© Anthony P. Smith, March 2025

Surprise Royal methods
NameNotationhllelhfchTower bellsPlaceHandbellsRW ref
Fryerning- 34 - 14 - 12 - 1230 - 12 - 1230 - 12 - 1230 - 12 -3012acps/BD15.12.201415/13
Flodden- 34 - 14 - 12 - 1230 - 12 - 50 - 14 - 50 - 14 -50121362485079Spliced08/942
Hobgoblin- 34 - 14 - 12 - 1230 - 14 - 50 - 16 - 70 - 18 -9012c1cps/BDc17.12.1999Thatcham28. 9.201195/277 00/33 11/1068
WIGHTLink- 34 - 14 - 12 - 3670 - 34 - 30 - 34 - 30 - 34 -70121302896745Spliced06/861
Westminster- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 12 - 30 - 12 - 30 - 12 -3012acps/BD3. 5.2006Stubbington, Narnia Campanile9. 3.196767/292 06/471
Foss Islands- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 12 - 50 - 12.34.50 - 14 -5012fF/BDcSpliced03/297
Portsmouth- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 50 - 56 - 70 - 16 -7010k1cps/BDd25. 9.1993Portsmouth Cathedral89/13 68 93/1069
Wensum- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 34 - 1458 - 12 - 50 - 34 -1010mcps/BDa228.11.1987Wymondham (Norfolk)87/1141
Allbrook- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 34 - 18 - 36 - 30 - 78 -1012ecps/BDa221. 6.2005Bishopstoke05/647
Norwich- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 34 - 30 - 34 - 30 - 34 -1010mcps/BDa211.12.1972Isleworth31. 1.197973/49 79/163
Fratton Park- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 34 - 50 - 14 - 50 - 34 -5012fcps/BDa2c16. 1.2010Rickmansworth06/861 10/118
Pompey- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 34 - 50 - 14 - 50 - 34 -5010lcps/BDa2c29.11.1980Portsmouth Cathedral81/54
Allendale- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.12 - 12.30.12 - 12.30.12 - 12.3012acps/BD3. 2.201414/188
Tythby- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.12 - 14.50 - 16 - 70 - 16 -7010k1cps/BDc23. 1.2001Beeston01/219
Denali- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.12 - 14.50 - 16 - 70.16 - 16.7010k1cps/BDc22.12.2007Newbold-on-Avon08/87
Ireby- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.12 - 14.50.16 - 16.70 - 16 -7010k1cps/BDc28. 1.2003Saltby03/178
Banbury Cross- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.12 - 14.50.16 - 16.70 - 78 -1010j1cps/BDc16. 5.1998Banbury98/626
Otterbourne- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.12 - 14.50.16 - 16.70.16 - 16.7010k1cps/BDc12.10.1996Bishopstoke96/1148
Friar Bellows- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.12 - 1470.58.16 - 16.70.16 - 78.9012fcps/BDcSpliced22/1085
Warkworth- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.30.14 - 12.30.14 - 12.3010mcps/BDOd18. 1.1992Northampton, St Giles92/187
Longmead- 34 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - - 50.14.56 -3012ecps/BDd25. 8.2009Bishopstoke05/988 09/949
Zorin- 34 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 12 - 50 - 56 - 70.12 - 14.7012aT/BDa1cSpliced03/466
Bronescombe- 34 - 14 - 12.50.36 - 12 - 50 - 56 - 50 - 56 -1012bT/BDaSpliced18/1035
Hessian- 34 - 14 - 12.50.36 - 12.70.58 - 16 - 30 - 14 -7012d1T/BDcSpliced15/262
Jacobian- 34 - 14 - 12.50.36 - 12.70.58 - 16 - 30 - 14 -7010j1T/BDcSpliced15/262
Eelingdon- 34 - 14 - 56 - 30 - 1478 - 38 - 16.34.70 - 12 -7010lcps/Da112. 6.1997South Croydon97/732
Iona- 34 - 14.56 - 56.30 - 14 - 50 - 16 - 70 - 18 -9012c1cps/Da1c9. 4.201414/471
Sussex County- 34 - 14.50 - 70.36 - 14 - 1250.36 - 16.70 - 16 -7010hcps/Dc27. 5.1985Brighton, St Peter85/562
Actium- 34 - 14.50.12 - 30.12 - 70.58.16 - -9012aBDT/BDcSpliced08/942
Battle of Trafalgar- 34 - 1450 - 56 - 16 - 14 - 30 - 16 - 50 - 16 -5012bcps/BDN2cd16.10.2005Portsmouth Cathedral05/1135
Ourumov- 3450 - 14 - 12.50.38 - 78 - 58 - 56 - 70.12 - 14.9012fBDT/Ba1cSpliced03/466
