Life Members: H W Egglestone, H W Rogers, A N Stubbs, D G Thorne.
Honorary Members: A Bentley, A P S Berry, Mrs S Bianco, R Booth, R J Cooles, Mrs J A Edwards, J C Eisel, A Ellis, A J Frost, E G H Godfrey, W A Hibbert, T Jackson, D J Kelly, R A Lewis, A Regin, Miss J Roberts,
P A Trotman, Mrs P M Wilkinson.
Ex-officio: Mrs M Bone.
Ancient Society of College Youths: R I Allton, S Linford, P A B Saddleton, A W R Wilby.
Australian & New Zealand Assn: C D O’Mahony, L R Reynolds, R Shepherd (alt. member).
Bath & Wells Dio. Assn: R C Backhurst, Miss J Bunyan, M Hansford*, M R T Higby.
Bedfordshire Assn: P J S Albon, K Lewin, Mrs W Piercy.
Beverley & District Society: A J Atkinson, J Blackburn.
Birmingham University Society: P Chandler.
Cambridge Univ. Guild: R Shipp#, L D G Simpson.
Carlisle Dio. Guild: Ms W Graham, J J Proudfoot.
Chester Dio. Guild: P Dyson, C M Orme, Mrs P Thomson, P Wilkinson.
Coventry Dio. Guild: M Chester, M J Dew, C F Mew.
Derby Dio. Assn: M Banks, J A Cater, Mrs P A M Halls, Mrs G Hughes.
Devonshire Guild: L E Boyce, J M Clarke, M G Mansley, D J Roberts.
Durham & Newcastle Dio. Assn: Mrs Y Cairns, H Smith, R R Warford, Mrs B M Wheeler.
Durham Univ. Society: M Williams.
East Derby & West Notts Assn: The Revd A Dempster.
East Grinstead & District Guild: R A Grant.
Ely Dio. Assn: G E Bonham, M B Davies, B Hullah, P Seaman#.
Essex Assn: J Armstrong, F J P Bone, B Meads, A G Semken, D L Sparling.
Four Shires Guild: A Gunn*.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio. Assn: D Harbottle, W Nash, Prof A Newing, J Nicholls.
Guildford Dio. Guild: W J Couperthwaite, Mrs B R Norris, C H Rogers, M J Turner.
Hereford Dio. Guild: J H Croxton, A Fortey, Mrs J Lawrence, Mrs J Mason.
Hertford County Assn: R Chandler, G A Duke, G T Horritt, B C Watson.
Irish Assn: C Holliday, Ms J Kelly, Mrs J Lysaght.
Kent County Assn: P R J Barnes, P T Dale, R H Edwards, P H Larter, Mrs C M Lewis.
Ladies Guild: Mrs A R Caton, Mrs J Stevenson, Ms J K Wyatt.
Lancashire Assn: G Blundell, D Burgess, Mrs A E Pettifor, E Runciman.
Leeds University Society: R Green.
Leicester Dio. Guild: Mrs C N J Franklin, Mrs A S Preston, J R Thompson, Mrs W M Warwick.
Lichfield & Walsall Archd. Society: S Hutchieson, J F Mulvey, C M Smith.
Lincoln Dio. Guild: Mrs S Faull, A R Heppenstall, Mrs J M Rogers, L G Townsend.
Liverpool Univ. Society: Mrs V Wilby.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio. Assn: P S Bennett, Mrs P Penney.
Middlesex County Assn. & London Dio. Guild: R Bailey, F T Blagrove.
National Police Guild: The Rt Revd B F Peachey.
North American Guild: B N Butler, Ms B Faber, J I Mabe, Ms K Tucker.
North Staffordshire Assn: C Adams*, F Beech, Mrs J Beech.
North Wales Assn: G P Morris, D Stanworth.
Norwich Dio. Assn: P Adcock, Miss T Crowder, D McLean.
Oxford Dio. Guild: W Butler, G Clifton*, K R Davenport, J A Harrison, Mrs B May, T G Pett.
Oxford Society: Ms C L Bell, B J Stone.
Oxford Univ. Society: M Bell.
Peterborough Dio. Guild: Mrs H Aslett, A Chantler, D J Jones, Mrs E J Sibson.
St Martin’s Guild: Mrs S J Warboys, M P A Wilby.
Salisbury Dio. Guild: A J Howes, A C D Lovell-Wood, J Newman, A P Nicholson, R J Purnell.
Scottish Assn: S Elwell-Sutton, M A Neale.
