


The first meeting of the eighth Council (twenty-second annual meeting) was held in the Small Hall of the Church House, Westminster, on Whitsun Tuesday, 28th May, 1912, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, when there were present 65 out of 93 elected representative members, and 13 out of 16 honorary members. Of the 39 affiliated associations, 21 were fully, and 11 partially represented.

Only one nomination, that of Sir Arthur Heywood, Bart., had been received for the office of President, and the hon. secretary temporarily took the chair during the election, Sir Arthur Heywood being unanimously elected on the proposal of Mr. A. T. King, seconded by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter.

The President then took the chair, and having briefly acknowledged his election, announced that only one nomination, that of the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, had been received for the combined offices of honorary secretary and treasurer.- On the nomination of the Rev. C. E. Matthews, seconded by Mr. W. T. Cockerill, the Rev. C. D. P. Davies was unanimously elected, and briefly thanked those present for his election.

The Hon. Secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting, which were duly confirmed and signed.

The Hon. Secretary next read the statement of accounts and of the sale of the Council’s publications. The accounts showed a balance in hand from last year of £63 15s. 8d., to which there was to be added affiliation fees received £11 12s. 6d., and sale of publications 14s. 9d., making a total of £76 2s. 11d. Against this there had been expenses of meeting, 1911, £2 12s.; printing, £1 3s. 11d.; expenses of committees and postage, 14s. 6d., leaving in hand a balance of £71 12s. 6d. Adding to this the calculated nett value of unsold publications in hand amounting to £125 3s. 9d., the total assets of the Council were now of the value of £196 16s. 3d. The accounts were passed, on the proposal of Mr. R. Cartwright, seconded by Mr. J. Griffin.

It was announced that expressions of regret for absence had been received from the Revs. J. M. Clarkson and H. E. Tilney Bassett, and from Messrs. C. E. D. Boutflower, J. Carter, C. H. Hattersley and F. B. Tompkins.

It was moved by the Rev. W. W. C. Baker, and seconded by the Rev. M. Kelly, that the following be re-elected honorary members, viz.: Mr. John Carter, the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, Mr. J. S. Pritchett, Mr. J. A. Trollope and Mr. G. Williams, with the addition of the Rev. H. A. Cockey, Mr. R. A. Daniell, the Rev. Canon Papillon and Mr. W. Snowdon.- The proposal was carried unanimously.

The following new members of the Council were then introduced to and shook hands with the President, viz.: Of the College Youths, Mr. T. Faulkner; of the Royal Cumberlands, Mr. J. D. Matthews; of the Chester Diocesan Guild, Mr. W. Bibby; of the Kent County Association, Mr. W. J. Jeffries; of the Lancashire Association, Mr. T. Redman; of the Leeds and District Society, Mr. P. J. Johnson; of the London County Association, Messrs. H. S. Ellis and E. A. Young; of the Middlesex Association, Messrs. J. H. B. Hesse and W. Pye; of the Midland Counties Association, Mr. E. C. Gobey; of the Central Northants Association, Mr. D. J. Nichols; of the Oxford Diocesan Guild, Mr. J. Evans; of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild, the Rev. F. Llewellyn Edwards; of the Surrey County Association, Mr. C. F. Johnston; of the Sussex County Association, Mr. K. Hart; of the Warwickshire Guild, Mr. H. Argyle; of the Yorkshire Association, the Rev. C. C. Marshall; and of the Honorary Members, Mr. H. W. Wilde.

Before proceeding with the remainder of the agenda, the President referred in feeling terms to the great loss sustained by the Exercise in the recent death of the late Mr. James Pettit. One of the safest of ringers and conductors, one of the most delightful of men, humble, courteous, and ever ready to help, he would be sorely missed, and had left a void not easy to fill.

