Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome
The Master, Rev Barry Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, Derek Jackson, the Honorary General Treasurer, Michael Bubb, and the Minute Secretary, Andrew Case, opened the meeting at 10.10 with prayers, and welcomed the 18 other members present. The Master especially welcomed June Mitchell, the new Isle of Wight Executive Committee Representative, and Margaret Aylieff, the Social Committee Convener, attending in place of Robin Milford who was on honeymoon.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from:-
Ruth Jackson, David Hughes, Steven Donovan, Faith & Tony Webster, Robin Milford, Martin Waldron, Jane Le Conte, David Holmes, and Jacqui Dunster.
Loss of Members through death
The meeting stood in silence to remember Les Songhurst (Hinton Admiral), Vice Admiral Sir James Kennan (Soberton), and Harry Symes (Life Member - Micheldever).
Minutes of the last meeting (10 November 1990)
Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by the Minute Secretary in November. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed.
Matters Arising
5.1 200 Club. Mark Esbester reported that the Club already had some members, Districts having previously received publicity material. The first draw was to be held at the Annual Dinner.
5.2 Under 18 Striking Competition. The Striking Competitions Committee was still giving consideration to this and hoped to investigate at the AGM whether there would be general support for such a competition. Roy LeMarechal suggested the Committee might like to consider this as being a competition for novices rather than having an age limit.
5.3 Ringing World Bound Volumes. The 1969 copy was still missing.
5.4 Standing Orders. Tony Smith had acquired a useful bock on the conduct of meetings, and Barry Peachey had written to the Secretary recommending a book entitled "The Right Way To Conduct Meetings, Conference & Discussions" published by Elliot Right Way Books. The Winchester District had purchased a copy of this book and had found it useful. It was proposed by Tony Smith that sufficient copies be purchased for Districts and Guild Officers. This was seconded by the Treasurer and carried nem. con.
5.5 Social Activity after 1991 AGM. Margaret Aylieff advised that the Social Committee did not wish to organize a barn dance in 1991. Malcolm Powell advised that the Portsmouth District did not wish to arrange a barbecue to follow the AGM.
5.6 Insurance. The Secretary and Treasurer had been in touch with the brokers, but had not received a copy of the policy. The Treasurer advised that since the policy was with Lloyds, the brokers were only able to provide a renewal certificate and this had been received.
5.7 Bell Restoration. The Secretary suggested that additional paragraphs should be added to his report approved at the last meeting in respect of work at Newchurch, Winchester Cathedral, and New Alresford. Bob Cater also suggested adding a further paragraph relating to Compton, near Winchester. These additional paragraphs were approved on a proposition of the Master.
5.8 Striking Competitions 1991. Malcolm Powell gave further information regarding the 1991 competitions as follows:-
Inter District | 11 May Portsea |
6 Bell | 15 June Micheldever |
8 Bell | 15 June Overton |
12 Bell | 28 September Newport |
5.9 Sweatshirts and Jerseys. Elizabeth Johnson advised that all garments had been sold and Heather Peachey was now concluding matters.
Honorary Life Members
There were no further names to add to that reported at minute 5c/11/90.
7.1 The Secretary reported that Arthur Fidler had now commenced work at Barton Stacey.
7.2 A letter of thanks had been received from East Meon for a BRF grant received. The letter enclosed a donation of £250 to the BRF.
7.3 The Secretary had received an invitation from the Central Council for additional representatives of the Guild to attend the Central Council Centenary Service at St Paul's Cathedral on 25 May.
7.4 The Assistant Secretary of the Winchester Diocese had forwarded a letter from the Dystonia Society asking for special ringing between Sunday 19 and 25 May to assist with fundraising. The Master suggested this correspondence should be forwarded to District Secretaries.
7.5 The Assistant Secretary of the Winchester Diocese had also written to advise that he had moved to Bentworth and had taken a subscription to the Ringing World nominating the Guild to receive the Ringing World's donation.