Shropshire Assn: A M Glover, N J Green.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: J S Barnes, I H Oram, A J Preston, D E Sibson.
Society of Sherwood Youths: P Hawcock.
Southwell and Nottingham Dio. Guild: G A Dawson, A B Mills, Ms M J Stephens, R E H Woolley.
Suffolk Guild: A McBurnie*, R J Munnings, S D Pettman, D G Salter.
Surrey Assn: J D Cheesman, Mrs K Flavell, P Flavell, R J Wallis.
Sussex County Assn: A R Baldock, Mrs C M Baldock, D Kirkcaldy, Mrs M E Oram.
Swansea & Brecon Dio. Guild: P C Johnson.
Truro Dio. Guild: Ms M Jones, N R Mattingley, R J Perry, I P Self.
Univ. Bristol Society: C Darvill, R M Wood.
Univ. London Society: M Trimm.
Veronese Assn: Dr A M Hodge.
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild: M J Church, P D Niblett, A P Smith, D Strong, M J Winterbourne.
Worcestershire & Districts Assn: C M Povey, A Roberts, R J Walker.
Yorkshire Assn: A R Aspland, N Donovan, C B Dove, Mrs D M Rhymer, B Sanders.
The Devon Association, the Dorset County Association, the St David’s Diocesan Guild, the South African Guild and the Zimbabwe Guild were not represented.
The Chair was taken by the President, Tony Smith.
The Revd Adrian Dempster led the Council in prayer.
The Hon Secretary, Mary Bone, reported that 65 societies were affiliated to the Council with 198 representatives; there were two vacancies. There were 6 Life Members, 18 Honorary Members and 1 ex-officio Member. All subscriptions had been paid.
The Hon Secretary reported that documentation had been received from the Four Shires Guild, confirming that the Guild met the requirements of Rule 4 (ii). The application was reviewed by the Administrative Committee, which recommended affiliation.
The application was approved by majority and the President declared the Guild affiliated. John Nicholls expressed the gratitude of the Four Shires Guild. Andrew Gunn took his seat as a representative member.
The President gave a warm welcome to new and returning members (indicated by * and # respectively in the list of those present). He additionally noted that 2009 had been Ian Oram’s 50th meeting: Ian had joined the Council in 1960 and was still an active member of Council as a member of the Bell Restoration Committee (applause).
Apologies had been received from the Revd John Baldwin and Doris Colgate (Life Members), Roger Lubbock and Ian McCulloch (Australian and New Zealand Assn), Mervyn Way (Devon Association), Chris White (Dorset CA), Simon Woof (Lancashire Assn), Julian Parker (Llandaff and Monmouth DA), Betty Baines (Norwich DA), John Prytherch (St David’s DG), Jane Webster (South African Guild), Ian Hastilow (Sussex CA), Stewart Holbeche (Worcestershire and Districts Assn) and Anne Phillips (Zimbabwe Guild). Further apologies were presented from Paolo Avesani (Veronese Assn).
Members stood in silence as the Hon Secretary read the names of former members of the Council who had died in earlier years but whose deaths had not been previously reported to the Council: Alfred Battin (Romney Marsh and District Guild 1930-1932); Charles Binyon (Worcester and Districts Assn 1927-1929); William Jinkins (Scottish Assn 1932-1950); Harold Clark (Truro DG 1932); and Graham McKay (Cumberland and North Westmorland Assn 1959-1965); and the following members and former members who had died since the last meeting: George Feirn (Lincoln DG 1945-1986); Carol Hardwick (Bath & Wells DA from 1988); Jean Sanderson (Hon member 1982-1997, Ely DA 1998-2007, Hon member from 2009); Barry Ward (Hon member from 2005); Dom Paulinus Angold (Guild of Devonshire Ringers 1969-1974); Stephen Ivin (Oxford University Society 1960-1968, Hon member 1970-1980); Malcolm Tyler (Peterborough DG 1972-1983, Hon member 1984-1993); Douglas Rooke (Southwell DG 1960-1965); George Massey (Bath and Wells DA 1972-2001); Joan Peel (Sussex County Assn 2005-2007); and Revd Roger Fry (Bath and Wells DA 1954-1959). The Revd Adrian Dempster led members in prayer.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th May 2009 had been published in The Ringing World of 3rd July 2009. The Hon Secretary reported a correction to the Minute of the ICT Committee report on page 680, item 13(e): in line 4 insert a full stop after “server” and amend the following sentence to “The work on method names was being taken over by Alan Baldock from Tim Pett and he therefore becomes the link person with this Committee”.
