Adopted on the proposition of R Bailey, seconded by M J de C Henshaw.

R Bailey, P R J Barnes, D W Beard, M J de C Henshaw and M Pidd were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1993-6.

(b) Records

Adopted on the proposition of D E Sibson, seconded by J R Mayne.

F T Blagrove, D J Buckley, J R Mayne, D E Sibson and C A Wratten were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1993-6.

(c) Methods

Adopted on the proposition of A P Smith, seconded by C K Lewis.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of six, R Bailey, F T Blagrove, C K Lewis, P D Niblett, M C W Sherwood and A P Smith were elected to form the committee for 1993-6.

(d) Peals Analysis

Adopted on the proposition of D H Niblett, seconded by J Cheesman, after an amendment, proposed by B F Peachey and seconded by G A Dawson, that a peal of 10,080 Minimus in 11 methods by the Cumbrian Association be included under “Peals of Note” had been carried.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of eight, P R J Barnes, J D Cheesman, J R Martin, D H Niblett, R J Perry, T G Pett, D R Pettifor and the Revd L R Pizzey were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1993-6.

(e) Towers and Belfries

Adopted on the proposition of A J Frost, seconded by Preb J G M Scott. The President expressed the Council’s gratitude to Dr J C Baldwin for the great amount of work he had put into achieving an acceptable draft of the Code of Practice for the Conservation of Bells and Bellframes.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of eleven, R Booth, A Dempster, A J Frost, F W Lewis, F D Mack, Preb J G M Scott, B J Stone and H M Windsor were elected to form the committee for 1993-6, leaving three vacancies.

(f) Education

Adopted on the proposition of N R Mattingley, seconded by Mrs C N J Franklin.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of twelve, G Barr, F J P Bone, N Donovan, G E J A Doughty, Mrs C N J Franklin, P W Gay, J A Harrison, M J de C Henshaw, N R Mattingley, M C W Sherwood, J F I Turney and R R Warford were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1993-6.

(g) Publications

Adopted on the proposition of W J Couperthwaite, seconded by J R Pratt.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of six, W J Couperthwaite, A G Craddock, D J Jones, J R Pratt, Miss J Sanderson and Mrs B M Wheeler were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1993-6.

(h) Bell Restoration Funds

Adopted on the proposition of J S Barnes, seconded by E Billings.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of seven, J S Barnes, E Billings, N E Booth, N A Johnson, I H Oram, A R Smith and Mrs B A Winter were elected to form the committee for 1993-6.

(i) Redundant Bells

Adopted on the proposition of Mrs M J Wilkinson, seconded by Dr J C Baldwin.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of ten, Dr J C Baldwin, E A Barnett, R Booth, R J Cooles, D J Kelly, J Kershaw, G W Massey, M H D O’Callaghan, Preb J G M Scott and Mrs M J Wilkinson were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1993-6.

(j) Biographies

Adopted on the proposition of G A Dawson, seconded by J C Eisel.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of four, G A Dawson, J C Eisel, C Ridley and D J Roberts were elected to form the committee for 1993-6.

(k) Library

Adopted on the proposition of Miss J Sanderson, seconded by J C Eisel.

F J P Bone, W Butler, Miss J Sanderson and C A Wratten were elected by ballot to form, with the Library Steward, the committee for 1993-6.

(l) Public Relations

Adopted on the proposition of S J Coleman, seconded by A J Illingworth.

After the Council had agreed a committee membership of ten, J A Anderson, Mrs S Bianco, S J Coleman, F E Dukes, Dr A Hodge, A J Illingworth, R G T Morris, H W Rogers, Miss E St John-Smith and D G Thorne were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1993-6.

(m) Computer Co-ordination

Adopted on the proposition of F J P Bone, seconded by B N Trowbridge, after an amendment, moved by A G Craddock and seconded by G A Halls, proposing the deletion of the final paragraph of the report, which proposed that the committee be wound up, had been carried.

P Q Armitage, D P Bagley, F J P Bone, A G Craddock and B N Trowbridge were elected to form the committee for 1993-6.

(n) Administrative

Adopted on the proposition of C A Wratten, seconded by Dr J C Baldwin. The President stated that the Administrative Committee would assume responsibility for monitoring activity under the Code of Practice for the Conservation of Bells and Bellframes.