Whitehaven- 3450 - 14 - 56 - 36 - 14 - 50 - 16 - 70 - 18 -9012c1BD/Bc29. 8.1993Whitehaven12. 9.199393/1003 1023 1084
Birmingham- 36 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 30 - 16 -9012bcps/DE8. 2.1951Birmingham Cathedral51/130
Aldsworth- 36 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 30.16 - 16.9012bcps/DE27. 8.1993Thatcham71/30 202 93/1025
Painswick- 36 - 14 - 50 - 16 - 12 - 50 - 16 - 50 - 18 -9012bcps/BEK1N229.10.1938Leatherhead38/711
Blackburn- 36 - 14 - 50 - 16 - 12 - 50 - 16 - 50 - 18 -9010gcps/BEK1N222. 8.1976Blackburn Cathedral76/802
Fontenay- 36 - 14 - 50 - 16.34.12 - 3450 - 16 - 70 - 78 -5012c1BD/BEN29. 1.1997Bishopstoke97/145
Narborough- 36 - 14 - 50 - 30 - 14 - 1258 - 36 - 70 - 18 -9012bcps/Ed2. 5.1960Loughborough Bellfoundry60/344
Willsbridge- 36 - 1456 - 50 - 38 - 1470 - 38 - 16 - 5670 - 58 -9012bcps/Ec31.10.1993Bristol, Christ Church93/1213 94/95
Flaming Star Nebula- 36 - 1470.58 - - 14.70.14 - 16.7012c1cps/Ec18. 5.2008Burnley08/622
Southgate No.1- 36 - 16 - 50 - 38 - 1470 - 38 - 16 - 50 - 58 -1012aI/ESpliced07/1219
Superlative No.1- 36 - 16 - 50 - 38 - 1470 - 38 - 16 - 50 - 58 -9012bI/E27. 3.1826Wakefield Cathedral
Courtleigh- 3670 - 1450 - 58 - 3670 - 1470 - 1458 - 36 - 1670 - 1458 -1012acps/Ob23. 3.1995South Croydon95/448
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious- 38 - 14 - 58 - 36 - 1470 - 58 - 36 - 70 - 38 -9012159372068420. 4.1988Edenham88/482 90/675
Comparative- 38 - 14 - 70 - 38 - 14 - 30 - 14 - 3450 - 36 -9012bcps/cd11. 4.2016Wakefield Cathedral16/36 16/419
St James' Park- 38 - 1456 - 70 - 36.14 - 34.50.16 - 16.70 - 78 -1010j1cps/DK1a2cdSpliced10/333
Superlative No.2- 38 - 1478 - 70 - 38 - 1470 - 38 - 14 - 3470 - 38 -9012bcps/c21. 9.1935Beddington1.10.197535/614 36/259 75/933
Harleston No.2- 38 - 1478 - 70 - 38 - 1470 - 38 - 14 - 3470 - 38 -9010gcps/cSpliced10/333
Concrete Pigeon- 30 - 14 - 12 - 1230 - 14 - 30 - 12 - 30 - 14 -9012bcps/BDcd11. 8.2019Oxford, Magdalen College19/898
Grundisburgh- 30 - 14 - 12 - 1230 - 14 - 30 - 16 - 50 - 16 -5010mcps/BDN2cd9. 4.1960Grundisburgh60/274
Osborne- 30 - 14 - 12 - 1230 - 14 - 30 - 16 - 70 - 58 -9012bcps/BDEcd12. 5.1998Saltby14. 2.199393/277 98/629
Aldwych- 30 - 14 - 12 - 1230 - 14 - 30.16 - 16.70.16 - 12.7012c1cps/BDa1cd16.12.2019Westminster, St Clement Danes20/36
Dereham- 30 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 1450 - 16 - 50 - 16 -5012bcps/BDN2c8. 5.2006Knottingley06/502
Stafford- 30 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 1450 - 36 - 1450 - 16 -5012bcps/BD2. 5.1988Stafford88/506
Friars Gate- 30 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 30 - 12 - 50.14 - 14.5012fcps/BDcSpliced18/33
Zigadenus- 30 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 34 - 30.14 - 14.50.14 - 14.5012fcps/BDK19. 6.2006Rothwell (Northants)06/622
Three Jubilees- 30 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 3470 - 58 - 14 - 50 - 16 -9012c1cps/BDc26.10.2002Derby Cathedral02/1184
Elvina- 30 - 14 - 12 - 18 - - 16.70 - 16 -1012ecps/BDcSpliced23/912
Gunthorpe- 30 - 14 - 12 - 36 - 14 - 50 - 14 - 30 - 14 -9012c1cps/BDK15.12.1995Saltby96/96
Withycombe Raleigh- 30 - 14 - 12 - 36 - 34 - 58 - 56 - 70 - 18 -5012fcps/BDa118. 2.1993Withycombe Raleigh93/347
Onnum- 30 - 14 - 12 - 36.12 - 14.30.14 - 14.50.14 - 14.5012fcps/BDcd8. 6.2007Saltby07/666
Bad Homburg- 30 - 14 - 12 - 36.12 - 14.30.16 - -7012bcps/BDcdSpliced18/255
Melton- 30 - 14 - 12 - 36.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.3012bcps/BDK1O2. 3.1929Leicester Cathedral5. 2.199629/146 171 96/252