After the corrections were made, the Minutes were approved and signed by the President. The President drew attention to the Appendix to the Report of the Administrative Committee and reminded members to declare any interest in the bell-related trade to the Hon Secretary and to declare any relevant interest before speaking at that meeting.
No member wished to raise any matter.
9. Annual Report of the Council
(RW 30th April 2010, p442)
The Hon Secretary noted that, since the preparation of the report, there had been a number of changes to the figures in paragraph 4: one Representative Member has resigned and his vacancy filled by an Honorary Member; one Representative Member has resigned and his vacancy filled; and one Representative Member has resigned and her vacancy has not been filled. The figures in the last two sentences should therefore read: 6 Life Members, 18 Honorary Members, 198 Representative Members and 1 ex-officio Member. There are 2 other vacancies.
Adoption of the report was then proposed by the Hon Secretary, seconded by the Vice-President, Kate Flavell, and agreed.
10. Accounts for 2009
(RW 30th April 2010, pp442-445)
In presenting the Accounts, the Hon Treasurer, Derek Harbottle, noted that the Independent Examiners had been able to give an unqualified report. He drew attention to the key areas of the Statement of Financial Activities, noting a small deficit on the General Fund, lower committee expenditure, a reduction in the cost of the annual meeting, and increased insurance costs. On the Bell Restoration Fund, the Hon Treasurer noted the recent legacy and grant awards (RW 21 May 2010, p515). Low interest rates would continue to impact on the General Fund in 2010; he was investigating suitable alternative investments and the Officers would keep the situation under review. The Ringing Foundation had not yet called on the £10,000 committed in the previous year.
The Hon Treasurer proposed the adoption of the Accounts, the Vice-President seconded and they were agreed.
Six Honorary Members would complete their three-year term at the end of the meeting: of these David Kelly was not seeking re-election. The following were proposed, seconded and declared elected after a ballot: Tim Jackson, for his work on the Dove database; Robert Cooles, for his work on the Committee for Redundant Bells and with the Rescue Fund, and for his legal expertise; Stella Bianco, for her work with the Library Committee; Bill Purvis, who was willing to be proposed as a Steward of the Carter Ringing Machine Collection; and Roger Booth, for his interest in training and work on ringing centres. Bill Hibbert was proposed and seconded but declined to stand. Seven vacancies remained unfilled.
The President stated that this was a single Motion in two parts. He added that one additional occurrence of “Honorary” in the existing Rules had come to light and therefore the following sentence should be included at the end of Part A:
That the first sentence of new Rule 20(i) be amended to read:
Each member present, whether Representative, Additional, Life, Alternate, or Ex-officio, shall have one vote.
Roger Bailey then proposed on behalf of the Administrative Committee:
(A) That Honorary Members be replaced by Additional or Ex-officio Members, that the relationship between the Council and The Ringing Foundation be formalised and that other rules be simplified, by making the following changes:
That Rule 3(ii) be amended to read:
Additional Members, not exceeding 18 in number, elected by the Council;
That Rule 5(ii) be amended to read:
No Representative Member shall be eligible as an Additional Member.
That the second sentence of Rule 5(iv) be amended to read:
An Alternate Member may not be elected an independent examiner, nor be appointed to a committee of the Council; neither shall an Alternate be entitled to membership of The Ringing World Limited or The Ringing Foundation Limited, nor to give notice of motion in accordance with Rule 18.
That Rule 6 be amended to read:
(i) Additional Members shall consist of those who possess knowledge or skills needed by the Council. They shall be elected for three years and shall be eligible for re-election (retirement and election taking effect as from the end of the annual meeting). An Additional Member who is elected a Representative or Life Member, or becomes an Ex-officio Member, shall immediately cease to be an Additional Member. Election shall be by ballot at an annual meeting of the Council and require the vote of a majority of those present. Notwithstanding the note above concerning when the election takes effect, a new Additional Member shall be eligible for election to a committee at that meeting.
(ii) All nominations for Additional Membership shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary, signed by two Representative, Life or Ex-officio members of the Council, not less than two calendar months previous to a meeting of the Council. Such nominations shall appear on the agenda paper. Nominations shall be accompanied by a supporting statement of not more than 250 words which will be distributed to members of the Council. Supporting speeches will not be permitted at the meeting.
That the first sentence of Rule 7(ii) be amended to read:
All nominations for Life Membership shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary, signed by two members of the Council, not less than two calendar months previous to a meeting of the Council.