The President called attention to the fact that there was present as a visitor to the Council one of the oldest of veteran ringers, Mr. William Banister. He invited Mr. Banister to a seat on the platform, and assured him of the great pleasure that his presence among them afforded to all.- Mr. Banister, notwithstanding his 89 years, made a spirited speech in reply, and was enthusiastically cheered on leaving the room somewhat later.

Amid the applause of the Council, the President congratulated Mr. W. Pye and the band who had succeeded in ringing 15,264 Bristol Surprise Major on the previous day.

The President proposed that: “The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, representing 39 Associations, with an approximate aggregate of 10,000 members, protests against the Bill now before Parliament for the Disestablishment and Disendowment of the Church in Wales as a measure entirely devoid of justification.”- This was seconded by Mr. A. T. King, and carried unanimously, and it was agreed that the President and Hon. Secretary decide to whom it would be best to forward copies of the resolution.

It was proposed by the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, and seconded by the Rev. Canon Papillon, that the following be elected to form the Standing Committee, viz., the President, the Hon. Secretary, the Revs. H. A. Cockey, G. F. Coleridge, H. Law James, and Messrs. W. T. Cockerill, H. Dains, R. A. Daniell, J. Griffin, C. H. Hattersley, and W. Snowdon.- This was carried unanimously.

The Rev. H. S. T. Richardson reported that the work of the Peal Collection Committee was making steady progress, and on the proposal of the Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, seconded by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, the committee was unanimously re-elected as follows: Dr. A. B. Carpenter, the Revs. C. D. P. Davies, H. S. T. Richardson, with Messrs. H. Dains, J. A. Trollope and H. W. Wilde.

For the Church Press Committee, Mr. R. A. Daniell reported that he hoped he should before long be able to place a draft report in the hands of the hon. secretary.- The Rev. Canon Papillon proposed, and the Rev. G. F. Coleridge seconded, that the committee be henceforth, known as the Literature Committee. This having been carried, and the Rev. M. Kelly having intimated that he did not seek re-election, the committee was, on the proposal of the Rev. W. W. C. Baker, seconded by the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, elected as follows, viz.: The Revs. Canon Papillon and H. A. Cockey, with Messrs. H. Dains and R. A. Daniell.

The Rev. H. Law James reported progress on behalf of the Legitimate Methods Committee.- On the proposal of the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, seconded by Mr. J. H. B. Hesse, the committee was re-elected as follows: The Rev. H. Law James, Mr. H. Dains and Mr. J. A. Trollope. To fill the place of Mr. J. Carter, who had intimated that he wished to resign, Mr. E. H. Lewis was added to the committee, on the proposal of the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, seconded by Mr. H. W. Wilde.

It was proposed by the Rev. H. Law James, and seconded by Mr. R. Richardson, that “a peal of Minor must consist of at least seven true 720’s, and the bells must strike rounds only once at the end of each, and immediately go into the next. The peal may be lengthened by the addition of any number of 720’s fulfilling the same conditions, with or without one touch of less than 720 changes to make up some definite number.” After much discussion, an amendment proposed by the Hon. Secretary, and seconded by Mr. W. Snowdon, substituting the word “should” for “must” in the first, sentence was carried by a large majority, and the resolution as thus amended was then unanimously passed as the substantive motion.

It was proposed by the Hon. Secretary, and seconded by Dr. A. B. Carpenter, that “it is desirable to reconsider some of the conditions laid down for the legitimacy of methods as stated on page 18 of ‘Rules and Decisions,’ 1904.”- On being put to the meeting, the motion was lost.

At this point, the Council received the report of the Peals’ Analysis Committee, which, together with the consideration of the report of the Peal Values Committee previously read, had been deferred until they could both be discussed in connection with other kindred subjects on the agenda.

