


The third Session of the Fifth Council was held in St. Andrew’s Church House, Canterbury, on Whitsun-Tuesday, June 13th, 1905, when there were present of elected representatives 38 out of 90, and of Honorary Members 3 out of 11. Of 36 Associations 5 were fully and 17 partially represented.

The President, Sir Arthur Heywood, Bart., was in the chair.

Letters expressing regret for absence were received from Revs. A. H. F. Boughey, H. E. Tilney-Bassett, C. E. Matthews, and from Messrs. J. Carter, F. E. Ward, W. H. Godden, and J. S. Pritchett.

The Hon. Sec. read the Minutes of the last meeting, which were passed and signed.

The Hon. Sec. then submitted the following summary of accounts, which had been audited in detail and passed by the Standing Committee. Balance for last year £56 8s. 3d.; Affiliation Fees, £11 7s. 6d.; Sale of publications, £8 0s. 2d., making a total of £75 15s. 11d. The expenditure had been, Meeting of 1904, £2 14s. 6d.; Printing, £35 0s. 3d.; Postage, 13s. 4d., leaving in hand a balance of £37 7s. 10d. He further reported that since the accounts had been balanced the sum of £7 2s. 8d. had been received from Messrs. Bemrose and Sons, the Council’s publishers, for the sale of Publications during the past year, and that with this the total amount in the bank would be £44 10s. 6d. On the motion of Rev. F. E. Robinson, seconded by Rev. T. L. Papillon, the accounts were passed unanimously.

It was proposed by Mr. R. S. Story, seconded by Rev. W. W. C. Baker, and carried unanimously, that Rev. E. W. Carpenter and Mr. T. Lockwood be re-elected Honorary members.

On behalf of the Committee for the Collection of Peals Mr. H. Dains and Rev. C. D. P. Davies reported progress.

The President reported on behalf of the Committee on the Condition of Rings, and stated that the work was nearing completion.

Mr. R. A. Daniell moved the adoption of the Report of the Church Press Committee, which had been previously published. This, having been seconded by Rev. M. Kelly, was carried unanimously, accompanied by a cordial vote of thanks to Rev. T. L. Papillon for the articles that he had written in The Guardian newspaper.

The consideration of “Points for Peals” having been deferred so that it might be taken in conjunction with the subject for Points for Handbell Peals coming later in the Agenda,

Rev. H. Law James, on behalf of the Legitimate Methods Committee, read the draft Report on the Classification of Methods. On the proposal of the Hon. Sec., seconded by Mr. R. S. Story, it was resolved “That, while thanking the Committee on Legitimate Methods for the care and trouble which they have bestowed on the work of Classification of Methods, the Council defers discussion of the matter until the next meeting, asking the Committee to publish their Draft Report meanwhile in the columns of ‘The Bell News,’ and to include in it any matters that they consider germane to the subject.”

The consideration of items numbered 5 and 6 in the Agenda having been deferred, it was proposed by the Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, and seconded by Mr. J. H. Cheesman, that an annual grant of £5 5s. be paid from the Council’s funds for the preparation of the Peal Analysis. The motion was rejected on the ground that the Analysis should be paid for by the Associations.

It was proposed by Rev. H. Law James, and seconded by Mr. R. Richardson, “That all peals rung in hand, each ringer ringing two bells, shall be allowed twice as many points as the same peal would receive if rung in hand single-handed, or upon tower bells.”

An amendment having been proposed by the Hon. Sec., seconded by Mr. S. Reeves, causing the resolution to read “That it be a recommendation to the Peal Points Committee that all peals rung in hand, each ringer ringing two bells should be allowed twice as many points as the same peal would receive if rung upon tower bells,” and having been carried, was then put to the meeting in this form, and was unanimously passed as the substantive resolution.

On the motion of Mr. R. A. Daniell, seconded by Rev. T. L. Papillon, it was unanimously resolved “That having regard to the recent correspondence in ‘The Bell News’ it is desirable to appoint a Committee to submit to next year’s meeting a short descriptive Catalogue of the known printed books and MSS. relating to change-ringing not readily accessible to members of the Exercise.” The work was entrusted to the Press Committee, and for this purpose the Rev. H. A. Cockey and Mr. Henry Dains were, on the motion of Mr. J. Griffin, seconded by Rev. G. F. Coleridge, unanimously added to that Committee.

It was proposed by Mr. J. A. Trollope, and seconded by Mr. H. Dains, “That Bob Triples and Grandsire Major, not being legitimate methods, are not worthy of being practised, and that peals in them should not be booked.”

As an amendment it was proposed by Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, and seconded by Rev. H. J. Elsee, that the words “and that peals” - to the end should be omitted.