That the existing Rule 8 be renumbered 8(i) and the following new Rule 8(ii) be added:
The Chairman of The Ringing World Limited shall be an Ex-officio member of the Council if not already a Life or Representative Member.
That the existing Rules 9 to 22 be renumbered 10 to 23, that the references in existing Rules 4(iii)(b), 14(i) and 22 to “Rule 9,” “Rule 22” and “Rule 17” be changed to “Rule 10,” “Rule 23” and “Rule 18” respectively and the following new Rule 9 be added:
9. (i) All members of the Central Council as shall from time to time consent in writing shall be members of The Ringing Foundation Limited.
(ii) The Chairman of The Ringing Foundation Limited shall be an Ex-officio member of the Council if not already a Life or Representative Member.
That the second sentence of new rule 12(i) be amended to read:
In the event of the President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary or Honorary Treasurer vacating office before the expiry of the three years, the remaining officers shall have the power to make a temporary appointment to fill the vacancy until the ensuing meeting, which meeting shall elect a replacement for the remainder of the period.
That new Rule 12(ii) be amended to read:
The President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be Ex-officio members of the Council if not already Life or Representative Members.
That new Rule 13 be renumbered Rule 13(i) and the third sentence be amended to read:
In the event of a Steward vacating office before the expiration of the three years, the ensuing meeting shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the period.
That the following new Rule 13(ii) be added:
The Stewards shall be Ex-officio members of the Council if not already Life or Representative Members.
That the following be added to new Rule 15(iii):
(e) The Chairman of The Ringing Foundation Limited.
(B) At the end of the annual meeting any Honorary Members who are not Stewards, the Chairman of The Ringing World Limited or the Chairman of The Ringing Foundation Limited shall become Additional Members and shall retire three years after they were last elected Honorary Members.
Roger recalled the motion on Honorary Members proposed in 2009: there had been some difficulties with the motion but Council members had felt strongly on the issue. However, the Council needed specialist knowledge and Roger listed some of the skills required. The current motion renamed Honorary Members as Additional Members, reduced the maximum number from 24 to 18 as the Stewards became ex-officio members, and introduced an advance nomination procedure. David Sparling, seconding, drew attention to the direct election of Stewards which both removed the existing cumbersome two-stage process and recognised the importance of their rôles. He trusted that the Motion addressed the concerns of those who supported the 2009 motion and would prove a useful step in the Council’s continuing modernisation process. In response to a query from Chris Rogers on the proposed new Rule 12(i), the President stated that similar wording was used in the proposed new Rule 13(i); the term “replacement” was used instead of “member” in order to avoid any ambiguity. The Motion was carried nem con.
Laith Reynolds, proposer of the 2009 motion, stated that the intention of his earlier motion had been to trigger a discussion on these important aspects of the Council’s constitution. He recognised the Council’s need for expertise and welcomed adoption of the Motion.
13. Committee Reports
(The reports were published in The Ringing World Supplement of 30th April 2010. The relevant page numbers are shown against each report).
(a) Administrative (p446)
Adoption of the report was proposed by the Hon Secretary, who thanked Robert Lewis and The Ringing World staff for their assistance in producing an excellent Supplement. She drew attention to the revised wording of the Guidance in managing actual, potential or perceptions of conflicts of interest and noted the significant changes from the 2009 version. Mike Winterbourne seconded and adoption of the report was agreed.
Michael Church, Angela Newing, Derek Sibson and David Sparling retired. The following four members were proposed, seconded and elected to fill the 4 vacancies on the Committee: John Cater, Michael Church, Angela Newing and Derek Sibson. David Sparling declined to stand.
Adoption of the report was proposed by Pat Halls, who noted that the last name in the list of those members and former members who died in 2009 should read Lionel Barrington Ward. John Harrison seconded. Roger Bailey requested an update on the Committee’s plans to move to a less paper-based system; Pat acknowledged the assistance of the ICT Committee and confirmed that work on this was in progress. Adoption of the report was then agreed.
Hilary Aslett (co-opted), Jenny Lawrence, David Stanworth and Kathryn Tucker retired. Jenny Lawrence, David Stanworth and Kathryn Tucker were not seeking re-election. There were 3 vacancies on the Committee: the following two members were proposed, seconded and elected: Hilary Aslett and Judith Rogers. One vacancy was unfilled.
In proposing adoption of the report, Paul Flavell thanked those retiring from the Committee for their work. Richard Allton seconded and adoption of the report was agreed.