7.6 The Secretary had received a Christmas card to the Guild from the Bishop of Portsmouth.
Honorary General Secretary's report
The Secretary read his report to the meeting. The Master proposed the adoption of the report and this was carried nem. con. It was suggested that it might save time in future if a copy of the report could be circulated with the agenda for the meeting.
Honorary General Treasurer's report
The Treasurer's report and accounts were circulated at the meeting. Subject to minor amendments to the report by the Treasurer, the report and accounts were approved on a proposition from Malcolm Powell, seconded by Bob Cater.
Honorary Peal Recorder's report
Roy LeMarechal presented his annual report to the meeting. Adoption of the report was proposed by Tony Smith, seconded by the Treasurer, and carried nem. con.
Honorary Librarian's report
Kim Matthews presented her report and accounts. Terry Collins reminded the Librarian that George Williams' first peal book was in need of restoration. Gilian Davis advised that she had been presented with a set of framed pictures of Channel Islands' towers by Bill Simmonds intended for display in the library. Further consideration would be given as to a home for these pictures. The report and accounts were approved on a proposition of the Master.
Public Relations Officer's report
Joyce Croft presented her report and accounts. Adoption of both was proposed by Gilian Davis and seconded by Roy LeMarechal. The Master proposed that the account be topped up by £125. Both proposals were carried nem. con. The Secretary complimented Joyce Croft on the recent outstanding newsletter which she had produced. Joyce Croft announced that she would not be standing for re-election as Public Relations Officer in 1992.
In the absence of Ruth Jackson, the Secretary reported on the quotations for printing the report. The Report would once again be printed by John Longridge and the cost had been kept down by the efforts of Roy LeMarechal who had produced the peal reports in camera ready form. The Secretary suggested that the Guild should consider the purchase of a personal computer for use by the Secretary and Report Editor. The Master proposed that the Secretary should explore this further, taking advice from others.
Report and Accounts of the Trustees of the Bell Restoration Fund
The Treasurer circulated the report and accounts at the meeting. Subject to minor amendments to the report by the Treasurer, the report and accounts were approved on a proposition from Tony Smith, seconded by Roy LeMarechal.
Feedback from Districts on Various Matters
15.1 Weekend of Guild activities to replace AGM occasionally. This idea did not receive support from the Districts.
15.2 Guild AGM date to be unaltered. In general, Districts did not support a change of date for the AGM.
15.3 Sponsored Peals for St Luke's Hospital for the Clergy (19 October 1991). Various Districts hoped to arrange peals for this occasion.
15.4 Revised Guild Order of Service. The Master had received several comments for which he was grateful. He would now discuss the order further with Alan Hoar.
Change of Bell Restoration Fund Rule 7a
In view of the difficulties experienced at the AGM regarding the application for a grant by Mottisfont, the Trustees advised that they would be proposing to the AGM a change in BRF Rule 7a so as to require only one month's notice in writing of an application for or proposal to make a grant (the present wording requires two month's notice to be given).
Guild Annual General Meeting - 6 July 1991, Portsmouth
The Secretary reported that the Portsmouth District proposed to have three ringing routes in to Portsmouth. Malcolm Powell advised that the meeting would commence at 2 pm in Cathedral House followed by tea at 4.30 pm and the Service at 5.15 pm followed by evening ringing at the Cathedral.
The 1992 AGM was due to be held in the Winchester District. It was hoped that the Cathedral bells would be available in time for the AGM.
Date and Venue of Next Meeting
The Master proposed that the next meeting be held on 23 November 1991 in the Winchester area.
Any Other Business
19.1 Francis Mitchell mentioned that at the Portsmouth District ADM, there had been insufficient reports to supply a copy to newly elected members. The Secretary regretted that he had been unable to attend that meeting with spare reports, but the meeting was reminded that reports are only issued if available.
There being no further business, the Master closed the meeting with prayers at 12.45 pm.