The report of the Peal Values Committee recommended the adoption of a schedule for points for peals on seven bells and upwards, founded on the formula VN3/2 ÷ 83/2 and for points for peals of Minor that, one point should be given for each 720 in any plain method, two for each such in any Treble Bob method, three for each such “broken lead” method, and four for each Surprise method. In the subsequent discussion, this report, moved by the Hon. Secretary, and seconded by Mr. J. Griffin, was adopted, the Council also accepting the resignation of the committee who had stated their conviction, that the work could, more conveniently be carried out by the Analysis Committee.

The report of the Peals Analysis Committee having been adopted, and the committee thanked for their work, it was proposed by Mr. T. J. Salter, seconded by Mr. J. Griffin, and carried, that the committee be re-elected, with the addition of Mr. G. Williams, in view of the extra work falling on the committee in the matter of points.

A proposal entered on the agenda was brought forward by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, and seconded by the Rev. M. Kelly, to the effect that “a committee of five (?) six-bell ringers be appointed to draw up a scale of points for performances on five and six bells,” but in consequence of the adoption of the report of the Peal Values Committee, this was withdrawn by permission of the Council, as was also a further proposal in the following terms, viz.: “That this committee, together with the Peal Values Committee, try and find a common denominator by means of which the value of such performances compared with that of peals on higher numbers can be fixed.”

It was proposed by Mr. J. A. Trollope, seconded by the Rev. H. Law James, and carried nem con.: “That this Council, in extending its hearty welcome to ‘The Ringing World’ has heard with satisfaction from the hon. secretary that he has, from the first appearance of the paper, sent for publication in its columns all essential official notices and reports of the Council, and notes with pleasure that the analysis of peals for last year has been compiled from and has appeared in identical terms in both ringing papers alike.” As an appendix to this resolution, the hon. secretary was instructed to procure two typewritten copies of the report of the Council’s meeting, as furnished by the Council’s own reporter.

It was proposed by Mr. E. H. Lewis, and seconded by the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, “that the hon. secretary of the Council be instructed to write to the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and request them to meet a deputation from the Council, and discuss the supposed danger to towers caused by substituting iron bell frames for wooden frames.” “That the Hon. Secretary also bring to the notice of the Royal Institute of British Architects the Council’s recommendations with regard to the proper height to hang bells relative to the belfry windows.” After full discussion, it was thought that the objects in view would best be secured by the appointment of a committee to deal with the matter.- The motion was accordingly withdrawn, and on the motion of Mr. P. J. Johnson, seconded by Mr. A. Hughes, the President, the Hon. Secretary, with Messrs. E. H. Lewis, E. A. Young and J. H. B. Hesse, were appointed a committee with full powers.

It was proposed by the Hon. Secretary, seconded, by Mr. A. T. King, and carried unanimously, that “the Council, while itself declining to take part in the formation or subsequent management of such an enterprise, if set on foot, and without in any sense pledging its individual members, would nevertheless view with satisfaction the establishment on a sound financial basis of a benevolent fund for the benefit of any members of the Exercise who may stand in need of help.”

In the absence of Mr. C. E. D. Boutflower, through indisposition, it was proposed by the Rev. H. A. Cockey, “That this meeting, of the Council, while recognising the value of peal ringing generally, and the laudable desire of the members to assist in placing their own Association at the head of the peal table, wishes to express the strong conviction that the chief aim of all members should be the encouragement in all towers of ringing rather than chiming the bells for Sunday services, thus helping to achieve the primary object for which bells are hung, viz., the Glory of God and the calling of the parishioners together for His worship.”- In seconding this the Rev. Ll. Edwards said that he should like to add after “services” the words “and on the eves of Church Festivals.”- This addition being accepted by the proposer, the motion, as so amended, was put, and carried unanimously.

It was proposed by the Rev. G. F. Coleridge, and seconded by Mr. G. Bolland, that the meeting next year be held at Durham. To this an amendment was proposed by Mr. W. Story, and seconded by Mr. G. P. Burton, that it be held at Newcastle-on-Tyne.- The amendment was carried by a large majority.

The Rev. G. F. Coleridge proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the President, which was carried by acclamation, and the meeting adjourned.