Robin Hall, Philip Saddleton and Simon Woof retired. Robin Hall was no longer a member of Council. Simon Woof was not seeking re-election. There were 3 vacancies on the Committee: the following two members were proposed, seconded and elected: Philip Saddleton and Paul Seaman. One vacancy was unfilled.
Adoption of the report was proposed by Catherine Lewis. Geoff Horritt seconded and adoption of the report was agreed.
Claire Bell, Peter Dale, Gill Hughes (co-opted), Simon Linford and Jan Wyatt retired. Seven candidates were proposed and seconded to fill the 5 vacancies on the Committee. After a ballot the following were declared elected: Claire Bell, Peter Dale, Sue Faull, Gill Hughes and Simon Linford. The unsuccessful candidates were James Blackburn and Jan Wyatt.
(e) Information and Communications Technology (pp448-449)
Adoption of the report was proposed by Mike Chester. Peter Trotman seconded and adoption of the report was agreed.
Alan Chantler and Mike Chester retired. There were 4 vacancies on the Committee: the following three members were proposed, seconded and elected: Alan Chantler, Mike Chester and Leigh Simpson. One vacancy was unfilled.
Stella Bianco proposed adoption of the report and drew attention to the DVD of early Ringing Worlds, on sale that day, and to the forthcoming publication of Cyril Wratten’s collection of eighteenth century newspaper articles. She encouraged support for the Friends of the Library scheme; friends received a discount on the price of the DVD. John Eisel seconded. Roger Bailey welcomed the online obituaries index and asked if the Ringing World DVD was suitable for use on Mac computers, as the Bell News DVD was not compatible with these computers. Stella replied that the data on the new DVD was in pdf format and that no further work was planned on the Bell News DVD. George Dawson deplored the potential disposal of the duplicate set of The Ringing World. Stella Bianco responded that this disposal had not yet taken place; she added that accommodation was a problem and that it was undesirable that both sets should be housed in the same location. Ian Oram corrected the spelling of Margery Wratten’s name (p449, column 2, line 1). Adoption of the report was then agreed.
Stella Bianco retired and Jean Sanderson had died. The following two members were proposed, seconded and elected to fill the 2 vacancies on the Committee: Stella Bianco and Alison Hodge. Alan Ellis declined to stand but would be happy to continue to assist the Committee.
Adoption of the report was proposed by Peter Niblett and seconded by Richard Edwards. Peter added that the Committee was preparing a revised version of its paper on method extensions. Michael Wilby asked the Committee to consider changes to the Decisions to allow the 5040 of Grandsire Variable Treble Triples rung for the St Martin’s Guild on 24 November 2009 to be accepted as a peal. Peter agreed that the Committee would consider this. Adoption of the report was then agreed.
Peter Niblett and Robin Woolley retired. There were 3 vacancies on the Committee: the following two members were proposed, seconded and elected: Peter Niblett and Robin Woolley. One vacancy was unfilled.
Adoption of the report was proposed by Phillip Barnes, who noted that several peals rung during 2009 were published late; the revised total was 5047, increasing the tower bell total to 4276 and the handbell total to 771. Phillip noted discrepancies in the figures for the peal total for the Guild of Devonshire Ringers compiled by the Committee and the Guild: it appeared that a number of peals had appeared on Campanophile and may be included in the Felstead database but had not been published in The Ringing World. Andrew Craddock was thanked for his work on the Felstead database. Alan Baldock seconded. George Dawson stated that there appeared to be some confusion between Willoughby on the Wolds and the Willoughby campanile; he believed that the correct peal total for Willoughby on the Wolds was nine. Phillip Barnes clarified, in response to a question from Bill Butler on the peal total for the Guild of Devonshire Ringers, that the Committee used the peals published in The Ringing World as its source. Frank Blagrove questioned whether the 5040 Grandsire Variable Treble Triples could be classed as a peal of Original Triples and thereby included in the analysis. Stephanie Warboys suggested that this be left to the Methods Committee to review. Adoption of the report was agreed.
Phillip Barnes, Ben Duke and Mike Trimm retired and were not seeking re-election. The following member was proposed, seconded and elected: Derek Sibson. One vacancy was unfilled.