Gresty Road- 30 - 14 - 12 - 36.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.3010gcps/BDK1OSpliced07/1269
Rams Head- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 12 - 18 - 16 - 70 - 58 -7012bcps/BDN112. 4.2008Sapcote08/498
Warwickshire- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 70 - 18 -9012bcps/BDO9. 8.1951Birmingham Cathedral3. 4.201251/531 686 12/398
Argyll- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 3450 - 16 - 70 - 18 -9012bcps/BDK128. 8.1977Inveraray77/867
Gayton- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 30 - 14 - 50 - 38 -9012bcps/BDK1b12. 4.1969Northampton, St Giles69/370
Satisfaction- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 30 - 1456 - 1250 - 1456 -5012d1cps/BDK117. 3.2000Thatcham94/284 00/349
Sabrena- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 30 - 1456 - 1250 - 1456 -5010j1cps/BDK1Spliced97/455 863
Harpole- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 30 - 16 - 50 - 14 -3010mcps/BDK18.12.1968Daventry21. 4.199469/12 94/562
Thurnham- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 58 - 12 - 50 - 14 -1012ecps/BDK1a2c18.10.1994Maidstone, All Saints94/1167
Killingworth- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 58 - 14 - 1450 - 12 -1012ecps/BDK121. 6.1994Maidstone, All Saints94/735
Inchcape- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 50 - 34 - 1670 - 18 -9012bcps/BDK121. 5.1996Saltby96/684
Beckington- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 1470 - 1458 - 36 - 1450 - 36 -9012bcps/BDc30. 4.2013Thatcham8. 1.198484/150 13/510
Bourne- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30 - 34 - 30 - 34 - 30 - 34 -3012ecps/BDa6. 8.198787/773
Dalby- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.50 - 16 - 70 - 16 -7012c1cps/BDK1c16. 4.2001York, St Wilfrid01/515
Dembleby- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.50.16 - 16.50 - 56 -9012bcps/BDK1a1c8. 2.2003Hatfield (Herts)03/274
Votta- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.50.16 - 16.50 - 78 -9012bcps/BDK1c24. 6.2014Bishopstoke14/743
Monkhill- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.50.16 - 16.50.14 - 14.9012bcps/BDK1c12. 3.2005Pontefract, St Giles05/309
Derwent Edge- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.50.16 - 16.70 - 16 -7012c1cps/BDK1c24. 1.2004Duffield5.11.201604/154 16/1170
Rooksby- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.50.16 - 16.70.16 - 16.7012c1cps/BDK1c22. 6.2004Saltby04/685
Toll Bar Island- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 12.50.16 - 16.70.56 - 58.9012bcps/BDEK1c12. 3.2011Church Lawford, Plantagenet Ring11/337
Venford- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.38.14 - 34.70 - 18 -7012bcps/BDK1a222.12.2015Saltby16/58
Okeover- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.30 - 12 - 50 - 16 -9012bcps/BDK11. 4.1989Macclesfield, Christ Church89/483
Roker Park- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30 - 1456 -9012bcps/BDK15.12.1987Roker88/11 384
Promethium- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30.14 - 12.9012bcps/BDK122. 2.1986Duffield86/296
Julie McDonnell- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30.14 - 1234 .9012bBD/BDK124. 4.2017Knottingley17/506
York- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.3012acps/BDK129.12.1928Leicester Cathedral20. 3.196229/3 11 62/228
New Durham- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30.14 - 34.1012acps/BDK1a229. 6.1991Worsley13.11.196262/828 91/696
Feering- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.30.14 - 14.30.14 - 34.9012bcps/BDK1a217.11.1989Thatcham71/30 202 90/44
Jugsholme- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 14.50.16 - 16.70.58 - 18.3010mcps/BDK114. 5.1967Daventry67/366