The Ringing World, September 20th, 1912, page 199

The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, Sept. 14, 1912, pages 368 to 369

Schedule of Attendances at the Meeting of the Central Council at the Church House, Westminster, on Whitsun Tuesday, May 28, 1912.
Ancient Society of College YouthsW. T. CockerillMidland Counties AssociationSir A. Heywood
T. FaulknerE. C. Gobey
A. HughesJ. Griffin
T. H. TaffenderJ. W. Taylor
Royal Cumberland YouthsF. BennettNorthants (Central) AssociationD. J. Nichols
H. DainsF. Wilford
J. D. MatthewsNorth Notts. AssociationH. Haigh
J. ParkerNorth Wales AssociationRev. T. Lewis Jones
Bath and Wells Diocesan Assn.A. E. ColesE. E. BurgessNorwich Diocesan AssociationG. P. BurtonC. E. Borrett
J. MaddockW. L. Catchpole
Rev. C. C. ParkerJ. Motts
Bedfordshire AssociationRev. W. W. C. BakerOxford Diocesan GuildRev. G. F. Coleridge
Birmingham (St. Martin’s) Dioc. GuildJ. Evans
W. H. GoddenF. Hopgood
Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn
Cambridge University GuildE. H. LewisSalisbury Diocesan GuildRev. F. Ll. EdwardsRev. H. E. Tilney Bassett
Chester Diocesan GuildRev. A. T. BeestonA. F. Martin StewartJ. S. Rumming
W. BibbySalop Archidiaconal GuildJ. Bradney
Devon Guild of RingersRev. M. KellyA. W. SearleStaffs. Archidiaconal AssociationR. Cartwright
Durham and Newcastle Diocesan AssociationS. Reeves
W. StoryC. L. RoutledgeSurrey County AssociationDr. A. B. Carpenter
C. ToddCyril F. Johnston
Ely Diocesan AssociationRev. J. M. ClarksonSussex County AssociationK. HartF. B. Tompkins
Essex County AssociationC. H. HowardG. H. Howse
W. H. JuddG. Watson
W. J. NevardTruro Diocesan GuildJ. C. Daubuz
N. J. PitstowWarwickshire GuildH. Argyle
Gloucester and Bristol Dio. Assn.J. AustinWinchester Diocesan GuildRev. C. E. MatthewsH. White
Hereford Diocesan GuildJ. ClarkR. MarstonJ. W. WhitingC. Willshire
Hertford County AssociationB. PrewettWorcester and Districts Assn.T. J. SalterJ. R. Newman
Irish AssociationLord Justice CherryYorkshire AssociationG. BollandC. H. Hattersley
Kent County AssociationE. BarnettC. Glenn
T. GroombridgeRev. C. C. Marshall
Rev. F. J. O. HelmoreHonorary MembersRev. A. H. F. BougheyC. E. D. Boutflower
W. J. JeffriesRev. E. W. CarpenterJ. Carter
Lancashire AssociationJ. H. BanksRev. H. A. CockeyW. H. Thompson
H. ChapmanR. A. Daniell
Rev. H. J. ElseeRev. C. D. P. Davies
T. RedmanRev. Canon Papillon
Leeds and District SocietyP. J. JohnsonJ. W. Parker
Lincoln Diocesan GuildG. ChesterJ. W. SeamerJ. S. Pritchett
Rev. H. L. JamesRev. H. S. T. Richardson
R. RichardsonW. Snowdon
Liverpool Diocesan GuildW. BenthamJ. A. Trollope
Llandaff Diocesan AssociationJ. W. JonesH. W. Wilde
London County AssociationH. S. EllisG. Williams
E. A. Young
Middlesex County AssociationJ. H. B. Hesse
A. T. King
W. Pye
J. R. Sharman

The Bell News and Ringers’ Record, June 1, 1912, page 171

The Ringing World, May 31st, 1912, page 372

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