(i) Public Relations (pp453-455)
Adoption of the report was proposed by Neil Donovan and seconded by Michael Orme. Ernie Runciman queried the international reports: should the Isle of Man be included? Julia Lysaght added that the Irish Association included both the north, part of the United Kingdom, and the Republic. Andrew Aspland queried the phrase “Devon Style Call Change ringing”: was this in fact Devon call changes? Neil replied that any territory could submit copy for the international reports to Bruce Butler although the final decision on publication rested with the Editor of The Ringing World. Michael Orme, liaison member of the Committee for the Bells on Sunday programme, replied that descriptions of ringing had to be suitable for the general programme audience. Adoption of the report was then agreed.
Bruce Butler, Christopher O’Mahony and Stephanie Warboys retired. Chris Darvill had resigned. There were 5 vacancies on the Committee: the following members were proposed, seconded and elected: Barrie Dove and Bruce Butler. Three vacancies were unfilled.
John Couperthwaite proposed adoption of the report and drew attention to the two new titles available: Teaching Tips and The New Ringer’s Book. The report was seconded by Derek Jones. Derek Sibson asked if volume 2 of the History of Change Ringing would be reprinted and if there were any plans for the fourth volume. John Couperthwaite replied that volume 2 would only be reprinted if there were sufficient demand and that the next volume depended on an author or editor with the time for such a project. Adoption of the report was agreed.
Derek Jones and Beryl Norris retired. These two members were proposed, seconded and elected to fill the 2 vacancies on the Committee.
(k) Redundant Bells (pp455-456)
Adoption of the report was proposed by Bob Cooles, seconded by Alan Frost and agreed.
John Baldwin and Robert Cooles retired. These two members were proposed, seconded and elected to fill the 2 vacancies on the Committee.
Adoption of the report was proposed by Norman Mattingley, who thanked Christine Baldock for her work as Secretary of the Committee. Norman stated that no valid applications for the Young Persons Award had been received; however, the Committee is in contact with the Founders Company who remain supportive. Leslie Boyce, seconding, drew attention to the news sheet placed on the seats and to the forthcoming regional seminars for ringing centres advertised in this. Adoption of the report was then agreed.
Christine Baldock, Roger Booth and Janet Edwards (co-opted) retired. The following three members were proposed, seconded and elected: Roger Booth, Janet Edwards and Pip Penney. Two vacancies were unfilled.
(m) Ringing Trends (pp457-459)
In proposing adoption of the report, Beryl Norris drew attention to a new chart, displayed for members, showing that the majority of Council members were aged over 50. Stephen Elwell-Sutton seconded. Phillip Barnes commented that he had always been one of the younger members and that it was now time to seek answers. His view was supported by Barry Peachey, who, in his final speech as a Council member, stated that ringing currently shared the problems of Church of England congregations, and by Roger Bailey, who suggested that the Committee should be wound up and a Committee for Ringing established in its place. Peter Bennett pointed out that the Committee had been set up to ascertain the trends and to provide information to be used by Council committees and ringing societies; these should be criticised, not the Ringing Trends Committee. Andrew Wilby said that at the time this committee was formed many Council members were “in denial” about the decline of ringing. The committee had done important work in establishing that as fact and should continue its monitoring work into the future. It will always fall to local associations and tower captains to deliver solutions at grass roots level. Andrew proposed that the matter be referred to the Administrative Committee’s October meeting to consider how we can now address the crisis and work to attract more young learners. Roger Bailey seconded. The proposal was supported by Stephanie Warboys, company secretary of The Ringing Foundation; by Bill Hibbert, who urged the Council to increase its support for local branches and towers to help them deal with these recruitment and retention issues; and by Pip Penney, who suggested that a more radical approach was now needed as past measures were no longer effective. The proposal was carried. Angela Newing suggested that societies submit information on the ways in which they recruit and retain young ringers so that a list of ideas could be maintained. Don Roberts pointed out that Figure 1 (p458) showed some improvement; Derek Jones added that book sales were also encouraging. Beryl Norris thanked members for their contributions and reiterated that the Committee’s rôle is to monitor the situation and that other committees and ringing societies should use this information. Adoption of the report was then agreed.
Alison Hodge retired. Andrew Wilby and the Vice-President both urged members to assist the work of this Committee, with the Vice-President stressing that a key purpose of being a Council member is to undertake work for the Council. The following members were then proposed, seconded and elected: John Cater, Ashley Fortey, Alison Hodge and Tim Pett.
(n) Towers and Belfries (pp459-460)
Adoption of the report was proposed by James Clarke, who confirmed that the second sound control seminar would be held at St Giles, Holborn, on 25th September, and seconded by Chris Povey. Richard Edwards asked about delays in the supply of new bell ropes. James responded that the Committee was concerned at the lack of competition and delays of over 12 months; some potential alternative suppliers are experimenting with rope production. George Dawson added that Ellis & Pritchards had a full order book but would assist towers with urgent orders if possible. Adoption of the report was agreed.