Kirkby- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 34.18 - 56 - 5670 - 18 -7012bcps/BDK1a25. 7.2023Saltby23/813
Effingham- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 34.58 - 56 - 1670 - 18 -7012bcps/BDK1a218. 8.2008Rotherham, All Saints08/942
Milner- 30 - 14 - 12 - 30.14 - 70.58.12 - 16.70 - 16.78.9010k1BD/BDK1cSpliced97/455 863
Museum Gardens- 30 - 14 - 12.50.1236 - 14 - 1450 - 56 - 50 - 56 -3010mBD/BDK1aSpliced03/297
Southampton University- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 12.70.18 - 16 - 70.16.78 -9012aBD/BDc15. 6.2002Southampton, St Mary02/712
End of Exams- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 34 - 50 - 16 - 1670 - 16 -7012fBD/BDa2c21. 6.1997Berkeley97/1050
Remus- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 34 - 50 - 16 - 1670 - 16 -7010lBD/BDa2c26. 9.202316/203 23/1004
Jovium- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 34 - 50 - 16 - 50 - 16 -5012c1BD/BDN2a2c15.10.202121/988
Fauxbos- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 34 - 50 - 16 - 70.16 - 123456.7010lBD/BDa2c25. 4.2024Sydney, NSW, St Mary's Cathedral24/1097
Harrison- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 34 - 50 - 16 - 70.16 - 56.7012fBD/BDac25. 8.1997Stroud97/951
Phobia- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 34 - 50 - 16 - 70.16 - 56.7010lBD/BDac28. 7.201515/892
Lundyite- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - 34.70.58 - 16 - 70 - 16 -9012aBD/BDa2c6. 6.2010Lundy Island10/666
Lochdubh- 30 - 14 - 12.50.16 - - 16.70 - 16 -1010mBD/BDa2cSpliced97/455
St Neots- 30 - 14 - - 70.58.16 - 16.70 - 16 -9012aBD/BDa2c9. 7.2005St Neots05/719
Ujay- 30 - 14 - 12.50.36 - 14 - 30.16 - 16.70.16 - 16.7010lBD/BDcd28.11.2004Stockton on Tees05/11
Tanglefoot- 30 - 14 - - 1470.58.16 - 16.30.16 - 12.7010hBD/BDdSpliced95/277
Claycoton- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 - 1450 - 14 - 70 - 58 -7012fBD/Bcd1. 2.2013Rothwell (Northants)13/182
Upwood- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 - 50 - 14 - 50 - 14 -5012fBD/Bc26.11.1977Hillingdon26.11.199277/1113 93/16
Catherine- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 - 50.14 - 14.50.14 - 14.5012fBD/Bc25.11.2010Leicester, St Mary de Castro10/1258
Goulceby- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 12 - 50.16 - 16.50.14 - 14.9012c1BD/Bc25.10.2005Saltby05/1086
Pickworth- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 1270 - 1458 - 14 - 50 - 56 -5012fBD/Bc6.12.2013Rothwell (Northants)14/11
Grampian- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 34 - 1450 - 14 - 1450 - 14 -5012fBD/Ba2c19. 2.2023Beeston23/266
Zummerzet- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 16 - 34 - 50 - 14 - 50 - 14 -5012fBD/Ba2c14. 5.1983Banwell31. 1.199683/468 96/252
Shepton Beauchamp- 30 - 14 - 1256 - - 14.50.14 - 14.5012fBD/Bc14. 7.2009Shepton Beauchamp09/777
Rylands- 30 - 14 - 1256 - 36 - 14 - 50 - 14 - 3450 - 14 -5012fBD/BK1d28. 8.2018Saltby18/720 886
Nelson- 30 - 14 - 1258 - 16 - 1470 - 38 - 14 - 70 - 38 -9012bE/Bc14.10.2005Saltby05/1135
St Michael- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 1236 - 1270 - 1238 - 14 - 50 - 18 -9012bBD/BN131.10.1970Southampton, St Michael70/940
Mortlake- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 1236 - 1270 - 1458 - 16 - 70 - 18 -9012bBD/B11. 9.1971Banbury71/870
Isle of Purbeck- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 1236 - 70 - 38 - 14 - 50 - 18 -9012bBD/BN1c4. 9.2004Kingston (Dorset)04/925
Wareham- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 14 - 30.14 - 14.70.14 - 14.7012c1BD/BOc9.11.2010Wareham10/1206
