Life Members: E A Barnett, Miss D E Colgate, P A Corby, F E Dukes, W F Moreton, Very Revd A G G Thurlow, C A Wratten.
Honorary Members: D W Beard, A P S Berry, Mrs S Bianco, M J Church, S J Coleman, R J Cooles, W H Dobbie, Dr J C Eisel, A J Frost, C K Lewis,
M H D O’Callaghan, Miss J Sanderson, Preb J G M Scott, M C W Sherwood, R B Smith, D G Thorne, J M Tyler, Mrs M J Wilkinson, Mrs M A Wratten.
Ancient Society of College Youths: W T Cook, *A R Kench, A N Stubbs, A W R Wilby.
Australia & New Zealand Assn: P M J Gray, *M Stone.
Bath & Wells Dio. Assn: Mrs C A Bedding, D J Buckley, D J Kelly, G W Massey.
Bedfordshire Assn: P J S Albon, K Lewin, A H Smith.
Beverley & Dist. Society: *M J de C Henshaw.
Cambridge Univ. Guild: *P J Agg, S C Walters.
Carlisle Dio. Guild: D T Sim.
Chester Dio. Guild: D W Friend, M Thomson.
Coventry Dio. Guild: P Border, *A J Illingworth, H M Windsor, Mrs B A Winter.
Derby Dio. Assn: G A Halls, Mrs J E Orchard, *B N Trowbridge.
Devonshire Guild: F D Mack, M E C Mears, D J Roberts, Revd L J Yeo.
Durham & Newcastle Dio. Assn: D Hird, *D Walker, Mrs B M Wheeler.
Durham Univ. Society: Revd P Newing.
E. Derbys & W. Notts Assn: A Dempster.
E. Grinstead & Dist. Guild: A N Brock.
Ely Dio. Assn: G E Bonham, Dr M B Davies, S S Meyer, *P S Seaman.
Essex Assn: Dr J Armstrong, *F J P Bone, F B Lufkin, D Sloman.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio. Assn: B Bladon, Dr A Newing, J M Pearse, J R Taylor.
Guildford Dio. Guild: W J Couperthwaite, *A W Gordon, J R Pratt, C H Rogers.
Hereford Dio. Guild: N R Mattingley, M V Powell, R G Powell.
Hertford County Assn: A F Alldrick, J R Mayne, *Miss D M Robotham, B C Watson.
Irish Assn: A S Hudson, *M J Pomeroy, *P M Talbot.
Kent County Assn: D C Manger, *F W Lewis, D H Niblett, *Mrs D Wraight.
Ladies’ Guild: Miss F Cannon, Mrs C Higby, *Mrs F Willgress.
Lancashire Assn: Canon M S Hart, D R Jones, J Kershaw, F Reynolds.
Leeds Univ. Society: C Forster.
Leicester Dio. Guild: A Cattell, Mrs C N J Franklin, J M Jelley, B G Warwick.
Lichfield Archd. Society: J F Mulvey, S G Pick, C M Smith.
Lincoln Dio. Guild: D A Frith, A R Heppenstall, *A D H Bird, L G Townsend.
Liverpool Univ. Society: S J Flockton.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio. Assn: Revd Dr J C Baldwin, P S Bennett, *Revd J M Hughes.
London County Assn: R Booth, *E G Mould, H W Rogers, Dr M T Sprackling.
Manchester Univ. Guild: D R Pettifor.
Middx County Assn. & London Dio. Guild: R Bailey, F T Blagrove, T J Lock, R K Russ.
National Police Guild: B F Peachey.
N. American Guild: W H Jackson, *D F Morrison.
N. Staffordshire Assn: P W Gay, Dr N G Sharp.
N. Wales Assn: *Miss D A Jones, Dr D R Marshall.
Norwich Dio. Assn: H J Charles, *J B Morley, *N M Thomas.
Oxford Dio. Guild: W Butler, H W Egglestone, J A Harrison, Dr T G Pett.
Oxford Society: B J Stone.
Oxford Univ. Society: P Q Armitage, P D Niblett.
