1. Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome

    The Master, Rev Barry Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, Derek Jackson, the Honorary General Treasurer, Michael Bubb, and the Minute Secretary, Andrew Case, opened the meeting at 10.05 with prayers, and welcomed the 19 other members present. The Master especially welcomed Stephen Donovan as the Christchurch and Southampton District Representative, David Forder as the Winchester District Representative, returning to the Executive having been General Secretary from 1965 until 1971, and Alan Hoar, representing the Basingstoke District. The Master also congratulated Joyce Croft, the Guild Public Relations Officer, attending her first meeting since her marriage to John Croft.

  2. Apologies for Absence

    Apologies were received from:-
    Faith & Tony Webster, Malcolm Powell, Jane Le Conte, Pauline Underwood, Brian Oakes, and Heather Peachey.

  3. Loss of Members through death

    There was no loss of members to report.

  4. Minutes of the last meeting (10 March 1990)

    Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by the Minute Secretary in April. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed.

  5. Matters Arising

    1. Library. Kim Matthews advised that the Annual Reports for the period from 1979 were being bound. It had also been established that the Library copy of Campanalogia was not an eighteenth century edition, but the Bell News reprint.

    2. Insurance. The Secretary circulated brief details of the Guild's Public Liability and all risks insurance so that members could be advised of the cover through District Secretaries. The Secretary agreed to obtain a copy of the policy document from the brokers.

    3. Honorary Life Members. Further to minute 6/3/90, David Hughes advised that Walter Sherfield of Bentley had been elected to the Guildford Guild in 1945. It was proposed by David Hughes that Walter Sherfield be recommended to the Annual Meeting for election to life membership. This was seconded by Derek Jackson and carried nem. con.

    4. 100 Club. Mark Esbester reported that matters were in hand and it was hoped that the club would be starting in January 1991.

    5. Sweatshirts and Jerseys. The Guild's contact at the suppliers had been made redundant and there was now some delay in the supply of garments. Elizabeth Johnson advised that Heather Peachey would soon be giving the firm a deadline in respect of the outstanding orders.

    6. Essex Trophy Striking Competition. The Master thanked Roy LeMarechal for organizing a band for the competition, although the Guild's team did not win the Trophy.

  6. Report of the Striking Competitions Committee

    In the absence of the convenor, Stephen Noyes presented the report. Adoption of the report had been proposed by Malcolm Powell, seconded by Stephen Noyes and was carried nem. con.

    The Committee proposed the following dates for 1991 (towers subject to confirmation)

    Inter District11 May - Portsmouth District
    6 & 8 Bell15 June - Alresford
    12 Bell14 September - Christchurch

    Elizabeth Johnson reported that Romsey had suggested the Committee might like to consider an under 18s striking competition.

  7. Report of the Social Committee

    Robin Milford read the report on the social events held during 1990. Subject to inclusion of the date of the barn dance, adoption of the report was proposed by Bob Cater, seconded by Elizabeth Johnson, and carried nem. con.

  8. Report of the Education Committee

    Peter Hill read the report on the events held to date during 1990. Barbara Townsend asked that numbers attending events should be included where possible. Adoption of the report was proposed by Peter Hill, seconded by Mark Esbester, and carried nem. con. Peter Hill informed the meeting that the major event for 1991 was to be a Ringing School to be held at Romsey on 4 May 1991. Peter Hill also expressed thanks to Andrew Palk who had undertaken a lot of the work involved in organizing the last two Education Committee events.

  9. Report on Bell Restoration Work

    The Secretary read his report to the meeting concerning work at the following towers:- East Meon, Barton Stacey, Mottisfont, New Alresford, Tichborne, Farley Chamberlayne, Shedfield, Twyford, Wickham, and St Michael Southampton. Kim Matthews requested that copies of dedication service sheets be sent to her for inclusion in the library. Adoption of the Secretary's report was proposed by Roy LeMarechal, seconded by Hugh Routh, and carried nem. con.

  10. Other Correspondence

    1. The Secretary had received notification from the Central Council of an inspection seminar held in October, but the Guild had not been represented at the event.