J Armstrong, Dr J C Baldwin, R Cater, M J Church, R J Cooles, P M J Gray, C J Groome, M H D O’Callaghan, I H Oram and A W R Wilby were elected to the committee for 1993-6, leaving two vacancies. The other (ex officio) members of the committee are the Council’s Officers; the chairmen of committees as follows: J S Barnes (Bell Restoration Funds), D J Roberts (Biographies), A G Craddock (Computer Coordination), N R Mattingley (Education), Miss J Sanderson (Library), A P Smith (Methods), R Bailey (Peal Compositions), D H Niblett (Peals Analysis), S J Coleman (Public Relations), W J Couperthwaite (Publications), D E Sibson (Records), G W Massey (Redundant Bells), Miss S J Pattenden (Ringing Centres) and A J Frost (Towers and Belfries); and the Chairman of The Ringing World Limited (H W Egglestone).

16. Motions:

(a) Representation of Societies on the Council

(i) On behalf of the Administrative Committee, C H Rogers proposed and Mrs M J Wilkinson seconded:

“That Rule 4 be replaced by the following:

Affiliated Societies

4. (i) The following societies, associations and guilds of church bell ringers (hereinafter referred to under the general term ‘Society’) shall be affiliated to the Council:

(a) Any Society whose application for affiliation has been approved under Rule 4(ii);

(b) Societies existing at the date of the passing of this Rule whose applications for continued membership have been confirmed by the Administrative Committee.

(ii) Applications from Societies for affiliation shall be reviewed by the Administrative Committee, which will make a recommendation to the Council. Any such application will require the agreement of a majority of the members present and voting at the Council meeting at which it is considered, and shall be subject to the provision of a certificate signed by at least two of its officers that it

(a) has not fewer than 75 members as defined in Rule 4(iv) (25 members so defined in the case of Societies operating wholly outside the British Isles); and

(b) has been in existence for at least five years (unless set up to replace in whole or in part a Society already affiliated to the Council); and

(c) actively promotes and fosters the ringing of bells for Christian worship and on other appropriate occasions; and

(d) undertakes to abide by the Rules and Decisions of the Council.

(iii) A Society shall cease to be affiliated to the Council if

(a) its membership falls below 50 (25 in the case of Societies operating totally outside the British Isles); or

(b) its annual subscription under Rule 9 is more than twelve months in arrears; or

(c) a proposal for its disaffiliation is agreed by two-thirds of the members present at the Council meeting at which it is considered.

(iv) For the purposes of Rules 4(ii) and 5(i), a Society’s membership shall be defined as either the number of annually-subscribing and resident life members in the year preceding its application for affiliation or the election of representatives; or, for Societies whose members do not pay an annual subscription, the number of members who attended at least one event organised by the Society in the preceding year, or the number of members elected in the preceding twenty years; or, for university and college Societies, the number of members who attended at least one event organised by the Society in the preceding year. In this Rule ‘event’ shall include meetings, practices, peal attempts and dinners.

And that Rule 9 (Annual Subscriptions) be amended as follows:

In line 1 replace ‘All affiliated Societies’ by ‘Each affiliated Society’; and in lines 3-5 replace ‘on behalf of each representative Member to whom they are entitled’ by the words ‘in relation to its membership as certified under Rule 5(i).’”

After an amendment, proposed by S C Walters and seconded by J R Pratt, that in the last line of proposed rule 4(iv) “and” be deleted and the words “and other organised gatherings of members” be added, had been carried, the motion as amended was carried.

(ii) On behalf of the Administrative Committee, C H Rogers proposed and Mrs M J Wilkinson seconded

“That Rule 5 be amended to read as follows:

5. (i) Affiliated Societies shall be entitled to elect representative members according to their membership as defined in Rule 4(iv), on the following basis:

Each Society’s membership shall be certified by the Secretary of the Society to the Secretary of the Council at the start of each triennium.

(ii) [As present Rule 5(iii)]

(iii) As present Rule 5(iv), except that in line 6 ‘Rule 5(i)(a)’ becomes ‘Rule 5(i)’

(iv) [As present Rule 5(v)]”

The motion was passed.