Peterborough Dio. Guild: *Miss J M Corby, C J Groome, D J Jones, *J Weaver.
Railway Guild: T Skilton.
Soc. of Royal Cumberland Youths: J S Barnes, I H Oram, Miss S J Pattenden, D E Sibson.
St. David’s Dio. Guild: *J W Lewis.
St. Martin’s Guild: J A Anderson, J McDonald.
Salisbury Dio. Guild: E J Hitchins, A J Howes, *Miss S P E Legge, R G W Robertson.
Scottish Assn: N E Booth.
Soc. Sherwood Youths: P L R Hayward.
Shropshire Assn: F M Mitchell.
S. African Guild: P P Belgeonne.
Southwell Dio. Guild: G A Dawson, R G Fanthorpe, R B Mills, B A Richards.
Suffolk Guild: S D Pettman, Revd L R Pizzey, *I J D Whitear.
Surrey Assn: J D Cheesman, E G H Godfrey, *N J Goodship, *K J Matthews.
Sussex County Assn: A R Baldock, R M Cox, P T Hurcombe, D D Smith.
Swansea & Brecon Dio. Guild: A R Lewis.
Transvaal Society: Mrs A Davies.
Truro Dio. Guild: W C Boucher, A F Burley, R J Perry, P J Tremain.
Universities Assn: Revd M C C Melville.
Univ. of Bristol Society: *C M Foster.
Univ. of London Society: P J Sanderson.
Verona Assn: P Avesani, A Consolaro, *Dr A M Hodge, R G Morris.
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild: R Cater, A T Collins, D C Jackson, A P Smith.
Worcestershire & Dists. Assn: A D Evans, A Roberts, R F B Speed, R K Williams.
Yorkshire Assn: N Donovan, Revd G C Galley, R J Johnston, D E Potter.
Zimbabwe Guild: *Miss A Phillips (alt. member).
The Devon and Midland Counties Associations were not represented.
The Hon. Secretary (Mr C A Wratten) reported that 70 societies were affiliated, with 186 representative members; the S. Derbyshire & N. Leicestershire Association had insufficient members to be represented. There were nine Life and 21 Honorary Members.
Apologies were received from W B Cartwright and F E Collins (Life Members), A E Bagworth and B D Threlfall (Honorary Members), and D Bleby, P Dyson, N A Johnson, M Quimby, D F Riley, C C Roberts, A R Smith and Mrs V Grossmith (representative members).
The President (the Revd Dr J C Baldwin) welcomed the new members present (indicated by a * in the list of those attending), together with Dr A Newing and J R Mayne, both previously Honorary Members, and R F B Speed, who had rejoined the Council after a break.
Members stood in silence as the Hon. Secretary read the names of those who had died since the previous meeting: J Freeman (Lincoln, 1948-70, and subsequently Life), W Allman (Chester, 1957-60), D R Carlisle (Derby, 1951-54 and 1966-72) and Mrs D E Beamish (Warwicks, 1939-46; Coventry 1946-72). Dean Thurlow then led members in prayer.
President: C J Groome was elected on the proposition of D E Sibson, seconded by A W R Wilby. He thanked Dr Baldwin for his work while President of the Council.
Vice-President: R J Johnston, proposed by W F Moreton and seconded by N Donovan, was elected by ballot, A W R Wilby and Mrs M J Wilkinson being unsuccessful.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: C A Wratten was re-elected on the proposition of F E Dukes, seconded by Dr A Newing. Mr Wratten said that he would not be seeking re-election in 1993.
Hon. Librarian: W T Cook was re-elected on the proposition of A N Stubbs, seconded by A W R Wilby.
Dr D W Beard, E J Billings, M J Church, Dr J C Eisel, A J Frost, Miss J Sanderson, M C W Sherwood, R B Smith, J M Tyler and Mrs M A Wratten were individually elected Honorary Members.
M J Church, FCA, and E G H Godfrey, FCA, were re-elected Hon. Auditors.
The Minutes of the 1989 meeting, as published in The Ringing World of 2 March 1990 and subsequently corrected, were adopted on the proposition of the Hon. Secretary, seconded by R J Johnston.
