1. Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome

    The Master, Rev B J Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, D C Jackson, and the Honorary General Treasurer, M Bubb, opened the meeting at 10.06 with prayers, and welcomed the 17 other members present. The Master especially welcomed David Hughes as Alton and Petersfield District Secretary returning to the committee after a nine year absence, and Francis Mitchell, the new Portsmouth District Representative.

  2. Apologies for Absence

    Apologies were received from:-
    Faith & Tony Webster, Peter Hill, Elizabeth Johnson, Malcolm Powell, Martin Waldron, Jane Le Conte, Pauline Underwood, David Forder, and Brian Oakes.

  3. Loss of Members through death

    The meeting stood in silence to remember Clive Chennel-White (Alton), Albert Marriner (Buriton), Mrs Nellie C Holt (Preston Candover), Trevor Matcham (Eling), Dan Matkin (Bournemouth - Life Member and former Peal Recorder).

  4. Minutes of the last meeting (25 November 1989)

    Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by the Minute Secretary in December. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed.

  5. Matters Arising

    1. Insurance. The Secretary reported that the Guild's Public Liability and Library insurance had now been effected through the Central Council. Members were advised that it might be necessary to advise the Guild's brokers (Blake Marston Priest) when major restoration projects are undertaken in case additional cover is required.

    2. Bound Reports. Kim Matthews advised that the most recent bound reports in the library were for the years 1974-80. It was suggested that copies of the report for the early 1980's might be with Andrew Barnsdale and Kim Matthews agreed to investigate.

    3. Sweatshirts and Jerseys. Heather Peachey reported that sales were going well. 25 sweatshirts and 20 jerseys had been sold making a profit of £122.50 for the BRF. Orders placed and paid would produce a profit of £42.50 and orders received but not yet paid would produce a further £67. Altogether, 59 sweatshirts and 30 jerseys had been sold or ordered.

    4. Library Cabinet. Kim Matthews had obtained some estimates in respect of a cabinet. These were £750 + vat and delivery for a new cabinet the size of a two drawer filing cabinet, or £395 + vat and delivery for a reconditioned cabinet. The delivery charge would be £50. Alternatively, a cabinet in a lighter material would be £495 + vat, including delivery or a smaller cupboard would be £375 + vat. A T Collins advised that a very small cabinet could be purchased for approximately £35, but it was not clear whether this would be suitable for the library's needs. Following a discussion it was proposed by R Cater, seconded by A T Collins that the Librarian and Treasurer should consider and put a recommendation to the Annual Meeting. This was carried nem. con.

    5. Striking Competitions Report. The Secretary circulated a note of the inter district and the 6 and 8 bell competitions, at the meeting. Subject to minor amendments, the Master proposed adoption of the report. This was carried nem. con.

    6. Valuable library bocks. Following investigation by the Librarian, it now appeared that the Guild's edition of New Campanalogia might be a 1975 reprint, and also that Clavis Campanalogia was an 1887 edition, not the original. Kim Matthews would investigate further with A P Smith.

  6. Honorary Life Members

    D M Hughes advised that a Bentley ringer had been ringing for 48 years, and although now in this Guild, the tower was previously within the Guildford Guild. D Hughes agreed to make further investigations including establishing how long the ringer had been a member of the Guildford Guild, and how long a member of this Guild.

  7. Correspondence

    1. The Secretary circulated copies of details he had received as to a barbecue and dance to be held in aid of East Meon bells on Saturday 23 June 1990.

    2. The Guildford Guild were hosting the Essex Trophy striking competition at Guildford on 15 September 1990. R LeMarechal agreed to organize a band.

    3. Elizabeth Johnson had forwarded a letter from W O Haythorne which the Secretary had acknowledged.

    4. B F Peachey had advised the Secretary of a course on ringing being offered by the North East Hants Institute at a fee of £6. Heather Peachey advised that Odiham bells were used for the course. The Secretary had written to the college Principal drawing attention to various matters including the need for insurance.

    5. The Secretary had circulated copies of draft rules for the 1990 striking competitions, formulated by the Striking Competitions Committee. Subject to an alteration in respect of the closing date for entries in respect of the 6 and 8 bell competitions (31 May 1990 being the suggested closing date) and substitution of 1990 for 1989 as the date of the competitions, the rules were approved on a proposition by the Master.

    6. The Secretary had received information relating to a "Creation Festival" which, was to be held on 26-28 May and had copies for those interested.

    7. Literature promoting The Manual of Bell Control by Norman Chaddock was passed to the Librarian and district secretaries.

    8. R Cater had written to encourage the Guild to sponsor a student to attend the 1990 Central Council Ringing School to be held at Moulton, Northants on the last weekend in July. The question of sponsorship was felt to be more appropriate for districts to consider.

  8. Honorary General Secretary's report

    The Secretary's report was circulated at the meeting. Subject to various minor amendments, adoption of the report was proposed by Gilian Davis, seconded by R Cater, and carried nem. con. The Secretary commented that following the results of the Central Council Survey of Ringing, it was clear that action was needed to try to encourage younger ringers. It was suggested that members should give consideration to this before the next meeting. R Cater felt that at the next meeting, the best course of action would be to set up a small sub-committee to recommend action to be taken.