Axminster- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 14 - 58 - 16 - 70 - 18 -7012bBD/BO20. 3.1988Shoreditch71/30 202 88/417
Exodus- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 1470 - 18 - 14 - 3450 - 16 -9012bBD/BK1c9. 4.2005Bishopstoke05/406
East Sussex- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 1470 - 38 - 14 - 1250 - 36 -9012bBD/BcSpliced06/526
Hamtun- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 1470 - 38 - 16 - 70 - 58 -9012bBD/B4.11.2007Northampton, All Saints07/1218
Five Bridges- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 3470 - 18 - 16 - 30 - 16 -9012bBD/B30.10.1993Edington4. 6.198989/576 93/1166
St Gregory- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 3470 - 3458 - 16 - 1270 - 18 -9012bBD/B12. 3.1977Daventry77/298
Foxstone- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 18 - 16 - 5670 - 58 -9012bBD/Bc2. 1.2006Rothwell (Northants)06/81
Milly- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 18 - 16 - 50 - 34 -9012bBD/Ba1cTouch18/1091
Emily- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 18 - 16 - 50 - 78 -9012bBD/BDc3.11.1990Sydney, NSW, St Andrew's Cathedral90/1169
Woolsthorpe- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 18 - 16 - 50.78 - 78.9012bBD/BDc12.11.2004Saltby04/1168
Edworth- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 18 - 34 - 3470 - 18 -9012bBD/Ba2c8.12.2006Saltby07/10
Rutland Water- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 18 - 34 - 30 - 14 -5012fBD/Ba2c1. 1.2005Rothwell (Northants)05/83
Baillieston- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 18 - 56 - 5670 - 18 -9012bBD/Ba1c23. 9.2006Rothwell (Northants)06/983
Xining- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 38 - 14 - 70 - 18 -9012bBD/BEc10. 3.2006Saltby06/306
East Haddon- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 16 - 70 - 58 - 16 - 1270 - 18 -9012bBD/Bc2. 5.1986Moulton (Northants)86/498
Leamington- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 12 - 30 - 14 - 70 - 18 -9012bBD/BDN126. 8.2004Thorverton93/470 04/949
Winchester- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1270 - 38 - 14 - 50 - 18 -9012bBD/BN131. 7.1954Southampton, St Michael54/514 541
Hursley- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1270 - 38 - 14 - 50 - 18 -9010gBD/BN15. 1.2002Hursley02/58
Zebedee- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1270 - 38 - 14 - 50 - 18.56.9012bBD/BN115. 3.1996Thatcham96/466
Dreamship- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 1258 - 36.14.70 - 58.16.9012bBDR/B15.11.2011Sydney, NSW, St Mary's Cathedral11/1209
Golden Valley- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 38 - 1456 - 1270 - 18 -5012c1BD/B25. 5.198989/576
Mow Cop- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 38 - 16 - 3450 - 14 -1010mBD/BSpliced78/734
Shanks- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 58 - 16 - 1270 - 1458 -7012fBD/BSpliced99/1017
Cambridge- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 58 - 16 - 70 - 18 -9012bBD/B26.10.1822Wakefield Cathedral30. 3.194747/160
Primrose- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 58 - 16 - 70 - 18 -9010gBD/B10. 7.1965Macclesfield, Christ Church65/534
Shepton Beauchamp Halt- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 58 - 16 - 70 - 18.34.9012bBD/B6. 9.2018Shepton Beauchamp18/959
Havant- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 58 - 16 - 70 - 18.56.9012bBDR/B4. 6.1977Slough77/574
Goulburn- 30 - 14 - 1250 - 36 - 1470 - 50 - 16 - 70 - 18 -5012bBD/B4. 4.2021Goulburn, NSW21/763

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