    2. Letters of thanks had been received from Canon Felstead, Geoff Dodd and George Dowling on their election to Life Membership. Thanks had also been received from the following towers for BRF grants received or promised:- Barton Stacey, Twyford, New Alresford, Wickham, Mottisfont, and Old Alresford.

    3. Joyce Croft had received notification from the Central Council of a Public Relations seminar in September, but had been unable to attend or find anyone from the Guild who wished to attend. Bob Cater advised that the seminar was subsequently cancelled.

  11. Guild Order of Service

    The Secretary had circulated with the agenda a draft Order of Service devised by Alan Hoar. Alan Hoar explained his draft and a discussion followed. The Master indicated that the revised Order was intended to be an alternative to the existing Order and not a replacement, and that he was intending to liaise with Alan Hoar and present a further draft incorporating other material and hymn tunes. Finally it was agreed that District Secretaries would seek comments as to the revised draft at Annual District Meetings and report back to the next Executive Committee meeting.

  12. Changes of Guild Rules

    This item resulted from a suggestion from Barry Peachey that the Guild Rules needed a total review. Following a discussion, the Master proposed that there should be no revision of the rules at present and this was carried nem. con. The Master asked that the Executive Committee should consider whether a set of Standing Orders was required for the conduct of meetings, and asked members to provide copies of any model standing orders which they had encountered in time for consideration at the next meeting. The Secretary agreed to write to Barry Peachey to thank him for his letter.

  13. Errors and Omissions in Guild Reports

    Roger Savory had written to the Secretary drawing attention to some errors and omissions in the Guild Report in respect of peals rung for the Guild. Roy LeMarechal reminded members that the numbers of peals in the report was not a precise record of the number of peals rung for the Guild, but it was a useful guide. In response to a proposal from the Master, it was agreed that subsequent reports should include corrections of errors and omissions in reports.

  14. Action on Recruitment

    Bob Cater advised that the Central Council was conducting a selective follow up to the National Survey of Ringing later in November. The Centenary sub-committee was planning to have regional meetings to debate the results of the Survey. In the meantime it was felt that no further action was necessary.

  15. Guild Annual General Meetings

    The Secretary had received a suggestion from John Croft that the AGM might take the form of a weekend event with striking competition, annual dinner and AGM spread over the weekend, even if only taking place once in every three year period. The Secretary suggested that this idea should be put to Districts for comments. Another suggestion made was for a change in the date and time of the meeting, although it was pointed out that Channel Islands ringers would be unable to attend at Easter.

    David Forder commented that there seemed to be no consensus for change and that no proposal had come forward which everyone thought would be better than the status quo. It was proposed by Mark Esbester that in 1992 the Barn Dance and AGM be held on the same day. This was seconded by Michael Bubb, and carried by a majority. The Master asked that Districts should be asked to forward comments to the Executive Committee regarding John Croft's suggestion for a weekend event incorporating the AGM.

  16. Date of Next Meeting

    It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Saturday 2 March 1991 commencing at 10 am at a venue to be arranged, in Winchester if possible. Bob Cater agreed to investigate whether a venue in the Cathedral Close was available.

  17. Other Business

    1. Kim Matthews reported that there was no bound copy of the 1969 Ringing World in the library. It was agreed that this should be replaced if the missing volume was not forthcoming.

    2. Bob Cater reported that the Ringing Simulator was available for hire through the Central Council. He also advised that there would be a CC seminar for education officers on 21 September 1991 possibly in Oxford, a CC Ringing School in Daventry on the last weekend in July and he would be arranging his own Sparsholt Ringing course for the last weekend in May.

    3. Robin Milford advised that the Social Committee were arranging the Guild Dinner for 20 April 1991 to be held at the Treetops Restaurant at Marwell Park. The price would be held at £15 per person, or £14 if booked one month in advance.

      The Social Committee had been considering abandoning the Barn Dance but the Master asked that the Committee should consider a social event to be held after the AGM in 1991.

    4. The Master reported that the Guild Library contained few books published in Victorian times or the early part of the twentieth century. However he had found that there were several of these books relating to ringing in a clerical library housed in a basement in Winchester Cathedral Close. The Master agreed to obtain further details regarding arranging access to this library.

    There being no further business, the Master closed the meeting with prayers at 12.58 pm.