  9. Honorary General Treasurer's report

    The Treasurer's report and accounts were circulated at the meeting. Subject to minor amendments to the report by the Treasurer, the report and accounts were approved on a proposition by A P Smith, seconded by R M Esbester.

  10. Honorary Peal Recorder's report

    R LeMarechal presented his annual report to the meeting. Adoption of the report was proposed by A P Smith, seconded by A T Collins, and carried nem. con. The Treasurer then suggested that an increase in peal fees should be considered as these had not increased since 1984 whereas the cost of printing peals in the Annual Report had been steadily increasing. Following a discussion, the Treasurer proposed a recommendation to the Annual Meeting that peal fees be increased to 50p with effect from 1 January 1991, with the proportions of the fees to be transferred to the Bell Restoration and General Funds being equal. This was seconded by A P Smith and carried nem. con.

  11. Honorary Librarian's report

    Kim Matthews presented her report and accounts. The Committee were advised that the new Library contact at Christchurch was Roger Allen. Adoption of the report and accounts was proposed by Ruth Jackson and seconded by R Cater. The Treasurer proposed that the Library account be topped up by £50. This was seconded by R M Esbester and both proposals were carried nem. con.

  12. Public Relations Officer's report

    Joyce Reed presented her report and accounts. Adoption of both was proposed by A P Smith and seconded by R LeMarechal. The Treasurer proposed that the account be topped up by £125. This was seconded by R LeMarechal and both proposals were carried nem. con.

  13. Annual Report

    Ruth Jackson reported that the quotation for printing the report which had been accepted by the principal officers was £1109.59. It was intended that the report would go to press within one week. The Treasurer proposed that £30 should be transferred to the Report Editor to cover expenses. This was seconded by R LeMarechal and carried nem. con.

  14. Report and Accounts of the Trustees of the Bell Restoration Fund

    The Treasurer circulated the report and accounts at the meeting. Adoption was proposed by the Master and carried nem. con. The Treasurer advised the meeting that he was considering whether the BRF should establish a "100 Club". The meeting felt that this would be worth pursuing and the Trustees were asked to undertake further investigations with a view to placing the matter before the Annual Meeting for a possible launch in 1991. Members were asked to advise the Trustees of the rules of any similar clubs of which they were aware.

  15. Restoration Work

    The Secretary circulated a note of current restoration work at the meeting. Subject to minor amendments, this was adopted on a proposition of the Master.

  16. Ideas from districts for improving the Annual General Meeting.

    Heather Peachey, advised that the Basingstoke district felt that the timing of the AGM was wrong, both as to date and time. The district also felt that there was too much time spent discussing matters which could have been decided at the Executive Committee. There was general discussion about the possibility, of a change in the date or format of the meeting or whether it might be better to have more than one date in the year when AGM business could be dealt with. It was suggested that timing each item would show where most time was spent. There was general agreement that the Guild should be run by all the members and not just the Executive Committee. The Master agreed to consider the suggestions made with the other principal officers and mention the matter at the AGM. It was considered to be important that members could see that some action was being taken in the matter.

  17. Change of Rule 14

    The Andover Annual District Meeting had proposed a change of Rule 14, replacing the word Secretary with the word Treasurer. The amended rule would read: "Each District Treasurer shall receive ALL subscriptions of members in his District …". This proposal was considered together with item 18 below.

  18. Change of Rule 12

    Associated with the proposed change of Rule 14, the Andover District had proposed a corresponding change to Rule 12 to include the post of District Treasurer in the list of District Officers to be elected. The Secretary proposed that these two changes of rule should be supported by the Executive and recommended to the Annual Meeting with an acknowledgement that the proposal originated from the Andover District. This was seconded by the Treasurer and carried, A P Smith voting against.

  19. Change of Rule 4

    At minute 14/11/89, the Committee had co-opted A Case as Minute Secretary in accordance with Rule 4. At that time, the Secretary suggested that when another change of rule was put forward, the opportunity could be taken to add this post to the list of Officers in Rules 4 & 5. It was therefore proposed by Barbara Townsend and seconded by R Cater that the Annual Meeting be recommended to add the post of Minute Secretary to the list of Officers in Rules 4 and 5. This was carried nem. con.

  20. Guild Annual General Meeting - 7 July 1990, Whitchurch

    Barbara Townsend advised that it was hoped to have two routes of open towers leading to Whitchurch. The Service would be held at 2 pm and would be followed by the Annual Meeting. There would be further ringing in the evening.

  21. Date and Venue of Next Meeting

    The Secretary suggested that the Committee might revert to holding only one meeting each year, but it was felt that this might make the Spring meeting even longer. The Master proposed that the Committee should hold an Autumn meeting in 1990, and this was carried nem. con. It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Saturday 10 November 1990 commencing at 10 am at a venue to be arranged.

  22. Any Other Business

    1. D Hughes reported that the Central Council Publications Committee had a number of copies of the reprint of Rev W E Colchester's "Hampshire Church Bells" available from the Ringing World Office at a cost of around £3.

    2. R Milford asked for suggestions for a speaker for the Annual Dinner to propose a toast to the visitors.

    There being no further business, the Master closed the meeting with prayers at 1.17 pm.