Report of the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer:
(RW 13 July 1990, p.675)
The report was adopted on the proposition of the Hon. Secretary, seconded by Dr J C Baldwin.
Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(RW 13 July 1990, pp.676-7)
Adopted on the proposition of the Hon. Secretary, seconded by P J Sanderson.
Committee reports
(All Committee reports were published in The Ringing World on 13 July 1990)
Adopted on the proposition of P Church, seconded by J D Cheesman.
F J P Bone, A W Gordon, A Hudson, M Thomson and B N Trowbridge were elected to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of P Border, seconded by D W Beard.
P Q Armitage, R Bailey, D W Beard, P Border and P Sanderson were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of D E Sibson, seconded by J R Mayne.
The meeting accepted a proposal by A P Smith, seconded by D A Frith, that the bands concerned be asked to rename the methods rung to peals as Clare’s Delight and Eardly Surprise.
P J Agg, D J Buckley, J R Mayne, D E Sibson and C A Wratten were elected to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of A P Smith, seconded by M C W Sherwood.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of six, R Bailey, F T Blagrove, C K Lewis, P D Niblett, M C W Sherwood and A P Smith were elected to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of C H Rogers, seconded by J D Cheesman, a proposition by W F Moreton, seconded by N Donovan, that the peal at Darfield be recognised as one of 5220 changes having been defeated; and one by S D Pettman, seconded by I J D Whitear, that the Whepstead performance be recognised as a peal, having been accepted.
The six peals referred to in recommendations (2) and (3) of the report were accepted as recommended on behalf of the Methods Committee by A P Smith, seconded by M C W Sherwood, as containing just the methods used and not the variations.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of eight, J D Cheesman, C Forster, D H Niblett, R J Perry, T G Pett, The Revd L R Pizzey, P S Seaman and N G Sharp were elected to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of A J Frost, seconded by Preb J G M Scott.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of 11, R G Booth, G A Dawson, A Dempster, A J Frost, P L R Hayward, F D Mack, F Reynolds, Preb J G M Scott, B J Stone, I J D Whitear and H M Windsor were elected to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of R Cater, seconded by S J Coleman.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of eight, R Cater, H J Charles, Mrs C N J Franklin, P W Gay, N J Goodship, P T Hurcombe, N Mattingley and J M Tyler were elected to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of W J Couperthwaite, seconded by D J Jones.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of seven, W J Couperthwaite, D J Jones, R J Johnston, J R Pratt, D G Thorne, Miss J Sanderson and Mrs B Wheeler were elected to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of J S Barnes, seconded by J F Mulvey.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of seven, J S Barnes, E J Billings, N E Booth, N A Johnson, J F Mulvey, I H Oram and A R Smith were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of Mrs M J Wilkinson, seconded by P A Corby.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of 11, Dr J C Baldwin, E A Barnett, R Booth, R J Cooles, P A Corby, A J Frost, G W Massey, M H D O’Callaghan, Preb J G M Scott, Dean Thurlow and Mrs M J Wilkinson were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of T J Lock, seconded by J C Eisel.
G A Dawson, Dr J C Eisel, T J Lock, D J Roberts and Dr N G Sharp were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of the Hon. Librarian, W T Cook, seconded by Miss J. Sanderson.
A F Burley, W Butler, R J Johnston and Miss J Sanderson were elected to form, with the Hon. Librarian, the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of A W R Wilby, seconded by P A Corby.
After the Council had agreed a committee membership of nine, Mrs S Bianco, S J Coleman, F E Dukes, Dr A Hodge, A J Illingworth, R G Morris, Dr A Newing, H W Rogers and D G Thorne were elected by ballot to form the committee for 1990-93.
Adopted on the proposition of the Hon. Secretary, seconded by M J Church.