This having been accepted by the original mover and seconder and by the meeting,

An amendment was then proposed by Rev. H. Law James, and seconded by Rev. W. W. Covey Crump, that the words “illegitimate methods” be substituted for the words “Bob Triples and Grandsire Major.” This having been lost

The original motion as amended by Revs. F. J. O. Helmore and H. J. Elsee was put to the meeting in the names of the original mover and seconder, and carried unanimously.

It was proposed by Mr. J. A. Trollope, and seconded by the Hon. Sec., “That Double Norwich Court Bob Caters be accorded the same number of points per peal as Double Norwich Court Bob Royal.” It having been suggested that it would be well to preface the Resolution with the words “That it be a recommendation to the Peal Points Committee,” and the suggestion having been accepted by the mover and seconder, the resolution was passed in this form.

The President gave notice that he would next year move an alteration in the Rules in connection with the admission of new members of Council, and also as regards the numbers of Honorary Members.

On the motion of the President, seconded by the Hon. Sec., a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Rev. F. J. O. Helmore for his kindness in making arrangements for the meeting, and

On the motion of Rev. F. E. Robinson, seconded by Rev. G. F. Coleridge, a hearty vote of thanks was by acclamation accorded to the President.

The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, Aug. 19, 1905, page 280

SCHEDULE OF ATTENDANCES.- Meeting at Canterbury, 13th June, 1905
Ancient Soc. of College YouthsA. HughesW. T. CockerillLiverpool Diocesan GuildW. Bentham
J. W. RowbothamMiddlesex AssociationA. T. KingJ. Basden
T. H. TaffenderJ. Waghorn
Royal Cumberland YouthsH. DainsA. HardyMidland Counties AssociationSir A. P. Heywood, Bart.W. Wakley
R. A. DaniellA. JacobJ. Griffin
St. James’s SocietyC. F. WinneyJ. W. Taylor
W. WeatherstoneNorthants Central AssociationF. Wilford
Bath and Wells Dio. AssociationRev. G. de Y. AldridgeNorth Notts. AssociationH. Haigh
H. J. PooleNorth Wales AssociationRev. T. Lewis Jones
Bedfordshire County AssociationRev. W. W. C. BakerNorwich Diocesan AssociationC. E. BorrettW. L. Catchpole
Birmingham and District Amal.G. WalkerJ. Motts
Birmingham St. Martins’s GuildW. H. GoddenC. Mee
Chester Diocesan GuildJ. AshmoleOxford Diocesan GuildRev. G. F. ColeridgeW. P. Routh
H. DewF. W. Hopgood
Cleveland and North Yorks.G. J. ClarksonRev. F. E. Robinson
Rev. W. P. WrightSalisbury Diocesan GuildRev. H. Tilney-Bassett
Devon GuildRev. M. KellyA. W. SearleRev. H. Drake
Durham and Newcastle Dio. Assn.R. S. StoryW. HolmesA. F. Martin Stewart
T. HudsonStafford Archidiaconal AssociationS. ReevesR. Cartwright
C. L. RoutledgeSurrey AssociationC. Dean, jun.A. B. Carpenter, M.D.
Ely Diocesan AssociationRev. W. W. C. CrumpSussex County AssociationA. B. BennettG. F. Attree
Essex AssociationB. KeebleW. J. NevardS. SakerG. Williams
Rev. T. L. PapillonWinchester Diocesan GuildJ. W. WhitingRev. C. E. Matthews
N. J. PitstowC. WillshireH. White
Gloucester and Bristol Dio. Assn.Rev. H. A. CockeyRev. E. B. JamesWorcester and Dist. AssociationT. J. Salter
F. G. MayJ. Smith
Hereford Diocesan GuildJ. G. BuchananYorkshire AssociationG. Bolland
J. E. GrovesC. H. Hattersley
Hertford County AssociationH. BakerW. Snowdon
Irish AssociationR. R. Cherry, K.C.W. Stainthorpe
Kent County AssociationE. BarnettHonorary MembersRev. E. W. CarpenterRev. A. H. F. Boughey
J. H. CheesmanRev. C. D. P. DaviesJ. Carter
W. HaighJ. A. TrollopeT. Lockwood
Rev. F. J. O. HelmoreJ. Pettit
Lancashire AssociationRev. H. J. ElseeJ. EachusRev. J. H. Pilkington
R. RidyardJ. ShepherdJ. S. Pritchett
Leeds and Dist. Amal. SocietyJ. W. T. HolgateW. H. Thompson
Lincoln Diocesan GuildRev. H. Law JamesG. ChesterF. E. Ward
R. RichardsonC. W. P. Clifton





The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, June 17, 1905, page 171, corrections June 24, 1905, page 183, and July 15, 1905, page 220

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