(iii) On behalf of the Administrative Committee, C H Rogers proposed and Mrs M J Wilkinson seconded

“That the following Rule be inserted between the present Rules 4 and 5, and the Rules be renumbered accordingly:

Associated Societies

[4A] Any Society of church bell ringers numbering not fewer than 50 members which is not an affiliated society may upon application and subject to the agreement of the Council on a majority vote be recognised as an Associated Society. Associated Societies shall agree to abide by the Rules and Decisions of the Council, and shall be entitled to receive copies of agenda, reports and other papers relating to meetings of the Council. If an Associated Society sends a member to represent it as a visitor to the Council meeting, such member may be allowed to speak, but not to vote. An Associated Society shall subscribe annually, on 1 January for the year commencing on that date, such sum as the Council may from time to time determine. A society shall cease to be recognised as an Associated Society if

(a) its membership falls below 25; or

(b) its annual subscription is more than 12 months in arrears; or

(c) a proposal for its disaffiliation is agreed by two-thirds of the members present at the Council meeting at which it is considered.”

The motion was defeated.

(b) Bell Restoration Funds Committee

On behalf of the Bell Restoration Funds Committee, J S Barnes proposed and I H Oram seconded

“That the terms of reference of the Bell Restoration Funds Committee be amended to read:

To promote the restoration and provision of rings of bells, by investigating and disseminating information on fund raising, charitable status, tax-efficient giving, and sympathetic Trusts.”

The motion was passed.

(c) Timing of Council meetings

P W Gay proposed and A J Illingworth seconded

“That the Council requests the Administrative Committee to consider all aspects of the timing of meetings of the Council.”

After a procedural motion, proposed by P M J Gray and seconded by M H D O’Callaghan, that the Administrative Committee note the motion and that the Council move to the next business, had been lost, the original motion was passed.

17. Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(RW 6 August 1993, p.785)

Adopted on the proposition of A E Bagworth, seconded by W H Dobbie.

After the Council had agreed that there should be two Carter Ringing Machine stewards, A E Bagworth and W H Dobbie were elected stewards for 1993-6.

18. Report of the Trustee of the Rolls of Honour:
(RW 6 August 1993, p.785)

Adopted on the proposition of A R Kench, seconded by A N Stubbs.

After the council had agreed that there should be one Rolls of Honour steward, A J Phillips was elected steward for 1993-6.

19. Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells
(RW 6 August 1993, p.785)

The report and accounts were adopted on the proposition of R J Cooles, seconded by M H D O’Callaghan.

20. Future meetings

It was agreed that the invitation from the Irish Association for the Council to meet in Ireland in 1998 be accepted; and an invitation from the Norwich Diocesan Association for the year 2002 was noted.

21. Other business

(a) The President said that a new edition of the Council’s Rules, incorporating all the changes agreed during the meeting, would be prepared and sent to all members before the next meeting.

(b) In response to a question, the President said that the Administrative Committee would consider the position that the Council should take on recent advice from the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group that bells should not be left up.

(c) In response to a question, the President said that the Administrative Committee would consider what action needed to be taken with regard to the preservation of old peal boards.

22. Presentation to Mr and Mrs C A Wratten

At the invitation of the President, Mr C J Groome paid tribute on behalf of the Council to the work undertaken during the past 22 years by Mr C A Wratten as the Council’s Honorary Secretary and Treasurer and as Company Secretary of the Ringing World Limited since 1984. Mr Groome also thanked Mrs Wratten for the assistance which she had given in this work. He then presented Mr Wratten with a replica of the Liberty Bell, suitably inscribed, and Mrs Wratten with a porcelain figurine, to both of which members of the Council and affiliated societies had contributed; he also presented Mr Wratten with a print of the Victoria Falls from the Zimbabwe Guild, which had been unable to make a monetary contribution. Mr Wratten returned thanks.

23. Votes of thanks

On behalf of the Council the President warmly thanked the officers and members of the Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association and all others who had contributed in any way to the success of the meeting.

Summary of Attendance
Wholly represented56149-
Partly represented102210
Not represented3-5

Life members52
Ex officio members1-
Honorary members202


The Ringing World, March 11, 1994, pages 235 to 237, correction February 17, 1995, page 164

(Archivist’s note: also absent were P. J. Agg (Cambridge Univ. Guild), G. H. Pascoe (Devon Assn.), D. Collins (Irish Assn.) and R. M. G. Ward (Manchester Univ. Guild))

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