James Clarke, Adrian Dempster, Alan Frost, Andrew Preston and Adrian Semken retired. Roland Backhurst, James Clarke, Alan Frost, Andrew Preston and Adrian Semken were proposed, seconded and elected to fill the 5 vacancies on the Committee.
Christopher O’Mahony, in proposing adoption of the report, referred to the Committee’s wide remit. He thanked Chris Mew for his work on child protection issues and active liaison with both the House of Bishops and the Home Office; the latest update note was available on the Committee’s web pages. He also thanked Janet Edwards for her work for the Committee. Robert Wood seconded and adoption of the report was agreed.
Christopher O’Mahony and Janet Edwards retired. Janet Edwards was not seeking re-election. The following members were proposed, seconded and elected to fill the 2 vacancies on the Committee: Christopher O’Mahony and David Salter.
The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12.45 p.m. and resumed, after the Annual Meeting of The Ringing World Limited, at 3.30 p.m.
(p) Bell Restoration (pp460-461)
Proposing adoption of the report, Robin Shipp referred to the recent grant awards (The Ringing World, p515) and added that grants from the Fred Dukes Fund had been offered to Kimberley, South Africa, and Bunbury, Western Australia. He noted that the Committee had awarded grants totalling £100,000 since 2001. Robin confirmed that training bands was seen as an integral part of any restoration project. Peter Wilkinson seconded and thanked Peter Trotman and the ICT Committee for their assistance with updating the Committee’s web pages. Chris Rogers, Guildford Diocesan Guild, asked if other guilds had experienced major increases in the costs of their personal accident insurance policies, which covered members working as volunteers on bell restoration projects. The Vice-President suggested that guild officers contact her or Chris Rogers about this directly. Adoption of the report was then agreed.
Jay Bunyan (co-opted) and Ian Oram retired. Laith Reynolds had resigned and Carol Hardwick had died. There were 4 vacancies on the Committee: these three members were proposed, seconded and elected: Frank Beech, Jay Bunyan and Ian Oram. One vacancy was unfilled.
The President thanked all committee members for their work for the Council, especially those not standing for re-election.
14. Report of the Stewards of the Carter Ringing Machine Collection
(RW 30th April 2010, p461)
(a) Adoption of the report was proposed by Alan Berry, seconded by Andrew Wilby and agreed.
(b) Appointment of Steward for 2010-11: Alan Berry referred to his statement proposing Bill Purvis as an Honorary Member; Bill demonstrated the machine during the open day at John Taylor & Co on Sunday 30th May and met many members of Council then. The President declared him elected.
15. Report of the Steward of the Rolls of Honour
(RW 30th April 2010, p462)
In proposing the report for adoption, Alan Regin stated that there were currently over 60 names to add to the Great War memorial book and 6 to add to that for the Second World War. He thanked the many people who had assisted with research and invited further assistance in identifying fallen ringers from tower memorials and other sources. Alan had received advice from bookbinders who recommended that pages should not be added to the Great War volume; he therefore proposed that a similar volume be commissioned and funded by contributions from towers and ringers so that additional names could be commemorated in the same way as in the past. Laith Reynolds seconded. George Dawson suggested that the Council proceed with the purchase of an additional volume and fundraise for this later, while Jenny Lawrence welcomed the proposal to seek funds from guilds and towers and thereby give ringers throughout the country a sense of ownership. Alison Hodge suggested that guild libraries could be a useful additional source of information. Adoption of the report was then agreed.
16. Report of the Stewards of the Dove Database
(RW 30th April 2010, p462)
Adoption of the report was proposed by Tim Jackson, who noted that half the entries have been updated since the last printed edition. Similar numerous changes have also been made to the proto-National Bell Register. Tim encouraged members to continue to submit revised information for Dove, the Register and the bell frame database. Michael Williams seconded. George Dawson asked about the policy for listing foreign towers in the forthcoming 10th printed edition; Tim Jackson undertook to review this. Adoption of the report was agreed.