Dr J Armstrong, Dr J C Baldwin, M J Church, S J Coleman, R J Cooles, P A Corby, M H D O’Callaghan, I H Oram, C H Rogers, Miss S J Pattenden, D G Thorne and A W R Wilby were elected to the committee, the other (ex officio) members being the Council’s Officers and the chairmen of committees T J Lock (Biographies), J S Barnes (Bell Restoration Funds), A W Gordon (Computer Co-ordination), R Cater (Education), A P Smith (Methods), P J Sanderson (Peal Compositions), D H Niblett (Peals Analysis), W J Couperthwaite (Publications), Dr A Newing (Public Relations), D E Sibson (Records), Mrs M J Wilkinson (Redundant Bells) and A J Frost (Towers and Belfries).
The Committee’s recommendation that the Council should acquire a mobile exhibition centre, incorporating a light ring of bells, was proposed by J S Barnes and seconded by Mrs S Bianco. An amendment, proposed by P A Corby and seconded by R J Cooles, "That this Council requests the principal Officers, as trustees, to consider the possibility of providing, as a commemorative project, a mobile exhibition centre incorporating a ring of bells; and asks the Administrative Committee to appoint a sub-committee to evaluate the financial and engineering practicalities and to report to next year’s Council with specific recommendations" was passed on a show of hands, but was defeated when put as the substantive motion.
At the President’s suggestion the Council agreed to receive the report’s other recommendations, referring them to the various committees for their consideration.
On behalf of the Administrative Committee the Hon. Secretary proposed, and J W Lewis seconded
"That Rule 5(i)(a) be altered to start: 'A Territorial Society, the number of whose members is 50 or over, but does not exceed 150, one Representative member; …'"
The motion was passed.
on behalf of the Coventry Diocesan Guild, P Border proposed and H M Windsor seconded
"That the Council ask the Administrative Committee to examine the Rules of the Council relating to the representation of Societies, with the objects of reducing multiple representation of resident ringing members and of clarifying the situation relating to the affiliation of new Societies; the Administrative Committee to make recommendations at the 1991 Council meeting."
The motion was passed.
On behalf of the Administrative Committee, P M J Gray proposed and M J Church seconded
"That this Council appoints a working party to investigate further the setting up of a Ringing Centre with paid full- and part-time staff, to keep the Administrative Committee informed of its progress and to report at the 1991 Council meeting."
An amendment, proposed by H J Charles and seconded by J M Tyler, "That the working party be appointed at the 1991 Council meeting and report in 1992; and that in the meantime the Administrative Committee publish in The Ringing World the documents presented to the Council in order to canvass reaction from the Exercise at large" having been defeated, the original motion was passed.
On behalf of the Methods Committee A P Smith proposed and M C W Sherwood seconded
"That the restriction, that a lead of a Doubles variation containing a call must not constitute a plain lead of another method, be removed by deleting the second sentence of Decision (E) A.3."
The motion was passed.
Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells
(RW 13 July 1990, p.686)
The report and accounts were adopted on the proposition of R J Cooles, seconded by M H D O’Callaghan.
Report of the Trustee of the Rolls of Honour:
(RW 13 July 1990, p.686)
Adopted on the proposition of W T Cook, seconded by C Forster.
Mr. Cook was re-elected Trustee.
Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(RW 13 July 1990, p.686)
Adopted on the proposition of W H Dobbie, seconded by E A Barnett.
A E Bagworth and W H Dobbie were re-elected Trustees.
In response to questions from members, the President agreed that the Administrative Committee should consider both the legal position in the event of damage being caused during irresponsible "grabbing" of unringable towers, and the timing in the meeting of the change-over between the outgoing and new Presidents, Dr Baldwin having suggested that there might be advantage in deferring the latter to the end of the meeting.
On behalf of the Council the President warmly thanked all those who had contributed in any way to a most successful and enjoyable meeting.
Members | |||
Societies | Present | Absent | |
Wholly represented | 61 | 160 | - |
Partly represented | 6 | 16 | 7 |
Not represented | 2 | - | 3 |
176 | 10 | ||
Life members | 7 | 2 | |
Honorary members | 19 | 2 | |
202 | 14 |
The Ringing World, March 22, 1991, pages 286 to 287, corrections April 19, 1991, page 380
(Archivist’s note: also absent were J. Hine and R. O. Wright (Devon Assn.))