17. Central Council Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells (Registered Charity no. 278816)
Report and Accounts
(RW 30th April 2010, p463)
In proposing adoption of the report and accounts, Bob Cooles confirmed that the outstanding loans to parishes, including Northampton, had now been repaid and individual loans repaid to ringers. He thanked ringers for their expressions of support for the proposed transfer of the bells from Hanley to Stone. Robert Lewis seconded. In reply to Roger Bailey, Bob Cooles stated that the old Northampton bells no longer exist as a ring of eight. Laith Reynolds quoted from the Committee’s current terms of reference and suggested that these should be revised to allow for the transfer of bells to secular towers; Bob agreed that such a change might be consistent with charitable status if public benefit could be demonstrated. David Kelly clarified the position on the transfer of bells from Cradley (not Cradwell) Heath: three of these bells were passed on to St John the Divine, Merton, and not the Highfield bells as printed in the report. Simon Linford informed members that he hoped for a successful outcome to the Hanley planning appeal. Adoption of the report and accounts was agreed.
The President reminded members that invitations had been accepted for future years as follows:
An invitation had been received from the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild for 2016; the meeting agreed that this should be accepted.
The President reminded Council that an invitation for 2015 would be welcomed and suggested that any society with a significant anniversary that year should consider inviting the Council to its area.
Jane Mason outlined plans for the visit of the Council to Hereford in 2011.
The Hon Secretary reported on attendance at the meeting as set out in the table below and thanked Stephen Franklin for compiling the attendance records.
(a) The President sought agreement for the ballot papers to be destroyed and this was given.
(b) The Hon Secretary reminded members to return badges or badge holders.
(c) Any member wishing to order polo or sweat shirts with the commemorative logo should contact Gill Hughes.
(d) Tim Pett, trustee of the Sharpe Collection, informed members that the Pitt Rivers Museum wished the collection to be moved. He expected accommodation for this and other such bell collections to become more difficult in future and invited members to contact him directly to discuss this further.
(e) Frank Beech thanked members for their support for the proposed transfer of the Hanley bells to Stone.
(f) Ashley Fortey invited support for the bell and tower restoration project at Yarkhill, the birthplace of Fabian Stedman.
(g) Stephen Pettman urged the Methods Committee to review the Decision on the naming of Minor methods; he had rung a block of 1440 of a new method but this had not been accepted as it was not an extent.
The President moved a comprehensive vote of thanks to all those involved in the Council’s visit to Derby: to the organising committee of the Derby Diocesan Association: Pat Halls, Jane Boden, John Cater, Andrew Hall, Gill Hughes, Emma Humphrey, Don Jones, Hazel Jones and Ian Sterritt; and to all the members of the Association who had willingly given assistance on the Help Desk, at that day’s meeting and throughout the weekend, provided stewards for the tours and acted as tellers and microphone operatives that day; to the Bishop of Derby, the Right Reverend Alastair Redfern, for his welcome to the Diocese; to the Reverend Dr John Davies for the Songs of Praise service the previous afternoon in Melbourne; to all those involved in the organisation of the Sunday evening Reception and Dinner and especially the Mayor of Derby, Councillor Amar Nath, and the Chairman of the County Council, Councillor Robin Baldry, for their welcome; to the Vicar of St Andrew with St Osmund, the Reverend Canon Donald Macdonald, for the service of Holy Communion that morning; to the Chairman, Nicholas Smith, for the visit to Smith of Derby on Friday; to the Directors and Staff for the visit to John Taylor & Co on Sunday; to the staff of the Derby Conference Centre; and to the incumbents and ringers of the churches who had made their bells available to Council members (applause).
The President thanked all members, and particularly those retiring at the end of this triennium, for their support during this meeting and throughout the year. He stated that, on the conclusion of this meeting, all Honorary Members who were Stewards would become Ex-officio members and all other Honorary Members would become Additional Members with their terms expiring three years after they were last elected.
Harold Rogers thanked the President and officers for their work during the year and for the conduct of the meeting.
The President declared the meeting closed at 4.16 p.m.
Members | |||
Societies | Present | Absent | |
Fully represented | 48 | 146 | - |
Partly represented | 13 | 35 | 11 |
Not represented | 5 | - | 7 |
66 | 181 | 18 | |
Life Members | 4 | 2 | |
Honorary Members | 18 | 0 | |
Ex-officio | 1 | ||
204 | 20 | ||
The Ringing World, September 17, 2010, pages 936 to 940, corrections April 29, 2011, page 432
(Archivist’s note: also absent were Jim Taylor (Bath & Wells Dio. Assn), William Jones (Coventry Dio. Guild), Paul Pascoe (Devon Assn), Vanora Hereward (Dorset County Assn), Geoff Emerson (Gloucester & Bristol Dio. Assn) and Tim Joiner (Middlesex County Assn. & London Dio. Guild))